and C.H.
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Accepted
Abstract-The rate measured in vitro.
19, 1977
of fluid reabsorption in the cauda epididymidis of rat has been Both adrenaline and isoprenaline produced a prompt, reversible
and dose dependent increase in the reabsorption rate. These effects were completely blocked by propranolol. The response to noradrenaline consisted of two components. n the presence of an alpha blocker, noradrenaline caused an increase, Iwhile in the presence of a beta blocker, it produced an inhibition in the rate of fluid reabsorption. The effects of these adrenergic agents were only observed when sodium ions were present in the intraluminal fluid, suggesting that they only affect the Na+-dependent component of fluid reabsorption. The possibility that they may affect the active transport of sodium in the duct was discussed. The effects of these adrenergic agents were inter preted in terms of the presence cauda epididymidis.
of alpha and beta receptors
in the epithelium
of the rat
It is now well established that fluid reabsorption takes place along the entire length of the mammalian epididymal duct.
A major part of the rete testis fluid is reabsorbed as it
flows down the epididymis (1, 2, 3). The mechanism of fluid reabsorption has been studied in isolated duct of rat epididymis in vitro. It was found that 50 % of the fluid reabsorption is secondary to an active transepithelial transport of sodium ions (4, 5).
Furthermore this
process, like many epididymal functions, is abolished by castration, indicating that the fluid reabsorption process is dependent upon the presence of circulating androgens (6). There is little information
on the role of neurotransmitters
in the functions of the
epididymis, although it has been shown that the cauda epididymidis is heavily innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves (7, 8). In this paper, we report the effects of
adrenergic agents and blockers on fluid reabsorption
in isolated rat cauda epididymidis.
The results were interpreted in terms of the presence of the alpha and beta adrenergic re ceptors in the epididymal epithelium. MATERIALS Male Sprague-Dawley the head. solution.
The epididymis A segment
fat and connective for measuring
onto the platform,
rats weighing
was quickly
and placed
of the cauda
tissue and placed
rate in isolated
on a specially
by a blow on
in cold Kreb's
0.3 cm long) was dissected
rat seminiferous
g were sacrificed
tubules (9).
free of
similar to that used Each end was clamped
and incisions were made in the duct close to the clamps.
The lumen was
then flushed with Kreb's bicarbonate solution to remove all the spermatozoa.
After closing
one end with a silk ligature, the tubule was filled with about 0.25 ,al Kreb's bicarbonate solution, using a polyethylene cannula pulled to a tip diameter of about 150 ,1m, and the other end of the segment was also tied.
The whole operation was performed under a
dissecting microscope at x 16 magnification.
The sac of epididymal duct (about 1-2 mm
long), supported on the platform, was then placed in a small bath (volume 10 ml) filled with normal Kreb's bicarbonate solution which was bubbled continuously with 5 %C02 in 02. The bathing solution was maintained
at 35+0.5'C
rate was maximal at
35'C) using a glass heat-exchanger immersed in the bath and the temperature was monitored by a thermistor probe.
The peritubular and intraluminal fluids were always iso-osonitic.
For estimation of the rate of fluid reabsorption, the bath was examined under x 40 magnification and the internal diameter of the lumen was measured at intervals of 0.4 mm along the length of the sac, using an eyepiece micrometer.
The mean luminal diameter
of the duct was obtained and, by knowing the length of the sac, the luminal volume was calculated.
After a 10-min equilibration period, readings of the diameters were taken at
10-min intervals. in the duct.
A reduction in the luminal volume indicated a net reabsorption of fluid
The rate of fluid reabsorption
tubule in 10 or 30 min.
was expressed in of fluid reabsorbed/cm2 of
The 'reabsorptive area" was calculated from the mean internal
radius of the tubule and its length (2 7rrl). The Kreb's bicarbonate solution used had the following composition (mM): NaCI, 118; KCI, 4.7; CaC12i 2.56; MgSO4, 1.13; NaH2PO4, 1.17; NaHCO3, 25; glucose, 11.1. When gassed with 5 % CO2 in 02, it had a pH of 7.4. When sodium-free solution was used such was substituted for by an equivalent amount of choline and the NaHCO3 by KHCO3 (5.9 mM). In this instance, KCI was omitted and the solution was bubbled with pure 02 to obtain pH 7.4. The experimental protocol was as follows: fluid reabsorption
was measured over a
30 min control period followed by the addition of adrenergic agents.
