English Names

English Names

E ENGLISH NAMES This page intentionally left blank       881 A abarema, 1 abatia, 40 abbreviatedcalyx ouratea, 11376 aberrantflower guatteria,...

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abarema, 1 abatia, 40 abbreviatedcalyx ouratea, 11376 aberrantflower guatteria, 6433 Abitagua nightshade, 14838 abiu, 12770 abiu pouteria, 12770 abnormal amanoa, 557 abnormal cordia, 3494 abnormal duguetia, 4800 abnormal endlicheria, 5038 abnormal klarobelia, 8005 abnormal mabea, 8671 abnormal microfrangipani, 10091 abnormal pouteria, 12748 abnormal spiderflower, 2961 abnormal Swartzpea, 15383 abnormal vouarana, 16923 abnormal wettinia, 17027 abrojo burrwood, 14789 abstruse holly, 7401 abuta, 43 abutilon, 45 abutilonleaf croton, 3950 abutilonleaf nightshade, 14839 abutilonlike croton, 3951 acacia, 50 acacia p.p., 17206 acacia bush, 92 acacialeaf macrolobium, 8862 acacialike chloroleucon, 2692 açai palm, 5760 acana, 14639 acanthella, 121 acanthocladus, 123 acanthosyris, 128 acapu brownheart, 16918 Acapulco Eugenia, 5493 Acapulco padauk, 13464 acarodomatiferous aiouea, 313 Acarouani talisia, 15849 acca, 134 acerola, 9054, 9055 Acevedo salacia, 14118 achachairú rheedia, 13763 achatocarpus, 137 achewood, 7910 acicular inga, 7548 acid ambelania, 568 acid buglelily, 9437 acid eulychnia, 5720 acidfruit buchenavia, 1704 acidfruit cocainetree, 5303 acidfruit wettinia, 17037 acioa, 145 aciphyllous ocotea, 10962 ackee tree, 9382 ack-in-the-box hernandia, 7013 acosmium, 153 AcostaSolis brunellia, 1607 Acosta-Solís buglelily, 9438 AcostaSolís ecuadendron, 4957 AcostaSolís gynoxys, 6742 Acre amburana, 572 Acre annona, 744 Acre astrocaryum, 1013 Acre balsam, 13288 Acre bauhinia, 1244 Acre cassia, 2349 Acre Eugenia, 5494 Acre falselancewood, 13240 Acre fig, 5901 Acre inga, 7549 Acre pagamea, 11546 Acre platycarpum, 12479 Acre pouteria, 12749 Acre quiina, 13586 Acre starapple, 2764 Acre Swartzpea, 15370 Acre tapura, 15871 Acre velvetseed, 6648 Acre xylopia, 17112 acrisione, 157 acrocephalic inga, 7550 acrocomia, 163 actinophyllous terminalia, 15922 actinostemon, 165

ENGLISH NAMES acuminate anaxagorea, 621 acuminate annona, 731 acuminate balsamo, 13289 acuminate beautyberry, 1968 acuminate bitterwood, 16309 acuminate casearia, 2277 acuminate cathedra, 2372 acuminate cestrum, 2562 acuminate cocainetree, 5236 acuminate conchocarpus, 3359 acuminate coussarea, 3779 acuminate emmotum, 5023 acuminate endlicheria, 5037 acuminate euphronia, 5731 acuminate graceful startree, 1039 acuminate gustavia, 6689 acuminate heisteria, 6906 acuminate inga, 7551 acuminate ixora, 7859 acuminate lafoensia, 8117 acuminate lancewood, 11475 acuminateleaf coussarea, 3853 acuminate machaerium, 8717 acuminate machaonia, 8810 acuminate maya, 9547 acuminate moldenhawera, 10150 acuminate nightshade, 14842 acuminate otoba, 11362 acuminate ouratea, 11372 acuminate pleurothyrium, 12533 acuminate podocarpus, 12588 acuminate porocystis, 12671 acuminate pourouma, 12696 acuminate prestoea, 12957 acuminate pricklyash, 17146 acuminate qualea, 13489 acuminate schefflera, 14268 acuminate seagrape, 3219 acuminate snowbell, 15317 acuminate stachyarrhena, 15126 acuminate topobea, 16156 acuminate vochysia, 16796 Açuruá senna, 14507 acuteangled guava, 13262 acute bellucia, 1316 acuteflower annona, 732 acuteflower guatteria, 6434 acuteflower mouriri, 10303 acuteflower myrceugenia, 10385 acuteflower tovomita, 16222 acuteleaf Brazil peppertree, 14412 acuteleaf breadnuttree, 1544 acuteleaf calycorectes, 2001 acuteleaf Christmasbush, 367 acuteleaf cordia, 3495 acuteleaf ladenbergia, 8081 acuteleaf machaerium, 8718 acuteleaf maya, 9548 acuteleaf nectandra, 10728 acuteleaf Niederlein agarista, 288 acuteleaf ocotea, 10964 acuteleaf pepper, 12250 acuteleaf posoqueria, 12674 acuteleaf Swartzpea, 15371 acuteleaf talisia, 15810 acutelimb pepper, 12251 acutelobe stachyarrhena, 15127 acutelydenticulate holly, 7402 acute micropholis, 10053 acute mollinedia, 10176 acutestipule mimosa, 10094 acutetooth treefern, 4150 acute varronia, 16547 Adderley balsam, 13290 Adderley hirtella, 7143 adelia, 173 adelobotrys, 177 adenaria, 179 adenocalymma, 181 adenophaedra, 186 adhatodaleaf fig, 5902 adiscanthus, 189 Adolf bitterwood, 16310 adpressed nightshade, 14848 aegiphila, 191 aequatorium, 272 aextoxicon, 276 affine aniba, 683 affine axinaea, 1099

affine byrsonima, 1786 affine cocainetree, 5237 affine dendropanax, 4445 affined lidflower, 2013 affine emmotum, 5024 affine gonzalagunia, 6252 affine holly, 7403 affine licania, 8248 affine machaerium, 8722 affine mesquite, 12980 affine palicourea, 11575 affine senna, 14510 affonsea, 278 Africa christiana, 2732 African crabwood, 2206 African mangrove, 13775 agarista, 281 ageratina, 294 aggregatefruit annona, 817 agonandra, 298 Agostini ixora, 7860 Agostini parathesis, 11776 Agostini ridgerunner, 4230 agouticarpa, 305 agreeable maya, 9747 aguacatillo, 9390 aguai pouteria, 12816 aguaje palm, 9300 aguarunana stylogyne, 15297 ahouai thevetia, 16052 Aidan resintree, 13013 ailon, 8969 aiouea, 312 Akarai Guianas persimmon, 4648 akarako marlierea, 9179 Akkermans coussapoa, 3740 akrosida, 344 Alagoas hymenolobium, 7375 Alagoas seagrape, 3220 Alagoas tovomita, 16241 Albán oreopanax, 11230 albarco cariniana, 2224 Albert ampelocera, 582 Albert buglelily, 9439 AlbertSmith dendropanax, 4446 AlbertSmith fig, 5903 AlbertSmith margaritopsis, 9118 Albert topobea, 16157 albizia, 346 Albuquerque baromalli, 2378 Albuquerque pricklyash, 17148 Albuquerque RioNegro partridgepea, 2636 alchorneopsis, 390 alcornoco, 1522 alcornoco sucupira, 1522 alder, 510 alder p.p., 511, 512 alderleaf ocotea, 10969 alderleaf seagrape, 3221 alder viridis, 511 aldina, 392 Alemquer acacia, 52 alerce, 6041, 6042, 12212 alerce pilgerodendron, 12212 alerce tree, 12212 alexa, 413 Alexander falsebeech, 10934 alfaroa, 423 alfiler, 14649 alfiler jungleplum, 14648 Alford neosprucea, 10907 alga marina, 16203 algaroba, 12992, 13004 algarrobo, 12994 algernonia, 427 alibertia, 431 alien inga, 7556 alien myrcia, 10426 allagoptera, 444 allamanda, 446 allantoma, 448 Allart cordia, 3496 Allen anaxagorea, 622 Allen balsam, 13292 Allen chrysochlamys, 2742 Allen meliosma, 9391 Allen Mez clavija, 2947 Allen vochysia, 16799

Allen Williams zebrawood, 3420 alligator, 6401 alligator apple, 730, 769 alligator-apple, 769 alligator pear, 769 alligator-toothed prickly yellow, 17158 alligator wood, 6401, 6405 alligatorwood, 6386 alling, 1483 allomaieta, 457 allophylus, 462 allspice, 12241 allthorn, 8019 allthorn p.p., 8020 Almaguer brunellia, 1609 Almas pavonia, 11869 almeidea, 506 almidón burrwood, 14819 almirajo patinoa, 11844 almond, 13129 almondleaf tabernaemontana, 15699 almondlike caryocar, 2241 almonds, 13129 aloe wood, 3565 aloe-wood, 3565 aloysia, 513 alpataco mesquite, 12984 Alpayacu maya, 9893 alpborn myrceugenia, 10386 alpine maya, 9561 alseis, 515 alsophila, 529 Alston treefern, 4171 altered abarema, 14 altered barberry, 1327 altered ocotea, 11010 alternateleaf blakea, 1373 alternateleaf cestrum, 2563 alternateleaf jessamine, 2563 alternateleaflet Swartzpea, 15373 alternateleaf marila, 9130 alternateleaf whiptree, 8617 alternatenerve chrysochlamys, 2743 alternate trischidium, 16434 alternatetwig elaeagia, 4965 alternating maya, 9562 alticolous guatteria, 6438 Altson baromalli, 2379 Altson panacoco Swartzpea, 15502 Altson resintree, 13014 alumbarktree, 15267 alvaradoa, 541 alveolate bigfruit campsiandra, 2125 Alvim byrsonima, 1788 Alvim eschweilera, 5364 Alvim parinari, 11786 Alvin acanthosyris, 133 alzatea, 543 Amacuro blolly, 6354 amaioua, 547 amalago pepper, 12258 Amambay acacia, 53 amanoa, 555 amanoaleaf tacarcuna, 15732 amapa, 6819 Amapá baromalli, 2386 Amapá cashew, 604 Amapá chastetree, 16772 Amapá corythophora, 3609 Amapá duroia, 4895 Amapá Eugenia, 5616 Amapá falsebombax, 13185 amapa handroanthus, 6819 Amapá licania, 8251 Amapá myrcia, 10427 Amapá nightshade, 14989 Amapá ocotea, 11026 Amapá palicourea, 11577 amapá parahancornia, 11745 Amapá pleurothyrium, 12534 Amapá pricklyash, 17149 Amapá qualea, 13490 Amapá rinorea, 13824 Amapá sterculia, 15194 Amara parahancornia, 11744 Amaral couepia, 3618 amaranth, 11908 Amaruay neea, 10821 Amazonas algernonia, 428

ENGLISH NAMES Amazonas allophylus, 463 Amazonas amanoa, 560 Amazonas angelintree, 658 Amazonas antrocaryon, 840 Amazonas anttree, 16422 Amazonas astrocaryum, 1021 Amazonas bixa, 1368 Amazonas burrwood, 14753 Amazonas calabashtree, 3900 Amazonas caraipa, 2196 Amazonas cinnamon, 2854 Amazonas dicymbe, 4551 Amazonas duguetia, 4859 Amazonas ecclinusa, 4948 Amazonas eriotheca, 5166 Amazonas Eugenia, 5586 Amazonas falselancewood, 13251 Amazonas fig, 5976 Amazonas guatteria, 6618 Amazonas guava, 13265 Amazonas heisteria, 6911 Amazonas holly, 7408 Amazonas ladenbergia, 8082 Amazonas licaria, 8480 Amazonas lidflower, 2025 Amazonas malouetia, 9031 Amazonas maprounea, 9105 Amazonas marlierea, 9169 Amazonas maya, 9957 Amazonas mezilaurus, 9538 Amazonas molongum, 10206 Amazonas nectandra, 10727 Amazonas ocotea, 11148 Amazonas ormosia, 11312 Amazonas pagamea, 11562 Amazonas persimmon, 4631 Amazonas petaladenium, 12097 Amazonas pigeonwings, 3008 Amazonas pouteria, 12805 Amazonas pumpwood, 2429 Amazonas purpleheart, 11903 Amazonas qualea, 13537 Amazonas randia, 13622 Amazonas raputiarana, 13652 Amazonas remijia, 13706 Amazonas rosewood, 4389 Amazonas roupala, 13928 Amazonas schefflera, 14360 Amazonas sparattanthelium, 15076 Amazonas sterculia, 15180 Amazonas Swartzpea, 15470 Amazonas tessmannianthus, 15990 Amazonas threenerve calliandra, 1962 Amazonas treelike pigeonwings, 3011 Amazonas veined pouteria, 12922 Amazonas virola, 16696 Amazonas waxpalm, 2544 Amazonas xylopia, 17114 Amazonas zygia, 17286 Amazon grape, 12704 Amazonia actinostemon, 166 Amazonia aldina, 393 Amazonia amyris, 596 Amazonia annona, 733 Amazonia bathysa, 1226 Amazonia batocarpus, 1240 Amazonia bogwood, 14725 Amazonia Brazilian firetree, 14428 Amazonia buchenavia, 1692 Amazonia caryodendron, 2269 Amazonia cinchonopsis, 2840 Amazonia cleidion, 2957 Amazonia clusia, 3026 Amazonia cocainetree, 5238 Amazonia coralbean, 5205 Amazonia cordia, 3546 Amazonia crudia, 4066 Amazonia dicymbe, 4546 Amazonia dodecastigma, 4751 Amazonia drypetes, 4787 Amazonia ephedranthus, 5137 Amazonia eschweilera, 5365 Amazonia esenbeckia, 5453 Amazonia Eugenia, 5555 Amazonia exostyles, 5777 Amazonia fig, 5904 Amazonia froesiodendron, 6085 Amazonia glycydendron, 6221 Amazonia guatteria, 6442

882 Amazonia Guianas souroubea, 15067 Amazonia heisteria, 6910 Amazonia lecointea, 8160 Amazonia licania, 8317 Amazonia machaerium, 8723 Amazonia magnolia, 8970 Amazonia maidenhairleaf partridgepea, 2616 Amazonia maya, 9565 Amazonia mayten, 9313 Amazonian coraltree, 5205 Amazonian myrcia, 10428 Amazonian snakeroot, 13688 Amazon pterygota, 13478 Amazon tree grape, 12704 amazon wood, 16918 Amazonia nectandra, 10729 Amazonia nittatree, 11819 Amazonia ocotea, 10970 Amazonia onychopetalum, 11211 Amazonia ormosia, 11291 Amazonia padauk, 13465 Amazonia paradrypetes, 11730 Amazonia parathesis, 11777 Amazonia pentagonia, 11931 Amazonia persimmon, 4522 Amazonia poecilanthe, 12617 Amazonia polygonanthus, 12638 Amazonia quiina, 13577 Amazonia resintree, 13015 Amazonia rhabdodendron, 13744 Amazonia rosewood, 4363 Amazonia rourea, 13947 Amazonia schoenobiblus, 14440 Amazonia starapple, 2766 Amazonia Swartzpea, 15374 Amazonia swizzlesticktree, 13542 Amazonia tapura, 15872 Amazonia touroulia, 16219 Amazonia tovomita, 16224 Amazonia treefern, 4151 Amazonia trymatococcus, 16446 Amazonia xylopia, 17067 Amazonia zapoteca, 17205 Amazonia zygia, 17247 ambay pumpwood, 2447 ambelania, 567 ambelanialeaf pouteria, 12745 ambiguous chaconia, 16932 ambiguous entireleaf tessaria, 15985 ambiguous largest shadowpalm, 6186 ambiguous pisonia, 12442 ambiguous stylogyne, 15298 ambivalent myrcia, 10429 Amboró holly, 7409 Amboro inga, 7558 ambotay annona, 734 amburana, 571 ameleta aphelandra, 855 American bastardgreenheart lidflower, 2021 American brunfelsia, 1678 American bush, 1720 American butterflybush, 1720 American cherry, 9055 American cordia, 3498 American coyo, 12087 American cyrilla, 4331 American Egyptian cotton, 6271 American elemi, 1767 American heliocarpus, 6963 American hirtella, 7146 American kino, 3274 American laetia, 8108 American light cordia, 3497 American mahogany, 15569 American mangrove, 13775 American muskwood, 6405 American oil palm, 4986 American oilpalm, 4986 American peppertree, 14403 American Pima cotton, 6271 American propellertree, 6788 American raffia, 13642 American raffiapalm, 13642 American raphia, 13642 American seguieria, 14491 American sumac, 1890 American tallowwood, 17063

Americas salacia, 14126 amethyst myrcia, 10430 amethyst palicourea, 11578 amiss maya, 9566 ammandra, 574 amnicolous maya, 9567 amomyrtella, 576 amomyrtle, 578 Amorim dendropanax, 4447 Amorim partridgepea, 2618 amorphalike honeylocust, 6208 ampelocera, 581 amphirrhox, 589 ample Billberg handroanthus, 6814 ample buglelily, 9440 ample caraipa, 2171 ample cocainetree, 5239 ample coussarea, 3780 ample faramea, 5785 ample zygia, 17245 après amplexifoliate guadua ampleinflorescence machaerium, 8724 ampleleaf bursera, 1768 ampleleaf coussarea, 3781 ampleleaf faramea, 5786 ampleleaf guatteria, 6443 ampleleaf holly, 7410 ampleleaflet jacqueshuberia, 7923 ample macrosaman, 8957 ample maya, 9569 ample monkeypottree, 8168 ample resintree, 13016 ample ridgerunner, 4231 ampleleaf neea, 10822 ampleleaf ocotea, 10971 ampleleaf ouratea, 11373 ampleleaf pleurothyrium, 12535 ampleleaf prunus, 13131 ampleleaf Swartzpea, 15377 ampleleaf tabernaemontana, 15698 ampleleaf tachigali, 15740 ampleleaf verticillate alzatea, 545 amplexicaul buglelily, 9441 amplexicaul kielmeyera, 7980 amplexicaul malouetia, 9032 amplexicaul myrcia, 10431 amplexifoliate guadua, 6336 Amshoff eugenia, 5501 Amshoff lidflower, 2014 Amshoff Swartzpea, 15381 Amstutz browningia, 1595 amyris, 595 amyris wood, 597 anaconda, 3565 anadenanthera, 611 AnaMaria Christmasbush, 368 anami gum, 7349 anamigum, 7349 Añangu palicourea, 11584 anastomatic seedbox, 8612 anastomosing eugenia, 5502 anatto, 1367, 1369 anatto bixa, 1369 anatto-tree, 1369 anattotree, 1366, 1369 anauca, 5218 anauca immortelle, 5218 anaueria, 618 anaxagorea, 620 anceolateleaf clavija, 2943 Anchicayá ardisia, 888 Anchicayá matisia, 9241 Anchicayá RíoDigua humiriastrum, 7310 anchovy, 6323 anchovy grias, 6323 anchovy pear, 6323, 6328 Andalucia palicourea, 11580 Andarahy pouteria, 12747 Andean wax palm, 2541, 2551 andeimalva, 638 Andersson maya, 9570 Andersson palicourea, 11581 Andes alder, 511, 512 Andes barberry, 1324 Andes bauhinia, 1248 Andes caraipa, 2172 Andes Costa tocoyena, 16138 Andes crownbeard, 16598

Andes cupania, 4110 Andes devilpepper, 13665 Andes eschweilera, 5368 Andes fiddlewood, 2869 Andes geissanthus, 6132 Andes holly, 7531 Andes inga, 7611 Andes maya, 9908 Andes mayten, 9314 Andes meliosma, 9392 Andes monnina, 10237 Andes myrsine, 10648 Andes nightshade, 14889 Andes prumnopitys, 13125 Andes pumpwood, 2412 Andes ruyschia, 14084 Andes sessea, 14619 Andes smooth mesquite, 13000 Andes stenopadus, 15144 Andes tetrorchidium, 16018 Andes tournefortia, 16213 Andes treefern, 4152 Andes waxpalm, 2541 Andes weinmannia, 16988 andicolous annona, 735 andicolous falsebombax, 13186 andicolous holly, 7411 andicolous Jamaica fig, 5907 andicolous sweetleaf, 15599 andira, 648 andradea, 667 andreadoxa, 669 André blakea, 1374 André cocainetree, 5240 André coutarea, 3861 André oreopanax, 11232 André palicourea, 11582 André pepper, 12259 androcalymma, 671 androphorous clusia, 3027 angelica tree, 4448 angelicatree, 4448 angelica-tree, 4444 angelicatree dendropanax, 4448 angelica velvetseed, 6649 angelim, 648 angelin, 640, 645, 648, 660 angelin tree, 648 angelintree, 640 angelique, 4527 angels trumpet, 1602 angel’s trumpet, 1602, 1604 angel’s-whisper, 4888 angeltears brugmansia, 1604 angelwood, 4526 angled aiouea, 314 angledfruit starapple, 2781 angled ouratea, 11374 angled pumpwood, 2413 angled schefflera, 14270 angledspine piptadenia, 12398 angledstem nightshade, 14941 angled stephanopodium, 15164 angled tabernaemontana, 15700 angolito jujube, 17219 angostura, 673 Angostura paragynoxys, 11732 angular beautyleaf, 1977 angular freziera, 6051 angular mabea, 8669 aniba, 682 anisescent hedyosmum, 6872 anisocaper, 725 anisophyllea, 727 annato, 1369 annatto, 1369 Anne licania, 8253 annona, 730 annonalike holly, 7412 annonataste acanthosyris, 129 annoying jaboticaba, 10617 annular clusia, 3028 annular pumpwood, 2415 anodyne, 16050 anomospermum, 823 anone, 769 Anorí compsoneura, 3328 antarctic beech, 10936 antarctic falsebeech, 10936

883 antbearing pricklyash, 17160 anthodiscus, 827, 828 Antigua whitewood, 1716 Antilles cherry, 9055 Antilles cyrilla, 4331 Antioquía brunellia, 1610 Antioquia buglelily, 9442 Antioquia cinchona, 2818 Antioquia compsoneura, 3331 Antioquia coussarea, 3782 Antioquia cremastosperma, 3866 Antioquia diplostephium, 4699 Antioquia duguetia, 4801 Antioquia eschweilera, 5369 Antioquia godoya, 6233 Antioquia hieronyma, 7093 Antioquia honeyberry, 9380 Antioquia inga, 7637 Antioquia magnolia, 8991 Antioquia maya, 9816 Antioquia meliosma, 9393 Antioquia mimosa, 10097 Antioquia ormosia, 11293 Antioquia panopsis, 11707 Antioquia prunus, 13132 Antioquia rhodostemonodaphne, 13778 Antioquia rourea, 13948 Antioquia schefflera, 14277 Antioquia sweetleaf, 15648 Antioquia tessmannianthus, 15991 Antioquia viburnum, 16634 Antioquia vochysia, 16801 antisyphilitic primavera, 4295 antisyphilitic tabernaemontana, 15727 antonia, 837 antonialeaf bonyunia, 1485 antrocaryon, 839 ants pourouma, 12711 ant tachigali, 15761 ants-wood, 13151, 14640 antswood, 2278 ant’s wood, 14640 anttree, 16411 anzacwoodlike ocotea, 11140 Aoron’s rod, 6211 aparisthmium, 841 apeiba, 843 apeibaleaf sterculia, 15181 apes-earring, 12453, 12455 apetalous licania, 8254 apetalous Swartzpea, 15384 apetalous viraru, 14049 aphandra, 852 aphelandra, 854 apiculate conostegia, 3428 apiculate eschweilera, 5370 apiculate helietta, 6958 apiculate inga, 7559 apiculate luma, 8650 apiculate mayten, 9315 apiculate pricklyash, 17150 apiculate resintree, 13017 apiculate rinorea, 13825 apiculate Swartzpea, 15387 apiculate tomentose pourouma, 12736 apiranga mouriri, 10306 apogon citronella, 2914 Apollinaris fig, 5910 apoplanesia, 865 apoucouita partridgepea, 2619 apparating macrocarpaea, 8827 apparating moon-gentian, 8827 appendiculate balsamo, 13298 appendiculate bitterwood, 16311 appendiculate maya, 9573 appendiculate senna, 14512 applebearing starapple, 2797 apple cactus, 2530 applelike bougainvillea, 1509 Appun shadowpalm, 6176 apricot, 13129 apricotcolor Eugenia, 5505 apricotcolor licaria, 8452 aptandra, 868 apuleia, 872 Apure viraru, 14050 Apurimac weinmannia, 16945 aquatic ouratea, 11375 araca, 13268

ENGLISH NAMES Aracá licania, 8257 Aracamuni holly, 7413 Aracamuni pachira, 11499 Aracamuni remijia, 13708 Araca pagamea, 11548 Aracá stenopadus, 15145 Aracá tepuianthus, 15914 Aracati spicate pilocarpus, 12231 arachnoid pepper, 12260 aracouchini resintree, 13018 Aragua nightshade, 15005 Araguari balsam, 13299 Aragua rigid falseolmedia, 13212 Araguari hirtella, 7149 aralia, 874 Aramango hirtella, 7150 arapatiella, 878 araracanga whitequebracho, 943 Araracoara remijia, 13721 Araripe lancepod, 8530 Araripe persimmon, 4523 araroba vataireopsis, 16584 aráticú annona, 793 araucaria, 881 Arawak Eugenia, 5503 arboloco treedaisy, 10250 arboluco dendrophorbium, 4469 arborescent matayba, 9205 arborescent pigeonwings, 3012 arborescent seagrape, 3222 arborescent wildtobacco, 150 Arcabuco magnolia, 8971 arched licaria, 8457 Archer inga, 7561 Archer macrolobium, 8866 Archer schefflera, 14272 archytaea, 884 ardisia, 887 ardisiafrond holly, 7414 arechea sweetleaf, 15600 areira peppertree, 14394 arenicolous Barbour abarema, 6 arenicolous copaltree, 3481 arenicolous endlicheria, 5040 arenicolous guatteria, 6445 arenicolous hirtella, 7151 arenicolous mabea, 8672 arenicolous macrolobium, 8867 arenicolous meliosma, 9394 arenicolous mimosa, 10098 arenicolous ocotea, 10975 arenicolous starapple, 2767 Arenillas maya, 9618 areolate balsamo, 13300 areolate bitterwood, 16312 areolate marlierea, 9147 areolate persea, 12038 areolate piptocoma, 12426 arepillo taralea, 15897 Arequipa neoraimondia, 10892 Argentina acacia, 64 Argentina American tallowwood, 17065 Argentina barberry, 1325 Argentina calycophyllum, 1994 Argentina cereus, 2526 Argentina cocainetree, 5243 Argentina dasyphyllum, 4421 Argentina devilpepper, 13685 Argentina falsebombax, 13187 Argentina holly, 7415 Argentina kaunia, 7976 Argentina lidflower, 2068 Argentina mesquite, 12985 Argentina peppertree, 14397 Argentina schaefferia, 14264 Argentina seagrape, 3223 Argentina walnut, 7965 Argentina xylosma, 17131 aria inga, 7562 Ariane licania, 8261 Aripo clusia, 3029 Aripuana fig, 5911 Ariramba croton, 3953 aristate burrwood, 14786 aristate machaerium, 8726 aristatevein croton, 3954 aristeguietia, 924 Aristeguieta meliosma, 9395

Aristeguieta rondeletia, 13874 Aristeguieta simira, 14663 Aristeguieta tibouchina, 16070 ariza flamebean, 1568 armadillo tree, 4870 armatocereus, 930 armed jacquinia, 7930 armillaris, 7930 armlike aegiphila, 197 armlike eirmocephala, 4959 arnatto, 1369 Arnold saurauia, 14213 Arnott ocotea, 10978 Aroa lubaria, 8610 aroma, 65 aromatic acacia, 56 aromatic wintergreen, 6128 arrowgrass shadowpalm, 6190 arsenic bush, 14593 Arteaga matisia, 9242 articulated acacia, 57 articulated clusia, 3031 articulated himatanthus, 7112 Arumateua Fläming Swartzpea, 15429 ascending seagrape, 3224 ascending treefern, 4154 Ascherson cryptocarya, 4079 ashcolored fouryoke bitterwood, 16361 ashes wood, 9839 ashgrey Amazonia Swartzpea, 15376 ashgrey cupania, 4115 ashgrey maya, 9647 ashgrey ocotea, 11006 ashgrey ormosia, 11298 ashgrey pleurothyrium, 12540 ashgrey weinmannia, 16956 ashgrey winged guatteria, 6596 ashleaf angelintree, 647 ashleaf startree, 1037, 1041 asipapote acanthosyris, 130 Asplund annona, 737 Asplund dichapetalum, 4508 Asplund guatteria, 6447 Asplund heisteria, 6912 Asplund maya, 9581 Asplund ossaea, 11341 Asplund palicourea, 11587 assai euterpepalm, 5759 assai palm, 5759 assunderthorn oreopanax, 11246 asteranthos, 1006 astrocaryum, 1008 astrocasia, 1031 asymmetric clusia, 3032 asymmetric largebranchlet ridgerunner, 4260 asymmetric schefflera, 14273 asymmetric ternstroemia, 15948 Atabapo annona, 738 Atabapo byrsonima, 1815 Atabapo guatteria, 6448 Atabapo pouteria, 12752 Atabapo smallflower licania, 8374 Atacama trichocereus, 16383 Atahuallpa treefern, 4155 ateleia, 1050 athyana, 1056 Atlantic crepidospermum, 3895 Atlantic maya, 9800 Atlantic poisonnut, 15244 atta, 1369 attalea, 1058 attenuate aphelandra, 856 attenuate ouratea, 11378 attenuate pepper, 12271 attenuate quiina, 13578 attenuate tabernaemontana, 15702 atypical aegiphila, 194 Auaris schefflera, 14378 Aublet eschweilera, 5414 Aubréville pouteria, 12753 August guatteria, 6450 August inga, 7563 August twocapsule senna, 14518 aureliana, 1080 auriculate abarema, 4 auriculate coussarea, 3783 auriculate luetzelburgia, 8643 auriculate ocotea, 10981

auriculate philacra, 12107 auriculate Swartzpea, 15393 auriculate tovomita, 16226 auriculate weinmannia, 16946 auriculate whitequebracho, 944 Austin ocotea, 10982 austral forsteronia, 6046 austral juanpalm, 7961 austral richeria, 13817 austrocedrus, 1087 Autana Steyermark burrwood, 14815 autograph tree, 3171 Auyántepuí broadleaf aldina, 405 Auyantepuí fig, 6022 Auyántepuí tepuianthus, 15915 averrhoidium, 1089 avicennia, 1093 avicennialeaf caper, 2158 avicennialeaf oreopanax, 11236 Awá ardisia, 889 Awá cremastosperma, 3867 Awá leafflower, 12135 Awá unonopsis, 16488 axillary brachynema, 1528 axillary cinnamodendron, 2742 axillary dichapetalum, 4509 axillary eugenia, 5510 axillaryflower banara, 1192 axillaryflower trigynaea, 16404 axillary hamelia, 6796 axillary piptocarpha, 12410 axillary viburnum, 16635 axinaea, 1098 axinaealike buglelily, 9444 axinaealike maya, 9588 Ayabamba myrcia, 10434 Ayacucho browningia, 1599 Ayacucho maya, 9589 Ayanganna guatteria, 6452 Ayanganna myrcia, 10515 Ayanganna rudgea, 13974 Ayavaca viburnum, 16636 Aymard campsiandra, 2110 Aymard honeyberry, 9381 Aymard Swartzpea, 15394 Aymard zinowiewia, 17215 Aypate crownbeard, 16595 ayri astrocaryum, 1009 azafrán cnicothamnus, 3205 azara, 1121 Azuay gynoxys, 6744 Azuay maya, 9879 Azuay myrcia, 10468 Azuay palicourea, 11690 Azupizú pepper, 12274


babassú palm, 1077 babosa ocotea, 11091 babybonnets, 3728 bacaba oenocarpus, 11203 bacaba palm, 11203, 11206 baccate smallfruit vasconcellea, 16560 baccharis, 1130 baccharislike gynoxys, 6745 ba cedar, 6646 bacopari Eugenia, 5511 bacopore, 11827 baculoid schefflera, 14275 badderlike starapple, 2805 Badillo carramboa, 2236 Badillo crownbeard, 16596 badilloa, 1177 Baehni chromolucuma, 2736 Baehni laxoplumeria, 8140 Baehni pouteria, 12755 Baehni sweetleaf, 15602 bagassa, 1179 Bagua eschweilera, 5372 Bahia acacia, 59 Bahia angelintree, 642 Bahia annona, 740 Bahia balsamo, 13302 Bahia byrsonima, 1792 Bahia casearia, 2280 Bahia cathedra, 2373 Bahia chloroleucon, 2696 Bahia cocainetree, 5269

ENGLISH NAMES Bahia conchocarpus, 3366 Bahia copaltree, 3469 Bahia couepia, 3632 Bahia coussarea, 3784 Bahia croton, 4024 Bahia devilpepper, 13667 Bahia dugetia, 4803 Bahia eriotheca, 5162 Bahia eschweilera, 5430 Bahia eugenia, 5512 Bahia falselancewood, 13243 Bahia falsepiptadenia, 13221 Bahia faramea, 5790 Bahia fig, 5912 Bahia fistular mabea, 8678 Bahia funnelvine, 940 Bahia grey senna, 14524 Bahia guatteria, 6488 Bahia handroanthus, 6839 Bahia himatanthus, 7120 Bahia hirtella, 7152 Bahia inga, 7710 Bahia lacmellea, 8052 Bahia lancepod, 8532 Bahia leafflower, 12136 Bahia licania, 8262 Bahia licaria, 8455 Bahia machaerium, 8744 Bahia margined goniorrhachis, 6250 Bahia maya, 9630 Bahia mayten, 9334 Bahia mimosa, 10131 Bahia mouriri, 10308 Bahia myrcia, 10476 Bahia nightshade, 14852 Bahia nittatree, 11805 Bahia orange diptychandra, 4740 Bahia ormosia, 11295 Bahia ouratea, 11437 Bahia partridgepea, 2622 Bahia pavonia, 11870 Bahia pilosefruit esenbeckia, 5466 Bahia plinia, 12567 Bahia posoqueria, 12675 Bahia raintree, 1680 Bahia resintree, 13019 Bahia ridgerunner, 4232 Bahia rinorea, 13826 Bahia rosewood, 4366, 4384 Bahia sebastiania, 14473 Bahia Swartzpea, 15395 Bahia tovomita, 16227 Bahia treadsoftly, 3208 Bahia unonopsis, 16469 Bahia urbanodendron, 16503 Bahia vantanea, 16524 Bahia vochysia, 16868 Bahia wood, 1892 Bailey eugenia, 5513 Baillon croton, 3956 Baillon maya, 9590 BajoCalima Lofton coussarea, 3825 bakeridesia, 7781 bakupari rheedia, 13764 bakuri guianaorange, 12476 bakury, 12476 bala ocotea, 11118 balanced pepper, 12257 Balansa holocalyx, 7240 Balansa myrsine, 10649 Balansa startree, 1035 balata, 9082 balata p.p., 9083 balata bloody starapple, 2802 balata bullet tree, 9084 balbac, 4825 Balbis weinmannia, 16951 Balboa chrysochlamys, 2744 bald burrwood, 14755 bald caper, 2159 bald denticulate acrisione, 161 bald espostoa, 5481 bald eugenia, 5525 bald licania, 8273 bald macrolobium, 8885 bald malouetia, 9035 baldnerve pepper, 12285 bald perrottetia, 12026 bald proud cassia, 2342

884 bald scheffler, 14283 bald Swartzpea, 15404 Baldwin mimosa, 10102 balfourodendron, 1184 Balick oenocarpus, 11204 balizia, 1187 ball seed, 648 ballywood, 15923 balm tree, 10636 balmtree, 10636 balsa, 10948 balsa p.p., 2487, 10949 balsam, 3076, 3475, 10639, 10640 balsam amyris, 597 balsam apple, 3171 balsam-apple, 3171 balsam copaltree, 3463 balsam copaltree p.p., 3466 balsam fig, 3171 balsam humiria, 7287 balsam of copaiba, 3475 balsam of Peru, 10638, 10640 balsam seed, 10638, 10640 balsam tetragastris, 15994 balsam torchwood, 597 balsam tree, 3171 balsamo, 10638, 13287 balsamoleaf ridgerunner, 4277 balsamolike chorisepalum, 2730 balsamolike nightshade, 14970 balsamtree, 1773 balsam-tree, 1773, 3171 Balsapamba inga, 7565 Balsas Rauh armatocereus, 937 balsa wood, 10949, 16388 balsa-wood, 2487, 10949 balsawood, 10949 Balslev buglelily, 9457 Balslev nittatree, 11806 Balzapampa dendrophorbium, 4470 banak, 16662, 16685, 16689 banalu, 16050 banara, 1190 Bang balsamo, 13303 Bang cupania, 4111 Bang faramea, 5791 Bang geissanthus, 6134 Bang inga, 7566 Bang maya, 9591 Bang neea, 10824 Bang olealeaf prunus, 13157 Bang pepper, 12275 Bang pouteria, 12756 Bang resintree, 13020 Bang schefflera, 14276 Bang weinmannia, 16952 banhan mahogany, 2203 bannia Swartzpea, 15396 banso, 6405 Barbacoas cinchona, 2820 Barbados, 3280 Barbados cherry, 9054, 9055 Barbados-cherry, 9055 Barbadoscherry, 9055 Barbadoscherry malpighia, 9055 Barbados gooseberry, 12001 Barbados shrub, 12001 Barbados-nut, 7933 Barbadosnut nettlespurge, 7933 Barbados-olive, 1482, 1483 Barbadosolive, 1483 Barbadosolive bontia, 1483 barbed faramea, 5873 barbed ptychopetalum, 13485 barbed wood, 769 barbellate nectandra, 10735 barberry, 1323 Barbey maya, 9592 Barbey nightshade, 14853 Barbour abarema, 5 baretta, 6957 Barinas albizia, 347 Barinas earpodtree, 5100 Barinas mouriri, 10309 Baritú myrcia, 10435 barka locust, 3271 barka-locust, 1861 barktree, 6104 barley wood, 648

barnadesia, 1207 barnebya, 1214 Barneby aldina, 395 Barneby earpodtree, 5101 Barneby monkeypottree, 8169 Barneby nittatree, 11807 Barneby ophiocaryon, 11214 Barneby tachigali, 15743 Barneby tibouchina, 16071 Barnett roupala, 13905 baromalli, 2377 baromalli p.p, 2381, 2385 baromalli hirsutulous, 2387 Barra nightshade, 14840 Barra ochthocosmus, 10952 barrenfig, 5936 barreta, 6957 Barreto villous rosewood, 4392 barretta, 6957 BarroColorado spinyclubpalm, 1156, 1160 Barroso hirtella, 7153 Barroso myrcia, 10496 Bartlett ardisia, 890 Bartlett nectandra, 10736 basal Imray alsophila, 534 Basil byrsonima, 1793 basralocus, 4527, 4528 bass-cedar, 16299 Bassler attalea, 1059 bastard, 7287 bastard all spice, 5846 bastard balata, 9099 bastard banak, 16689 bastard bay cedar, 16299 bastard bloody starapple, 2804 bastard blossom berries, 11422 bastardblossom ouratea, 11422 bastard bonie, 5707 bastard braziletto, 16996 bastard breadnut, 1552, 13215 bastard bulletwood, 7287, 7296 bastard bully tree, 12458 bastard buttonwood, 8127 bastard-button-wood, 8127 bastard cabbage, 648 bastard cabbage bark, 648 bastard cedar, 6644, 6646, 16331 bastard-cedar, 6646 bastard cherry, 13215, 14649 bastard coffee, 549, 8039 bastard crabwood, 6405 bastard falseolmedia, 13215 bastard fiddle wood, 16763 bastard fig, 14735 bastard fustie, 2501 bastard grand betty, 16340 bastard greenheart, 2020 bastardgreenheart lidflower, 2020 bastard hog berry, 9116 bastard hog cherry, 9116 bastard hog-berry, 9116 bastardiopsis, 1218 bastard iron wood, 17159 bastard kooteritiballi, 12788, 12789 bastard lime, 13620, 16330 bastard madre cacao, 9116 bastard maho, 648 bastard mahoe, 15183 bastard mahogany, 648, 2203, 10301 bastard moho, 8631 bastard nicarago, 1916 bastard nickars, 11321 bastard pigeon plum, 3271, 8425 bastard prickly yellow, 82, 17152 bastard purple-heart, 1046 bastard shoemaker bark, 1869 bastard silverballi, 5073 bastard waterwood, 2357 bastard white beech, 10652 bastard white poison wood, 8688 bastard white poisonwood, 8688 bastard white-root, 234 bastard willow, 9226 batauá oenocarpus, 11205 batesia, 1222 bathysa, 1224 batingabranca Eugenia, 5514 batocarpus, 1239

bats sawari, 2257 bat seed, 645, 660 batseed, 648 batsonari, 2251 bauhinia, 1243 bauhiniaflower alexa, 414 bauhinialeaf cynometra, 4310 Bautista senna, 14575 Bautista vochysia, 16805 bauxiphilous unonopsis, 16470 bay, 6265, 12246 bayberry, 12246 bay berry-tree, 12246 bay-berry tree, 12246 bayberry tree, 12246 bayberryleaf byrsonima, 1842 bayberrylike holly, 7490 bayberrylike ugni, 16463 bay boom, 12246 bay cedar, 6646, 15368 bay-cedar, 6646, 15368 baycedar, 15367 baycedar p.p., 15368 baye tree, 12246 bay grape tree, 3274 bay lavender, 16203 baylea, 2160 baylea capertree, 2160 bay leaf, 12246 bayleaf, 14104 bayleaf caper, 2160 bayleaf capertree, 2160 bayleaf palm, 14104 bay-leaved caper, 2160 baylum, 7930 baylum berry, 7930 bay-pom-tree, 12246 bay rum, 12246 bay-rum, 12246 bayrum pimenta, 12246 bay rum tree, 12246 bay-rum-tree, 12246 bay-top, 3280 bay tree, 12246 baywood, 15569 beachleaf pepper, 12306 beach spinyclubpalm, 1168 bead tree, 15038 beadtree ormosia, 11321 beagrape, 3274 beakedcalyx inga, 7724 beakedleaf resintree, 13106 bean tree, 5208 bearded chimarrhis, 2661 bearded cocainetree, 5244 bearded cordia, 3500 bearded exellodendron, 5768 bearded fig, 5936 bearded guatteria, 6591 bearded handroanthus, 6812 bearded heisteria, 6913 bearded inga, 7567 beardednerve pera, 11966 bear inga, 7778 beard fig, 5936 Beard pradosia, 12933 bearded nightshade, 14904 bearded pepper, 12276 bearded xylopia, 17069 bearingberries vismia, 16708 beautiful bakuri guianaorange, 12477 beautiful conostegia, 3437 beautiful endlicheria, 5059 beautifulflower guatteria, 6462 beautifulflower neoraputia, 10898 beautifulflower nightshade, 14865 beautifulflower qualea, 13493 beautiful glabrous morningglory, 7809 beautifulleaf balsamo, 13313 beautifulleaf calycolpus, 1983 beautifulleaf cardiopetalum, 2212 beautifulleaf faramea, 5797 beautifulleaf freziera, 6055 beautifulleaf guatteri, 6463 beautifulleaf magnolia, 8975 beautifulleaf maquira, 9109 beautifulleaf maya, 9620 beautifulleaf ocotea, 10997 beautifulleaf palicourea, 11592

885 beautifulleaf pera, 11979 beautifulleaf roucheria, 13896 beautifulleaf virola, 16667 beautifulleaf vochysia, 16812 beautifulleaf xylopia, 17072 beautiful lidflower, 2055 beautiful myrcia, 10436 beautifullvein palicourea, 11591 beautifullynerve salacia, 14119 beautifullynerved freziera, 6054 beautifullynerved naucleopsis, 10695 beautifullynerved tovomita, 16231 beautiful shade, 12179 beautifulspike buchenavia, 1693 beautifulthyrse chastetree, 16757 beautiful tibouchina, 16095 beautiful zapoteca, 17207 beautyberry, 1967 beautyberryleaf croton, 3963 beautyfulleaf elvasia, 5009 beautyleaf, 1976 beautyleaflike tovomita, 16232 beaverwood, 2493 Beck bellucia, 1318 Beck cojoba, 3290 Beck hirtella, 7154 bee nightshade, 14945 Beeby eschweilera, 5373 beechleaf byrsonima, 1812 beechleaf clethra, 2974 beechleaf terminalia, 15930 beechlike burrwood, 14769 beef-feed, 2347 beefsteak, 12462 beeftree, 6353 beef wood, 9083 beef-wood, 6362 beefwood, 5918, 6362, 6374, 9083 beet wood, 4331 Beetle croton, 3957 Béguinot bauhinia, 1250 bejaria, 1307 Belém couepia, 3619 Belém dacryodes, 4340 Belém licania, 8263 Belém poisonnut, 15248 Belém tapura, 15890 belencita, 1313 Belize mahogany, 15569 Belize milkberry, 2673 Belize nectandra, 10737 bell bauhinia, 1262 bellflower inga, 7596 bellshaped bougainvillea, 1501 bellshaped nightshade, 14866 bellshaped pouteria, 12772 bellucia, 1315 belly ache, 15705 belly-ache bush, 7933 belotia, 16386 Bemergui vismia, 16711 benai pouteria, 12759 bendy tree, 16050 Beni inga, 7749 Beni pera, 11967 Beni persimmon, 4652 bent guadua, 6345 bent guatteria, 6586 Bentham aiouea, 315 Bentham fetid leafflower, 12145 Bentham garcinia, 6121 Bentham gongylolepis, 6240 Bentham lissocarpa, 8504 Bentham ocotea, 10987 Bentham rubbertree, 7070 Bentham stafflike senna, 14516 Bentham Swartzpea, 15397 Bentham xylopia, 17070 Bentham xylosma, 17116 benthveins rinorea, 13829 bentnerve matayba, 9208 Bequia-plum, 15110 Berg calycorectes, 2002 bergeronia, 1340 Berg eugenia, 5557 Berg myrcia, 10437 Berlin bunchosia, 1742 Bermuda olive-wood bark, 4988 berna, 1342

ENGLISH NAMES Bernadi balsam, 13304 Bernal orphanodendron, 11337 bernardia, 1342 Bernardi couepia, 3620 Bernardi coussarea, 3785 Bernardi dicymbe, 4547 Bernardi micropholis, 10054 Bernardi neea, 10825 bernardinia, 1346 Bernardi persea, 12040 Bernardi velvetseed, 6652 Bernardo clusia, 3033 bernoullia, 1350 Bernoulli chocolatetree, 16028 berry, 13619 Berry aldina, 396 berry byrsonima, 1791 Berry faramea, 5792 berry Jamaica, 2871 berrylike nectandra, 10734 berrylike strongbark, 1515 Berry ochthocosmus, 10953 Berry quiina, 13579 Berry remijia, 13711 Bertero balsamo, 13305 Bertero coralbean, 5206 Bertero dicksonia, 4516 bertholletia, 1352 bertiera, 1354 bertieraleaf alibertia, 432 bertieralike balsam, 13306 besie tree, 16053 Besser polylepis, 12641 be-still-tree, 13688, 16053 Betancur geissanthus, 6135 bethabara, 6840 betonylike balsamo, 13419 betseed, 645 betternut, 2257 Beulah ocotea, 10988 beyacca, 14179 Beyrich ocotea, 10989 Bezerra cocainetree, 5246 biacute maya, 9595 biappendiculate maya, 9596 biauriculate devilpepper, 13668 biborrana clavija, 2935 bicarinate myrcia, 10438 bicolor avicennia, 1094 bicolor bauhinia, 1252 bicolor beechleaf clethra, 2975 bicolor centronia, 2517 bicolor cervantesia, 2557 bicolor clusterpea, 4611 bicolor cordia, 3501 bicolor elizabetha, 4995 bicolor endlicheria, 5056 bicolor erisma, 5180 bicolor Eugenia, 5554 bicolor faramea, 5793 bicolorflower inga, 7568 bicolorleaf myrcia, 10460 bicolor matisia, 9243 bicolor myrcia, 10439 bicolor nightshade, 14857 bicolor paralychnophora, 11759 bicolor pera, 11968 bicolor persimmon, 4635 bicolor pourouma, 12697 bicolorscale treefern, 4180 bicolor showy ryania, 14094 bicolor snowbell, 15319 bicolor tibouchina, 16072 bicolor tournefortia, 16198 bicrenate treefern, 4159 bicuiba, 1362 bicuíba virola, 16665 bicuspidate Colombia macrolobium, 8879 Bidá sweetleaf, 15603 bifalcate vochysia, 16806 bifarious silvatic senna, 14595 biff wood, 6381 bifid escallonia, 5334 bifide bogwood, 14693 bifid gonzalagunia, 6253 bifid pleurothyrium, 12537 big balsam, 13350 bigbract gustavia, 6705

bigbunch ouratea, 11413 big chigger nuts, 10006 big Christmasbush, 380 big clavija, 2939 bigflower alexa, 418 bigflower anaxagorea, 630, 631 bigflower baccharis, 1141 bigflower bakeridesia, 7783 bigflower blakea, 1394 bigflower bogwood, 14711 bigflower burrwood, 14776 bigflower campomanesia, 2081 bigflower carpotroche, 2229 bigflower casearia, 2292 bigflower cathedra, 2374 bigflower chocolatetree, 16037 bigflower Christmasbush, 379 bigflower clusia, 3089 bigflower cosmibuena, 3615 bigflower devilpepper, 13674 bigflower eschweilera, 5392 bigflower esenbeckia, 5457 bigflower Guianas amaioua, 552 bigflower hamelia, 6798 bigflower haploclathra, 6848 bigflower hippotis, 7136 bigflower inga, 7666 bigflower lacmellea, 8061 bigflower lancepod, 8543 bigflower macrocnemum, 8853 bigflower maya, 9745 bigflower micropholis, 10066 bigflower mouriri, 10335 bigflower nectandra, 10761 bigflower neosprucea, 10904 bigflower NewGranada drimys, 4779 bigflower ormosia, 11311 bigflower ouratea, 11402 bigflower palicourea, 11620 bigflower paypayrola, 11882 bigflower platypodium, 12522 bigflower poecilanthe, 12620 bigflower prickly bauhinia, 1246 bigflower raintree, 1683 bigflower rubiginous wallabatree, 5132 bigflower seagrape, 3240 bigflower simple Swartzpea, 15545 bigflower stemmadenia, 15137 bigflower triumfetta, 16440 bigflower wallabatree, 5118 bigflower whiptree, 8626 bigflower xylopia, 17092 bigfruit actinostemon, 171 bigfruit amaioua, 554 bigfruit ampelocera, 587 bigfruit amyris, 599 bigfruit angelintree, 651 bigfruit bonellia, 1465 bigfruit burrwood, 14790 bigfruit campsiandra, 2124 bigfruit casearia, 2300 bigfruit clathrotropis, 2931 bigfruit clavija, 2945 bigfruit common whiptree, 8624 bigfruit cosmibuena, 3616 bigfruit coussarea, 3833 bigfruit cremastosperma, 3879 bigfruit Cuatrecasas phragmotheca, 12127 bigfruit dendropanax, 4456 bigfruit duguetia, 4830 bigfruit eschweilera, 5400 bigfruit falsebeech, 10940 bigfruit glandonia, 6196 bigfruit guatteria, 6548 bigfruit Guianas pagamea, 11554 bigfruit hieronyma, 7099 bigfruit holly, 7480 bigfruit huilaea, 7284 bigfruit jacaranda, 7901 bigfruit klarobelia, 8010 bigfruit ladenbergia, 8095 bigfruit lancepod, 8551 bigfruit licania, 8364 bigfruit matayba, 9220 bigfruit mayten, 9348 bigfruit mombin, 15109 bigfruit myrsine, 10665 bigfruit ocotea, 11097

bigfruit ouratea, 11414 bigfruit porcelia, 12664 bigfruit pouteria, 12841 bigfruit prunus, 13148 bigfruit qualea, 13519 bigfruit raintree, 1688 bigfruit resintree, 13072 bigfruit rinorea, 13842 bigfruit rootspinepalm, 4075 bigfruit rudgea, 13987 bigfruit schefflera, 14323 bigfruit sebastiania, 14480 bigfruit sophora, 15036 bigfruit Swartzpea, 15468 bigfruit syagruspalm, 15576 bigfruit talisia, 15845 bigfruit tovomita, 16253 bigfruit unonopsis, 16484 bigfruit vantanea, 16532 bigfruit vatairea, 16580 bigfruit virola, 16684 bigfruit whitequebracho, 968 biggland myrcia, 10483 bighead oreopanax, 11262 bigibbous cestrum, 2564 big inga, 7626 biglandular maya, 9597 bigleaf adenophaedra, 187 bigleaf aiouea, 318 bigleaf akrosida, 345 bigleaf aldina, 408 bigleaf anomospermum, 824 bigleaf axinaea, 1104 bigleaf barktree, 6109 bigleaf bigfruit campsiandra, 2126 bigleaf buchenavia, 1700 bigleaf buglelily, 9468 bigleaf byrsonima, 1837 bigleaf calycorectes, 2005 bigleaf caraipa, 2180 bigleaf cenostigma, 2503 bigleaf cocainetree, 5284 bigleaf cordiera, 3591 bigleaf couepia, 3662 bigleaf coussarea, 3831 bigleaf critoniopsis, 3921 bigleaf daphnopsis, 4408 bigleaf dendropanax, 4457 bigleaf duguetia, 4826 bigleaf dulacia, 4877 bigleaf duroia, 4911 bigleaf eirmocephala, 4960 bigleaf falsecaper, 2150 bigleaf falseolmedia, 13209 bigleaf fiddlewood, 2891 bigleaf garcinia, 6125 bigleaf glossy henriquezia, 7006 bigleaf inga, 7667 bigleaf lacunaria, 8073 bigleaf lancepod, 8552 bigleaf lancewood, 11482 bigleaf laxoplumeria, 8141 bigleaf leafflower, 12143 bigleaf leafflower p.p., 12151 bigleaf leandra, 8152 bigleaf lidflower, 2043 bigleaf marila, 9138 bigleaf maya, 9770 bigleaf mayna, 9306 bigleaf mollia, 10169 bigleaf muskwood, 6410 bigleaf ossaea, 11346 bigleaf ouratea, 11418 bigleaf Pará angelwood, 4532 bigleaf pouteria, 12842 bigleaf pubescent rinorea, 13851 bigleaf quiina, 13597 bigleaf randia, 13630 bigleaf ridgerunner, 4245 bigleaf roupala, 13918 bigleaf santinay, 14763 bigleaf schistostemon, 14421 bigleaf senna, 14552 bigleaf talisia, 15838 bigleaf tetrathylacium, 16016 bigleaf tetrorchidium, 16022 bigleaf vismia, 16736 bigleaf whitequebracho, 969 big matayba, 9212

