Ecological Modelling 105 (1998) 337 – 345
Effect of uncertainty in input and parameter values on model prediction error D. Wallach a,*, M. Genard b a
Unite´ d’Agronomie, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), BP 27, 31326 Castanet Tolosan Cedex, France b Unite´ de Recherche en Ecophysiologie et Horticulture, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Domaine Saint-Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 A6ignon Cedex 9, France Accepted 26 September 1997
Abstract Uncertainty in input or parameter values affects the quality of model predictions. Uncertainty analysis attempts to quantify these effects. This is important, first of all as part of the overall investigation into model predictive quality and secondly in order to know if additional or more precise measurements are worthwhile. Here, two particular aspects of uncertainty analysis are studied. The first is the relationship of uncertainty analysis to the mean squared error of prediction (MSEP) of a model. It is shown that uncertainty affects the model bias contribution to MSEP, but this effect is only due to non linearities in the model. The direct effect of variability is on the model variance contribution to MSEP. It is shown that uncertainty in the input variables always increases model variance. Similarly, model variance is always larger when one averages over a range of parameter values, as compared with using the mean parameter values. However, in practice, one is usually interested in the model with specific parameter values. In this case, one cannot draw general conclusions in the absence of detailed assumptions about the correctness of the model. In particular, certain particular parameter values could give a smaller model variance than that given by the mean parameter values. The second aspect of uncertainty analysis that is studied is the effect on MSEP of having both literature-based parameters and parameters adjusted to data in the model. It is shown that the presence of adjusted parameters in general, decreases the effect of uncertainty in the literature parameters. To illustrate the theory derived here, we apply it to a model of sugar accumulation in fruit. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Model evaluation; Uncertainty analysis; Sensitivity analysis; Prediction error; Parameter adjustment
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 561285033; fax: +33 561735537; e-mail:
[email protected]
Mathematical modeling is increasingly used as a tool for the study of agricultural and ecological systems. Typically, there is uncertainty in the val-
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D. Wallach, M. Genard / Ecological Modelling 105 (1998) 337–345
ues of the input variables and the parameters used in these models. It is important to quantify the effects of such uncertainty on the quality of model predictions, for two reasons. First of all, in order to better understand model behavior, it is useful to separate different contributions to the errors in model predictions, and the uncertainty in inputs and parameters is one of these contributions. Secondly, this uncertainty could be reduced by doing additional or more accurate measurements, and it is important to know how this additional effort might improve model predictions. Sensitivity analysis is one approach to analyzing the effects of varying input or parameter values on model output. It consists of varying the input or parameter values over some range and observing the effect on some output. This is the approach proposed in de Wit and Goudriaan (1978), and applied, for example, in Friend (1995). One can examine the inputs or parameters one at a time, or explore interactions (Salam et al., 1994). Sensitivity analysis can be used to identify the parameters to which the system is most sensitive, with a view toward changing the true values of those parameters in order to modify system behavior (Silberbush and Barber, 1983; Thornley and Johnson, 1990; Teo et al., 1995). Sensitivity analysis is also used as an exploratory tool to aid in understanding model behavior, by indicating which parameters have the largest effect on the model outputs. However, sensitivity analysis does not indicate whether additional measurements are worthwhile or not. First of all, results of sensitivity analysis do not depend on the true uncertainty in the inputs and parameters. Also, sensitivity analysis is not explicitly related to the quality of model predictions. Uncertainty analysis is similar to sensitivity analysis, but takes into account explicitly the uncertainty in input and in parameter values on output. The idea is that, assuming that the distributions of the inputs and parameters are known, one can sample from those distributions and generate resulting output variable distributions (e.g. Rossing et al., 1994a,b; Aggarwal, 1995). It is still not clear, however, exactly how this result is related to model predictive ability. The purpose of this paper is to examine two aspects of uncertainty analysis that have not pre-
viously been investigated. The first is the relation between uncertainty analysis and the mean squared error of prediction (MSEP) of a model. MSEP is a natural, simple measure of the predictive quality of a model. It is of interest then to show explicitly how uncertainties in input and parameter values affect this measure. The second goal here is to show the effect of adjusting certain parameters on the effect of uncertainty in the remaining parameters. Often, one wishes to improve the agreement between the model and data by adjusting parameters (Jansen and Heuberger, 1995), but the total number of model parameters is too large to envision adjusting them all. One possible approach is to settle for adjusting only a selection of parameters. We will show how this practice changes the significance of uncertainty in the unadjusted parameters. In the following section, we define the different sources of variability that will be considered. We then present the definition of MSEP, and show how variability contributes to MSEP. The effect of the parameter adjustment is investigated using a Taylor series approximation for the contribution of various sources of variability to MSEP. In Section 3, a model of fruit growth is analyzed as an example. The goal here is to illustrate how the theory of Section 2 can be applied, and how to interpret the results. The final section contains a summary and conclusions.
