Effect of Ventilation Rate and Stocking Density on Turkey Health and Performance

Effect of Ventilation Rate and Stocking Density on Turkey Health and Performance


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Sask-atchewq S7N OW0 Canada

Primary Audience: Producers, Researchers, Veterinarians, Animal Welfare Activists, Poultry Personnel, Agricultural Engineers

DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM The health and well-being of domestic livestock is rapidly become an important issue for commercial livestock producers. The effed of an animal's environment on its well-

1 To whom correspqndence should be addressed

being is of particular interest, especially when

the environment within a livestock production system deviates significantly from an outdoor environment.

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M. J. ZUIDHOF, J. J. R FEDDES', and E E. ROBINSON Department of Animal Science, Universiry of Albetta, Edmonton, Albenkr, T6G 2P5 Canada Phone: (403) 492-3232 FAX;.(403) 492-9130 C. RlDDELL Department of Veterinary P&loa, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,

Research Report TURKEY HEALTH


nants, and are associated with higher incidence of respiratory disorders. Stocking density may also affect air quality and subsequent bud health. Webster [6]stated that decreasing stockingdensityby50%~dincreasingventilation by a factor of 10 are equally effective in lowering airborne micro-organisms. This study was conducted in order to detennine the relative effects of stockmg density and ventilation rate on air quality and on lung condition and weight performance of male heavy turkeys. Air quality was evaluated in terms of ammonia and dust concentrations, while turkey performance was evaluated in terms of body weight gain and feed consumption data.

A Plenum



Alr Inlet

flGURE 1. Layout of experimentalfacility.View Ais a cross section showing the location of the sampling equipment View B shows the physicallayout of the chambers. Outlined arrows indicate air movement.

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'Tbrkeys are commonly housed in total confiiement for periods up to 20 weeks. There is evidence that turkey w e l l - b e i productivity, and health can be adversely affected by high levels of aerial contaminants [l, 2, 31. Donbam er aL [4] reported that respiratory function in stockpersonsmay be impaired due to high concentrations of airborne dust and ammonia. Poorair qualityhasbeen cited as the cause of deaeased turkey health [q.Ventilation is the mechanism by which aerial contaminants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), dust, water vapor, and viable colony forming particles are replaced with fresh air. Low ventilation rates therefore result in increased concentrations of aerial contami-


ZUIDHOF et al.



DESIGN The experimentwas set up as a 2 x 2 factorial, with two ventilation rates (475 and 1100 cfm; 225 and 525 Us) and two stocking densities (2 and 4 ft2/biid; 5 5 buddm2 and 2.8 biWrn2). Ventilation rates were measured prior to each sampling period by measuring air speeds in a discharge duct located downstream from each exhaust fan. Air velocities were measured by a constant-temperature thermal anemometer (Velocicalc, TSI, St. Paul, MN). EQUIPMENT The environment of each chamber was monitored remotely each week over a 24 hour period. Parameters measured included CO2, oxygen (02) and N H 3 concentrations, drybulb temperature, dewpoint, and dust concentrations [q.All equipment was housed in a room located in the plenum diredly above the chambers. The data were analyzed using the General Linear Model procedure for analyses of variance from Statistical Analysis Systems [ti], and differences among treatment means were determined using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. TURKEY STOCKS Commercial hybrid heavy toms were raised to 8 weeks of age at the Edmonton Research Station, Edmonton, AB. At 8 weeks of age, the turkeys were individuallyweighed and those nearest the median value were chosen for the experiment,and assigned randomly



3 4

EXLENT OF LESION No apparent EOM Small nodules (1-2 mm)

Larger nodules (2-5 mm) Large plugs (5-10 mm) Larger plugs (10 mrn)

to one of the four treatments. Seventy-fiveturkeys were placed in the two high stocking density rooms, and thirty-eight turkeys in each of the two low stocking density rooms. The buds were individually weighed at 8, 12,and 16 weeks of age. Total feed consumption was recorded for the intervals8-12 weeks and 12-16 weeks of age. mkeys were removed weekly from 12 to 15 weeks, (Le., 6 and 3 birds from the high and low stocking density rooms,respectively, to maintain the same animal mass per unit area). Mortality was recorded and taken into consideration when calculating total weight gains and feed conversions for each pen. The final stocking density of the rooms was 2.9 and 5.6 ft2/biid (3.75 and 1.9 buddm3 or 5.12 and 10.25 Ib/ft2 (SO and 25 kg/m2) in the high and low stocking density rooms, respectively. SCORING OF LUNG LESIONS At 16 weeks of age, the turkeyswere killed and processed, at which time the lungs were removed and checked for Occurrence and severity of lesions on a scale of zero to four (Table l), according to a similar procedure outlined by Riddell [9]. Diameters of lesions were estimated across the longest cross-section of the lesion. Differences in incidence of lesions and lesion severity were compared using a procedure for the testing of proportions [lo].