ENGLISH NAMES big pepper, 12310 bigpetal apeiba, 846 big pigeonwings, 3014 bigprophyll dussia, 4936 big qualea, 13517 bigradish bauhinia, 1272 big richeria, 13819 bigseed eugenia, 5608 bigseed panopsis, 11711 bigsorus treefern, 4197 bigspike byrsonima, 1838 bigspike heteropterys, 7051 bigspike pepper, 12295 bigspike pumpwood, 2441 bigstipule agouticarpa, 307 bigstyle matayba, 9221 bigtepal bogwood, 14720 bigthyrse angelintree, 652 bigtooth buglelily, 9461 bigtooth Loja roupala, 13909 bigtube aphelandra, 861 bihorned rinorea, 13827 bihorned tachigali, 15745 bilberry, 16516, 16517 Billberg croton, 3958 Billberg handroanthus, 6813 Billberg vismia, 16712 bill bird berries, 7871 bill bird potter, 894 billia, 1364 billy hop, 2286 billy webb, 8222, 13402 Billy Webb sweetia, 8222 billy weed, 10640 bilobed swizzlesticktree, 13544 bilobed vochysia, 16807 bilocular croton, 3959 bilocular persea, 12041 bilocular pouteria, 12760 Bilsa rustia, 14074 bimargined eugenia, 5516 bimiti wallabatree, 5134 bimucronate mimosa, 10103 biovuled machaerium, 8728 bipartite ouratea, 11379 bipinnate dilodendron, 4570 bipinnate lidflower, 2016 bipinnate treefern, 4160 bipinnatifid treefern, 4161 birch p.p., 1773, 10559 birch berry, 10559 birchberry, 5598 birchberry eugenia, 5598 birchberry myrcia, 10559 birch gum, 1773 birchlike cocainetree, 5245 bird berries, 894, 2276 birdberries ardisia, 894 birdberry, 7456 bird-cherry, 5620 bird of paradise, 1897 birds-cherry, 5620 bird seed, 2871 bird shit, 13887 bird tree, 13887 Birschell flamebean, 1569 biscuitwood, 2287 biserial pepper, 12280 biserrate crownbeard, 16597 biserrate saurauia, 14215 bitter, 12182 bitter ash, 12207, 14659 bitter-ash, 12207 bitter bark, 12207 bitter-bark, 12207 bitterbark, 942 bitter burnnose daphnopsis, 4396 bitter bush, 13689 bitterbush, 12181 bitterbush p.p., 12199 bitter cassava, 9074 bitter holly, 7407 bitter mahoe, 4396 bitter monkeypottree, 8178 bitter potalia, 12689 bitter quassia, 13568 bitters, 3298 bittersweetlike sweetleaf, 15608 bitter Ule naucleopsis, 10718

886 bitter wood, 12207 bitterwood, 16308 bitterwood p.p., 10301, 12205, 12207, 13568, 14659 bitterwood bush, 13568 bixa, 1366 bizcocho, 7929 black agouti, 14645 Black alseis, 516 black anttree, 16418 black apple, 4636 black avicennia, 1095 black baby, 6660 black balata, 9085, 9093 black banak, 16677 blackband leandra, 8154 black bead, 12453, 12462 blackbead, 12453 blackbead p.p., 12455, 12462 black calabash, 591, 594 black calabash-tree, 594 blackbeadlike mimosa, 10128 blackbeadlike zygia, 17277 black bead tree, 3298 black bead-tree, 3298 black beech, 7518 black berry, 6667 blackberry, 5598, 6667 blackberry velvetseed, 6667 black blossomberry, 648 black bread, 12462 black-birch, 10559 blackbread, 12462 black-calabash, 591, 594 blackcalabash, 591 blackcalyx maya, 9860 black candle wood, 595, 5202 black candlewood, 7863, 11041 blackcarpel eugenia, 5615 black casearia, 2308 black cedar, 10783 black-cedar, 11083 black cherry, 13619 black cherry p.p., 5497, 5510, 5620 black-cherry, 5510, 5598, 5620 blackcherry, 5620 black cinnamon, 12246 black croton, 3955 black elder, 14156 blackened eugenia, 5552 black erithali, 5202 blackest treefern, 4156 black fiddlewood, 1519, 2904, 16763 black fig, 6029 black fishpoisontree, 12438 blackfruit byrsonima, 1841 blackfruit humiriastrum, 7316 blackfruit ormosia, 11319 blackfruit tachigali, 15775 black-greenhart, 2689 Black grey resintree, 13099 black guatteria, 6449 black guava, 6650 blackheart, 2928, 2931, 6684 blackheart clathrotropis, 2928 black iron wood, 14763 blackish achatocarpus, 138 blackish casearia, 2307 blackish faramea, 5842 blackish guatteria, 6563 blackish lidflower, 2048 blackish maya, 9861 blackish ocotea, 11113 blackish palicourea, 11657 blackish poisonnut, 15254 blackish treefern, 4205 black jari-jari, 4862 black Jessie, 12462 black jointer, 12258 black kakarakli, 5386 black kakaralli, 5362, 5388 black kiskidee, 16717 black laurel, 6265 black licania, 8265, 8366 black machaerium, 8780 black mageniel, 5727 black mahoe, 764, 12438 black mampoo, 6362 black manariballi, 11815

black mango, 6826 black mangrove, 1093, 1095, 1096, 13775 black-mangrove, 1093, 1095 blackmangrove, 1095 black manipod, 6362 black manu, 10148 black manwood, 10148 black mesquite, 13001 black metrodorea, 9505 black moir, 1320 black mora, 10254 black mouriri, 10348 black nicker tree, 14172 black nittatree, 11815 black ocotea, 11112 black olive, 1716 black-olive, 1716 black palm, 1026, 11207 blackpalm, 1026 blackpalm astrocaryum, 1026 Black pepper, 12279 black plum, 648, 6401 black pois doux, 7649 black poui, 6819, 7883 black pouteria, 12847 black prickly yellow, 17167 black pricklyash, 17167 black prumnopitys, 13126 blackpunctate myrsine, 10676 Black quiina, 13580 black rodwood, 5315 black rosea, 1168 black rosewood, 4384 black sage, 16549 blacksage varronia, 16549 black sapote, 4636 blacksapote persimmon, 4636 blackspot pricklyash, 17174 black sucupira, 1521 black sweet wood, 11034, 11041 black sweetleaf, 15634 black tamarind, 3287 black ti-ti, 4330 black titi, 4331 black torch, 5202 black tree, 1093 blacktorch, 5201 black velvet, 3298 black vine, 16554 blackwater aldina, 394 black wattle, 2160 black widow, 2160 black willow p.p., 2160 black-willow, 2160 blackwillow, 2162 blackwood, 1093, 1095 blackwood-bush, 1095 black yariyari, 16480 bladderbearing hirtella, 7209 bladderbearing tachigali, 15785 bladderlike caesalpinia, 1916 blade apple, 12001 blakea, 1372 Blanca sweetleaf, 15604 Blanchet bitterwood, 16313 Blanchet blanchetiodendron, 1427 Blanchet byrsonima, 1795 Blanchet callisthene, 1970 Blanchet guatteria, 6453 Blanchet heisteria, 6914 Blanchet inga, 7570 blanchetiodendron, 1426 Blanchet maya, 9568 Blanchet moldenhawera, 10151 Blanchet muskwood, 6387 Blanchet myrcia, 10440 Blanchet parapiptadenia, 11766 Blanchet paypayrola, 11880 Blanchet rudgea, 13975 Blanchet stephanopodium, 15166 Blanco erisma, 5183 Bland aphelandra, 857 blastemanthus, 1428 bleo pereskia, 12003 blepharandra, 1433 blepharocalyx, 1437 blessed palm, 2551 blistered ouratea, 11443

blolly, 6353 bloodflower centronia, 2518 bloodred hamelia, 6801 bloodred nectandra, 10803 bloodredfruit margaritopsis, 9123 bloodredhead calliandra, 1935 bloodredseed sapium, 14177 bloodwood, 1560, 3991, 4331, 13463, 13466, 13467 blood wood cacique, 1560 bloodwoodtree, 6792 bloody bones, 2160 bloody croton, 3982 bloody head capertree, 2160 bloodylike croton, 3983 bloody maya, 9951 bloody starapple, 2801 bloody tie tie, 8761 bloody whitequebracho, 950 blossom berries, 5493 blossom berry, 2021, 2286 blossomberry, 7215 blossom berry grape, 894 blossom berry jug, 10346 blossomberry jug, 10346 blow-gun cotton tree, 11500 blue almeidea, 507 blueberry, 16516 blueberry p.p., 15633 blueberryleaf cocainetree, 5328 blueberryleaf maya, 9852 blueberrylike escallonia, 5343 blueberrylike mouriri, 10344 blueberrylike ouratea, 11469 blue blossom, 16770 blue box, 7518 blue candle, 12237 blue cereus, 2529 blue columnar cactus, 12237 blue cooper, 6674 bluecopper, 14784 bluefruit dulacia, 4874 bluefruit maya, 9680 blue grape, 10617 blue moho, 7087 blue needle palm, 16438 blue pilosocereus, 12237 blue qualea, 13494 bluewood, 3373 bluish cassava, 9064 bluish faramea, 5805 bluish fig, 5937 bluish pouteria, 12904 bluishgrey persea, 12046 bluishgrey vochysia, 16810 Blumenau mollinedia, 10178 blunt clusia, 3131 bluntended faveiro, 13473 bluntsepal Eugenia, 5500 boar wood, 15590 board wood, 14659 boarwood, 15590 boatshaped ocotea, 11019 boatshapedstipule licania, 8382 bobó annona, 791 bobwood, 769 bocagea, 1441 bocageopsis, 1444 Bocaina coussarea, 3786 Bocaina eugenia, 5518 bocconia, 1449 bockoot, 2347 bocoa, 1452 Bocon oleanderleaf libanothamnus, 8240 bocote, 3493 bodywood, 1515 Boeke ossaea, 11342 bofo ocotea, 10991 Bogotá aegiphila, 195 Bogota auriculate weinmannia, 16948 Bogotá Christmasbush, 369 Bogotá cordia, 3502 Bogotá critoniopsis, 3909 Bogotá eschweilera, 5374 Bogotá geissanthus, 6136 Bogotá meliosma, 9396 Bogotá oreopanax, 11237 Bogotá pepper, 12281

887 Bogotá schefflera, 14279 Bogota sweetleaf, 15605 bogum, 15590 bogwood, 14691 bohun, 3497 bois dye, 5596 Boissier ocotea, 10992 boldotree peumus, 12102 bolitree, 15923 Bolívar aldina, 397 Bolívar angelintree, 662 Bolívar balata, 9086 Bolívar balsamo, 13307 Bolívar blolly, 6356 Bolívar burrwood, 14752 Bolívar chloroleucon, 2695 Bolívar diclidanthera, 4519 Bolívar duroia, 4897 Bolívar flamebean, 1570 Bolívar graceful pachira, 11511 Bolívar matisia, 9244 Bolívar myrcia, 10441 Bolívar ormosia, 11296 Bolívar painted Swartzpea, 15519 Bolívar platycarpum, 12492 Bolívar pourouma, 12703 Bolivar ramon breadnuttree, 1549 Bolívar sterigmapetalum, 15214 Bolívar strongbark, 1516 Bolívar vochysia, 16848 Bolívar weinmannia, 16982 Bolivia acacia, 60 Bolivia aegiphila, 196 Bolivia agarista, 282 Bolivia annona, 741 Bolivia anttree, 16416 Bolivia balsamo, 13327 Bolivia banara, 1193 Bolivia barberry, 1326 Bolivia blolly, 6357 Bolivia bloodredhead calliandra, 1936 Bolivia brunellia, 1611 Bolivia buglelily, 9445 Bolivia Caracas treefern, 4167 Bolivia ceiba, 2480 Bolivia chaetocarpus, 2609 Bolivia chomelia, 2714 Bolivia cinnamon, 2850 Bolivia copaifera, 3477 Bolivia croton, 4020 Bolivia dendrobangia, 4442 Bolivia dendropanax, 4449 Bolivia diogenesia, 4614 Bolivia ephedranthus, 5138 Bolivia escallonia, 5342 Bolivia esenbeckia, 5452 Bolivia espostoa, 5482 Bolivia eugenia, 5519 Bolivia falseolmedia, 13204 Bolivia fig, 5914 Bolivia fuchsia, 6088 Bolivia geissanthus, 6137 Bolivia guatteria, 6455 Bolivia hieronyma, 7095 Bolivia holly, 7416 Bolivia inga, 7571 Bolivia leucochloron, 8229 Bolivia licania, 8266 Bolivia Linden bunchosia, 1752 Bolivia macrocnemum, 8858 Bolivia magnolia, 8973 Bolivia margaritopsis, 9120 Bolivia matayba, 9207 Bolivia mauria, 9296 Bolivia maya, 9599 Bolivia meliosma, 9397 Bolivia mollinedia, 10179 Bolivia narrowfruit tibouchina, 16105 bolivian coca, 5251 Bolivia neea, 10826 Bolivia nightshade, 14858 Bolivian persimmon, 4526 Bolivian rubber, 14176 Bolivia ocotea, 11142 Bolivia oreopanax, 11238, 11271 Bolivia ouratea, 11380 Bolivia pepper, 12358 Bolivia persimmon, 4526 Bolivia Peru persea, 12076

ENGLISH NAMES Bolivia piptadenia, 12394 Bolivia pricklyash, 17181 Bolivia ptilochaeta, 13482 Bolivia Quito sweetleaf, 15655 Bolivia randia, 13625 Bolivia recordia, 13699 Bolivia schefflera, 14303 Bolivia scurfy mollia, 10165 Bolivia seagrape, 3233 Bolivia snowbell, 15355 Bolivia soft bauhinia, 1271 Bolivia sweetleaf, 15615 Bolivia thyrsodium, 16059 Bolivia tomentose pourouma, 12739 Bolivia trattinnickia, 16286 Bolivia velvetseed, 6653 Bolivia vinelikeleaf treadsoftly, 3217 Bolivia vochysia, 16808 Bolivia walnut, 7966 Bolivia waxpalm, 2550 Bolivia weinmannia, 16953 Bolivia xylosma, 17117 Bolivia zygia, 17246 Bolten eschweilera, 5375 bombast mahoe, 2487, 10949 bombaxflower bauhinia, 1253 bombaxflower lorostemon, 8593 bombowood, 6323 bonbon rouge, 3946 Bonda machaerium, 8729 Bondar couepia, 3621 bonellia, 1463 bonewood, 5846 Bongara meliosma, 9425 Bonifaz falsecaper, 2146 Bonner pouteria, 12761 bonnetia, 1468 Bonpland conostegia, 3436 Bonpland croton, 3960 Bonpland freziera, 6053 Bonpland hedyosmum, 6873 Bonpland maya, 9971 Bonpland sorocea, 15043 bontia, 1482, 1483 bonyberrylike myrcianthes, 10597 bonyunia, 1484 Boom faramea, 5794 Boom ferdinandusa, 5878 Boom maya, 9600 Boom resintree, 13021 bootblack flowers, 9058 Bopi ormosia, 11297 Boquerón brunellia, 1614 Borba falselancewood, 13244 Borba quiina, 13585 Borba simira, 14681 Borba Swartzpea, 15461 Borba talisia, 15821 Bordas cordia, 3503 bordeauxred couratari, 3708 bordeauxred schefflera, 14380 bordered graffenrieda, 6299 bordered macrolobium, 8911 border libanothamnus, 8236 boreal myrcianthes, 10579 borojoa, 1489 Boruca balsamo, 13309 botan palm, 152 Botelho cryptocarya, 4080 Botelho handroanthus, 6816 bothriospora, 1495 botryarrhena, 1497 bottle-cod root, 2160 bottle tabernaemontana, 15716 bottle wiss, 2160 bougainvillea, 1500 box, 1779 box briar, 13619 box-briar, 13620 box cedar, 6646 boxhollyleaf phyllonoma, 12167 boxleaf azara, 1125 boxleaf condalia, 3374 boxleaf eugenia p.p., 5497 boxleaf gynoxys, 6746 boxleaf licania, 8270 boxleaf marlierea, 9148 boxleaf obtuseleaf jungleplum, 14645 boxleaf scutia, 14468

box tree, 1779 boxtree, 14643 boxwood, 1779, 14265, 14643 boxwood casearia, 2316 Boyacá blakea, 1398 Boyacá falsemalmea, 13217 Boyacá magnolia, 8985 Boyacá maya, 9894 Boyacá paullinia, 11855 Boyaca tetrorchidium, 16019 Boyacá virola, 16681 Boyacá vochysia, 16852 Boyacá WestIndies brunellia, 1620 Boyan licania, 8267 Boyan partridgepea, 2623 boyjob, 9226 bracelet, 5271 bracelet wood, 7930 braceletwood, 7928, 7929 Bracelin vochysia, 16809 brachiate balsamo, 13310 brachiate Eugenia, 5553 brachistus, 1523 brachycylix, 1525 brachylaenalike baccharis, 1131 brachynema, 1527 brachyotum, 1530 bracteate aiouea, 316 bracteate angostura, 675 bracteate blakea, 1376 bracteate caesalpinia, 1887 bracteate cavendishia, 2399 bracteate cestrum, 2565 bracteate clusia, 3036 bracteate conostegia, 3429 bracteate couepia, 3622 bracteate crudia, 4068 bracteate cupania, 4112 bracteate endlicheria, 5044 bracteate erisma, 5184 bracteate eschweilera, 5376 bracteate eurydochus, 5752 bracteate faramea, 5795 bracteate gongylolepis, 6241 bracteate gonzalagunia, 1356 bracteate himatanthus, 7117 bracteate jacaranda, 7885 bracteate licania, 8268 bracteate lidflower, 2017 bracteate myrcia, 10443 bracteate ossaea, 11343 bracteate paraia, 11752 bracteate pleurothyrium, 12538 bracteate pouteria, 12763 bracteolate aegiphila, 198 bracteolate chrysochlamys, 2745 bracteolate endlicheria, 5045 bracteolate matisia, 9246 bracteolate maya, 9606 bracteolate stylogyne, 15300 Brade treefern, 4163 Braga ocotea, 10996 bramblelike duguetia, 4851 branched Chimantá schefflera, 14287 branched clusia, 3168 branched lacmellea, 8067 branched maya, 9652 branched ouratea, 11438 branched schefflera, 14352 brancheflower ecclinusa, 4952 branchflower pouteria, 12779 branchflower whitequebracho, 989 branchingflowers abutilon, 48 brasil, 6793 brasiletto, 1886, 1916 Brasília leucochloron, 8230 Brasilian pepper tree, 14411 brasiliopuntia, 1532 braúna melanoxylum, 9378 bravaisia, 1534 Brazao balsam, 13311 Brazil acanthocladus, 125 Brazil agonandra, 299 Brazil anaueria, 619 Brazil annona, 742 Brazil asteranthos, 1007 Brazil balsamo, 13430 Brazil banara, 1194 Brazil beauty-leaf, 1978

Brazil beautyleaf, 1978 Brazil blakea, 1377 Brazil blolly, 6376 Brazil bloodwoodtree, 6793 Brazil bocageopsis, 1448 Brazil bogwood, 14694 Brazil borojoa, 1493 Brazil bougainvillea, 1511 Brazil brasiliopuntia, 1533 Brazil buchenavia, 1708 Brazil butiapalm, 1776 Brazil byrsonima, 1794 Brazil campomanesia, 2089 Brazil capsicodendron, 2169 Brazil carpotroche, 2227 Brazil caryocar, 2243 Brazil cherry, 13134 Brazilcherry, 5711 Brazil chomelia, 2707 Brazil clusia, 3030 Brazil combretum, 3318 Brazil copaltree, 3450 Brazil copperleaf, 100 Brazil cordia, 3504 Brazil couepia, 3695 Brazil croton, 4023 Brazil cyclolobium, 4297 Brazil cymbopetalum, 4302 Brazil daphnopsis, 4397 Brazil devilpepper, 13671 Brazil dictyoloma, 4543 Brazil diplotropis, 4710 Brazil drimys, 4773 Brazil dystovomita, 4940 Brazil eremanthus, 5145 Brazil erythrochiton, 5230 Brazil eugenia, 5520 Brazil falsebombax, 13190 Brazil flamebean, 1580 Brazil graytwig, 14448 Brazil hackberry, 2494 Brazil hedyosmum, 6874 Brazil heisteria, 6931 Brazil heteropterys, 7042 Brazil holly, 7417 Brazil hortia, 7255 Brazilian angelintree, 665 Brazilian araucaria, 882 Brazilian butia, 1776 Brazilian caroba-tree, 7888 Brazilian cherry, 6687 Brazilian copal, 7349 Brazilian cotton, 6271 Brazilian fire tree, 14427 Brazilian firetree, 14427 Brazilian guava, 13268 Brazilian holly, 14411 Brazilian ironwood, 1893 Brazilian kingswood, 4365 Brazilian louro, 717 Brazilian mahagony, 12474 Brazilian mahogany, 2203, 15569 Brazilian myrocarpus, 10632 Brazilian needle palm, 16437 Brazilian oak, 12679 Brazilian peppertree, 14411, 14413 Brazilian pine, 882 Brazilian pinkwood, 4372 Brazilian red wood, 1560 Brazilian redwood, 1560 Brazilian rose, 3285 Brazilian rosewood, 695, 4384 Brazilian tulip wood, 4366 Brazilian tulipwood, 4366, 4374 Brazilian walnut, 3526, 11141 Brazilianshield nightshade, 14987 Brazil inga, 7572 Brazil jacaranda, 7886 Brazil kielmeyera, 7986 Brazil lamanonia, 8129 Brazil leafflower, 12138 Brazil licaria, 8456 Brazil lidflower, 2018 Brazil lithraea, 8512 Brazil macca, 10103 Brazil machaerium, 8730 Brazil machaonia, 8811 Brazil maprounea, 9106 Brazil maya, 9607

ENGLISH NAMES Brazil mayten, 9317 Brazil mimosa, 10124 Brazil moutabea, 10372 Brazil myrcia, 10444 Brazil myrtle cherry, 13152 Brazil nut, 1353 Brazil-nut bertholletia, 1353 Brazilnut tree, 1353 Brazil oblique pityrocarpa, 12470 Brazil ocotea, 11046 Brazil ormosia, 11313 Brazil osageorange, 8819 Brazil paloue, 11698 Brazil parinari, 11787 Brazil pepper tree, 14411 Brazil peppertree, 14411 Brazil persimmon, 4527 Brazil philyra, 12110 Brazil pimenta, 12242 Brazil podocarpus, 12590 Brazil poisonnut, 15245 Brazil pterygota, 13479 Brazil quillaja, 13614 Brazil ramisia, 13617 Brazil ravenia, 13694 Brazil redquebracho, 14387 Brazil redwood, 1560 Brazil resintree, 13022, 13059 Brazil rosewood, 4364 Brazil sapium, 14176 Brazil sarcaulus, 14193 Brazil schwartzia, 14461 Brazil sebastiania, 14474 Brazil sessea, 14620 Brazil silverbush, 923 Brazil snowbell, 15321 Brazil sorocea, 15048 Brazil sparattanthelium, 15079 Brazil starapple, 2784 Brazil stifftia, 15231 Brazil terminalia, 15926 Brazil ternstroemia, 15949 Brazil tocoyena, 16134 Brazil tovomita, 16228 Brazil Trinidad roupala, 13924 Brazil trithrinaxpalm, 16437 Brazil velvetseed, 6668 Brazil vismia, 16713 Brazil wood, 1892 Brazil-wood, 1892 Brazilwood, 1560, 1892 Brazilwood, 6793 Brazil xylopia, 17071 Brazil xylosma, 17129 Brazil zebrawood, 3383 bread and cheese, 12462 bread-and-cheese, 12455, 12462 bread-and-cheeses, 12462 breadfruit magnolia, 8983 breadfruitlike oreopanax, 11234 breadnut, 16441 breadnut p.p., 1543, 1548, 16444 breadnutlike sorocea, 15063 breadnuttree, 1543 bread-tree, 12462 breakbill, 14643 break-free, 12462 brea resintree, 13054 break nail, 9116 bredemeyera, 1536 Bredemeyer pepper, 12283 Brejinhos attalea, 1060 Bremekamp rudgea, 13976 Brenan falsepiptadenia, 13222 Brenes coussapoa, 3766 Brenes ossaea, 11344 Brenning gliricidia, 6210 Breves macrolobium, 8869 Breves pouteria, 12764 Breves quiina, 13581 brick-waxtree, 15590 bridalveil tree, 1899 bridge pepper, 12356 Bridges monnina, 10220 bridgo-tree, 2678 bridgotree, 2678 bright abarema, 24 bright armatocereus, 934 brightgreen myrsine, 10660

888 brightgreen raukaua, 13663 brightred ocotea, 11173 bright ridgerunner, 4254 bright tabernaemontana, 15715 brillador snowbell, 15354 brilliant hillia, 7106 brilliant ocotea, 11058 brilliant princely blakea, 1406 brilliant rhytidanthera, 13815 brilliant whitequebracho, 964 briny roots, 2672 Briquet brunellia, 1615 brisselet, 5313 bristlecup glorybush, 16078 bristlecup tibouchina, 16078 bristly calycophyllum, 1991 bristly critoniopsis, 3927 bristly iriartella, 7813 bristly myrcia, 10495 bristly pepper, 12312 bristly pricklyash, 17195 bristly talisia, 15853 British Honduras mahogany, 15569 Britton Bolivia brunellia, 1613 Britton buglelily, 9446 Britton cherry, 13135 Britton Christmasbush, 370 Britton fig, 5917 Britton licania, 8269 Britton maya, 9610 Britton nectandra, 10738 Britton neea, 10829 broadanther pouteria, 12834 broadcalyx couepia, 3681 broadest nectandra, 10770 broadfruit bixa, 1370 broadfruit cupania, 4129 broadfruit faramea, 5816 broad glaucescent myrceugenia, 10399 broad leaf, 3565 broad-leaf, 3710 broadleaf aldina, 404 broadleaf alibertia, 440 broadleaf allophylus, 481 broadleaf alseis, 520 broadleaf bay cedar, 8617 broadleaf bitterbush, 12194 broadleaf blolly, 6374 broadleaf brunellia, 1645 broadleaf burrwood, 14783 broadleaf caper, 2161 broadleaf Christmasbush, 383 broadleaf conceveiba, 3347 broadleaf copperleaf, 112 broadleaf couepia, 3658 broadleaf coussapoa, 3756 broadleaf coussarea, 3817 broadleaf cupania, 4125 broadleaf duguetia, 4822 broadleaf Duida gleasonia, 6203 broadleaf eriope, 5157 broadleaf eugenia, 5597 broad-leaf euphorbia, 5727 broadleaf faramea, 5828 broadleaf flamebean, 1573 broadleaf flowery macawood, 12504 broadleaf graffenrieda, 6296 broad leaf grande betty, 4137 broadleaf guadua, 6341 broadleaf guatteria, 6539 broadleaf heisteria, 6924 broadleaf hirtella, 7189 broadleaf ironwood, 14763 broadleaf jujube, 17226 broadleaf lancepod, 8546 broadleaf licania, 8353 broadleaf licaria, 8472 broadleaf lindackeria, 8492 broadleaf machaerium, 8764 broadleaf macrolobium, 8910 broad leaf mahogany, 15569 broadleaf maya, 9793 broadleaf moho, 6963 broadleaf myrsine, 10662 broadleaf oblongleaf copal, 7362 broadleaf ouratea, 11409 broadleaf palicourea, 11635 broadleaf paullinia, 11852 broadleaf posoqueria, 12679

broadleaf retuse colubrina, 3304 broadleaf ronabea, 13871 broadleaf schefflera, 14305 broadleaf scratchbush, 16507 broadleaf seagrape, 3244 broadleaf seedbox, 8614 broadleaf senna, 14543 broad leaf sirin, 16123 broadleaf slugwood, 1296 broadleaf smoothleaf machaerium, 8768 broadleaf snowbell, 15334 broadleaf spurge, 5727 broadleaf Swartzpea, 15453 broadleaf sweetleaf, 15650 broadleaf tetrorchidium, 16021 broadleaf Tolima weinmannia, 17012 broadleaf vismia, 16730 broadleaf weinmannia, 16978 broadleaf wild caimit, 2768 broadleaf zollernia, 17237 broadleaf zygia, 17265 broad-leaved blolly, 6374 broad-leaved capertree, 2161 broad-leaved mahogany, 15569 broadleaved spurge, 5727 broad licania, 8352 broadlobe pumpwood, 2436 broadlobe sphinga, 15094 broadpetal abutilon, 47 broadpetal guatteria, 6540 broadribs ocotea, 11077 broadsepal vismia, 16731 broadstalk clusia, 3103 broadstipule licania, 8354 broad viraru, 14058 Broadway fig, 5918 broadwing carpotroche, 2233 broadwing elegant maya, 9714 broadwing inga, 7709 brochidodrome nectandra, 10739 brodriguesia, 1541 Brokaw styloceras, 15292 broken ridge bribri, 7766 broken ridge locust, 7349 broken ridge mahogany, 15569 broken ridge water-wood, 2357 broken ridge waterwood, 7456 Brongniart spinyclubpalm, 1157 Bronwen byrsonima, 1796 broom bitterwood, 16331 broomsticks, 16331 broom teyer, 3280 broomwood, 16331 brownea, 1567, 1571 brown brunellia, 1616 brown clavija, 2938 Brown drypetes, 4788 brown ebony, 15459 brownebony caesalpinia, 1899 Brown endlicheria, 5046 brown eugenia, 5572 brown-greenhart, 2689 brownheart, 16917, 16918 browningia, 1592 brownish dialypetalanthus, 4503 brown kereti, 11004 brown-leaf rodwood, 5510 brown persea, 12058 brown Peru bark, 2831 brownpubescence pourouma, 12732 Brownsberg eugenia, 5521 brown silverballi, 3497 Brown ternstroemia, 15950 brownuya, 5110 brownuya earpodtree, 5110 brugmansia, 1601 brunellia, 1606 brunnescent treefern, 4165 Bruno eugenia, 5522 brush-holly, 17121 bryotrophic hornschuchia, 7246 bubbleshape pouteria, 12768 buca sterculia, 15185 bucare, 5214, 5218 bucare coralbean, 5218 buchenavia, 1691 Buchholz podocarpus, 12591 Buchtien aegiphila, 199

Buchtien balsamo, 13312 Buchtien guatteria, 6459 Buchtien persea, 12043 Buchtien piptadenia, 12395 Buchtien ridgerunner, 4233 Buchtien schefflera, 14280 Buchtien snowbell, 15320 Buchtien vismia, 16714 bucida, 1715 bucida p.p., 1716 buck puke, 6405 buckroot, 2672 buckthorn, 13751 buckthornlike guatteria, 6604 buckthornlike rough coussapoa, 3739 buckthornlike seron, 12170 buck vomit, 6405 buckwax, 15590 bucquetia, 1717 budge, 1773 Buenaventura coussapoa, 3773 Buenaventura persimmon, 4637 Buenaventura pouteria, 12766 Buenaventura resintree, 13024 BuenosAires acacia, 61 BuenosAires bulnesia, 1735 buglelily, 9436 bugtree, 14944 bugweed, 14944 bulging maya, 9906 bullate affonsea, 279 bullate bitterwood, 16314 bullate butterflybush, 1722 bullate cremastosperma, 3869 bullate ecclinusa, 4944 bullate hirtella, 7159 bullate holly, 7420 bullate inga, 7578 bullate ladenbergia, 8083 bullate lepechinia, 8213 bullate matisia, 9247 bullate myrsine, 10651 bullate nightshade, 14860 bullate persea, 12044 bullate persimmon, 4528 bullate pouteria, 12767 bullate pumpwood, 2416 bullate talisia, 15812 bullate tapura, 15875 bullate tocoyena, 16136 bullate toulicia, 16187 bullate Trujillo holly, 7536 Bullene fig, 5919 bullet, 1716, 9083, 9084 bullet balata, 9091 bullet tree, 1716, 7287, 9085 bullet-tree, 1716 bullet wood, 9082, 9083, 9085, 9091 bulletwood, 9083 bull-hoof, 1278, 4788, 12273 bullhoof pepper, 12273 bull horn acacia, 63 bull-horn acacia, 50 bullhorn acacia, 63 bullock-heart, 808 bullock’s heart, 808 bullocks heart, 808 bullocksheart annona, 808 bullocksheart custardapple, 808 bullose saurauia, 14217 bullyhob, 8115 bully hop, 8115 bully-mastic, 14641 bully tree, 1716, 7090, 9084, 9085, 12850, 15923 bully wood, 1716 bully-tree, 9083, 12850 bulnesia, 1733 bumelia, 14637 bunchberry, 3598 bunchosia, 1739 bunchosia p.p., 1746, 1747 bunchosialike gonzalagunia, 6254 bundari, 8772 bundleflower maya, 9689 Bunting maya, 9613 Bunting Swartzpea, 15402 burada, 11800 Burchell aniba, 685

889 Burchell guatteria, 6460 Burchell hirtella, 7160 Burchell maya, 9614 Burchell mollia, 10159 Burchell paniculate molopanthera, 10209 Burchell schefflera, 14281 burdachia, 1761 Bureau handroanthus, 6817 buri allagoptera, 445 buri palm, 445 Burkart albizia, 348 Burkart eugenia, 5523 Burkart senna, 14519 burning wood, 4331 burn nose, 4395 burn-nose, 4394 burnnose daphnopsis, 4395 burn-nose tree, 4395 Burret lueheopsis, 8637 burrwood, 14751 burrwood p.p., 14763 bursera, 1767 burseralike trattinnickia, 16287 buruma, 12713 bush ecclinusa, 4945 bush guatteria, 6495 bushie guava, 10527 bushy chloroleucon, 2694 bushy holly, 7440 bushy pepper, 12304 bussu palm, 9061 bussu sleevepalm, 9061 bustic, 14637 butchersbroomleaf mesquite, 13008 butia palm, 1775 butiapalm, 1775 but-nuut, 8127 butter bough, 5782 butterbough, 5782 butterbough inkwood, 5782 buttercup, 15906 butterfly annona, 801 butterfly bush, 1719 butterflybush, 1719 butterflybushleaf aristeguietia, 926 butterflybushlike maya, 9612 butterflybushlike varronia, 16548 butter nut, 2259 butterfly pea, 3010 butter tree, 164 butterwood, 4651 butterwood persimmon, 4651 button-bush, 3424 buttonbush p.p., 3424 button mangrove, 3424, 3425 button-mangrove, 3423, 3424 buttonmangrove, 3423 button tree, 3424, 3425 button wood, 3424, 8127 buttonwood, 3424, 3425, 8127, 12258, 12338, 12359, 12385 byrsonima, 1782 byrsonimaleaf heteropterys, 7041 byttneria, 1874


caaroba, 7888 caatinga cocainetree, 5247 caatinga couma, 3700 caatinga cyrtocarpa, 4336 caatinga mezilaurus, 9522 Caatinga sparattosperma, 15081 caatinga tachigali, 15748 caatinga vochysia, 16814 caavurana nightshade, 14861 cabage bark, 648 Caballero meliosma, 9398 caballina fig, 5921 cabbage angelin, 648 cabbage angeline, 648 cabbage angelintree, 648 cabbage bark, 648 cabbage-bark, 648 cabbage bark tree, 648 cabbagebark tree, 640 cabbage palm, 5758, 13959 cabbage tree, 648, 13959

ENGLISH NAMES cabbage-tree, 648 cabralea, 1882 Cabrália impressed couepia, 3653 Cabrália rain caesalpinia, 1908 cabrehash, 14784 Cabrera ardisia, 891 Cabrera dendrophorbium, 4471 Cabrera licania, 8271 Cabrera piliferous peppertree, 14409 Cabrera Swartzpea, 15403 Cabucu maya, 9615 cacao, 16031 cacao chocolatetree, 16031 cacaophilous byrsonima, 1797 cacao tree, 16031 cacatin maya, 9616 cachicamo coussarea, 3819 Cachicoto remijia, 13712 Cachimbo nittatree, 11808 cacho chaetocarpus, 2610 Cachoeira eugenia, 5524 cacoon crudia, 4071 cacoon tree, 4071 caducous hirtella, 7161 caesalpinia, 1886 caesalpinialeaf mimosa, 10105 caesarwood, 17190 cahoney, 17243 caixeta trumpettree, 15680 Cajamarca browningia, 1593 Cajamarca calymmanthium, 2011 Cajamarca clusia, 3037 Cajamarca falsebombax, 13188 Cajamarca inga, 7573 Cajamarca intermediate maya, 9827 Cajamarca ladenbergia, 8104 Cajamarca nordenstamia, 10929 Cajamarca senna, 14520 Cajamarca woolly espostoa, 5484 Cajambre malouetia, 9049 Cajanuma maya, 9619 Cajanuma nightshade, 14863 cajucara croton, 3962 calaba beautyleaf, 1978 calabash, 594, 3901 calabash tree, 594, 3899 calabash-tree, 3899, 3901 calabashtree, 3899 calabur, 10383 calabura, 10383 calabura muntingia, 10383 calabur-tree, 10383 Calama vochysia, 16811 calantha inga, 7579 calanthalike inga, 7580 calanthea, 1917 Calapampa maya, 9789 calatola, 1919 calceolaria shower, 14597 Caldas fig, 5922 Caldas licania, 8272 Caldas meliosma, 9399 Caldas swizzlesticktree, 13545 caldcluvia, 1921 calden mesquite, 12986 calea, 1923 caliculate eschweilera, 5378 California peppertree, 14403 Calima faramea, 5796 Calima fig, 5923 Calima guatteria, 6461 Calima magnolia, 8974 Callacalla gynoxys, 6747 Callacate crownbeard, 16599 Callcott escallonia, 5335 Callejas abarema, 9 Callejas leafflower, 12139 calliandra, 1925 callimato tree, 2768 callingeard vine, 5098 callisthene, 1969 calltree, 12207 calycampe myrcia, 10445 calyciflorous faramea, 5798 calycinal couratari, 3709 calycinal minor rudgea, 14002 calycinal palicourea, 11593 calycinal randia, 13627 calycinal tibouchina, 16074

calycinal violetbush, 7793 calycolpus, 1981 calycophyllum, 1989 calycorectes, 2000 calymmanthium, 2010 calyptrate blakea, 1378 calyptrate faramea, 5799 calyptrate rheedia, 13765 calyptrellalike graffenrieda, 6280 Camaná shadowpalm, 6178 Camargo herrania, 7018 Cambessèdes Criúva clusia, 3055 Cambessèdes eugenia, 5705 camibar copaltree, 3451 campaucolous mezilaurus, 9523 Camp blakea, 1379 Camp bogwood, 14696 Camp buglelily, 9447 campeachy, 6794 campeachy wood, 6792, 6794 Campeche bloodwoodtree, 6794 campechi wood, 6794 campetchi, 6794 camphor tree, 2846 camphorwood, 10960 campina iryanthera, 7816 campinas dimorphandra, 4574 campinas guatteria, 6465 Camp maya, 9622, 9924 campnosperma, 2072 campomanesia, 2075 Camp persea, 12047 campsiandra, 2106 Canaima pouteria, 12773 Canamina inga, 7581 canampi, 1805 Cañar maya, 9814 Cañar monactis, 10214 Canaracuni alexa, 415 canarywood, 2505, 2506 Canchaque pricklyash, 17170 candalwood, 4770 Candamo oreopanax, 11239 candelabra tree, 882 candelabrum clusia, 3038 candelabrum faramea, 5800 candelabrum ouratea, 11382 candelabrum tachigali, 15747 candle berry, 1861 candle bush, 14511 candle cactus, 15142 candle stick, 9839 candlestick browningia, 1597 candletree, 11829 candletree p.p., 4338 candletree croton, 3991 candlewood, 597, 601, 2336, 2581, 4770, 5027, 5202, 6674, 10773, 11240 candle wood, 2336, 9839, 10012, 14506, 15633 candlewood cestrum, 2581 candlewood cupania, 4107 candlewood dracaena, 4770 candlewood emmotum, 5027 candlewood tree, 4107 candlewood-tree, 4107 candolleodendron, 2134 canela ocotea, 11194 canelilla aniba, 686 canella licaria, 8458 canelo croton, 4012 Canelos payachic maya, 9636 canescent Antioquia maya, 9817 canescent bocageopsis, 1445 canescent couepia, 3623 canescent elvasia, 5010 canescent endlicheria, 5047 canescent freziera, 6057 canescent guadua, 6340 canescent licania, 8274 canescent nectandra, 10741 canescent ryania, 14088 canescent Swartzpea, 15405 canescent sweetleaf, 15606 canescent tibouchina, 16076 canime copaltree, 3452 canistel, 12842 canjerana cabralea, 1883

cannaleaf marlierea, 9150 cannon ball, 3725 cannon ball tree, 3725 cannon-ball tree, 3724, 3725 cannonball tree, 3725 cannonballtree, 3724 CañoPimichín schefflera, 14345 Cantareira euplassa, 5735 cantua, 2136 Canumã chocolatetree, 16033 caoutchouc tree, 7071 capberry, 2357 caper, 2157, 2160 caper bush, 2157 caper tree, 2160 caper wood, 2160 après caper-tree capertree, 2149, 2157, 2160 caper-tree, 2160 Capira naucleopsis, 10696 Capiri jungleplum, 14638 capirona, 2140 capitate balsamo, 13317 capitate chastetree, 16758 capitate coussarea, 3788 capitate eremanthus, 5146 capitate handroanthus, 6818 capitate inga, 7582 capitate oreopanax, 11240 capitate pagamea, 11549 capitate tococabush, 16116 capitate whitequebracho, 947 capixaba devilpepper, 13669 Capixaba elvasia, 5011 capixaba maya, 9625 Capixaba rhodostemonodaphne, 13780 capomo, 1548 capote machaerium, 8732 capparicordis, 2142 capped lidflower, 2052 capsicodendron, 2168 capuca nightshade, 14910 capuleen, 10383 capulí cinchona, 2822 capulin, 16299 Caquetá saurauia, 14218 Caquetá tococabush, 16117 Carabobo ocotea, 11001 Carac gynoxys, 6749 Caracas anttree, 16413 Caracas croton, 3965 Caracas daphnopsis, 4398 Caracas nightshade, 14872 Caracas pradosia, 12934 Caracas seagrape, 3225 Caracas treefern, 4166 caracha tachigali, 15749 Carache libanothamnus, 8235 caracus wigandia, 17045 carahuasca inga, 7664 caraipa, 2170 Carajás Ceará mouriri, 10314 Carajas jacaranda, 7887 Carajás privetlike cocainetree, 5278 caramacate piranhea, 12434 caramate oreopanax, 11268 caramurí pouteria, 12854 caraná mauritia, 9299 caraña resintree, 13120 caraoto macrolobium, 8863 carapa, 2203, 2206 carapanauba whitequebracho, 948 carapichea, 2207 Carare magnolia, 8976 Carauta couepia, 3625 Carauta fig, 5925 Caravelas dimorphandra, 4588 carbonero false piptadenia, 13227 Carchi crownbeard, 16600 Carchi fig, 5926 Carchi maya, 9765 Carchi pleurothyrium, 12559 Carchi sessea, 14623 Carchi topobea, 16173 card gum, 3171 Cardenas acosmium, 154 Cardenas clethra, 2969 Cardenas cupania, 4113 cardenasiodendron, 2209 Cárdenas mayten, 9318

ENGLISH NAMES Carder matisia, 9249 cardgum, 3076 cardinalred ocotea, 11002 cardinal wood, 1560 cardiopetalum, 2211 Cardona clusia, 3039 Cardona faramea, 5802 Cardona holly, 7421 Cardona palicourea, 11596 Cardona panacoco Swartzpea, 15503 Cardona quelchia, 13570 Cardona ridgerunner, 4234 Cardona rudgea, 13977 Cardozo inga, 7583 cargadero guatteria, 6467 Caribbae royal palm, 13958 Caribbean actinostemon, 167 Caribbean burrwood, 14756 Caribbean gyranthera, 6785 Caribbean spiritweed, 234 Caribbean trumpet-tree, 15679 Carib royalpalm, 13959 carib sterculia, 15183 carinate bitterwood, 16315 carinate eschweilera, 5379 carinate muskwood, 6389 carinate schefflera, 14350 carinate talisia, 15813 carinate tovomita, 16233 carinate toxosiphon, 16281 carinate virola, 16668 cariniana, 2216 Carmencita sweetleaf, 15607 caroba, 7888 caroba jacaranda, 7888 carob-tree, 7888 Carolina coussarea, 3789 Carolinajessamineflower palicourea, 11617 CarpishPass maya, 9626 carpotroche, 2226 carpunya pepper, 12288 carramboa, 2235 Carrao byrsonima, 1798 Carraotepuí myrcia, 10466 Carraotepuí panacoco Swartzpea, 15509 Carrapa pepper, 12287, 12350 carrapo bulnesia, 1736 Carreño burrwood, 14757 carrion crow bush, 14583 Cartagena balsamo, 13320 Cartagena cassava, 9067 Cartagena cocainetree, 5248 Cartagena corynostylis, 3606 Cartagena diphysa, 4692 Cartagena muskwood, 6390 Cartagena screwtree, 6948 cartilagelike Loja roupala, 13908 Cartwright armatocereus, 931 carua ladenbergia, 8084 Caruay holly, 7470 caruto remijia, 13716 Carvalho huberia, 7265 carvedfruit lafoensia, 8120 carvedleaf maya, 9743 carved roupala, 13940 caryocar, 2240 caryodaphnopsis, 2262 caryodendron, 2268 casana, 14863 Casapi fig, 5927 Casapi maya, 9602 Casapi pepper, 12289 Casaretto bitterwood, 16316 Casaseca swizzlesticktree, 13546 cascara, 13751 cascaronia, 2273 casearia, 2275 casha, 65 casha tree, 65 cashaw, 65, 12994 cashew, 603 cashew p.p., 608 cashew-apple, 608 cashewleaf myrcia, 10432 cashew nut, 608 cashew-nut, 603, 608 cashew-nut tree, 603

