Effects of left ventricular hypertrophy on the signal-averaged electrocardiogram

Effects of left ventricular hypertrophy on the signal-averaged electrocardiogram

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Effects of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Signal-Averaged Electrocardiogram Thomas C. Hilton, MD, Terry Greenwalt, and Thomas A. Buckingham, MD


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on the V. Gudipati,

MD, Anthony

C. Pearson,


1,000 Hz. Ectopic or noisy beats were rejected by a recognition template generatedfrom thefirst 8 beats.At least I.50 beats were averaged in each recording with a rhythmias.leg Late potentials have been shown to predict noise level 25 31f21 37f27 NS digital form at l&bit accuracy with a sampling rate of

ignal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECG) has made possible the identification of late potentials in S patients at risk of developing malignant ventricular ar-


From the Division of Cardiology/Department of Internal Medicine, St. Louis University Medical Center, 3635 Vista at Grand, Box 15250, St. Louis, Missouri 63110. Manuscript received January 5, 1990; revised manuscript received and accepted May 3, 1990.







(8 to 98) 60f29 (25 to 137)

(7 to 103) 63*24 (21 to 140)


*p=o.us LAS duration = duration of low amplitude slgnal (GO mV) ln terminal QRS: LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy: NS = not slgnlfrcant; QRS duration = duration of flltered QRS: RMS LAS = root-mean-square amplitude of last 40 ms of QRS; RMS QRS = root-mean-square amplitude of flltered QRS.

rABl.E II Baseline Clinical Characteristics Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Mass Wrth LVH (%) Number Age Ws) Men Women Myocardral rnfarctron by hrstory Anterior myocardral infarction lnfenor myocardial Infarctron Both LV mass(g) Sudden cardiac death Clrnical ventrwlar tachycardra lnducrbilrty


Wrthout LVH (%)

TABLE Ill Statistical Association Between Individual and Combined Signal-Averaged Parameters with Clinical Events Patients With and Without Left Ventricular Hypertrophy p Value

21 61il5 16 (76) 5 (24) 15(71)

37 58~x15 29 (78) 5 (22) 19 (51)

8 (38)

9 (24)


7 (33)

9 (24)


0 176f68

6 (29) 8/ 19 (42) 14 (66)


Wrth LV Hypertrophy


QRSDuratron* LAS Duration* RMS4O(ms)” RMS QRS” Combined late potentrals+



LV Hypertrophy










0.062 OOMI OOOO 0.002 0.001

NS 0.111 0.016 0.016 0.025



* Compared to clinical events wng analyw of var!ance. t compared to cllnlcal events us,ng chl-square test. CVT = clinical ventrscular tachycardiaIND = inducible ventricular tachycardia. NS = not s,@cant. SCD = sudden cardiac death Other abbrevlatlons as I” Table II

l(3) 91i22 7 (1% 16/35 (46)

NS 0.00001 NS



20 (54)


tally significant differences in the QRS duration, LAS duration, RMS LAS or the RMS QRS (Table l). However, the QRS duration was slightly longer in patients with LVH (I22 f 22 ms us 103 f 16 ms, p = 0.09). No individual SAECG parameter was significantly associated with inducible ventricular tachycardia in patients with LV hypertrophy (Table IIl). However, 3 of the 4 individual SAECG parameters (LAS duration, RMS LAS and RMS QRS) were significantly associated with inducible ventricular tachycardia in patients with no LV hypertrophy, and the association of QRS duration to inducible ventricular tachycardia was close to statistical significance (p = 0.06). Late potentials were not associated with inducible ventricular tachycardia (p = 0.2) in patients with LV hypertrophy, but in patients without LV hypertrophy, late potentials were significantly associated with inducibility @ = O.OOI). Similarly, no individual SAECG parameter was significantly associated with clinical ventricular tachycardia in patients with LV hypertrophy (Table IIl). However, in patients with no LV hypertrophy, the RMS LAS and RMS QRS were significantly associated with clinical ventricular tachycardia @ <0.02). QRS duration and LAS duration also tended to correlate with clinical ventricular tachycardia @ = 0.19, p = 0.11, respectively). Late potentials showed no association with clinical ventricular tachycardia in patients with LV hypertrophy, but they were significantly associated with clinical ven-


