Electronic mail submission of LATEX manuscripts

Electronic mail submission of LATEX manuscripts

Electronic Mail Submission of L*T,X Manuscripts Communications prepared using LATEXmay be submitted directly to Elsevier using the Solid S:ate Commuti...

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Electronic Mail Submission of L*T,X Manuscripts Communications prepared using LATEXmay be submitted directly to Elsevier using the Solid S:ate Commutiications electronic mail address: [email protected] . We will acknowledge safe receipt of the electronic mail submission and forward the Communicafion to the Editor specified by the author for refereeing in the normal way. Should electronic submission be unsuccessful, authors must submit their Communication as a hard copy camera-ready or regular manuscript directly to a Solid Sfate Communications Editor. Authors should note that once a Communication has been forwarded all subsequent correspondence should be with the specified Editor until it is accepted for publication. Upon acceptance by the Editor the L’TeX file(s) will be used to generate a manuscript in the SolidStare Communications document layout ready for printing.

Style Files We ask that authors prepare their GT,X Communications using our preprint style, and avoid compiicated visual formatting in TeX. When the article is prepared for publication by Elsevier, this preprint style is replaced by a document style for So/id Stare Communicalions. Authors may use any standard L*TeX commands in the main body of the text. The ‘elsart’ preprint style is available in two forms, one for the old LATeX 2.09 format, and the other for the new standard L*T,X2,. Its use is described in our full “Instructions to Authors”. This, and the style tiles themselves, can be obtained from Elsevier, or from the Internet “Comprehensive TeX Archive” sites using anonymous Ap; the main CTAN sites are ftp.shsu.edu, ftp.dante.de and ftp.tex.ac.uk and the files are in the directory texarchive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/elsevier; please contact our technical support (see below) if you have any difficulty accessing the CTAN archives.

Electronic Mail Submission Communiculions should be prepared as one LATEXfile and sent via electronic mail as one message. * Prepare the file such that no line is longer than 72 characters. This prevents loss of information in various networks. * Include: name of sender; journal name; and name of the file in the subject line of your message. + Ensure that the file is approximately 2200 words in length (ext. title, authors’ names, abstract, keywords, figures). * Indicate the Editor to whom the Communication should be fonvarded; they will not be processsed unless this information is supplied. + Supply telephone and fax numbers with your electronic mail submission. * Indicate if the submission is a revised version of a previously transmitted file.

Including Graphics Authors may prepare their figures in any suitable system; we recommend that they be submitted electronically with the article, and that the normal LATEX‘figure’ environment be used to place them in the article. We prefer submission as Encapsulated PostScript or TIFF, and JPEG for half-tones, but other formats may be acceptable; please contact Elsevier to check before sending the files. The use of the new LAT,X2, is strongly encouraged if you plan to include graphics files, as it includes a standard command for the purpose, \includegraphics. Please contact our technical support before using other macro packages. You should use an archiving program to package and send your graphics files; the preferred format is ZIP, which should then be encoded (using “uuencode”) to send through electronic mail. Authors who submit their Communicafionvia electronic mail but are unable to submit figures electronically should forward review quality figures by fax while the originals are sent by mail to the SSC Production Office at the address below as soon as possible.

Other Macro Packages and Authors’ Macros Use only standard LATEX add-on packages (e.g. those supported by the L*TeX developers, such as ‘array’ or ‘longtable’). We recommend use of the AMSL*TeX package with the Elsevier preprint style for more sophisticated mathematics. Cottntttrtnicurionsprepared in the RevTeX format are also acceptable. We prefer authors not to define their own short-hand macros, but if they are essential please ensure that they are well described.

Further Information Authors requiring assistance in the preparation of the Elsevier preprint style should contact: Sebastian Rahtz Email: [email protected] Fax: (+44) (0) 1865 84 3905 Tel: (+44) (0) 1865 84 3662

and submission of LATEXmanuscripts via electronic mail, and the use or SSC Production OfIke, Elsevier Science Limited, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 IGB, UK Email: [email protected] Fax: (+44) (0) 1865 84 3923; Tel: (+44) (0) 1865 84 3856