890 cashew tree, 608 cashia, 65 cashie tree, 13619 casia, 92 Casimir muskwood, 6391 Casiquiare campsiandra, 2111 Casiquiare holly, 7422 Casiquiare micropholis, 10055 Casiquiare scurfy mollia, 10166 Casiquiare tapura, 15876 caskfruit, 4758 cassada, 14637 cassada-wood, 13151 cassaoa, 9074 cassava, 9062 cassava p.p., 9074 casscada wood, 16453 cassia, 2336 cassia p.p., 65 cassialike caesalpinia, 1888 cassialike nightshade, 14869 cassic, 65 cassie, 65 cassie flower, 65 cassie-flower, 65 cassineleaf marlierea, 9180 cassineleaf ouratea, 11385 cassinelike cocainetree, 5249 cassinialeaf baccharis, 1132 cassipourea, 2356 Cassiquiare ruizterania, 14034 Cassiquiare vochysia, 16813 castaño matisia, 9250 castela, 2362 castilla rubber, 2366 castilloa rubber, 2366 Castillo Guianas perebea, 11985 cat, 11830 catalpaleaf byttneria, 1875 Cataniapo burrwood, 14758 catappaleaf fig, 5929 cataract macrolobium, 8876 cataract maya, 9628 cataracts couepia, 3629 cataract spongiosperma, 15119 cataracts vaupesia, 16589 cataracts zygia, 17250 cataract vaupesia, 16589 catclaw, 50, 92, 12462 catclaw apes-earring, 12462 catclaw blackbead, 12462 catclaw blackbread, 12462 caterpillar tree, 7120 cathartic bark, 16053 cathartic-bark, 16053 cathedra, 2371 catigua bitterwood, 16317 catinga Açuruá senna, 14509 catinga cassava, 9070 catinga euterpepal, 5755 catinga fig, 5920 catinga purpleheart, 11896 Catingas coussarea, 3790 cativo, 12971, 12972 cativo prioria, 12972 catolé attalea, 1071 cats claw, 12462 cat’s-claw, 1897, 12462 cattle malouetia, 9034 cattle maya, 9611 cattle mayten, 9316 Cattley guava, 13263 cat tooth, 525 catuaba tetragastris, 15996 Cauca aegiphila, 200 Cauca blakea, 1424 Cauca breadnut, 16442 Cauca chocolatetree, 16034 Cauca crownbeard, 16613 Cauca dendropanax, 4450 Cauca fiddlewood, 2911 Cauca fig, 6033 Cauca jacaranda, 7889 Cauca Little brunellia, 1647 Cauca maya, 9837 Cauca pleurothyrium, 12542 Cauca pumpwood, 2468 Cauca resintree, 13031 caucho rubber, 2370

caudate aptandra, 869 caudate clidemia, 2998 caudate clusia, 3041 caudate dimorphandra, 4575 caudate falsenettle, 1457 caudate faramea, 5803 caudate henriettella, 6983 caudate licania, 8276 caudate mabea, 8673 caudate marlierea, 9151 caudate maya, 9629 caudate micropholis, 10056 caudate Swartzpea, 15407 caudate tococabush, 16119 caudate trigynaea, 16405 caudiculate discolor macrolobium, 8887 caudiculate eschweilera, 5380 cauliflorous duguetia, 4806 cauliflorous falseflamebean, 1586 cauliflorous falselancewood, 13245 cauliflorous guava, 13264 cauliflorous hornschuchia, 7247 cauliflorous klarobelia, 8007 cauliflorous mouriri, 10312 cauliflorous plinia, 12568 cauliflorous salacia, 14120 cauliflorous stylogyne, 15301 cauliflorous unonopsis, 16471 cauliflorous vasconcellea, 16556 cauliflorous vismia, 16715 cauliflorus cremastosperma, 3870 cauliflorus heisteria, 6915 caulote, 6646 Caura chomelia, 2709 caustic lithraea, 8513 caustic persea, 12048 Cavalcante balata, 9087 Cavalcante baromalli, 2380 Cavalcante persimmon, 4632 cavanillesia, 2393 Cavanilles vismia, 16716 caven acacia, 62 cavendishia, 2398 Cayambe brunellia, 1617 caye caulker plum, 2739 caye moho, 11877 Cayenne bitterwood, 16326 Cayennecherry, 5711 Cayenne inga, 7585 Cayenne micropholis, 10057 Cayenne persimmon, 4633 Cayenne poisonnut, 15246 Cayenne pouteria, 12775 Cayenne vismia, 16717 Cayenne vochysia, 16815 Cayenne xylopia, 17073 Cazalet maya, 9631 ceanothusleaf ocotea, 11004 Ceará amburana, 573 Ceará copaltree, 3453 Ceará cordia, 3551 Ceará India rubber, 9068 Ceará mouriri, 10313 Ceará rosewood, 4365 Ceará roupala, 13910 Ceará rubber, 9068 Ceará rubber plant, 9068 cebil snakelike anadenanthera, 613 cebra wood, 17193 cedar, 2470, 2474 Cedeño neea, 10830 cedrela, 2469 cedrela p.p., 2474 cedrela cigarbox, 2474 cedrela-cigar box, 2474 cedrela-cigarbox, 2474 cedrelinga, 2477 cedrón simaba, 14651 ceiba, 2479 ceiba p.p., 2487 celandine, 1450 Celia bonnetia, 1469 Celia clusia, 3042 Celia emmotum, 5025 Celia licania, 8278 Cenepa balsam, 13321 Cenepe tachigali, 15750 Cenepe tessmannianthus, 15989

cenostigma, 2502 Central American cedar, 2474 Central American mahogany, 15569 Central American rubber, 2366 CentralAmerica pouteria, 12905 centronia, 2515 centronialike conostegia, 3430 centronialike maya, 9633 cephaelislike coussarea, 3791 cephalocereus, 12235 cerebroid ouratea, 11387 cereja eugenia, 5530 cereus, 2525 Cerón balsam, 13322 cerrado Pará couepia, 3675 cerrados tetragastris, 15997 cerrag maya, 9617 CerroAzul coussarea, 3792 CerroCimalón croizatia, 3941 CerroDuida clusia, 3071 CerroDuida dicymbe, 4549 CerroDuida Sarisariñama tepuianthus, 15917 CerroDuida schefflera, 14304 CerroGuaiquinima dicymbe, 4557 CerroGuanay schefflera, 14308 CerroHuachamacari schefflera, 14312 CerroJaua schefflera, 14318 CerroJefe faramea, 5825 CerroJefe inga, 7642 CerroJefe vismia, 16727 CerroMarahuaca baromalli, 2389 CerroMonachi Swartzpea, 15483 CerroNaiguatá croizatia, 3942 CerroNeblina blolly, 6371 CerroNeblina bonnetia, 1474 CerroNeblina brunellia, 1650 CerroNeblina casearia, 2305 CerroNeblina centronia, 2521 CerroNeblina croton, 4010 CerroNeblina dendropanax, 4460 CerroNeblina dicymbe, 4555 CerroNeblina eschweilera, 5405 CerroNeblina faramea, 5841 CerroNeblina ferdinandusa, 5888 CerroNeblina hebepetalum, 6866 CerroNeblina hedyosmum, 6889 CerroNeblina holly, 7492 CerroNeblina hortia, 7260 CerroNeblina inga, 7684 CerroNeblina kutchubaea, 8032 CerroNeblina mayten, 9353 CerroNeblina neea, 10851 CerroNeblina neotatea, 10917 CerroNeblina ocotea, 11110 CerroNeblina polymerous graffenrieda, 6306 CerroNeblina Ptaritepuí moronobea, 10280 CerroNeblina raputia, 13648 CerroNeblina whitequebracho, 977 CerroParú schefflera, 14338 CerroQuillón critoniopsis, 3930 CerroSipapo calea, 1924 CerroSipapo clusia, 3179 CerroSipapo remijia, 13726 CerroSipapo ridgerunner, 4285 Cerro Sipapo schefflera, 14357 Cerro Sipapo snowbell, 15353 CerroTacarcuna balsamo, 13428 CerroVenamo micropholis, 10087 CerroVenamo myrcia, 10448 CerroYutaje dendrothrix, 4487 CerroYutajé schefflera, 14384 Cervantes fig, 5930 cervantesia, 2556 Cesar simira, 14664 cespedesia, 2559 Cespedes magnolia, 8978 Céspedes marila, 9132 cestrum, 2561 cestrumleaf fig, 5931 cestrumleaf guatteria, 6468 cestrumleaf mayten, 9319 cestrumleaf monnina, 10222 cestrumlike duckeodendron, 4796 cestrumlike faramea, 5804 Chacahuassi bogwood, 14734 Chachapoyas macrocarpaea, 8851

891 Chachapoyas tetrasida, 16010 Chachapoyas tovomita, 16234 Chachapoyas weinmannia, 16955 Chaco chloroleucon, 2693 Chaco guadua, 6338 Chaco leafflower, 12140 chaconia, 16931 chaetocarpus, 2606 chaffy blakea, 1400 chaffy maya, 9875 chainlike cedrelinga, 2478 chalicevineleaf monnina, 10239 ChalluaYacu geissanthus, 6138 Chalmers nightshade, 14871 chalybea, 2611 chamaedorea, 2643 chambered bogwood, 14735 chambira astrocaryum, 1011 Chamisso cherry, 13136 Chamisso cordia, 3506 Chamisso mouriri, 10315 Chanchamayo pepper, 12286 Chanderbali endlicheria, 5093 channelled macrolobium, 8873 channelled nectandra, 10740 channelled ocotea, 10999 Chapare fig, 5932 Chapare guadua, 6339 Chapare saurauia, 14220 Chapon balsam, 13323 Chapón fig, 5933 Charagua croton, 3967 charango whitequebracho, 990 charcoal hirtella, 7162 charcoal persimmon, 4530 charcoal threenerve calliandra, 1961 charcoal-tree, 16297 charming inga, 7781 chartaceous inga, 7587 chartaceousleaf eschweilera, 5381 chartaceous talisia, 15815 chartaceus meliosma, 9400 chaste tree, 16756 chastetree, 16756 Chatrou guatteria, 6493 chaunochiton, 2647 chaw-stick, 6274 Chazuta cojoba, 3291 cheaky berry, 12207 checker seagrape, 3275 checker-grape, 3275 cheese and bread, 12455 cheiloclinium, 2651 chelyocarpus, 2656 chennet, 9382 chequén luma, 8651 chequered grape, 3275 chequered grape tree, 3275 cherimoya, 746 cherimoya annona, 746 cherimoyalike annona, 747 cherimoyer, 746 cherry, 13129 cherry p.p., 3508, 5271, 9055, 10585, 13215, 16444 cherryflower eugenia, 5529 cherry-grape, 3275 cherry guava, 10611 cherry-laurel, 13151 cherryleaf copperleaf, 110 cherryleaf holly, 7423 cherryleaf palicourea, 11664 cherrylike seagrape, 3258 cherryred talisia, 15814 cherry-tree, 10383 chesnutbrown mimosa, 10106 chesnutbrown wettinia, 17029 chesnutleaf Christmasbush, 371 chesnutleaf clethra, 2970 chesnutleaf cupania, 4114 chesnutleaf ouratea, 11386 chesnutleaf trumpetflower, 15903 chestnutleaf cleidion, 2958 Chevalier morella, 10258 chew-stick, 6274 chewstick, 6272, 15590 chewstick gouania, 6274 chichaguay peach spinyclubpalm, 1165 chichape hackberry, 2495

ENGLISH NAMES chicken hawks foot, 13850 chickory grape, 3275 chicle, 8050, 8055, 9050 chicle balata, 9088 ChicoMendes sterculia, 15184 chigger nits, 3448, 9554 chiggery grape, 3275 chiggery grapes, 16204 chignul maya, 9609 chignul palicourea, 11597 chigomontero campsiandra, 2112 Chigorodó angelintree, 643 Chiguila naucleopsis, 10697 chilco baccharis, 1133 Chilean beech, 10935 Chilean cedar, 1087, 1088 Chilean firebush, 5021 Chilean incense cedar, 1088 Chilean pine, 883 Chilean wine palm, 7963 Chilean winepalm, 7963 Chilean yew, 13125 Chile austrocedrus, 1088 Chile eucryphia, 5491 Chile falsenettle, 1459 Chileguava, 16462 Chile jubaea, 7963 Chile mesquite, 12987 Chile myrceugenia, 10416 Chile nut, 6194 Chilenut, 6194 Chile peppertree, 14398 Chile pine, 883 Chile pine-monkey puzzle, 883 Chile podocarpus, 12598 Chile slugwood, 1290 Chile wineberry, 929 Chile Winterbark drimys, 4784 Chimantá dacryodes, 4341 Chimantá holly, 7424 Chimanta macairea, 8705 Chimantá magnolia, 8979 Chimantá rudgea, 14008 Chimantá schefflera, 14285 Chimantá stenopadus, 15147 Chimantá sweetleaf, 15610 chimarrhis, 2660 Chimborazo balsam, 13324 Chimborazo cestrum, 2566 Chimborazo gynoxys, 6750 Chimborazo joseanthus, 7957 Chimborazo maya, 9688 Chimborazo palicourea, 11598 Chimborazo rondeletia, 13875 Chinacota inga, 7588 chinchona bark, 2831 Chinese cherry, 10383 chink wood, 1755 chinkswood, 1515 chinkwood, 1746, 1747 chione, 2685 chiquery grape, 3275 Chiribiquete clusia, 3044 Chiribiquete senefelderopsis, 14504 chiricaspi raintree, 1681 chirigoyo, 5175 Chiriquí balsam, 13325 Chiriquí holly, 7425 Chiriquí lycianthes, 8662 Chiriquí nightshade, 14847 chiriruca margaritopsis, 9128 chischis, 3514 chischis cordia, 3514 chloroleucon, 2691 choakyberry, 5510 cho-bush, 6274 Chocó balsam, 13326 Chocó burrwood, 14760 Chocó copperleaf, 101 Chocó coussapoa, 3742 Chocó cremastosperma, 3872 Chocó croton, 3968 Chocó exarata, 5766 Chocó fig, 5934 Chocó jacaratia, 7917 chocolate schefflera, 14289 chocolate tree, 16031 chocolate-tree, 16031 chocolatetree, 16027

chocolatetreeleaf caryodaphnopsis, 2266 Chocó licania, 8279 Chocó mabea, 8674 Chocó magnolia, 8980 Chocó matisia, 9282 Chocó maya, 9651 Chocó neoptychocarpus, 10889 Chocó nightshade, 14894 Chocó parinari, 11790 Chocó pepper, 12352 Chocó pleurothyrium, 12547 Chocó pouteria, 12776 Chocó schefflera, 14278 Chocó showy ryania, 14095 Chocó tococabush, 16127 Chocó unonopsis, 16483 Chodat ceiba, 2481 Chodat guibourtia, 6686 Choisy tovomita, 16235 choke cherry, 13129 chokeberry, 5510 choky apple, 12850 choky-apple, 12850 cholla, 11223 chomelia, 2705 chonta astrocaryum, 1012 Chontal Drake buglelily, 9455 Choquetanga critoniopsis, 3911 chorisepalum, 2729 chou, 648 christiana, 2731 Christiane byrsonima, 1799 Christian fig, 5935 Christmas berry, 14411, 14413 Christmas-berry, 3945, 14411 Christmasberry, 14411 Christmas bush, 14517 Christmasbush, 366 Christmasbush p.p., 14517 Christmasbushfruit croton, 3952 Christmasbushleaf matisia, 9239 Christmasbushlike hieronyma, 7090 Christmasbushlike vasivaea, 16570 Christmas-cherry, 5661 Christmas-hope, 15906 Christmas plant, 14583 Christmas tree, 6667, 13619 Christmas-tree, 13619 chromolucuma, 2735 chrysochlamys, 2741 chuco chelyocarpus, 2657 Chulumani calliandra, 1928 churchblossom, 2149 Churute croton, 3969 Cid couepia, 3631 Cid licania, 8280 Cid macrolobium, 8877 Cid quiina, 13582 Ciénaga croton, 3970 cigarbox, 2474 cigar box cedar, 2474 cigar-box cedar, 2474 cigarbox-cedar, 2474 cigarbox cedar, 2474 cigarbox cedrela, 2474 cigarbush, 6870 cigarettebark couratari, 3722 ciliate barktree, 6106 ciliate bitterbush, 12185 ciliatedleaf guatteria, 6454 ciliateleaf fig, 5913 ciliateleaf xylosma, 17118 ciliate hirtella, 7163 ciliate inga, 7591 ciliate maya, 9646 ciliate pricklyash, 17153 ciliate rudgea, 13979 ciliate sapium, 14175 ciliolate holly, 7426 ciliosemina, 2814 cinchona, 2817 cinchona tree, 2831 cinchonopsis, 2839 cinnamodendron, 2841 cinnamon, 2846 cinnamon p.p., 12246 cinnamon allophylus, 467 cinnamon apple, 12820

cinnamon bauhinia, 1256 cinnamon bush, 12246 cinnamon conostegia, 3433 cinnamonflower aniba, 687 cinnamon guatteria, 6473 cinnamon inga, 7594 cinnamon jujube, 17220 cinnamonleaf coussapoa, 3744 cinnamonleaf maya, 9650 cinnamon muskwood, 6393 cinnamon nightshade, 14875 cinnamon panopsis, 11708 cinnamon pouteria, 12778 cinnamon tococabush, 16120 cinnamon tree, 12246 cinnamon trigynaea, 16406 cinnamon vochysia, 16816 cinnamon williamodendron, 17047 cipo bitterwood, 16318 Cipo denseflower siphoneugena, 14743 circinate nightshade, 14876 Cisplatina myrcianthes, 10581 citronella, 2913 citronleaf aniba, 688 citronleaf vochysia, 16817 citronscented guatteria, 6474 citronscent hornschuchia, 7248 citronscent pera, 11969 citronyellow fig, 5943 citrusleaf box, 1780 citrusleaf cocainetree, 5250 citrusleaf Eugenia, 5533 citrusleaf heisteria, 6916 citrusshaped cryptocarya, 4081 clammy cherry, 3497, 3508 clammy-cherry, 3508, 3513 clarisia, 2923 Clark ouratea, 11388 Clark tovomita, 16236 claspingleaf eschweilera, 5367 clathrotropis, 2927 Claude ouratea, 11389 claudyplace pepper, 12346 Claussen bitterwood, 16319 Claussen buglelily, 9448 Claussen glossy sweetleaf, 15643 Claussen marlierea, 9152 Claussen mimosa, 10107 Claussen myrcia, 10532 clavate fewflower pilocarpus, 12220 clavija, 2934 clavija myrcia, 10449 clawberry, 9116 clayberry, 9116 clefted maya, 9931 cleidion, 2956 cleistogamous ternstroemia, 15956 clethra, 2968 clethraleaf sweetleaf, 15611 clibadium, 2992 clidemia, 2997 climbingbranches acacia, 54 climbing copperleaf, 115 climbing graffenrieda, 6313 climbing heisteria, 6933 climbing ocotea, 11160 climbing sanchezia, 14163 climbing schlegelia, 14435 clogwood, 12438 closed maya, 9925 closeflower coussarea, 3793 closegrowing pehria, 11887 close inga, 7560 clothed paloue, 11700 clothed rourea, 13953 clothed topobea, 16168 cloud euplassa, 5744 cloudforest pricklyash, 17179 cloudloving rudgea, 14003 cloud myrcia, 10517 clouds schefflera, 14333 cloudyplace inga, 7690 cloudyplaces palicourea, 11659 cloven berries, 2294 clovenberries casearia, 2294 cloverbarktree dicypellium, 4562 clubbearing guatteria, 6475 clubbearing ocotea, 11009 clubbearing schefflera, 14290

ENGLISH NAMES clubbedflower borojoa, 1490 clubbedflower zygia, 17251 clubbed ruizterania, 14035 clubfruit muskwood, 6425 clublike myrcianthes, 10602 clublikethorn maya, 9544 clump walla, 4548 clump wallaba, 4545 clusia, 3022 clusialeaf blakea, 1380 clusialeaf dystovomita, 4941 clusialeaf guatteria, 6476 clusialeaf lidflower, 2022 clusialeaf myrcia, 10450 clusialeaf ternstroemia, 15957 clustered henriettella, 6982 clustered holly, 7405 clustered lacistema, 8039 clustered lidflower, 2029 clustered maya, 9555 clusterpea, 4610 cnicothamnus, 3204 coal-black guatteria, 6444 Coamo river Pouzolz’s bush, 12929 coastal faramea, 5847 coastal pleurothyrium, 12541 coastal Swartzpea, 15496 coast hibiscus, 7088 coat bush, 2364 Coban machaerium, 8733 cobwebbedflower licania, 8258 cobwebby coussapoa, 3734 cobwebby licania, 8259 coby wood, 9226 cobywood, 9203 coca, 5251 coca bush, 5251 cocaine bush, 5251 cocaine shrub, 5295 cocaine tree, 5251 cocainetree, 5235 cocando boy, 1063, 1168 coca shrub, 5242 Cochabamba gynoxys, 6751 Cochabamba macrocarpaea, 8831 Cochabamba oreopanax, 11235 Cochabamba otholobium, 11358 Cochabamba polylepis, 12648 Cocha weinmannia, 16957 cochlear pradosia, 12935 cochleate abarema, 11 cochleate clusia, 3046 cochleate coralbean, 5207 cochlospermum, 3285 cockroach apple, 14941 cockroach poison, 14941 cockscomb coralbean, 5210 cockscomb coraltree, 5210 cock spur, 2276 cock-spur, 12441 cockspur, 63, 5210, 12441, 14649 cockspur coralbean, 5210 cockspur jungleplum, 14649 Coclé inga, 7595 cocoa, 16027, 16031 cocoa-mamma, 5218 cocoa plum, 2739 cocoa shade, 6211 cocoa-plum, 2739 cococow, 8326 cocolay, 17270 coconilla nightshade, 15016 coco plum, 2739 coco-plum, 2739 cocoplum, 2738, 2739 coco pricklyash, 17154 cocora cheiloclinium, 2652 cocuirey endlicheria, 5051 Codesur uladendron, 16465 Coelho lorostemon, 8594 coffealike faramea, 5806 coffee, 5537 coffee colubrina, 3298 coffee-fence, 2965 coffeeleaf eugenia, 5534 coffee-mamma, 5218 coffee mortar, 15923 coffee-wood, 8326 coffeewood, 1899

892 Cogniaux maya, 9653 Cogollo ardisia, 892 Cogollo caryodaphnopsis, 2263 Cogollo geissanthus, 6139 Cogollo metteniusa, 9508 Cogollo palicourea, 11600 Cogollo swizzlesticktree, 13547 Cogollo weinmannia, 16958 cogwood, 7241 cohoba, 615 cohoba anadenanthera, 615 cohoba piptadenia, 615 cohune, 1063 cohune attalea, 1063 cohune nut, 1063 cohune palm, 1063 coigue, 10938 coigüe, 10938 coil, 8127 Coimbra falsecaper, 2147 coinvine, 4368 cojoba, 3286 Colán gynoxys, 6752 coldhabitat treefern, 4186 cold withe, 16204 colenda attalea, 1064 colicodendron, 3294 colic wood, 10652 colicwood, 10647 Collins acacia, 63 colmenero paragynoxys, 11736 Colombia aegiphila, 238 Colombia alfaroa, 424 Colombia ampleleaf Swartzpea, 15379 Colombia angelintree, 661 Colombia annona, 787 Colombia ardisia, 893 Colombia axinaea, 1100 Colombia balsamo, 13301 Colombia black anttree, 16419 Colombia blakea, 1402 Colombia brunellia, 1618 Colombia caraipa, 2173 Colombia chastetree, 16759 Colombia chelyocarpus, 2658 Colombia chrysochlamys, 2746 Colombia clusia, 3048, 3158 Colombia cocainetree, 5295 Colombia condalia, 3375 Colombia cordia, 3509 Colombia couepia, 3671 Colombia coussapoa, 3743 Colombia coussarea, 3807 Colombia croton, 3971 Colombia crownbeard, 16601 Colombia cuatrecasasiodendron, 4096 Colombia cuatresia, 4098 Colombia cymbopetalum, 4299 Colombia dacryodes, 4342 Colombia dasyphyllum, 4420 Colombia diplostephium, 4700 Colombia duguetia, 4809 Colombia endlicheria, 5052 Colombia ephedranthus, 5139 Colombia eschweilera, 5377 Colombia falselancewood, 13249 Colombia falsepiptadenia, 13223 Colombia faramea, 5807 Colombia garcinia, 6127 Colombia graffenrieda, 6283 Colombia grias, 6324 Colombia guatteria, 6479 Colombia gynoxys, 6760 Colombia hedyosmum, 6875 Colombia hirtella, 7238 Colombia holly, 7427 Colombia hortia, 7257 Colombia huertea, 7280 Colombia humiriastrum, 7304 Colombia inga, 7597 Colombia lorostemon, 8595 Colombia macrocarpaea, 8828 Colombia macrocnemum, 8857 Colombia macrolobium, 8878 Colombia Magdalena calliandra, 1944 Colombia magnolia, 8981 Colombia matudaea, 9284 Colombia maya, 9654 Colombia mimosa, 10109

Colombia monnina, 10223 Colombia mouriri, 10317 Colombia muskwood, 6392 Colombian boxwood, 2316 Colombia neosprucea, 10910 Colombia neotatea, 10915 colombian foxtail palm, 15582 Colombian mahogany, 2224, 15569 Colombia ochoterenaea, 10947 Colombia oleanderleaf libanothamnus, 8241 Colombia ormosia, 11301 Colombia pera, 11970 Colombia persimmon, 4655 Colombia pouteria, 12751 Colombia pradosia, 12938 Colombia prunus, 13150 Colombia pseudosarcopera, 13235 Colombia pterandra, 13456 Colombia pterygota, 13480 Colombia pumpwood, 2464 Colombia resintree, 13029 Colombia rondeletia, 13876 Colombia roucheria, 13897 Colombia roupala, 13911 Colombia rudgea, 13980 Colombia schefflera, 14284 Colombia seagrape, 3227 Colombia sessea, 14621 Colombia smoothleaf machaerium, 8767 Colombia spachea, 15072 Colombia starapple, 2775 Colombia stenopadus, 15148 Colombia stephanopodium, 15165 Colombia sterculia, 15179 Colombia sterigmapetalum, 15213 Colombia Swartzpea, 15408 Colombia tabernaemontana, 15706 Colombia tachigali, 15753 Colombia tapura, 15877 Colombia ternstroemia, 15951 Colombia topobea, 16158 Colombia unonopsis, 16472 Colombia weinmannia, 16991 Colombia wettinia, 17034 Colombia williamodendron, 17048 Colombia xylopia, 17075 Colón quiina, 13583 Colonche inga, 7598 Colón spinyclubpalm, 1159 colorado geissanthus, 6144 colorado polylepis, 12649 colored lancepod, 8559 colored ocotea, 10984 colored perrottetia, 12027 colored pistacheleaf senna, 14578 colored pouteria, 12771 colored redquebracho, 14392 colored rhodostemonodaphne, 13796 colored sweetleaf, 15612 colossal shiningseed cereus, 2534 colpachí croton, 3999 colubrina, 3297 columellia, 3306 columnar browningia, 1598 columnar clusia, 3049 columnar styloceras, 15293 coma, 14640 Comarapa nightshade, 14877 Comarapana cereus, 2527 Comas pepper, 12293 combretum, 3310 Commerson casearia, 2284 Commerson sebastiania, 14475 common astrocaryum, 1030 common balata, 9083 common baromalli, 2381 common broadleaf zygia, 17266 common calabash-tree, 3901 common calabashtree, 3901 common cashew, 608 common cassava, 9074 common cassave, 9074 common coralbean, 5208 common elder, 14156 common ivorypalm, 12175 common lignumvitae, 6352 common mayten, 9320

common mesquite, 12994 common mesquite p.p., 12992 common papaya, 2215 common seagrape, 3274 common snake-bark, 3298 common tachigali, 15808 common tiputree, 16114 common velvet-seed, 6647, 6660 common whiptree, 8623 common whitequebracho, 988 compact licania, 8281 compactlynerve whitequebracho, 949 compact pricklyash, 17155 compact vantanea, 16526 complete hecatostemon, 6869 complete mouriri, 10318 compressed chastetree, 16760 compressed croton, 3972 compressed eschweilera, 5384 compressed gynoxys, 6753 compressed maya, 9657 compressed nightshade, 14878 compsoneura, 3327 conacaste, 5103 concave myrcia, 10452 conceveiba, 3343 conchocarpus, 3358 concolor actinostemon, 168 concolor cordiera, 3589 concolor pumpwood, 2418 concolor retiniphyllum, 13734 concolor schefflera, 14292 condalia, 3373 condaminea, 3377 condaminealike tresanthera, 16301 Cóndor faramea, 5808 Condor meliosma, 9401 Cóndor palicourea, 11601 Condor pouteria, 12782 conduplicate Eugenia, 5536 conduplicate hirtella, 7164 conduplicate lidflower, 2024 conelike leafflower, 12163 coneshapedfruit holly, 7428 conforming maya, 9659 confused aegiphila, 251 confused alexa, 416 confused axinaea, 1101 confused nightshade, 14881 confused oreopanax, 11242 confused resintree, 13030 congo-cypress, 1734 congo pump, 2410 congo-pump, 2450 conical bogwood, 14698 conjugate dimorphandra, 4577 conjugate heterostemon, 7057 conjugate treefern, 4172 Connell stenopadus, 15149 conore, 8564 conostegia, 3427 conostegialike graffenrieda, 6284 consanguineous macrosaman, 8958 conspicuous guatteria, 6481 conspicuousstyle maya, 9889 constricted alumbarktree, 15268 constricted neea, 10831 conterminous snowbell, 15322 continental simple Swartzpea, 15544 contorted coussapoa, 3745 contorted falsepiptadenia, 13224 contracted adenocalymma, 183 contracted coussarea, 3794 contracted schefflera, 14294 Contumazá starapple, 2776 convergent balsam, 13328 converging muskwood, 6394 convexnerve Eugenia, 5539 convexvein marlierea, 9153 coolie sterculia, 15182 Cooper balsam, 13329 cooper hoop, 1581 cooperhoop, 1573 Copacabana eugenia, 5540 copaia jacaranda, 7890 copaiba balsam, 3475 copaiba copaltree, 3475 copal, 7347 copal p.p., 16001

893 copal partridgepea, 2633 copal tree, 3475 copaltree, 3449 coper, 2157 coper bush, 2157 copernicia, 3486 coper tree, 2157 copey, 3123, 3171 copey clusia, 3171 copperleaf, 97 copperleaf p.p., 176 coppery byrsonima, 1807 coppery croton, 3979 coppery dimorphandra, 4578 coppery eugenia, 5548 copperyflower rondeletia, 13877 coppery licania, 8289 coppery marlierea, 9154 coppery maya, 9675 coppery myrcia, 10456 coppery pepper, 12297 coprosma, 3490 coquinillo falsemalmea, 13218 coquino pouteria, 12851 coquirana starapple, 2810 coquito, 7963 coral bean, 5204, 5206, 5214 coralbean p.p., 5206, 5208 coral bush, 5210, 7938 coralibe handroanthus, 6824 coralloid treefern, 4173 coral plant, 7938 coralplant, 7938 coralplant nettlespurge, 7938 coral shower, 2347 coral-shower, 2347 coral tree, 5204, 5208, 5227 coraltree, 5208, 5210 Corazón gynoxys, 6755 Corazón oreopanax, 11243 Corcovado Eugenia, 5541 Corcovado treefern, 4174 cordate aegiphila, 201 cordate angelintree, 644 cordate aparisthmium, 842 cordate chaconia, 16934 cordate exellodendron, 5769 cordate haploclathra, 6847 cordate jaboticaba, 10606 cordateleaf aegiphila, 203 cordateleaf licania, 8275 cordateleaf llanos caraipa, 2184 cordateleaf myriocarpa, 10622 cordateleaf ocotea, 10985 cordateleaf parinari, 11789 cordateleaf roupala, 13913 cordateleaf simira, 14665 cordate leretia, 8225 cordate matisia, 9252 cordate maya, 9660 cordate nectandra, 10745 cordate pourouma, 12705 cordate qualea, 13495 cordate salacia, 14121 cordate seagrape, 3228 cordateseed ouratea, 11384 cordate snowbell, 15323 cordatestipule inga, 7600 cordate taralea, 15894 cordatewing inga, 7599 cordate xylosma, 17119 cordateseed Swartzpea, 15406 cordia, 3493 cordia p.p., 3513 cordialike nightshade, 14883 cordia wood, 3526 cordiera, 3588 Córdoba balsamo, 13330 Córdoba escallonia, 5336 Cordoba nightshade, 14884 cordulate hooked pepper, 12255 cordyline, 3596 Core mayten, 9322 Core paragynoxys, 11733 coriaceous calliandra, 1929 coriaceous croton, 3973 coriaceous daphnopsis, 4399 coriaceous dussia, 4932 coriaceous eschweilera, 5386

ENGLISH NAMES coriaceous lacunaria, 8071 coriaceous posoqueria, 12676 coriaceus cestrum, 2567 coriaceus endlicheria, 5053 coribee, 15906 Coripata albizia, 350 cork bottom wood, 6646 cork tree, 10949, 16050 cork-tree, 16050 cork wood, 3572, 10949, 13466 corkwood p.p., 769, 2487, 10949 corky cocainetree, 5323 corky fiddlewood, 2905 corky freziera, 6075 corky inga, 7756 corky zebrawood, 3413 Cornejo balsam, 13331 cornel, 3598 corniculate bauhinia, 1257 corniculate palicourea, 11602 cornstick, 383 cornutia, 3600 corn wood, 648 cornwood, 383, 648 Coroico brunellia, 1625 corossilla spinyclubpalm, 1162 correa, 17259 Correa Croat ardisia, 896 correaleaf myrceugenia, 10391 Corrientes nightshade, 14918 corrugated monkeypottree, 8173 corrugated muskwood, 6395 corrugated sterculia, 15186 corrugated Swartzpea, 15413 corrugated winged matisia, 9238 cortica leucochloron, 8231 Corumbá croton, 3974 Corumbá jacaratia, 7918 Corumbá nightshade, 14887 Corumbá viraru, 14056 coruscant inga, 7601 corymbose barberry, 1328 corymbose barnadesia, 1209 corymbose bothriospora, 1496 corymbose casearia, 2286 corymbose chalybea, 2612 corymbose condaminea, 3378 corymbose dicymbe, 4548 corymbose espeletiopsis, 5478 corymbose exostema, 5774 corymbose faramea, 5810 corymbose hydrochorea, 7333 corymbose kielmeyera, 7982 corymbose laetia, 8110 corymbose maya, 9663 corymbose ocotea, 11014 corymbose palicourea, 11603 corymbose persea, 12050 corymbose sessea, 14622 corymbose tontelea, 16149 corymbose trichanthera, 16305 corynostylis, 3604 corythophora, 3607 Cosanga maya, 9664 cosmibuena, 3614 cosmoslike kaunia, 7974 costal lacmellea, 8053 costal maya, 9871 costal pourouma, 12729 costal Smith balsam, 13411 costal unonopsis, 16473 CostaRica aegiphila, 204 CostaRica alfaroa, 425 CostaRica axinaea, 1102 CostaRica balsamo, 13418 CostaRica batocarpus, 1241 CostaRica blolly, 6358 CostaRica calatola, 1920 CostaRica Christmasbush, 373 CostaRica citronella, 2915 CostaRica clavija, 2936 CostaRica coralbean, 5209 CostaRica cordia, 3536 CostaRica dilodendron, 4571 CostaRica eugenia, 5542 CostaRica fig, 5939 CostaRica guava, 13266 CostaRica Guianas maquira, 9112 CostaRica macrolobium, 8883

Costa Rica mahogany, 15569 CostaRica mouriri, 10320 Costa Rican mahogany, 15569 CostaRica Panama gumtree, 2367 CostaRica pentagonia, 11935 CostaRica sapium, 14182 CostaRica slugwood, 1291 CostaRica strongbark, 1517 CostaRica unonopsis, 16474 costateovary flagellar gustavia, 6699 Costa tocoyena, 16137 coto aniba, 689 Cotopaxi critoniopsis, 3912 Cotopaxi fig, 5940 cotton, 6270 cotton p.p., 6271, 11877 cotton flower, 3285 cotton tree, 2487, 10949, 11531 cottonseed casearia, 2291 cotton varay, 349 cottontree, 2487 cottontree pachira, 11531 cottonwood, 2487 couepia, 3617 couepiaflower hirtella, 7165 couepialeaf licania, 8285 cough bush, 2965 coulie pistache, 15182 couma, 3699 coumete myrcia, 10453 couratari, 3705 courbaril, 7349, 7349 courida, 1095 courless couragotte, 769 courouitaballi, 12788 coussapoa, 3732 coussarea, 3778 coussarealike balsamo, 13332 coutarea, 3860 Coutinho ormosia, 11303 Cowan alexa, 417 Cowan byrsonima, 1804 Cowan cassia, 2337 Cowan esenbeckia, 5454 Cowan eugenia, 5543 Cowan holly, 7429 Cowan macrolobium, 8884 Cowan maya, 9665 Cowan pachira, 11502 Cowan Swartzpea, 15415 Cowan zollernia, 17232 cowberry, 16516 cow breadnuttree, 1561 cowee, 13466 cowey, 13466 cowfoot, 12273 cow foot tree, 1284 cow hoof, 1283 cow itch, 10625, 16509 cow-itch, 16507 cowitch, 143 cowitch p.p., 16507 cow okra, 11830, 17121 cowokra, 11830 cowsap, 805 cow’s-foot, 12253 cows-foot, 12253 cowstick, 15906 cow’s tongue, 4429 cow-tamarind, 14152 cow tree, 1543, 1548, 1561, 3702 cow-tree, 1561, 9093 cowtree couma, 3702 cow wood, 7780 cow-wood, 7780 cowwood bagassa, 7780 coyo persea, 12087 coyol, 164 coyoli palm, 164 coyolito spinyclubpalm, 1167 craboo, 1805 crab prickle, 12462 crab-prickle, 12462 crabprickle, 2965 crabu, 1805 crab wood, 2203 crab-wood, 12462 crabwood, 20, 2202, 10653 crabwood p.p., 2203, 6732

crabwoodlike muskwood, 6388 crack open, 2287 crack-open, 2326 cramantes, 6401 cramantree, 6405 cranberry, 16516 crapo, 2203 crapoo, 1805 crappo, 2203 crappowood, 2203 crapwood, 2203 crateva, 3863 Crato mouriri, 10357 craw-craw, 14511 craw-craw plant, 14511 craw-wood, 6674 cream maya, 9872 cream nuts, 8188 creeping blakea, 1411 cremastosperma, 3865 Cremers fig, 5942 crenate aphelandra, 858 crenate clusia, 3053 crenatecup rhodostemonodaphne, 13781 crenate hedyosmum, 6876 crenate lacunaria, 8072 crenate leandra, 8148 crenate maya, 9791 crenate picrasma, 12206 crenate resintree, 13033 crenate sweetleaf, 15614 crenate viraru, 14054 Creole casha, 77 creole cotton, 6271 crepidospermum, 3894 crested bogwood, 14699 crested handroanthus, 6825 crested heteropterys, 7044 crested muskwood, 6398 crimson lafoensia, 8122 crimsonleaf eugenia, 5665 crimson palicourea, 11669 crinodendron, 3902 crisped byrsonima, 1806 crisped carpotroche, 2228 crisped clethra, 2971 crisped elaeoluma, 4990 crispedflower ceiba, 2482 crispedleaf oak, 13572 crisped muskwood, 6397 crisped myrcia, 10455 crispedwing terminalia, 15927 critonia, 3906 critoniopsis, 3908 critoniopsis du Popayán, 3928 Criúva clusia, 3054 Croat ardisia, 895 Croat bogwood, 14700 Croat ocotea, 10998 Croat talisia, 15819 crocus, 16204 Croizat croton, 3977 Croizat falsebombax, 13189 croizatia, 3939 Croizat persea, 12051 Croizat senefelderopsis, 14505 crosslike prockia, 12976 crossopetalum, 3945 crossopétalum rouge, 3946 crossothamnus, 3947 crosswise clusia, 3058 croton, 3949 crotonlike butterflybush, 1724 crotonlike capparicordis, 2143 crotonlike eremanthus, 5147 crotonlike micropholis, 10060 croton nightshade, 14891 crow bean tree, 14152 crowded amanoa, 558 crowded buchenavia, 1694 crowded cassava, 9071 crowdedflower barktree, 6107 crowdedflower clusia, 3051 crowdedflower critoniopsis, 3929 crowdedflower eschweilera, 5385 crowdedflower eugenia, 5667 crowdedflower gynoxys, 6754 crowdedflower lancepod, 8534

ENGLISH NAMES crowdedflower largespike dimorphandra, 4591 crowdedflower monkeypottree, 8172 crowdedflower ocotea, 11013 crowdedflower paypayrola, 11881 crowdedflower purpleheart, 11899 crowdedflower violetbush, 7794 crowdedflower vismia, 16718 crowded graceful macrolobium, 8898 crowded jablonskia, 7882 crowdedleaf drimys, 4776 crowdedleaf pouteria, 12783 crowded machaerium, 8734 crowded maya, 9658 crowded mayten, 9321 crowded nightshade, 14882 crowded ocotea, 11012 crowded Swartzpea, 15409 crowfoot, 12273 crown bark, 2831 crownbeard, 16592 crownbeardlike oyedaea, 11496 crowned casearia, 2285 crowned faramea, 5809 crowned maya, 9661 crowned potalia, 12690 crowned seagrape, 3229 crowned tococabush, 16121 crown gum, 9088 crown-of-thorn, 8019 crown-of-thorns, 8020 crown Peru bark, 2831 crucifixion bush, 8019, 8020 crucifixion-thorn, 2362, 8020 Cruckshanks blepharocalyx, 1438 cruda, 1095 crudia, 4064 Crueger calliandra, 1930 Crueger Eugenia, 5545 Crueger licania, 8287 Crueger quiina, 13584 Crueger viraru, 14055 cryptocarya, 4077 ctenardisia, 4093 Cuaco Pittier pepper, 12267 cuangare otoba, 11366 Cuatrecasas aegiphila, 205 Cuatrecasas balsamo, 13333 Cuatrecasas blakea, 1381 Cuatrecasas brunellia, 1626 Cuatrecasas cavendishia, 2400 Cuatrecasas clusia, 3159 Cuatrecasas compsoneura, 3332 Cuatrecasas conostegia, 3434 Cuatrecasas coussarea, 3797 Cuatrecasas critoniopsis, 3913 Cuatrecasas dacryodes, 4339 Cuatrecasas dasyandantha, 4417 Cuatrecasas dendrophorbium, 4474 Cuatrecasas fig, 5944 Cuatrecasas guatteria, 6483 Cuatrecasas gynoxys, 6756 Cuatrecasas hedyosmum, 6877 Cuatrecasas herrania, 7019 cuatrecasasiodendron, 4095 Cuatrecasas joseanthus, 7958 Cuatrecasas licania, 8288 Cuatrecasas longpetiole prestoea, 12964 Cuatrecasas malouetia, 9036 Cuatrecasas marila, 9143 Cuatrecasas matisia, 9253 Cuatrecasas mauria, 9286 Cuatrecasas ormosia, 11304 Cuatrecasas palicourea, 11606 Cuatrecasas paragynoxys, 11734 Cuatrecasas phragmotheca, 12126 Cuatrecasas pradosia, 12939 Cuatrecasas ridgerunner, 4236 Cuatrecasas saurauia, 14224 Cuatrecasas schefflera, 14297 Cuatrecasas vismia, 16720 cuatresia, 4097 cubabash tree, 3901 Cuban cigar box, 2474 Cuban huertea, 7278 Cuban myrsine, 10653 Cuban royal palm, 13958 Cuban yellow-wood, 17190 Cuban-cigarbox, 2474

894 Cuba sebesten, 3565 Cubatao maya, 9673 Cubatão mimosa, 10110 Cucui Swartzpea, 15495 cucumbertree, 8969 cucura pourouma, 12706 cuervea, 4104 cuffey wood, 17243 Cuiabá angelintree, 646 Cuiabá holly, 7432 Cuicocha gynoxys, 6757 cujaca nightshade, 15002 cujumary ocotea, 11017 culantrillo pricklyash, 17156 cultrate machaerium, 8735 Cumaná cocainetree, 5255 Cumbal hedyosmum, 6878 Cuming anttree, 16414 Cuming inga, 7616 Cundinamarca clusia, 3059 Cundinamarca fig, 5945 Cundinamarca lidflower, 2054 Cundinamarca maya, 9674 Cundinamarca meliosma, 9402 Cundinamarca metteniusa, 9509 Cundinamarca resintree, 13034 Cundinamarca weinmannia, 16961 Cundinamarca WestIndies brunellia, 1622 cuneate aegiphila, 206 cuneate caryocar, 2248 cuneate chrysochlamys, 2747 cuneate clethra, 2972 cuneate clusia, 3060 cuneate copperleaf, 102 cuneatecordate nectandra, 10747 cuneate croton, 3978 cuneate dendropanax, 4451 cuneate henriettella, 6984 cuneate lamanonia, 8130 cuneateleaf buglelily, 9450 cuneateleaf cestrum, 2568 cuneateleaf clusia, 3061 cuneateleaf cocainetree, 5256 cuneateleaf fig, 6019 cuneateleaf ocotea, 11018 cuneateleaf pleurothyrium, 12543 cuneateleaf starapple, 2777 cuneate leandra, 8149 cuneate paullinia, 11849 cuneate persea, 12052 cuneate resintree, 13035 cuneate shadowpalm, 6179 cuneate witheringia, 17051 cupania, 4106 cupshaped myrsine, 10654 Cupaven Swartzpea, 15416 cupshapedanther maya, 9679 cupshapedcalyx faramea, 5814 cupshaped heisteria, 6919 Cupueni Swartzpea, 15421 cupulate balsamo, 13334 cupulate bauhinia, 1258 cupulate coussapoa, 3747 cupulate dacryodes, 4343 cupulate Eugenia, 5549 cupulate laetia, 8111 cupulate talisia, 15820 curaara campsiandra, 2115 curatella, 4143 curcas-bean, 7933 curitiba, 4145 curledflower velvetseed, 6655 Curran coussapoa, 3748 Curran mayten, 9323 Curran mylady whitequebracho, 973 curupay, 613 curupira, 4147 Cururú gleasonia, 6200 curved balsam, 13316 curvedbranch slugwood, 1292 curvedflower agouticarpa, 306 curvedflower alibertia, 433 curvedfruit abarema, 15 curved machaerium, 8737 curved pleurothyrium, 12536 curved pouteria, 12750 curved seagrape, 3232 curvednerve balsamo, 13314

curved nightshade, 14870 curvednerve guatteria, 6484 curvednervelike balsamo, 13315 curvedpetal guatteria, 6485 curvedpetiole maya, 9677 curving sweetleaf, 15609 Cushi senna, 14526 cuspidate annona, 751 cuspidate bathysa, 1228 cuspidate bauhinia, 1266 cuspidate bogwood, 14701 cuspidate cremastosperma, 3877 cuspidate dacryodes, 4344 cuspidate diploon, 4697 cuspidate falselancewood, 13246 cuspidate faramea, 5813 cuspidate hairy monnina, 10227 cuspidate humiriastrum, 7305 cuspidate jaboticaba, 10607 cuspidateleaf cocainetree, 5257 cuspidateleaf Eugenia, 5551 cuspidateleaf jacaranda, 7894 cuspidate licania, 8290 cuspidate lidflower, 2026 cuspidate machaerium, 8736 cuspidate maya, 9678 cuspidate nectandra, 10748 cuspidate ouratea, 11391 cuspidate pourouma, 12707 cuspidate pouteria, 12787 cuspidate riparian cuatresia, 4101 cuspidate rourea, 13949 cuspidate stephanopodium, 15167 cuspidate Swartzpea, 15417 cuspidate tabernaemontana, 15709 cuspidate tournefortia, 16199 cuspidate xylopia, 17078 cusp whitequebracho, 951 custard, 730 custard apple, 730, 746, 808, 821 custard-apple, 769, 808 Cutervo brunellia, 1627 Cutervo nightshade, 14893 cutlas bush, 5208 cutlass, 1515 cutlass bush, 5208 Cutler tobacco, 10921 cutlet, 2904 Cutucú maya, 9855 Cutucú palicourea, 11607 Cutucu tachigali, 15751 Cuyaba ladenbergia, 8085 Cuyabá seagrape, 3230 Cuyabeno licania, 8291 Cuzco brunellia, 1628 Cuzco buglelily, 9451 Cuzco cereus, 2539 Cuzco gynoxys, 6758 Cuzco holly, 7433 Cuzco maya, 9998 Cuzco monnina, 10231 Cuzco ocotea, 11000 Cuzco RíoMonzón maya, 9844 cyanin qualea, 13499 cyclolobium, 4296 cylindrical clusia, 3062 cylindricalflower aniba, 690 cylindricalfruit micropholis, 10061 cylindricalfruit whitequebracho, 952 cylindrical Guianas souroubea, 15068 cylindrical inga, 7603 cylindricalspike cordia, 3510 cylindrical stomatochaeta, 15242 cymbopetalum, 4298 cyme qualea, 13500 cymose acrisione, 158 cymose bogwood, 14702 cymose chastetree, 16762 cymose cordia, 3511 cymose leonia, 8202 cymose licania, 8293 cymose tabernaemontana, 15710 cymulose whiptree, 8622 cynometra, 4309 cynometraleaf inga, 7604 cynophalla, 4324 cyp, 3497 cypress p.p., 3497, 12595 cyrilla, 4330

cyrillopsis, 4332 cyrtocarpa, 4335


dacryodes, 4338 dagger mesquite, 13005 Dagua balsam, 13335 Dahlgren attelea, 1065 dahlstedtia, 4359 dakara, 10659 dalli, 16702, 17098 dalmare, 20 Daly averrhoidium, 1090 Daly mimosa, 10111 Daly persimmon, 4634 damaceen, 2768 Danforth annona, 752 Daniel holly, 7434 Daniel pepper, 12301 daphneleaf nightshade, 14895 daphneleaf ocotea, 11020 daphnelike cocainetree, 5258 daphnelike holly, 7435 daphnelike myrsine, 10655 daphnelike schoenobiblus, 14443 daphnopsis, 4394 D’Arcy cestrum, 2569 Dardano balata, 9089 Dardano godmania, 6231 Darién gyranthera, 6786 Darién macawood, 12499 Darién rondeletia, 13878 Darién schlegelia, 14431 Darién seagrape, 3231 Darién senna, 14527 Darién simira, 14666 Darién unonopsis, 16475 Darién whitequebracho, 953 darkanther buglelily, 9459 darkblue persea, 12045 darkblue violetbush, 7795 darkbrown campomanesia, 2088 darkbrown maya, 9887 dark falselancewood, 13242 darkflower adiscanthus, 190 darkfruit anaxagorea, 634 darkfruit terminalia, 15938 darkgreen treefern, 4157 dark handroanthus, 6831 dark maya, 9584 dark ocotea, 10979 dark oreopanax, 11266 darkleaf maya, 9888 darkpetiole eschweilera, 5371 dark pricklyash, 17191 darkpurple lancepod, 8531 darkpurple matayba, 9206 darkpurple myrrhinium, 10644 darkpurple tovomita, 16225 darkraceme Eugenia, 5507 darkscale Eugenia, 5508 dark schlegelia, 14432 dark stylogyne, 15299 dark Swartzpea, 15494 dark vatairea, 16577 Darwin pisonia, 12443 daSilva erisma, 5198 dasyandantha, 4416 dasyphyllum, 4418 datura, 1601 Davidse burrwood, 14762 Davidse holly, 7436 Davidse neea, 10832 Davidse ouratea, 11392 Davidse tachigali, 15754 Davids milkberry, 2672 DavidSmith coussapoa, 3749 David Smith pentaplaris, 11959 Davidson weinmannia, 16962 David’s root, 2672 davilla, 4428 davillaleaf licania, 8294 davillaleaf snowbell, 15324 Davis barktree, 6108 Davis dimorphandra, 4582 Davis hirtella, 7166 Davis ixora, 7862 Davis oblongleaf copal, 7361

895 Davis Swartzpea, 15418 dawny allophylus, 496 dead man’s bones, 9127 decagonocarpus, 4432 deCandolle eriotheca, 5159 de Candolle eugenia, 5526 de Candolle guatteria, 6466 deCandolle ouratea, 11383 deCandolle ternstroemia, 15953 deCandolle tibouchina, 16075 deCandolle urundeúva startree, 1048 deceiving bogwood, 14703 deceiving cordia, 3512 deceiving maya, 9685 deceiving pera, 11971 deceiving platycarpum, 12480 deceiving pradosia, 12940 deciduous cocainetree, 5259 deciduousleaf virola, 16666 decreasing balata, 9090 decurrent duguetia, 4811 decurrent guatteria, 6487 decurrent maya, 9686 decurrent mezilaurus, 9525 decurrent prestoea, 12961 decusate pouteria, 12792 decussate baccharis, 1135 decussate clusia, 3063 decussateflower bunchosia, 1743 decussate fuchsia, 6089 decussate Jelski baccharis, 1136 decussate nittatree, 11809 decussate whitequebracho, 954 deerberry, 16516 deflected bunchosia, 1744 deflectedflower nightshade, 14897 deflected hirtella, 7167 deflected myrcia, 10458 deflected ocotea, 11022 deflected rinorea, 13831 degame, 1990 degame calycophyllum, 1990 degame lance wood, 1990 degame-lancewood, 1990 degami, 1990 deGranville coussarea, 3809 deGranville licania, 8319 deguelia, 4434 dehiscingcalyx maya, 9945 Delascio chomelia, 2710 Delgado treefern, 4179 delicate cavendishia, 2408 delicateflower couepia, 3651 delicate jaboticaba, 10608, 10616 delicate ocotea, 11178 delicatepetal annona, 780 delicate ternstroemia, 15958 delicious pouteria, 12793 delli, 16702 delmare, 20 delmare abarema, 20 delostoma, 4437 DeltaAmacuro maya, 9564 deltoid iriartea, 7811 Demarara pilocarpus, 12214 Demarara resintree, 13037 demerara, 2203 Demerara greenheart, 2689 demerara mahogany, 2203 Demerara Swartzpea, 15460 Demerara trattinnickia, 16288 dendrobangia, 4441 dendropanax, 4444 dendrophorbium, 4468 dendroseris, 4479 dendrosipanea, 4483 dendrothrix, 4485 Denise vantanea, 16530 dense byrsonima, 1809 dense cocainetree, 5260 densecoma annona, 755 denseflower allophylus, 470 denseflower cupsidate rourea, 13950 denseflower esenbeckia, 5455 denseflower inga, 7605 denseflower lafoensia, 8118 denseflower lancepod, 8539 denseflower licania, 8295 denseflower lidflower, 2027

