363 is still in the uterus. Dr. Blick
gave-a satisfactory explanation of a fact cognizable to every man’s senses ; asking wheTa the Editor of THELANCET. ther it was not apeculiar elasticity in the Boulog-ne sur Mer, Nov. 20, 1827. chord which gave the feel of pulsation 1" or SIR,—The annexed letter was addressed whether it might not be a vibration resulting to the Editor of The Morning Herald by Dr. from the sudden separation ot’the placenta? Robertson on Saturday last; and as it is With respect to the expulsion of the pla- the only he will condescend to notice way centa, Dr. Blick said, that in 1700 cases of Dr. Aliatt’s publication, the insertion of the midwifery which lie had attended, he had letter, with this, in the next inumber of only met with two or three instances in Tnr, LANCET will much oblige Dr. Robertwhich it had not come away very shortly son. As the advertisement alluded to after delivery of the child—he always assisted closes with a sliort Latin sentence, Dr. Roits expulsion, by making extension at the funis. bertson cannot omit th;s opportunity of folMr. ILIFF remarked, that’ such was the so polite an example, asd accordingly usual practice ; Dr. W, Ilunter and others, two characteristic sentences :--subjoins however, seeing the mischief which in some —IIIe flagellis instances resulted from tall-inaway the placæsus:— centa, determined to wait till nature ex- iniqum mentis asellus." pelled it : the consequences of this practice were found so alarming, that it was abanTo the Editor of TnI’, MORNING HERALD. doned. This very fact, he thought, miliSIR,—By an advertisement in your Paper tated strongly against Dr. Bliick’s assumption of the 15th instant, I am charged by Dr. of the piscenta being detached’at the birth A llatt of a letter’in the suppressed having of the child. He had notes of 400 midwifery publication of my correspondence with him. cases from a surgeon-accaucheur, now dead : In noticing the circumstance, I can only this gentleman was in the habit of waiting U refer your readers for a contradiction of his for the placenta to be detached by the naassertion to the lettural efforts, and the result of his practice gross (and shameless) ters in The Gazette r:f Health, Nov. 1, and was as follows : with one case only iu 400, THE LANCET, Nov. 3, which also afford it passed at the instant the child did ; that sufficient grounds for me to decline any in 382, it passed within half an hour ; with In justice to discussion with that 16, between this time and an hour, and in me, 1 cannot doubt person. will give an early you one case only required extraction, which to this in your columns, and oblige was done at the expiration of an hour and Your obedient humble servant, half. Only one of these cases proved fatal. sur Mer, H. ROBERTSON. Dr. BLICK thought, that the erroneous Nov. 15. 1827. with entertained respect Tjews generally to the placenta not being detached at the time of the birth of the child, gave rise to MIDDLESEX LUNATIC ASYLUM. " a line of practice ; namely, waiting for its YESTERDAY the Committee of illagisexpulsion by the simple efforts of the ute- trates, appointed at the recent general rus, which in his estimation was the source meeting of the magistracy of the county, to of the numerous cases of morbid adhesions superintend the erection of an Asylum for of the placenta, reported by authors. And the reception of pauper lunatics, held their therefore it was a practical point worthy of first meeting at the Sessions House, Clerkdeep consideration. The possibility of ap- enwell. Mr. Const, the chairman of the plying the forceps, inDr. Blick’s case, sessions, presided on the occasion. The having been denied, (in reference to our meeting’ being a private one, we are only report) by a public lecturer, Dr. B. pro- enabled to state that the committee resolved to advertise forthwith for a suitable duced Smellie’s 35th folio Plate, which is representation of the forceps applied to the piece of ground whereou to erect the buildhead in a fcotiiag presentation : the head ing, of not less than ’z5 acres in extent, and even remaining’ above the pubes. in a healthy situation, near the metropolis, And here we sincerely hope this discus- and where there is a plentiful supply of good sion has ended ; for although we agree with water. They also wi1l, by the same means, one of the speakers that points apply for plans, elevations, and an estimate should be’thorougthly sifted; "it can scarce- of expenses of buildings, for the laudable ly be thought to be one of those efforts, of purpose. We are sure our readers will which we can say, 11 decries repetita plathat active measures have comcebit." menced for the purpose of relieving, as far as may be, the sufferings of our fellowcreatures who may be afflicted with the worst of all of human maladies.—From The Times of Thursday last,
lowing ’’
Boulogne B