2. Theory
2.1. Definition of 6ariabilities We begin with the model input variables, defined as the variables in the model that are imposed rather than calculated. This includes initial conditions, climate variables and site and management characteristics. We will refer to the full collection of input variables as U, so that U is a vector. We consider the situation where we do not have access to U itself but rather to estimated values U. U. =U+ oU
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where oU is the random error, assumed to have zero expectation. For example, long-term average meteorological values used in forecasts could be the values of U. that are used in the model, in place of the true but unknown values U. Another example of U. values could be meteorological variables measured at some distance from the site being studied. U then are the meteorological variables at the site. The extent of the variability in U. is indicated by the variance – covariance matrix SU = var(oU ). The parameters in the model may be of two fundamentally different types, depending on whether they are obtained by some process which does not involve the model, or by adjusting the model to data. We refer to the first type as literature parameters since often, though not necessarily, the values of these parameters are taken from the literature. The vector of true values for these parameters is denoted P, and the vector of estimators of these parameters is denoted P. = P +oP. We assume that E(oP ) = 0. This assumption is in fact not very restrictive. It essentially requires that we have some precise definition of what each parameter should represent, and an unbiased estimator of each parameter. The variance-covariance matrix of P. is denoted SP. The second type of parameters will be referred to as adjusted parameters. The vector of true values of these parameters is denoted Q(P. ), and the vector of estimators is denoted Q. (P. ), with Q. (P. )= Q(P. )+oQ(P. ). The variance – covariance matrix of Q. (P. ) is denoted SQ(P. ). In general, parameter adjustment will be done by non-linear regression, and SQ(P. ) will often be furnished by the fitting algorithm. It is important to distinguish between, U. , P. and Q. (P. ). For different randomly chosen situations, the errors in the input variables, oU, are independent. On the other hand, once the literature parameter estimates are chosen, the same estimates are used for all predictions of the model. That is, for given literature parameter values, the errors oP are the same for all predictions. The specificity of the estimated adjusted parameters is that they depend on P. , as indicated by the notation Q. (P. ).
