Effects of burn-in and temperature cycling on the corrosion resistance of plastic encapsulated integrated circuits

Effects of burn-in and temperature cycling on the corrosion resistance of plastic encapsulated integrated circuits

Microelectron. Reliab.,Vol. 17, pp. 351 to 364.PergamonPress, 1978.Printedin GreatBritain WORLD ABSTRACTS ON MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY AND The a...

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Microelectron. Reliab.,Vol. 17, pp. 351 to 364.PergamonPress, 1978.Printedin GreatBritain



The abstracts below are given in reasonable detail where necessary so that an appreciation can be made of the coverage of the article. They are probably the most comprehensive detailed abstracts published in these two fields and in general are all of articles published within the last 12 months. They are classified into the following sections. Subjects 1. Reliability--General. 2. Reliability of Components, Tubes, Transistors and ICs. 3. Circuit and Systems Reliability, Maintenance and Redundancy. 4. Microelect ronics--General. 5. Microelectronics Design and Construction. 6. Microelectronics--Components, Systems and Equipments. 7. Semiconductor Integrated Circuits, Devices and Materials. 8. Thick- and Thin-Film Components, Hybrid Circuits and Materials. 9. Electron, Ion and Laser Beams.

1. RELIABILITY--GENERAL Effect of human error on the availability of periodically inspected redundant systems. G. E. APOSTOLAKISand P. P. BANSAL. IEEE Trans. Reliab, R-26, (3) 220 (August 1977). The engineered safeguards of nuclear power plants contain many redundant systems which are not operating under normal conditions but they are called upon to act when emergency conditions develop. To ensure their operability, the systems are periodically tested (usually once a month). In this paper, unavailability formulae for several common

logic configurations are developed, taking into account the probability of failure of components due to human error in the simultaneous testing scheme. The probability of the component being down due to human error is assumed to depend on the number of components which have gone through the tests consecutively prior to the inspection of the component under consideration. The system unavailability is the sum of unavailability due to hardware failure alone and the unavailability contribution due to human error.

2. RELIABILITY OF COMPONENTS, TUBES, TRANSISTORS AND ICs A case history: procurement of quality plastic encapsulated semiconductors. EDWARD B. HAKIM. Solid St. Technol. p. 71 (Sept. 1977). Since 1.969, a major Army Avionics Communication System has been using plastic encapsulated devices (PED's), predominantly transistors. This paper discusses the early problems experienced in procuring these parts with an acceptable quality level, current procurement problems, recent advances in development of available high quality PED's, and performance information on these parts i n the field. Effects of burn-in and temperature cycling on the corrosion resistance of plastic encapsulated integrated circuits. C. M. BATLEY. 5th A. Proc. Reliab. Phys. IEEE, Nevada. p. 120 (1977). Plastic-encapsulated integrated circuits are susceptible to failures due to moisture-related corrosion of aluminum metallization. A test program has been conducted to evaluate the possible effects of 100% burn-in and temperature cycling device screens in increasing that susceptibility. Results indicate no significant effects.

rate and power consumption for each part. Program options sum the failure rate and power requirements (dissipation) for the entire part list and perform trade-off analyses for different operating conditions or screening levels. Quality assurance in the manufacture of multi-pole connectors. R. KURZ and D. LUHMANN. Feinwk-Tech. Messtechnik 85, (8) 375 (1977). (In German.) Referring to a 90pole connector for system 7000 computers, the authors show which tests are used to guarantee the necessary reliability of such connections. The same degree of quality is also achieved in the manufacture of 24, 31, 54 and 60-pole connectors. Contact make between the mating parts has been chosen as the most important reliability factor for this report. Hydrogen sensitive MOS structures. I. LUNDSTROM, M. S. SHIVARAMANand C. SVENSSON. Vacuum 27, (4) 245 (1977). It is shown that hydrogen in the ambient atmosphere changes the flatband voltage of palladium gate MOS-structures. The physical mechanisms behind this phenomenon are discussed. Experimental results on the detection of hydrogen in air, argon and nitrogen are given. It is shown that the rate constants of chemical reactions on the Pd-surface are obtained from such experiments. The detection of hydrogen in hydrogen compounds like ammonia and of hydrogen in smoke is also demonstrated.

Automatic electronic component failure-rate prediction with MIL-HDBK-217B. W. W. GAERTNER, D. S. ELDERS, D. B. ELL1NGHAM, J. A. KASTNING and W. M. SCHREYER. IEEE Trans. Reliab. R-26, (3) 214 (August 1977). This paper describes a computer program and data base with automatic part failure-rate estimation according to MIL-HDBK217B. The user supplies only a part list and application- Thermal fatigue failure of soft-soldered contacts to silicon dependent information. The program retrieves the part power transistors. SUNG K. gANG, NATHAN D. ZOMMER, characteristics from the database, and computes the failure DONALD L. FEUCHT and RICHARD W. HECKEL. IEEE Trans. 351