induced electric currents depend on both friction conditions and the rubbing materials; the influence of electrisation on wear is complex. Currents of the order of IO-~~IO-~ X may have a noticeable effect on the wear of metals due to electro-transfer phenomena in the metal surface layers during friction. Corrosion Resistance of Steel for Rotary Diffusers. V. I<. Suprunchuk et al., Sowet Matrv. Sci., 3 (4) (1967) 304-306; 4 figs., 9 rcfs. (Translation by the Faraday Press,Scw York, of I;iz.-Khinz. !If&hU%. Mafev., 3 (4) (1967) 417~420.) The effect of static and cyclic stresses on the corrosion-inducetl wear of steel in continuous rotary diffusers in sugar refining was studied and the cortosion fatigue strength investigated 21 change from a coarse to a fine crystalline structure is attributed to plastic tleformation in the stressed diffuser parts. Effect of Non-metallic Inclusions on Properties of Cast Steel. \-u. .1. Shul’ti et al., Soviet Matr,,. Ski., 3 (4) (1967) jog-3rr; 2 figs., 1 table, 5 refs. (Translation by the Faraday Press, New York, of ITi:.-Klzz?lz. Mpkhan. XI&r., 3 (4) (‘90;) 42 +--427.) .\ new linear method of determining the content and shape of nonmetallic inclusions xvas usc%tl to study their vffect on physicochemical and electro-chemical properties of cast steel. By improving techniques of prccasting dcoxidation and adjusting the composition of deoxidising additions it is possible to improve considerably the physico-chemical and clcctro-chemical properties of cast steel. Effect of Crystal Lattice and Degree of Dispersion of Alloy Constituents on the Resistance to Damage due to Abrasive Wear. \-. S. l’opov and N. N. Brykov, Soui~~lMater. ski., 3 (4) (1967) 315-317; I table, 1 ref. (Translation by the Faraday Press, Xew York, of I;,.-Klziaz. Mekhan. Mntrr , ,j (4) (~907) 4.3~~435.) .\brasivc wear tests carried out under industrial conditions on facing plates of dies for pressing refractory parts showed that the htructure of alloys has a substantial effect on their wear resistance. The first stage of tlisintcgration by abrasive wear is the formation of submicroscopic cracks due to interaction of dislocations on two intersecting slip planes. The interaction of dislocations occurs more readily in b.c.c. than in f.c.c. metals It was established that a b.c c. lattice has a lower resistance to plastic deformation so that the degree of plastic deformation preceding fracture is smaller in b.c.c. than in f.c c. metals. To increase wear resistance alloy5 with a f.c.c. metallic matrix should
bc used with treatments which increase the dispersion of alloy structural constituents. Thermodynamic and Structural Factors Determining the Wear Resistance of Aluminium Cast Iron. .\. .I. Zhukov and A. I’. Ogarcv, SouretMater Ski., 3 (4) (1967) 331-333; 2 figs , 4 tables, (>rcfs. (Translation by the Faraday l’ress, New York, of Fit.-Khim. AZekhan. Mntw., 3 (4) (~0077) 454-457.) Jlodification of aluminium-containing cast iron with ccrium leads not only to sphcroitlization of graphite but also to the formation of ~1’ phase dendrites with a corresponding reduction in the carbide content in the fcrritic matrix surrounding they’ phase dendrites ant1 pearlite. This has a beneficial effect on wear rcsi stance. The Present State and Future Paths of Scientific Research in Physico-chemical Mechanics of Materials. (G. V. Karpenko, Soviet 21f~t~~~. SC! , ,j (5) (1967) 367-381; 169 refs. (Translation by the Faraday I’ress, New York. of FEZ.-Khil”r2. Alrkhan. Alate+, , ,y (5) (1907) ,503 -5rr.) ,\ short review of research carried out 111 recent years in the field of I’l’ysico-chetnic;tl mechanics of materials. Eflect of Working Media in Friction and Wear of Iron-base Composite Materials. 1. $1.Fcdorchenko and L.\-. Zabolotayi, .Sovi?l ,Vatru. Sci., 3 (5) (1967) 389-393; 8 figs., 1 table, 0 refs. [Translation bv the Faraday Press, New York. bf I:i~.-I~Aim.~.1/Iekha~~. j@ntw., 3 (5) (19~17) 5x3-539.) The effect of liquid lubricants on the antifriction properties of self-lubricating ironbased composite materials was studied. (‘rudr pctrolcum oil products have a higher loatlcarrying capacity and working temperature than highly refined products. :\n investigation of metal/polymer bearing material:, established that the effect of sliding spcctl and load on the coefficient of friction in gases and in vacuum is the same as under dry friction conditions. The wear resistance of materials in argon is ten times lower than in air. It is concluded that the choice of bearing materials suitable for vacuum applications is limited to those whose surfaces are not prone to seizure and are exemplified by metal/ poll-mer composites. Dry lubricants based on sulphides and selenides of certain metals ma! be used.
Metallurgical After-effect in Steel. (;. V. liarpcnko and .2. B. Iiuslitski, Soviri JTc/rtrar,. Sri., 3 (5) (“967) 4.54 -457; 4 figs., 0 r(,fi