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DUST Dust data were obtained only during the last three 24-h environmental monitoring periods of the study due to instrumentationproblems. In weeks 14, 15, and 16, the levels of respirable dust were not significantlydifferent between treatments (Table 2). However, the general trend was the same for both particle

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THE FACILITY Four turkey environmental chambers located at the Edmonton Research Station, Edmonton,Alberta,were used in this experiment (Fig. 1). Each sealed chamber measured 11 x U x8ft(3.4~4~24m).Thefloorarea of each room was 145 fi2 (U.6 m2). Each room had a 10"(25 cm)2-speed and a 14"(35 cm) variable speed exhaust fan. A recirculation dud and counter balance continuous slot air inlet ensured complete mixing of incoming air with resident air. The turkeys were expod to a photoschedule of 23L:lD. This experiment Occurredduringtypi d Alberta summer weather conditions,thus no supplemental heating was provided.

Research Report TURKEY HEALTH

126 TABLE 2. Mean respirable and nonrespirable dust concentrations(14-16 weeks)

AMBIENT GAS LEVELS Ammonia levels were significantlydifferent between treatments (P= -0151). Ammonia concentrations were highest in pens with low ventilation rates. The overall average rate of ammonia production was 0.97 cfm/h/room (27.5 va/room) (’Eable 4). Ammonia production was greater in pens with high ventilation rates. Average N H 3 produdion for weeksS16 was 13 cfm/h (37 Uh/pen) (Table 4) in pens with high ventilation rates, and 0.63 cfm/h (18 Wpen) in pens with low ventilation rates.

TURKEY PERFORMANCE Wkeys from pens with low ventilation rates had more lesions (Table 3). Performance, however, may be affected more by lesion severity than lesion incidence. Buds exposed to the same ventilation rates had the same incidence of lesions, however in each case lesion distribution was skewed toward more severe lesions when stocking density was high. The growth rate of the turkeys in the lowventilation rate and high stocking density treatment was the lowest (P =.OOO5) (Table s).

Hi VcnVHi Stock Lo V e n a Stock

‘ k e a n s with different kttcrs within columns arc significantly different (P < .OS).

sizes in that the dust levelswere affected more by stocking density than by ventilation rate. The mean dust concentrations were similar between the low stocking density (57 particledml) and the high ventilation (56 particles/ml) and between the high stocking density (61 particldml) and low veotilation (62 particledd) rooms.


TABLE 3.Occurrence (76) and severity of lesions






Lo Vent/Hi Stock






Lo V e n a Stock






Hi VcnVHi Stock Hi V e n a Stock

20 28









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LUNG LESIONS The incidence of lung lesions was highest in pens with low ventilation rates (P4.05) (Table 3). However, ventilation rate had no significant effect on lesion severity. There was no significant effect of stocking density on either incidence of lesions or lesion severity, although lesion severity was numerically higher with increased stocking density. The incidence of lung lesionswas highly correlated with ammonia levels (3=0.97, P = .a).

There was no difference in N H 3 production due to stocking density. The treatment differences in ammonia production were probably due to exceptional Litter management during the study. In the low ventilation rooms, litter was removed periodically because of excess litter moisture, thus N H 3 produdion was reduced. A similar pattern of NH3 production was observed previously by Feddes et ul. [111. Carbon dioxide levels differed between treatments (P< .OOOl), with the highest levels (1212 ppm) occurring in the low ventilation treatments and the lowest levels (715 ppm) in the high ventilation treatments (Table 4). Pens with higher stocking densities also had highest CQz concentrations.Average C@ produdon for the four treatments was 031 cfm/h/bird (8.7 l/h/bird). This compares with 0.065 cfm/b/biid (1.84 W i d ) for white leghorns [121, and 0.U cfrn/h/bird (3.77 Vh/bird) for broiler breeders [U]. Oxygen levels differed significantly between treatments (P < .OOOl). The lowest levoccurred in the low ventilation els of raternigh stocking density treatment, and the highest levels occurred in the low stocking density/high ventilation rate treatment. Overall Qz consumption averaged 0.26 cfm/h/bird (7.40 vh/bid) (Table 4). The respiratory quotient (C& production /& consumption) for the study was 1.12.