ENGLISH NAMES denseflower qualea, 13502 denseflower remijia, 13713 denseflower ridgerunner, 4237 denseflower rosenbergiodendron, 13887 denseflower rosewood, 4367 denseflower schistostemon, 14419 denseflower siphoneugena, 14742 denseflower tachigali, 15755 denseflower veined purpleheart, 11920 denseflower vochysia, 16822 denseflower xylopia, 17079 densefoliage mouriri, 10321 denseleaf barberry, 1329 denseleaf caraipa, 2175 denseleaf espeletia, 5474 denseleaf piptocarpha, 12411 denselybullate maya, 9668 dense shadowpalm, 6180 dense vismialeaf vochysia, 16910 densflower bastardiopsis, 1219 Denslow palicourea, 11609 dentate baccharis, 1137 dentate burrwood, 14763 dentate caryocar, 2249 dentate conostegia, 3435 dentate cordia, 3513 dentate doliocarpus, 4759 dentate fiddlewood, 2874 dentate humiriastrum, 7308 dentateleaf ruyschia, 14085 dentate lomatia, 8526 dentate macropeplus, 8953 dentate partridgepea, 2624 dentatepetal meliosma, 9422 dentate pumpwood, 2419 dentate ryania, 14089 dentate ternstroemia, 15959 denticulate acrisione, 159 denticulate buglelily, 9452 denticulate dendropanax, 4452 denticulate mauria, 9287 denticulate sweetleaf, 15616 denuded guatteria, 6489 denuded muellera, 10380 denuded ouratea, 11394 denuded tachigali, 15756 Deppe aegiphila, 207 derello mouriri, 10368 dereyo mouriri, 10316 desert hackberry, 2496 deserts aniba, 691 desfontainia, 4488 desmopsis, 4490 determa, 14636 detritusaccumulating faramea, 5784 Devia palicourea, 11610 devilpepper, 13664 devilroot, 13688 devil’s claw, 12441 devilsclaw pisonia, 12441 devils-ear, 5103 Devil’s tree, 5208 devils-tree, 5208 devilwood, 5388 dewdrops, 4885 diacidia, 4493 diadelphous macawood, 12500 dialium, 4500 dialypetalanthus, 4502 Diamantina schwartzia, 14460 diaper wash, 14950 Dias croton, 3980 diatenopteryx, 4504 Díaz compsoneura, 3334 Díaz myrsine, 10657 dichapetalum, 4507 dichapetalumlike brunellia, 1629 dichotomous bellucia, 1319 dichotomous campomanesia, 2078 dichotomous cassava, 9072 dichotomous gloeospermum, 6213 dichotomous joosia, 7947 dichotomous leandra, 8150 dichotomous schistostemon, 14420 dichotomous terminalia, 15928 dichotomous varronia, 16550 dichotomous vassobia, 16574 dichotomus qualea, 13503

dicksonia, 4515 diclidanthera, 4518 diclinanona, 4522 dicraspidia, 4535 dictyocaryum, 4537 dictyoloma, 4541 dicymbe, 4544 dicypellium, 4561 didymocistus, 4564 Diels guatteria, 6490 Diels gynoxys, 6759 Diels joosia, 7948 Diels malmea, 9027 Diels maya, 9690 Diels roupala, 13914 Diels schefflera, 14300 diesel tree, 3463 differenthair guatteria, 6525 differinganther mollinedia, 10187 differinganther pera, 11975 differinghairs yellowish handroanthus, 6833 difficult maya, 9691 diffuseflower cheiloclinium, 2653 diffuse froesia, 6080 diffuse ocotea, 11024 digitate baromalli, 2382 digitate bicolor pourouma, 12700 digitate jacaratia, 7919 digomphia, 4566 Digua balsamo, 13336 dilated pepper, 12302 dildo, 15365 dilodendron, 4569 dimerous malmea, 9028 dimorphandra, 4573 dimorphicanther buglelily, 9453 dimorphic clidemia, 2999 dimorphicpetal guatteria, 6491 dimorphicstamen mouriri, 10322 dimorphousleaf neea, 10833 dimorphouspetal duguetia, 4812 dinizia, 4606 Diniz qualea, 13505 dinoseris, 4608 Dintelmann treefern, 4181 dioecious randia, 13628 dioecious rhodostemonodaphne, 13784 diogenesia, 4613 dioicodendron, 4517 dioicous dioicodendron, 4518 dioicous holly, 7437 dioicous lepechinia, 8214 diphysa, 4691 diplokeleba, 4693 diploon, 4696 diplostephium, 4698 diplotropis, 4709 dipterocarp pakaraimaea, 11569 diptychandra, 4737 dirtylooking conchocarpus, 3371 dirtylooking gochnatia, 6227 disclikefruit Swartzpea, 15420 discocarpus, 4741 discolor aldina, 398 discolor aristeguietia, 927 discolor bitterwood, 16320 discolor Christmasbush, 374 discolor clusia, 3064 discolor combretum, 3312 discolor curledflower velvetseed, 6656 discolor dussia, 4933 discolored eschweilera, 5388 discoloredlike eschweilera, 5424 discolor eriotheca, 5161 discolor escallonia, 5337 discolor falsecaper, 2148 discolor guatteria, 6492 discolor ladenbergia, 8086 discolor licania, 8296 discolor macrolobium, 8886 discolor macrosaman, 8959 discolor matayba, 9209 discolor maya, 9693 discolor mosannona, 10291 discolor myrcianthes, 10582 discolor nectandra, 10751 discolor nittatree, 11810 discolor oreopanax, 11245

discolor ormosia, 11305 discolor oysterwood, 6733 discolor piptocoma, 12427 discolor purpleheart, 11900 discolor snowbell, 15325 discolor topobea, 16163 discolor vernonanthura, 16623 discolor weinmannia, 16964 discolor whitequebracho, 955 discophora, 4745 diseased sweetleaf, 15598 diskbearing ouratea, 11395 dissembling maya, 9696 distantvein ossaea, 11345 disterigma, 4748 distichous inga, 7606 distichous jaboticaba, 10609 distichousleaf mayten, 9324 distichousleaf nightshade, 14900 distichousleaf pera, 11972 distichousleaf perrottetia, 12028 distichous oenocarpus, 11206 distichous tabernaemontana, 15711 distichous wettinia, 17030 distorted cocainetree, 5261 diuidiui, 1890 divaricate allophylus, 471 divaricate clusia, 3065 divaricate cocainetree, 5262 divaricate Guianas couepia, 3648 divaricate holly, 7439 divaricate licania, 8297 divaricate neea, 10834 divaricate ocotea, 11028 divaricate pepper, 12303 divaricate resintree, 13038 divaricate securidaca, 14485 divaricate tovomita, 16238 divaricate velvetseed, 6659 divaricate vernonanthura, 16624 divaricate viburnum, 16638 divergent maya, 9697 divergent treefern, 4182 divergent virola, 16671 divergent vochysia, 16823 diverseleaf blackbead, 12454 diverseleaf copperleaf, 104 diverseleaf nightshade, 14901 diverseleaf seagrape, 3234 diverseleaf slugwood, 1288 diverselybranched bertiera, 1357 divideanther henriettella, 6987 divided cedrela, 2471 dividedcusp cynometra, 4314 dividedflower nightshade, 14896 dividednerve tibouchina, 16080 divi divi, 1890 divi-divi, 1890 dividivi, 1890 dividivi caesalpinia, 1890 Dixon clusia, 3066 Dixon magnolia, 8982 Dixon virola, 16672 docklike palicourea, 11574 doctor-bar, 12199 dodecastigma, 4750 Dodge ardisia, 897 Dodson allophylus, 472 Dodson gonzalagunia, 6257 Dodson gustavia, 6693 Dodson licania, 8298 Dodson maya, 9699 dog almond, 648 dog balls, 16052 dog caper, 2160 dogcaper, 2160 dog plum, 648 dog sapodilla, 10271 dog’s tongue, 16052 dogwillow, 2160 dog wood, 13619 dogwood, 3598 dogwood p.p., 383, 4368, 7456, 8546, 12439, 16770 dogwoodleaf gonzalagunia, 6255 dogwoodleaf viburnum, 16637 dogwoodleaf walnutleaf leafflower, 12150 dolichodelphys, 4756

ENGLISH NAMES doliocarpus, 4758 dolly pear, 11050 domatium ocotea, 11029 Dombey hedyosmum, 6879 Dombey skyflower, 4887 Dombey’s southern beech, 10938 Dominguez coralbean, 5211 Dominica ocotea, 11030 Don guatteria, 6639 Don maya, 9702 DonnellSmith dicraspidia, 4536 DonnellSmith fig, 5947 DonnellSmith pentagonia, 11936 DonnellSmith roseodendron, 13894 DonnellSmith sommera, 15031 dope-cherry, 3513 D’Orbigny byrsonima, 1846 d’Orbigny ouratea, 11424 D’Orbigny shadowpalm, 6189 Dore maya, 9703 Dore mouriri, 10323 Dorotea pentaplaris, 11960 Dorr critoniopsis, 3914 Dorr wurdastom, 17059 dosSantos hirtella, 7222 dosSantos hornschuchia, 7253 dosSantos licania, 8419 dotted caesalpinia, 1913 dotted guatteria, 6598 dotted persea, 12082 dotted prickly-ash, 17186 double coussarea, 3799 doubtful aiouea, 317 doubtful albizia, 353 doubtful attalea, 1066 doubtful broadleaf zygia, 17267 doubtful etaballia, 5487 doubtful gustavia, 6694 doubtful jaboticaba, 10610 doubtful machaerium, 8738 doubtful monactis, 10212 doubtful peltophorum, 11923 doubtful weinmannialeaf peppertree, 14417 douche wood, 8546 douradoa, 4767 Dourado talisia, 15822 dovelike cocainetree, 5254 doveplum, 3234 dove wood, 383 down tree, 10949 downtree, 2487, 10949 downward plum, 14640 downward-plum, 14640 downy bigflower mouriri, 10336 downyflower palicourea, 11632 downyflower randia, 13636 downyfruit Durland pouteria, 12796 downy helietta, 6961 downy maya, 9911 downy ocotea, 11144 downypetal maya, 9912 dracaena, 4769 dragon blood, 13466 dragon bloodtree, 13466 dragon’s blood, 4000, 13466 dragon’s blood tree, 13466 dragon’s swamp bloodwood, 13466 dragon-tree, 4769 dragon withe, 7040, 7048 Drake buglelily, 9454 Dressler richeria, 13818 drimys, 4771 drooping annona, 798 drooping bitterbush, 12198 drooping botryarrhena, 1498 drooping campsiandra, 2128 drooping clavija, 2948 drooping clusia, 3135 drooping couepia, 3660 drooping cremastosperma, 3889 drooping escallonia, 5350 droopingflower cariniana, 2223 droopingflower clusia, 3151 droopingflower guatteria, 6583 droopingflower huilaea, 7285 droopingflower machaerium, 8790 droopingflower rhodostemonodaphne, 13802

896 droopingflower ridgerunner, 4270 droopingflower stachyarrhena, 15131 droopingflower swizzlesticktree, 13558 droopingflower ternstroemia, 15973 drooping garcia, 6119 drooping guava, 13275 drooping inga, 7691 droopingleaf podocarpus, 12601 drooping lophanthera, 8576 drooping macrolobium, 8929 drooping maya, 9865 drooping nightshade, 14965 drooping ocotea, 11005 drooping ouratea, 11429 drooping pepper, 12291 drooping prickly pear, 11224 drooping purdiaea, 13487 drooping senna, 14570 droopingsepal ouratea, 11430 droopingspike bigleaf muskwood, 6413 drooping sterculia, 15197 drooping Swartzpea, 15513 drooping tocoyena, 16142 drooping tree pear, 11224 Drude wettinia, 17031 drug fustictree, 8820 druggists’ bark, 2817 drug osageorange, 8820 drunken bayman, 17243 drunken bayman wood, 2279, 8113, 17243 drunken baymen wood, 17243 dryadleaf auriculate weinmannia, 16949 Dryander fiddlewood, 2875 dryfruit hamelia, 6802 drypetes, 4786 Duarte calycorectes, 2003 Duarte clusia, 3067 Duarte combretum, 3313 Duarte diplotropis, 4713 Duarte fig, 5948 Duarte licaria, 8466 Duarte partridgepea, 2625 Duarte persimmon, 4638 Ducke aegiphila, 208 Ducke agarista, 285 Ducke albizia, 352 Ducke ambelania, 569 Ducke annona, 759 Ducke burdachia, 1762 Ducke byrsonima, 1810 Ducke caraipa, 2178 Ducke casearia, 2288 Ducke chastetree, 16764 Ducke chimarrhis, 2663 Ducke copaltree, 3456 Ducke croton, 3964 Ducke cynometra, 4313 Ducke diplotropis, 4711 Ducke duroia, 4898 Ducke emarginate xylopia, 17082 Ducke exstipulate mahurea, 9015 Ducke falselancewood, 13247 Ducke fig, 5949 Ducke guatteria, 6494 Ducke Guianas micropholis, 10068 Ducke heisteria, 6921 Ducke henriettella, 6985 Ducke hirtella, 7168 Ducke huge qualea, 13513 Ducke jacaranda, 7895 Ducke licania, 8247 Ducke lueheopsis, 8638 Ducke machaerium, 8739 Ducke macrolobium, 8889 Ducke macrosaman, 8960 Ducke malouetia, 9037 Ducke maya, 9705 Ducke mezilaurus, 9526 Ducke mouriri, 10324 Ducke mucoa, 10377 Ducke neea, 10835 Ducke ocotea, 11032 duckeodendron, 4795 Ducke ophiocaryon, 11216 Ducke pachira, 11504 Ducke persimmon, 4639

Ducke platycarpum, 12481 Ducke salacia, 14122 duckesia, 4797 Ducke sorocea, 15045 Ducke stachyarrhena, 15129 Ducke sterculia, 15187 Ducke Swartzpea, 15422 Ducke swizzlesticktree, 13549 Ducke tachigali, 15757 Ducke tetrameranthus, 16004 Ducke trigynaea, 16407 Ducke unonopsis, 16476 Ducke virola, 16673 Ducke wallabatre, 5114 duckwood, 11083 ducu clusia, 3068 duculike clusia, 3070 Dudley cyathea, 4184 Dudley freziera, 6060 Dudley holly, 7507 Dudley maya, 9706 Dudley pagamea, 11551 Dugand anttree, 16415 Dugand pachira, 11505 Dugand seagrape, 3235 duguetia, 4799 Duida gleasonia, 6201 dulacia, 4871 dull oreopanax, 11253 dulumoco saurauia, 14256 Dunal anaxagorea, 635 dunalia, 4882 dunk plum, 10559 Dunsterville maya, 9707 duplicate grabowskia, 6278 duppy cherry, 3513 duppy-cherry, 3513 duppy machete, 5208 duppy sour sop, 769 Duque coussapoa, 3750 Duque euplassa, 5736 Duque hieronyma, 7096 Duque rufflepalm, 333 Duque vochysia, 16825 duranta, 4888 durian blanda, 785 Durland pouteria, 12794 duroia, 4894 d’Urville tibouchina, 16106 Dusén guatteria, 6497 Dusén tetrorchidium, 16020 duskybrown sweetleaf, 15622 dussia, 4931 Duss siphoneugena, 14745 Dutch casha, 92 Dutch tonkabean, 4732 dwarf eschweilera, 5404 dwarf esenbeckia, 5468 dwarf sweetleaf, 15638 Dwyer cordia, 3515 Dwyer palicourealike raritebe, 13655 Dwyer tachigali, 15758 dysenteric eugenia, 5559 dystovomita, 4939 Dzieduszycki weinmannia, 16965


earbearing heterostemon, 7068 earbearing leandra, 8144 ear fruit, 5103 earleaf nightshade, 14944 early bougainvillea, 1510 earpod tree, 5103 ear-pod-tree, 5099 earpod-tree, 5103 earpodtree, 5099 ear tree, 5103 ear-tree, 5103 eartree, 5103 eastern annona, 820 East-Indian walnut, 349 eathery cymbopetalum, 4303 eathery myrsine, 10652 ebo, 4733 ebony, 4519, 15396 ebony caesalpinia, 1891 ebonyleaf mayten, 9326 ebonylike treefern, 4185

ebracteolate baromalli, 2384 ecalyculate cordia, 3516 ecclinusa, 4943 Echeverry meliosma, 9403 echinate bogwood, 14704 echinate duguetia, 4813 echinate freziera, 6061 echinulate waxpalm, 2546 eciliate Goudot ferdinandusa, 5883 ecuadendron, 4956 Ecuador Andes waxpalm, 2543 Ecuador annona, 789 Ecuador axinaea, 1109 Ecuador balmtree, 10642 Ecuador bauhinia, 1281 Ecuador bigleaf cocainetree, 5285 Ecuador blakea, 1392 Ecuador brachyotum, 1531 Ecuador brunellia, 1631 Ecuador ceiba, 2491 Ecuador chomelia, 2711 Ecuador clusia, 3085 Ecuador cordia, 3541 Ecuador coussapoa, 3774 Ecuador coussarea, 3800 Ecuador crownbeard, 16610 Ecuador cynophalla, 4326 Ecuador dendropanax, 4458 Ecuador elaeagia, 4968 Ecuador erythrochiton, 5232 Ecuador fiddlewood, 2879 Ecuador fig, 5951 Ecuador geissanthus, 6140 Ecuador gloeospermum, 6214 Ecuador guatteria, 6498 Ecuador hernandia, 7012 Ecuador hirtella, 7145 Ecuador huilaea, 7282 Ecuador intermediate maya, 9828 Ecuador ivorypalm, 12174 Ecuador laurel, 3497 Ecuador lidflower, 2047 Ecuador llerasia, 8520 Ecuador macrocarpaea, 8832 Ecuador matisia, 9264 Ecuador maya, 9552 Ecuador muskwood, 6399 Ecuador nectandra, 10744 Ecuador neosprucea, 10905 Ecuador nightshade, 14879 Ecuador ocotea, 11131 Ecuador oneseed roupala, 13921 Ecuador oreopanax, 11247 Ecuador pentagonia, 11934 Ecuador pepper, 12305 Ecuador phragmotheca, 12119 Ecuador pigeonwings, 3013 Ecuador pouteria, 12774 Ecuador pricklypear, 11226 Ecuador prunus, 13137 Ecuador resintree, 13042 Ecuador saurauia, 14212 Ecuador simira, 14667 Ecuador snowbell, 15333 Ecuador spirotheca, 15099 Ecuador steriphoma, 15227 Ecuador sweetleaf, 15617 Ecuador talisia, 15823 Ecuador tovomita, 16223 Ecuador vallea, 16519 Ecuador violetbush, 7800 Ecuador virola, 16663 Ecuador waxpalm, 2547 Ecuador wurdastom, 17060 Ecuador zebrawood, 3384 edentulate ampelocera, 583 edible acioa, 146 edible allophylus, 473 edible annona, 761 edible caryocar, 2250 edible coralbean, 5212 edible euterpepalm, 5758 edible hexachlamys, 7083 edible lacmellea, 8054 edible metteniusa, 9510 edible plinia, 12571 Edilson dacryodes, 4345 Edmundo ferdinandusa, 5880 Edwall albizia, 354

897 Edwall inga, 7608 Edwall sebastiania, 14476 Ega eugenia, 5560 Ega maya, 9708 Ega micropholis, 10062 Ega myriaspora, 10620 Ega nectandra, 10752 Eggers alseis, 517 Eggers blolly, 6360 Eggers bogwood, 14705 Eggers clavija, 2937 Eggers mayten, 9327 Eggers parathesis, 11778 Eggers rigid falseolmedia, 13213, 13214 Eggers tovomita, 16239 egg fruit, 12770 egglikefruit sacoglottis, 14113 eggshapedfruit kutchubaea, 8033 eggshapedfruit nightshade, 14957 eggshapedfruit ocotea, 11126 eglandular heteropterys, 7045 Egler licania, 8300 Egler persimmon, 4640 Egler pterandra, 13457 egueguigue maya, 9910 egungun, 2487 Egyptian cotton, 6271 Eichler burrwood, 14766 Eichler casearia, 2289 Eichler maya, 9709 Eichler screwtree, 6949 Eichler terminalia, 15929 eightpetal clusia, 3138 eightpetal maya, 9868 eightrib manyrib Eugenia, 5629 eightsepal jungleplum, 14647 eightstamen clusia, 3137 eightstamen darkpurple myrrhinium, 10646 eightstamen diclidanthera, 4521 eightstamen licania, 8389 eirmocephala, 4958 Eitens partridgepea, 2626 Ekman mora, 10252 Ekman pricklyash, 17158 elachyptera, 4961 elaeagia, 4964 elaeagnuslike baccharis, 1139 elaeagnuslike matayba, 9210 elaeagnuslike maya, 9710 elaeoluma, 4989 ElAvila rhodostemonodaphne, 13779 Elbert critoniopsis, 3915 elbowlight, 17190 ElCarmelo monnina, 10221 ElChocó anthodiscus, 829 ElChocó bicolor pourouma, 12699 ElChocó guatteria, 6471 ElChocó inga, 7589 ElChocó malanea, 9019 ElChocó raintree, 1682 elder, 12253, 14154 elder p.p, 14156 elderberry, 14154, 14157 elderbush, 15906 elderleaf yellow trumpetflower, 15907 elegant bitterwood, 16321 elegant byrsonima, 1802 elegant heisteria, 6918 elegant legrandia, 8199 elegant lidflower, 2023 elegant maya, 9713 elegant myrtleleaf Swartzpea, 15488 elegant naucleopsis, 10698 elegant spinyclubplam, 1161 elegant startree, 1036 elegant unonopsis, 16477 elegant waxmallow, 9059 elephant-ear, 5103 elephantfoot rhodostemonodaphne, 13785 elephant tree, 12179 ElFresno fig, 5956 ElGallo persimmon, 4644 Elias fig, 5952 Eliezer simira, 14668 elizabetha, 4994 ellipsoidal Eugenia, 5561

ENGLISH NAMES ellipsoidal inga, 7609 elliptic aldina, 399 elliptic annona, 790 elliptic brunellia, 1632 elliptic caraipa, 2190 elliptic cassipourea, 2357 elliptic clusia, 3072 elliptic copaltree, 3457 elliptic duguetia, 4814 elliptic earpodtree, 5104 elliptic ferdinandusa, 5881 elliptic guatteria, 6501 elliptic gustavia, 6695 elliptic heterostemon, 7058 elliptic holly, 7443 elliptic iryanthera, 7819 ellipticleaf clusia, 3073 elliptic-leaf velvetseed, 6660 ellipticleaf velvetseed, 6660 elliptic licania, 8301 elliptic mouriri, 10327 elliptic pera, 11973 elliptic pourouma, 12708 elliptic salacia, 14123 elliptic schoenobiblus, 14444 elliptic sessea, 14626 elliptic toulicia, 16188 elliptic tovomita, 16240 elliptic trumpettree, 15681 elliptic vochysia, 16827 elliptic weinmannia, 16966 ells, 12253 elmleaf banara, 1206 elmleaf casearia, 2333 elmleaf falsenettle, 1462 elmleaf guazuma, 6646 elongated cinnamon, 2848 elongated clethra, 2973 elongated clusia, 3074 elongated dichotomous qualea, 13504 elongated hirtella, 7169 elongated maya, 9715 elongated pumpwood, 2421 elongated virola, 16674 ElOro pepper, 12351 Elsa bitterwood, 16324 Elsa zebrawood, 3385 Elsia leafflower, 12142 elsie bush, 1746 elsiebush bunchosia, 1746 ElValle Colombia topobea, 16160 elvasia, 5007 elvasialike nightshade, 14903 emarginate annona, 762 emarginate arapatiella, 879 emarginate baccharis, 1140 emarginate bitterwood, 16325 emarginate cupania, 4118 emarginate faveiro, 13474 emarginate graffenrieda, 6286 emarginate lafoensia, 8119 emarginate licania, 8302 emarginate malpighia, 9054 emarginate micropholis, 10063 emarginate myrocarpus, 10630 emarginate paloveopsis, 11705 emarginate parathesis, 11779 emarginate passionflower, 11836 emarginate slugwood, 1293 emarginate Swartzpea, 15423 emarginate tergeminate calliandra, 1958 emarginate vochysia, 16828 emarginate xylopia, 17081 Embira nectandra, 10753 emeraldgreen balsam, 13417 emeraldgreen maya, 9965 emmotum, 5022 Emoni campsiandra, 2116 emory, 16837 emperor’s candlestick, 14511 empress alexa, 420 endlicheria, 5036 endlicherialeaf licaria, 8467 endopleura, 5094 Engler citronella, 2916 Engler mollinedia, 10182 Engler ouratea, 11396 Engler passionflower, 11837

Engler peppertree, 14395 Engler pouteria, 12799 Engler pumpwood, 2422 Engler stephanopodium, 15168 Englesing zygia, 17259 English clammy cherry, 3513 English clammy-cherry, 3513 engraved guatteria, 6529 engraved heisteria, 6923 enigmatic maya, 9551 enormous fig, 5953 enormous Pará angelwood, 4531 ensiform marlierea, 9155 entada, 5096 entangled fringetree, 2681 entangled matisia, 9262 entirecalyx eschweilera, 5393 entireleaf allantoma, 450 entireleaf azara, 1123 entireleaf bakeridesia, 7782 entireleaf bocconia, 1451 entireleaf brunellia, 1642 entireleaf carpotroche, 2230 entireleaf cherry, 13144 entireleaf Christmasbush, 381 entireleaf delostoma, 4439 entireleaf dodecastigma, 4752 entireleaf eschweilera, 5394 entireleaf gallesia, 6117 entireleaf holly, 7462 entireleaf quiina, 13592 entireleaf spiritweed, 226 entireleaf tessaria, 15984 entireleaf trema, 16298 entireleaf zinowiewia, 17216 entirelysilky Schomburgk guatteria, 6616 entirestyle bonnetia, 1471 ephedranthus, 5136 epiphytic ladenbergia, 8087 epiphytic topobea, 16175 equal crudia, 4065 equal cymbopetalum, 4300 equallobed bellucia, 1317 equal wettinia, 17026 equatorial calycolpus, 1982 equatorial daphnopsis, 4402 equatorial joosia, 7946 erectbranch panopsis, 11717 erect malanea, 9020 erect skyflower, 4888 erect slugwood, 1302 erect wintergreen, 6129 eremanthu, 5143 eriolarynx, 5152 eriope, 5155 eriotheca, 5158 erisma, 5178 erismalike burrwood, 14767 erithalis, 5201 Ernest balsamo, 13339 erratic bejaria, 1308 erythrochiton, 5229 escallonia, 5332 escallonie faux-myrte, 5346 eschweilera, 5361 esculent talisia, 15824 esenbeckia, 5450 esetulose payachic maya, 9638 Esmeralda burrwood, 14768 Esmeralda ocotea, 11036 Esmeralda ruizterania, 14036 Esmeraldas abarema, 19 Esmeraldas balsam, 13340 Esmeraldas bauhinia, 1260 Esmeraldas Darién senna, 14530 Esmeraldas matisia, 9267 Esmeraldas otoba, 11363 Esmeraldas persimmon, 4642 Esmeraldas unonopsis, 16478 espeletia, 5471 espeletiopsis, 5477 Espinal brunellia, 1633 Espina licania, 8303 Espinal magnolia, 8984 Espina pouteria, 12803 Espinosa daphnopsis, 4403 Espinoza prunus, 13139 espintana lancewood, 11477

EspíritoSanto campomanesia, 2079 EspíritoSanto clusia, 3023 EspíritoSanto cocainetree, 5309 EspíritoSanto falselancewood, 13258 EspíritoSanto guatteria, 6549 EspíritoSanto honeyberry, 9383 EspíritoSanto huberia, 7267 EspíritoSanto humiriastrum, 7322 EspíritoSanto maya, 10010 EspíritoSanto myrcia, 10473 EspíritoSanto talisia, 15825 EspíritoSanto trigoniodendron, 16400 espostoa, 5480 Essequibo discocarpus, 4742 Essequibo elvasia, 5013 Essequibo Eugenia, 5563 Essequibo tomentose pourouma, 12737 Estoraques lidflower, 2028 Estrella cariniana, 2218 Estrêlla marlierea, 9156 Estrêlla stephanopodium, 15169 Estrêlla tibouchina, 16079 estuary pinnate inga, 7681 etaballia, 5486 eucalyptuslike agarista, 286 euceraea, 5488 eucryphia, 5490 eugenia, 5492 eugenialeaf byrsonima, 1811 eugenialeaf guatteria, 6503 eugenialeaf mouriri, 10328 eugenialeaf pouteria, 12804 eugenialike campomanesia, 2080 eugenialike marlierea, 9157 eugenialike maya, 9719 eulychnia, 5719 euphorbia, 5724 euphronia, 5730 euplassa, 5734 European black elder, 14156 European elder, 14156 eurydochus, 5751 euterpepalm, 5753 euxylophora, 5763 evenibe maya, 9891 Everglades cocoplum, 2739 Everglades palm, 151, 152 Everglades velvetseed, 6660 evergreen laurelia, 8136 evilsmellingflower endlicheria, 5057 evonymuslike mayten, 9330 evonymuslike nightshade, 14906 Ewan macrocarpaea, 8833 exaggerated opaque resintree, 13083 exarata, 5765 excellent annona, 763 excellent duguetia, 4815 excellent faramea, 5815 excellent fig, 5954 excellent guatteria, 6504 excellent myrcia, 10465 excellent pouteria, 12797 excellent starapple, 2779 excellent talisia, 15826 excellent xylopia, 17083 exellodendron, 5767 exile oil tree, 16053 exostema, 5773 exostyles, 5776 expanded cordia, 3519 expanded vochysia, 16829 explicit maya, 9720 exserted licaria, 8468 exserted pogonopus, 12631 exstipulate mahurea, 9014 extended macrolobium, 8891 extraordinary blakea, 1404 extremelyvillous inga, 7783


Fabiola clusia, 3075 faintlystriate inga, 7754 Fairchild pigeonwings, 3015 fairy, 2904 fairytree, 2904 fake sandalwood, 17063 falcate acanthosyris, 131 falcate balsam, 13341

ENGLISH NAMES falcate calliandra, 1931 falcate cohoba anadenanthera, 616 falcate coralbean, 5213 falcate gloeospermum, 6215 falcate kielmeyera, 7985 falcate poecilanthe, 12619 falcate rinorea, 13832 Fallen geissanthus, 6141 falseacacia mimosa, 10123 false acuteleaf machaerium, 8721 falseanamomis, 13175, 13182 falseandromeda hedyosmum, 6892 falseaniba ocotea, 10973 false avocado, 11083 false balsa, 4017 false beech, 10933 falsebeech, 10933 falsebloodleaf butterflybush, 1726 falsebogwood ocotea, 11008 falsebombax, 13184 false boxwood, 6731 false breadnut, 13215 falsebox, 6730 falsebox p.p., 6731 falsebox holly, 7505 falseboxwood, 6731 false-button-wood, 8127 falsecaper, 2145 falsecapsule maya, 9907 falsecattle mayten, 9362 falseCeará cassava, 9079 false chigger-grape, 3275 falsecinchona poisonnut, 15261 falseclidemia leandra, 8146 false cocaine, 5235 falsecoconut syagruspalm, 15579 false-coffee, 5846 falsecordate roupala, 13934 false cordia, 3520 false cork-tree, 2487 false corktree, 2487 falsecurrant chomelia, 2724 falsedevilpepper chomelia, 2722 falseDucke mouriri, 10325 falseearpodtree smallcalyx abarema, 34 falseebony holly, 7506 falseephedranthus, 13177 false erythrochiton, 5231 falsefig mouriri, 10330 falseflamebean, 1585 falsefragrant croton, 4028 false gooseberry, 9116 false-grape, 3275 falsegrey piluliferous mimosa, 10127 false himatanthus, 7121 falseicacorea Guyana ridgerunner, 4249 falseinvolucre inga, 7717 false jaboticaba, 10617 false jacocalalu, 16299 falselancewood, 13239 falselaurel laurellike weinmannia, 16980 falseleatherwood daphnopsis, 4401 falselyfasciculate persea, 12079 false mahogany, 648 false-mahogany, 648 falsemalmea, 13216 false mamey, 1978, 3171 false-mamey, 1978 false mangrove, 8127 falsemangrove, 8126 falsemangrovelike clusia, 3162 false mastic, 14641, 14642 false-mastic, 14641, 14642 false mesquite, 1925 falsenaga naucleopsis, 10712 falsenettle, 1455 falseocotea nectandra, 10796 falseolive, 4987 falseolmedia, 13203 false opaque matayba, 9224 falsepeltate Guianas perebea, 11988 falsepilose monnina, 10234 falsepiptadenia, 13220 falsequina nightshade, 14969 false rosewood, 16050 falserubbertree joannesia, 7941 falserusty piloseflower myrceugenia, 10414

898 falsesamanea, 13232 false sandalwood, 17063 false seagrape, 3237 falsesenefeldera, 13237 false sensitive plant, 10092 false sicklepod, 14560 falsestipule bitterwood, 16359 falsestrigose saurauia, 14241 falseSwartzpea cassia, 2353 false tamarisk, 10604 false teeth, 2160 falsewhitefruit saurauia, 14240 falsewillowleaf monnina, 10235 fanleaf guatteria, 6507 fan-palm, 3280 Fanshawe balsamo, 13342 Fanshawe bordered macrolobium, 8912 Fanshawe buchenavia, 1695 Fanshawe byrsonima, 1813 Fanshawe conchocarpus, 3360 Fanshawe coussarea, 3803 Fanshawe drypetes, 4789 Fanshawe elizabetha, 5001 Fanshawe eschwe, 5390 Fanshawe licania, 8304 Fanshawe thysanostemon, 16067 Fanshawe tovomita, 16242 Fanshawe velvetseed, 6661 fantastic graffenrieda, 6287 faramea, 5783 farkleberry, 16516 Faro pachira, 11506 fasciated Swartzpea, 15426 fascicled aureliana, 1081 fascicled bitterwood, 16327 fascicled callisthene, 1971 fascicled casearia, 2290 fascicled daphnopsis, 4404 fascicled henriettella, 6986 fascicled hirtella, 7173 fascicled lycianthes, 8655 fascicled maya, 9721 fascicled myrcia, 10469 fascicled ocotea, 11037 fascicled peppertree, 14396 fascicled wettinia, 17032 fascicled zebrawood, 3390 fastigiate monnina, 10225 fastigiate myrocarpus, 10631 fastigiate ormosia, 11308 fastigiate palicourea, 11612 fastigiate persea, 12053 fastigiate toucan vochysia, 16904 fat apple pork, 2739 Fató gustavia, 6714 fat pork, 2739 fat-pork, 2686 fatpork, 2686 faveiro, 13472 feather acacia, 81 feather coconut palm, 15580 feathered dimorphandra, 4598 feathery inga, 7711 feathery syagruspalm, 15580 febrifuge esenbeckia, 5456 Fedde acacia, 68 feijoa, 136 felted guatteria, 6577 feltedshoot micropholis, 10065 female boy job, 5643 female bullhoof, 2500 female cañafistula, 2350 female guam tail, 14792 female white ramon, 16444 Fendler aegiphila, 213 Fendler annona, 765 Fendler dendropanax, 4453 Fendler fissicalyx, 6040 Fendler hieronyma, 7097 Fendler inga, 7615 Fendler lancepod, 8541 Fendler matayba, 9219 Fendler ocotea, 11038 Fendler persea, 12054 Fendler poisonnut, 15249 Fendler whitequebracho, 960 Fenzl myrcia, 10471 Fenzl Richard myrcia, 10541 ferdinandusa, 5877

fern acacia, 55 Fernández byrsonima, 1814 Fernández Linden rinorea, 13839 fernleaf tripterodendron, 16432 fern tree, 7908 ferocious machaerium, 8741 ferocious mesquite, 12989 Ferreira eugenia, 5566 Ferreira licania, 8305 ferreous acutestipule mimosa, 10096 Ferreyra myrcianthes, 10583 ferreyranthus, 5896 Ferreyra tapura, 15879 ferruginate maya, 9722 ferruginous campsiandra, 2117 ferruginous schefflera, 14306 ferruginous shrubby xylopia, 17085 ferruginous spinyclubpalm, 1163 ferruginous tachigali, 15760 ferruginous topobea, 16164 ferruginous trattinnickia, 16289 ferruginous vernonanthura, 16625 festive elachyptera, 4962 fetid leafflower, 12144 fetid startree, 1041 fewbranched allantoma, 454 fewflower bogwood, 14727 fewflower caesalpinia, 1906 fewflower dulacia, 4879 fewflower hirtella, 7208 fewflowered allophylus, 491 fewflowered axinaea, 1112 fewflowered Brazil stifftia, 15232 fewflowered brunellia, 1655 fewflowered casearia, 2314 fewflower holdback, 1906 fewflower inga, 7705 fewflower joosia, 7952 fewflower lacmellea, 8065 fewflower lindackeria, 8497 fewflower mollinedia, 10192 fewflower morningglory, 7805 fewflower mouriri, 10353 fewflower ocotea, 11132 fewflower pagamea, 11559 fewflower pilocarpus, 12219 fewflower purpleheart, 11915 fewflower raintree, 1689 fewflower rubbertree, 7077 fewflower tococabush, 16126 fewflower tovomita, 16262 fewflower treefern, 4209 fewflower vochysia, 16872 fewfruit guatteria, 6570 fewnerved nectandra, 10792 fewnerved xylosma, 17128 fewseed Macarena gustavia, 6712 fewspine nightshade, 14964 fewstamened xylosma, 17127 fewstamen ternstroemia, 15971 fewstamen treadsoftly, 3211 fewstamen trymatococcus, 16447 fiber mauritia, 9300 fiber palm, 1010 fichal eugenia, 5569 fiddle wood, 2871, 16770 fiddle-wood, 2904 fiddlewood, 2868 fiddlewood p.p., 383, 2668, 2871, 2891, 2904, 16763, 16770 fiddlewood chastetree, 16770 Fiebrig mesquite, 12990 Fiebrig mimosa, 10114 Fiebrig whiptree, 8625 field eugenia, 5506 field lancepod, 8533 fieryred dimorphandra, 4587 fieryred nittatree, 11812 fiery wood, 12227 fig, 5900 fig p.p., 5905, 5936, 5988, 5995, 6015 figleaf pumpwood, 2423 figlike bogwood, 14706 figlike mayten, 9331 figlikefruit nightshade, 15001 fig tree, 5900 filamentous abarema, 17 filamentousflower nectandra, 10754 filamentous macawood, 12501

filamentous maya, 9723 filiform fringetree, 2680 filiform inga, 7617 filiform licaria, 8469 filiform myriocarpa, 10623 filiform scratchbush, 16510 filipes aegiphila, 215 Filomeno licania, 8306 fimbriate ardisia, 898 fineflower chloroleucon, 2703 fineflower chomelia, 2727 fineflower coussarea, 3855 fine-leaf, 11929 fine-leaf kakaralli, 5449 fineleaf pouteria, 12863 fine-leaved black kakaralli, 5449 fine-leaved kakaralli, 5449 fine leaved kamahora, 12863 fine-leaved yarri-yarri, 4834 finelyhaired sweetleaf, 15649 finelyveined balsamo, 13441 finelyveined clusia, 3198 finelyveined gynoxys, 6783 finelyveined ixora, 7879 finelyveined macrolobium, 8950 finelyveined maya, 10028 finelyveined micropholis, 10088 finelyveined mombin, 15117 finelyveined nectandra, 10812 finelyveined ocotea, 11099 finelyveined vochysia, 16908 finelyvillous holly, 7543 finemargined Eugenia, 5699 finepilose casearia, 2330 fine tea fig, 5905 finevein myrcia, 10568 fingerlike pholidostachys, 12115 fingle-me-go, 17201 fingrigo, 17201 fingripo, 12441 fire bush, 5020, 5021 firebush, 5020, 6800 firetree, 14426 firm alsophila, 532 firm aniba, 695 firm maya, 9724 firm talisia, 15827 fish fuddletree, 12439 fishfuddletree, 12437 fishing rod, 15543 fishingrod, 13619 fishing-rod, 13619 fish poison, 12439 fish poisontree, 12438 fishpoison patinoa, 11845 fish-poison, 12439 fish-poison tree, 12439 fishpoison-tree, 12437 fishpoisontree, 12437 fish pot, 3907 fissicalyx, 6039 fissured alumbarktree, 15270 fistular mabea, 8677 fistular muskwood, 6400 fitzroya, 6041 fiveflower critoniopsis, 3931 fiveflower crownbeard, 16616 fiveflower faramea, 5860 fiveleaf angostura, 678 fiveleaf dahlstedtia, 4360 fiveleaf devilpepper, 13679 fiveleaf esenbeckia, 5463 five-leaf fiddle wood, 16758 fiveleaflet weinmannia, 16995 fivelobe elvasia, 5017 fivelobe myrcianthes, 10601 fivelobe schefflera, 14343 fivenerve buglelily, 9482 fivenerve maya, 9920 fivestamen bauhinia, 1275 fivestamen clusia, 3152 fivestamen pricklyash, 17182 fivestamen schefflera, 14344 fivestamen screwtree, 6956 fivestyle schefflera, 14351 fivewing terminalia, 15939 flagellar dasyphyllum, 4423 flagellar duguetia, 4816 flagellarflower bauhinia, 1261

899 flagellar gustavia, 6698 flagellar inga, 7618 flagellar myrcia, 10472 flagelliflorous guatteria, 6508 flag tree, 16933 flamboyant, 11922 flamebean, 1567 flameberry scratchbush, 16508 flame bush, 1966 flamecoloured bernoullia, 1351 flamered alumbarktree, 15271 flametree, 1216 Fläming Swartzpea, 15428 flannel wood, 14944 flatleaf mayten, 9359 flatleaf pouteria, 12869 flatseed osteophloeum, 11354 flatstigma clusia, 3155 flattened eschweilera, 5383 flattened licaria, 8451 flattened mimosalike heterostemon, 7063 flattened neoptychocarpus, 10888 fleshcolor senna, 14541 fleshcoloured byrsonima, 1824 fleshy bonnetia, 1470 fleshy dulacia, 4873 fleshy eriotheca, 5160 fleshy fig, 5941 fleshyflower annona, 750 fleshyflower froesia, 6079 fleshyflower inga, 7602 fleshyflower pouteria, 12786 fleshyfruit guadua, 6346 fleshyfruit sorocea, 15057 fleshy guatteria, 6482 fleshyleaf burrwood, 14761 fleshyleaf clusia, 3052 fleshyleaf giant resintree, 13048 fleshyleaf holly, 7430 fleshyleaf humiria, 7301 fleshyleaf iryanthera, 7818 fleshyleaf jacaranda, 7893 fleshyleaflike holly, 7431 fleshyleaf mayten, 9376 fleshyleaf monnina, 10224 fleshyleaf mouriri, 10319 fleshyleaf SãoPaulo piptocarpha, 12415 fleshyleaf taralea, 15896 fleshyleaf ternstroemia, 15955 fleshyleaf vochysia, 16820 fleshyleaf weinmannia, 16960 fleshy Leonia, 8201 fleshylob rudgea, 13983 fleshypetal resintree, 13032 fleshypetiole rudgea, 13984 fleshy resintree, 13027 fleshyseed lancepod, 8536 fleshysepal saurauia, 14223 fleshy schefflera, 14296 fleshysepal schoenobiblus, 14442 flexanthera, 6043 flexible guatteria, 6509 floccose cinnamon, 2851 floccose coussapoa, 3752 floccose croton, 3986 floccose matisia, 9255 floccose maya, 9726 floccose mimosa, 10115 floccose ocotea, 11040 floccose polymorphous gochnatia, 6225 floccose pourouma, 12710 floccose saurauia, 14226 flooded albizia, 356 flooded balata, 9094 flooded capitate balsamo, 13319 flooded eugenia, 5588 flooded guatteria, 6530 flooded holly, 7463 flooded klarobelia, 8008 flooded machaerium, 8758 flooded micrandra, 10040 flooded rosewood, 4380 flooded vochysia, 16841 flooded whitequebracho, 966 flooded zygia, 17262 Florida bitterbush, 12199

ENGLISH NAMES Florida boxwood, 14265 Florida-boxwood, 14263 Florida-button-wood, 3424 Florida catclaw, 12462 Floridacherry, 5711 Florida clusia, 3171 Florida crossopetalum, 3946 Florida fiddlewood, 2904 Florida fish poison tree, 12439 Florida fish-fuddletree, 12439 Florida fishpoison-tree, 12439 Florida-hobblebush, 281 Florida-holly, 14411 fragrantflower falsecaper, 2151 fragrantflower nectandra, 10755 fragrantflower sweetleaf, 15619 Florida holly, 14411, 14413 Florida licaria, 8488 Florida myrtle, 10585 Florida plum, 4786 Florida rapanea, 10653 Florida royalpalm, 13958 Florida schaefferia, 14265 Florida soapberry, 14172 Florida trema, 16299 Florida yellow-trumpet, 15906 floss-silk-tree, 2490 floss-silktree, 2490 flowerbud blastemanthus, 1429 flowery abarema, 18 flowery adenaria, 180 flowery aegiphila, 216 flowery alchorneopsis, 391 flowery allophylus, 475 flowery alseis, 518 flowery anaxagorea, 628 flowery andradea, 668 flowery balsam humiria, 7290 flowery batesia, 1223 flowery bredemeyera, 1539 flowery burrwood, 14770 flowery chrysochlamys, 2751 flowery critoniopsis, 3916 flowery croton, 3987 flowery crownbeard, 16603 flowery diogenesia, 4615 flowery diplokeleba, 4694 flowery diplostephium, 4701 flowery elachyptera, 4963 flowery emmotum, 5028 flowery erisma, 5188 flowery hasseltia, 6858 flowery hirtella, 7174 flowery holly, 7445 flowery ixora, 7864 flowery lacmellea, 8055 flowery macawood, 12502 flowery machaerium, 8742 flowery maya, 9727 flowery mayten, 9332 flowery moldenhawera, 10154 flowery mollinedia, 10183 flowery mouriri, 10331 flowery neea, 10836 flowery ocotea, 11041 flowery paniculate escallonia, 5348 flowery Pará angelwood, 4530 flowery peltanthera, 11891 flowery pisonia, 12444 flowery purpleheart, 11902 flowery Swartzpea, 15432 flowery swizzlesticktree, 13550 flowery thibaudia, 16055 flowery topobea, 16165 flowery tyleria, 16457 flowery unonopsis, 16479 flowery vismia, 16721 flowery vochysia, 16831 Focke clusia, 3080 foetid annona, 767 foetid ardisia, 900 foetid cocainetree, 5264 foetid microlobius, 10050 foetid ticorea, 16109 foetid tocoyena, 16139 foetid tournefortia, 16200 fogel kop, 10088 Foldats licania, 8307 Foldats tovomita, 16243

folded ocotea, 11011 folded vochysia, 16818 foliaceous velvetseed, 6662 Folli tapura, 15880 Fonseca byrsonima, 1816 food candletree, 11830 food inga, 7607 footie, 7890 footlikefruit vasivaea, 16571 Forbes cereus, 2528 Ford pausandra, 11860 Forero alumbarktree, 15272 Forero brunellia, 1635 forest balsamo, 13427 forest lancepod, 8547 Forster lidflower, 2030 forsteronia, 6045 Fortaleza myrcia, 10454 fortuitous balsamo, 13344 Foster annona, 766 Foster caryodaphnopsis, 2264 Foster maya, 9728 Foster ridgerunner, 4238 Fosters’ hairy rufflepalm, 337 Fothergill tibouchina, 16081 fourflower blakea, 1410 fourleaf devilpepper, 13688 fourleaf palicourea, 11672 fourleaf vochysia, 16898 fourpair eugeni, 5670 fourpetal bitterwood, 16376 fourpetal eschweilera, 5447 fourpore maya, 9919 fourpore shellseed, 3284 fourrib faramea, 5859 fourseed maya, 9996 fourseedlike maya, 9997 foursetose croton, 4032 fourstamen cordia, 3575 fourstamen diogenesia, 4516 fourstamen maya, 9995 fourstamen persimmon, 4685 fourstamen sweetleaf, 15670 fourwing maya, 9918 fouryoke bitterwood, 16360 foveolate caraipa, 2179 foveolate couepia, 3643 foveolate ironmary licania, 8336 foveolate licania, 8308 foveolate ocotea, 11064 foveolate pouteria, 12809 Fox dussia, 4934 Fox lacmellea, 8056 fragile maya, 9729 fragile souroubea, 15065 fragile viburnum, 16639 fragrant blolly, 6362 fragrant burrwood, 14771 fragrant campomanesia, 2077 fragrant caraipa, 2189 fragrant clusia, 3082 fragrant cornutia, 3602 fragrant croton, 3988 fragrant crudia, 4067 fragrant dichapetalum, 4511 fragrant duguetia, 4838 fragrant falseephedranthus, 13178 fragrant faramea, 5819 fragrant geissanthus, 6142 fragrant henriettella, 6994 fragrant inga, 7696 fragrant lidflower, 2015 fragrant maya, 9730 fragrant mayna, 9308 fragrant myrceugenia, 10393 fragrant ocotea, 11042 fragrant ouratea, 11377 fragrant pubescent macawood, 12511 fragrant raputia, 13644 fragrant salacia, 14133 fragrant saurauia, 14214 fragrant schefflera, 14307 fragrant tachigali, 15780 fragrant Tessmann metteniusa, 9515 fragrant velvetseed, 6651 fragrant xylopia, 17068 frail licaria, 8464 frail nectandra, 10750 frail ocotea, 11021

