Electrostatic coherent structures generation by local heating in a collisionless plasma

Electrostatic coherent structures generation by local heating in a collisionless plasma

Physics Letters A 368 (2007) 82–86 www.elsevier.com/locate/pla Electrostatic coherent structures generation by local heating in a collisionless plasm...

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Physics Letters A 368 (2007) 82–86 www.elsevier.com/locate/pla

Electrostatic coherent structures generation by local heating in a collisionless plasma C. Briand a,∗ , A. Mangeney a , F. Califano b,a a LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France b Physics Department, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Received 30 January 2007; received in revised form 23 March 2007; accepted 26 March 2007 Available online 4 April 2007 Communicated by F. Porcelli

Abstract We propose a new mechanism for the generation of electrostatic coherent structures and Langmuir fluctuations in a stratified plasma. The model is base on open boundary 1D Vlasov simulations where heated electrons are injected by applying a temporal continuous periodic modification of the width of the electron distribution function at one boundary of the simulation box. To our knowledge, that is the first time that a “localized heating” mechanism is studied as a driver for the development of bi(multi)polar electric field with their associated electron density holes and vortices in the phase space. After the development of many electrostatic coherent structures, the injected fast particles are free to move along their ballistic limit, while electrons moving at nearly, or less than, the thermal speed are diffused in phase space by the local fields. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 52.65.Ff; 52.65.-y; 52.35.Sb; 52.35.Fp; 94.05.Pt

1. Introduction Electron holes and bipolar electric structures are frequently observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer of the magnetotail [1–3] near the bow shock [4–6], in the auroral ionosphere [7–11], in the solar wind [12,13] and also in the environment of the Jupiter’s Satellite Europa [14]. Recently, it has been suggested that these structures could play an important role in magnetic field reconnection [3,15]. In the laboratory electron holes, also called BGK modes, have been generated experimentally in a Penning–Malberg trap by means of a nonlinear phase locking process (autoresonance) [16] and recently interpreted by means of Vlasov simulations and an analytic model [17]. The understanding of the physical processes responsible for the development of such structures is thus crucial. Since almost identical electric structures and associated localized deviations from charge neutrality are observed in nu* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Briand). 0375-9601/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2007.03.077

merical simulations of the development of two stream or similar plasma instabilities [1,18–24], it is now commonly accepted that some sort of beam instability is responsible for the observed structures. This interpretation is strengthened by the frequent observations of bumps in the electron distribution functions in the regions where bipolar electric fields are observed. Typically, these beams are considered to be a deformation of the distribution function in velocity space, sufficiently strong to excite “hydrodynamic” or Buneman type of instabilities. They are also spatially extended, so that any kind of flight effects occur only on time scales much larger than the typical growth time of the instability. Such beams are thought to be created by a dc electric field, as for example during magnetic field reconnection. In the framework of a numerical approach, the term “beam” usually refers to a spatially, usually almost monoenergetic, long train of electrons or ions compensated by a second counter propagating electron/ion beam [25–27]. In situ solar wind observations of electron distribution functions during type III radiobursts also show the presence of a bump of high energy electrons [8,28]; this beam, however, moves towards smaller

