Effects of etodolacTM and naproxen on adjuvant arthritis in the rat

Effects of etodolacTM and naproxen on adjuvant arthritis in the rat

61 Efffftsof EKWI.?Cm andNapruxencmI!djwantArthritis in the Rat lMartel,R., O'Cmmr, D., andWetze1,J. Ayerst ResearchIaboratories AnimalHealthDivisi...

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Efffftsof EKWI.?Cm andNapruxencmI!djwantArthritis in the Rat

lMartel,R., O'Cmmr, D., andWetze1,J. Ayerst ResearchIaboratories

AnimalHealthDivisiar Chazy,Nsw York 12921

lAyerstMcKennaiiRarrisCm,Inc. 1025bmrenti~ Blvd. Saint-Laurent, QuebecH4R lJ6

'IherelativeefficacyOf mlac ad nsprxxenwas exambd histologically and radiologicallyusing the rat djuvant art&it&i mdel. Thirty-six male rats wre divided ~lyinto6groups. &tt~itiswasiduodingrcups2-6bysubcu~sinjecticmof Ebund*son@ete adjwant in the tail. Grrruplservedasa nmarthriticantrol. Gross evi.&nceof arthritisin the hind legs was evidmtby day10 and anti-inflamatoq therapywasbsguncndayl6. Qmps3 and 4 received 2 and 8ng Etabladkg, respectively, andgraqs 5 and 6 rec+xd 2 ad 8rq napruxedkg,respectively. Drugs were~stereddaily~the~oftheshrdy.Grarp2servedasanarthritic positivecontrol. Mdiographsof UKI legsvmxtakenonday16 am3 againat the end of the study on day 44. RatsweIekilledonday44dbothhildlegswereI!emved, X-raysrevealedtissue , erosiaw, and bone loss in all djuvant-treatearats. These dmgess" presentdn days 16 am3 44. Their severitywasgreatestin the positive Rats mceiving 2ng/kg Etadolacor Znq/kg naproxenalso had considerable dsmqe.'ltmsere&ving8ng/kg mqmxen had xess mvere dmnges, while rats reosiving 8mg/kgRW&lacm far less-. Microsa@zexaminatim revealed lesionsinthe hind legs of all rats which receivedca@ete sdjuvant. These changesrepresented a Fs\qithkrvlDlvene?tof~~purfacesana.~iatea~,hcnes,and . SvbJectiveseverity samlng ldlcated that InflarmatoIy joint disease in grmp4 rate (Snq/kg Rtc&lac) was amsizy2d3 si?ficantly less severethan in all other adjwant-injectedanimsls. ad 6 were histologically irdistinguiddlefran each otherand arthritisd i&se l-ats was of amrked to severe nature. AterIudl~,Etodolacwasbet~abkthanneproxgntoretardtheproqres~ of djwant arthritis.

Anticholinesterase activityin rats follaring sublethal oral and intravenous doses of carbosulfan (2,3-dihydr~-2,2-dlirnethyl-7-benzofuranyl[di-n-butylaminosulfenyl][methyl] carbamate)

RENZI, B.E., DEY, M.S., KRIEGER. R.I. AND TANAKA, A.K.,* WOI Regional Program in Veterinary Medical Education, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843 and *Division of Toxicology and Physiology. Department of Entanology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521.

a selective N-methyl carbamate Sublethal mammalian toxfclty of carbosulfan, (AChE) insecticide, was characterlteo in rats. Red blood cell acetylcholinesterase actlvltv was measured usina a radianetrlc assay. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (220-3169) with jugular cannulas u&e-given oral or intravenous dosages of 86.4, 245 or 692 *g/kg. Proovlene elvcol was administered (0.4 ml/kg) orally or intravenously as the vehicle -.a 4- or 5-hour test period. control. Bio&I smples (0.2 ml) were drawn throughout AChE was saximally inhibited (62, 77 and 83%) one minute after iv administration of AChE activity had returned to carbosulfan (86.4. 245 and 692 ug/kg, respectively). pretreatwent levels at 4 hours. Maximtan AChE Inhibition (36%) was measured 45 minutes after oral adninlstratfon of 692 ug/kg and enzyme activity returned to pretreatment levels after approximately 5 hours. Signs of toxictty included urlnation, defecation. facial muscle fasciculatlons and, at the two higher Iv dosages, salivation and tremors. Carbosulfan causes a dose-related Inhlbitlon of RBC acetylchclinesterase and has loner toxicity when given orally. (Supported in part by NIH Bluaedica. Research Development Grant 1 5OB RR 09073-OlA2).