Chin Med Sci J March 2014
Vol. 29, No. 1 P. 23-27
Effectiveness and Safety of Computer-controlled Periodontal Ligament Injection System in Endodontic Access to the Mandibular Posterior Teeth Quan Jing1, Kuo Wan1*, Xiao-jun Wang2, and Lin Ma1 1
Department of Dentistry, 2Department of Plastic Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China
Key words: periodontal ligament injection; endodontic access; irreversible pulpitis Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a computer-controlled periodontal ligament (PDL) injection system to the local soft tissues as the primary technique in endodontic access to mandibular posterior teeth in patients with irreversible pulpitis. Methods A total of 162 Chinese patients who had been diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis in their mandibular posterior teeth without acute infection or inflammation in the periodontal tissues were enrolled in this clinical study. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the position of the involved tooth: the premolar group (PM, n=38), first molar group (FM, n=66), and second molar group (SM, n=58). All the patients received computer-controlled PDL injection with 4% articaine and 1∶100 000 epinephrine. Immediately after the injection, endodontic access was performed, and the degree of pain during the treatment was evaluated by the patients using Visual Analogue Scale for pain. The success rates were compared among the 3 groups. The responses of local soft tissues were evaluated 3-8 days and 3 weeks after the procedure. Results The overall success rate was 76.5%. There was a significant difference in success rates among the PM, FM, and SM groups (92.1%, 53.0%, 93.1%, respectively; χ2=34.3, P<0.01). Both the PM and SM groups showed higher success rates than that of the FM group (v=1, χ2=16.73, P<0.01; v=1, χ2=24.5, P<0.01). No irreversible adverse effects on the periodontal soft tissues at the injection sites were observed in the follow-up visits in any of the groups. Conclusion The computer-controlled PDL injection system demonstrates both satisfactory anesthetic effects and safety in local soft tissues as primary anesthetic technique in endodontic access to the mandibular posterior teeth in patients with irreversible pulpitis.
Chin Med Sci J 2014; 29(1):23-27 Received for publication August 9, 2013. *Corresponding author Tel: 86-10-69155256, E-mail:
[email protected]
March 2014
RREVERSIBLE pulpitis could be caused by caries,
Department of Dentistry, Peking Union Medical College
non-caries lesions, and combined periodontal-pulpal
Hospital from August 2010 to August 2012. The study
lesions. The clinical strategy of treating irreversible
protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of
pulpitis is mainly pulp extirpation. Because the
the Hospital and signed informed consents were obtained
dental nerve is still sensitive to mechanical or thermal
from the selected patients.
stimulation at this stage, it is necessary to adopt local
All the included patients had been clinically diagnosed
anesthesia during endodontic access. The most common
as irreversible pulpitis in mandibular premolars or 1st/2nd
method in treating mandibular molars is inferior alveolar
molars. The exclusion criteria were: American Society of
nerve block (IANB), but there are some inherent drawbacks in
Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification >2;
IANB due to multiple factors.
abnormal perception or cognition; severe dental phobia;
The periodontal ligament (PDL) injection as a local
acute periodontal infection or inflammation (or tooth
anesthetic technique was developed a century ago.4 The
movement >2˚) in the affected teeth; analgesics taken
mechanism used in this technique is similar to that in
within 12 hours; previous mandibular operations; severe
intraosseous anesthesia:5 (1) the anesthetic solution is
traumas or bone lesions; trigeminal nerve abnormalities
forced through the cribriform plate into the marrow spaces
and previous adverse reactions to amides of local
the vasculature in and around the tooth; (2) the
anesthetic agents. The patients were then trained to grade
primary route is not the periodontal ligament;6,7 and (3)
the intensity of pain with the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS):
the mechanism of the action is not related to the direct
from 0 meaning no pain to 10 meaning the worst pain.
pressure on the nerves.8 Due to the difficulties in sensing the “back-pressure” to ensure that the needle is inside the
Computer-controlled PDL injection
PDL and maintaining adequate pressure (the pressure
A radiographic assessment of the affected tooth was
needed in PDL injection may be 4-5 times of that in palatal
performed. The periodontal condition of the injection site,
injections9), the application of PDL injection is still confined
described as modified gingival index, was evaluated by a
With the
periodontist to exclude any acute inflammation or ulceration
introduction of computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery
and recorded as the baseline. Large pieces of plaque and
(C-CLAD) systems in the 1980s, the success rate of PDL
calculus were removed manually. The tooth was then
injection as a primary anesthetic technique in mandibular
anesthetized using a C-CLAD system (Single Tooth
teeth was improved, yet still lower than that of IANB.12
Anesthesia, STA, Milestone Scientific, Livingston, NJ, USA)
When it was used as a supplemental anesthetic method
with PDL injection. A 30-gauge needle was inserted at the
when IANB failed, the success rate was 56%.13 In 2006, the
site, the STA was set in the “ControlFlo” mode (1 ml/207
newly developed C-CLAD system offered continuous and
seconds), and the needle penetrated the periodontal
real-time identification of tissues with different densities
ligament slowly. After the yellow light was up on the front
(e.g. free gingiva, attached gingiva, and periodontal
panel, 0.5 ml of 4% articaine with 1∶100 000 epinephrine
ligament) and presented feedback to the operator once it
(Primacaine Adrenaline, Pierre Rolland, France) was
was brought into dental procedures. Owing to its multiple
injected. The injection was terminated when the pressure
reached the preset limit in the device. Two sites of injection,
to supplemental anesthesia in recent years.