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velocities as time goes on, suggesting that time of flight effects are important. This is expected if the type III electrons are produced in some limited region, for example in the heated region where a nanoflare has occurred: the hot electrons escaping in the more tenuous higher corona forming a bump in the tail of the distribution function with a time varying mean velocity [29]. More generally, since the plasmas we are considering are collisionless, any perturbation of the distribution functions in a limited region is expected to affect by a combination of purely ballistic and wave particle interaction a much larger region. These processes replace the usual transport phenomena in a collisional fluid, where the distributions remain approximatively Maxwellian, while the macroscopic quantities evolve on hydrodynamic time scales. It is expected, in the collisionless case, to observe the ballistic formation of beam like features for suprathermal particles and something like thermalization for thermal ones. The purpose of this Letter is to present some numerical simulations illustrating these processes and explore how spatially localized time modulations of the electron flux entering the numerical domain may produce, inside this domain, unstable deformations of the electron distribution function leading to the formation of electron holes. Finally, density gradients and density fluctuations are thought to play a critical role in the double layers development ([24] and references therein) and in the clumpy aspect of Langmuir waves in the solar wind [30]. A density stratified atmospheric model is thus considered. 2. Simulation conditions We consider a density stratified atmospheric model, including both electrons and protons, with a time-independent gravity field g  balanced by a self-consistent Pannekoek–Rosseland electric field ε (PR hereafter, [31]). The time evolution of the distribution functions is obtained by solving the Vlasov equation with open boundary conditions [32] in a 1D plasma box of length L. The numerical code is based on the “splitting algorithm” which in practice reduces the numerical scheme to the solution of an advection equation obtained by the implementation of a III order accurate Van Leer scheme which conserves the total charge of the particles [32]. The self induced electric field E is determined through the Ampere’s law instead of solving the Poisson equation for which numerical errors introduced at the boundaries (in particular where heated electrons are injected, see Eq. (3)) immediately propagate inside the full box. The set of dimensionless equations is:  ∂fα ∂fα  ∂fα +v − E + ε − g = 0, ∂t ∂x ∂v  ∂E = −J, J = vfp dv − vfe dv, ∂t


and electron mass, the electric field to me ve ωe0 /e and the gravity to (ve ωe0 )−1 . The distribution function of each species at time t = 0 is given by the following, normalized, Maxwellian function:    2 x 1 v exp − e , fe (x, ve , 0) = √ exp − h 2 2π     2  vp mp Te me Tp 1 x fp (x, vp , 0) = √ exp − exp − , h 2 me Tp 2π mp Te h being the scale height of the atmosphere. Initially, the system is isothermal with the same temperature for both species. The scale height is a free parameter of the simulation which sets both the gravity and the PR electric field, which, when Tp /Te = 1, takes the form g  = 2/ h = 2ε. The atmosphere is in equilibrium: we observe no development of fluctuations in absence of external heating. In x = L (corresponding to the density minimum), particles with v > 0 are free to leave while those with v < 0 maintain in time their initial distribution: fα (x = L, vα < 0, t) = fα (x = L, vα < 0, t = 0). The same boundary condition on the incoming particles, v > 0, is imposed on the protons at the left boundary x = 0 where, instead, heated electrons are injected by a modulation of their Maxwellian distribution function: fp (x = 0, vp > 0, t) = fp (x = 0, vp > 0, t = 0),   1 v2 exp − 2e , fe (x = 0, ve > 0, t) = √ 2vdriv 2πvdriv    2πt vdriv = 1 + α 1 − cos T



while outgoing particles, ve < 0, are free to leave the domain. The width of the Maxwellian profile of the electron distribution function at x = 0 is thus controled by vdriv which is parameterized by the values of α and by the period T . In the present work T = 300, α = 0.5, h = 3/4L, mp /me = 1836, L = 2000λD , Tp /Te = 1, −10 < ve < 10 and −0.1 < vp < 0.1. The grid parameters were chosen to satisfy a compromise between a sufficient sampling of the phase space and a reasonable computational time: δx = λDe , δt = 0.01ωpe . Other simulations with different values of T , α, L and h were performed. The results are qualitatively the same. Some specific comments on the role of the density gradient value are given in the next section. Those parameters do not to represent quantitatively a specific natural environment. They were chosen to allow long enough simulations (in space and time) with a reasonable computation time.


3. Results

where fα stands for the distribution function of each species (e for electrons and p for protons) and J is the electric current. Here length and time are normalized to the Debye length −1 at the entrance of the simulaλD and the plasma period ωe0 tion domain, x = 0 (corresponding to the density maximum), velocities vα and masses mα to the electron thermal velocity

Several profiles of the electron distribution function, at different time instants, close to the electrons injection boundary are displayed in Fig. 1. During the period 0 < t < 150, heated electrons are introduced in the system. As a consequence, the width of the electron distribution function increases for the incoming particles. It also corresponds to the generation of a net


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Fig. 1. Electron distribution function profiles in x = 1 for the times t = 0, 150, 210 and 250.

