5. PUBLICATIONS Documentation in Ultrasonics
The Laboratory for Ultrasonics of the Technische Hochschule at Aachen, intends to publish a third volume of Documentation in Ultrasonics. This volume will contain approximately 5000 titles which appeared during the years 1968-1970. Copies of Volume 2 (1967-1968) of this publication are also available. Orders and enquiries should be addressed to Prof. Dr R. Pohlman, Laboratorium fiir Ultraschall, Rhein.-Westf. Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany. Building Science Building Science, published quarterly, provides data and a reference source for all research
workers and professional people involved with buildings, its allied subjects and its wideranging problems. It covers the three main aspects of building science: environment, construction, and “human engineering”. Papers may be submitted in English, French or German with English abstracts. Subscription rates are E16.00 ($40.00) for one year or f28.80 ($72) for two years. The editor-in-chief is Professor A. W. Hendry of Edinburgh University.
BOOK REVIEWS ENGINEERING MECHANICS OF DEFORMABLE BODIES 1969, E. F. Byars and R. D. Snyder. Scranton, Pennsylvania : International Textbook Company, second edition. IE4.90.
Elementary strength of materials is presented in a logical and interesting way, with an emphasis throughout on design applications. The reader is introduced to stress, strain, and mechanical properties of materials, and these concepts are applied to the analysis of engineering structures and components under elastic and plastic conditions. The various kinds of loading which components carry and the types of failure experienced are discussed and classified. The topics covered include axially loaded members, torsion, bending, buckling, theories of failure, energy methods, fatigue, creep and relaxation, stress concentrations, and experimental methods of stress analysis. The reader is assumed to have a knowledge of statics and simple calculus. The units used are inches, feet, pounds, tons and sometimes kips, and the details of structural members, provided in an Appendix, are to American Standards. The text includes many worked examples, and problems with answers are generously provided on each topic. It is well illustrated and easy to follow throughout. E. OLLERTON
NOISE AND MAN 1968, William Burns. London: John Murray. 328 pp., price E2.50. This book provides an introduction to the many subjects contained within the scope of its title. After a short introduction, three chapters deal with the strictly physical aspects of sound, leading gently from sinusoidal waves, through complex tones, noise and wave propagation, to measurement procedures and frequency analysis. A clear and concise chapter on the physiology and mechanisms of hearing summarizes present knowledge and prefaces the next two chapters which deal with audiometric calibration and meaasurement techniques, and define the various types of hearing impairment.