Effect of viscosity and iodine concentration nonionic radiographic contrast media on coronary arteriography in patients
To assess the influence of viscosity and iodine concentration, three matched and standardized left coronary arteriograms were obtained in 20 patients using iopamidol (lsovue-370), ioversol (Optiray-320), and iohexol (Omnipaque-350). The order of contrast media was randomized and the administration of contrast was double-blinded. Quantitative densitometric angiographic evaluation of the coronary angiograms was performed in addition to independent operator qualitative assessment. The injection volume of iopamidol (5.4 k 1.0 ml) was slightly but significantly less than that of ioversol and iohexol (5.6 2 1.0 ml, 5.7 + 1.0 ml, both p < 0.05). The calculated iodine concentration was also lower for ioversol (1.7 + 0.32 gm) than for iopamidol (1.96 + 0.35 gm) and iohexhol (1.9 + 0.35 gm, both p < 0.05). There were significantly lower contrast syringe injection pressures for ioversol (6.6 + 0.8 atm) than for iopamidol (7.5 +_ 0.9 atm) and iohexol (7.2 f 1.1 atm, both p < 0.05). The quantitative densitometric analysis failed to demonstrate significant differences among the contrast media with respect to image density parameters for any individual agent. All coronary angiograms were deemed of diagnostic quality. The data in this study indicated that although differences in iodine concentration exist among the three agents, operator compensation with more rapid contrast delivery (higher volume) and lower viscosity (lower injection pressure) produced equivalent image opacification during coronary angiography. Given the same incidence of adverse hemodynamic and clinical effects, selection of a low viscosity media theoretically provides an advantage during procedures using small diameter catheters or interventional procedures requiring contrast visualization through reduced catheter lumina. (AM HEART J 1992;123:160.)
Morton J. Kern, MD, Robert A. Roth, RN, Frank V. Aguirre, MD, Glen Beauman, MS,a and Robert Vogel, MD.” St. Louis, MO., and Baltimore,
Optimal imaging during coronary angiography is thought to be best achieved with the highest iodine concentration contrast media formulations.1-4 Because small diameter (5F and 6F) coronary angiographic catheters requiring high flow rates for satisfactory images are now in common clinical use,5, 6 contrast media viscosity and iodine concentration become important factors in selection of radiographic contrast media for use during coronary arteriography. A recently developed nonionic angiographic contrast medium, ioversol (Optiray-320, Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc., St. Louis, MO.), is now available with lower viscosity and iodine concentration com-
From vision
the Cardiology of Cardiology,
Division, University
for publication
Reprint requests: Morton Catheterization Laboratory, at Grand Blvd., St. Louis, 411133652
St. Louis University of Maryland. 3, 1991;
J. Kern, MD, Director, St. Louis University MO 63110-0250.
Hospital; July
and ‘the
17, 1991.
J. Gerard Hospital,
Mudd Cardiac 3635 Vista Ave.