present if L V mass was > 134 g/m2 for men or > 1 IO g/m’ for women. Electrophysiologic testing was performed in using a previously described protocol.R The endpoint of the stimulation protocol was the reproducible induction of a sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. In patients with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or ventricularfibrillation, stimulation was stopped if countershock was required. Continuous data is expressed as the mean f standard deviation and compared with one-way analysis of variance. Proportions were compared with the chi-square statistic. A p value 10.05 was considered statistically significant. Fifty-eight patients had SAECG, M-mode echocardiography and programmed electrical stimulation. Twenty-one patients had echocardiographic LV hypertrophy; 37 patients did not (Table Il). The 2 patient groups were similar in age, sex, incidence of myocardial infarction, inducible ventricular tachycardia, clinical ventricular tachycardia, and sudden cardiac death. When comparing patients with LV hypertrophy to patients without LV hypertrophy there were no statisti-

FIGURE 1. An example of a recording with a late potential. The measurements mod in this analysis are shown. The RIMS QRS is the area (unshaded and shaded) undsr the QRS curve. (Reproduced with permission from Am ./ Cardio/.23)



Total ORS 140 Under 40,~N 54





15, 1990


tricular tachycardia in patients with no LV hypertrophy (p = 0.025). No individual SAECG parameter had a statistically significant association with sudden cardiac death in either group (Table III). Late potentials were associated with sudden cardiac death inpatients with LV hypertrophy (p = 0.04) but not in patients without LV hypertrophy (difference not signijicant). SAECG has made possible the identification of patients at high risk of developing ventricular arrhythmia; however, clinical use of SAECG has been limited by borderline sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of this test as a predictor of serious clinical events.3 The clinical use of SAECG testing might be improved if highrisk populations are tested. Patients with LV hypertrophy represent such a high-risk population’1-‘9; however, our results show that LV hypertrophy may interfere with and subtract from the association between SAECG parameters and ventricular arrhythmias. Previous studies have shown the ability of SAECG to predict clinical ventricular tachycardia,3-6 inducible ventricular tachycardia8-lo and sudden cardiac death.3 However, no previous studies have separately analyzed patients with LV hypertrophy. Based on our findings, the exclusion of patients with LV hypertrophy may improve the ability of SAECG to predict inducible ventricular tachycardia and clinical ventricular tachycardia, but not sudden cardiac death. The fact that combined abnormal SAECG parameters (late potentials) were associated with sudden cardiac death only in patients with LV hypertrophy and not in patients without LV hypertrophy may reflect the higher incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients with echocardiographic’ 1,19and electrocardiographic’2 LV hypertrophy. Positive late potentials in patients with LV hypertrophy may identify a subgroup of these patients at higher risk for sudden cardiac death. Prospective studies will be needed to confirm this. The inducibility of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia by programmed electrical stimulation is a reliable clinical endpoint for guiding antiarrhythmic therapy. Moreover, we feel that the high degree of association between individual and combined SAECG parameters and inducible ventricular tachycardia in patients without LV hypertrophy and the absence of such an association in patients with LV hypertrophy is the most significant finding in this study. The most important limitations of our study relate to the small size and highly selected nature of the study population. Data derived from a small population of patients who have undergone programmed electrical stimulation cannot be extrapolated to the population at large. Our findings may be most useful in the interpretation of SAECGs on patients being considered for programmed electrical stimulation. Thus, individual and combined SAECG parameters are significantly associated with inducible ventricular tachycardia and clinical ventricular tachycardia in patients without echocardiographic LV hypertrophy but not in patients with echocardiographic LV hypertrophy. These data suggest that LV hypertrophy interferes with 766






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