Fig. 3. Electron distribution function at time t = 330 for a reduced range of spatial points together with the electric field E(x, t = 300) (top curve) and the electronic density curve Ne (x, t = 300) − Ne (x, t = 0) (lower curve).

Fig. 2. Potential (black curve, left axis) and total current (gray curve, right axis) as a function of space for time t = 330.

current. The plasma immediately reacts by generating a return current in order to maintain quasi-neutrality. Consequently, the bulk of the electron distribution function is shifted towards negative velocity values. As a result, a positive valued electric field grows close to the boundary and pushes the electrons towards x = 0 creating an increase of the electron density and a decrease of the proton density, with some time delay due to their mass ratio. The opposite behavior happens during 150 < t < 300, which corresponds to a decrease of the heating. Thus, even if the number of particles with positive velocities is maintained constant by the heating mechanism, the (ve > 0) variations of the velocity distribution lead to a local charge separation: the number of particles travelling at a given velocity v is no longer compensated by the same number of particles travelling at the velocity −v. This charge separation induces the development of potential bumps (Fig. 2). These structures develop well inside the simulation domain (not shown here, see [33]). Vortices in phase space rapidly develop, associated with the electric structures previously described and with density holes (Fig. 3). They form along the electron ballistic limit, x = ve t and spread over a limited range of velocity (v = ±2vth ). As a consequence, slow (less energetic) electrons are trapped by the electric potential. This electron trapping then implies velocity filtering: the fastest electrons move with an almost constant velocity while the slow-

Fig. 4. Electron distribution function as a function of space and time for two velocities: v = 1 (upper) and v = 5 (lower). The white dashed line shows the ballistic limit for the given velocity.

est ones are confined in local potential wells. This is illustrated in Fig. 4 where the characteristics of the electron distribution function (i.e. the contour levels of fe (x, t) at constant velocity) are displayed for two selected velocity. The displacement velocity of the vortices is of the order of the electron thermal speed, too fast to involve the protons in the

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Fig. 5. Electron distribution function at position x = 1000 for the several times indicated on the figure. The bump results from the free streaming of the “high energy” (i.e. not trapped) electrons. Time t = 700 shows the perturbation of the distribution function when vortices appear.

dynamics; indeed, the ion distribution function does not show important modifications. A very important result is shown in Fig. 5 which displays the electron distribution function profiles for several times at a given position x. It shows how a bump in the distribution function moves from high to low velocities. This behavior of the distribution function hump is qualitatively similar to observations of electron distribution function associated with type III radio bursts in the solar wind [8,28]. Finally, there is a significant interaction between the electrostatic fluctuations produced by the repeated injection of heated electrons which induces the formation of a “turbulent” layer that progressively extends and fills the whole simulation box. This does not prevent the escape of the clouds of suprathermal electrons. 4. Conclusions In this work we have shown that localized periodic temporal fluctuations of the electron distribution function width are able to reproduce the electric and density features observed in many natural plasma. The evolution of the resulting turbulent layer does not depend qualitatively of the details of the temporal variations at the boundary. Localized perturbations of the electron distribution function are probably easier to be generated than monoenergetic beams. We must also stress that the applied heating is relatively moderate (compare curve at t = 0 and t = 150 of Fig. 1): a factor 2 in the driver velocity. In subsequent papers (in preparation) we will present results for impulsive forcing and evolution of the turbulent layer at large scale and long time duration. In the process of excitation we propose here, the values of parameters of the heating mechanism have been chosen such that the typical particles velocities remain limited to a few electron thermal velocities (depending on the initial heating). So, our results here cannot be directly applied to the problem of type III burst (which require velocities of about 0.1c i.e. 100vth ) but may be considered as a possible explanation for other kinds of very fine radio signatures [34].