pared with previously available nonionic formulations, iohexol (Omnipaque-350, Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, New York, N.Y.) and iopamidol (Isovue370, Squibb Pharmaceuticals, New Brunswick, N.J.).2, 7 The purpose of this study was to compare and assess the influence of viscosity and iodine concentration on routine diagnostic coronary angiography using the three clinically available nonionic radiographic contrast media. The hypotheses tested were that (1) diagnostic image opacification and quality obtained during coronary angiography in patients would be equivalent and independent of the small differences in iodine concentration and that (2) the lower the viscosity and iodine concentration, the higher the volume of contrast media needed to achieve the same diagnostic image. The data regarding the efficacy of low iodine, low viscosity contrast media would indicate whether significant differences exist among nonionic contrast media and whether a lower viscosity may be an adjunctive benefit for an-
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123 1
I. Comparative osmolality and viscosity Contrast
Iodine concentration
Diatrizoate meglumine or sodium (Renografin-76) Iopamidol (Isovue-370) Iohexol (Omnipaque-350) Ioxaglate Meglumine 39.3 5%and Ioxaglate Sodium 19X0; injection (Hexabrix) Ioversol (Optiray-320) From
of radiocontrast
H. Catalog
of intravascular
Osmolality (mOsm/kg HzO)
Viscosity at
37” C (CPS) 8.4
37% 35%
(370 (350
mg/ml) mg/ml) mg/ml)
The three contrast media tested in the coronary arteriography study wereiopamidol (Isovue-370),iohexol (Omnipaque-350), and ioversol (Optiray-320). In addition, diatrizoate (Renografin-76, Squibb Pharmaceuticals) and ioxaglate (Hexabrix, Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc.) were included for evaluation in an in vitro flow phantom. The physical characteristicsof severalcommonly usedcontrast agents are provided in Table I. In vitro densitometry. To assess the influence of iodine
concentration and viscosity on radiographic imageopacification, an in vitro testing systemwasconstructed in which contrast media were injected through a radiographic arterial phantom containing 2.5, 1.5, and 1.0 mm diameter segments. Contrast agents were injected using a constant pressurethrough a mechanicalpressureinjector using a 12 ml syringe at 37” C through 5F and 6F diagnosticcatheters. The density wasset at 20 cm Hz0 with equivalent absorption, and digital radiographic acquisition in the maskmode subtraction wasemployed. The parameter measuredduring the in vitro study was the mean peak region of interest density. The iodine content of each injection was determined with the following conversion factors: 0.32 gm/ml for ioversol; 0.37 gm/ml for iopamidol; 0.35gm/ml for iohexol; 0.37gm/mI for diatrizoate; and 0.32gm/ml for ioxaglate. In vitro viscosity wasdetermined by calculation of flow resistance of contrast media injected at a constant flow rate through a seriesof coronary angiographiccatheters of different sizes,as previously rep0rted.s Coronary arteriography. After routine diagnosticcoronary angiography was completed, 20 patients received three additional left coronary artery injections using the contrast
20” c (CPS)
37 Sb (370 mg/ml)
giography through small coronary catheters or potentially through the narrowed lumen of interventional systems.
three nonionic
Viscosity at
media. The order of contrast
dia injection was randomized and the administration was double-blinded. The meanageof the patients (18 menand 2 women)was59years (range40 to 76years). Patient medicationsgiven during the study included diazepam(n = 1I), diphenhydramine (II. = 17), ergonovine (n = 3), and nitroglycerin (n = 7). The indications for cardiac catheteriza-
W, et al. Invest
tion included a history of recent chest pain consistentwith the diagnosisof coronary artery diseaseor evaluation of coronary statusfollowing cardic transplant (three patients, all with normal coronary arteriograms). Coronary artery disease(>70% narrowing in at least one major epicardial vessel)was present in 12 patients. Patients having diagnosticcoronary angiography revealing critical (>80% narrowing in s-2 vessels) coronary artery lesions,unstableangina, recent (~4 days) acute myocardial infarction, or any condition in which additional coronary contrast injections would not be clinically well tolerated were excluded from the study. Left ventriculography precededthe study injections and wasperformed in a right anterior oblique (30-degreeright anterior oblique) view using 42 ml contrast injected at 12 to 14 ml/set. All patients received 3000 units of heparin during the diagnostic study. For the study, syringes (20 ml) were filled with contrast medium by the circulating catheterization laboratory nurse in a sterile fashion. The syringes were code-labeledsuch that the operators and patients were blinded to their contents. The contents of the coded syringe were transferred to the ring-handled coronary control syringe (Namic Inc., GlensFalls, N.Y.) for duplication of the clinical technique of coronary artery injection. Contrast media were hand injected by the sameoperator accordingto the randomization schedule.All contrast media were warmed to room temperature (20’ C). The pressureof contrast medium injection by the operator wasmeasuredwith an in-line pressure transducer describedbelow. The arteria1pressure,electrocardiogram (lead II), and the injection pressureof the contrast syringe were recorded on an optical photographic oscilliscopic physiologic recorder (VR12, Electronics for Medicine, Pleasantville, N.Y.). The volume of contrast medium injected wasnoted by the angiographerafter each injection. The three study contrast injections wereperformed in a shallow20-degreeright anterior oblique projection through a 6F standard 4 cm left Judkins High-F10 catheter (Cordis Corp., Miami, Fla.). The image intensifier position was kept constant for the three injections, The patient wasinstructed to suspend respiration (i.e., not to inspire or expire) during injection. The catheter wasflushed with heparinized normal saline between injections. The time
Kern et al.
