Livestock Production Science, 27 ( 1991 ) 211-218
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam
Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin 1 on growth and carcass traits in Meishan pigs H.A.M. van der Steen 2, J. van Dijk, P.N. de Groot and E. Kanis Department of Animal Breeding, Wageningen Agricultural University P.O. Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, Netherlands (Accepted 1 May 1990)
ABSTRACT Van der Steen, H.A.M., van Dijk, J., de Groot, P.N. and Kanis, E., 1991. Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin on growth and carcass traits in Meishan pigs. Livest. Prod. Sci., 27:211-218. Effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin ( rpST ) on growth, feed intake, feed conversion, backfat thickness and lean percentage were examined in growing Meishan pigs. The experiment comprised 42 barrows of which 20 were administered 14 mg rpST twice a week i.m., starting at 40 kg, the others received a placebo. Pigs were fed ad libitum a diet containing 9.2 MJ net energy and 156 g crude protein kg- ~and were slaughtered at 90 kg liveweight. From 40 to 90 kg liveweight, rpST effects were: daily gain + 17.9%; feed intake - 5.1%; feed conversion - 17.5%; backfat thickness - 29.8%; lean percentage + 16.0%. The effects of rpST in Meishan are much larger than in a similar experiment with leaner western pigs. Development of synthetic breeds with Meishan in combination with the use of rpST in cross-bred fattening pigs may be a way to economically exploit the high fertility of Meishan. Keywords: body composition; Meishan; pigs; porcine somatotropin; production traits.
Chinese Meishan pigs are interesting for pig-breeding organizations as reproductive traits are superior to those of western breeds. Development of synthetics with Meishan will result in dam lines with good reproductive performance but rather poor growth and carcass traits. This disadvantage may be overcome to a large extent by use of recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) for cross-bred fattening pigs. The effects of exogenous somatotropin on production traits in growing swine have been the subject of many studies. In American pigs treated with soma~Recombinant porcine somatotropin was provided by Pitman-Moore Inc., Terre Haute, IN, USA. 2present address: Pig Improvement Company, Fyfield Wick, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX 13 5NA, UK.
© 1991 - - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
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totropin, Chung et al. ( 1985 ), Boyd et al. ( 1986 ), Kraft et al. (1986), Etherton et al. (1986a,b, 1987), McLaren et al. (1987), Campbell et al. (1988) and Bryan et al. ( 1989 ) found increases in growth and decreases in feed conversion. In some studies (Wolfrom et al., 1986; Smith et al., 1987 ) daily gain decreased or was unaffected. Feed intake decreased or did not change significantly in each of these studies. In German Pietrain pigs, which are considered to be very lean, no effect on any of these traits was significant (Hiister et al., 1988). Kanis et al. (1990) studied effects in three genotypes and slaughtered at 100 or 140 kg liveweight. Growth performance improved more in Fl (Dutch Yorkshire X Dutch Landrace) and Pietrain than in the fatter Duroc. It was concluded that, at higher weights, the improvement in growth and feed conversion is largest in lean animals. Additionally, most studies show a marked decrease in fat and increase in lean muscle in the carcass. Kanis et al. (1990) showed that effects of rpST on backfat thickness and lean percentage were greater for fatter pigs. The aim of the current study was to examine the effects of chronic rpST administration on growth, feed intake, backfat thickness and lean percentage in growing Meishan barrows. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Effects of rpST on growth and carcass traits were estimated in two batches of 10 and 32 Meishan barrows, respectively. Pigs were housed and fed individually. The composition of the diet during the treatment period is given in Table 1. The diet contained 9.2 MJ net energy, 156 g crude protein, 7.3 g digestible lysine, 4.7 g digestible methionine and cysteine, 6.1 g Ca and 4.4 g P kg -~. Pigs had free access to water. The rpST treatment consisted of i.m. administration of 14 mg twice a week in the neck region, alternating on the left and the right side. Administration of rpST or placebo started at an approximate weight of 40 kg liveweight and was continued until 4.5 days before slaughter at 90 kg liveweight. The rpST and control group consisted of 20 and 22 barrows, respectively. Liveweight and ad libitum feed intake were measured weekly from on average 17 kg to slaughter weight. Backfat thickness was measured ultrasonically at 40 