Engineering inspection and appraisal of rock tunnels

Engineering inspection and appraisal of rock tunnels

3~ Tunnels 782062 BENTOETIE MOLE ON SHAKY GROUND New Civ Er~r, N271, i Dec 1977, P16-17 Briefly reports progress with the bentonite tunnellimg machin...

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Tunnels 782062 BENTOETIE MOLE ON SHAKY GROUND New Civ Er~r, N271, i Dec 1977, P16-17 Briefly reports progress with the bentonite tunnellimg machine at Warrimgton, where difficult arzl unexpected grot%nd conditions have cast serious doubts on the accuracy of the orginal bcrehole sm"vey. 23 additional boreholes have now been added and reveal a different picture to the origirml 40-hole survey. 782063 PLANNING AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN REDUCING THE COST OF URBAN TUNNELS Silver, M L; Peters, J F Umdergrourd Space, V2, N2, Dec 1977, P65-79 Concentrates on the advantages of deep tunnelling in comptetent rock which can be more economical than cut-stud-cover construction. 782064 CONTROL OF GROUND M ~ N T S AND SUPPORT OF TUNNELS - RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Cording, E J Umderground Space, V2, N2, Dec 1977, PI13-I19 Discusses the subject umder 3 main headings: stability of the tunnel heading, lining design, ani grounl movement and bttilding damage. 34 refs. 782065 S O ~ GROUND TUNNELLING UNDER BUILDINGS IN GERMANY Muller-Salzburg, L; Spaun, G Proc 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foumdation Er~Eineering, Tokyo, 1977, VI, F663-668 Discusses the use of the New Austrian tunnelling method to soft ground tunnellir~ in some particular cases in Germany. 782066 PROCEEDINGS OF THE RAPID EXCAVATION AND TUNNELING CONFERENUE, LAS VEGAS, 14-17 JUNE 1976 Robbins, R J; Conlon, R J (editors) New York: AIME, 1976, 888P Contains the text of 44 papers presented to the Conference, divided into the following sections: geologic investigation and prediction, shaft construction, energy resources, soft ground and mixed face tumr~lling, excavation methods, support systems, large umdergrourd openings, new develol~nents, rock mechanics, urban urd~ground. 782067 COMPARISON OF PREDICTED AND E N C O [ ~ GEOLOGY FOR SEVEN COLORADO TUNNELS Dowdlmg, C H Proc Rapid Excavatio11 ~ Tunnelling Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P19-38 The Colorado Belt is composed of igneous formations with associated metamorphic rocks amd faulting. This paper quantitatively compares predicted amd encountered shear zone size amd location for tunnels in the Colorado Belt. 782068 ENGINEERING INSPECTION AND APPRAISAL OF ROCK TUNNELS Kenforaki, F S; Bischoff, J A Proc Rapid Excavation anl Tunnelling Conference, Las Vegas, 1~-17 June 1976, PSl-100 Stresses the desirability of geological and construction data for tunnels and discusses

a methodical recordimg of data concerni~ general geology, shears, fracture Orientations, spacimg, persistence, rock classification, water co~lition~ shear frequency, excavation method, blasting l~ocedure, and rock stabilization and suppc~t ~thods, combir~d with a photographic record. This can be completed by experienced engine,s and geologists at the rate of over I000 feet of tunnel per shift. 782069 SLURRY SHI~W~ METHOD IN JAPAN Takahasi, H; Yamazaki, H Proc Rapid Excavation and Tumr~llir~ Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P261-277 Gives an outline of the slurry shield method and describes the machine itself. Discusses how the cutter face is supported by the pressurised slurry amd the slurry treatment. Fir~!ly, shows how t ~ l l i m g work is controlled, anl discusses some recent IroJects. 782070 WASHINGTON METRO'S TOPLESS TUNNELS Kuesel, T R Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P296-310 Discusses the excavation of 4 tunnels through a mixed face, with a clay invert and a waterlogged sand crown, and the use of grout i~ection to stabilise. 782071 CONSTRUCTION OF S H I N - K ~ O N TUNNEL ON SANYO SHINKANHEN Sato, Y; Shinoda, Y; Fu~ita, H Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P335-354 Discusses the excavation of the 880m undersea part of the tunnel through a fault zone 30m wide, approximately 30m beneath the sea bed. 782072 FULLY MECHANISED TUNNELLING MACHINE AND ~ T H O D TO COPE WITH THE WIDEST RANGE OF GROUND CONDITIONS - EXPERIENCES WITH A HARD ROCK PROTOTYPE MACHINE Granderi, C Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference Las Vegas, 14-17 Jure 1976, P355-376 782073 EXCAVATION METHODS FOR LONG HIGHWAY TUNNELS AND VENTILATION S H ~ S IN THE SWISS ALPS Pfister, R E Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnellimg Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P377-397 Reports experience in construction of the Gotthard and seelisberg tunnels. Methods of excavation include excavation of shafts in herd rock by conventional drilling ard blasting, excavation by ripper-tooth excavator in marlstone, shield protected heading in loose material amd soft rock, and tunnel and shaft linimg, both by poured concrete and by l~efabricated elements. A critical review of the success of these methods is now made after a five year construction period. 782074 EFFECT OF RAPID WATER PRESSURE FLUCTUATIONS ON UNLINED WATER TUNNEL ~ABILITY Lamg, T A; Kendorski, F S; Chewla, K S Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, I~17-429 Unlined water tunnels have often been used as pressure comduits for hydroelectric projects.