January 1992 Heart Journal
Fig. 1. Syringe injection pressure tracings for the three contrast media during hand injection. The pressure curves are consistent and reproducible for the upstroke, duration, and peak pressure obtained when repeated for the same agent. Pressure x time areas were 130.1, 139.8, and 145.8 for ioversol, iohexol, and iopamidol, respectively.
II. Mean
peak radiographic
5F Catheter Phantom Phantom Phantom 6F Catheter Phantom Phantom Phantom
in static arterial
size 2.5 mm size 1.5 mm size 1.0 mm
10.5 6.5 1.2
7.6 5.3 1.0
10.0 6.3 2.4
9.0 5.9 2.0
size 2.5 mm size 1.5 mm size 1.0 mm
9.0 7.4 2.2
7.1 6.2 1.3
9.5 7.6 2.4
7.3 7.0 1.7
Mean index
between injections ranged from 1 to 3 minutes. The majority of injections (>50%) were more than 1 minute apart. Serial, repeated injections with the same contrast agent during routine studies demonstrated reproducible injection volumes and pressures to within t 10%. Syringe injection pressure measurements. A pressure transducer (Intelliflator, Merit Medical Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah), calibrated with a mercury manometer, was placed in-line between the coronary catheter and the coronary manifold (Namic Inc.) using a four-way, high-flow stopcock. The stopcock was open to both the catheter and transducer. The analog pressure transducer signal was interfaced directly to the photographic oscilliscope recorder. Custom software, provided by Merit Medical Systems, also recorded and stored the continuous output of pressure measured by the transducer (in atmospheres) in a digital format. Both the analog signal and digital printout demonstrated identical values for maximal pressure during validation testing with a standard power contrast injector (Mark II, Medrad Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.).8 The calibration of the syringe pressure signals was set such that 1 cm deflection was equal to 2 atm. The reproducibility of values was f 0.2 atm for this system. The analog signal of syringe
pressure injections was digitized and planimetered to quantitate the area (pressure x time) difference between injections. The hand injection pressure curves of contrast media injection through a 6F catheter using this system are illustrated in Fig. 1. The pressure required to inject 7 cm3 of contrast at 3 cm3/sec using the power injector set at 150 psi through coronary catheters of varying size has been previously reported8 and was repeated for ioversol (Fig. 2). Ctuantitative angiographic densitometric analysis. Quantitative angiographic densitometric analysis was performed as previously described.Q In brief, following identification of the appropriate coronary injection sequences from the cineangiogram, end-diastolic frames were selected as those frames occurring just prior to the dispersal of contrast in the sinus of Valsalva caused by the onset of systole. In the first cardiac cycle of complete opacification, epicardial vessels were outlined on the tine projector (Vanguard XR35 projector, Vanguard Instrument Corp., Melville, N.Y.) screen with a wax pencil to provide an alignment reference for subsequent cardiac cyles and contrast injections. End-diastolic frames from three consecutive cardiac cycles representing early, mid, and late opacification were
Viscosity of radiocontrast
- Room Temp + Body Temp
Optiray * +
room temp body temp
Body Temp
2. Flow resistance(viscosity) of (A) Isovue (iopamidol), (B) Optiray (ioversol), and (C) Omnipaque (iohexol) when injected at room and body temperature (37’ C) through 12 cathetersat a constant flow rate. Shi, Shiley; 8F, 6 French; JR4, Judkins right 4 cm curve; G, guiding catheter; JL4, Judkins left 4 cm curve; AL2, Amplatz left 2 cm curve; AR2, Amplatz right 2 cm curve; ACX 2.5, ACX angioplasty catheter 2.5 mm balloon; ATM, atmospheres.Note the scale0 to 12 ATM (1 ATM = 760 mm Hg = 14.6 psi). Fig.
