BOOK REVIEW Endosonography, 3rd Edition.
Endosonography, 3rd Edition, 2015 is the latest revision of this premier EUS textbook by Hawes, Fockens, and Varadarajulu. Since the 2nd edition of this textbook by the same editors, published in 2011, substantive additions, modifications, and improvements have been made. The text has increased by nearly a hundred pages. There are an additional 99 new images (345 in total) and 52 new videos (96 in total). Chapters are organized into 7 sections: Basics of EUS, Mediastinum, Stomach, Pancreas and Biliary Tree, Anorectum, EUS-Guided Tissue Acquisition, and Interventional EUS. Most of the sections start with a chapter called “How to perform,” which provides detailed instructions for novices, complete with anatomic diagrams, classic EUS images, and well-narrated video clips. These “how to” sections have been revised, with improved correlations between the text, illustrations, and videos. A welcome addition to the latest work is the use of quick-response codes that allow smart phones and other personal devices to rapidly download and replay the video clips. These videos and most of the other contents of the book can be viewed on the publisher’s Web site, On-line registration for the electronic version of the book also includes updates, with periodic e-mails from the editors regarding important new contributions to the EUS literature. This latest volume contains 27 chapters, including two new chaptersdone titled “New Techniques in EUS: RealTime Tissue Elastography, Contrast-Enhanced EUS, and Fusion Imaging.” The second new chapter results from splitting “How to Perform EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration and Biopsy” into two separate how-to chapters: one titled “EUS-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration” and the other “EUS-Guided Fine Needle Biopsy.” Forty-two expert endosonographers contributed to This Volume, with changes in authorship for the chapters titled “Bile Duct, Gallbladder, and Ampullary Lesions” and “Rectal Cancer.” The chapter titled “EUS-Guided Drainage of Pancreatic Pseudocysts” in the 2nd edition has been appropriately revised to “EUS-Guided Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections,” whereas the former chapter “EUSGuided Drainage of Pelvic Abscesses” has been modified and expanded to include “EUS-Guided Drainage of Gallbladder, Pelvic Abscesses, and Other Therapeutic Interventions.”
The strengths of the new book, as in the prior editions, include the easy-to-read text, the well-done illustrations, and many of the videos, especially those including detailed commentaries and pointers. In spite of the large number of images in this work, we believe there is still some room for improvement in the quality of a number of the images and video clips. It would be beneficial to include more schematic illustrations, both of classic EUS anatomic images and of pathology findings, as are often found in many older EUS textbooks. Still images sometimes lack adequate identification of all of the specific findings, which can sometimes be better demonstrated with a corresponding illustration. Some chapters could be more in-depth, with respect to precise localization of anatomic structures and specific details of the various maneuvers that often are required to identify the important structures at each station. A deficiency not only of this book but of all EUS textbooks is the lack of a chapter explaining how to manipulate the various controls on the EUS console to obtain the highest quality endosonographic image. Although an understanding of the physical principles of ultrasound is crucial, it is not sufficient by itself to allow one to create high-quality images. Endosonographers need a facile understanding of how best to use the various available features, including the appropriate use of Doppler (and which of the many Doppler features to use and when) as well as the requisite skills for recording and storing still images and videos. The book also might benefit from a more clinical approach to problem solving that integrates other imaging modalities. For instance, clinical approaches to managing the patient with a dilated bile duct or other abnormal findings on imaging studies (incidentalomas, abnormal adrenal glands), the approach to obstructive jaundice, the approach to the patient with acute recurrent pancreatitis, and the like. This would put the use of EUS in perspective for a clinical problem and how or when to proceed with EUS. Similarly, for therapeutic EUS, there needs to be some discussion of when to drain a gallbladder with EUS as compared to percutaneously or when to proceed directly to surgery. A discussion of who should be performing these EUS-guided interventions also would be pertinent. Finally, a chapter on how to train practitioners who would like to pursue EUS later in their careers would be useful. EUS is challenging both to learn and to teach. It requires a multifaceted approach and exposure to a wide range of didactic and hands-on experiences. Hawes et al1 continue to provide a high-quality approach to EUS education as well as a current and comprehensive source for many facets of EUS education and practice. It is not encyclopedicd other sources of information are essential in addressing clinical questions.
Volume 81, No. 4 : 2015 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 983
Robert H. Hawes, MD, Paul Fockens, MD, PhD, Shyam Varadarajulu, MD, Elsevier, Saunders
Book Review
Significantly improved, the 3rd edition of Endosonography remains the premier textbook on EUS by eminent and dedicated teachers of EUS. This textbook belongs on the shelf of anyone who performs EUS.
Todd H. Baron, MD Ian S. Grimm, MD Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA REFERENCE
All authors disclosed no financial relationships relevant to this article.
1. Hawes RH, Fockens P, Varadarajulu S, eds. Endosonography, 3rd ed. Toronto (Canada): Saunders; 2015.
984 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 81, No. 4 : 2015