Francavilla eugenia, 5571 Francavilla maya, 9731 Francavilla mouriri, 10332 Francavilla myrsinelike leafflower, 12155 Francavilla tibouchina, 16083 Francine ouratea, 11399 franciscan raintree, 1678 Franco fig, 5955 frangipani p.p., 12583 frangi-pani, 12583 frangipani, 12582 frangulaleaf cocainetree, 5265 frangulaleaf combretum, 3314 Franqueville balsamo, 13345 Fraser croton, 3990 Freeman Hostmann rudgea, 13991 freepetal vochysia, 16802 freijó, 3526 Freitas pouteria, 12811 French casha, 77 FrenchGuiana couepia, 3626 FrenchGuiana divaricate resintree, 13040 FrenchGuiana guatteria, 6523 FrenchGuiana lacmellea, 8058 French Guiana resintree, 13045 FrenchGuiana rinorea, 13834 French Guiana rudgea, 13988 FrenchGuiana tovomita, 16247 freshgreenleaf coussapoa, 3777 French physic nut, 7938 French physic-nut, 7938 French tamarind, 14152 french trumpet-flower, 16053 Freyreiss myrcia, 10474 freziera, 6050 friends itaya, 7857 fringed clethra, 2978 fringed cocainetree, 5263 fringedleaf inga, 7658 fringedleaf vochysia, 16849 fringedlobe cordia, 3538 fringed myrcianthes, 10584 fringed pepper, 12307 fringed pouteria, 12807 fringed Swartzpea, 15427 fringed sweetleaf, 15618 fringe-flowers, 2677 fringe tree, 2677 fringetree, 2677 Fritsch licania, 8309 Froés burrwood, 14772 Fróes chastetree, 16769 Fróes couepia, 3644 Fróes dichapetalum, 4510 froesia, 6078 froesiodendron, 6084 Froes machaerium, 8745 Froes macrolobium, 8895 Froés ocotea, 11043 Fróes ormosia, 11315 Froés platycarpum, 12484 Fróes ticorea, 16110 fromager, 2487 Frontino espeletia, 5473 Frontino palicourea, 11614 Frontino rhodostemonodaphne, 13786 frosted bell bauhinia, 1263 frostedleaf devilpepper, 13682 fruitful snowbell, 15326 frutescent rosewood, 4372 frutescent smallanthus, 14827 frutescent sweetia, 15566 fuchsia, 6087 fuchsialike retiniphyllum, 13735 fuchsialike violetbush, 7796 Fuchs licania, 8310 Fuchs phragmotheca, 12120 fulcaldea, 6092 fuliginous pepper, 12309 fuliginous sweetleaf, 15621 fuliginous tontelea, 16150 fuliginous tournefortia, 16201 fullyfurrowed matisia, 9281 fulvous Brazil pimenta, 12243 fulvous cordia, 3521 fulvous corky zebrawood, 3414 fulvous emmotum, 5029

ENGLISH NAMES fulvous guava, 13267 fulvous nectandra, 10756 fulvous oreopanax, 11249 fulvous persea, 12057 fulvous pouteria, 12812 fulvous ridgerunner, 4239 fulvous trumpetflower, 15904 fulvousvein machaerium, 8747 Funck morella, 10259 funnelvine, 939 furcate macrolobium, 8896 furcate nectandra, 10757 furcate pouteria, 12813 furcatethorn acacia, 69 furrowed corythophora, 3611 fusaea, 6094 fuscous tachigali, 15763 fusispermum, 6097 fustic, 7780, 8820 fustic mulberry, 8820 fustic tree, 8820


Gabinete holly, 7447 Gabrielle holly, 7448 Gabriel pouteria, 12814 Gabriel pumpwood, 2424 gaiadendron, 6102 Galalón eugenia, 5573 galba, 1978 Galeotti graffenrieda, 6288 Galeotti trichospermum, 16387 galimenta, 12850 galipee, 4448 gallbearing licania, 8277 gallesia, 6116 gallfruit twisted pouteria, 12912 gall tree, 12207 gall-tree, 12207 gally pear, 3864 gamopetalous bitterwood, 16329 gamosepalous guatteria, 6511 gamuzo paragynoxys, 11738 Ganev sorocea, 15046 Garapa alibertia, 437 garcia, 6118 GarcíaBarriga byrsonima, 1819 GarcíaBarriga hooked pepper, 12256 GarciaCossio burrwood, 14773 García coussarea, 3806 Garcíalike palicourea, 11616 García palicourea, 11615 García pumpwood, 2425 garcinia, 6120 Garcke burrwood, 14774 gardenialike rudgea, 13985 gardens rosewood, 4378 Gardner anttree, 16417 Gardner averrhoidium, 1091 Gardner big richeria, 13820 Gardner bitterbush, 12187 Gardner byrsonima, 1820 Gardner caesalpinia, 1896 Gardner chastetree, 16781 Gardner clusia, 3084 Gardner dimorphandra, 4585 Gardner Eugenia, 5574 Gardner exellodendron, 5771 Gardner garcinia, 6122 Gardner guatteria, 6594 Gardner ixora, 7865 Gardner licania, 8312 Gardner marlierea, 9161 Gardner mayten, 9329 Gardner micropholis, 10064 Gardner mouriri, 10333 Gardner myrsine, 10658 Gardner nectandra, 10758 Gardner nightflowering machaerium, 8782 Gardner ocotea, 11045 Gardner pouteria, 12815 Gardner pricklyash, 17161 Gardner rhabdodendron, 13745 Gardner ridgerunner, 4243 Gardner ruizterania, 14038 Gardner senna, 14534 Gardner simira, 14672

900 Gardner sphaeropteris, 15088 Gardner virola, 16676 Gardner vochysia, 16832 garland fig, 5975 garland holly, 7474 garlic pear, 3863 garlic-pear crateva, 3864 garlic-pear tree, 3864 garlic pear-tree, 3864 garlic tree, 2247 garlictree caryocar, 2247 garrocha fulvous trumpetflower, 15905 garo roupala, 13930 gaspadillo sandwithia, 14170 gasparillo, 5450 gatea, 1552 Gatun Darién senna, 14529 Gatun myrcia, 10475 Gaudichaud breadnuttree, 1550 Gaudichaud clusia, 3086 Gaudichaud Eugenia, 5527, 5528 Gaudichaud faramea, 5836 Gaudichaud oysterwood, 6734 Gaudichaud tibouchina, 16091 gavetillo simira, 14682 gavillan tree, 11929 Gay escallonia, 5338 Gay hesperomeles, 7034 Gazel tovomita, 16244 Geiger tree, 3565 Geiger-tree, 3565 Geigertree, 3565 Geigertree cordia, 3565 geissanthus, 6131 geissospermum, 6158 gelatinous rufflepalm, 334 geminate marila, 9134 geneb, 9382 geniculate bauhinia, 1264 geniculate dendropanax, 4454 genip, 6164 genip p.p., 6165, 6323, 9382 genipa, 6164, 6165 genipap, 6165 genipap tree, 6165 geniplike duroia, 4904 genipot, 6165 genip tree, 9382 genitree, 6165 gentlea, 6168 Gentry balsamo, 13348 Gentry bogwood, 14707 Gentry brunellia, 1640 Gentry chimarrhis, 2664 Gentry cordia, 3522 Gentry crossothamnus, 3948 Gentry discocarpus, 4743 Gentry drypetes, 4790 Gentry duguetia, 4817 Gentry eriotheca, 5163 Gentry falseolmedia, 13205 Gentry fiddlewood, 2877 Gentry guatteria, 6513 Gentry gustavia, 6702 Gentry gymnosporia, 6739 Gentry hedyosmum, 6880 Gentry licania, 8313 Gentry malouetia, 9039 Gentry marila, 9141 Gentry matisia, 9256 Gentry maya, 9734 Gentry meliosma, 9405 Gentry perrottetia, 12029 Gentry pricklyash, 17162 Gentry randia, 13629 Gentry stephanopodium, 15170 Gentry tacarcuna, 15733 geoffroea, 6170 geometric weinmannia, 16968 Georgia white man, 9558 Gereau froesia, 6081 Gereau inga, 7619 Gert myrceugenia, 10396 Gert nightshade, 14908 gesnerialike bogwood, 14708 gesnerialike violetbush, 7797 gestasiana qualea, 13506 gevuina, 6193 Giacometto matisia, 9257

giantcalyx balsamo, 13376 giant cashew, 607 giant chastetree, 16771 giant club cactus, 15365 giant crownbeard, 16604 giant devil’s fig, 14874 giant dimorphandra, 4586 giant eschweilera, 5391 giant fig, 5957 giantflower pleurothyrium, 12544 giantflower raputia, 13647 giantflower vochysia, 16859 giant foxtail palm, 15582 giantfruit feather acacia, 83 giant myrcianthes, 10586 giant paullinia, 11850 giant pouteria, 12817 giant resintree, 13047 giant salacia, 14124 giant Swartzpea, 15434 gianttepal bogwood, 14709 giant thibet, 14152 giant tibut, 14152 giant tobacco, 10923 giant trichantera, 16306 giantfruit nittatree, 11811 giantfruit viburnumlike rudgea, 14027 giantleaf anaxagorea, 629 giantleaf annona, 768 giantleaf bigleaf senna, 14553 giantleaf buchenavia, 1701 giantleaf burrwood, 14791 giantleaf cestrum, 2585 giantleaf Christmasbush, 384 giantleaf cremastosperma, 3881 giantleaf duguetia, 4831 giantleaf elvasia, 5014 giantleaf gustavia, 6703 giantleaf inga, 7671 giantleaf licania, 8371 giantleaf ouratea, 11401 giantleaf pausandra, 11865 giantleaf pentagonia, 11937 giantleaf pouteria, 12846 giantleaf ridgerunner, 4244 giantleaf showy lidflower, 2062 giantleaf talisia, 15840 giantleaf turpinia, 16452 giantleaf unonopsis, 16486 giantleaf vochysia, 16860 giantleaf whitequebracho, 974 giantlike tobacco, 10924 giant vochysia, 16833 gibbous maya, 9735 gibnut fruit, 434 Gibon’s jiggerwood, 6360 Gieger-tree, 3565 Gieger tree, 3565 Gilberto magnolia, 8986 Giler chocolatetree, 16035 Gilg mollinedia, 10185 Gilg Tarapoto cavendishia, 2406 Gilson myrcia, 10478 gin, 10559 ginep, 9382 ginger gale, 8023 ginger thomas, 15906, 15908 ginger-thomas, 15906 girdled Eugenia, 5648 giriba palm, 15580 glabrate acanthosyris, 132 glabrate allophylus, 476 glabrate blakea, 1383 glabrate broadleaf zygi, 17268 glabrate caesalpinia, 1898 glabrate cordia, 3524 glabrate drooping senna, 14572 glabrate hirtella, 7175 glabrate longspike pepper, 12330 glabrate lozania, 8605 glabrate machaerium, 8748 glabrate Melinon pourouma, 12720 glabrate meliosma, 9406 glabrate nerved holly, 7494 glabrate oysterwood, 6735 glabrate pera, 11974 glabrate phylicalike myrteola, 10691 glabrate Schlim lippia, 8502 glabrate smallanthus, 14828

glabrate snowbell, 15330 glabrate Swartzpea, 15435 glabrate tepuí tococabush, 16131 glabrescent elaeoluma, 4991 glabrescent guatteria, 6515 glabrescent maya, 9621 glabrescent mollia, 10160 glabrescent resintree, 13050 glabrescent terminalia, 15931 glabrescent topobea, 16167 glabrous allophylus, 480 glabrous ampelocera, 584 glabrous apeiba, 845 glabrous apetalous Swartzpea, 15386 glabrous balsam copaltree, 3464 glabrous brunellia, 1636 glabrous buglelily, 9460 glabrous bursera, 1769 glabrous byrsonima, 1830 glabrous catinga purpleheart, 11897 glabrous clothed paloue, 11701 glabrous cordia, 3535 glabrous couepia, 3645 glabrous dacryodes, 4346 glabrous emmotum, 5030 glabrous exostyles, 5778 glabrous falseolmedia, 13208 glabrousflower blolly, 6363 glabrousflower chimarrhis, 2665 glabrousflower cuspidate humiriastrum, 7306 glabrousflower licania, 8314 glabrousflower wallabatr, 5117 glabrous FrenchGuiana couepia, 3628 glabrousfruit eschweilera, 5399 glabrousfruit Swartzpea, 15450 glabrous geissospermum, 6160 glabrous henriettella, 6989 glabrous heteromorphous licania, 8325 glabrous heteropterys, 7046 glabrous iryanthera, 7825 glabrous jacaranda, 7896 glabrous kopie, 6276 glabrousleaf androcalymma, 672 glabrousleaf cestrum, 2578 glabrousleaf largespike dimorphandra, 4592 glabrousleaf largespike Swartzpea, 15472 glabrousleaf pleurothyrium, 12545 glabrousleaf red perebea, 11996 glabrous machaerium, 8749 glabrous micrandra, 10038 glabrous morningglory, 7808 glabrous muskwood, 6401 glabrous myrcia, 10479 glabrous naucleopsis, 10699 glabrous oliveleaf agarista, 291 glabrous pachira, 11509 glabrous pepper, 12321 glabrous persea, 12061 glabrouspetal albizia, 355 glabrous pistacheleaf senna, 14577 glabrous powdery escallonia, 5354 glabrous pubescent malouetia, 9047 glabrous redflower copal, 7368 glabrous redquebracho, 14389 glabrous rhamnidium, 13749 glabrous rinorea, 13836 glabrous rourea, 13952 glabrous ruagea, 13961 glabrous smallleaf purpleheart, 11913 glabrous snowbell, 15329 glabrous talisia, 15836 glabroustepal pleurothyrium, 12546 glabrous toulicia, 16191 glabrous tournefortia, 16202 glabrous trigonia, 16391 glabrous twisted pouteria, 12913 glabrous vallesi, 16522 glabrous vismia, 16722 glabrous wallabatree, 5116 glabrous xylopia, 17087 glabrous zollernia, 17233 glandbearing cestrum, 2571 glandbearing cinchona, 2824 glandbearing malouetia, 9040 glandbearing maya, 9738 glandbearing palicourea, 11618

901 glandonia, 6195 glandular abarema, 3 glandular aegiphila, 218 glandularanther matayba, 9204 glandularanther parathesis, 11775 glandular blakea, 1384 glandular bunchosia, 1747 glandularcalyx balsamo, 13349 glandular candlewood cupania, 4109 glandular Christmasbush, 376 glandular faramea, 5820 glandularflower Eugenia, 5495 glandular Guianas alumbarktree, 15274 glandular Guianas couepia, 3649 glandularhair maya, 9991 glandular hirtella, 7144, 7177 glandular huerta, 7279 glandularleaf byrsonima, 1783 glandularleaf inga, 7552 glandular lidflower, 2031 glandular mesquite, 12992 glandular ocotea, 10965 glandular otholobium, 11359 glandular rinorea, 13830 glandular rourea, 13946 glandular saurauia, 14211 glandular senna, 14559 glandularstipule hirtella, 7176 glandularstyle maya, 9739 glandular sweetleaf, 15624 glandulosehair intermediate copal, 7357 Glassman attalea, 1079 glassy wood, 1041 glaucescent escallonia, 5340 glaucescent maya, 9740 glaucescent mayten, 9333 glaucescent myrceugenia, 10397 glaucescent Pará couepia, 3676 glaucescent rose blackbead, 12461 glaucescent rosewood, 4375 glaucescent spinyclubpalm, 1166 glaucous aniba, 700 glaucous banara, 1195 glaucous barberry, 1330 glaucous chocolatetree, 16036 glaucous chrysochlamys, 2752 glaucous cocainetree, 5266 glaucous falsebeech, 10939 glaucousfruit thiloa, 16057 glaucous guatteria, 6516 glaucous havetiopsis, 6862 glaucousleaf amanoa, 559 glaucousleaf cestrum, 2572 glaucousleaf clathrotropis, 2930 glaucousleaf diacidia, 4494 glaucousleaf holly, 7451 glaucousleaf nightshade, 14909 glaucous licania, 8315 glaucous mosannona, 10292 glaucous ocotea, 11048 glaucous pouteria, 12818 glaucous resintree, 13051 glaucous RíoNegro platycarpum, 12487 glaucouspetal unonopsis, 16480 glaucous tachigali, 15764 glaucous whitequebracho, 961 Glaziou bitterbush, 12188 Glaziou breadnuttree, 1551 Glaziou Cartagena cassava, 9068 Glaziou ceiba, 2484 Glaziou cinnamon, 2852 Glaziou cordia, 3525 Glaziou dendrophorbium, 4472 Glaziou earpodtree, 5105, 5106 Glaziou euplassa, 5737 Glaziou fiddlewood, 2878 Glaziou helietta, 6959 Glaziou hirtella, 7178 Glaziou humiriastrum, 7313 Glaziou licania, 8316 Glaziou mabea, 8681 Glaziou mollinedia, 10186 Glaziou mouriri, 10334 Glaziou myrcia, 10575 Glaziou ocotea, 11049 Glaziou polygamous chastetree, 16783 Glaziou pumpwood, 2426

ENGLISH NAMES Glaziou qualea, 13507 Glaziou quiina, 13587 Glaziou resintree, 13052 Glaziou rosewood, 4376 Glaziou seagrape, 3238 Glaziou simira, 14673 Glaziou Swartzpea, 15436 Glaziou trattinnickia, 16290 Glaziou zollernia, 17234 gleaming croton, 4007 gleaming largeanther senna, 14549 gleaming ocotea, 11098 gleaming pouteria, 12900 gleaming vochysia, 16892 gleaming xylopia, 17094 Gleason holly, 7452 gleasonia, 6199 Gleason maya, 9741 Gleason micrandra, 10039 Gleason tibouchina, 16084 gliricidia, 6209 glistening licania, 8407 glistening mayten, 9360 glistening peritassa, 12023 globeflowerlike senna, 14604 globose clusia, 3087 globose dendropanax, 4455 globose eriothe, 5164 globose nectandra, 10759 globose remijia, 13717 globose sweetleaf, 15625 globose yellow mombin, 15111 globular blakea, 1416 globularflower guatteria, 6623 globularfruit bitterbush, 12202 globularfruit burdachia, 1766 globularfruit clusia, 3182 globularfruit elvasia, 5018 globularfruit gloeospermum, 6219 globularfruit lancewood, 11491 globularfruit passionflower, 11842 globularfruit patinoa, 11847 globularfruit persea, 12089 globular inga, 7620 globular schefflera, 14374 globuliferous tetrameranthus, 16005 gloeospermum, 6212 glomerate aegiphila, 219 glomerate clusia, 3088 glomerate endlicheria, 5060 glomerate eugenia, 5635 glomerate inga, 7621 glomerate jaboticaba, 10612 glomerate neomitranthes, 10882 glomerate ocotea, 11050 glomerate persimmon, 4645 glomerate pimentelia, 12248 glomerate podocarpus, 12594 glomerate pouteria, 12819 glomerate remijia, 13718 glomerate resintree, 13053 glomerate weinmannia, 16969 glomerate wolfberry, 8664 glomerulate calliandra, 1933 glomerulate eremanthus, 5150 glomerulateflower neea, 10837 glomerulate maya, 9742 glomerulbearing annona, 770 glory bower, 2964 glorybower, 2964 glorybowerlike palicourea, 11599 glorybush, 16068, 16085 glory flamebean, 1575 glory tree, 2964 glossy allophylus, 488 glossy angelintree, 656 glossy annona, 797 glossy axinaea, 1110 glossy baccharis, 1143 glossy banara, 1198 glossy blolly, 6372 glossy buchenavia, 1702 glossy bunchosia, 1755 glossy burrwood, 14796 glossy butterflybush, 1729 glossy byrsonima, 1844 glossy casearia, 2309 glossy clathrotropis, 2932 glossy combretum, 3324

glossy coussapoa, 3762 glossy dacryodes, 4351 glossy davilla, 4431 glossy dipterocarp pakaraimaea, 11571 glossy duguetia, 4835 glossy duroia, 4916 glossy emmotum, 5032 glossy erisma, 5196 glossy euceraea, 5489 glossy falsebeech, 10941 glossy faramea, 5843 glossyflower sweetleaf, 15644 glossy flowery macawood, 12505 glossy handsome rosenbergiodendron, 13890 glossy heisteria, 6928 glossy henriquezia, 7005 glossy herrania, 7027 glossy hymenolobium, 7387 glossy lancepod, 8556 glossy lancewood, 11486 glossyleaf acacia, 79 glossyleaf elaeagia, 4980 glossyleaf maya, 9788 glossyleaf mollinedia, 10189 glossyleaf porcelia, 12666 glossyleaf resintree, 13079 glossy leptolobium, 8221 glossy licania, 8385 glossy litothamnus, 8516 glossy llagunoa, 8518 glossy lycianthes, 8658 glossy mabea, 8687 glossy marila, 9140 glossy maya, 9862 glossy milkberry, 2675 glossy mollia, 10170 glossy nectandra, 10786 glossy nightshade, 14949 glossy ocotea, 11115 glossy pachira, 11522 glossy palicourea, 11658 glossy passionflower, 11840 glossy pterogyne, 13476 glossy quiina, 13600 glossy randia, 13635 glossy roupala, 13927 glossy rubbertree, 7076 glossy salzmannia, 14147 glossy sweetleaf, 15642 glossy violetbush, 7801 glossy whitequebracho, 978 glossy wild starapple, 2772 glossy xylopia, 17098 glutinous bucquetia, 1718 glutinous mimosa, 10116 glycydendron, 6220 goa angelintree, 648 goat bush, 2364 goatbush castela, 2364 goatsbeardflower endlicheria, 5042 goatsrueleaf senna, 14533 goat wood, 2357 goat-wood, 234 goatwood, 2357, 2358 gochnatia, 6222 Goding armatocereus, 932 godmania, 6229 Godoy exostyles, 5779 godoya, 6232 Goeldi cordia, 3526 Goeldi tachigali, 15765 goethalsia, 6235 Goethe calycolpus, 1984 Goiás myrcia, 10498 Goiás schefflera, 14365 Goiás vochysia, 16840 Goiás wunderlichia, 17057 go holler, 12199 gold bush, 9787 golddrop skyflower, 4888 golden buglelily, 9443 goldencalyx couepia, 3630 golden column, 16942 golden copal, 7348 golden crumbly berk, 1712 golden dewdrop, 4885, 4888 golden-dewdrop, 4888 golden dewdrops, 4888

golden duguetia, 4807 golden endlicheria, 5043 golden eugenia, 5509 goldeneye purpleheart, 11898 goldenflower machaerium, 8727 goldenflower pereskia, 12002 goldenfruit annona, 788 goldenfruit duguetia, 4808 goldenfruit myrceugenia, 10390 goldenfruit senna, 14525 goldenhair handroanthus, 6823 goldenhair nightshade, 14874 goldenleaf, 2763 goldenleaf eugenia, 5532 goldenleaf freziera, 6059 goldenleaf guatteria, 6472 goldenleaf maya, 9644 goldenleaf persea, 12049 goldenleaf sterigmapetalum, 15212 goldenleaf tachigali, 15752 golden licaria, 8453 goldenlike maya, 9587 golden maya, 9586 golden nectandra, 10733 golden persea, 12039 golden pouteria, 12754 goldenrachis longstipule palicourea, 11643 golden schefflera, 14274 golden shower, 14597 goldensilky licaria, 8454 golden spoon, 1861 goldenstar inga, 7564 golden tachigali, 15742 golden-trumpet, 446 golden trumpettree, 15679 golden wax palm, 2547 golden wild starapple, 2770 goldenwonder senna, 14601 goldenyellowleaf licaria, 8463 goldenyellow mollinedia, 10180 goldenyellow roseodendron, 13893 Goldman inga, 7622 gold tamarillo, 14856 gold tree, 13894 goldtree, 13894 gold wood, 8127 gomelleira fig, 5958 Gomes eugenia, 5575 Gomes senna, 14544 GomezAlvarez campsiandra, 2118 Gomez guatteria, 6517 Gómez palicourea, 11619 Gómez whitequebracho, 962 gomma muskwood, 6402 gommo limbo, 1773 gomortega, 6237 gomphialeaf pouteria, 12822 Gonggrijp hydrochorea, 7334 gongonha citronella, 2917 Gongrijp pouteria, 12823 gongylolepis, 6239 Gonini myrcia, 10480 goniorrhachis, 6248 gonzalagunia, 6251 good bread, 6359 goodbread, 6359, 6360 good luck tree, 16053 good-luck-tree, 16053 Goodspeed nightshade, 14912 gooseberry, 9083, 9116 goose berry guava, 13263 gooseberry margaritaria, 9116 gooseberry pereskia, 12001 gooseberry shrub, 12001 gopher apple, 8246 gopher-plum, 2739 gordonia, 6265 gordonialeaf otoba, 11365 Gorgona ardisia, 901 Gorgona Béguinot bauhinia, 1251 gouania, 6272 Goudot allophylus, 477 Goudot brunellia, 1637 Goudot buckthorn, 13753 Goudot crepidospermum, 3896 Goudot ferdinandusa, 5882 Goudot guatteria, 6518 Goudot hedyosmum, 6881

ENGLISH NAMES Goudot henriettella, 6990 Goudot hesperomeles, 7035 Goudot holly, 7453 Goudot machaerium, 8750 Goudot pumpwood, 2427 Goudot vasconcellea, 16558 Goudot viburnum, 16640 Goudot WestIndies pilocarpus, 12227 goupi, 6276 gourd, 3901 gouti fig, 5967 Goyaz cariniana, 2217 grabon, 1805 grabowskia, 6277 graceful balizia, 1188 graceful broadleaf posoqueria, 12680 graceful caryocar, 2255 graceful clusia, 3199 graceful condaminea, 3379 graceful delostoma, 4438 graceful dilodendron, 4572 graceful endlicheria, 5061 graceful erisma, 5191 graceful exellodendron, 5772 graceful exostyles, 5780 gracefulflower blolly, 6364 gracefulflower inga, 7623 gracefulflower ladenbergia, 8089 graceful guatteria, 6500 graceful helicostylis, 6940 graceful lacmellea, 8057 gracefulleaf inga, 7624 graceful lidflower, 2037 graceful loreya, 8581 graceful mabea, 8676 graceful macrolobium, 8897 graceful matayba, 9211 graceful mollia, 10162 graceful mollinedia, 10181 graceful nectandra, 10760 graceful ocotea, 11035 graceful pachira, 11510 graceful platypodium, 12519 graceful potalia, 12691 graceful pouteria, 12798 graceful qualea, 13508 graceful resintree, 13043 graceful rhaphithamnus, 13761 graceful rosewood, 4369 graceful roupala, 13915 graceful seagrape, 3239 graceful silverleaf maya, 9578 graceful sixleaf talisia, 15832 graceful spachea, 15071 graceful startree, 1038 graceful Swartzpea, 15437 graceful tachigali, 15806 graceful vismia, 16723 graceful vochysia, 16826 graceful xylosma, 17120 Gracie monkeypottree, 8176 graffenrieda, 6279 Graham cassava, 9075 Granada leandra, 8151 grande betty, 4137 grand father’s balls, 16052 grandfather’s balls, 16052 grandiose ternstroemia, 15962 GranSabana duroia, 4905 granulate buckthorn, 13754 granulate burrwood, 14778 granulate henriettea, 6967 granulatelike burrwood, 14803 granulate nightshade, 14914 granulate pradosia, 12941 granulate tibouchina, 16085 Granville pumpwood, 2428 GrãoMogol crownbeard, 16617 grape, 3244, 3274 grape pourouma, 12704 grape tree, 12704 grape-tree, 3274 grassia wood, 12205 grave physicnut, 7933 Gray leandra, 8153 graytwig, 14447 graytwig p.p., 14451 Graziela diatenopteryx, 4505 Graziela hymenolobium, 7380

902 Graziela inga, 7627 Graziela simira, 14674 Graziela velvetseed, 6663 grazielodendron, 6320 greater callisthene, 1973 greater persea, 12068 greater piassava, 8208 greater related couepia, 3635 greatest barktree, 6111 greatest coriaceous posoqueria, 12678 greatest fig, 5988 greatest lidflower, 2045 greatestlike fig, 5989 great flamebean, 1578 green balsamo, 13445 green bocagea, 1443 green ebony, 7904 greenflower bocoa, 1454 greenflower ferdinandusa, 5879 greenflower guatteria, 6470 greenflower piptadenia, 12404 greenflower retiniphyllum, 13733 greenflower ruagea, 13970 greenflower rustia, 14082 greengrey ocotea, 11047 green heart, 3298 greenheart, 2688, 3298, 6674, 8561 greenheart p.p., 2689 greenleaf rinorea, 13858 green mate, 7499 green neea, 10867 green palicourea, 11694 greenpetal Pires eschweilera, 5420 green platypodium, 12523 greenspike pepper, 12390 green starapple, 2812 green stick, 3907 green terminalia, 15945 green turtle bough, 1093, 1095, 8127 green turtlebough, 8127 greenturtle bough, 1095 green-violet, 7327 Greiff Jamaica fig, 5908 grewialeaf bastardiopsis, 1220 grewialeaf trichospermum, 16388 grey allophylus, 479 grey alsophila, 536 grey butterflybush, 1725 grey eremanthus, 5151 grey euplassa, 5740 greyflower Eugenia, 5577 grey handroanthus, 6829 greyish chocolatetree, 16046 greyish endlicheria, 5062 greyish minutelytomentose polylepis, 12656 greyishflower duguetia, 4805 grey licania, 8339 grey nectandra, 10762 grey polylepis, 12643 grey resintree, 13098 grey senna, 14521 grey stenocereus, 15142 grey whitequebracho, 998 grias, 6322 Grisebach blakea, 1385 Grisebach clusia, 3045 Grisebach freziera, 6063 Grisebach loxopterygium, 8598 Grisebach pradosia, 12942 grooved slugwood, 1303 Grosourdy ouratea, 11403 gross grain, 9409 grossgrain meliosma, 9409 grosvenoria, 6332 groundsel-tree, 1130 growing stick, 11240 grow stick, 6211 grugru acrocomia, 164 gru-gru palm, 164 grugru palm, 163, 164 guaba, 7782 guaba inga, 7782 Guacaya resintree, 13055 guachapele falsesamanea, 13233 guacharaca cordia, 3527 guacimo, 6646 guadaripo nectandra, 10763 guadua, 6335

guadua p.p., 6337 guaiacum, 6352 guaiacum wood, 6352 guaiacum-wood, 6352 guaiacwood, 1738 Guainia hirtella, 7180 Guaiquinima balsam humiria, 7291 Guaiquinima holly, 7454 Guaiquinima maya, 9749 Guaiquinima raputia, 13649 Guaiquinima terminalia, 15932 guaissara luetzelburgia, 8644 Guajalito bogwood, 14712 guamachil, 12455 guamachil apes-earring, 12455 guamachil blackbead, 12455 guamacho pereskia, 12005 guamita inga, 7752 guamuchil, 12455 guamwood, 14427 guanabana, 785 guanacaste, 5103 guanacaste earpodtree, 5103 Guanacaste sweet acacia, 67 Guanai machaerium, 8752 Guanai prunus, 13140 Guanai seguieria, 14492 Guanayana snowbell, 15331 Guánchez cocainetree, 5268 guandera, 3161 guano sweetwood, 684 Guapaya sterculia, 15190 guapira pouteria, 12758 Guaporé quiina, 13589 Guaramacal faramea, 5821 guarango nittatree, 11814 Guaraní allophylus, 478 Guaraní cestrum, 2573 guaranina bushy holly, 7442 Guaraní seagrape, 3241 Guarani zapallo pisonia, 12449 guarantan esenbeckia, 5461 guarapo sterculia, 15195 Guarayos ateleia, 1052 Guaremales machaerium, 8753 Guaremales mouriri, 10356 Guasca baccharis, 1149 guatambú balfourodendron, 1186 guatapanal, 1890 Guatapé magnolia, 8987 guate care, 5443 Guatemala flametree, 1217 Guatemala hasseltia, 6859 Guatemala malouetia, 9042 Guatemalan flame tree, 1217 Guatemalan mahogany, 15569 Guatemala peltostigma, 11927 Guatemala podocarpus, 12595 Guatemala topobea, 16162 Guatemala vochysia, 16837 guatteria, 6432 guatterialike persimmon, 4646 guatterialike unonopsis, 16481 guava, 13261 guava p.p., 5537 guavaberry, 10604, 10611 guavaberry jaboticaba, 10611 guavaflower eugenia, 5662 guavaleaf qualea, 13527 guaveberry, 10611 guaviroa syagruspalm, 15577 guaviroba campomanesia, 2082 Guayana campsiandra, 2121 Guayana clusia, 3091 Guayana Guiana symphonia, 15592 Guayaquil acanthocladus, 126 Guayaquil eugenia, 5579 Guayas annona, 760 Guayas Eugenia, 5535 Guayas falsebombax, 13193 Guayas roupala, 13933 Guayas senna, 14592 guayusa holly, 7455 guazuma, 6644 guazumaleaf campomanesia, 2083 guazumaleaf cordia, 3528 guazumaleaf screwtree, 6950 gueffeywood, 17243 guenuine mahogany, 15569

Guggenheim zebrawood, 3392 Guiana buchenavia, 1697 Guiana cashew, 605 Guiana chastetree, 16763 Guianachestnut pachira, 11498 Guiana cordia, 3534 Guiana licania, 8292 Guiana macrolobium, 8903 Guiana mora, 10253 guianaorange, 12475 Guiana paypayrola, 11883 Guiana purpleheart, 11908 Guiana rapanea, 10652, 10659 Guianas acioa, 147 Guianas aiouea, 319 Guianas alumbarktree, 15273 Guianas amaioua, 550 Guianas amanoa, 561 Guianas angelwood, 4527 Guianas aniba, 696 Guianas ardisia, 903 Guianas balsam humiria, 7292 Guianas banara, 1196 Guianas bertiera, 1358 Guianas bigflower wallabatre, 5120 Guianas bitterbush, 12191 Guianas blolly, 6365 Guianas bogwood, 14713 Guianas burrwood, 14779 Guianas cannonballtree, 3725 Guianas cassipourea, 2358 Guianas clusia, 3115 Guianas clusterpea, 4612 Guianas cogwood, 7242 Guianas conceveiba, 3344 Guianas conchocarpus, 3363 Guianas copaltree, 3460 Guianas cordia, 3547 Guianas couepia, 3647 Guianas couma, 3701 Guianas couratari, 3711 Guianas coussapoa, 3761 Guianas Cowan cassia, 2339 Guianas crabwood, 2203 Guianas cryptocarya, 4082 Guianas discophora, 4746 Guianas doliocarpus, 4762 Guianas ecclinusa, 4946 Guianas endlicheria, 5048 Guianas ephedranthus, 5140 Guianas fig, 5960 Guianas henriettea, 6980 Guianas hernandia, 7011 Guianas holly, 7456 Guianas inga, 7612, 7785 Guianas licaria, 8470 Guianas macoubea, 8824 Guianas maprounea, 9107 Guianas maquira, 9111 Guianas matayba, 9213 Guianas mayten, 9335 Guianas micropholis, 10067 Guianas mouriri, 10337 Guianas moutabea, 10373 Guianas myrcia, 10485 Guianas myrsine, 10659 Guianas naucleopsis, 10700 Guianas norantea, 10927 Guianas ocotea, 11052 Guianas ormosia, 11299 Guianas ouratea, 1140 Guianas pagamea, 11552 Guianas palicourea, 11623 Guianas paloue, 11699 Guianas perebea, 11983 Guianas persimmon, 4647 Guianas poraqueiba, 12660 Guianas pourouma, 12712 Guianas pouteria, 12827 Guianas quiina, 13590 Guianas raintree, 1686 Guianas rinorea, 13828 Guianas rubbertree, 7072 Guianas sacoglottis, 14108 Guianas sandwithia, 14169 Guianas simaba, 14652 Guianas souroubea, 15066 Guianas Swartzpea, 15439 Guianas swizzlesticktree, 13551

903 Guianas syagruspalm, 15584 Guianas tachia, 15735 Guianas tachigali, 15766 Guianas talisia, 15829 Guianas tapirira, 15863 Guianas tapura, 15881 Guianas terminalia, 15933 Guianas thyrsodium, 16060 Guianas tococabush, 16123 Guianas tocoyena, 16141 Guianas toulicia, 16190 Guianas touroulia, 16220 Guianas tovomita, 16230 Guianas vantanea, 16531 Guianas vatairea, 16578 Guianas vismia, 16724 Guianas vochysia, 16838 Guianas votomita, 16912 Guianas vouarana, 16924 Guiana sweetleaf, 15626 Guiana symphonia, 15590 Guiana tampoa, 15860 Guianese colicwood, 10653 guianodendron, 6683 guibourtia, 6685 Guilding calliandra, 1934 Guilding marlierea, 9162 Guilding ouratea, 11405 Guilfoyle siphoneugena, 14746 guili amomyrtella, 577 Guillemin lancepod, 8544 Guillemin sorocea, 15047 guinep, 5782, 9382 güisara guava, 13268 Gulf graytwig, 14451 gulf licaria, 8488 gulf misanteca, 8488 gulf triandra, 8488 gully bean, 15009 gully pear, 3864 gully plum, 15110 gumbo limbo, 1773 gumbo-limbo, 1773 gumbolimbo, 1773 gumbolimbo bursera, 1773 gum-elemi, 1773 gummiferous campnosperma, 2073 gummiferous earpodtree, 5106 gummiferous Panama gumtree, 2368 gum tree, 50, 1773, 14176, 14179 gumtree, 1773, 2365 gum wood, 16026 gunstak, 6646 Günther guatteria, 6521 Günther muskwood, 6404 Gurupá virola, 16669 gustavia, 6688 gutapercha, 14180 guyana, 2203 Guyana anisophyllea, 728 Guyana byrsonima, 1847 Guyana cassipourea, 2360 Guyana clethra, 2979 Guyana clusia, 3175 Guyana couepia, 3642 Guyana dicymbe, 4545 Guyana dimorphandra, 4604 Guyana duguetia, 4818 Guyana dulacia, 4875 Guyana elizabetha, 5002 Guyana eschweilera, 5389 Guyana euphronia, 5732 Guyana giant trichantera, 16307 Guyana guatteria, 6456 Guyana guianodendron, 6684 Guyana haematostemon, 6791 Guyana hirtella, 7181 Guyana inga, 7577 Guyana jacqueshuberia, 7924 Guyana lidflower, 2069 Guyana lissocarpa, 8505 Guyana mezilaurus, 9539 Guyana mouriri, 10311 Guyana platycarpum, 12482 Guyana pterandra, 13459 Guyana rhodostemonodaphne, 13795 Guyana ridgerunner, 4246 Guyana scleronema, 14464 Guyana scurfy bitterwood, 16338

ENGLISH NAMES Guyana seagrape, 3226 Guyana snowbell, 15332 Guyana spiranthera, 15096 Guyana sterculia, 15191 Guyana whittonia, 17043 gymnosporia, 6738 gynoxys, 6741 gynoxyslike kaunia, 7975 gyranthera, 6784 gyro damson, 6788


hacberryleaf falsenettle, 1458 hack-berry, 2501 hackberry, 2493 hackberry p.p., 2497 hackberryleaf croton, 3966 hackberryleaf koanophyllon, 8016 hackberryleaf mulberry, 10288 haematostemon, 6789 Haenke diplostephium, 4702 Haenke geissanthus, 6143 Haenke myrcia, 10486 Haenke persea, 12063 Haenke vochysia, 16839 Haenke weinmannia, 16970 Haenke wildixora, 7840 haggarbush, 2965 Hagley euterpepalm, 5754 Hagley’s palm, 5754 haguebush, 2965 Hahn Cartagena cassava, 9069 haired marlierea, 9149 hairiest aegiphila, 223 hairiest gynoxys, 6763 hairiest inga, 7630 hairiest matisia, 9259 hairy agouticarpa, 308 hairy allomaieta, 458 hairyanther ruizterania, 14044 hairy anttree, 16429 hairy balsamo, 13402 hairy Bernoulli chocolatetree, 16029 hairy blakea, 1387 hairy bluefruit maya, 9681 hairy bois lay lay, 3552 hairybranch adenocalymma, 182 hairybranch cordia, 3579 hairy broadleaf aldina, 407 hairy byttneria, 1879 hairycalyx coussarea, 3810 hairycalyx snowbell, 15359 hairy campomanesia, 2084 hairy clusia, 3050 hairy cocainetree, 5283 hairy couepia, 3624 hairy cupania, 4120 hairy diacidia, 4499 hairy digomphia, 4567 hairy duroia, 4906 hairy ferdinandusa, 5886 hairyflower erythrochiton, 5234 hairyflower pittoniotis, 12465 hairyfruit duroia, 4928 hairyfruit guatteria, 6632 hairy gonzalagunia, 6259 hairy guatteria, 6527 hairy Guianas perebea, 11987 hairy laylay, 3572 hairy leadtree, 8227 hairy licania, 8330 hairy licaria, 8471 hairy lippie, 8499 hairy lomatia, 8528 hairy machaerium, 8755 hairy matisia, 9260 hairy maya, 9755 hairy monnina, 10226 hairy nectandra, 10767 hairynerve leandra, 8145 hairynerved maya, 9593 hairy nightshade, 14919 hairyovary copaltree, 3461 hairy pagamea, 11556 hairy pausandra, 11861 hairy persimmon, 4688 hairypetiole pourouma, 12716 hairy-plum, 7233

hairy pois doux, 7613, 7614 hairy pterandra, 13460 hairy pubescent sorocea, 15054 hairyrachis pepper, 12383 hairy resintree, 13122 hairy rhodothyrsus, 13812 hairy rinorea, 13835 hairy ruagea, 13962 hairy rufflepalm, 336 hairy sarcaulus, 14198 hairy schefflera, 14359 hairy senna, 14539 hairy sessea, 14633 hairyshoot leafflower, 12141 hairy simira, 14676 hairy skyflower, 4893 hairyspathe maraja spinyclubpalm, 1170 hairystamen ocotea, 11055 hairy stenosepala, 15157 hairystyle ocotea, 11056 hairythyrse holly, 7534 hairythyrse mauria, 9297 hairytufted velvetseed, 6654 hairy tom, 152 hairy tom palmetto, 152 hairy tree pepper, 12263 hairy treefern, 4192, 4222 hairy velvetseed, 6664 hairy wettinia, 17033 hairy wild coffee, 13402 half crown, 10346, 13285 half-crown, 10346 halferect adelobotrys, 178 halfglabrous cupania, 4139 Hall gynoxys, 6762 Hall myrcianthes, 10587 Hall viburnum, 16641 Hamadryades pricklyash, 17163 Haman vismia, 16725 hamelia, 6795 Hammel clusia, 3092 hammock velvetseed, 6660 hampea, 6803 hancornia, 6807 handroanthus, 6809 Handro ardisia, 904 Handro eugenia, 5580 Handro hexachlamys, 7084 handsome acanthella, 122 handsome buglelily, 9486 handsome byrsonima, 1817 handsome chocolatetree, 16044 handsome cocainetree, 5310 handsome coriaceous posoqueria, 12677 handsomeflower inga, 7720 handsome gustavia, 6720 handsome lepechinia, 8212 handsome merianthera, 9499 handsome monnina, 10236 handsome moronobea, 10282 handsome myrcia, 10533 handsome nightshade, 14855 handsome nycticalanthus, 10945 handsome pachira, 11529 handsome pepper, 12308 handsome pholidostachys, 12116 handsome piassava, 8210 handsome recordoxylon, 13702 handsome rosenbergiodendron, 13888 handsome rustia, 14075 handsome sauraui, 14227 handsome saurauia, 14242 handsome senna, 14531 handsome sterculia, 15204 handsome tachigali, 15793 handsome tocoyena, 16140 handsome tovomitidium, 16277 handsome vataireopsis, 16586 handsome vochysia, 16891 hangingflower sessea, 14625 hangingleaf maya, 9687 hanging palicourea, 11608 haploclathra, 6846 haplorhus, 6853 hard balsam, 13337 hardcalyx eugenia, 5684 hardcalyx rudgea, 14014

hard cuspidate pouteria, 12789 hard elizabetha, 5000 hardened pepper, 12284 hardfruit falselancewood, 13257 hardfruit pouteria, 12892 hardfruit starapple, 2778 hard guatteria, 6496 hardleaf axinaea, 1117 hardleaf baromalli, 2383 hardleaf gloeospermum, 6218 hardleaf largeleaf eriotheca, 5169 hardleaf licania, 8299 hardleaf mayten, 9325 hardleaf porcupinepodtree, 2512 hard moho, 2279 hardmoho casearia, 2279 hardwood acanthocladus, 127 hardwood micrandra, 10048 hardy yellow-trumpet, 15906 harkis, 17152 Harley emmotum, 5031 Harley luetzelburgia, 8645 harleyodendron, 6855 Harley pagamea, 11555 Harley stachyarrhena, 15130 Harling blakea, 1386 Harling bogwood, 14714 Harling caryocar, 2256 Harling clavija, 2940 Harling crownbeard, 16606 Harling graffenrieda, 6291 Harling licania, 8321 Harling macrocarpaea, 8835 Harling maya, 9751 Harling palicourea, 11624 harmful blolly, 6373 Harms prumnopitys, 13127 Harms schefflera, 14315 Harrison mangrove, 13774 Harris pricklyash, 17164 Hartweg aphelandra, 859 Hartweg bunchosia, 1748 Hartweg fig, 5961 Hartweg myrcia, 10487 hasseltia, 6857 Hassler babybonnets, 3731 Hassler callisthene, 1972 Hassler lacistema, 8041 Hassler margaritopsis, 9124 Hassler mesquite, 12993 Hassler pisonia, 12445 Hassler priogymnanthus, 12970 Hass treefern, 4170 hatchetpetal annona, 756 Hatschbach deguelia, 4436 Hatschbach fig, 5963 Hatschbach machaerium, 8754 Hatschbach myrcia, 10488 Hatschbach plinia, 12572 hatsland rheedia, 6123, 13766 hatstrand tree, 6123 haudin, 8171 Haught aegiphila, 222 Haught bauhinia, 1265 Haught clusia, 3093 Haught cocainetree, 5270 Haught grias, 6325 Haught Swartzpea, 15440 Havana bitterwood, 16330 havetiopsis, 6861 Hawaiian gold, 2215 Hayes acacia, 70 Hayes inga, 7628 Hayes nightshade, 14916 Hayes senna, 14537 hazel gevuina, 6194 hazelleaf croton, 3975 hazelnut, 7933 Hazen balsamo, 13351 Hazen nightshade, 14917 headachebush, 2160 headflower margaritopsis, 9121 healing croton, 4042 healing guava, 13283 heartleaf eucryphia, 5491 heart palm, 5760 heartshaped pouteria, 12784 heathlike pouteria, 12801 hebepetalum, 6864

ENGLISH NAMES hecatostemon, 6868 Hedberg licania, 8323 hedge cactus, 2530, 15365 hedgehogcactus, 4954 hedyosmum, 6870 he-huckleberry, 4331 Heilborn palicourea, 11625 Heinrichs oreopanax, 11251 heisteria, 6905 helianthostylis, 6936 helicostylis, 6939 helietta, 6957 heliocarpus, 6962 heliophilous maya, 9574 heliophilous treefern, 4189 helosislike annona, 772 Helstone whitequebracho, 963 hemiepiphytic treefern, 4190 hemlock p.p., 15906 hemlockhlike calliandra, 1965 hemplike maya, 9623 Henao magnolia, 8988 hennecartia, 6964 henriettea, 6966 henriettella, 6981 henriquezia, 7003 Herbert slenderleaf resintree, 13115 HerbertSmith ateleia, 1053 Hercule’s club, 17145 Heringer aniba, 697 Heringer hymenolobium, 7381 hermaphrodite neea, 10839 hermaphrodite pricklyash, 17165 Herminia alexa, 419 Hernández magnolia, 8989 hernandia, 7009 Hernando buglelily, 9462 herrania, 7014 Herrera escallonia, 5339 Herrera fiddlewood, 2880 Herrera naucleopsis, 10701 Herrera nectandra, 10764 Herrera pourouma, 12715 Herrera thyrsodium, 16061 Herring wood, 6362 Hertha coussapoa, 3754 Herzog annona, 773 Herzog bougainvillea, 1503 Herzog cestrum, 2574 Herzog diplokeleba, 4695 Herzog neoraimondia, 10895 Herzog oreopanax, 11252 Herzog schefflera, 14310 Herzog senna, 14538 Herzog treefern, 4191 Herzog whiptree, 8627 hesperomeles, 7032 heterocarpous caraipa, 2181 heterocarpous hylocarpa, 7346 heterocarpous hymenolobium, 7382 heterochromatic palicourea, 11626 heterochromatic pumpwood, 2430 heterochromous eugenia, 5581 heterochromous ocotea, 11053 heterodox ixora, 7867 heterodox sterigmapetalum, 15218 heteromerous maya, 9752 heteromorphous falsebombax, 13194 heteromorphous licania, 8324 heteroneurous zygia, 17260 heteropetalous blepharandra, 1435 heteropetalous guatteria, 6524 heterophyllous aldina, 400 heterophyllous inga, 7629 heterophyllous ladenbergia, 8090 heterophyllous mauria, 9289 heterophyllous ophiocaryon, 11217 heterophyllous oreopanax, 11231 heterophyllous smallfruit vasconcellea, 16561 heterophyllous tabernaemontana, 15713 heterophyllous weinmannia, 16971 heteropterous vatairea, 16579 heteropterys, 7040 heterostemon, 7056 heterotepalous aniba, 698 heterotrichous helicostylis, 6941 heterotrichous nectandra, 10765