2.2. Definition of MSEP We now introduce the mean squared error of prediction (MSEP), which is a natural measure of model quality when a major goal of the modelling effort is prediction of some particular quantity such as total harvest weight, or value of a fruit crop, etc. The MSEP criterion is discussed in detail by Wallach and Goffinet (1987, 1989) and by Colson et al. (1995). A general definition of MSEP is MSEP=E{[Y* − f(U. *, P. , Q. (P. )]2}. Here Y* is the value of the output of interest for an individual chosen at random from the population of interest and f(U. *, P. , Q. (P. )) is the corresponding model prediction. Thus the quantity in braces is simply the squared difference between the true output and the predicted output, for a randomly chosen individual with some specific value of oU and for the model with some specific values of oP and oQ(P. ). The expectation is over all the random variables, that is over the individuals in the population (that is over Y*) as well as over U. , P. and Q. (P. ). MSEP is averaged over the distribution of parameter values. The model that one uses, on the other hand, has some particular fixed choice of parameter values. We will thus also be interested in examining the effect of uncertainties in the input values, for fixed parameter values. This leads us to consider MSEP(P. , Q. (P. )) =E{[Y* − f(U. *, P. , Q. (P. )]2 P. , Q. (P. )}. The notation P. , Q. (P. ) means that the values of the random variables P. and Q. (P. ) are fixed. Thus the expectation in the above expression is no longer over these variables. If there are no parameters adjusted to data, then the above expression reduces to MSEP(P. )= E{[Y* − f(U. *, P. ]2 P. }
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2.3. Effect of uncertainty on MSEP, no adjustable parameters It is easy to show that MSEP can be decomposed into three terms as MSEP=L+ D+ G
where, L = E{[Y* −E(Y* U*)]2} population variance D=E{[E(Y* U*)− E( f(U. *, P. U*)]2} model bias G=E{[E( f(U. *, P. U*) −f(U. *, P. )] } 2
model variance. (See Bunke and Droge, 1984 and Wallach and Goffinet, 1987 for similar decompositions). The population variance term measures how variable Y* is for fixed values of the inputs U*. This term is small if the input variables in the model explain most of the variability in Y. Thus, the value of this term can be used to judge the choice of input variables (see Wallach and Goffinet, 1987, 1989), but it will not concern us here since it is independent of variability in the input variables or parameters. The model bias term measures the average squared difference between the average Y* for a given U*, and the corresponding model prediction averaged over U. * and P. . It is a measure of how well the model equations represent Y as a function of U. If U and P enter linearly in the model, then E(f(U. *, P. U*)=f(U*, P), and so the bias term, like the population variance term, is independant of the variability in U. * and in P. . For nonlinear models however, the model bias term will not be independent of variability. The model variance term G represents the direct effect of uncertainty in the input variables or parameters. For each value of U*, one calculates the variance of the model predictions, and then one averages over the input values for the population of interest. It is of interest to compare the effect of uncertainty on MSEP, with the calculations of un-
certainty analysis. First of all, there is an effect of uncertainty on the model bias term, which has no equivalent in uncertainty analysis. However, this effect is only due to the nonlinearity of the model, and may often be secondary. We will ignore this effect of variability in the rest of the discussion. The direct effect of uncertainty on MSEP is through the model variance term. This term is similar to what is calculated in uncertainty analysis, but there are important differences. First of all, in its most general form, uncertainty analysis calculates the full distribution of the model output variables, and not only the model variance. In our case, there is a clear justification for simplifying and considering only the model variance. This is because MSEP only depends on this aspect of the distribution. Secondly, the term here involves an expectation over the population of interest. This choice of input variables is dictated by the fact that we are looking at the contribution to MSEP. Uncertainty analysis on the other hand, does not prescribe a particular set of input conditions to be studied. Since the model variance may be very different for different values of the input variables U*, the specification of these variables is important. To better understand what G represents, suppose for the moment that there is no random error in the parameters, and consider just the effect of variability in the estimated input values. If there were no error in the input variables we would have SU = 0 and G would be zero. Otherwise, G is necessarily positive, since it is an average of a variance. That is, if there is a distribution of estimated input values around the true values, the result is always an increase in MSEP. The same is true if there is a distribution of parameter values around the true values. MSEP is larger, when averaged over the estimated values, than for the true values. There is however a major difference between the input variables and the parameters. If there is variability in the input variables, then we cannot avoid the effect of that variability, because for each individual in the population we will be using a value drawn at random from the distribution of the input variables. This, as we have shown, nec-
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essarily leads to an increase in MSEP, compared with the case of no variability. With respect to the parameter values, on the other hand, the model that is used involves some particular choice of parameter values. It is of theoretical interest to note that averaging over possible parameter values increases MSEP, compared with using P. However, for practical purposes, we are interested not in MSEP averaged over possible parameter values, but in MSEP(P. ), the value of MSEP for our specific choice of parameter values. Based on the above arguments, we cannot affirm that MSEP(P. ) is necessarily larger than MSEP(P). This lack of a clear result is a consequence of the fact that we have made no assumptions about the correctness of the model. If, for example, the model equations are incorrect, then it is possible that the model predictions could be improved by using incorrect parameter values, rather than the correct values.