ZUIDHOF et al.


TABLE 4. Mean gas concentration and production (9-16 weeks)

Poor air quality (high levels of dust and ammonia) is suspectedto be the primarycause of lung lesion occurrence in turkeys [ll]. Janni et al. [14] found that ammonia and dust were not suEfaent stressors to a f f a turkey performance or lung clearance abfity. They suggested that the administration of other stressorssuch as immunosuppressingvaccines may contribute to the increase in respiratory problems observed in the field. The turkeys in this study were not vaccinated, yet there were treatment differences in performance. Air quality is a sufficient cause of respiratory malaise and decreased turkey performance. Air quality in the four room as indicated by the levels of ammonia and dust was a function of the different treatments. Although dust levels were not signifcantlydifferent between treatments, dust loads were numerically higher in rooms with high stocking densities and low ventilation rates. Feddes et al. [qfound that the primary source of dust in turkey grower facilities was fecal material. Koon et al. [16]also indicated

that the majority of dust particles originate fiom the buds themselves.These observations suggest that stocking density affects the levels of dust in turkey housing. Ammonia concentrations were higher in pens with low ventilation rates. The difference in the incidence of lung lesions was also observed to be primarily a function of ventilation rate. Although not all of the stress factors are known,this study confums that air quality is a contributing factor to the occurrence of lung lesions in turkey toms. Feddes et al. [ll]reported that ventilation rate was the primary environmental factor contributing to the incidence and severity of lung lesions. Dust levels in that study corcelated well with ventilation rates. Stroh et al. [17 found that rooms housing %-week old laying hens at higher stocking densities had higher aerosol concentrations. From these studies it is apparent that both ventilation rate and stocking density have an affect on the dust concentration. Air quality deteriorates as the ventilation rate decreases and stockingdensity increases.

TABLE 5. Experimental parameters and turkey performance

















Start End









Gain (kghird) (8-16 W e b ) W G a i n (Irglkg) (8-16 Weeks)

6.43‘ 3.86



‘?Means with different letters within rows arc significantly different (P< .ooaS).

7.Mb 3.61

721b 3.70

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y%4ans with different letters within rows are EirnificantlvdiEfemt (P- .Ol51).

Research Report TURKEY HEALTH



1. Ventilation rate and stocking density affed air quality in turkey housing and turkey health.

REFERENCES ANDNOTES 1. WoUe, R R , D.P. Anderson, F.L Cbcnns, and W.E Roper, 1968.Eclect of dust and ammonia air contamination on turkcyrrsponse. ASAETranr 11(4)5l5518,522. 2. J a n e K A , P.T. R e d l ~J.R M u h u s e n , and J.A. Neymam, 1985.Turk r barn environmental momtonng results. P a p e r854 y.527. ASAE., St. Jo-