Furthermore, in the simulations presented here, no conditions were imposed on the total current at both boundaries of the simulation domain. However, other simulations (not discussed here) performed with J = 0 on each edge show that the structure development is qualitatively equivalent. The only relevant difference arise in the time delay for the structures to grow: in the case J = 0 the bi-polar electric field are generated more rapidly. We finally note that in the present work the density gradient included in the model was mainly set for exploratory purposes (and comparison with already published works [23,24]) and was based on solar wind parameters [35]. On the other hand, for comparisons with ionospheric observations, a much longer scale length of the plasma should be used which, however, would require a much stronger computational effort. A detailed study on the influence of the density gradient on the hole dynamics and electrostatic fluctuations evolution is in preparation. Some preliminary tests suggest that any kind of temporal perturbation of any moment of the electron distribution function (temperature, heat flux, etc.) should lead to the development of a large turbulent domain filled by a large number of electron holes and to the velocity filtering mechanism. References [1] H. Matsumoto, et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 21 (25) (1994) 2915. [2] H. Kojima, H. Furuya, H. Usui, M. Matsumoto, Geophys. Res. Lett. 24 (23) (1997) 3049, doi:10.1029/97GL03043. [3] C. Cattell, et al., J. Geophys. Res. 110 (A1) (2005) A01211, doi:10.1029/ 2004JA010519. [4] H. Matsumoto, Adv. Space Res. 20 (4–5) (1997) 683. [5] S. Bale, et al., Astrophys. J. 575 (2002) L25, doi:10.1086/342609. [6] C. Cattell, et al., Nonlinear Process. Geophys. 10 (2003) 13. [7] F.S. Mozer, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (7) (1997) 1281, doi:10.1103/ PhysRevLett.79.1281. [8] R.E. Ergun, et al., Astrophys. J. 503 (1998) 435, doi:10.1086/305954. [9] R.E. Ergun, et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 (19) (2001) 3805, doi:10.1029/ 2001GL013024. [10] B.T. Tsurutani, et al., J. Geophys. Res. 106 (A9) (2001) 19035. [11] C. Cattell, et al., Adv. Space Res. 28 (11) (2001) 1631. [12] A. Mangeney, et al., Ann. Geophys. 17 (1999) 307. [13] C. Lacombe, et al., Ann. Geophys. 20 (2002) 609. [14] W.S. Kurth, et al., Planetary Space Sci. 49 (3–4) (2001) 345. [15] X.H. Deng, et al., Adv. Space Res. 37 (2006) 1373, doi:10.1016/ j.asr.2005.05.129. [16] L. Friedland, F. Peinetti, W. Bertsche, J. Fajans, J. Wurtele, Phys. Plasmas 11 (2004) 4305. [17] L. Friedland, P. Khain, A.G. Shagalov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 225001. [18] Y. Omura, et al., J. Geophys. Res. 104 (A7) (1999) 14627. [19] M.V. Goldman, M.M. Oppenheim, D.L. Newman, Geophys. Res. Lett. 26 (1999) 1821. [20] D.L. Newman, M.V. Goldman, M. Spector, F. Perez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (7) (2001) 1239, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.1239. [21] D.L. Newman, M.V. Goldman, R.E. Ergun, A. Mangeney, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (25) (2001) 255001, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.255001. [22] T. Umeda, Y. Omura, H. Matsumoto, H. Usui, J. Geophys. Res. 107 (A12) (2002) 1449, doi:10.1029/2001JA000286. [23] N. Singh, Geophys. Res. Lett. 27 (7) (2000) 927, doi:10.1029/ 1999GL003709. [24] N. Singh, Geophys. Res. Lett. 29 (17) (2002) 1833, doi:10.1029/ 2002GL015195. [25] D.R. Nicholson, M.V. Goldman, P. Hoyng, J.C. Weatherall, Astrophys. J. 223 (1978) 605, doi:10.1086/156296.


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