kg and at slaughter weight. The backfat score was the mean of four measurements on each side of the animal's back, according to the method described by Kroeske et al. (1968). Animals were fasted half a day before slaughtering, which occurred once a week according to the rules for European export slaughter houses. Cold right carcass halves were dissected according to a standard method described by Bergstrrm and Kroeske ( 1968 ). Lean percentage was calculated as the sum of the weights of the trimmed, but not deboned, right-hand-side ham, cutlets, shoulder and meat scraps divided by the weight of the right half of the carcass times one hundred. Fat percentage was calculated in a comparable way and was based on belly, chin, back fat, fat
TABLE 1 Composition of diet ~ Ingredient
% by weight
Peas Extracted soy bean meal (43.5% crude protein ) Corn gluten feed Tapioca Extracted rape seed meal Alfalfa meal Sugarcane molasses Animal meal Animal fat Monocalcium phosphate Salt Mineral + vitamin mixture 2 Mixture 3
11 14.9 15 38.7 3 3 7 2.8 3.0 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.7
~Calculated: dig. lysine 0.73%; dig. methionine+cysteine 0.47%; net energy for pigs 9.2 MJ k g - t crude protein 15.6%; Ca 0.61%; P 0.44%. 2Mineral + vitamin mixture contained: Ca 29.4%; Fe 16 000 mg kg- 1; Zn 9000 mg kg- '; Mn 4800 mg kg- '; Co 30 mg kg- '; 1 80 mg kg- ~; Se 20 mg kg- t; Cu 4000 mg kg- l; vit. A 1 000 000 IU kg- ~; vit. D 3 200 000 | U kg- ~; vit. B2 700 mg kg- '; niacin 3600 mg kg- '; pantothenic acid 1000 mg kg- '; vit. B~2 3 mg kg- ~; vit. E 1500 mg kg- '; vit. K 80 mg kg- '; tylosin 4000 mg kg- '; dl-methionine 6%. 3Mixture contained: Ca 15%; P 10%; dl-methionine 10%.
meal and flare fat. The growth performance traits daily gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were calculated over the liveweight ranges from approximately 17 to 40 kg and 40 kg to slaughter weight. Data were first analysed with SAS GLM Type III (SAS Institute Inc., 1985 ), with a model comprising main effects and covariables. Interaction between main effects was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) and final least squares means are estimated in the model: Y,jk = ~ + B~ + Tj + covariables + e,jk
( 1)
where Yijk = characteristic of animal k of treatment j and batch i /z = general mean B, = fixed effect ofbatch i ( i = 1,2) Tj = fixed effect of treatment j ( j = 1,2 ) eijk = random e r r o r Covariables were overall (Model I a ) or within treatment (Model l b ). Covariables were: (i) weight at start of the pretreatment period (WPT) for feed intake (FIp), daily gain ( D G p ) and feed conversion (FCp) before 40 kg; (ii) weight at start of the treatment (WST) for feed intake (Fit), daily gain
(DGt) and feed conversion (FCt) from 40 to 90 kg and backfat thickness at 40 kg (BFT40); (iii) backfat thickness at 40 kg and carcass weight (WCC) for lean percentage (%LEAN) and fat percentage (%FAT); (iv) backfat thickness at 40 kg and weight at slaughter (WSL) for backfat thickness at 90 kg (BFT90). Covariables were included in the model to correct for variation in weight at start of the pretreatment and treatment period and at slaughter as these weights were not exactly 17, 40 and 90 kg, respectively, for both treatment groups. Lean percentage, fat percentage and backfat thickness at 90 kg were also corrected for backfat thickness at 40 kg as the control group was slightly, although not significantly, leaner than the rpST group at start of the treatment period. RESULTS
No differences were apparent between rpST-treated and control animals in health status and carcass abnormalities. Means and standard deviations of traits for both treatment groups are in Table 2. Table 3 lists the least squares means of growth traits during the pretreatment period and of backfat thickness at start of treatment. As expected no differences between least squares means of treatment were significant. At start of the treatment period rpST TABLE2
Means and standard deviations per treatment group Trait
W P T (kg) W S L (kg) W C C (kg) D G p (g d a y - ~) DGt (gday -~) Fip (kg day-~ ) Fit (kg day -~ ) FCp (kg kg-~ ) FCI (kg kg- ~) BFT40 ( mm ) BFT90 (mm) %FAT (%) %LEAN (%)
% diff.
17.1 87.7 66.0 547 531 1.49 2.12 2.75 4.04 14.4 27.4 51.2 37.4
3.2 1.5 1.9 94 98 0.24 0.32 0.30 0.30 1.9 4.3 3.1 2.3
16.0 90.1 65.2 564 619 1.48 2.01 2.69 3.36 15.3 20.8 44.4 43.3
3.3 3.4 2.8 149 124 0.28 0.20 0.36 0.54 2.7 3.6 2.6 1.9
+ 16.6 -5.2 - 16.8 - 24.1 - 13.3 + 15.8
W P T = weight at start of the pretreatment period; W S L = weight at slaughter; W C C = carcass weight; D G p , DGt, FIp, Fit, FCp, FCt = daily gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio during pretreatment and treatment period, respectively; BFT40 and BFT90 = backfat thickness of 40 and 90 kg, respectively.