f(U. *, P. , Q. (P. ))
: f[U*, P, Q(P)] + + + +
(f(u, p) (p U*,P
and GP = E
(f(u, p) (u U*, P
(f(u, p) (p U*, P
(P. * −P*)
(f(u, p) (u U*,P
(f(u, p) . (p U*,P)
If there are adjusted parameters, on the other hand, the Taylor series expansion gives
(P. −P)
[Q. (P)− Q(P)].
(Q(p) (f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q. (P) (p (q
(f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q(P) (q
SQ (P)
(f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q. (P) (p
G: GU +GP,
GU =
(f(u, p, q) U,P,Q(P) (q
(Q(p) (f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q(P) (p (q (f(u, p, q) SP U*,P,Q. (P) (p
where partial derivatives with respect to vectors are column vectors. This leads to
GQ = E
(Q(p) (f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q. (P) (p P (q
(f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q. (P) (p
(f(u, p) f(U. *, P. ):f(U*, P)+ (u U*,P
(U. * −U*)
(f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q. (P) (U. *− U*) (u
G: GU + GPA + GQ,
We use a truncated Taylor series expansion to show how the presence of adjusted parameters affects G, the contribution of model variance to MSEP. The expansion in the absence of adjusted parameters gives
Substituting into the expression for G now gives
2.4. Effect of parameters adjusted to data
(f(u, p, q) U*,P,Q(P) . (q
There are two important differences between the two different expressions for G. First of all, in the case of adjustable parameters there is a term GQ which represents the effect of variability in the adjusted parameters. This term is non negative, so that any uncertainty in the adjusted parameters increases MSEP. The second difference is that in the case of adjusted parameters there is the term GPA, while the corresponding term in the absence of adjusted parameters is GP. The term GPA reflects two ways in which the variability in P. affects G. First of all, there is a direct effect. Variations in the values of the literature parameters change the model predictions, and this affects
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G. Secondly, changing the values of the literature parameters changes the values of the adjusted parameters, and this also changes the model predictions and therefore G. Often, the two contributions to GPA have opposite signs, and thus tend to cancel one another. The result is that GPA will often be smaller than GP. The basic reason is that the adjustable parameters tend to compensate changes in the values of the literature parameters. If the values of literature parameters change in such a way as to increase predicted values, then the adjustable parameters will tend to change in such a way as to decrease these values, in order to keep the predictions close to the data used for adjustment. Thus, the effect of variability in the literature parameters on MSEP will usually be smaller in a model with adjustable parameters, than in the same model without parameter adjustment. The example in the next section illustrates this.
3. A model of sugar accumulation in fruit as an example
3.1. The model We will apply the presented theory to the model for sugar accumulation in peaches of Ge´nard and Souty (1996). We consider a simplified version of this model which only includes the sucrose component which is the major sugar at maturity. The model first calculates the amount of carbon in sucrose in a fruit. The rate of change equation is dCsu(t) dCph(t) = k1 −exp[ − k2DD(t)]Csu(t), dt dt where t is time after the start of the calculations, Csu(t) is the amount of carbon in sucrose in a fruit, Cph(t) is carbon in the phloem, k1 and k2 are parameters and DD(t) is the number of degree days, calculated using a lower temperature threshhold of T0 degrees, after full bloom. The first term on the right represents input of carbon from the phloem, and the second losses of carbon due to transformations to other sugars. Overall, carbon from the phloem goes either to increase the total
fruit carbon content or to the respiration losses. Thus dCph(t) dDW(t) dDW(t) = ct +g dt dt dt + mDW(t)[T(t)− T0], where DW(t) is the dry weight at time t, ct is a parameter that represents the ratio of total fruit carbon weight to fruit dry weight, g is the growth respiration coefficient, m is the maintenance respiration coefficient and T(t) is temperature at time t. Dry weight is assumed to follow a logistic curve as a function of number of days after full bloom DAB: DW(t) = a1 +
a2 , 1+ exp{− a3[DAB(t)− DAB(0)− a4]/a2}
where, a1, a2, a3 and a4 are parameters, and DAB(0) is the number of days after full bloom at the time the model calculations begin. The weight of sucrose per fruit S(t) is related to the weight of carbon in sucrose per fruit by S(t)= Csu(t)/0.421.
