SELECTED ABSTRACTS Herzog, E., and Rodriguez, H.: (Myocarditis Exanthematica).
Involvement Beitr.
of the Myocardium in Exanthemata Anat. u. allg. Path. 96: 431, 1936.
z. path.
In exanthemata only enlargement of the left ventricle occurs grossly, but microscopically 97 per cent shows disseminated diffuse interstitial myocarditis with perivascular (capillary and precapillary) cellular invasion consisting of fibroblasts, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The capillary walls are swollen and inflamed. Leucoc.ytes occur early in the disease and lymphocytes I’dter. Myocardixl degeneration is rare. Involvement of the conduction system was found This consisted of leucocytic infiltration and fatty dr3 times in 13 cases examined. The el&rocaardiographic changes ~3. generation of some fibers of the left bundle. semble those seen in diphtheria.
Oille, John A.: 209,
of Pain
the Chest.
hl. A. J. 37:
The author discusses the differential diagnosis of pain in the chest as a of cardiac disease. The observations are based on a group of 925 patients from a large group of 600 cases seen in practice. There is a full description various features of cardiac pain, especially as it relates to a diagnosis of thrombosis. The article is unusually interesting from a clinical standpoint preting this important symptom. H.
Geuley, Benjamin A., McMillan, Thomas M., and Bellet, Myocardial Degeneration Associated With Pregnancy Puerperium. Am. J. M. SC. 194: 185, 1937.
symptom selected of t,he coronary in interIll~,( ‘.
Samuel: Idiopathic and Especially the
A clinical study was made of seven women having cardiac decompensation in the puerperium. Four of these patients died, and at necropsy showed a myocardial degeneration differing from the lesions ordinarily associated with the current claxsifica tion of heart disease. The coronary arteries were normal and there was no evidence of coronary oc*~~lusion in the living patients. Death occurred in three cases following embolism, which had its origin on t.he endocardial surface of degenerated heart muscle. No other proven source of embolism was found. Pulmonary and cerebral embolism were notable. Slight patency of the foramen ovale, apparently due to recent pressure changes within the right auricle and allowing the passage of a pencil, was present in one instance. No patency was demonst,ratcd in the three remaining cases. AI:THoI:.
Friedman, f. klin.
R. : Med.
Effect of Valvular 130:
on the Duration
of Life,
Statistical analysis is presented of rheumatic hearts in Vienna-a total of 1,164 WWS. It was found that 67.5 per cent had the first rheumatic manifestations in the first two decades of life. Mitral v-alve and combined valve involvement were A combination of mitral stenosis and insufficiency was the rarest of commonest. Eighty-three and five-tenths per cent of the patients died bethe mitral defects. cause of valve defects or their sequelae. The death rate increased until the fift,h dccaade. Heart size plays an important role in prognosis. The work is in accord with that in American literature. L. N. K.