identified for each contrast injection. Appropriate frames were digitally acquired via a high resolution video camera optically coupled to the Vanguard projector. Each frame was optically magnified (2.4:1) and digitized into a 512 X 512 X 8 bit matrix (ADAC 4100 Plus, ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas, Calif.). Brightness parameters were manually adjusted to optimize the full range of gray scale valuesprior to acquisition of the first frame and werethen fixed at those parametersto assureuniform intensities for eachacquisition. Usingan area of approximately 60 square pixel dimensions, intensity values were determined for portions of two major epicardial vesselsand an adjoining portion of background for eachof the three cardiac cycles.g The qualitative assessment of diagnosticimagequality was madeby two independent expert angiographersblinded to the contrast agents, grading each study injection 1 to 3 (1 = not diagnostic, 2 = diagnostic, 3 = excellent). Data analysis. The variables analyzed included injection volume, grams of iodine administered, peak syringe injection pressure,time-pressurearea of syringe injection,
and quantitative densitometric analysis of the coronary cineangiogram.For both injection, volume and grams of iodine, a comparisonof the contrast media wascarried out in the “within’‘-patient ranks using the Friedman test.l” Other variables were analyzed by analysisof variance using PROC GLM in SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.).ll Preliminary analysesdid not detect statistically significant carryover or period effects, soin keeping with the original design,the model included patient and drug effects only. Statistical significancewas indicated by a probability (p) value (<0.05) associatedwith the null hypothesis. Data are presented asmean +- standard deviation unlessotherwise indicated. RESULTS In vitro radiographic contrast density. Table II shows the in vitro data for the mean peak radiographic density of diatrizoate, iohexol, ioversol, and ioxaglate. Iopamidol was not evaluated in this phantom.
Kern et al.
III. A summary
of contrast
media injection
January 1992 Heart Journal
data Range
Contrast agent (drug)
Standard deviation
Volume (ml) Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol
5.4 5.7b 5.6b
Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol
7.5a 7.2a 6.6
Pressure area (pressure X time) Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol
126.68 130.2a
4.0 4.0 4.0
7.0 7.0 7.0
20 20
1.1 0.8
4.8 5.0 5.1
8.4 10.4 7.7
20 20 20
30.2 22.6 24.6
85.4 102.4 67.2
205.7 188.8 159.4
20 20 20
33.1 34.0
135.4 148.5 126.5
255.0 255.0 255.0
18* 18 18
42.1 56.3 26.8
161.5 152.5 134.0
18* 18
1.0 1.0
Pressure 0.9
Arterial density 194.1
Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol
193.0 202.2
Density minus background Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol “p < 0.05 “we”* Ioversol. bp < 0.05 versus Iopamidol. *Number of patients with all three injections
34.8 27.9 24.8
for quantitative
Radiographic density (opacification) was highest for ioversol and lowest for iohexol. Static image opacification was directly proportional to iodine concentration and inversely proportional to viscosity. The in vitro injection pressures (i.e., flow resistance, Fig. 2) were lowest for ioversol (Optiray) compared with iohexol (Omnipaque) or iopamidol (Isovue). Contrast volume and injection pressure (Table III). The average volume of contrast media administered to patients was 5.6 t- 1.0 ml, with a range from 4 to 7 ml for each injection of iopamidol, iohexol, and ioversol. The volume of injection of iopamidol was slightly, but significantly less (5.4 -+ 1.0 ml) than that of ioversol (5.6 + 1.0 ml) and iohexol (5.7 + 1.0 ml, both p < 0.05). The calculated absolute iodine administered in grams of iodine was lower for ioversol (1.79 + 0.32 gm) than for iopamidol(l.98 + 0.39 gm) and iohexol (1.98 + 0.35 gm) (both p < 0.05), with the overall test for drug effect highly significant (p = 0.0019). There were also significant differences among the contrast media with respect to pressure of injection. Ioversol had a significantly lower injection pressure (6.6 +- 0.8 atm and 105 + 25 units [pressure x time = area units]) than iopamidol (7.5 k 0.9 atm
