model foumd to describe the field behaviour most closely was derived from test results obtained using a plane strain apparatus. See item 836268 for part 1.
Base courses and pavements 836270 I M P R O V ~ OF COLLIERY SPOIL Kettle, R J 0 J Engng Geol, VI6, N3, 1983, P221-229 The suitability of cement stabilized minestone (unburnt colliery spoil) for use in sub-bases is examined. The results of laberatary tests and a site trial have confirmed its suitability, the required strergT/% being readily obtained at the field density achieved. Details of two recent schemes using prz-mixed material are given anl it is concluded that its use in road construction is viable since: (1) it can be produced to current specifications, and (2) it retains its properties and durability during its service life.
Construcfionmethods See: 836169
Groundwater problems 836271 HYDROLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF SURFACE MINING Wood, P A IEA Coal Research report ICTIS/TR17, Sept 1981, 102P Recent literature concerning the problems of hydrology and surface mining is reviewed. Aspects covered include control af runoff, erosion and sediment, the problems of grourdwater, dewatering and spoil bar/< hydrology. 303 refs.
Influence of dynamic loads due to explosions or earthquakes 836272 FOUNDATION S U ~ R T I N 3 A RIGID STRUCTURE Mynettj A E; Mei, C C Geotechnique, V33, N3, Sept 1983, P293-305 The problem of a fluid-filled paro-elastic founlation~ suppcrting a long, rigid structure, which is subjected to a normally incident Rayleigh wave is examined. The dy~Amlc stresses and pore press12re beneath the structure are calculated. Muskhelishvili' s analytical method is used to calculate the effective stresses and the pare !~'esslxres are them four~ By a l ~ r g the law of mass conservation. Boumdary layer corrections are added to complete the solution. 836273 EFFECT OF TOPOGRAPHY AND SUBSURFACE INHCt40GENEITIES ON SEISMIC SV WAVES Ohtsuki, A; Harumi, K Earthq Emgng struct Dyrmm, Vll, N~, July-Aug
1983, ~1-~62 A new method combining a particle model with a finite element method is used to investigate the effects of topogra1~hy and subsurface ir~amogeneity on incident seismic SV waves. Cases considered are: a cliff, a cliff with a soft layer, and filled land. It is f o ~ that a
large amplification takes place near the slope of a cliff or a cliff with a s o f t layer, combining incident SV waves and Rayleigh waves which are dominantly produced. In filled land it is also found that large amplitudes of vertical and hcrizontal displacement occur. The results indicate that this amplification effect should be considered in the design of surface structure s. 836274 RESPONSE OF A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ON ASEISMIC B E A R I ~ S TO HORIZONTALLY PROPAGATING WAVES Wolf, J P; Obernhuber, P; Weber, B Earthq Engng Struct Dynam, Vq!, N4, July-Aug 1983, Ph83-499 The nuclear island of Koeberg with a large basemat (a non-linear base isolation effective in the horizontal direction only) founded on rock, is analysed for inclined body waves and for a combination of surface a~d body waves associated with prescribed horizontal and vertical components of the control motion. 836275 DYNAMICS OF FLEYIBLE SYSTEMs WITH PARTIAL LIFTOFF Psycharis, I N Earthq Engng Struct D,~_~m, VII, N4, July-Aug
1983, ~01-521 The dynamic behaviour of a simplified model of an n-storey building supported by a simple twO- spring viscously damped foundation and allowed to uplift is presented. It is found that the first mode of the building participates strongly in the interaction, but that the second and higher modes of the building are not significantly affected by either the soil-structure interaction or the uplift. 836276 FREqUENCY-INDEPENDENT IMPEDANCES OF SOIL-STRUCTURE SYSTEMS IN HORIZONTAL AND ROCKING MODES Ghaffsr-Zadeh, M; Chapel, Esrthc Engng Struct Dynam, VII, N~, July-Aug 1983, P523-5hO In soil- ~tructure dynamic interaction problems, the frequency-independent foundation impedances are usually found by computing the harmonic response of a rigid circular footing resting on a homogeneous half space. This method ignores the structure attached to the foundation thereby introducing significant errors. A new method is proposed in which the fundamental frequency of the soil-structure system is retained for calculation of the freQuency-independent impedances 836277 SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION WITH RAYLEIGH WAVES Gcmmz-Masso, A; Lysmer, J; Chen, J C Earthq Emgng Struct Dynam, Vll, N4, July-Aug 1983, P567-583 Presents a plane-straln method for soil-structure interaction analysis consisting of the superposition of the free field motions and the interaction motions in a generalized seismic environment. The free field is modelled as a horizontally layered viscoelastic medium and the seismic environment may consist of a combination of S, P, and Rayleigh waves. The soilstructure system is modelled with viscoelastic finite elements, transmitting boundaries, viscous boundaries and a three-dlmensional simulation. Comparative analyses of the same structure sre conducted for an input of R waves and for vertically propagating S and P waves in a rock site and a sand site.