904 hevea, 7069 hexachlamys, 7082 hexamerous buglelily, 9463 hexamerous maya, 9753 hibiscus, 7086 hibiscusleaf copperleaf, 106 hibiscusleaf croton, 3994 hicoco plum, 2739 hidden cocainetree, 5298 hidden daphnopsis, 4409 hiddenflower qualea, 13497 hiddenflower swizzlesticktree, 13548 hidden libanothamnus, 8243 hidden licania, 8388 hidden nightshade, 14955 hidden podocarpus, 12592 hidden resintree, 13081 hiemal sweetleaf, 15627 hieronyma, 7089 Hieronymus esenbeckia, 5459 Hieronymus nettlespurge, 7934 Hieronymus pepper, 12311 Hieronymus polylepis, 12642 high couepia, 3639 high guatteria, 6499 high matico, 12272 high pricklyash, 17184 high ridge moho, 6963 high ridge waterwood, 2357 high roucheria, 13898 hihua nectandra, 10766 Hildmann cereus, 2530 hill buhurada, 11800 hillia, 7105 hillialeaf schradera, 14455 hill iteballi, 16897 hill leandra, 8147 hillocks Eugenia, 5708 hill senna, 14593 hills guatteria, 6478 hilly eschweilera, 5382 hilly pouteria, 12781 hilly zygia, 17256 Hilty brunellia, 1639 himatanthus, 7111 Hinds turnera, 16449 hippocratealike cheiloclinium, 2654 hippocratealike havetiopsis, 6863 hippocratealike holly, 7457 hippotis, 7132 hirsute cinchona, 2825 hirsute fig, 5965 hirsute machaerium, 8806 hirtella, 7142 hirtellalike euphronia, 5733 hispid alibertia, 438 hispid annona, 774 hispid balsam, 13353 hispid bitterwood, 16332 hispid blakea, 1390 hispid cupania, 4121 hispid guatteria, 6526 hispid hairypetiole pourouma, 12718 hispid hirtella, 7183 hispid inga, 7631 hispid licania, 8331 hispid persimmon, 4650 hispid pouteria, 12828 hispid pumpwood, 2431 hispid racemose hirtella, 7216 hispid remijia, 13719 Hitchcock graffenrieda, 6292 Hitchcock licania, 8332 Hitchcock paullinia, 11851 Hitchcock schefflera, 14311 Hoehne aegiphila, 224 Hoehne Brazil pimenta, 12244 Hoehne buchenavia, 1698 Hoehne euplassa, 5738 Hoehne hirtella, 7184 Hoehne licania, 8333 Hoehne lueheopsis, 8639 Hoehne neomitranthes, 10883 Hoehne ocotea, 11057 hoe-stick wood, 3275 hoe-stick-wood, 3275 hogberry, 1861, 9115 hog bush, 13402 hog doctor, 15590

hog fig, 5995 hog gum, 15590 hog gum tree, 15590 hog plum, 15110, 15113, 15590, 17063 hog-plum, 15117 hogplum, 17063 hogwood, 9787, 15994 hogwood maya, 9787 holacantha, 2362 hold-back, 12441 holdingback mimosa, 10112 hollowed guatteria, 6477 hollowed pouteria, 12780 hollowheart, 150 hollowleaf Christmasbush, 372 holly, 7400 holly p.p., 7518 holly azara, 1126 holly bay, 6265 holly hock, 1861 hollyhockleaf lueheopsis, 8636 hollyleaf clarisia, 2925 hollyleaf fiddlewood, 2881 hollyleaf mayten, 9337 hollyleaf paradrypetes, 11729 hollyleaf zollernia, 17236 hollywood lignum vitae, 6352 holocalyx, 7239 Holton blakea, 1391 Holways monactis, 10213 holy thorn, 11827 Homeier byrsonima, 1822 Honda cocainetree, 5272 Hondo randia, 13632 Honduras cedar, 2474 Honduras-cedar, 2474 Honduras cottonwood, 2487 Honduras mahogany, 15569 Honduras pimenta, 152 Honduras tontelea, 16151 honey-ball, 65 honeyberry, 9379 honeyberrylike faramea, 5834 honeycombed snowbell, 15328 honey lacust, 12994 honey locust, 6207 honey-locust, 6207 honeylocust, 6207 honey mangrove, 1095 honey mesquite, 12992 honey-palm, 7963 honey pod, 12992, 12994 honeyscent combretum, 3319 honeyscented citronella, 2919 honeyscent guatteria, 6553 honeyscenting casearia, 2301 honeywood, 376, 388 hooded Eugenia, 5547 hooded graffenrieda, 6285 hooded myrceugenia, 10392 hooded nightshade, 14892 hooded stenopadus, 15150 hoofshaped bauhinia, 1284 hooked pepper, 12253 hooked senna, 14605 Hooker bunchosia, 1749 Hooker chimarrhis, 2666 hoop wood, 17265 hoopwood, 17265 hoopwood, 17270 Hopkins dacryodes, 4348 hopseedbush, 4754 hopseedbushleaf eugenia, 5558 hoptreeleaf threeleaf bitterwood, 16378 hop-wood, 3274 horizontal balsamo, 13354 hornedleaf annona, 749 hornedleaf bunchosia, 1755 hornedleaf rudgea, 13982 horned redquebracho, 14388 hornfruit sacoglottis, 14106 hornschuchia, 7244 horse balls, 15701 horsebean, 11827 horse bean, 11827 horse cassia, 2347 horsechesnutleaf godmania, 6230 horseflesh, 9083 horse flesh mahogany, 7090

horseflesh mahogany, 7091 horse wood, 17265 horse-wood, 3274 horsewood, 17265, 17270 hortia, 7254 hospitable palicourea, 11627 Hostmann aniba, 699 Hostmann conceveiba, 3345 Hostmann cynometra, 4315 Hostmann iryanthera, 7821 Hostmann pepper, 12313 Hostmann poecilanthe, 12621 Hostmann rudgea, 13990 Hostmann Swartzpea, 15441 Hostmann tetragastris, 15998 Howard lycianthes, 8657 Huacapistana pepper, 12318 Huachamacari clusia, 3047 Huachamacari gongylolepis, 6242 Huachamacari holly, 7458 Huachamacari neea, 10840 Huachamacari stenopadus, 15151 huaimi astrocaryum, 1017 Hualgayoc holly, 7459 Huallaga crownbeard, 16593 Huallaga myrcia, 10490 Huampami balsam, 13355 Huampami ridgerunner, 4250 Huanta balsam, 13356 Huanta pepper, 12314 Huanta prunus, 13143 Huánuco calycophyllum, 1992 Huánuco cocainetree, 5251 Huánuco Eugenia, 5562 Huánuco guatteria, 6502 Huánuco guava, 13269 Huánuco gynoxys, 6782 Huánuco nightshade, 14951 Huánuco perissocarpa, 12013 Huánuco peritassa, 12019 huasai, 5760 huasango loxopterygium, 8599 Huashito Swartzpea, 15398 Huber balata, 9093 Huber bellucia, 1321 Huber clusia, 3096 Huber croton, 3995 huberia, 7264 Huber inga, 7632 Huber macrolobium, 8904 Huber mayten, 9336 Huber mezia, 9520 Huber mouriri, 10338 huberodendron, 7274 Huber picrolemma, 12209 Huber pradosia, 12943 Huber pricklyash, 17166 Huber schefflera, 14313 huertea, 7277 hugeleaf Swartzpea, 15442 huge maya, 9777 huge qualea, 13512 huicungo astrocaryum, 1018 Huigra maya, 9758 Huila buglelily, 9464 Huila critoniopsis, 3918 huilaea, 7281 Huila hieronyma, 7098 Huila maya, 9662 Huila metteniusa, 9511 huisache, 65 huisachillo, 92 Humaitá muskwood, 6406 Humaitá talisia, 15858 Humaytá vantanea, 16525 Humboldt allophylus, 504 Humboldt balsamo, 13357 Humboldt cestrum, 2575 Humboldt crownbeard, 16608 Humboldt disterigma, 4749 Humboldt drooping escallonia, 5351 Humboldt machaerium, 8756 Humboldt macrocnemum, 8854 Humboldt micropholis, 10070 Humboldt nettlespurge, 7935 Humboldt nightshade, 14920 Humboldt oak, 13573 Humboldt schefflera, 14314 Humboldt willow, 14142

905 humiria, 7286 humirialeaf hebepetalum, 6865 humiriastrum, 7303 hummingbird bush, 6800 hundredstamen croton, 3992 hunter man’s nut, 11209 hura, 7325 hura p.p., 7326 hura-wood, 7326 huru, 7326 Hutchinson maya, 9948 hyacinthlike faramea, 5822 hybanthus, 7327 hydrangea, 7329 hydrangealeaf coussarea, 3811 hydrochorea, 7332 hydrochore clusia, 3097 hydrogaster, 7339 hygrophilous maya, 9760 hygrophilous rosewood, 4379 hylaea, 7341 hylaea clusia, 3098 hylenaea, 7343 hylocarpa, 7345 hylophilous maya, 9761 hymenolobium, 7374 hyperbaena, 7392 hyptidendron, 7394


Ibagué banara, 1197 Ibagué maya, 9763 Ibama persimmon, 4520 ibo-ink, 6165 Icabarú croton, 3996 icaco, 2739 icaco cocoplum, 2739 ice cream bean, 7607, 7741 ice-cream bean, 7607 icecream bean, 7635 ice cream beans, 7547 Ichun Suriname sterigmapetalum, 15217 icicariba resintree, 13062 ico colicodendron, 3296 idiopappus, 7398 Idrobo matisia, 9261 Idrobo maya, 9766 Idrobo pumpwood, 2433 igarata, 2460 igarata pumpwood, 2460 Iglesias vataireopsis, 16585 ignicolous holly, 7460 ignicolous simira, 14677 iguaguana cordia, 3530 iguana-berry, 17063 iguana bush, 2965 iguana hackberry, 2497 Ilheos eugenia, 5585 Ilhéus coussarea, 3812 Ilhéus myrcia, 10491 Ilhéus parapiptadenia, 11768 Ilhéus rudgea, 13993 ilta inga, 7633 Iltis nightshade, 14923 Ilu balsam humiria, 7293 Ilú-tepuí licania, 8435 Ilutepuí maya, 9767 Ilútepuí weinmannia, 16973 Imaruí Eugenia, 5587 Imataca lancepod, 8548 Imataca raintree, 1687 Imaza clavija, 2941 Imaza ocotea, 11059 imbricate clusia, 3099 imbricate holly, 7461 imbricate maya, 9768 imbu mombin, 15115 imitating lidflower, 2059 imitating maya, 9769 imitating naucleopsis, 10703 immersed ocotea, 11060 immortal, 5214 immortelle, 5214 imperfect myrcia, 10492 imperial pepper, 12316 imperial starapple, 2782 impressed aiouea, 320

ENGLISH NAMES impressed cinnamon, 2853 impressed cocainetree, 5274 impressed couepia, 3652 impressed licania, 8338 impressednerve cupania, 4122 Imray alsophila, 533 Inagua oak, 1716 inajai syagruspalm, 15575 inakuama gustavia, 6707 Incachaca schefflera, 14269 Incachacana maya, 9775 Incas citronella, 2918 Incas tapering leafflower, 12133 Incas viburnum, 16642 incensebearing clusia, 3190 incense resintree, 13056 incense tree, 1773 incised oreopanax, 11254 inclined falsesenefeldera, 13238 incorruptible machaerium, 8757 indecorous ocotea, 11062 indecorous pisonia, 12446 Indian bead, 11422 Indian fig, 11223 Indian ink, 11941 Indianink pentagonia, 11941 Indian-mallow, 45 Indianmango licania, 8408 Indianmulberry, 10264 Indian nue, 1773 Indian-rosewood, 4362 Indian savin tree, 1916 Indian soap, 14171 indigo, 13619 indigoferous quiina, 13591 indomel, 11922 indurate licania, 8340 inelegant matayba, 9214 inelegant nightshade, 14925 inequilateral freziera, 6064 inflated inga, 7634 inflated plinia, 12573 inflated Suriname vochysia, 16896 inflated topobea, 16169 inflexed sarcaulus, 14196 inga, 7547 ingaleaf heterostemon, 7060 ingaleaf Swartzpea, 15443 inga tree, 7607 ink berry, 13619 inkberry, 2579, 13619 inkberry randia, 13619 inkwood, 5781 inkwood p.p., 5782 inky acacia, 58 inland aegiphila, 235 inland martiodendron, 9201 Inpa iryanthera, 7822 Inpa monopteryx, 10245 insular maya, 9778 insular myrcia, 10494 insular ocotea, 11066 intense ixora, 7868 intermediate acuminate heisteria, 6909 intermediate acuteleaf breadnuttree, 1546 intermediate aegiphila, 227 intermediate amaioua, 553 intermediate aniba, 701 intermediate Brazil caryocar, 2245 intermediate cestrum, 2576 intermediate copal, 7356 intermediate garcinia, 6124 intermediate graffenrieda, 6293 intermediate hairy rufflepalm, 339 intermediate hedyosmum, 6883 intermediate heteropterys, 7047 intermediate matayba, 9215 intermediate maya, 9826 intermediate mimosa, 10121 intermediate moronobea, 10277 intermediate oliveshape honeyberry, 9387 intermediate pleurothyrium, 12549 intermediate podocarpus, 12610 intermediate xylosma, 17123 intricate duguetia, 4810 intricate guatteria, 6480 intricate heteromorphous licania, 8327

intricate schefflera, 14293 invasive bougainvillea, 1504 involucrate eugenia, 5589 involucrate inga, 7639 involucrate marlierea, 9165 involucrate pentagonia, 11939 involucrate plinia, 12574 involucrate waltheria, 16930 involucrate xylopia, 17086 iodine bush, 16203 iodinebush tournefortia, 16203 ipadu Huánuco cocainetree, 5253 ipanai, 11818 ipanai nittatree, 11818 Ipanoré pouteria, 12849 Iquique eulychnia, 5722 Iquitos nightshade, 14880 Iquitos ouratea, 11406 iriartea, 7810 iriartella, 7812 Iricurana glandular Christmasbush, 378 iripilbark pentaclethra, 11929 iripilbarktree, 11929 irish mittens, 11224 ironhard aniba, 693 ironhard tonkabean, 4728 iron Mary, 8335, 8337, 10563 ironmary licania, 8335 iron wood, 65, 2768, 5676, 6840, 15501, 16453 ironwood, 1893, 4331, 4501, 5537, 5782, 6352, 6840, 7863, 10148, 14637, 14763 ironwood ixora, 7863 irregular marila, 9131 irritant inga, 7716 irritant sterculia, 15199 Irwin balsam, 13359 Irwin Eugenia, 5617 Irwin jacaranda, 7898 Irwin licania, 8342 Irwin magnolia, 8990 Irwin maya, 9779 iryanthera, 7815 Isern agouticarpa, 309 isidodendron, 7854 isthmus blackcalabash, 592 Itaca rinorea, 13854 Itacaré Eugenia, 5590 ita palm, 9300 Itapemirim eugenia, 5591 Itapuã poecilanthe, 12622 itarra, 6983 Itatiaia euplassa, 5741 Itatiaia meliosma, 9412 Itatiaia senna, 14542 Itatiaia symphyopappus, 15594 Itatiaia wintergreen, 6130 itaúba mezilaurus, 9527 itaya, 7856 Itaya alibertia, 439 Itaya eschweilera, 5395 ituri wallabatree, 5121 ivory-nut palm, 12174 ivory palm, 12175 ivorypalm, 12173 ivorywhite christiana, 2733 ivorywhite whitequebracho, 957 ivory wood tree, 299 ivyflower nectandra, 10743 ivyflower ocotea, 11007 ixora, 7858


jablonskia, 7881 jaborandi, 12218 jaborandi leaf, 12364 jaborandi pilocarpus, 12216 jaboticaba, 10604 jaboticabaleaf eugenia, 5632 jaboticaba plinia, 12576 jaboty erisma, 5200 jacaranda, 7883, 8799 jacaranda p.p., 7890 jacaranda d’Irwin, 7898 jacarandaleaf machaerium, 8760 jacaratia, 7916 jack fishwood, 1916

jack-in-the-box, 7013 jack o wood, 383 Jack-wood, 3513 Jacob fig, 5970 Jacobina astrocasia, 1032 Jacobina rudgea, 13994 Jacobina sebastiania, 14478 Jacob’s coat, 176 Jacquelyn eschweilera, 5396 jacqueshuberia, 7922 Jacquin bernardia, 1343 jacquinia, 7928 jacquinia ficus, 5905 Jacquin monkeypottree, 8182 jagged coussarea, 3828 jagged scratchbush, 16511 Jahn annona, 778 Jahn falsecordate roupala, 13935 Jahn maya, 9780 Jahn schefflera, 14316 jalca macrocarpaea, 8836 Jamaica-birch, 1773 Jamaica bitterbush, 12182 Jamaica box, 1781 Jamaica-box, 14265 Jamaica caper, 2160 Jamaica capertree, 2160 Jamaica cherry, 10383 Jamaica-cherry, 10383 Jamaica cherry fig, 5905 Jamaica dogwood, 12439 Jamaica-dogwood, 12439 Jamaica fig, 5905 Jamaica fish fuddletree, 12439 Jamaica fishpoisontree, 12439 Jamaica gooseberry leafflower, 12129 Jamaicagooseberry leafflower, 12129 Jamaica mosquitowood, 10301 Jamaica muskwood p.p., 6401 Jamaican cedar, 2474 Jamaican-cedar, 2474 Jamaican cherry, 10383 Jamaican dogwood, 12439 Jamaican gooseberrytree, 12129 Jamaican kino, 3274 Jamaican nettle-tree, 16299 Jamaican pepper, 12312 Jamaican quassia, 12207 Jamaica picrasma, 12207 Jamaica plum, 15110 Jamaica quassia, 12207 Jamaica quassiawood, 12207 Jamaica sapium, 14179 Jamary naucleopsis, 10705 jambosalike balsamo, 13360 JamesIsland acacia, 71 Jameson aequatorium, 274 Jameson croton, 3997 Jameson viburnum, 16643 Jameson viraru, 14057 jam tree, 10383 janifer berry, 2871 JansenJacobs ouratea, 11407 januária terminalia, 15934 Japanese-cherry, 10383 Japurá byrsonima, 1826 japura erisma, 5192 Japurá guatteria, 6531 Japurá inga, 7640 Japurá maya, 9634 Japurá nectandra, 10768 Japurá persimmon, 4525 Japurá talisia, 15835 Jaramillo caraipa, 2182 Jaramillo holly, 7464 Jaramillo licania, 8343 Jaramillo sorocea, 15049 Jari calliandra, 1938 Jari pouteria, 12829 jarplum, 2768 jasmine, 12583 jasmineflower barktree, 6110 jasmine-like jacaranda, 7899 jasminelike rudgea, 13995 jatata shadowpalm, 6181 Játiva blakea, 1393 JatunSacha coussapoa, 3755 Jaua gongylolepis, 6243 Jaua graffenrieda, 6294

ENGLISH NAMES Jauaperi persimmon, 4656 jauari astrocaryum, 1019 Jaua Steyermark burrwood, 14816 Jauneche inga, 7641 Javari hirtella, 7197 Javarí Schomburgk bitterwood, 16366 Javita casearia, 2295 Javita ocotea, 11067 jelly palm, 1776 Jelski barnadesia, 1210 Jelski critoniopsis, 3919 Jelski crownbeard, 16609 Jelski holly, 7465 Jelski mayten, 9338 Jelski ocotea, 11068 Jelski oreopanax, 11257 Jelski palicourea, 11628 Jelski roupala, 13916 Jelski smallanthus, 14829 Jelski ternstroemia, 15963 Jelski viburnum, 16644 Jelski weinmannia, 16974 Jenman aniba, 702 Jenman dicymbe, 4553 Jenman henriquezia, 7004 Jenman holly, 7466 Jenman lacunaria, 8074 Jenman macrolobium, 8909 Jenman moronobea, 10278 Jenman persea, 12065 Jenman sapium, 14178 Jenman Swartzpea, 15444 Jennie wood, 3526 Jenny wood, 3526 Jenson lissocarpa, 8506 jequié rubber tree, 9072 Jeremiah bush, 17243 jereton, 14331 Jerusalem, 11827 Jerusalemsagelike buglelily, 9478 Jerusalem thorn, 11827 Jerusalem-thorn, 11827 Jerusalemthorn, 11826 Jerusalemthorn parkinsonia, 11827 Jervise balsamo, 13361 jessamine, 2561 Jesuits’ bark, 2817 jicaco plum, 2739 jiggerwood, 1535, 6359 jiggerwood blolly, 6359 jiggerwood bravaisia, 1535 jigua holly, 7446 jim crow, 82 Jiménez licania, 8343 jira palm, 14834 jira socratea, 14834 joannesia, 7940 Joaquina couepia, 3656 joazeiro jujube, 17223 jobo, 15110 jodina, 7943 Joensson eugenia, 5593 Joergensen fiddlewood, 2882 Johansen tetrathylacium, 16015 Johnbull tree, 16050 John-Bull-tree, 16050 John Crow bea, 14606 John Crow bead, 14537 John Crow bead berries, 1968 John crowbead, 14537 John-Crow-bush, 1450 JohnCrow cespedesia, 2560 John crowfoot, 1968 John Crow wood, 256 Johnny berry, 9542, 9787 joined emmotum, 5026 joined Eugenia, 5538 joinedstyle schefflera, 14366 joint bush, 9787 jointed byrsonima, 1790 jointer, 12258 joint wood, 9839, 12253, 12364 jointwood, 12312 jointwood maya, 9839 Jonker vochysia, 16842 joosia, 7945 jopoy, 5450 Jorge croton, 3998 Jørgensen oreopanax, 11269

906 jorori Swartzpea, 15445 joseanthus, 7956 Joseph’s coat, 11224 JuanFernández myrceugenia, 10395 JuanFernández sophora, 15035 juanpalm, 7960 jubaea, 7962 jucúm palm, 1175 Judas tree, 5208 Judas-tree, 5208 jug, 10346 juggerman, 15368 juiceless annona, 764 juiceless bourreria, 1518 juiceless myrceugenia, 10394 jujube, 17218 jujubelike casearia, 2335 Juliana persea, 12066 Julianatop myrcia, 10526 Julian holly, 7467 Julian obscure vochysia, 16866 Julian ocotea, 11069 Julian tapura, 15882 Julian vochysia, 16843 Julien Eugenia, 5567 jumbic sapodilla, 10271 jumbie-apple, 2287 jumbie bead, 20, 5208, 11321 jumbie-bead, 5208 jumbie-tree, 5208 Jumbilla ocotea, 11070 jumby, 11321 jumby cutlass, 5208 jungleflame, 7858 jungle plum, 14637 jungleplum, 14637 jungleplumlike holly, 7518 jungleplum mouriri, 10362 junifer, 15368 Junín bitterbush, 12192 Junín croton, 4059 Junín guatteria, 6532 Junín licaria, 8479 Junín maya, 9757 Junín oreopanax, 11256 Junín pepper, 12319 Junín pigeonwings, 3017 juniper p.p., 6165, 6674 juniper berry, 2871 juniper-berry, 2871, 2904 Juruá eschweilera, 5397 Juruá guatteria, 6533 Juruá iryanthera, 7823 Juruá pouteria, 12830 Juruá quiina, 13593 Jurua rhodostemonodaphne, 13788 Juruá tapura, 15883 Juruá zygia, 17263 Juruena hirtella, 7186 Jussieu shadowpalm, 6183 justicialike palicourea, 11629 justicialike rudgea, 13997 juttana holly, 7468


kageneckia, 7969 Kaieteur balsam, 13362 Kaieteur Eugenia, 5594 Kaieteur myrcia, 10467 Kaieteur pouteria, 12831 Kaieteur Swartzpea, 15446 kaimit, 10069 kakaralli, 5389 kaklen, 3119 kaklin, 3119 kalamuli pouteria, 12926 Kalbreyer rootspinepalm, 4074 Kallunki acacia, 72 Kallunki esenbeckia, 5460 kamahora-fine-leaved, 12863 Kamarang panacoco Swartzpea, 15504 Kananari ouratea, 11408 Kanehira palicourea, 11630 Kanuku blolly, 6366 Kanuku eugenia, 5564 Kanuku herrania, 7020 Kanuku mayten, 9339 kapok, 2487, 2489

kapok ceiba, 2487 kapok tree, 2479, 2487 kapok-tree, 2487 Kappler aniba, 703 Kappler chaunochiton, 2649 Kappler cocainetree, 5275 Kappler cuervea, 4105 Kappler margaritopsis, 9126 Kappler maya, 9783 kararo, 645 Karina viraru, 14052 Karsten burrwood, 14795 Karsten bursera, 1772 Karsten byrsonima, 1827 Karsten elaeagia, 4970 Karsten fiddlewood, 2883 Karsten freziera, 6065 Karsten holly, 7469 Karsten mayten, 9340 Karsten myrcianthes, 10589 Karsten ocotea, 11071 Karsten schefflera, 14319 Karsten weinmannia, 16975 kashmir bouquet, 2964 kat, 11830 katawa Swartzpea, 15447 kating lissocarpa, 8507 kaunia, 7972 kauta licania, 8320 Kavanayén matayba, 9217 Kavanayén maya, 9784 Kavanayén pumpwood, 2435 kaway, 13466 kaway padauk, 13466 kayakleaf macrocarpaea, 8837 Kayap ridgerunner, 4253 Kay sterculia, 15192 keeled barktree, 6105 keeled clusia, 3040 keeled freziera, 6058 keeled inga, 7584 keeled licaria, 8462 keeled mimozyganthus, 10146 Kegel machaerium, 8761 Kegel macrosaman, 8961 kelobra, 5103 kenep, 9382 kenepa, 9382 Kennedy blackcalabash, 593 Kennedy guava, 13270 Ker ocotea, 11072 kerosen plant, 14944 keule gomortega, 6238 KeyWest clusia, 3076 Kiaerskov siphoneugena, 14747 kiawe, 12994 kidney cotton, 6271 kidneyshaped senna, 14582 kielmeyera, 7978 Killip abarema, 23 Killip ageratina, 295 Killip ardisia, 906 Killip bitterbush, 12193 Killip cassipourea, 2359 Killip cestrum, 2577 Killip clavija, 2942 Killip cremastosperma, 3875 killipia, 7999 Killip inga, 7644 Killip ixora, 7869 Killip lidflower, 2033 Killip mollinedia, 10188 Killip neoptychocarpus, 10890 Killip ocotea, 11073 Killip oreopanax, 11258 Killip palicourea, 11631 Killip peritassa, 12020 Killip randia, 13633 Killip sterculia, 15193 Killip ternstroemia, 15964 Killip tournefortia, 16205 kimboto pradosia, 12948 kinap, 9388 kinep, 9382 King paragynoxys, 11739 Kingston cordia, 3532 kingwood, 1041, 4365, 11904 kinnikinnick, 3598 kinnup-tree, 9382

kino gum, 3274 kirkbridea, 8001 Kirkbride buglelily, 9465 Kirkbride huilaea, 7283 kiscaluro samaipaticereus, 14149 kiskidae, 16733 kiskidee, 16717 klarobelia, 8004 Klein buchenavia, 1699 Klein Eugenia, 5595 Klein holly, 7471 Klein myrceugenia, 10400 Klein pricklyash, 17168 Klein resintree, 13066 Klotzsch actinostemon, 169 Klotzsch croton, 4017 Klotzsch guatteria, 6534 Klug acacia, 73 Klug anthodiscus, 830 Klug chastetree, 16773 Klug coussarea, 3814 Klug endlicheria, 5063 Klug eschweilera, 5398 Klug inga, 7645 Klug lacmellea, 8059 Klug ladenbergia, 8092 Klug licania, 8346 Klug loreya, 8582 Klug lozania, 8606 Klug mabea, 8682 Klug maya, 9785 Klug ophiocaryon, 11218 Klug oreopanax, 11259 Klug quiina, 13594 Klug resintree, 13067 Klug sanchezia, 14161 Klug simira, 14678 Klug Swartzpea, 15448 Klug ternstroemia, 15965 knifeblade lancepod, 8538 knock-me-back, 1465 knotted blakea, 1396 knotted wolfberry, 8666 knotty cordia, 3548 knotty maya, 9926 knotty rauia, 13658 knotty rudgea, 14005 knotty trumpettree, 15687 koanophyllon, 8015 Kobuski fiddlewood, 2884 Koemar cordia, 3533 Kofán herrania, 7021 kokerite, 1069 kokerit-palm, 1069 kok tree, 414 Kollmann elvasia, 5015 kopie, 6275 kopie p.p., 6276 koraro, 648 Koschny virola, 16677 Kosñipata vochysia, 16844 Kostermans ocotea, 11074 Kral graffenrieda, 6295 Krause wildixora, 7844 krugialike lidflower, 2034 Krukoff balsam copaltree, 3465 Krukoff bogwood, 14715 Krukoff byrsonima, 1828 Krukoff chastetree, 16774 Krukoff conceveiba, 3346 Krukoff couepia, 3657 Krukoff coussarea, 3815 Krukoff divaricate resintree, 13041 Krukoff endlicheria, 5064 Krukoff fiddlewood, 2885 Krukoff fig, 5972 Krukoff guatteria, 6535 Krukoff iryanthera, 7824 Krukoff lancewood, 11479 Krukoff licania, 8347 Krukoff mayten, 9341 Krukoff naucleopsis, 10706 Krukoff neea, 10841 Krukoff parahancornia, 11746 Krukoff paramachaerium, 11761 Krukoff pouteria, 12832 Krukoff resintree, 13068 Krukoff Swartzpea, 15449 Krukoff ternstroemia, 15966

907 Krukoff tovomita, 16248 kubitzkia, 8021 Kuelap macrocarpaea, 8838 kufa, 3171 kugunkuk satyria, 14208 Kuhlmann acacia, 74 Kuhlmann allantoma, 451 Kuhlmann burrwood, 14780 Kuhlmann falseolmedia, 13206 kuhlmanniodendron, 8024 Kuhlmann guatteria, 6536 Kuhlmann hirtella, 7187 Kuhlmann largespike Swartzpea, 15473 Kuhlmann machaerium, 8762 Kuhlmann macrothumia, 8968 Kuhlmann pradosia, 12944 Kuhlmann terminalia, 15935 kumaru, 4732, 4735 Kunhardt aldina, 403 Kunhardt diacidia, 4496 Kunhardt stenopadus, 15152 Kunth davilla, 4429 Kunth fiddlewood, 2886 Kunth holly, 7472 Kunth licania, 8348 Kunth muskwood, 6408 Kunth myrcia, 10497 Kunth rhodostemonodaphne, 13789 Kunth styloceras, 15294 Kunth weinmannia, 16976 Kuntze mesquite, 12998 Kuntze oreopanax, 11260 Kuntze schefflera, 14320 kupukatree, 6330 kutchubaea, 8026 kutchubaealike duroia, 4907


lablaf tree, 383 lacao saurauia, 14228 LaChapa maya, 9639 laciniateleaf herrania, 7022 lacistema, 8038 lacmellea, 8048 LaCocha pepper, 12323 lactiferous marila, 9136 lacunaria, 8070 ladder apes-earring, 2703 ladderlike Eugenia, 5682 ladderlikenerved guatteria, 6614 ladderlike ocotea, 11159 ladenbergia, 8080 lady dogwood, 8561 lady of the night, 1678 lady-of-the-night, 2529 lady of the night cactus, 2529 lady-of-the-night cereus, 2529 LaEsmeralda dentate doliocarpus, 4760 LaEsmeralda mimosa, 10113 laetia, 8107 lafoensia, 8116 LaGallera balsam, 13347 Lagoa fig, 5974 LagoaSanta bitterwood, 16353 LagoSalgado whitequebracho, 993 LaLoma matisia, 9265 lama, 2487 LaMacarena holly, 7479 lamanonia, 8128 Lamarck dictyocaryum, 4539 Lambayeque Eugenia, 5671 Lambert ladenbergia, 8093 Lambert podocarpus, 12596 Lambert zebrawood, 3394 lamellate Swartzpea, 15451 LaMerced Pozuzo pepper, 12335 lana, 2487, 6165 lanceleaf azara, 1124 lanceleaf maya, 9803 lanceolate axinaea, 1105 lanceolate blackbead, 12458 lanceolate bunchosia, 1750 lanceolate cinchona, 2826 lanceolate clusia, 3102 lanceolate combretum, 3316 lanceolate duguetia, 4821 lanceolate ecclinusa, 4947

ENGLISH NAMES lanceolate erisma, 5193 lanceolate guatteria, 6537 lanceolate himatanthus, 7122 lanceolate kageneckia, 7970 lanceolateleaf byrsonima, 1831 lanceolateleaf centronialike conostegia, 3432 lanceolateleaf hirtella, 7188 lanceolateleaf inga, 7647 lanceolateleaf iryanthera, 7826 lanceolateleaf myrsine, 10661 lanceolateleaf nightshade, 14929 lanceolateleaf ocotea, 11076 lanceolateleaf pepper, 12324 lanceolateleaf rudgea, 13998 lanceolateleaf trattinnickia, 16291 lanceolate lidflower, 2035 lanceolate Maynas bitterwood, 16342 lanceolate mollinedia, 10190 lanceolate monkeypottree, 8179 lanceolate nectandra, 10769 lanceolate oyedaea, 11495 lanceolate perrottetia, 12031 lanceolate securidaca, 14486 lanceolate sweetleaf, 15628 lanceolate tapura, 15884 lanceolate tovomita, 16249 lanceolate vochysia, 16845 lanceolate xylopia, 17088 lancepod, 8529 lance wood, 11474, 13619 lancewood, 11474 lancewood p.p., 1990, 5735, 8546, 10726, 10960 lanewood, 8546 Langlasse faramea, 5827 Langsdorff abarema, 25 Langsdorff acacia, 75 Langsdorff lidflower, 2036 Langsdorff neomitranthes, 10884 Langsdorff seguieria, 14493 Langsdorff Swartzpea, 15452 Langsdorff xylopia, 17089 lankypedicel trigynaea, 16408 Lansberg weinmannia, 16977 lanterns lilytree, 3903 Laoma tetrameranthus, 16006 lapacho handroanthus, 6830 Lapa fig, 5915 LaPalma ardisia, 912 LaPalma clusia, 3146 LaPaz polylepis, 12646 Lara angostura, 676 Lara burrwood, 14781 Lara conchocarpus, 3364 Lara lancepod, 8549 Lara ridgerunner, 4255 Lara rudgea, 13989 Lara sebastiania, 14479 lardwood, 226 lardwood aegiphila, 226 Larecaja maya, 9976 Larecaja ormosia, 11314 Larecaja schefflera, 14334 large aegiphila, 220 largeanther senna, 14547 largebract licania, 8318 largebract neea, 10827 largebract palicourea, 11590 largebracts bathysa, 1227 largebracts ocotea, 10995 largebract teaselmallow, 17024 largebranch mauritiella, 9304 largebranchlet ridgerunner, 4259 large buchenavia, 1696 largebunch croton, 4001 large burrwood, 14777 large byrsonima, 1839 largecalice rhodostemonodaphne, 13794 largecalyx astrocaryum, 1020 largecalyx cinchona, 2828 largecalyx coussarea, 3830 largecalyx eugenia, 5607 largecalyx gleasonia, 6204 largecalyx joosia, 7949 largecalyx mabea, 8685 largecalyx ormosia, 11316 largecalyx pachira, 11516

largecalyx snowbell, 15337 largecalyx startree, 1043 largecalyx tabernaemontana, 15719 largecoma parinarilike breadnuttree, 1557 large conchocarpus, 3362 large coussarea, 3808 large daphnopsis, 4406 large elaeagia, 4969 large Eugenia, 5609 largeflower blastemanthus, 1432 largeflower compact vantanea, 16528 largeflower cordia, 3543 largeflower elaeagia, 4972 largeflower Eugenia, 5606 largeflower falsebombax, 13191 largeflower fiddlewood, 2890 largeflower jacaranda, 7900 largeflower kubitzkia, 8022 largeflower malouetia, 9041 largeflower marila, 9135 largeflower mollia, 10163 largeflower nettlespurge, 7936 largeflower nightshade, 14913 largeflower oreocallis, 11228 largeflower Orinoco platycarpum, 12490 largeflower pentagonia, 11938 largeflower persea, 12062 largeflower pilocarpus, 12215 largeflower pouteria, 12825 largeflower qualea, 13509 largeflower salacia, 14129 largeflower spongiosperma, 15120 largeflower trigonia, 16392 largeflower velvetseed, 6665 largeflower violetbush, 7798 largegrape palicourea, 11652 large iryanthera, 7820 large leaf, 13819 largeleaf abuta, 44 largeleaf adenophaedra, 188 largeleaf aniba, 704 largeleaf bicolor erisma, 5182 largeleaf bitterbush, 12195 largeleaf burrwood, 14788 largeleaf chrysochlamys, 2754 largeleaf crownbeard, 16605 largeleaf eightstamen licania, 8390 largeleaf endlicheria, 5069 largeleaf eriotheca, 5168 largeleaf Fothergill tibouchina, 16082 largeleaf gloeospermum, 6216 largeleaf guatteria, 6552 largeleaf hamelia, 6799 largeleaf hillia, 7108 largeleaf hirtella, 7195 largeleaf iryanthera, 7827 largeleaf lacistema, 8040 largeleaflet falseflamebean, 1589 largeleaf licania, 8365 largeleaf licaria, 8473 largeleaf machaerium, 8773 largeleaf macrocarpaea, 8840 largeleaf magnolia, 8993 largeleaf malanea, 9023 largeleaf matisia, 9240, 9258 largeleaf maya, 9746 largeleaf micropholis, 10072 largeleaf myrcia, 10482 largeleaf naucleopsis, 10707 largeleaf neea, 10846 largeleaf ocotea, 11090 largeleaf oreopanax, 11250 largeleaf ormosia, 11317 largeleaf pagamea, 11557 largeleaf palicourea, 11621 largeleaf paragynoxys, 11735 largeleaf passionflower, 11839 largeleaf pereskia, 12004 largeleaf podocarpus, 12597 largeleaf resintree, 13073 largeleaf rhabdodendron, 13746 largeleaf Roraima ochthocosmus, 10958 largeleaf rough coussapoa, 3738 largeleaf salacia, 14125 largeleaf scarlet zygia, 17254 largeleaf schefflera, 14324

largeleaf seguieria, 14494 largeleaf senefeldera, 14499 largeleaf sessea, 14629 largeleaf snowbell, 15338 largeleaf spongiosperma, 15122 largeleaf stephanopodium, 15172 largeleaf stilpnophyllum, 15238 largeleaf Swartzpea, 15438 largeleaf tall aegiphila, 210 largeleaf tapura, 15885 largeleaf tetrastylidium, 16012 largeleaf tovomita, 16254 largeleaf unonopsis, 16485 largeleaf vochysia, 16851 largeleaf weinmannia, 16987 largeleaf zollernia, 17235 large-leaved okokonshi, 13591 large-leaved tulip tree, 16050 large-leaved yarri-yarri, 4842 largelimb ocotea, 11093 large myrcia, 10484 largepetal brownheart, 16919 largepetal pausandra, 11862 largepetal screwtree, 6955 largepetal tachigali, 15773 large pouteria, 12826 large rhodostemonodaphne, 13787 large rufflepalm, 335 largeseed couratari, 3713 largesepal hirtella, 7196 largespike copperleaf, 108 largespike dimorphandra, 4590 largespike elizabetha, 5004 largespike guadua, 6342 largespike lacunaria, 8075 largespike pausandra, 11863 largespike Swartzpea, 15471 largespike tachigali, 15774 largespike tournefortia, 16206 largest balata, 9096 largest buglelily, 9471 largest earpodtree, 5107 largest hedyosmum, 6886 largest holly, 7485 largestipule elvasia, 5016 largestipule lamanonia, 8131 largestipule palicourea, 11622 largest licania, 8370 largest pouteria, 12845 largest pumpwood, 2440 largest shadowpalm, 6185 largest vochysia, 16858 largeteeth maya, 9748 largetree croton, 4005 large vochysia, 16835 largewing tococabush, 16125 Laruotte guava, 13271 Laruotte myrcia, 10499 Laruotte seedbox, 8613 LasBrisas pricklyash, 17151 LasDantas espeletia, 5476 LaSierra inga, 7743 Lasser cordia, 3537 Lasser coussarea, 3816 Lasser hippotis, 7137 Lasser holly, 7473 Lasser licania, 8351 LasVegas weinmannia, 17017 lateralflower hasseltia, 6860 lateralflower inga, 7648 lateralflower maya, 9792 lateralflower rosewood, 4381 lateralflower stylogyne, 15303 Latin American locust, 7349 LaTrojita tovomita, 16272 latticed talisia, 15816 latua, 8133 laurel, 3497, 10766, 10809 laurel blanco, 3497 laurel cappriet, 3497 laurel cherry, 13129 laurelcherry, 13151 laurelia, 8135 laureliopsis, 8137 laurelleaf acuminate vochysia, 16797 laurelleaf annona, 792 laurelleaf bogwood, 14716 laurelleaf burrwood, 14784 laurelleaf campomanesia, 2085

ENGLISH NAMES laurelleaf campsiandra, 2123 laurelleaf centronia, 2519 laurelleaf clusia, 3104 laurelleaf combretum, 3317 laurelleaf diclidanthera, 4520 laurelleaf digomphia, 4568 laurelleaf erisma, 5194 laurelleaf eugenia, 5636 laurelleaf euphorbia, 5726 laurelleaf fiddlewood, 2888 laurelleaf forsteronia, 6047 laurelleaf fulcaldea, 6093 laurelleaf gynoxys, 6764 laurelleaf ridgerunner, 4256 laurelleaf rinorea, 13837 laurelleaf sapium, 14179 laurelleaf styloceras, 15295 laurelleaf Swartzpea, 15456 laurellike balsam humiria, 7294 laurellike guatteria, 6541 laurellike holly, 7475 laurellike huberia, 7268 laurellike lindackeria, 8493 laurellike nectandra, 10771 laurellike tovomita, 16250 laurellike vismia, 16732 laurellike weinmannia, 16979 laurel night bloom, 1519 lavender, 16203 LaVergareña croton, 4061 LaVictoria pepper, 12373 Lawesson axinaea, 1106 Lawrance fig, 5977 Lawrance guatteria, 6542 Lawrance henriettella, 6991 Lawrance trattinnickia, 16292 laxoplumeria, 8139 lax rhodostemonodaphne, 13790 lax tibouchina, 16087 laxflower aegiphila, 229 laxflower burrwood, 14785 laxflower byrsonima, 1832 laxflower resintree, 13069 laxflower roucheria, 13899 laxflower saurauia, 14229 laxflower sweetleaf, 15629 laxflower trattinnickia, 16293 laxflower vismia, 16733 laxflower weinmannia, 16981 laxflower zygia, 17258 laxiflorous heisteria, 6925 laxiflorous inga, 7650 laxiflorous licania, 8355 laxiflorous mouriri, 10339 laxiflorous myrcia, 10501 laxiflorous shadowpalm, 6184 laxiflorous stylogyne, 15304 laxiflorous Swartzpea, 15457 lax molongum, 10204 lax neea, 10843 lax ocotea, 11078 lay lay, 3552 laylay, 3572 leadcolored sterigmapetalum, 15220 leadcolored tachigali, 15788 leaden cupania, 4126 leaden maya, 9802 leadtree, 8226 leafflower, 12128 leafleted plathymenia, 12472 leafletted calliandra, 1932 leafletted chloroleucon, 2697 leafletted piptadenia, 12397 leafletted rosewood, 4370 leafy alumbarktree, 15282 leafy byrsonima, 1818 leafy cactus, 12001 leafy guatteria, 6510 leafy gustavia, 6701 leafy meliosma, 9404 leafy ocotea, 11044 leafy rosewood, 4371 leafy sterculia, 15189 leafy sweetleaf, 15620 leafy treefern, 4187 leandra, 8143 leandralike maya, 10019 Leandri algernonia, 429 leather wood, 4331

908 leatherwood, 4330, 4331 leathery allophylus, 469 leathery alumbarktree, 15269 leathery aniba, 710 leathery annona, 748 leathery balsam humiria, 7289 leathery butterflybush, 1723 leathery byttneria, 1878 leathery caesalpinia, 1889 leathery caryocar, 2246 leathery colicwood, 10652 leathery copaltree, 3454 leathery exellodendron, 5770 leathery fewflower rubbertree, 7078 leathery gustavia, 6692 leathery haematostemon, 6790 leathery heteropterys, 7043 leathery inga, 7738 leathery iryanthera, 7817 leathery kielmeyera, 7981 leathery laetia, 8109 leatheryleaf agarista, 283 leatheryleaf Swartzpea, 15412 leathery licania, 8284 leathery maquira, 9110 leathery mimosalike heterostemon, 7064 leathery nightshade, 14885 leathery pachira, 11501 leathery pagamea, 11550 leathery pouteria, 12785 leathery rudgea, 13981 leathery schefflera, 14295 leathery schoenobiblus, 14441 leathery sweetleaf, 15613 leathery tabernaemontana, 15707 leathery talisia, 15818 leathery tapura, 15878 leathery tontelea, 16148 leathery tovomita, 16237 leathery zebrawood, 3382 Leblond ouratea, 11410 Leblond Swartzpea, 15458 Lechler clusia, 3106 Lechler croton, 4000 Lechler hedyosmum, 6884 Lechler myrsine, 10663 Lechler piptocarpha, 12412 Lechler treefern, 4194 Lechler weinmannia, 16983 lecointea, 8159 Lecointe bitterwood, 16335 LeCointe purpleheart, 11904 LeCointe startree, 1042 lecythis, 8166 lécythis amer, 8178 lecythislikefruit swizzlesticktree, 13553 leekgreen eugenia, 5656 leekgreen maya, 9904 legal angelintree, 650 legal cariniana, 2220 legal euplassa, 5742 legitimate machaerium, 8765 legrandia, 8198 Legrand plinia, 12566 Leguia vochysia, 16846 Lehmann aegiphila, 230 Lehmann aiouea, 322 Lehmann axinaea, 1107 Lehmann barberry, 1331 Lehmann barnadesia, 1211 Lehmann dussia, 4935 Lehmann guatteria, 6543 Lehmann hillia, 7107 Lehmann ladenbergia, 8094 Lehmann maya, 9794 Lehmann oreopanax, 11261 Lehmann otoba, 11368 Lehmann palicourea, 11636 Lehmann saurauia, 14230 Lehmann seagrape, 3245 Lehmann sessea, 14628 Lehmann sweetleaf, 15630 Lehmann ternstroemia, 15967 Lehmann treedaisy, 10248 Lehmann viburnum, 16646 Lehmann violetbush, 7799 Lehmann vismia, 16734

Lehmann vochysia, 16847 Lehmann zygia, 17271 Lehnert treefern, 4158 Leimebamba crownbeard, 16614 LeitãoFilho couepia, 3659 lemniscal herrania, 7023 lemonleaf myrcia, 10447 lemonscent endlicheria, 5050 Lemon palicourea, 11637 lemon wood, 1990 lemonwood, 1990 lenga falsebeech, 10943 lengthened cordia, 3555 lengthened eugenia, 5658 lengthened pittoniotis, 12464 Lenita ocotea, 11079 lenticular pricklyash, 17169 lentiscusleaf inga, 7653 lentiskleaf acosmium, 155 Lent ocotea, 11080 lent tree, 5208 lent-tree, 5208 leonia, 8200 León inga, 7654 León Pichincha treefern, 4178 leopard caesalpinia, 1893 leopard tree, 1893 leopard wood, 1552 lepechinia, 8211 lepidocordia, 8216 Leprieur coussapoa, 3757 Leprieur neocalyptrocalyx, 10871 Leprieur ouratea, 11411 Leprieur ridgerunner, 4276 Leprieur starapple, 2798 leptingalike inga, 7655 leptolobium, 8218 leretia, 8224 lesser bougainvillea, 1502 Leticia fourleaf palicourea, 11673 letterwood, 1552, 1560 letterwood breadnuttree, 1552 leucadendron myrcia, 10502 leucaena, 8226 leucochloron, 8228 Level abarema, 29 Level alumbarktree, 15276 Level endlicheria, 5065 Lewis bogwood, 14718 Lewis mimosa, 10120 Lezama simira, 14679 Lhotsky aegiphila, 231 Lhotsky pepper, 12325 Lhotsky screwtree, 6952 Lhotzky endlicheria, 5066 lianas hornschuchia, 7250 Libano palicourea, 11639 libanothamnus, 8234 libidibi, 1890 libi-didi, 1890 licania, 8246 licanialike rhodostemonodaphne, 13792 licaria, 8450 licorice, 14152 lidflower, 2012 lidflowerlike myrcia, 10446 Liene virola, 16679 Liesner coussarea, 3821 Liesner guatteria, 6545 Liesner hirtella, 7191 Liesner neea, 10844 Liesner ocotea, 11084 Liesner pachira, 11515 lightgreen inga, 7784 lightgreen malouetia, 9051 lightgreen pouteria, 12925 lightgreen spectacular bougainvillea, 1512 lightialike hirtella, 7192 lignum vitae, 6351, 6352 lignumvitae p.p., 6352 lignum-vitae, 6351 lignumvitae, 6351 lignum vitae tree, 6352 ligulate crownbeard, 16611 ligulate ocotea, 11085 lilac almeidea, 508 lilacflower ixora, 7877

Lillo cedrela, 2472 Lillo lancepod, 8550 lillyofthevalleyscent salvertia, 14145 lilyflower coussarea, 3822 lilytree, 3902 Lima leucochloron, 8232 Lima nightshade, 14854 limber caper, 2160 limber tree, 2160 Limbo eugenia, 5600 lime prickly-ash, 17159 lime pricklyash, 17159 lime tree, 1773 limewood, 1095 Limón balsamo, 13365 limonejo, 3946 lindackeria, 8491 Lindau mezilaurus, 9528 Lindberg ocotea, 11086 Lindeman cocainetree, 5280 Linden buckthorn, 13755 Linden cestrum, 2582 Linden critoniopsis, 3920 linden hibiscus, 7088 lindenlike seagrape, 3272 Linden nightshade, 14937 Linden passionflower, 11838 Linden pleuranthodendron, 12529 Linden rinorea, 13838 Linden rufflepalm, 341 linden talipariti, 7088 Linden treefern, 4195 Linden vismia, 16735 Lindley myrcianthes, 10591 Lindley pinnate senna, 14561 lindsaealeaf pubescentbranch macrosaman, 8963 linearleaf caper, 2163 linearleaf chamaedora, 2644 linearleaf coussarea, 3823 linear rufflepalm, 342 lineate allantoma, 452 lineate clusia, 3109 lineate cocainetre, 5281 lineate inga, 7657 lineateleaf campomanesia, 2086 lineateleaf nectandra, 10774 lineate myrcia, 10503 lineate nectandra, 10773 lineate palicourea, 11640 lineate qualea, 13516 line rod, 5846 linerod, 5846 linguam, 2162 lingue persea, 12067 lingun vitae tree, 6352 Linhares handroanthus, 6811 Linhares plinia, 12579 Linhares slugwood, 1297 Linhares Swartzpea, 15462 Link tabernaemontana, 15717 Linnaeus varronia, 16551 lionear hirtella, 7190 lion’s hand, 4448 lion’s tail, 108 lippedflower saurauia, 14221 lippia, 8498 lipstick bush, 1369 lipstick tree, 1369 liriosmalike aptandra, 870 Líscano libanothamnus, 8238 lissocarpa, 8503 lissocarpalike persimmon, 4657 lithraea, 8511 litothamnus, 8515 Little brunellia, 1646 Little carramboa, 2237 littleleaf mulberry, 10288 littleleaf pilocarpus, 12218 Little maya, 9801 Little meliosma, 9413 Little prunus, 13147 little snail, 14071 littlesnail ruptiliocarpon, 14071 Little Swartzpea, 15463 littleumbel falseanamomis, 13176, 13183 littoral licania, 8359 littoral pumpwood, 2437

909 littoral yellowfruit campomanesia, 2104 llagunoa, 8517 Llanganates denseleaf espeletia, 5475 llanos caraipa, 2183 Llanos copernicia, 3489 llanos resintree, 13071 llerasia, 8519 Llewelyn seagrape, 3246 Lloa crownbeard, 16612 Lloa dendrophorbium, 4473 Lobb delostoma, 4440 Lobb ocotea, 11087 lobed maya, 9704 lobed pentagonia, 11940 lobed pepper, 12278 lobelia, 8523 loblolly, 6362 loblolly bay, 6265 loblolly small leaf, 6362 loblolly sweetwood, 11083 loblolly tree, 3513, 4107 loblolly-tree, 3513 local mahogany, 7090 Lockwood treefern, 4196 locus-berry, 1861 locust p.p., 7349 locust berry tree, 1805, 1861 locust copal, 7349 locustleaf senna, 14584 locustleaf Swartzpea, 15533 locust tree, 7349 locust-tree, 1861 locustwood, 1037, 1041 Loefgren cocainetree, 5282 Loesener macleania, 8816 Loesener saurauia, 14231 Löfgren myrsine, 10664 Lofton coussarea, 3824 lofty agonandra, 302 lofty allophylus, 474 lofty aralia, 875 lofty balata, 9092 lofty blackbead, 12456 lofty chastetree, 16765 lofty cordia, 3518 lofty couepia, 3641 lofty dasyphyllum, 4422 lofty dimorphandra, 4584 lofty dinizia, 4607 lofty eriope, 5156 lofty Eugenia, 5565 lofty falseflamebean, 1588 lofty ferreyranthus, 5897 lofty guatteria, 6505 lofty gustavia, 6697 lofty hirtella, 7172 lofty hortia, 7258 lofty humiriastrum, 7312 lofty kielmeyera, 7984 lofty lobelia, 8524 lofty martiodendron, 9199 lofty mountainpride, 15084 lofty ormosia, 11307 lofty parapiptadenia, 11767 lofty parinari, 11791 lofty pepper, 12290 lofty purpleheart, 11901 lofty saurauia, 14225 lofty seagrape, 3236 lofty semialarium, 14497 lofty spectacular senna, 14598 lofty sterculia, 15188 lofty trigonobalanus, 16402 log wood, 6794 logwood, 3373, 6794 Loja buglelily, 9467 Loja fiddlewood, 2889 Loja fig, 5979 Loja fuchsia, 6091 Loja hackberry, 2498 Loja palicourea, 11645 Loja roupala, 13906 Loja snowbell, 15360 Loja subtomentose palicourea, 11687 Loja weinmannia, 16986 lomatia, 8525 lomentbearing piptadeniopsis, 12407 lonelyleaf rosewood, 4368