Fluid reabsorption
was then taken for a further 30 min period to characterize the effect of these agents. most cases, the epididymal ducts were washed with normal Kreb's bicarbonate again and fluid reabsorption was followed for a further 20 min.
When blockers were used,
they were added to the bath 2 min before addition of the adrenergic agents. The following drugs were used: 1-adrenaline hydrogen tartrate (BDH); dl-isoproterenol sulfate (Sigma); 1-norepinephrine
(Sigma); dl-propranolol
HCl (Sigma); and
phenoxybenzamine (Smith, Kline & French) in 0.03 % propylene glycol. They were prepared 1-3 min before administration and were added to the peritubular fluid only. RESULTS Effects of adrenergic agents on fluid reabsorption The effects of adrenaline applied to the peritubular fluid is shown in Fig. I Adrenaline (10-5 M) produced a prompt and sustained increase in the fluid reabsorption rate. This effect of adrenaline was reversible on washing. The increase in fluid reabsorption was
FIG. 1. Effect of adrenaline (10-5 M) (C~) and adrenaline (10-' M) (0) on the rate of fluid reabsorption in isolated duct of rat cauda epididymidis. (C) control rate. Each point represents the mean-CS.E. from (C) six experiments, except for the points where the number of experiments are shown in parentheses; (®) nine experiments and (C) six experiments. The drugs were applied to the peritubular fluid at the first arrow and were washed out of the bath at the second arrow.
FIG. 2. Effect of propranolol (10-' M) ('j) and propranolol (10-5 M) (•) on the response to adrenaline (10 M). (P) control rate. Each point represents the mean j S.E. from (. ) five experiments; (•) five experiments and (C;) six experi ments. The drugs were applied to the peritubular fluid at the first arrow and were washed out of the bath at the second arrow.
estimated by calculating the percentage increase in rate compared to the control. experiments, adrenaline (10-s M) caused a 102.2--17.8% (meanCS.E.M.)
In six
increase in the
rate of fluid reabsorption over periods of 30 min following addition of the drug (P<0.001). A lower dose of adrenaline (10-q M) caused 57.8±7.9%
(mean C S.E.M.) (5 experiments)
increase (P<0.001). When the duct was pretreated
with propranolol
(10-q M), the stimulating
effect of
adrenaline (10-7M)
was reduced (Fig. 2). The increase in the rate of fluid reabsorption
over the control was 19.0+12.5% significant at P<0.05).
(fluid reabsorption
during the period 30-40 min was
When a higher dose of propranolol (10-5 M) was used, the stimu
lating effect of adrenaline (10-7M) was completely suppressed.
Under this condition, the
rate of fluid reabsorption was found to be reduced by 19.2±-9.4% (mean±S.E.M.) this effect was not significant statistically.
These results suggest that the effect of adrenaline
on fluid reabsorption was mediated through a beta action. by adrenaline after beta blockade (propranolol,
The slight inhibition produced
10-5 M) may be attributed to the alpha
action of the drug. The effect of isoprenaline on the rate of fluid reabsorption is shown in Fig. 3.
prenaline (10-5 M) caused a stimulation of fluid reabsorption which is similar to that seen with adrenaline. The increase was 50.9±9.4%%(mean ±S.E.M.(P<0.001) (9 experiments). A lower dose of isoprenaline (10-7M) also stimulated fluid reabsorption
by 27.5±16.2%
(mean±S.E.M.) but the result was not significantly different from the control. Fig. 4 shows a representative experiment in which the duct was treated with propranolol (10-5 M) prior to addition of isoprenaline (10-5 M). This concentration of propranolol completely blocked the effect of isoprenaline. However, on washing out the antagonist, the same concentration
of isoprenaline produced a large increase in the reabsorption rate.
