Effects of subacute repeated injections of phencyclidine and MK-801 on substance P content in the rat brain

Effects of subacute repeated injections of phencyclidine and MK-801 on substance P content in the rat brain

352 Regulator) Peptldes. 46 (1993) 352-353 © 1993 Elsevier Science Pubhshers B V All rights reserved 0167-0115/93,'$06 00 REGPEP 01458 Effects of s...

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Regulator) Peptldes. 46 (1993) 352-353 © 1993 Elsevier Science Pubhshers B V All rights reserved 0167-0115/93,'$06 00

REGPEP 01458

Effects of subacute repeated injections of phencyclidine and MK-801 on substance P content in the rat brain H. Mitsushio, Y. Shirayama, T. N l s h i k a w a and K. T a k a h a s h l Dtvtston of Mental Disorder Research, National Center of Neurosclence, Tokyo (Japan)

Key words" Substance P; Schizophrenia; Phencyclldlne; Methamphetamine, MK-801; Prefrontal cortex; Rat brain


Several species of evidence suggest that substance P (SP) is revolved m the pathogenesls of schizophrenia (1) It is well known that hyper-dopaminergic state exist in the brain of schizophrenics It is also well estabhshed that SP has an excitatory effect on the activity of dopamine neuron [1] Moreover, the m~croinjection of antl-SP antibody into the ventral tegmental area (VTA) prevents the stress-induced increase in dopamlne turnover in the frontal cortex [2]. (2)We have reported the elevation of SP concentration at various brain regions including the prefrontal cortex in the post-mortem brains from chromc schizophrenics [3]. There were highly significant positive correlations between SP and actwlty of tyrosine hydroxylase, which is the rate llmmng enzyme ofdopamine synthesis (3) Methamphetamine, which

causes an psychotic state stmilar to the acute schizophrenia with posltwe symptoms (delusions or hallucinations) after abuse, decrease SP concentration in the nlgro-striatal system after a single injection [4], and increase SP concentration m the same brain areas after large dose repeated injections [5]. Phencyclidine (PCP), which is a non-competitive N M D A receptor antagomst, also causes a psychosis with both positive and negatwe symptoms (auUsm, emoUonal withdraw or abuha) which is more similar to schizophrenia [6] than methamphetamme In this experiment, we investigated whether PCP affected SP levels m the brain after single or repeated admmlstration To compare with PCP, effects of MK-801, which is a non-competitive N M D A receptor antagonist but not has the psychosis inducing effect, is also investigated.

Methods Correspondence to H Mltsushlo, Divaslon of Mental Disorder Research, National Center of Neurosc]ence, NCNP, 4-1-1 Ogawahlgashlmachl, Kodalra, Tokyo 187, Japan

Smgle admintstratton Male Wlstar r a t s w e i g h i n g 180-200 g were used. PCP was given at doses 2.0, 5.0, 10 mg/kg 1.p. and decapitated 60 mm after the

353 TABLE I Increase in SP content m the prefrontal cortex 24 h after PCP repeated administration Area


PCP (10mg/kg)

MK-801 (1.0mg/kg)

Prefrontal cortex Llmblc forebram Stnatum Substantla mgra Ventral tegmental area

135 _+6 736 + 45 603+31 3922_+ 197 1801+ 169

158 + 28* 688 + 60 599+29 3727+ 304 1582+ 188

144 + 15 639 + 30 579+23 3318 + 227 1528+ 92

Values are mean + S E.M * P < 0 05

injection MK-801 was given at doses 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/kg i.p. and decapitated 30 rain after the rejection. Repeated admintstratzon. PCP (10mg/kg) or MK-801 (1 mg/kg) were gaven i.p. six times every 4 - 6 h and decapitated 24 h after the last injection. Saline was administered as controls. Brains were quickly removed and striatum, substantia nigra, frontal cortex, ventral tegmental area (VTA) and limblc area were dissected out immediately and stored at - 8 0 ° C until assay. The supernatant of the homogenate was lyophilized and apphed to the EIA of substance P using specific antiserum against substance P as described elsewhere [7,8].

ConcLusions A single administration of PCP dose-dependently reduced the SP levels in the prefrontal cortex, limbic forebrain, stnatum, substantia nigra but not in the VTA. A single administration of MK-801 dosedependently reduced SP levels in the prefrontal cortex and limbic forebrain but not in the striatum, sub-

stantta nigra or VTA. Repeated administration of PCP, not MK-801, increased SP level only in the prefrontal cortex (Table I) The finding that the repeated admimstratlon of PCP but not MK-801 increased SP content only m the prefrontal cortex suggests that prefrontal, not striatonigral, SP neuron might be lmphcated in the effect of PCP in reducing schizophrenia-like psychotic state.

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