ENGLISH NAMES longbeak balsamo, 13368 longbeak maya, 9701 longbract mabea, 8683 longbract tachigali, 15746 longcalyx pachira, 11503 longcaudate endlicheria, 5067 longcaudate pepper, 12327 long coppery pepper, 12299 longcusp balsamo, 13366 longcusp cynometra, 4316 longcusp duguetia, 4824 longcusp Eugenia, 5601 longcusp guatteria, 6547 longcusp licania, 8360 longdecurrent guatteria, 6546 longflower alibertia, 441 longflower angostura, 677 longflower cestrum, 2583 longflower coussarea, 3827 longflower duroia, 4909 longflower falsebombax, 13195 longflower inga, 7659 longflower licaria, 8465 longflower matisia, 9266 longflower palicourea, 11641 longflower posoqueria, 12682 longflower rosenbergiodendron, 13891 longflower rudgea, 13999 longflower sanchezia, 14642 longflower tachigali, 15770 longflower ticorea, 16111 longfruit anaxagorea, 627 longfruit cremastosperma, 3873 longfruit Swartzpea, 15464 longfunicle gustavia, 6709 longhair guazuma, 6645 longhair maya, 9669 longhair nightshade, 14890 longhair weberbauerocereus, 16940 longhair xylopia, 17077 longibracteate plains macrolobium, 8872 longipedicelled caraipa, 2186 longipetiolate xylosma, 17124 long john, 16430 Long-John anttree, 16412 LongJohn anttree, 16412 long john woodsanoke, 16430 longleaf alpborn myrceugenia, 10388 longleaf alseis, 521 longleaf amphirrhox, 590 longleaf annona, 758 longleaf balata, 9095 longleaf bauhinia, 1268 longleaf beautyleaf, 1979 longleaf buglelily, 9466 longleaf butterflybush, 1727 longleaf cantua, 2038 longleaf carapichea, 2208 longleaf carpotroche, 2231 longleaf clavija, 2944 longleaf conchocarpus, 3365 longleaf cow breadnuttree, 1562 longleaf duroia, 4910 longleaf Eugenia, 5602 longleaf fascicled aureliana, 1083 longleaf fusaea, 6095 longleaf gloeospermum, 6217 longleaf gustavia, 6708 longleaf gynoxys, 6765 longleaf hirtella, 7193 longleaf hortia, 7259 longleaf lidflower, 2038 longleaf lophanthera, 8575 longleaf machaerium, 8759 longleaf maya, 9804 longleaf mayten, 9345 longleaf mouriri, 10340 longleaf nectandra, 10775 longleaf neocalyptrocalyx, 10872 longleaf neotatea, 10916 longleaf nigüito maya, 10002 longleaf ocotea, 11088 longleaf pachystroma, 11544 longleaf paypayrola, 11885 longleaf pepper, 12328 longleaf peppertree, 14400 longleaf persimmon, 4658 longleaf philacra, 12108

longleaf pouteria, 12836 longleaf quiina, 13596 longleaf randia, 13634 longleaf remijia, 13720 longleaf rheedia, 6125, 13767 longleaf ridgerunner, 4258 longleaf securidaca, 14487 longleaf simira, 14680 longleaf spirotropis, 15107 longleaf stylogyne, 15305 longleaf talisia, 15837 longleaf tovomita, 16252 longleaf wildixora, 7846 longleaf zygia, 17272 longleaflet inga, 7660 long leaved sweetwood, 10766 long-leaved yellow silverballi, 692 longlobe kutchubaea, 8028 longlobe nightshade, 14924 longlobe spongiosperma, 15121 longpanicle bitterbush, 12186 longpedial Swartzpea, 15465 longpedicel couratari, 3712 longpedicel cremastosperma, 3878 longpedicel flamebean, 1577 longpedicel hirtella, 7194 longpedicel licania, 8361 longpedicel macrolobium, 8917 longpedicel meliosma, 9414 longpedicel micropholis, 10071 longpedicel ochthocosmus, 10955 longpedicel snowbell, 15336 longpedoncule neea, 10845 longpeduncle abarema, 30 longpeduncle bocagea, 1442 longpeduncle coussapoa, 3758 longpeduncle daphnopsis, 4407 longpeduncle inga, 7661 longpeduncle perebea, 11990 longpetal annona, 757 longpetal lancewood, 11481 longpetal licania, 8362 longpetal wettinia, 17035 longpetiole aiouea, 323 longpetiole couepia, 3661 longpetiole guava, 13272 longpetiole kaunia, 7977 longpetiole prestoea, 12963 longpetiole rhodostemonodaphne, 13793 longpetiole RíoMesme maya, 9834 longpetiole roupala, 13917 longraceme Eugenia, 5603 longraceme macrolobium, 8916 longraceme spicate pilocarpus, 12232 longracemose maya, 9805 longrachis grias, 6326 longsepal maya, 9806 longsepal nightshade, 14902 longspike inga, 7663 longspike maya, 9807 longspike pepper, 12329 long spined acacia, 77 long-spine acacia, 77 longspine acacia, 77 longspine black mesquite, 13002 long-spined acacia, 77 longstalk balsam, 13367 longstalk bauhinia, 1269 longstalk couepia, 3638 longstalk inga, 7662 longstalk macrolobium, 8918 longstalk matisia, 9254 longstalk maya, 9700 longstalk mayten, 9346 longstalk mimosalike heterostemon, 7065 longstalk myriocarpa, 10625 longstalk pumpwood, 2438 longstalk stephanopodium, 15171 longstalk tabernaemontana, 15718 longstalk threadsoftly, 3210 longstamen geissanthus, 6146 longstamen marila, 9133 longstamen pepper, 12326 long-staple cotton, 6271 longstipe machaerium, 8771 longstipe mayten, 9347 longstipe Swartzpea, 15466

longstipule faramea, 5829 longstipule palicourea, 11642 longstipule rinorea, 13841 longstyle clusia, 3110 longstyle persimmon, 4659 longstyle schefflera, 14322 long-Tom, 2904 longtube matisia, 9268 longvaginate rosarybead euterpepalm, 5761 loose balsam copaltree, 3467 loose calliandra, 1939 loose chrysochlamys, 2753 loose clibadium, 2993 loose Eugenia, 5556 looseflower blolly, 6367 looseflower caesalpinia, 1900 looseflower clusia, 3105 looseflower elaeagia, 4971 looseflower fusispermum, 6098 looseflower marila, 9137 looseflower mayten, 9343 looseflower OrganMountains euplassa, 5747 looseflower viraru, 14059 loose Venezuela copaltree, 3484 loose xylopia, 17080 Lopez casearia, 2297 Lopez clusia, 3111 López micrandra, 10041 LópezPalacios aegiphila, 232 López weinmannia, 16985 lophanthera, 8573 lophosoria, 8577 Loquito burrwood, 14787 loranthlike chaunochiton, 2650 loranthlike holly, 7476 loranthlike podocalyx, 12586 Lorentz cnicothamnus, 3206 Lorentz eriolarynx, 5154 Loreto acacia, 76 Loreto aegiphila, 263 Loreto allophylus, 484 Loreto ardisia, 907 Loreto chastetree, 16767 Loreto clusia, 3113 Loreto dimorphandra, 4589 Loreto eriotheca, 5167 Loreto Eugenia, 5496 Loreto ferdinandusa, 5887 Loreto guatteria, 6520 Loreto henriettella, 6992 Loreto inga, 7665 Loreto jacqueshuberia, 7925 Loreto kutchubaea, 8037 Loreto marlierea, 9163 Loreto pachira, 11500 Loreto pepper, 12294 Loreto persimmon, 4677 Loreto pyramidalfruit burdachia, 1764 Loreto qualea, 13511 Loreto rhodostemonodaphne, 13783 Loreto rudgea, 13978 Loreto senna, 14545 Loreto tachigali, 15771 Loreto virola, 16680 Loreto vochysia, 16855 Loreto xylopia, 17076 LoretoYacu meliosma, 9415 Loretoyacu swizzlesticktree, 13554 loreya, 8579 loreyalike maya, 9808 lorostemon, 8592 LosColorados matisia, 9251 LosFarallones brunellia, 1634 LosFarallones holly, 7444 LosGranates libanothamnus, 8237 LosGuácharos perrottetia, 12030 Lourteig maya, 9809 Lourteig senna, 14546 lovely maya, 9563 low garcinia, 6123 low hexachlamys, 7085 low licania, 8334 low naucleopsis, 10702 low pachira, 11513 low perebea, 11989 low weinmannia, 16972 Loxa bark, 2831

ENGLISH NAMES loxopterygium, 8597 lozanella, 8601 lozania, 8604 Lozano bogwood, 14719 Lozano lidflower, 2039 Lozano magnolia, 8998 Lozano matisia, 9269 Lozano muskwood, 6409 Lozano panopsis, 11710 lubaria, 8609 Lucie Eugenia, 5604 LucieRiver paypayrola, 11884 luck-seed, 16053 lucky bean, 16053 luckybean-bush, 16053 lucky nut, 16053 lucky nuts, 16053 lucky-nut, 16053 luckynut thevetia, 16053 lucky seed, 16053 lucky-seed, 16053 lucuma, 12744 lucumaleaf cinchona, 2827 lucumaleaf pouteria, 12839 lucuma pouteria, 12838 lueheopsis, 8635 Luetzelburg byrsonima, 1836 luetzelburgia, 8642 Lugo alseis, 522 Lugo maya, 9812 Lugo palicourea, 11646 luma, 8649 luma amomyrtle, 579 lunania, 8652 lunateanther mouriri, 10341 lunate machaerium, 8772 Lundell nectandra, 10776 Lund holly, 7477 Lund piptocarpha, 12413 Lund sweetleaf, 15631 Lund viraru, 14060 lunulibracteate pepper, 12331 lupuna ceiba, 2486 lurid maya, 9813 lurid monkeypottree, 8180 Luschnath aegiphila, 233 Luschnath eugenia, 5605 Luschnath fig, 5980 Luschnath myrcia, 10506 Luschnath subdenuded inga, 7758 Lushnath moldenhawera, 10155 Luteyn hedyosmum, 6885 luticolous palicourea, 11648 luxuriant balsamo, 13369 luxuriant blolly, 6385 Luya macrocarpaea, 8839 lycianthes, 8654 Lyman maya, 9815 lyrelikestipule palicourea, 11649


Maas holly, 7478 mabea, 8667 mabi, 3299 maburea, 8702 Macahé pouteria, 12840 macairea, 8704 macana maya, 9667 macard bitter, 12182 Macarena gustavia, 6710 MacArthurs palicourea, 11650 macary bitter, 12182, 12199 macaw palm, 164, 332 macawood, 12498, 13004 macaya, 648 macaya oil, 164 Macbride ageratina, 296 Macbride fig, 5981 macbrideina, 8713 Macbride lacistema, 8043 Macbride mabea, 8684 Macbride maya, 9550 Macbride palicourea, 11651 Macbride tachigali, 15772 Macbride zygia, 17273 Macedo aiouea, 324 Macedo pepper, 12332 Machado coussarea, 3829

910 Machado graceful macrolobium, 8901 Machado nightshade, 14971 machaerium, 8715 machaeriumlike macrolobium, 8919 Machalilla annona, 753 machaonia, 8809 machete, 5206 macleania, 8815 macoubea, 8823 Macpherson ampelocera, 586 macradenous heteropterys, 7050 macrocarpaea, 8826 macrocnemum, 8852 macrohasseltia, 8859 macrolobium, 8861 macropeplus, 8952 macropodous toxosiphon, 16282 macrosaman, 8956 macrotherm nightshade, 14864 macrothumia, 8967 MadeiraFalls machaerium, 8775 Madeira micropholis, 10073 Madeira neea, 10847 Madras thorn, 12455 Madras-thorn, 12455 madre, 6211 madre of cocoa, 6211 madroneleaf freziera, 6052 madroneleaf maya, 9575 madruno garcinia, 6126 Madsen zinowiewia, 17217 madura, 6211 madura shade tree, 6211 Magdalena attalea, 1068 Magdalena bogwood, 14695 Magdalena calliandra, 1943 Magdalena cremastosperma, 3880 Magdalena croton, 4002 Magdalena ladenbergia, 8096 Magdalena maya, 9819 Magdalena posoqueria, 12684 Magdalena snowbell, 15346 Magdalena Swartzpea, 15476 Magdalena vantanea, 16533 Magellan barberry, 1333 Magellan mayten, 9349 magnificent Eugenia, 5610 magnificent neoraputia, 10899 magnificent ocotea, 11092 magnificent pentagonia, 11942 magnificent rhytidanthera, 13814 magnificent saurauia, 14232 magnificent tonkabean, 4730 magnificent vochysia, 16853 magnificent zollernia, 17238 magnolia, 8969 magnolialeaf cordia, 3542 magnolialeaf couepia, 3663 magnolialeaf fulvous ridgerunner, 4241 magnolialike duguetia, 4827 magonia, 9011 Maguire aiouea, 325 Maguire buglelily, 9470 Maguire byrsonima, 1840 Maguire clusia, 3117 Maguire couepia, 3664 Maguire duroia, 4912 Maguire elaeagia, 4973 Maguire faramea, 5832 Maguire guatteria, 6550 Maguire heisteria, 6926 Maguire henriettella, 6993 Maguire hirtella, 7198 Maguire macrocarpaea, 8841 Maguire micropholis, 10074 Maguire nectandra, 10777 Maguire ophiocaryon, 11219 Maguire ormosia, 11318 Maguire ouratea, 11415 Maguire parinari, 11795 Maguire platycarpum, 12485 Maguire pouteria, 12843 Maguire quiina, 13598 Maguire remijia, 13722 Maguire sacoglottis, 14109 Maguire Swartzpea, 15477 Maguires topobea, 16170 Maguire ternstroemia, 15968 Maguire vochysia, 16854

Mahecha magnolia, 8994 Mahecha spirotheca, 15100 mahoe, 7087, 7088, 4395, 15183 mahoe bitter, 12182 mahoe pimente, 4395 mahogany, 15568 mahogany p.p., 2469, 6401, 15569, 16331 mahoganylike huberodendron, 7276 mahogany tree, 15569 mahont, 4395 mahot, 8178 mahot blanc, 8178 mahot rouge, 8178 mahout pimente, 4395 mahuba mezilaurus, 9529 mahurea, 9013 maiden-berry, 3946 maidenbush, 14258 maidenhairleaf partridgepea, 2614 maidenhairlike piptadenia, 12392 Maigualida schefflera, 14376 maitin fig, 5982 majáua falsebombax, 13197 majoe, 12182 majoe bitter, 12182, 12199 major lancewood, 11483 makay-king, 4842 make wood, 2450 Makoy pavonia, 11872 malady, 972 malanea, 9018 malanealike chomelia, 2712 malango, 9074 Malcabal gynoxys, 6766 male bay cedar, 8617 male blossom-berry grape, 894 male bull hoof, 4788 male guam tail, 14792 male pigeon plum, 15633 male sapodilla, 9088 Mallet nightshade, 14940 mallow, 7086 malmea, 9026 Malme copaltree, 3470 Malme ridgerunner, 4235 Malme virola, 16682 malongo tapering himatanthus, 7115 malouetia, 9030 malpighia, 9052 Mámbita phragmotheca, 12122 mammea apple, 12476 mammee, 3171 mammilate annona, 781 mammilate clusia, 3118 mammillate nightshade, 14941 mammillate phragmotheca, 12123 mamoncillo, 9382 mamoncillo honeyberry, 9382 mamonica, 9382 Manabí annona, 782 Manabí clibadium, 2994 Manabí falseolmedia, 13210 Manabí inga, 7668 Manabí nightshade, 14933 Manabí starapple, 2789 manac, 5754, 5759, 5762 manaca shack, 1063 manantin micropholis, 10075 Manáos quiina, 13599 Manaus Amazonia tapura, 15874 Manaus anisophyllea, 729 Manaus casearia, 2298 Manaus cochlear pradosia, 12937 Manaus dicypellium, 4563 Manaus duguetia, 4828 Manaus Eschweiler, 5366 Manaus mezilaurus, 9530 Manaus micropholis, 10089 Manaus mouriri, 10304 Manaus ocotea, 11023 Manaus ophiocaryon, 11220 Manaus persimmon, 4660 Manaus pouteria, 12844 Manaus pricklyash, 17157 Manaus rhodostemonodaphne, 13803 Manaus starapple, 2790 Manaus Swartzpea, 15478 Manaus tabernaemontana, 15708

Manaus vantanea, 16534 Manaus xylopia, 17093 manbarkflak, 8173 manchineel, 7130 manchineel p.p., 7131 manchineel-berry, 5727 manchioneel, 7131 mandacaru cereus, 2532 Mandiocca cryptocarya, 4083 Mandiocca rudgea, 14024 Mandon andeimalva, 639 Mandon baccharis, 1142 Mandon croton, 4003 Mandon gynoxys, 6768 Mandon holly, 7481 Mandon maya, 9821 Mandon ocotea, 11094 Mandon senna, 14554 mandoowood, 8546 mandrake, 3572 mandul saurauia, 14222 Mangabal Swartzpea, 15479 Manga chloroleucon, 2698 mangabe, 12697 mangle, 8127, 13775 manglelike clusia, 3119 manglelike tovomita, 16255 manglilla myrsine, 10666 mangrove, 13773 mangrove bead tree, 12462 mangrove bread-tree, 12462 mangrove p.p., 8126, 8127, 1093, 1095, 13775 manicate sanambrosia, 14167 manicole, 5762 manicole palm, 12967 manicole prestoea, 12967 manihot, 9062 Manila tamarind, 12455 manilkara, 9082 manio, 12598 manioc, 9062, 9074 manjack, 3508, 3572 manjack cordia, 3508 manni, 15590 man-of-war, 2162 man of war bush, 2161 Manso eugenia, 5612 Manso palicourea, 11653 Manta Jacob fig, 5971 Mantaro pricklyash, 17171 Manteco rauia, 13661 manto, 3946 Manu coussapoa, 3759 manuelo magnolia, 8992 Manu lidflower, 2044 Manu persimmon, 4661 Manú pilocarpus, 12217 manwood, 10147 manwood p.p., 10148 manyanther panacoco Swartzpea, 15506 manybracteate sweetleaf, 15651 manycarpel inga, 7712 manycarpel ouratea, 11433 manydomatium ocotea, 11138 manydot eugenia, 5637, 5638 manyflower abarema, 10 manyflower aegiphila, 241 manyflower albizia, 357 manyflower allantoma, 455 manyflower allophylus, 487 manyflower barberry, 1334 manyflower bastardiopsis, 1221 manyflower bathysa, 1231 manyflower bocageopsis, 1447 manyflower bogwood, 14722 manyflower chomelia, 2720 manyflower clusia, 3129 manyflower couepia, 3670 manyflower couratari, 3714 manyflower cynophalla, 4327 manyflower dimorphandra, 4596 manyflower doliocarpus, 4763 manyflower elae, 4979 manyflowered blakea, 1403 manyflowered shining lidflower, 2042 manyflower eugenia, 5652 manyflower faramea, 5840

911 manyflower fiddlewood, 2894 manyflower forsteronia, 6048 manyflower henriettea, 6973 manyflower hornschuchia, 7252 manyflower joosia, 7950 manyflower lancewood, 11488 manyflower maya, 9851 manyflower morisonia, 10272 manyflower myrcia, 10513 manyflower ochthocosmus, 10956 manyflower ocotea, 11139 manyflower Orinoco chastetree, 16779 manyflower ouratea, 11421 manyflower perrottetia, 12032 manyflower phitopis, 12112 manyflower prunus, 13161 manyflower qualea, 13521 manyflower salacia, 14130 manyflower scyphonychium, 14470 manyflower topobea, 16174 manyflower treefern, 4203 manyflower virola, 16689 manyflower wallacea, 16927 manyflower whitequebracho, 975 manyflower xylopia, 17095 manyfruit croton, 4026 manyfruit mimosa, 10129 manyfurrowed Eugenia, 5631 manygland Eugenia, 5654 manyglandular dendrothrix, 4486 manyhair coralbea, 5219 manyhaired maya, 9899 manyhead albizia, 362 manyleaf acacia, 82 manyleaf aldina, 411 manyleaf devilpepper, 13680 manyleaf entada, 5097 manyleaflet swordlike partridgepea, 2631 manyleaf licaria, 8478 manyleaf Pittier calliandra, 1949 manyleaf simaba, 14657 manyleaf Swartzpea, 15525 manyleaf tonkabean, 4734 manyleaf weinmannia, 16998 manynerve bonnetia, 1473 manynerve breadnuttree, 1555 manynerved caraipa, 2187 manynerved dendrobangia, 4443 manynerved grias, 6327 manynerved inga, 7683 manynerved iryanthera, 7834 manynerved leandra, 8155 manynerved maya, 9901 manynerved obtuse ruizterania, 14040 manynerved ocotea, 11107 manynerved pepper, 12343 manynerved rinorea, 13844 manynerved sixleaf talisia, 15834 manynerved whitequebracho, 985 manypeduncle chomelia, 2718 manypeduncle milkberry, 2674 manypeduncle persea, 12074 manypunctate Guyana ridgerunner, 4248 manyribbed ridgerunner, 4266 manyrib allophylus, 486 manyrib eugenia, 5627 manyrib marila, 9142 manyseed moldenhawera, 10157 manysepal clusia, 3160 manysepal pouteria, 12871 manyspike alumbarktree, 15285 manyspike entada, 5098 manyspike eugenia, 5655 manyspike lacistema, 8045 manyspike maya, 9848 manyspike panopsis, 11716 manyspike partridgepea, 2638 manyspike partridgepea, 2638 manyspike pumpwood, 2453 manyspike tournefortia, 16212 manyspike varronia, 16553 manystamen clusia, 3132 manystamen conceveiba, 3351 manystamen conostegia, 3442 manystamen croton, 4025 manystamen dimorphandra, 4599 manystemmed inga, 7679

ENGLISH NAMES manystigma clusia, 3161 manytooth cupania, 4130 manyvein pumpwood, 2452 manyyoked flamebean, 1579 Mapiré nightshade, 14841 Mapiri balsamo, 13370 Mapiri copperleaf, 109 Mapiri guatteria, 6522 Mapiri humiriastrum, 7315 Mapiri maya, 9822 Mapiri myrtle, 10693 Mapiri neea, 10848 Mapiri nightshade, 14942 Mapiri sweetleaf, 15632 Mapiri tourneforti, 16207 Mapiri vochysia, 16856 mapora oenocarpus, 11207 mapourialike balsamo, 13371 mapourialike coussarea, 3832 maprounea, 9104 Mapuera vochysia, 16857 maquira, 9108 Maracaibo boxwood, 2316 Maracaibo ebony, 1899 Maracaibo lignum-vitae, 1734 Maracás cassava, 9077 Maracás metrodorea, 9503 Maracá viraru, 14061 Marahuaca holly, 7482 Marahuaca neea, 10849 Marahuaca ouratea, 11416 Marahuaca pachira, 11508 maraja spinyclubpalm, 1169 Maranhão chastetree, 16775 Maranhão copal, 7358 Maranhão licania, 8367 Maranhão purpleheart, 11905 Maranhão Swartzpea, 15433 Maranon maya, 9716 Marañon pepper, 12336 Maraú angelintree, 653 Maraú kielmeyera, 7987 maravedi, 3946 maravedi rhacoma, 3946 maray-maray, 4368 marble tree, 4988 marble-tree, 4988 MarcanoBerti blolly, 6368 MarcanoBerti lecointea, 8161 Marcapata gynoxys, 6767 Marcgrave duguetia, 4829 Marcgrave whitequebracho, 971 margaritaria, 9115 margaritopsis, 9117 marginal pleurothyrium, 12550 marginal pumpwood, 2439 marginal treefern, 4199 marginate caesalpinia, 1902 margined balsamo, 13372 margined copaltree, 3471 margined cynometra, 4317 margined falsebombax, 13196 margined goniorrhachis, 6249 margined hydrochorea, 7335 margined inga, 7669 margined matayba, 9222 margined pepper, 12338 margined redquebracho, 14390 margined ridgerunner, 4262 margined seagrape, 3249 margined starapple, 2791 Maria herrania, 7024 maria laurel, 8450 Maribi guava, 13273 maricao, 1861 marigold pepper, 12338 marila, 9129 Marion qualea, 13518 maripa attalea, 1069 Mariquita casearia, 2299 Mariquita cestrum, 2584 Mariquita pepper, 12337 Mariquita saurauia, 14216 Mariquita weinmannia, 16989 maritime baycedar, 15368 maritime bunchosia, 1753 maritime licania, 8368 Markgraf tabernaemontana, 15720 markingnutleaf cinnamon, 2862

marl-berry, 887 Marlene couepia, 3665 Marlene cynometra, 4318 Marlene licania, 8369 Marlene talisia, 15839 Marlene virola, 16683 Marlene zebrawood, 3395 marlierea, 9146 marmalade box, 6165 marmalade-box, 6165 marmaladebox genip, 6165 marmelade-box genipe, 6165 Marmellos ocotea, 11095 Marmier sapium, 14180 Maroa raputia, 13646 maro trattinnickia, 16296 maroma fig, 5984 Maroni fig, 5985 Maroni henriettea, 6970 Maroni neocalyptrocalyx, 10873 Maroni tomentose pourouma, 12738 Marowyne eugenia, 5613 marsh corkwood, 769 marsh guatteria, 6576 marsh lindackeria, 8495 marsh macrolobium, 8928 marsh mahurea, 9017 marsh meliosma, 9421 marshy annona, 800 marshy blakea, 1401 marshy dendropanax, 4462 marshy fig, 5999 marshy myrcia, 10523 marshy nightshade, 14962 marshy oblongleaf copal, 7364 marshy Swartzpea, 15500 marshy trumpettree, 15690 Martin couepia, 3666 Martinelli plinia, 12575 Martin holly, 7484 Martinique dussia, 4937 Martinique machaonia, 8812 Martinique nectandra, 10778 Martinique prickly-ash, 17172 Martinique pricklyash, 17172 Martinique sweetleaf, 15633 Martin licaria, 8474 Martin pausandra, 11864 Martin persimmon, 4662 Martin rheedia, 13768 Martin swizzlesticktree, 13556 martiodendron, 9195 Martius astrocaryum, 1016 Martius calycorectes, 2006 Martius chocolatetree, 16047 Martius conceveiba, 3348 Martius copal, 7359 Martius copaltree, 3472 Martius diplotropis, 4714 Martius faramea, 5833 Martius gongylolepis, 6244 Martius heisteria, 6920 Martius henriettea, 6971 Martius himatanthus, 7124 Martius hirtella, 7199 Martius Humboldt willow, 14143 Martius leafflower, 12153 Martius monnina, 10228 Martius seagrape, 3250 Martius senna, 14555 Martius snowbell, 15339 Martius Swartzpea, 15480 Martius tovomita, 16256 Martius vismia, 16738 Martius zebrawood, 3396 Martyn lancepod, 8553 maruba, 14659 mary, 12662 Mary elaeagia, 4976 Mason chastetree, 16776 mastic, 2686, 14639, 14641, 14642 mastic bully, 14641 mastic-bully, 14641, 14642 mastic iron-wood, 14641 mastic jungleplum, 14641 mastic tree, 1773, 14403 mastichodendron, 14637 mast wood, 14641, 14642 mastwood, 14641

mat grass, 8498 matabi licania, 8341 Matador neomitranthes, 10881 matapal, 3171 matapalo, 3161, 3171 matasamo, 3603 matayba, 9203 mataybaleaf abarema, 32 match-wood, 14331 matchwood, 14331 matchwood schefflera, 14331 Mather persimmon, 4663 Mathews balsamo, 13373 Mathews bejaria, 1309 Mathews cyathostegia, 4228 Mathews Manga chloroleucon, 2700 Mathews myrcia, 10508 Mathews oreopanax, 11263 Mathews schefflera, 14325 Mathews viburnum, 16647 matisia, 9236 Matiz fig, 5987 MatoGrosso bocageopsis, 1446 MatoGrosso byrsonima, 1825 MatoGrosso copaltree, 3455 MatoGrosso diclinanona, 4524 MatoGrosso myrsine, 10667 MatoGrosso nectandra, 10779 MatoGrosso ocotea, 11096 MatoGrosso persimmon, 4689 MatoGrosso piptocarpha, 12417 MatoGrosso poisonnut, 15251 MatoGrosso sacoglottis, 14110 MatoGrosso xylopia, 17074 matolike myrcianthes, 10599 mato myrcianthes, 10592 Matour croton, 4004 matt resintree, 13058 mattack ocotea, 11034 Mattfeld devilpepper, 13675 Matthews fig, 5986 Matthews maya, 9824 Matthews nectandra, 10780 Mattos purpleheart, 11906 MattosSilva cocainetree, 5289 MattosSilva eschweilera, 5401 matudaea, 9283 Maturacá balsamo, 13374 mauria, 9285 mauritia, 9298 mauritialike palmetto, 14104 mauritiella, 9301 MauroFernandez topobea, 16171 mawbie, 3299 Mawarinuma pachira, 11517 mawnatree, 15590 maximiliana, 1058 Maxon Caracas treefern, 4169 Maxon graceful platypodium, 12521 maya, 9542 maya p.p., 9644, 9646, 9698, 9770 mayalike faramea, 5835 mayalike graffenrieda, 6300 maya seed, 9646 Maya washing soap, 14950 Mayan soap, 14950 may bush, 12439, 15693 may flower, 15693 mayflower, 15693 mayflower tree, 15693 mayna, 9305 Maynas bitterwood, 16341 Maynas conceveiba, 3349 Maynas exostema, 5775 Maynas inga, 7670 Maynas nectandra, 10781 Maynas nightshade, 14927 Maynas pleurothyrium, 12539 Maynas wettinia, 17036 Maypures guatteria, 6551 mayten, 9312 maytenlike heisteria, 6927 maytree of the Creoles, 12439 mayu pricklyash, 17173 Mazamari pepper, 12340 Mazán bitterwood, 16344 Mazaruni anthodiscus, 831 Mazaruni balsamo, 13375 Mazaruni heterostemon, 7061

ENGLISH NAMES McPherson ardisia, 908 McVaugh eugenia, 5614 McVaugh marlierea, 9170 meadowsweetlike maya, 10021 mealy endlicheria, 5054 mealy wattle, 65 Medellín calliandra, 1945 medicinal cinchona, 2831 medicinal pumpwood, 2445 Medina ouratea, 11417 medium dimorphandra, 4594 medlarlike loreya, 8583 Meguilla mayten, 9350 Meisner persea, 12042 Meisner roupala, 13919 Meissner inga, 7672 Meissner seagrape, 3251 melanoxylum, 9377 Melchior clusia, 3121 meli amomyrtle, 580 Mélinon endlicheria, 5070 Melinon inga, 7673 Mélinon maya, 9831 Melinon ouratea, 11419 Melinon pourouma, 12719 Melinon resintree, 13074 Melinon tachigali, 15776 meliosma, 9390 melon tree, 2214, 2215 membraneous kielmeyera, 7988 membranous aegiphila, 236 membranous apeiba, 847 membranouscalyx faramea, 5823 membranous chrysochlamys, 2755 membranous cleidion, 2959 membranous cordia, 3544 membranous dicymbe, 4552 membranous fig, 5990 membranousleaf blackbead, 12457 membranousleaf guibourtia, 6687 membranousleaf mauria, 9290 membranousleaf sebastiania, 14481 membranous licania, 8372 membranous maya, 9832 membranous nectandra, 10783 membranous oreopanax, 11264 membranous pumpwood, 2442 membranous related couepia, 3636 membranous ruagea, 13964 membranous spachea, 15073 membranous topobea, 16172 membranous vernonanthura, 16626 membrillo, 3946 Mendonça bathysa, 1230 Mendonca inga, 7674 Mennega christiana, 2734 Mennega perebea, 11991 merendon virola, 16677 Merevari burrwood, 14793 merianthera, 9498 Mérida bigleaf buglelily, 9469 Mérida broadleaf graffenrieda, 6298 Mérida lidflower, 2046 Mérida meliosma, 9417 Mérida monnina, 10229 Mérida nightshade, 14976 Mérida paragynoxys, 11737 Mérida persea, 12069 Mérida redwood simira, 14671 Mérida saurauia, 14233 Mérida vochysia, 16861 Merume calycophyllum, 1993 MesetaJáua bonnetia, 1472 mesophyllous monkeypottree, 8181 mesquit, 12979 mesquite, 12979 mesquite p.p., 12992, 12994, 12999, 13004 mesquit-tree, 12994 mess apple, 1320 messapple bellucia, 1320 Mestre casearia, 2302 Meta Colombia macrolobium, 8881 Meta guatteria, 6554 metallic endlicheria, 5071 Metcalf panopsis, 11712 metrodorea, 9501 metteniusa, 9507 metternichia, 9517

912 Mexia blakea, 1395 Mexía buglelily, 9472 Mexía casearia, 2303 Mexia cordia, 3545 Mexia fig, 5991 Mexia guatteria, 6555 Mexia persimmon, 4664 Mexia rudgea, 14000 Mexía saurauia, 14234 Mexican belotia, 16389 Mexican breadnut, 16443 Mexican cedar, 2474 Méxican cedar, 2474 Mexican-cedar, 2474 Mexican cedrela, 2473, 2474 Mexican gliricidia, 6211 Mexican hedyosmum, 6887 Mexican lilac, 6211 Mexican mahogany p.p., 15569 Mexican mulberry, 10288 Mexican palo verde, 11827 Mexican paloverde, 11827 Mexican pepper, 14411 Mexican phenax, 12105 Mexican purpleheart, 11907 Mexican shrubby spurge, 5725 Mexican soapberry, 14172 Mexican trichospermum, 16389 Mexican white birch, 1773 Meyer peppertree, 14402 Mez clavija, 2946 Mez geissanthus, 6147 mezia, 9519 mezilaurus, 9521 Mez kubitzkia, 8023 Mez sweetleaf, 15635 micar, 15038 Micheli inga, 7675 Micheli virola, 16685 miconia à feuilles de viorne, 10005 micradenia Guanai prunus, 13141 micrandra, 10035 micrandropsis, 10047 microfrangipani, 10090 microlobius, 10049 micropholis, 10052 micuna pouteria, 12876 mid, 16331 middling lancewood, 11485 middling maya, 9829 middling porcelia, 12665 Miers myrceugenia, 10401 Miers slugwood, 1298 Miguel spirotheca, 15101 Mikan cocainetree, 5291 milady, 950 Milanez baromalli, 2390 Mildbraed pera, 11976 mild brunellia, 1630 mild coralbean, 5215 mildleaf coussarea, 3798 mild pepper, 12341 mild peritassa, 12018 Mildred gonzalagunia, 6260 milkbark, 4786 milkberry, 2671 milk buckthorn, 14640 milk bush, 16053 milkbush, 13688, 13689 milk tree, 1543, 1548, 3702, 9093, 14176, 16053 milk-tree, 3704, 12583 milktree, 14173 milk vine, 6048 milkweedlike maya, 9579 milkwhiteflower maya, 9733 milk wood, 14179 milkwood, 3052, 13215, 14176, 15705 milky bush, 13689, 15705 milky-bush, 12583 milkybush, 15705 milky devilpepper, 13689 milky iron, 2769 milky-iron, 2768 milky lacmellea, 8060 milky lophanthera, 8574 milky pradosia, 12945 milky soft perebea, 11993 milky thorn, 14643

milky tree, 15705 milkytree, 15705 milky wood, 15705 Mille falsebombax, 13198 Mille machaerium, 8777 millerwood, 13564 millo, 9116 milo, 16050 Milton licania, 8377 Milton persimmon, 4665 mimosa, 10092 mimosaleaf jacaranda, 7904 mimosalike heterostemon, 7062 mimozyganthus, 10145 MinasGerais balsam humiria, 7295 MinasGerais byrsonima, 1862 MinasGerais eremanthus, 5148 MinasGerais guatteria, 6559 MinasGerais leucochloron, 8233 MinasGerais ocotea, 11100 MinasGerais persimmon, 4654 MinasGerais vochysia, 16821 mingled sorocea, 15056 minor bonyunia, 1487 minor callisthene, 1975 minor clusia, 3123 minor micrandra, 10042 minor ocotea, 11101 minor ormosia, 11320 minor pachira, 11518 minor pourouma, 12722 minor rudgea, 14001 minor showy ryania, 14096 minor subdimidiate albizia, 364 minor vantanea, 16535 mintscent croton, 4006 mintscent prunus, 13130 minute clusia, 3164 minutedot blakea, 1407 minutedot caraipa, 2193 minutedot endlicheria, 5078 minutedot geissanthus, 6150 minutedot hampea, 6805 minutedot threestamen hirtella, 7234 minuteflower bitterwood, 16347 minuteflower fusispermum, 6100 minuteflower GomezAlvarez campsiandra, 2120 minuteflower licania, 8378 minuteflower maya, 9838 minuteflower myrcia, 10511 minuteflower myrsine, 10669 minuteflower ocotea, 11102 minuteflower ridgerunner, 4264 minuteflower schefflera, 14328 minuteflower virola, 16686 minuteflower vismia, 16740 minuteleaf myrcianthes, 10593 minutelydotted byrsonima, 1852 minutelyspotted guatteria, 6599 minutelytomentose aiouea, 330 minutely tomentose cinnamon, 2866 minutely tomentose fascicled aureliana, 1084 minutelytomentose ocotea, 11182 minutelytomentose polylepis, 12655 minutelytomentose showy ryania, 14100 minutelytomentose whiptree, 8634 Miquel fig, 5924 Miquel papery maya, 9642 Miranda clusia, 3124 Miranda Haenke wildixora, 7842 Miranda zygia, 17257 misanteca, 8450 Misantla licaria, 8475 miscolobium rosewood, 4382 Mishuyacu endlicheria, 5072 Mishuyacu pepper, 12277 Mishuyacu tetrameranthus, 16007 misidentified ridgerunner, 4251 Mitscherlich poisonnut, 15252 Mitú clusia, 3125 Mitú maya, 9840 Mitu vochysia, 16803 moabite, 12462 moca, 648 moca palm, 15571 moca syagruspalm, 15571

Mocoa clusia, 3126 Mocoa fig, 5928 modest bougainvillea, 1506 modest clusia, 3127 modest eugenia, 5618 modest frangipani, 12584 modest guatteria, 6560 modest hymenolobium, 7386 modest largeanther senna, 14551 modest nightshade, 15025 modest zollernia, 17239 moke, 3725 moldenhawera, 10149 molenillo rinorea, 13843 mollia, 10158 mollinedia, 10175 molongum, 10203 molopanthera, 10207 mombin, 15108, 15117 Monachino drypetes, 4791 Monachino schlegelia, 14433 monactis, 10211 Monagas Colombia macrolobium, 8882 money bush, 14517 moneybush, 4383 moneybush rosewood, 4383 money tree, 6667 monilicarpa, 10217 monjollo earpodtree, 5108 monkey apple, 730, 769, 3605, 4501, 8404, 12679 monkey-apple, 769, 3171 monkey bone, 10360 monkeybone mouriri, 10360 monkey-cap palm, 9061 monkey chocolatetree, 16042 monkey comb, 845, 847, 850 monkey crabwood, 2206 monkey dinner bell, 7326 monkey dinner-bell, 7326 monkey eschweilera, 5440 monkey goblet, 3171 monkeygoblet, 3171 monkey jam, 4899 monkey meliosma, 9428 monkey pistol, 7326 monkey-pistol, 7326 monkey plum, 2279, 17063 monkey-pod, 14153 monkeypod, 12455, 14152 monkey pot, 5422, 8168, 8197 monkey-pot, 8168 monkey pot nut, 8188 monkeypottree, 8166 monkepot tree, 8188 monkey puzzle, 883 monkey-puzzle, 883 monkeypuzzle, 883 monkeypuzzle araucaria, 883 monkey-puzzle tree, 883 monkey rattle, 12143 monkey-soap, 5103 monkey syrup, 2652 monkey tail, 6262 monkey tail palm, 6181, 6182 monkeytail shadowpalm, 6182 monkey tambrin, 7745 monnina, 10219 monoglandular velvety acacia, 94 monogynous pricklyash, 17176 monopteryx, 10243 Monsalve balsam, 13379 Monsalve faramea, 5837 Monsalve roucheria, 13900 montane balsam, 13380 montane cocainetree, 5300 Monteclaro couepia, 3668 MonteDourado ocotea, 11031 MonteQuindiu perrottetia, 12033 Montevideo faramea, 5838 Montevideo fiddlewood, 2893 Monzón freziera, 6068 mook, 14513 moonflower, 7804 moon-gentian, 8826 moonialike Eugenia, 5621 moonjack, 3508 Moore attalea, 1070

913 Moore croton, 3981 Moore seagrape, 3247 mora, 10251 mora p.p., 10253 Moravia eugenia, 5622 Mora pachira, 11519 Mora cestrum, 2587 mora drug osageorange, 8821 mora maya, 9830 Moran treefern, 4202 morella, 10257 Mori alumbarktree, 15278 Mori bigleaf whitequebracho, 970 Mori byttneria, 1880 Moricand duguetia, 4833 Moricand tibouchina, 16090 moriche palm, 9300 Mori couepia, 3669 Mori Eugenia, 5623 Morillo faramea, 5839 Morillo kutchubaea, 8031 Morillo remijia, 13723 Mori neocalyptrocalyx, 10874 Mori nightshade, 14947 Mori pavonia, 11875 Mori qualea, 13520 Mori resintree, 13077 Mori rhodostemonodaphne, 13797 Moris pausandra, 11866 morisonia, 10270 Mori tovomita, 16259 Moritz cherry, 13149 Moritz coussarea, 3839 Moritz Eugenia, 5624 Moritz graffenrieda, 6302 Moritz hairy lippia, 8500 Moritzi calycolpus, 1985 Moritzi machaerium, 8778 Moritz ladenbergia, 8097 Moritz spiderflower, 2963 morning glory, 7804 morningglory, 7804 Morona-Santiago maya, 9582 Morong senna, 14558 Morong wolfberry, 8665 Morong zygia, 17275 moronobea, 10274 Mortensen subpilocereus, 15364 Morton aegiphila, 240 mortoniodendron, 10284 mosannona, 10290 Mosén eugenia, 5626 Mosen sweetleaf, 15636 moskitowood, 12679 mosquito wood, 10301 mosquitowood, 10300 mosquitowood p.p., 10301 mossclusietum schefflera, 14291 mossy balsamo, 13381 mostbeautiful alumbarktree, 15287 mostbeautiful buglelily, 9480 mostbeautiful handroanthus, 6837 mostbeautiful hymenolobium, 7389 mostbeautiful mabea, 8693 mostbeautiful morningglory, 7807 mostbeautiful polygala, 12635 mostbeautiful recordoxylon, 13701 mostbeautiful riodocea, 13862 mostbeautiful xylopia, 17108 Mostellaria alsophila, 537 mosthandsome buchenavia, 1707 mosthandsome Eugenia, 5664 mosthandsome herrania, 7029 mosthandsome joosia, 7953 mosthandsome qualea, 13528 mostpilose treefern, 4212 mostslender gustavia, 6704 mother of cacao, 10381 mother-of-cocoa, 6211 mottled bauhinia, 1278 mountain acuminate prestoea, 12960 mountain aegiphila, 239 mountain annona, 783 mountain anthodiscus, 832 mountainashleaf diatenopteryx, 4506 mountainashleaf weinmannia, 17004 mountain bill bird potter, 13372 mountain blossom berries, 4448 mountain boy cedar, 6646

ENGLISH NAMES mountain breadnut, 1552 mountain bribri, 7735, 7766 mountain butterflybush, 1728 mountain cabbage, 3340, 5754, 5761, 12960 mountain cabbage palm, 5761 mountain cacao, 16030, 16031 mountain caryocar, 2258 mountain cedrela, 2473 mountain cherry, 14172 mountain cinnamon, 2856 mountain coffee, 2357 mountain conostegia, 3441 mountain copal, 13030, 14792, 16001 mountain cypress, 12595 mountain discophora, 4747 mountain ebony, 3298 mountain fiddlewood, 2892 mountain guatteria, 6561 mountain guava p.p., 12679 mountain immortelle, 5218 mountain jacaranda, 7905 mountain kaway, 13467 mountain kutchubaea, 8030 mountain licania, 8381 mountainloving baccharis, 1145 mountainloving endlicheria, 5075 mountain mabea, 8686 mountain macrolobium, 8923 mountain-mahoe, 7088 mountain mangrove, 2357 mountain marlierea, 9171 mountain micrandra, 10046 mountain moho, 6963, 8617, 16388 mountain mulberry, 10288 mountain neosprucea, 10906 mountain ocotea, 11104 mountain pagamea, 11558 mountain palm, 12957 mountain-palm, 12960 mountain papaya, 16564 mountain parinari, 11796 mountain parry, 2678 mountain pawpaw, 16564 mountain pepper, 12342 mountain pourouma, 12726 mountain pradosia, 12946 mountainpride, 15083 mountain prumnopitys, 13128 mountain pumpwood, 2443 mountain ramon, 16443 mountain resintree, 13076 mountain ridgerunner, 4265 mountain rose, 1573 mountainrose flamebean, 1581 mountain schefflera, 14330 mountain silverballi, 3497 mountain sirin, 16185 mountains maya, 9873 mountain sour sop, 783 mountain soursop, 783 mountain trumpet, 12701, 14331 mountain unonopsis, 16487 mountain water wood, 8039 mountain waterwood, 2357 mountain wild olive, 1712 MountDuida ocotea, 11033 MountRoraima bonnetia, 1476 MountRoraima croton, 4036 MountRoraima dacryodes, 4355 MountRoraima licania, 8414 MountRoraima ridgerunner, 4281 MountTocuche clusia, 3191 mouriri, 10302 moutabea, 10370 moya, 10374 Moyobamba anttree, 16420 Moyabamba nectandra, 10732 Moyobamba pigeonwings, 3018 Moyobamba weinmannia, 16963 muca aniba, 705 mucilage cordia, 3572 mucilage manjack, 3572 muco, 3725 mucoa, 10376 muco neocalyptrocalyx, 10875 mucronate bonellia, 1466 mucronate bordered macrolobium, 8914 mucronate citronella, 2920

mucronate cocainetree, 5292 mucronate henriettea, 6972 mucronate hirtella, 7200 mucronate panopsis, 11713 mucronate Swartzpea, 15484 mucronate sweetleaf, 15637 mucronate tetragastris, 15999 mucronulate holly, 7489 mucuna inga, 7678 mucuná Swartzpea, 15469 Muehlberg lancepod, 8554 muellera, 10379 Mueller ixora, 7870 mulatto calycophyllum, 1997 mulatto tree, 1773 mulberry, 10287 mulberryleaf critonia, 3907 mulberryleaf croton, 4008 mulberry tree, 10287 mule’s fat, 1150 mulleinleaf byrsonima, 1872 mulleinleaf ferreyranthus, 5899 mullein-leaved solanum, 14905 mullein nightshade, 14905 multibracteate ouratea, 11420 multifid balata, 9097 multifloral ocotea, 11109 multiflorous geissanthus, 6148 multiglandular ocotea, 11106 multinerved guatteria, 6562 multinerved maya, 9846 multinerved schefflera, 14332 multinerved virola, 16690 multiovulate Eugenia, 5630 multipinnate acacia, 78 multipunctate zygia, 17276 multisetose partridgepea, 2634 multistipulate angelintree, 655 Muña ocotea, 11108 Muna otholobium, 11360 munguba falsebombax, 13199 muntingia, 10382 muricate bogwood, 14723 muricate maya, 9849 muricate tabernaemontana, 15722 muriculate sorocea, 15050 murisi licania, 8379 murumuru astrocaryum, 1022 musk bitterwood, 16348 musk wood, 6405 muskwood, 6386 muskwood p.p., 6401, 16348, 16349 musky cassia, 2350 musky cryptocarya, 4086 musky eugenia, 5625 mussununga humiriastrum, 7317 mustard tree, 2161 mutable centronia, 2520 mutable jacaranda, 7906 mutable tibouchina, 16092 Mutis alseis, 524 Mutis cinchona, 2830 Mutis compsoneura, 3336 Mutis croton, 4009 Mutis fig, 5993 Mutis hirtella, 7201 Mutis lozania, 8607 Mutis machaerium, 8779 Mutis maya, 9850 Mutis pachira, 11520 Mutis persea, 12070 Mutis pradosia, 12947 Mutis pumpwood, 2444 Mutis senna, 14563 Mutis skyflower, 4889 Mutis Swartzpea, 15486 Mutis ternstroemia, 15970 mutton wood, 16453 Muzo ladenbergia, 8098 my lady, 950, 972 mylady, 972 mylady whitequebracho, 972 myrceugenia, 10384 myrcia, 10423 myrcialeaf cordiera, 3592 myrcialike caraipa, 2188 myrcialike myrceugenia, 10402 myrcianthes, 10578 myriaspora, 10619

myriocarpa, 10621 myrmecophilous hirtella, 7202 myrmecophilous persimmon, 4666 myrmecophilous pourouma, 12727 myrobalan eugenia, 5633 myrocarpus, 10629 myrospermum, 10634 myrrhinium, 10643 myrrhlike aiouea, 326 myrrhlike whitequebracho, 976 myrrhtree, 3325 myrsine, 10647 myrsine p.p., 887, 10653, 10659 myrsinelike chaetocarpus, 2608 myrsinelike leafflower, 12154 myrsinelike mayten, 9352 myrsinelike myrcianthes, 10594 myrteola, 10689 myrtle, 10692 myrtle cherry, 13151 myrtleflower blolly, 6370 myrtle laurelcherry, 13151 myrtleleaf mouriri, 10343 myrtleleaf palicourea, 11656 myrtleleaf peppertree, 14405 myrtleleaf Swartzpea, 15487 myrtlelike cocainetree, 5293 myrtlelike escallonia, 5346 myrtlelike guava, 13274 myrtlelike myrceugenia, 10403


naconda, 3565 naga naucleopsis, 10708 naiad malouetia, 9043 naked albizia, 349 naked balsamo, 13386 naked-boy, 1773 naked boy wild guava, 10428 nakedcalyx byrsonima, 1821 naked elaeoluma, 4992 nakedflower lancepod, 8557 nakedfruit bathysa, 1229 naked Indian, 1773 naked-Indian, 349 naked mesquite, 13003 naked nightshade, 14950 nakedpetale pouteria, 12852 nakedrachis seagrape, 3242 naked stopper, 10585 naked sweetleaf, 15645 naked-wood, 3299, 10585 nakedwood, 3297, 3298, 3299, 10578, 10585 Namanda maya, 9853 Nanay pepper, 12344 nance, 1805 Napo cinnamon, 2857 Napo cremastosperma, 3884 Napo klarobelia, 8011 Napo maya, 9854 Napo nightshade, 14922 NapoPastaza pepper, 12345 Napo persea, 12072 Napo persimmon, 4641 Napo pourouma, 12728 Napo rhodostemonodaphne, 13798 Napo schwartzia, 14462 Napo tachigali, 15768 Naranjal erythrochiton, 5233 naranjillo pricklyash, 17178 nargusta, 15923 nargusta terminalia, 15923 Nariño ardisia, 916 Nariño hedyosmum, 6888 Nariño magnolia, 8995 Nariño nightshade, 14921 Nariño sterculia, 15196 narrowangled cereus, 2536 narrowbranch cordia, 3571 narrowbranch macrolobium, 8937 narrowcalyx inga, 7748 narrowcalyx trumpettree, 15695 narrowed allophylus, 466 narrowed canella licaria, 8459 narrowed licania, 8252 narrowflower balsamo, 13296 narrowflower bauhinia, 1282