trogen gas and nned with a certified gas of 21.2% oxygen and outsirair. oxygen concentrations were cormted for moisture content. Carbondioxide, oxygen, and ammonia concentrations and dewpoints were measured once an hour for each of the four chambers and the plenum. Gas cam es were drawn to the analyzers via sample tubes wbl$were connected to solenoid activated valwscoatrdkdbyadataIoggcr.Daarnstrcamfromeach seph, MI. vahre, the tubes were connected to a vacuum pum that deliveredsample air to each a n a r at prcscribc~ratcs 3.De Boer, S.adW.D. Morrison, 1988.The effect of controlled by flawmeters The talogger Scanned the the quality of the environment b tivcctodt buiklinp on outputs from the analyzers as well as the thermistorsprior the prcn?uctivity of rWine and safe ot humans. A hteratorwitchingto the nudsamplin location.The datalogger ture rtvKw.~e of h i m o t and%ouitv seience, Uniwas connected to an IBM-PC d k h recoded the tempervcrsity of Gucip ,GueIph, ON. atures and gas concentrations. Dust concentrations were 4. Doobpm, KJ., P. € I - Y. Pekrson, R R y b measured by a particle sizer (Climet, Redlands, CA). dcr,mdL B t h , 1989.Jhvmmmcntal and health studies Sample tubes from the four chambers and the plenum of workers in Swedish swine coaCinemcntbuildings. Br. J. were connected to a baU valve assembly which was conInd. Mcd. e31-37. t d e d by an VO board connected to an IBM-PC Each 5. Perkinr, s M d W.D. Monisen, 1991.Tbe effeas samplin 1ocatiwwassam~ed4min/h.Priortoswitching valves, tfK dust concentrationswere recorded and stored of the quality of the ewironment in poultry buildii w to the IBM-PC theproductivi ofpoultryandsaf ofhumans. A k r ature review. #e@. of Animal andTou1tly Science, Uni8. SAS Imtitule, 1989.SASRXAP User's Guide Verversity of Guelph, Guelph, ON. sion 6,Fourth Edition. SAS Institute, Inc., Cay, N C dii 6.Wcbsler, A.J.F., 1990.Housin and -into 9. Riddell, C,1991.A study of the relationship of dust case in farm a h l s Outlook on &multure 19($31tolung ksiollf in tu&+ Report to the Canadian Turkey 35. Marketing Agency, Saskatoon, SK 7. Measurements of gas concentrations and air tem10.Woonacdt, T.H. and Wonnacott, RJ., 1977. peratures were obtained in the plenum that sup lied -Statistics.Third edition, 227pp. incoming air to the cbambers and m the exhaust air from 11. Fcddcs, JJ.R, B.S Koberskln, F.E Robinson, each chamber. Air used for dust measurements was .adC Riddell, 1% Misting and ventilation effects on drawn from apmition 3 feet (1 m) fronr the floor in tbc airquaIityDandh tom turkey performance and health. center of each ~ o o m Dust kwkmre andyad as 4Can. Agr. bg.3%-181. rabk dust ( microns) and warrrpirable dust (5microns). Dry-bulb temperatures were measured by thermistors 12 McQultty, J.B., JJ-R Feddrs, and JJ. Leonard, (Fenwal EkaronicqFramingham,MA Dcwpointswere 1985.Air quality in commercial laying b a m s Can. Agr. measured by a d nt bygromcter & h a a l JZstern, En&, 221349. watertown, ~ ) X w i mncentrations a were mea13. WcOnWr, J.M., J.B. McQultly, and P.C Clark, s u r d ty 8 nondlspcrsive infrared ana (Beckman lndustnal, Model 880,La Habra, CA) e w a sz e d 1988.Air quality and amtaminant loads in three ammercia1broiler breeder barns. Can. Agr. Eng., %2%276. with nitrogen gas and spanned with a certified gas of 1223ppm ammonia. C a h diooride concentrationswere 14.Jmni, Kn, P.T. Rtdlg, and J.A. Newman, 1989. measured by a noad' rsive infrared analyzer (BeckEffects of dust and ammonia on turkeys Paper No. 89man Industrial, ~ o d e 3 &La ~ Habra, CA) that was zc4022. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. rotdwith nitrogen and spanned with a certified gas of ~ S I O m carbon gas. w n k v ~were l ~ mea15. Faddcs, JJ.R, R Cook,and M. Zurdhof, 1992b. a paramagnetic n analyzer (Sewomex, Characterization of airborne dust particles in turkey E&!&OA, Sussex, E n g l a z h a t was z e d with nihousing. Can. Agr. Eng. 34:2%280.




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Air quality was improved and the lowest incidence and severity of lung lesions occurred when stocking density was lowest and the ventilation rate was highest. 2 Poor air quality decreases the respiratory health of growing turkeys by increasing the number and severity of lung lesions. 3. M e y performance for the period of 8 to 16 weeks OE age was significantlycompromised by poor air quality. 4. Ventilation rate has a greater effect on turkey performance than stocking density. 5. This study demonstratesthat both animal health and economic return may be improved by increasing ventilation rate (largest effect) and decreasing stocking density (secondary effect). A more extensivestudyisbeingundertaken to further quantify the effect of stocking density on the respiratory health of turkeys.


ZUIDHOF et al. 16. Kooo, I, J.R Hswcs, W. Grub, and CA.R o k 1963. Poultrydust.On 'nandcomposition.ASAETransactions ~ 1 1 ) : d

17.S(rob,RC,J.E~CF.Peltrscn,EA.SPcller, LF. Parkinsoa, d EE Steel, 1978. Environmental el-

129 fa% uponpoultry house aerosols. Paper No. 78410, ASAE, St. oseph, MI.

18. Tbe authors acknowledge the financial support of the Alberta Agricultuml Re&earchINtitute,andthe technical assistance of Dale Travis,Gila H i m , and Randy O'HpG3.

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