Toxicon, 1973 Vol . 11, pp . 517-321 . Pergamon Press . Printed in Greet Britain
Immunological studies on Egyptian polyvalent antivenins : A. H . MOHAIt~D, M1~HAT A . DARwisx and M. HArti-AYOBE, Toxicon 1973, 11, 457. (Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.) Abstract-Polyvalent antivenin was prepared against the Egyptian snake venons N~a Julje,;grlcollis, Cerastes eerastu and C. vipers, and tested by neutralization and immunodiffusion tests. The antivenin was of high potency against the Egyptian snake venons, especially C. ceraatea and C. vlpera, followed by F.chls carirruut, E. coloratur, N. /ulje, N. rt{gricollis and Walterinneaia aegyptia. The titre against the African and hidiaa cobra venons, N. nivea, N. hgje (Ethiopian) and N. rtgja was lower, while poor or no effect was shown against Bittyarietaru, B. galinnlea and 7ümeruurw flavovirldtr venons. The polyvalent serum prepared in horses not previously immunized, was comparable to sera obtained by using horses, which were previously immunized against a single venom. However, the latter sera, still maintained their higher titre against the original sensitizing venom. Comparison of polyvalent and monovaknt N. nigricollir aativwtina, revealed that while the polyvalent serum was of belles effectiveness against the Egyptian viper venons especially txtastes vanoma, more protection was provided by the nonovaknt serum against the raja venons .
Effectiveness of antivenin (CrotaGdae) polyvalent following injection of Crolalus venom : F. E. Russ>?z.L, N. Ruïl~ and H. GONZALEZ, Toxicon, 1973, 11, 461. (Laboratory of Neurological Research, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles County and University of Southern California Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A .) Abstrac6-Studies were done in rats to detenz»ne how long after the igjection of a given amount of rattlesnake venom could antivenin be injected and afford protection. Protxtion was measured by neutralization of the lethal effect and by reduction of the local tissue effect . Eighty per cent of the rats receiving the antivenin at the time the venom was injected, survived . In the remaining 20 per cent, survival time was increased approximately nine times. There was a compkte absence of local tisane response . Rats receiving antivenin l0 min following the venom injection showed a survival late of 60 per cent and survival time in the remaining rats wag increased fivefold. Some localized tissue changes were observed. The rata receiving antivenin 20 min following venom injection showed a survival rate of SO pas cent and survival time in the remaining animals was increased about 30 per cent. Rather severe localized tissue reactions wen seen. The animals receiving antivenin 30 min following injection of the venom showed a survival rate of 33 per cent and a statistically insignificant increase in anrvival time . Severe localized tissue responses wen scen. Rats receiving antivenin at 60 min showed no increase in survival time . The clinical signiScanoe of these data is discussed. 517
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