3.2. Variability of parameters We consider MSEP for the prediction of final weight of sucrose per fruit, and for one particular set of conditions studied by Ge´nard and Souty (1996). The treatment considered is peaches on trees with a leaf-to-fruit ratio of 30, growing at Avignon, France in the summer of 1993. We have chosen to examine the effect on MSEP of variations in just two of the literature parameters, namely ct and g, and in the adjusted parameter k2. The estimated values and variances of the model parameters are presented in Table 1. The variances for all the other parameters, and of the input variables (the 1993 Avignon temperatures) have been set to zero. The estimate cˆt of ct is the average of 42 measurements carried out at the same time as the experiments of Ge´nard and Souty (1996). Let s 2c represent the sample variance calculated from
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these 42 measurements. Then the estimated variance of ct is s 2c /42. The estimate gˆ of g is the result for peaches from DeJong and Goudrian (1989). The variance required here is the variance between different determinations of gˆ, but this cannot be estimated from a single measurement. We therefore use the variance calculated from 21 literature values of g for different species (DeJong and Goudrian, 1989; Penning de Vries et al., 1989), which gives s 2g = 0.00784. This is equivalent to assuming that the variability between different measurements for peaches would be the same as between measurements for different species (which no doubt leads to an overestimation of the variability), and that we have access to just one of these measurements (which is the case). Since values for the two parameters come from independent experiments, it is reasonable to assume that the errors in the two parameter values are independent. Thus the estimated variance – covariance matrix S. P is diagonal, with only two non zero elements equal to the estimated variances of cˆt and gˆ. The only parameter used here that Ge´nard and Souty (1996) estimated by fitting the model to data was k2, and so the vector Q here contains just that one element. The estimated variance of this parameter, SQ(P. ), was given by the program that furnished the maximum likelihood estimate of k2. Table 1 Estimated values and variances of parameters Parametera
Estimated value Estimated variance
a1 (g) a2 (g) a3 (g/day) a4 (day) m (1/DD) T0 (°C) k1 ct g k2 (1/DD)
l l l l l l l l l a
2.48 26.1 2.15 35.3 5×10−5 7 0.54 0.445 0.084 0.00308
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4×10−6 7.8×10−3 2.5×10−9
a Units in parentheses; DD, degree days; threshold temperature T0. b l, Literature parameter; a, parameter estimated by adjusting model to data.
Table 2 Contributions to G Parameter
Contribution to G (g2)
ct g k2
0.0001a 0.0049a 0.0039b
a b
The sum of these two terms is GPA. This is the value of GQ.
3.3. Effect of 6ariability on model 6ariance We used the Taylor series approximation of the previous section to obtain an estimate of G and its components. The partial derivatives were estimated numerically. The alternative approach is to use a Monte Carlo calculation, which involves repeated sampling from the distributions of the parameters. Iman and Helton (1988) compare the Monte Carlo calculation with the Taylor series approximation in uncertainty analysis, and conclude that the Monte Carlo technique has the best overall performance. Haness et al. (1991) also compare these methods, and conclude that the differences are minor in the particular case that they examine. In general, the Taylor series approximation should be adequate if the variances are relatively small. Consider first the effect of uncertainty in the literature parameters on G. From Table 2, the estimated contributions of uncertainty in the literature parameters ct and g are, respectively, 0.0001 g2 and 0.0049 g2, for a total of G. PA = 0.0050 g2. The two contributions are additive because of the assumptions inherent in the Taylor series approximation that we have used. We could reduce the uncertainty in these parameters to zero by carrying out a very large number of additional measurements for each. With perfect estimations of the two parameters GPA would be zero, and so the estimated average reduction in MSEP would be 0.0050 g2. In the present case this reduction is small (the root mean square error is G. PA = 0.07 g, compared with the model prediction of 8 g sucrose per fruit), and so additional measurements do not seem warranted.