TABLE3 Least squares means of feed intake, daily gain and feed conversion during the pretreatment period and backfat thickness at initiation of treatment for both treatment groups (Model la) Trait
FIp I (kg day-1 ) DGp ( kg d a y - J ) FCp (kg kg-~ ) BFT40 ( m m )
Least squares means
0.28 0.12 0.48 0.46
1.45 535 2.73 14.3
1.50 581 2.65 14.8
~For explanation of abbreviations, see Table 2. TABLE 4 Least squares means (Model l b ) of feed intake, daily gain, feed conversion ratio during treatment, backfat thickness, fat percentage, lean percentage and organ weights at slaughter for both treatment groups and significance of treatment ( T ) effects (Model la) Trait
Fit ~ (kg day -] ) DGt (g day-~ ) FCt (kgkg -~ ) BFT90 ( m m ) %FAT (%) %LEAN (%) Heart (g) Kidney (g) Liver (g) Spleen (g) Skin ( m m )
Least squares m e a n s T Control
2.15 532 4.07 28.5 51.3 37.5 246 287 1273 101 7.11
2.04 628 3.36 20.0 44.4 43.4 300 387 1776 138 8.15
Significance (P)
-5.1 + 17.9 -17.5 -29.8 - 13.5 + 16.0 +21.6 +34.8 +39.5 +35.9 +16.1
0.207 0.009 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
~For explanation of abbreviations see Table 2.
animals had more backfat than control animals ( + 0.9 m m ) . After correction for body weight the difference was only 0.5 mm. Table 4 lists least squares means of growth and carcass traits and weights of organs per treatment. There appears to be a significant effect of treatment on all traits ( P < 0.05 ) but feed intake. Treatment with rpST promotes daily gain, improves feed conversion, lowers backfat thickness and increases lean percentages and weight of organs. DISCUSSION
Results of the present experiment can to some extent be compared with results from Kanis et al. (1990) as the experiments were carried out at the
TABLE 5 Least squares means of daily gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, backfat thickness and lean percenlage for Meishan and European breeds Trait
DGt ~ (gday -~) Fit (kg day -~ ) FCt BFT90/100 ( m m ) %LEAN (%)
% diff.
% diff.
532 2.15 4.07 28.5 37.5
628 2.04 3.36 20.0 43.4
+17.9 -5.1 -17.5 -29.8 + 16.0
945 3.14 3.35 15.6 53.8
1012 3.01 3.00 13.2 56.8
+7.1 -4.2 -10.5 - 15.3 +5.6
~For explanation of abbreviations see Table 2. 2From Kanis et al. (1990).
same research farm and the experimental designs were similar. The difference involved the treatment period (40-90 kg and 60-100 kg for Meishan and European breeds, respectively), feed protein level and year-season (start of experiment in October 1987 and March 1988, respectively). Results for barrows are summarized in Table 5. In both experiments rpST administration resulted in an increased daily gain and decreased feed intake and feed conversion. Backfat thickness decreased and lean percentage was elevated. Meishan barrows showed larger improvements in growth and carcass traits than European barrows. This was especially the case for backfat thickness ( - 29.8 vs. - 15.3%) and lean percentage ( + 16.0 vs. + 5.7% ). Effects of rpST are related to the degree of fatness of the breed. Also McLaughlin et al. ( 1989 ) found responses in Chinese Beijing Black hogs (a composite of a local Chinese, Berkshire and Yorkshire breeds) that were at least as large as those for American breeds. Beijing Black hogs are however not as fat as Meishan barrows. Data suggest that in a composite of Meishan and European breeds relatively large effects of rpST can also be expected. In both experiments the dose was fixed at the equivalent of 4 mg day-t animal- 1 throughout the test period. This dose is similar to that in many other experiments. However, rpST was administered not daily but twice a week. This might have had a diminishing effect compared with results in the literature cited (Kanis et al., 1990). It is of interest to compare the difference between the Meishan and European control group with the effect of rpST treatment in Meishan barrows. The effect of rpST in Meishan was 23, 36, 66 and 99% of the breed difference in the control groups for daily gain, lean percentage, backfat thickness and feed conversion ratio, respectively. Development of synthetics with Meishan is a possible way to exploit the good reproductive performance of this Chinese breed. The rather poor growth
and carcass traits may be overcome to a large extent by use of recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) for cross-bred fattening pigs. A synthetic line with 50% Meishan as one of the breeds to produce the crossbred commercial sow will result in a fattening pig with 12.5% Meishan genes. The relatively large effect of rpST treatment in these fattening pigs in combination with selection for lean percentage in the synthetic might result in an acceptable level of growth and carcass traits.
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