The effects of noradrenaline
and blockers are shown in Fig. 5. Addition of nor
adrenaline (10_6 M) alone had no significant effect on the rate of fluid reabsorption. However, pretreatment of the epididymal ducts with phenoxybenzamine (10-5 M) prior to addition of noradrenaline (10-6 M) stimulated reabsorption rate by 44.6±7.5% (mean±S.E.M.) (P<0.005) (5 experiments).
On the other hand, if the ducts were pretreated with propranolol
(10-7M), no effect on the rate of fluid reabsorption was seen. However when the dosage of propranolol was increased to 10-5 M, an inhibition caused by noradrenaline (10-7 M)
Ft(,. 3. Effect of isoprenaline (10-5 M) (0) and isoprenaline (10-7 M) (S) on the rate of fluid reabsorption in isolated duct of rat cauda epididymidis. Each point represents the mean±S.E. from (C) nine experiments and (0) four experiments. Isoprenaline was applied to the peritubular fluid at the first arrow and was washed out of the bath at the second arrow.
FIG. 4. Effect of stimulation of beta receptors on the rate of fluid reabsorption crossing one isolated duct of rat epididymis. The first arrow indicates the addition of propranolol (10-6 M) to the peritubular fluid. This antagonist completely blocked the effect of isoprenaline (10-5 M) added at the second arrow. On washing out the antagonist (third arrow), isoprenaline (10-5 M) elicited a large increase in the reabsorption rate (fourth arrow). The beta stimulant was washed out of the medium at the fifth arrow.
FIG. 5. Effect of noradrenaline (10-6 M) (C); noradrenaline (10-6 M) in the presence of phenoxybenzamine (10 M) (0); noradrenaline (l0-' M) in the presence of propranolol (10-5 M) (C) and noradrenaline (10-' M) in the presence of propranolol (10-6 M) (A) on the rate of fluid reabsorption in the isolated duct of the rat cauda epididymidis. Each point gives the mean+S.E. from (0) six experiments; (0) five experiments; (C) five experiments and (A) five experiments. The drugs were added to the peritubular medium at the first arrow and were washed out of the bath at the second arrow.
was obtained.
The decrease in rate over the control was 45.6C7.6 % (mean+S.E.M.)
(P<0.005) (5 experiments). Effect of intraluniinal In attempts
sodium ion removal on the responses to adrenergic
to show whether
the active sodium transport
the effects of adrenergic
agents were mediated
the effects of these agents were studied in the isolated
ducts deprived of intraluminal ions.
In these experiments, the lumens
of the ducts were filled with a sodium free solution (sodium was substituted by an equivalent
of choline, and
NaHCO3 by KHCO3) and the tubules were
in a normal
Fig. 6 shows the
results from these experiments. reported
As was
(4), when sodium
was removed from the intraluminal fluid, fluid transfer
was inhibited
by 50%.
The effects of adrenergic agents on fluid reabsorption
in the presence of intra
FIG. 6. Effect of removal of intraluminal sodium ions on the rate of fluid reabsorp tion in the isolated duct of rat cauda epididymidis. Reabsorption rate was ex pressed over 30 min. The columns on the left show the effect of adrenaline (10-5 M) (B) and noradrenaline (10-' M) + pro pranolol (10_, M) (C) on the rate of fluid reabsorption when the duct was filled with normal sodium-containing solution. (A) control. The columns on the right show the responses to these catecholamines in the absence of intraluminal sodium ions. (A) control; (B) adrenaline (10 M) and (C) noradrenaline (10-7 M) + pro pranolol (10-6 M). Each column shows the mean }_S.E. The number of experi ments is shown in parentheses.
luminal sodium were taken from previous experiments except the rate was expressed over 30 min. Adrenaline (l0-s M) caused a 102% increase in the rate of fluid re absorption (P<0.001) and noradrenaline (10_7 M) in the presence of propranolol (10-s M) caused a 45.6 % decrease in the reabsorption rate (P<0.005). However, when the intraluminal
sodium was re
placed by choline, no effects of these adrenergic agents were observed.
& Schenk (7) and Norberg,
that the cauda epididymidis and adrenergic of vasomotor the muscle terminate
of many mammalian
nerves, the exact physiological and myomotor
coat in variable and form
tone (10, 11), has not been elucidated.