and 127 + 30 units) or iohexol (7.2 k 1.1 atm and 130 f 23 units) (both p < 0.05). Angiographic data (Tables III and IV). Quantitative densitometric analysis failed to demonstrate significant differences among the contrast media with respect to the image density parameters for any individual agent. The quality of the coronary angiograms was determined as diagnostic (quality score 22) for all three contrast agents. Side effects of contrast administration were not present with any of the nonionic agents. No patient had an adverse effect as a result of the additional three coronary study injections. DISCUSSION
This study demonstrates that although differences in iodine concentration result in different in vitro image opacification, operator compensation with more rapid contrast delivery (i.e., slightly higher volume) produces identical image quality when images are examined both subjectively and by quantitative densitometric analysis. The slightly higher contrast injection volume was clinically insignificant and undetectable, since lower viscdsity facilitated easier injection. In addition, the equivalent density was
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123 1
achieved with ioversol with a significantly lower total iodine content when compared with iohexol and iopamidol. Assessment of the diagnostic quality of angiograms also was consistent with clinical practice, with no appreciable difference among the three contrast agents, as previously reported.3T 12,l3 In vitro studies indicating that the largest differences in contrast media viscosity are most apparent for catheter sizes smaller than 6F8 and the results of the current study suggest that the differences in contrast media viscosity in the catheterization laboratory translate into consistent reductions in hand injection pressure required to force contrast media through small catheters. As hypothesized, greater iodine concentration (volume x absolute iodine content) provided higher degrees of image opacification of the static arterial phantom under conditions of constant pressure injection. The image opacification could be accurately approximated by the iodine concentration divided by the viscosity. The clinical portion of this study also validated this hypothesis, in that a higher volume (with a lower injection pressure) likely delivered an equivalent iodine concentration during coronary angiography to achieve near identical image density. For most coronary angiographic procedures using large-size (7F or 8F) coronary catheters, the viscosity and iodine concentration issues are of little clinical significance. However, reducing the difficulty of contrast injection while maintaining satisfactory image quality appears to have relevance in a number of clinical settings, such as hyperdynamic flow states (e.g., aortic stenosis, hypertension, aortic insufficiency, high cardiac output), distal contrast injection during coronary angioplasty, and coronary visualization during use of interventional equipment with reduced contrast lumina. Images required during procedures using small diameter guiding catheters for coronary angioplasty5 may also be improved by using the lowest viscosity contrast medium available. In addition to viscosity and iodine concentration, a number of other factors have a significant influence on the quality and density of coronary angiography (i.e., images). Patient-related factors include body weight, lung water, positioning of adjacent and superimposed anatomic structures, assuming consistent and optimal functioning of x-ray generation and imaging recording systems. These additional factors were not evaluated, but were assumed to have remained constant for the study period. Clinical significance. Given equivalency of image opacification, hemodynamic and adverse effects, se-
Viscosity of radiocontrast
IV. Angiographic quality Quality Nondiagnostic I
Iopamidol Iohexol Ioversol
Diagnostic 2
0 0 0
20 19 19
Excellent 3 0 1 1
lection of a low viscosity media theoretically provides an advantage during procedures using small diameter catheters or interventional procedures requiring contrast visualization through reduced catheter lumina. The authors Donna Sander
thank Steve Taylor of Merit for manuscript preparation.
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