WorldParent Information, Pergamon Orbit InfoLme Prmted m Great Brltam
Vol Inc
10, No
1, pp 86-91,
Abstracts of Articles Included in This Issue
Vermelr D , Laenens E and Dierick J Applymg AI Techniques for Patent Information Retrieval World Patent Informatron 10 (l), 26-36
Walker R D Patents as a Source of Sclentlflc and Technical Information m Developing Nations World Patent Informatzon 10 (l), 5-10
This report presents an overvlew of recent developments In software technology, especially mformatlon retrieval and expert systems Particular conslderatlon 1s given to the possible apphcatlons m the drea of user-friendly access to patent mformatlon systems A proposal for an expert system, that could dct a5 d knowledgeable mtermedlary between the end user with no lnformatlon retrieval experrence and the various host systems, IS described
Characterlstlcs of patent documents, recent changes m them, and recent external developments desIgned to faclhtate the use of patent documents are detaIled to support the suggestion that patents are potentially a primary source of sclentlflc and techmcdl mformatlon avaIlable to developing natlons Comparison to the Journal literature IS made
Stlllger J and Hartung V Use of CD-ROM for Patent Information World Patent Information 10 (l), 37-40
Davis Smith E M A Comparison of Some Patent Databases World Patent Znformatlon 10 (l), 11-16
Startmg from the present Sltudtlon m patent InformatIon management, the use of CD-ROM m patent InformatIon will be described Information on fedslblhty, orgdnlzatlon of data and on cortc drc given Producmg a CD-ROM offhne database contammg full-text and Images of patent documents requires an appropriate subdlvlslon of data files Model calculations show that CD-ROM databases may be cheaper than common paper collection A proposal 1s given for mternatlonal cooperation usmg CD-ROM m the patent field
Wrltten from d non-speclahst vIewpoInt, several patent databases are compared for chemical searchmg WPI, Chenucal Abstracts and the Claims files on Dialog, Inpadoc and Patsearch on InfoLme, and CAS Onlme via STN are considered A brief overvIew shows their coverage and scope Different ways of searchmg are exammed, m relation to each of the databases Command languages, graphics searching and search aids are mentloned, and a comparative table 1s given
Wilson R and Tlpson H Computer Based Pubhshmg m the Australian Patent Office World Patent Znformatzon 10 (l), 41-45
Trelguer C R Technological InformatIon Diffusion Recent Experience m Brazil WorldPatent Znformatzon 10 (l), 17-19
The AUStrdhdn Patent Office has d leglslatlve requirement to publish particulars of patent, trade mark and design actlvlty wlthm Austraha Drawmgs, text, Images and other data for trade marks, patents and designs are prmted weekly In the Official Journals (Ga7ettes)
INPI m Brazil 1s developmg new services, based on Its large patent document file, to assist mdustrlal and technological development One service supphes patent document copies from abroad to large compames m technologies of Interest to them Another for small compames translates patents mto more understandable language Access to databases such as DIALOG, ORBIT, etc , ISalso bemg offered through INPI and a blbhographlc database of BrazIlIan patent apphcatlons ts being bmlt up
In 1985186 the OffIce mvestlgated the posslbllltles of computer based processmg for Its regular weekly pubhcatlons The lnvestlgatlon consldered how best to hold and retrieve text data, how patent, trade mark and design lmager rmght be processed and what Lomputer based pubhshlng software and hardware could be used to lower overall Office publlshmg coSts
Pllch W and Vacek G Efficient Use of Japanese Bibliographic Databases WorldPatent Information 10 (l), 20-25 Users of Japanese online mformatlon two prmclpal obstacles
outside of Japan
Followmg the mvestlgatlon the Austrahan Patent Office developed ,I pubhshmg system usmg ADABAS to hold text ddta, OLIVETTI’, FILENET optlcal disk system to hold Images, the XEROX ‘XICS’ software system to produce typesettlng master5 and a XEROX 9700 laser prmter to print high quahty output
have to face
(2) Blbhographlc data or numerlcal mformatlon are presented by Japanese databases together with standardized computer texts which are given m KanJi, m Kana or sometimes m combmed texts Therefore even for the mterpretatlon of numerlcal data, calendar data etc the help of an Interpreter IS necessary
On 1 Ianuary 1987 the patent and trademarks Weekly JOUrndk were Issued for the first time usmg d computer database of text for both Journals and of images for the trademark Journdl The text dnd Images are merged by the XICS typesetting pdckage dnd prlnted on the XEROX 9700 laser prmter The new pubhcatlons are ed\ler to produce, are of a higher quality and hdve been well received by subscrlbers As d result of the Lomputertsdtlon the Office’\ pubhcatlon costs for the Journals hdve been reduced substdntiaily
It 1s shown that standard PC equipment can be used to &splay and prmt Kanji onhne data, and that standardized texts can be dlsplayed m Latm characters
This article describes how this system wds developed dnd Implemented, the benefits achieved by the OffIce and ldentlfles lrkely future dIrectIons
(1) Japanese hardware with all the optlons to display KdnJl characters IS not sold outslde Japan normally