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We have discussed the effect of reducing the variances to zero. We can also easily consider the effect of doing any fixed number of additional experiments. Suppose, for example, that one increased the number of measurements of g from 1 to 4. The contribution to G. PA is proportional to the variance of gˆ, and the variance is inversely proportional to the number of measurements. Thus, multiplying the number of measurements by 4 would reduce the contribution to G. PA by a factor of 4, from the original value of 0.0049 to 0.0012 g2. The same discussion as above can be applied to the adjusted parameter. The estimated root mean square error due to the uncertainty in the adjusted parameter k2 is G. Q =0.06 g. Here also, in the specific case of the example, extra measurements do not seem justified. If there are no adjusted parameters, then the contribution that uncertainty in the literature parameters makes to model variance is given by GP. In the present case, if k2 is fixed at its estimated value of 0.00308, then the value of G. P due to uncertainty in the two literature parameters cˆt and gˆ is G. P = 0.16 g2. This value was calculated using the Taylor series approximation. It is 32 times as large as G. PA. Thus adjusting k2 rather than using a fixed value reduces considerably the effect of uncertainty in the literature parameters on MSEP, as expected.
4. Summary and conclusions We have examined the effect of uncertainties in inputs, in parameter values from the literature or in parameter values obtained by adjustment of the model to data, on the MSEP of a model. No assumptions are made concerning the correctness of the model equations. The uncertainty affects two different components of MSEP, the model bias component and the model variance component. The model bias is affected only because of non linearities in the model, while uncertainty always contributes to the model variance term. We have shown that uncertainty in model inputs always increases the model variance contribution to MSEP. Averaging over the distribution
of parameter values also invariably increases the model variance contribution to MSEP, compared with using the true parameter values. However, for any specific parameter value estimates, we cannot know whether MSEP(P. , Q. (P. )), the corresponding MSEP, is larger or smaller than for the model which uses the expectation of P. . More precise measurements of the input variables are worthwhile if GU, the contribution of input variability to model variance, is large compared with the prediction error that one is willing to accept. The usefulness of additional measurements for the literature parameters or adjusted parameters depends on MSEP. If the contributions of literature and adjusted parameter uncertainty to MSEP are small compared with acceptable prediction error, then additional measurements are not worthwhile. If these values are large, then one should examine MSEP(P. , Q. (P. )). If this is acceptably small, once again additional measurements are not worthwhile. It is only if both the contributions of parameter uncertainy and MSEP(P. , Q. (P. )) are large that additional measurements could be useful. It must be reemphasized, however, that there is no guarantee that in any particular case additional measurements will improve the MSEP. We have also studied the effect of adjustable parameters on the effect of uncertainty in the literature parameters. It is sometimes argued that a truly mechanistic model should not have any adjustable parameters. However, it is often the case that such models contain a fairly large number of parameters, and while the meaning of each parameter may be well defined, there will normally be some uncertainty in the values. The cumulative result of these uncertainties may be quite large (Metselaar and Jansen, 1995). This may lead one to introducing some adjustable parameters (Jansen and Heuberger, 1995). We have explicitly shown here the advantage of this approach. The estimated contribution of literature parameter uncertainty to MSEP depends on whether or not the model has adjustable parameters. In general, the presence of adjustable parameters is expected to decrease the effect of uncertainty in the literature parameters on MSEP.
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