possibility of applying PDL injection as a primary anesthetic
one disto-lingual and the other mesio-buccal, were
technique.14 Up to now, however, there have been few
selected for each tooth. Two minutes after the injection,
studies on the evaluation of this device in terms of its
decay removal and pulp access was initiated. The patients
efficacy and safety.
were informed that if the pain during the procedure was ≥
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety
5 in the VAS, or if they were unable to complete the
of PDL injection delivered by the C-CLAD system, which
procedure and required a supplemental injection to achieve
was employed as the primary technique for endodontic
profound anesthesia, they should let the dentist know
access to mandibular posterior teeth in patients with
immediately to stop the procedure, which would be
irreversible pulpitis.
recorded as failures. If the pain was rated < 5 during the entire process, the cases were recorded as successes. All
PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients This clinical study was carried out in outpatients at the
the teeth were divided into 3 groups: premolar group (PM), first molar group (FM), and second molar group (SM). Local soft tissue changes after injection at the injection sites, such as acute inflammation, erosion, ulceration, and
Vol. 29, No.1
localized gingival necrosis were evaluated and compared with the baseline data by the same periodontist afte 3-8 days and 3 weeks. Statistical analysis SPSS 11.0 software was used to analyze the data. The success rates of the 3 groups of teeth were compared using Chi-square test. P<0.01 was considered statistically significant. Figure 1. A case with type 2 diabetes developed localized gingival necrosis after PDL injection.
A. The color of interdental papilla between second premolar
A total of 162 patients aged 18-51 years were enrolled in the present study. The overall success rate was 76.5% (124/162). Success rates in the three groups (PM, FM, and SM) are displayed in Table 1. There were significant differences in success rates amongst the 3 groups (v=2, χ2=34.3, P<0.01). Both the PM group and SM group
and first molar turned gray-white 3 days after injection. Localized gingival necrosis was diagnosed; B. The necrotic gingiva healed completely 3 weeks later after surgical debridement and chlorhexidine mouthwash.
showed higher success rates than that in the FM group
The traditional method for anesthesia in the mandibular
(v=1, χ2=16.73, P<0.01; v=1, χ2=24.5, P<0.01), while no
posterior teeth is IANB, which has been widely used as a
significant difference in success rate was observed
primary technique. Due to various reasons, for instance,
between the PM group and the SM group (v =1, χ2=0.05,
the anatomical variations of the mandibular nerve and the
inferior alveolar nerve, the presence of infection, inflammation,
The post-injection adverse reactions were shown in
previous trauma or operations, pharmacological or psychological
Table 2. Six patients (3.7%) exhibited localized gingival
factors, and poor technique, the success rate of IANB is no
necrosis, of which 3 had controlled type 2 diabetes. After
higher than 80%.15 There are also some complications
careful surgical debridement and application with 0.12%
related to this technique, including a relatively high risk of
chlorhexidine mouthwash, all the lesions completely
intravascular injection (10%-15%),2 which may result in
recovered after 3 weeks (Fig. 1). There was no irreversible
series of adverse reactions. The technique of IANB involves
damage on the local periodontal tissues compared with the
obvious injection pain and discomfort;16 post-injection soft
baseline condition after 3 weeks.
tissue tingling or numbness may involve a large area, which could last for hours and cause changes of soft tissue
Table 1. General conditions and success rates of periodontal
contour, even self-biting wounds. In some rare cases,
ligament (PDL) injection in three groups
hematoma, trismus, facial nerve anesthesia or even neuro-
Success rate
PM (n=38)
FM (n=66)
SM (n=58)
Total (n=162)
sensory disturbance could occur.2,17 These complications greatly limit the application of this technique, especially in some medically compromised patients. It is also difficult for beginners to well handle this technique. The overall success rate of PDL injection in this study was close to that of IANB (76.5% vs. 80%), and for premolars and the second molars, the success rate of PDL
PM: premolar; FM: first molar; SM: second molar.
injection was even higher (both over 90%). Different Table 2. Post-injection adverse reactions at the injection site Adverse reactions
success rates of PDL injections have been reported with different tooth positions.18,19 The results of this study indicated that PDL injection has better anesthetic effect
molars than in the first molars (92.1% vs. 53.0%, 93.1%
vs. 53.0%, respectively). The success rates showed such
Acute periodontal inflammation Ulceration or erosion Localized gingival necrosis
when applying in the mandibular premolars and the second
teeth position-related difference possibly because of the
The adverse reactions were evaluated by the same periodontist 3-8
difference in the width of periodontal ligament, thickness
days and 3 weeks after PDL injection.
and density of the bone, and number of the roots of
different teeth in mandible. All these factors may affect the depth of the needle tip that could be inserted into the
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