These nerves penetrate
a loose
and to different
Adrenaline epididymis.
rat cauda
and isoprenaline
by the beta
no significant
of the epididymis
and in many
in the epididymidis.
in regulating
we demonstrated
These effects could be blocked
was mediated incubating
in the isolated
by cholinergic
apart from their control
an important
(8) have shown
role of these nerves,
that these nerves may subserve
Risley & Ungerstedt
species are heavily innervated
is regulated
by propranolol,
of the drugs.
effect on the reabsorption with phenoxybenzamine
of ions and
the rate
by adrenergic
the rate of fluid reabsorption
It is possible
transport that
of fluid
in the isolated
that the stimulation
was added
rate was observed. prior to addition
to the
of noradrenaline
stimulated the rate of fluid reabsorption
by 45 %.
the presence of a beta blocker, propranolol,
On the other hand, noradrenaline, in
depressed reabsorption
rate by 46 %.
former effect may be attributed to the beta action of the drug, while the latter response to may be due its alpha action.
The effect of noradrenaline alone would be the net result of
opposing actions of both alpha and beta components of this catecholamine. The responses to these adrenergic agents on fluid reabsorption may have resulted from contraction of the muscle layers caused by these agents.
However, we consider this event
to be rather unlikely since responses in fluid reabsorption
to these adrenergic agents were
dependent on the presence of sodium ions in the intraluminal fluid medium.
When all the
sodium ions were removed from the intraluminal medium, the fluid reabsorption rate was reduced by 50%.
A similar degree of inhibition was obtained when amiloride (10-4 M)
was added to the luminal surface of the epithelium.
The result was taken to indicate that
50% of fluid transfer was secondary to an active transepithelial transport of sodium (4). When the effects of these adrenergic agents were studied in the absence of a transepithelial sodium transport (i.e. in the absence of intraluminal sodium), the stimulating effect of adrenaline and the inhibitory effect of noradrenaline were not seen. that the effects of adrenergic agents on fluid reabsorption
It is pertinent, therefore,
were mediated through their
actions on the sodium transport process. There is evidence that sympathetic agents regulate sodium transport in many epithelia. Martin & Young (12), Schneyer & Thavornthon (13) and Schneyer (14) when studying the electrolyte transport in perfused salivary duct found that alpha adrenergic agents caused a decrease while beta agents caused a rise in the rate of sodium reabsorption Furthermore,
in the duct.
Greven and Heidenreich (15) performed micropuncture on rat kidney and
suggested that beta agonists increased sodium and water reabsorption in the distal nephron. Our results are therefore consistent with the effects of adrenergic agents on sodium transport in these tissues.
It is of interest to note that transport processes in the rat cauda epididymidis
are very similar to that occurring in the distal tubule of the kidney. Using a microperfusion technique, we have recently demonstrated that the rat cauda epididymidis reabsorbs sodium and water and secretes potassium (16). transepithelial transport in frog skin.
Sympathetic agents were also found to affect
Alpha stimulants reduce net Na+ flux (17) and beta
stimulants enhance it (18, 19). The exact mechanism underlying the actions of these adrenergic agents on sodium transport hence fluid reabsorption in the rat cauda epididymidis is uncertain.
Cyclic AMP
has been shown to be the mediator of adrenaline-induced activation of liver phosphorylase and has been proposed as the mediator of the action of catecholamines on other systems (20). It is conceivable that beta adrenergic agents stimulate the generation of intracellular cyclic AMP in the epididymal epithelium, while alpha agents decrease it (21). In a separate study, when the luminal membrane of the rat cauda epididymidis was impaled with micro electrodes, it was found that it has a high permeability to sodium ions (22).
(10-7M) reversibly depolarized this membrane. The final effect of adrenaline seemed to be due to an alternation in the sodium conductance of the luminal surface of the epithelial
cells (unpublished). With the present data, it can be concluded that both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors may be present in the epididymal epithelium.
Beta receptor activation produces a rise while
alpha receptor stimulation produces a fall in the rate of fluid reabsorption. are dependent on the presence of intraluminal sodium ions.
These effects
Whether these receptors play
a physiological role in the control of fluid reabsorption in the cauda epididymidis remains an open question. Acknowledgement:
This work was supported by a grant from the World Health
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