ENGLISH NAMES narrowflower duguetia, 4860 narrowflower flamebean, 1583 narrowflower purpleheart, 11894 narrowflower scarlet flamebean, 1572 narrowfruit balsam humiria, 7299 narrowfruit candletree, 11831 narrowfruit clusia, 3083 narrowfruit iriartella, 7814 narrowfruit ladenbergia, 8105 narrowfruit lissocarpa, 8508 narrowfruit tibouchina, 16104 narrowfruit weinmannia, 17008 narrowleaf acuminate heisteria, 6908 narrowleaf affine holly, 7404 narrowleaf Amazonas allophylus, 465 narrowleaf anaxagorea, 623 narrowleaf archytaea, 885 narrowleaf bertiera, 1355 narrowleaf blepharandra, 1434 narrowleaf brown persea, 12059 narrowleaf calliandra, 1926 narrowleaf campsiandra, 2107 narrowleaf caryodendron, 2270 narrowleaf cedrela, 2470 narrowleaf chaunochiton, 2648 narrowleaf cinnamon, 2863 narrowleaf clusia, 3183 narrowleaf coussapoa, 3733 narrowleaf cremastosperma, 3891 narrowleaf deCandolle ternstroemia, 15954 narrowleaf drimys, 4772 narrowleaf escallonia, 5333 narrowleaf falselancewood, 13241 narrowleaf faramea, 5787 narrowleaf Glaziou humiriastrum, 7314 narrowleaf glossy emmotum, 5033 narrowleaf guadua, 6337 narrowleaf gustavia, 6690 narrowleaf hedyosmum, 6871 narrowleaf himatanthus, 7127 narrowleaf hirtella, 7147 narrowleaflet Swartzpea, 15382 narrow leaved balsa, 16388 narrowleaf mabea, 8670 narrowleaf macrolobium, 8865 narrowleaf monopteryx, 10244 narrowleaf mouriri, 10305 narrowleaf nectandra, 10731 narrowleaf nightshade, 14996 narrowleaf oreopanax, 11283 narrowleaf palicourea, 11583 narrowleaf pentagonia, 11932 narrowleaf perebea, 11982 narrowleaf Perrottet zebrawood, 3401 narrowleaf phenax, 12104 narrowleaf piptocarpha, 12409 narrowleaf pumpwood, 2414 narrowleaf rudgea, 14018 narrowleaf ryania, 14087 narrow leaf sirin, 9804 narrowleaf slugwood, 1289 narrowleaf talisia, 15811 narrowleaf tamarind cojoba, 3288 narrowleaf Ule guatteria, 6440 narrowleaf vochysia, 16800 narrow-leaved bumelia, 14640 narrowlobe copperleaf, 117 narrow nectandra, 10730 narrownerve matayba, 9233 narrownerved ocotea, 11170 narrowpetal cynometra, 4323 narrowpetal denseflower remijia, 13715 narrowpetal faramea, 5865 narrowpetal guatteria, 6624 narrowpetal macrolobium, 8938 narrowpetal matisia, 9280 narrowpetal pachira, 11539 narrowraceme ctenardisia, 4094 narrow scheffler, 14271 narrowsepal calanthea, 1918 narrowsepal palicourea, 11680 narrowspike balsamo, 13420 narrowspike maya, 9980 narrowstamen hornschuchia, 7249 narrowtail maya, 9981 narrowtube macrolobium, 8939

914 narrowwing brunellia, 1668 narrowwing inga, 7750 narrowwing tococabush, 16128 Natalie aphandra, 853 naucleopsis, 10694 Naudin maya, 9546 Nauta balsamo, 13382 navelanther hennecartia, 6965 naval mezilaurus, 9532 navelspurge, 11208 Navio maya, 9856 nealchornea, 10723 nearlycorymbose cryptocarya, 4090 nearlycrenate humiriastrum, 7323 nearlyhairy cuspidate humiriastrum, 7307 Neblina snowbell, 15340 Neblina sweetleaf, 15639 necklacelike cochleate abarema, 12 necklacelike muellera, 10381 necklacelike pityrocarpa, 12468 necklace pod, 15038 necklace tree, 11290 nectandra, 10726 nectary neocalyptrocalyx, 10876 neea, 10818 Nee eschweilera, 5406 Nee lancepod, 8555 Nee sweetleaf, 15640 Nees myrcia, 10516 Nees ocotea, 11111 neglected amanoa, 563 neglected annona, 786 neglected croton, 4050 neglected duguetia, 4834 neglected Eugenia, 5644 neglected kielmeyera, 7989 neglected nectandra, 10804 neglected pachira, 11536 neglected rhodostemonodaphne, 13809 neglected rinorea, 13845 neglected sweetleaf, 15641 neglected xylopia, 17096 neighboring marlierea, 9194 Neill magnolia, 8996 Neill ophiocaryon, 11221 Nelson licania, 8383 NelsonRose startree, 1044 nena lacistema, 8044 neocalyptrocalyx, 10869 neocouma, 10877 neomitranthes, 10880 neoptychocarpus, 10887 neoraimondia, 10891 neoraputia, 10896 neosprucea, 10903 neotatea, 10914 neotessmannia, 10918 neotropical croizatia, 3943 neotropical pentamerista, 11957 neotropical walnut, 7967 nerved faramea, 5811 nerved freziera, 6069 nerved glossy xylopia, 17099 nerved holly, 7493 nerved largeanther senna, 14550 nerved leandra, 8156 nerved maya, 9859 nerved mouriri, 10347 nerved oysterwood, 6737 nerved pachira, 11521 nerved pigeonwings, 3019 nerved pristimera, 12974 nerved resintree, 13078 nerved seedbox, 8615 nerved talisia, 15843 nerved xylopia, 17097 nerved zebrawood, 3397 Nestor ridgerunner, 4267 netnerved copperleaf, 103 nettedfruit maidenbush, 14259 nettlespurge, 7931 nettle tree, 1457, 2493, 16297 nettle-tree, 2493 Netto huberia, 7269 Neuberth grias, 6328 Nevermann ardisia, 910 NewGranada ardisia, 902 NewGranada dacryodes, 4347

NewGranada doliocarpus, 4764 NewGranada drimys, 4777 NewGranada guatteria, 6565 NewGranada honeyberry, 9385 NewGranada meliosma, 9418 NewGranada ridgerunner, 4268 NewGrenada cremastosperma, 3885 neyrat vochysia, 16862 nibbledtip wettinia, 17038 Nicaragua cannonballtree, 3726 Nicaragua chocolatetree, 16030 Nicaragua chrysochlamys, 2758 Nicaragua cocoa-shade, 6211 Nicaragua conchocarpus, 3367 Nicaragua cowitch, 144 Nicaragua crabwood, 2205 Nicaragua ixora, 7871 Nicaragua muskwood, 6403 Nicaraguan mahogany, 15569 Nicaragua rosewood, 4385 Nicaragua wood, 4362 Nicéforo piptocoma, 12428 Nicholson bathysa, 1232 Niederlein agarista, 287 niggertoe, 1353 night bloom, 2594, 2594, 2673, 5846 night-flowering, 17206 nigthflowering machaerium, 8781 nightflowering zapoteca, 17206 night perfume, 8115 night sage, 9127 nightshade, 14837 nightshade p.p., 14950, 15009 nightshadeleaf tabernaemontana, 15728 nightshadelike dunalia, 4883 nightshadelike fiddlewood, 2903 nightshadelike witheringia, 17052 night wood, 2161 nigüito maya, 10000 Nilo licania, 8384 Nilsson endlicheria, 5074 Nilsson ocotea, 11114 nineflower coussarea, 3801 ninestamen acuteleaf machaerium, 8720 ninestamen hirtella, 7170 nirre, 10936 nispero pouteria, 12746 nittatree, 11804 noble buglelily, 9473 noble cavendishia, 2401 noble cocainetree, 5294 noble inga, 7686 noble maya, 9863 noble ormosia, 11322 noble pleurothyrium, 12552 noble rudgea, 14004 noble whitequebracho, 979 noduled resintree, 13080 noho-malie, 16053 nonconform annona, 777 norantea, 10926 nordenstamia, 10928 northern bitterwood, 16368 northern senna, 14593 nosegaytree, 12583 notable maya, 9864 noteworthy guatteria, 6564 notglistening cassava, 9073 Nouragues inga, 7689 NovaFriburgo aegiphila, 242 NovaFriburgo coussarea, 3805 NovaFriburgo macropeplus, 8954 NovaFriburgo ormosia, 11310 NovaFriburgo tachigali, 15762 NuevaGranada aegiphila, 243 NuevaGranada aniba, 706 Nukak pachira, 11523 numerousflower palicourea, 11655 Nunes ocotea, 11117 Núñez snowbell, 15341 nuni, 769 Nuria bitterbush, 12196 nutbearing metteniusa, 9512 nutmeg of Colombia, 11369 nut muscat, 4988 nutshape pentagonia, 11944 nut tree, 3565

nycticalanthus, 10944 nymphaealeaf fig, 5994


oak, 13571 oakleaf allophylus, 498 oakleaf fiddlewood, 2898 oakleaf treadsoftly, 3213 oakleaf vasconcellea, 16565 oakwood dendropanax, 4463 obconical stenopadus, 15153 obcordate eriothec, 5170 Óbidos hirtella, 7203 Obidos inga, 7692 Obidos pepper, 12300 Obidos vochysia, 16863 oblanceolata inga, 7693 oblanceolate byrsonima, 1845 oblanceolate duguetia, 4836 oblanceolate guatteria, 6566 oblanceolate looseflower fusispermum, 6099 oblanceolate pouteria, 12853 oblanceolate Swartzpea, 15491 oblate sarcaulus, 14197 oblate Swartzpea, 15492 oblique casearia, 2310 oblique coussarea, 3840 obliquefruit resintree, 13096 oblique graffenrieda, 6303 oblique hornschuchia, 7251 obliqueleaf matisia, 9271 oblique nightshade, 14952 oblique ocotea, 11119 oblique pepper, 12348 oblique pityrocarpa, 12469 oblique pouzolzia, 12928 oblique senna, 14564 oblique startree, 1045 oblong blackbead, 12459 oblong columellia, 3307 oblong cremastosperma, 3886 oblong crudia, 4070 oblong eugenia, 5640 oblong hieronyma, 7100 oblong kageneckia, 7971 oblong lacmellea, 8063 oblongleaf amanoa, 564 oblongleaf axinaea, 1111 oblongleaf baccharis, 1144 oblongleaf casearia, 2311 oblongleaf copal, 7360 oblongleaf copaltree, 3474 oblongleaf couratari, 3715 oblongleaf critoniopsis, 3922 oblongleaf cupania, 4127 oblongleaf dendropanax, 4461 oblongleaf duguetia, 4837 oblongleaf faramea, 5844 oblongleaf guatteria, 6568 oblongleaf hyperbaena, 7394 oblongleaf jujube, 17224 oblongleaf ladenbergia, 8099 oblongleaf licania, 8386 oblongleaf machaerium, 8784 oblongleaf matisia, 9272 oblongleaf morisonia, 10273 oblongleaf naucleopsis, 10711 oblongleaf nightshade, 14953 oblongleaf schistostemon, 14422 oblongleaf vochysia, 16864 oblong mayten, 9354 oblong myrcia, 10518 oblong ocotea, 11120 oblong parahancornia, 11748 oblong snowbell, 15342 oblong Swartzpea, 15493 oblong terminalia, 15937 oblong whitequebracho, 980 obovalleaf nightshade, 14954 obovate acuteleaf breadnuttree, 1547 obovate aegiphila, 245 obovate alumbarktree, 15279 obovate anthodiscus, 833 obovate bathysa, 1233 obovate bitterwood, 16350 obovate calycophyllum, 1995 obovate casearia, 2312

915 obovate chocolatetree, 16041 obovate clethra, 2981 obovate clusia, 3136 obovate couepia, 3672 obovate elaeagia, 4981 obovate Eugenia, 5641 obovate godoya, 6234 obovate himatanthus, 7123 obovate humiriastrum, 7318 obovate iryanthera, 7830 obovate jacaranda, 7907 obovate jungleplum, 14643 obovate ladenbergia, 8100 obovateleaf swizzlesticktree, 13557 obovate lidflower, 2049 obovate machaerium, 8785 obovate malanea, 9024 obovate malmea, 9029 obovate mimosa, 10119 obovate mollinedia, 10191 obovate monnina, 10230 obovate myrcia, 10519 obovate neea, 10852 obovate ocotea, 11122 obovate pachira, 11524 obovate palicourea, 11660 obovate pera, 11977 obovate persimmon, 4669 obovate pleurothyrium, 12553 obovate quiina, 13601 obovate sapium, 14181 obovate seagrape, 3253 obovatesepal viraru, 14062 obovate simaba, 14654 obovate sterigmapetalum, 15219 obovate talisia, 15844 obovate tovomita, 16260 obovate vantanea, 16536 obovate virola, 16691 obovate xylosma, 17126 obscure inga, 7694 obscure marlierea, 9172 obscure maya, 9866 obscure micropholis, 10077 obscure neomitranthes, 10885 obscurenerve whitequebracho, 981 obscure vochysia, 16865 obtuse alibertia, 442 obtuse cheiloclinium, 2655 obtuse chomelia, 2715 obtuseflower tournefortia, 16209 obtuse inga, 7695 obtuse joosia, 7951 obtuse lancepod, 8558 obtuseleaf burrwood, 14797 obtuseleaf faramea, 5845 obtuseleaf fig, 5995 obtuse leafflower, 12156 obtuseleaf flowery macawood, 12506 obtuseleaf hesperomeles, 7036 obtuseleaf holly, 7495 obtuseleaf jacaranda, 7908 obtuseleaf jungleplum, 14644 obtuseleaf licania, 8387 obtuseleaf mauria, 9291 obtuseleaf mayten, 9355 obtuseleaf pumpwood, 2446 obtuseleaf seagrape, 3254 obtuseleaf tapering himatanthus, 7116 obtuseleaf trumpettree, 15688 obtuselimb pepper, 12349 obtuselobe forsteronia, 6049 obtuselobe mouriri, 10349 obtuselobe oreopanax, 11267 obtuse myrceugenia, 10404 obtuse nectandra, 10787 obtuse palicourea, 11661 obtuse roupala, 13929 obtuse rudgea, 14007 obtuse ruizterania, 14039 obtuse subconnate blakea, 1422 obtuse tapirira, 15866 obtuse vismia, 16741 obtuse wallabatree, 5125 obtusiusculous fig, 5996 obtusiusculous wildguava alibertia, 436 obumbrate myrcia, 10520 obverse marlierea, 9173 Occhioni kielmeyera, 7990

ENGLISH NAMES Occhionis alumbarktree, 15280 Occhioni tetragastris, 16000 occidental critoniopsis, 3923 occidental dacryodes, 4352 occidental euplassa, 5745 occidental tall martiodendron, 9198 ochnalike cordia, 3549 ochoterenaea, 10946 ochreleaf whiptree, 862 ochre maya, 9869 ochre xylopia, 17100 ochthocosmus, 10950 ocotea, 10960 ocrea seagrape, 3255 octogonal mayten, 9356 octona clidemia, 3001 ocya, 17186 odd compsoneura, 3329 odorless frangipani, 12583 odorless resintree, 13065 odorous ocotea, 11123 oenocarpus, 11202 Oersted eugenia, 5643 Oersted inga, 7697 officinal balsamo, 13387 officinal virola, 16692 Oiapoque poisonnut, 15255 Oiapóque quiina, 13602 oilbearing mora, 10255 oil palm, 4985 oilpalm, 4985 oilpalmlike maya, 9711 oily attalea, 1061 oilyfruit pouteria, 12769 oily ouratea, 11423 olaxlike iryanthera, 7831 olaxlike ptychopetalum, 13484 old man’s apple, 9058 old man’s beard, 1958 Oldeman blakea, 1397 Oldeman earpodtree, 5109 old woman’s bitter, 2904 olealeaf prunus, 13156 oleanderflower campomanesia, 2087 oleanderleaf dendroseris, 4482 oleanderleaf libanothamnus, 8239 oleanderleaf maya, 9857 oleiferous bicuiba, 1363 oleiferous tonkabean, 4733 oleiferous wallabatree, 5126 Olfers blolly, 6375 oligactis crownbeard, 16615 olive, 1483, 17063 olive bark, 1869 olive-bark-tree, 1716 olivebearing dacryodes, 4353 olivegreen croton, 4013 olivegreen cupania, 4128 olivegreen guatteria, 6571 olivegreen inga, 7698 olivegreenleaf spongiosperma, 15123 olivegreen ocotea, 11125 oliveleaf agarista, 290 oliveleaf gynoxys, 6769 oliveleaf podocarpus, 12599 olivelikefruit buckthorn, 13752 olivelikefruit rhamnidium, 13748 olive mangrove, 1095 Oliver brunellia, 1652 Oliver coprosma, 3491 Oliver cordia, 3550 Oliver holly, 7496 oliveshape honeyberry, 9386 olive wood, 2164, 4988 olive-wood, 4988 olivewood caper, 2164 olivewood falseolive, 4988 olive-woods, 4988 olivo pouteria, 12886 ollaria monkeypottree, 8183 Øllgaard stilpnophyllum, 15239 ombrophilous clidemia, 3002 ombrophilous maya, 9870 ombutree, 12179 ombutree pokeberry, 12179 omitted jacaranda, 7912 omuk snowbell, 15343 onefloret critoniopsis, 3937 oneflower clusia, 3128

oneflower duguetia, 4868 oneflower faramea, 5874 oneflower hedyosmum, 6904 oneflower holly, 7538 oneflower NewGranada drimys, 4781 oneflower raintree, 1690 oneleaflet angelintree, 664 oneleaflet bitterwood, 16351 oneleaflet harleyodendron, 6856 oneleaflet macrolobium, 8947 oneleaflet resintree, 13119 oneleaflet zygia, 17287 oneleaf pricklyash, 17177 oneleaf remarkable trumpettree, 15685 oneseed burrwood, 14794 oneseed cremastosperma, 3883 oneseed eugenia, 5619 oneseed roupala, 13920 oneseed schefflera, 14329 onesided pepper, 12372 onesided tovomita, 16266 onespine pricklypear, 11224 onestem gustavia, 6713 onion cordia, 3497 onoto, 1369 onychopetalum, 11210 opaque aiouea, 327 opaque cherry, 13158 opaque clusia, 3139 opaqueleaf salacia, 14134 opaque machaerium, 8786 opaque matayba, 9223 opaque mezilaurus, 9533 opaque resintree, 13082 opay, 1519 open apetalous licania, 8255 openflower guatteria, 6469 open priogymnanthus, 12969 opensepal viraru, 14048 ophiocaryon, 11213 opoponax, 65 opposedleaf nightshade, 14958 oppositeflower cymbopetalum, 4306 oppositeleaf decagonocarpus, 4433 oppositeleaf lacunaria, 8076 oppositeleaf licaria, 8476 oppositeleaf lozanella, 8602 oppositeleaf matayba, 9226 oppositeleaf nectandra, 10789 oppositeleaf neea, 10853 oppositeleaf ocotea, 11127 oppositeleaf pouteria, 12855 oppositeleaf taralea, 15898 orange annona, 739 orange diptychandra, 4738 orangegold chaconia, 16933 orangeleaf tabernaemontana, 15705 orange persistent monkeypottree, 8186 orange sarcopera, 14201 orange scarlet flamebean, 1573 orangescent ocotea, 10980 orangey resintree, 13026 orange scratchbush, 16506 orange vochysia, 16804 orangeyellow barberry, 1339 orbicular emmotum, 5034 orbicular hirtella, 7204 orbicular licania, 8393 orchidtree, 1284 ordinary balsamo, 13436 Oregon-grape, 1323 oreocallis, 11227 oreopanax, 11229 orey campnosperma, 2074 OrganMountains clusia, 3140 OrganMountains croton, 4014 OrganMountains euplassa, 5746 OrganMountains inga, 7699 Organmountains piptocarpha, 12418 Organ weinmannia, 16992 Orgãos stephanopodium, 15173 Orinoco banara, 1199 Orinoco batocarpus, 1242 Orinoco blueberrylike mouriri, 10345 Orinoco caryodendron, 2272 Orinoco chastetree, 16778 Orinoco cocainetree, 5301 Orinoco croton, 4015 Orinoco ecclinusa, 4949

Orinoco faramea, 5848 Orinoco heteropterys, 7052 Orinoco jacaranda, 7911 Orinoco minute clusia, 3165 Orinoco myrrhtree, 3326 Orinoco pachira, 11525 Orinoco Pará porcupinepodtree, 2509 Orinoco platycarpum, 12489 Orinoco pouteria, 12856 Orinoco rondeletia, 13879 Orinoco seagrape, 3256 Orinoco shellseed, 3282 Orinoco simaba, 14655 Orinoco simarouba, 14659 Orinoco stylogyne, 15307 Orinoco syagruspalm, 15578 Orinoco trumpettree, 15689 Orinoco Venezuela zebrawood, 3417 oriunda scarlet zygia, 17255 Oriximiná Swartzpea, 15497 ormosia, 11290 ormosialike angelintree, 657 ormosialike paramachaerium, 11762 ornamental cherry, 10383 ornamental treefern, 4211 ornamented micropholis, 10058 ornamented myrcia, 10451 ornamented peritassa, 12017 ornate clavija, 2949 ornate inga, 7700 orophilous myrcianthes, 10595 orphanodendron, 11336 Ortega vochysia, 16869 orthomene, 11338 osage-orange, 8818 osageorange, 8818 osier, 14141 ossaea, 11340 osteophloeum, 11353 otholobium, 11357 otoba, 11361 Otto balsam, 13388 Otto machaonia, 8813 OttoSchmidt ocotea, 11128 Otuzco ocotea, 11129 ouratea, 11371 ouregou guatteria, 6572 outimouta bauhinia, 1273 oval blakea, 1399 oval bogwood, 14724 oval clusia, 3142 oval coussarea, 3842 oval faramea, 5849 oval guava, 13276 oval holly, 7498 ovalleaf brunellia, 1653 ovalleaf cestrum, 2589 ovalleaf clethra, 2983 ovalleaf cocainetree, 5302 ovalleaf couepia, 3673 ovalleaf coussapoa, 3764 oval-leafed southern beech, 10937 ovalleaf eschweilera, 5408 ovalleaf falsebeech, 10937 ovalleaf guatteria, 6573 ovalleaf huberia, 7270 ovalleaf laetia, 8112 ovalleaf lecointea, 8162 ovalleaf licania, 8394 ovalleaf machaerium, 8787 ovalleaf myrceugenia, 10405 ovalleaf neea, 10854 ovalleaf nightshade, 14959 ovalleaf ocotea, 11130 ovalleaf poecilanthe, 12623 ovalleaf rinorea, 13847 ovalleaf tontelea, 16153 ovalleaf tournefortia, 16210 ovalleaf treedaisy, 10249 oval macrocarpaea, 8844 oval palicourea, 11662 oval ruagea, 13966 oval ruizodendron, 14031 oval slugwood, 1299 oval starapple, 2794 ovate antonia, 838 ovate ateleia, 1054 ovate cocainetree, 5271 ovate eschweilera, 5409

ENGLISH NAMES ovatefruit vantanea, 16538 ovate heisteria, 6929 ovate henriettella, 6995 ovatelanceolate cestrum, 2590 ovateleaf cow breadnuttree, 1565 ovateleaf gonzalagunia, 6261 ovateleaf holly, 7497 ovateleaf rhodostemonodaphne, 13800 ovate lindackeria, 8494 ovate loreya, 8584 ovate mabea, 8689 ovate magnolia, 8997 ovate mollinedia, 10193 ovate myrceugenia, 10406 ovate myrcia, 10521 ovate pourouma, 12730 ovate resintree, 13086 ovate rondeletia, 13880 ovate seagrape, 3257 ovate Soderstrom holly, 7521 ovate weinmannia, 16993 overspread aegiphila, 244 overtop palm, 15571 ovoid lidflower, 2050 owleyed macrocarpaea, 8830 owl-eyed moon-gentian, 8830 Ownbey balsamo, 13389 Oxapampa retrophyllum, 13742 ox heart, 808 oxhorn bucida, 1716 oyedaea, 11494 oysterwood, 6732


Pabst nightshade, 14961 pacara earpodtree, 5102 pacari lafoensia, 8121 pacaya, 2643 Pacayacu schefflera, 14301 pacaya palm, 2645 Pachaca falsecaper, 2152 Pachamama clusia, 3143 pachira, 11497, 11538 Pachitea pentagonia, 11945 pachydontous maya, 9874 pachystroma, 11543 Pacific carpotroche, 2232 Pacific cocainetree, 5304 Pacific cremastosperma, 3887 Pacific falselancewood, 13252 Pacific guatteria, 6574 Pacific heisteria, 6930 Pacific mosannona, 10294 Pacific mosthandsome herrania, 7030 Pacific unonopsis, 16489 Pacific vochysia, 16871 Pacimoni balsamo, 13390 Pacimoni mimosalike heterostemon, 7067 Pacimoni remarkable trumpettree, 15686 Pacimoni remijia, 13724 Pacurita burrwood, 14798 padauk, 13463 padderwood, 985 paddle tree, 959 paddle whitequebracho, 959 paddle wood, 959 paddlewood, 959 pagamea, 11545 pagoda tree, 15034 painkiller, 10264 painted Swartzpea, 15518 Paiva myrcia, 10522 pajonal persea, 12073 Pakaraima balsamo, 13391 Pakaraima guatteria, 6575 pakaraimaea, 11568 Pakarima sweetscented macrolobium, 8942 Pakka-Pakka fig, 5997 pakuri, 12476 Palacios cinnamon, 2858 Palacios critoniopsis, 3924 Palacios meliosma, 9420 Palacios parat, 11781 Palanda vasconcellea, 16563 Palcazu mezilaurus, 9534

916 pale bitterwood, 16354 pale brownheart, 16920 pale brunellia, 1654 pale bunchosia, 1757 pale caryocar, 2260 pale clusia, 3145 pale coralbean, 5216 pale eigthtstamen licania, 8392 pale fig, 5998 paleflower luetzelburgia, 8646 palegreen buchenavia, 1705 pale inga, 7702 pale licania, 8396 pale maya, 9762 pale mesquite, 13004 Palenque bogwood, 14726 pale pouteria, 12860 pale pseudima, 13181 pale resintree, 13087 pale roupala, 13931 pale sapium, 14183 pale schefflera, 14336, 14337 pale senna, 14567 pale snowbell, 15344 pale stopper, 10585 pale treefern, 4207 pale versicolor simarouba, 14661 paleyellow eugeni, 5568 paleyellow henriettella, 6988 paleyellow malouetia, 9038 paleyellow maya, 9725 paleyellow palicourea, 11613 paleyellow pterandra, 13458 paleyellow rinorea, 13833 paleyellow silvery Swartzpea, 15392 palicourea, 11572 palicourealike raritebe, 13654 palipero chastetree, 16784 palisander, 4362, 4384, 7883 Pallatanga monactis, 10215 palma real, 1061, 1075 palmate pavonia, 11876 Palmer handroanthus, 6828 palmetto, 14103 palmetto palm, 14103 palm honey, 7963 palmicidal clusia, 3147 palmiste, 13959 palo azul, 6794 palo Brazil, 6794 palo de paloma, 3946 palm of Chile, 7963 palo rosa, 16114 palosanto gochnatia, 6223 paloue, 11697 paloveopsis, 11704 paloverde, 11827 paltoniumlike ruilopezia, 14029 paludicolous drooping senna, 14573 panacoco Swartzpea, 15501 panama, 15182 Panama abarema, 31 Panama annona, 771 Panama aphelandra, 862 Panama balsamo, 13392 Panama barktree, 6112 Panama berry, 10383 Panama borojoa, 1491 Panama chastetree, 16768 Panama cherry, 10383 Panama chrysochlamys, 2750 Panama cocainetree, 5305 Panama copaltree, 3476 Panama cordia, 3552 Panama croizatia, 3944 Panama croton, 4016 Panama desmopsis, 4492 Panama eschweilera, 5412 Panama esenbeckia, 5462 Panama ferdinandusa, 5889 Panama gonzalagunia, 6262 Panama gumtree, 2366 Panamagum, 2366 Panama hippotis, 7139 Panama Indianmulberry, 10265 Panama lacmellea, 8064 Panama lacunaria, 8077 Panama lancewood, 11487 Panama leptolobium, 8222

Panama mahogany, 15569 Panama mouriri, 10351 Panama nut tree, 15182 Panama parathesis, 11782 Panama persimmon, 4521 Panama posoqueria, 12683 Panama posoqueria p.p., 12679 Panama redwood, 12509 Panama resintree, 13088 Panama rondeletia, 13881 Panama rosewood, 4385 Panama rubber, 2366 Panama schoenobiblus, 14445 Panama sorocea, 15042 Panama stachyarrhena, 15128 Panama Swartzpea, 15510 Panama tabernaemontana, 15723 Panama tabernaemontana p.p., 15701 Panama tapura, 15886 Panama tetragastris, 16001 Panama tree, 15182 Panama velvetseed, 6670 Panama wild starapple, 2773 Panama wood, 15182 Panama zebrawood, 3398 panapanari clusia, 3148 panchallon, 3497, 3523 pan chock, 7782 pancurana allomaieta, 459 Pandi balsamo, 13394 pandurate bigleaf maya, 9772 paneira, 2490 panga cocainetree, 5267 Panguana klarobelia, 8013 Panguana persimmon, 4670 paniculate aegiphila, 247 paniculate allophylus, 489 paniculate alumbarktree, 15281 paniculate apoplanesia, 867 paniculate balsamo, 13395 paniculate barberry, 1335 paniculate bonnetia, 1475 paniculate brownheart, 16921 paniculate buglelily, 9475 paniculate caldcluvia, 1922 paniculate chomelia, 2717 paniculate citronella, 2921 paniculate conchocarpus, 3368 paniculate contracted coussarea, 3796 paniculate cordia, 3553 paniculate coussarea, 3842 paniculate dystovomita, 4942 paniculate endlicheria, 5076 paniculate escallonia, 5347 paniculate eschweilera, 5413 paniculate gongylolepis, 6245 paniculate guadua, 6343 paniculate haploclathra, 6850 paniculate hirtella, 7205 paniculate kielmeyera, 7991 paniculate leafflower, 12137 paniculate lidflower, 2051 paniculate mabea, 8690 paniculate molopanthera, 10208 paniculate myrcia, 10524 paniculate nightshade, 14963 paniculate piptadenia, 12400 paniculate resintree, 13089 paniculate rinorea, 13848 paniculate securidaca, 14488 paniculate symmeria, 15588 paniculate tachigali, 15781 paniculate tovomita, 16261 paniculate whiptree, 8630 panopsis, 11706 panta white mesquite, 12983 Pantchenko mucoa, 10378 Panuré aniba, 707 Panuré ardisia, 913 Panuré burrwood, 14764 Panuré fig, 6000 Panurè inga, 7703 Panuré ixora, 7872 Panuré malanea, 9025 Panuré margined hydrochorea, 7337 Panuré nittatree, 11816 Panuré pleurothyrium, 12554 Panuré poisonnut, 15256 Panuré tachigali, 15791

Panure tococabush, 16124 pao ferro, 8799 papao, 2215 papaw, 2215 papay, 2215 papaya, 2214 papaya p.p., 2215 papaya leaf, 2215 papayaleaf nightshade, 14868 paper flower, 1502 paperyleaf faramea, 5851 papery maya, 9640 papillate baccharis, 1146 papillate dulacia, 4878 papillate mouriri, 10352 papillate senna, 14568 papilloseanther moldenhawera, 10156 papillose calycophyllum, 1996 papillose maya, 9876 papillote mosannona, 10295 para, 2203 Pará angelwood, 4528 Pará balata, 9098 parabolic cinchona, 2832 Pará breadnuttree, 1560 Pará cathedra, 2375 parachimarrhis, 11726 Pará couepia, 3674 Pará cyrillopsis, 4334 Pará devilpepper, 13678 paradise caesalpinia, 1897 paradise nut, 8188 paradise poinciana, 1897 paradrypetes, 11728 Pará duguetia, 4839 Pará duroia, 4917 Pará eschweilera, 5407 Pará euxylophora, 5764 Pará ferdinandusa, 5890 Pará fig, 6001 Paraguai tea, 7499 Paraguarí aegiphila, 248 Paraguari bunchosia, 1758 Paraguarí seagrape, 3259 Paraguayan trumpet-tree, 15679 Pará guatteria, 6519 Paraguay averrhoidium, 1092 Paraguay caesalpinia, 1905 Paraguay coussarea, 3845 Paraguay foetid microlobius, 10051 Paraguay frutescent sweetia, 15567 Paraguay guadua, 6344 Paraguay holly, 7499 Paraguay Laruotte myrcia, 10500 Paraguay leafleted plathymenia, 12473 Paraguay longleaf peppertree, 14401 Paraguay machaerium, 8788 Paraguay mimosa, 10141 Paraguay palm, 164 Paraguay reichenbachia, 13704 Paraguay seguieria, 14495 Paraguay tea, 7499 paragynoxys, 11731 parahancornia, 11743 Pará hirtella, 7206 Pará hymenolobium, 7378 paraia, 11751 Paraíba mimosa, 10125 Pará inga, 7704 Pará iryanthera, 7833 parajubaea, 11753 Pará ladenbergia, 8101 Pará licania, 8397 parallelnerved clethra, 2984 Pará lindackeria, 8496 paralychnophora, 11758 paramachaerium, 11760 paramo oneflower holly, 7539 Pará mora, 10256 Paraná aegiphila, 249 Paraná araucaria, 882 Paraná casearia, 2313 Paraná eugenia, 5650 Paraná largeflower falsebombax, 13192 Paraná myrceugenia, 10421 Paraná nectandra, 10790 Paraná nightshade, 14931 parana pine, 882 Paraná starapple, 2795

917 Paraná sweetleaf, 15646 Paraná viraru, 14063 Paraná whiptree, 8621 parana wood, 882 Parana-pine, 882 Pará neoraputia, 10901 Pará nittatree, 11817 Pará nut, 1353 Pará ormosia, 11325 Pará pachira, 11526 Pará patinoa, 11846 Pará persimmon, 4671 Pará piassava, 8209 Pará piptadenia, 12393 parapiptadenia, 11765 Pará poraqueiba, 12661 Pará porcupinepodtree, 2508 Pará qualea, 13524 Paráque schefflera, 14340 Pará quiina, 13603 Pará rain caesalpinia, 1909 para rubber, 7071 pará rubber, 7071 Pará rubbertree, 7071 Pará simaba, 14656 Pará Swartzpea, 15514 Pará tachigali, 15782 paratecoma, 11772 parathesis, 11774 Parati faramea, 5852 Pará Trinidad roupala, 13926 Paraty tachigali, 15783 Parauaquara smallcalyx abarema, 35 Pará unonopsis, 16482 Pará vantanea, 16539 Pará vatairea, 16581 paravillous balsam, 13396 Pará virola, 16688 Pará votomita, 16913 Pará wallabatree, 5129 Pará whitequebracho, 958 Para wood, 1892 Pará xylopia, 17104 Pará zebrawood, 3381 Pará zollernia, 17240 parchmentlike Eugenia, 5531 parchmentlike fiddlewood, 2872 parchmentlike jaboticaba, 10605 parchmentlike maya, 9884 parchmentlike monkeypottree, 8171 Paria shining maya, 9811 parillo couepia, 3678 Parima neea, 10855 parinari, 11785 parinarilike breadnuttree, 1556 pariry pouteria, 12861 parkia, 11804 parkinsonia, 11826 park nut, 77 park-nut, 77 parknut, 77 Parlatore podocarpus, 12600 parodiodendron, 11832 parqui cestrum, 2591 parrot apple, 3147, 5203 parrot-apple, 3171, 5202 parrot-feather tree fern, 4152 parrot plum, 10428 parrot-plum, 10428 parrots inga, 7719 parrot weed, 1450 Partang guatteria, 6578 partridge angelintree, 645 partridgepea, 2613 partridge wood, 645, 648, 660, 1899, 16918 partridge-wood, 648 Parú gongylolepis, 6246 Pasco astrocaryum, 1023 Pasco maya, 9549 Pasco ternstroemia, 15972 pasita licania, 8398 Pasopaya parajubaea, 11755 passionflower, 11834 passionflowerlike Rivière spirotheca, 15104 passionflower tree, 15104 Pastaza angostura, 674 Pastaza balsam, 13346

ENGLISH NAMES Pastaza buglelily, 9476 Pastaza cestrum, 2570 Pastaza compsoneura, 3335 Pastaza cordia, 3569 Pastaza fig, 6002 Pastaza graffenrieda, 6304 Pastaza guatteria, 6580 Pastaza maya, 9877 Pastaza prunus, 13142 Pastaza pumpwood, 2449 Pastaza schefflera, 14363 Pasto elaeagia, 4982 Pasto maya, 9878 Pasto ridgerunner, 4269 pasture fiddle wood, 2904 Patagonian cypress, 6042 Patagonian fitzroya, 6042 Patagonia peppertree, 14406 patagua lilytree, 3904 patent blueberrylike escallonia, 5345 patent eugenia, 5646 patent mayten, 9357 patentnerve toulicia, 16192 patent ouratea, 11428 patent vernonanthura, 16627 patinoa, 11843 pati syagruspalm, 15572 Patino borojoa, 1492 Patiño huberodendron, 7275 Patino pachira, 11527 PatiQueen palm, 15572 Patris eugenia, 5647 Patris henriettea, 6974 Patris zebrawood, 3399 patunga inga, 7646 Paucartambo critoniopsis, 3926 Paula qualea, 13515 paullinia, 11848 paullinialeaf weinmannia, 16994 paurotis, 151 paurotis-palm, 151, 152 pausandra, 11859 pauta polylepis, 12647 Pavón clusia, 3150 Pavón croton, 4018 Pavón daphnopsis, 4410 Pavón falsenettle, 1460 Pavón guatteria, 6581 pavonia, 11868 Pavón ladenbergia, 8102 Pavón maya, 9880 Pavón morella, 10261 Pavón oreopanax, 11270 Pavón snowbell, 15345 Pavón virola, 16694 pawpaw, 2215 paxiuba palm, 14834 payachic maya, 9635 paypayrola, 11879 peach, 13129 peach angel’s-trumpet, 1605 peachlike seagrape, 3260 peach palm, 1164 peach-palm, 1164 peachpalm, 1164 peach spinyclubpalm, 1164 peachwood, 6793, 6794 pealikefruit ephedranthus, 5142 pealike monkeypottree, 8188 pealike simira, 14683 Pearce Christmasbush, 385 Pearce myrsine, 10673 Pearce nectandra, 10793 Pearce panopsis, 11714 Pearce peppertree, 14407 Pearce prunus, 13160 Pearce thyrsodium, 16062 pearl berr, 16522 pearlberr, 16522 pearleaf cantua, 2139 pearleaf cinchona, 2835 pearleaf coprosma, 3492 pearleaf maya, 9917 pearleaf myrcia, 10534 pear leaf silverballi, 11083 pearleaf tovomita, 16263 pearleaf whitequebracho, 987 pearlikeflower Eugenia, 5668 pearlikeflower mezilaurus, 9535

pearneck whitequebracho, 986 pearshaped endlicheria, 5079 pearshaped eugenia, 5669 pearshaped muskwood, 6423 pearshaped ryania, 14092 peashaped ouratea, 11431 pear sweetwood, 2856 pea-tree, 6211 Pebas balsamo, 13397 pecanine annona, 794 Peck poisonnut, 15259 Peckolt guatteria, 6582 pedicelled acacia, 80 pedicelled aniba, 709 pedicelled balizia, 1189 pedicelled clethra, 2985 pedicelled eschweilera, 5416 pedicelled faramea, 5855 pedicelled guava, 13277 pedicelled handroanthus, 6836 pedicelled honeyberry, 9389 pedicelled machaerium, 8789 pedicelled neosprucea, 10908 pedicelled resintree, 13092 pedicelled schefflera, 14341 pedicelled woollyflower zebrawood, 3388 PedraAzul wunderlichia, 17056 pedunculate baccharis, 1148 pedunculate byrsonima, 1848 pedunculate ciliosemina, 2815 pedunculate cremastosperma, 3888 pedunculate dichapetalum, 4512 pedunculate faramea, 5856 pedunculate gongylolepis, 6247 pedunculate helicostylis, 6942 pedunculate Indianmulberry, 10266 pedunculate killipia, 8000 pedunculate Peru tapura, 15889 pedunculate pouteria, 12862 pedunculate saurauia, 14236 peeling bark, 1773 peeling-bark, 1773 peeling capirona, 2141 peeling geoffroea, 6171 peeling myrcia, 10457 peeling pouteria, 12791 peeling qualea, 13501 peeling virola, 16670 pehria, 11886 pejibaye palm, 1164 pekeanut, 2259 pelliciera, 11888 pellin falsebeech, 10942 pelluciddotted myrsine, 10675 pellucid myrsine, 10674 peltanthera, 11890 peltate buglelily, 9477 peltate pepper, 12353 peltophorum, 11922 peltophorumlike rain caesalpinia, 1910 peltostigma, 11926 penda, 2904 pendent axinaea, 1103 pendent chrysochlamys, 2748 pendent fuchsia, 6090 pendent gonzalagunia, 6256 pendent myrsine, 10656 pendent velvetseed, 6658 pendulous gynoxys, 6770 pendulous securidaca, 14489 Pennell aegiphila, 250 Pennell axinaea, 1113 Pennell maya, 9881 Pennington maya, 9882 penny piece, 12850 penny-piece, 12850 pentaclethra, 11928 pentagonal myrcia, 10525 pentagonal senna, 14581 pentagonia, 11930 pentagynous vismia, 16742 pentamerista, 11956 pentamerous bellucia, 1322 pentamerous cassava, 9080 pentamerous kirkbridea, 8002 pentamerous pouteria, 12864 pentamerous prockia, 12978 pentamerous wettinia, 17039

pentaphyllous eriotheca, 5171 pentaplaris, 11958 pentascyphus, 11962 Pentland snowbell, 15347 peperleaf, 8488 pepper, 12249 pepperbush, 2968 pepper elder, 12258 pepperfruit maya, 9883 pepperleaf, 2856 pepperleaf clidemia, 3003 pepperleaf maya, 9892 pepperleaf persimmon, 4524 pepper tree, 14393, 14403 peppertree, 14393 peppertreeleaf macrolobium, 8935 pera, 11964 percurrent ocotea, 11134 perebea, 11981 Pereira Tolu balmtree, 10640 Perené pepper, 12382 pereskia, 12000 perforated Eugenia, 5544 perforateleaf faramea, 5858 peridiscus, 12010 Perijá bathysa, 1234 Perija panopsis, 11715 periquino onychopetalum, 11212 perissocarpa, 12012 peritassa, 12016 Pernambuco blue pilosocereus, 12239 Pernambuco couepia, 3680 Pernambuco fiddlewood, 2895 Pernambuco hibiscus, 7087 Pernambuco persimmon, 4680 Pernambuco senna, 14535 Pernambuco wood, 1892 perrottetia, 12025 Perrottet unonopsis, 16490 Perrottet zebrawood, 3400 Persaud licania, 8401 persea, 12036 persealeaf byrsonima, 1849 persealike ridgerunner, 4271 Persian lilac, 2965, 4888 persimmon, 4519 persimmonleaf ocotea, 11025 persimmonlike holly, 7438 persistentcalyx diclinanona, 4523 persistentcalyx duguetia, 4804 persistentcalyx hamelia, 6797 persistent monkeypottree, 8185 persistent muskwood, 6416 persistent semiserrate ouratea, 11455 Peru aegiphila, 252 Peru agonandra, 303 Peru allophylus, 492 Peru alseis, 525 Peru annona, 754 Peru anthodiscus, 834 Peru anttree, 16421 Peru balsam, 10640 Peru balsamo, 13416 Peru bark, 2817 Peru bathysa, 1235 Peru bigleaf cocainetree, 5286 Peru black elder, 14157 Peru blakea, 1389 Peru bougainvillea, 1508 Peru browningia, 1594 Peru butterflybush, 1732 Peru byrsonima, 1866 Peru calycorectes, 2009 Peru caraipa, 2201 Peru caryocar, 2242 Peru cassipourea, 2361 Peru centronia, 2522 Peru cestrum, 2592 Peru clethra, 2986 Peru clibadium, 2996 Peru clidemia, 3005 Peru clusia, 3153 Peru copperleaf, 111 Peru coralbean, 5217 Peru Cowan cassia, 2340 Peru cremastosperma, 3890 Peru croton, 4021 Peru cymbopetalum, 4301 Peru dacryodes, 4354

ENGLISH NAMES Peru dendropanax, 4459 Peru dictyoloma, 4542 Peru didymocistus, 4565 Peru diplotropis, 4715 Peru dogwood, 3599 Peru endlicheria, 5039 Peru eriotheca, 5173 Peru falseflamebean, 1590 Peru fringetree, 2684 Peru froesiodendron, 6086 Peru fusaea, 6096 Peru geissanthus, 6151 Peru graceful macrolobium, 8899 Peru grias, 6329 Peru guatteria, 6584 Peru gynoxys, 6748 Peru haplorhus, 6854 Peru hedyosmum, 6891 Peru holly, 7488 Peru huberia, 7271 Peru hydrangea, 7330 Peru ixora, 7873 Peru kielmeyera, 7992 Peru klarobelia, 8012 Peru lacmellea, 8066 Peru lecointea, 8163 Peru macbrideina, 8714 Peru malouetia, 9045 Peru matayba, 9227 Peru mauria, 9292 Peru maya, 9645 Peru mouriri, 10354 Peru myrtleleaf Swartzpea, 15490 Peru NewGranada drimys, 4780 Peru ormosia, 11326 Peru parahancornia, 11749 Peru parinari, 11799 Peru pepper, 12376 Peru peritassa, 12022 Peru persea, 12075 Peru persimmon, 4687 Peru phragmotheca, 12125 Peru pilocarpus, 12225 Peru piptadenia, 12401 Peru pouteria, 12865 Peru prunus, 13138 Peru quiina, 13588 Peru redquebracho, 14391 Peru resintree, 13093 Peru ridgerunner, 4272 Peru rondeletia, 13882 Peru sapium, 14185 Peru saurauia, 14237 Peru schoenobiblus, 14446 Peru seagrape, 3261 Peru snowbell, 15348 Peru souroubea, 15069 Peru spiderflower, 2962 Peru stephanopodium, 15174 Peru sterculia, 15198 Peru steriphoma, 15226 Peru stillingia, 15235 Peru Swartzpea, 15515 Peru sweetleaf, 15647 Peru tachigali, 15784 Peru talisia, 15847 Peru tapura, 15887 Peru tetrastylidium, 16013 Peru Thibaud inga, 7767 Peru tonkabean, 4727 Peru trattinnickia, 16295 Peru treefern, 4204 Peru twicebranched ravenia, 13693 Peru unonopsis, 16491 Peru vantanea, 16543 Peruvian apple, 2530 peruvian apple cactus, 15365 Peruvian cacao, 16030 Peruvian cotton, 6271 Peruvian mahogany, 15569 Peruvian pepper tree, 14403 peruvian torch, 4955 Peruvian-peppertree, 14410 Peru viraru, 14064 Peru virola, 16695 Peru waxpalm, 2549 Peru weinmannia, 16999 Peru wigandia, 17045 Peru xylopia, 17101

918 petaladenium, 12096 Petén salacia, 14137 petiolate anaxagorea, 633 petiolate azara, 1126 petiolate bauhinia, 1276 petiolate cestrum, 2593 petiolate duroia, 4919 petiolate erisma, 5197 petiolate falsecaper, 2153 petiolate guatteria, 6585 petiolate gustavia, 6717 petiolate holly, 7503 petiolate kielmeyera, 7993 petiolate lofty chastetree, 16766 petiolate pouteria, 12866 petiolate pricklyash, 17183 petiolate sweetscented macrolobium, 8943 petiolate tournefortia, 16211 petiolate treefern, 4210 petiolate vernonanthura, 16628 petiolulate aldina, 410 petiolulate allophylus, 493 petiolulate pourouma, 12731 petiolulate toulicia, 16193 petoumo apeiba, 848 petrea, 12098 Petrópolis maya, 9886 Petrópolis tachigali, 15744 peumus, 12101 pewa nut, 1164 Peyton meliosma, 9423 phaesant wood, 648 Phelps clusia, 3154 Phelps tyleria, 16458 phenax, 12103 philacra, 12106 Philippi laureliopsis, 8138 phillyrealike monnina, 10232 philyra, 12109 phitopis, 12111 phoebe, 2846 pholidostachys, 12114 phragmotheca, 12118 phylicalike myrteola, 10690 phyllonoma, 12166 physic nut, 7933 physic-nut, 7933, 7938 physocalymma, 12171 pianowood, 4384 Piar Swartzpea, 15516 piassava, 8207, 8209 piassava attalea, 1067 piassava fiber palm, 8209 Piauhy aiouea, 328 pica, 7929 pichalde bitterwood, 16358 Pichincha balsam, 13294 Pichincha barberry, 1336 Pichincha bauhinia, 1277 Pichincha buglelily, 9479 Pichincha butterflybush, 1730 Pichincha clusia, 3180 Pichincha Eugenia, 5584 Pichincha geissanthus, 6152 Pichincha macrocarpaea, 8834 Pichincha monnina, 10233 Pichincha persimmon, 4684 Pichincha rhodostemonodaphne, 13782 Pichincha treefern, 4175 Pichincha viburnum, 16648 Pichis balsam, 13398 Pichis pepper, 12363 Pichon whitequebracho, 984 pichuiquita tibouchina, 16093 pichurim nectandra, 10794 Pickel alseis, 526 Pickel annona, 803 Pickel Swartzpea, 15517 pickle-wood, 6660 pico de paloma, 3946 picramia, 12181 picramnia, 12181 picrasma, 12205 picrolemma, 12208 picrous bark, 7930 pie crust, 7929, 7930 pie-crust torchwood, 7929 Piers ocotea, 11063

pigeon berries, 9804, 15312 pigeon berry, 1515, 1869, 2871, 5242, 5510, 7142, 7233, 7235, 13819 pigeon-berry, 4885, 4888, 5202 pigeonberry, 4331, 4888, 5510 pigeonberry byrsonima, 1869 pigeon egg, 14982 pigeon-feed, 2871 pigeon plum, 2871, 3234, 3271, 3274, 7146, 10559 pigeon-plum, 2739, 3234, 10559 pigeon seagrape p.p., 3234 pigeon wood, 3274 pigeonwings, 3007 pigeon-wood, 1515, 3274, 6646 pigeonwood, 12583 pikapika lancewood, 11476 pilgerodendron, 12211 Pilger tachigali, 15786 piliferous peppertree, 14408 Pillahuata gynoxys, 6772 pilocarpus, 12213 Pilões Eugenia, 5649 pilose alibertia, 443 pilose allophylus, 494 pilose aniba, 713 pilose anthodiscus, 835 pilose aphelandra, 863 pilose balsam humiria, 7297 pilose balsamo, 13399 pilose bogwood, 14728 pilose bunchosia, 1759 pilose cassava, 9078 pilose denticulate acrisione, 162 pilose falselancewood, 13254 piloseflower coussarea, 3843 piloseflower myrceugenia, 10413 pilosefruit esenbeckia, 5465 pilose guatteria, 6587 pilose inga, 7708 piloseleaf threenerve calliandra, 1963 pilose machaerium, 8791 piloseovary pepper, 12354 pilose pagamea, 11560 pilose pinnate pilocarpus, 12224 pilose resintree, 13094 pilose retiniphyllum, 13736 pilose spinyclubpalm, 1172 pilose tapirira, 15867 pilose trumpettree, 15691 pilosocereus, 12235 pilosulous coussarea, 3844 piluliferous croton, 4022 piluliferous mimosa, 10126 piluliferous Swartzpea, 15521 Pima cotton, 6271 pimenta, 12241 pimentalike chrysochlamys, 2757 pimenteira licania, 8399 pimentelia, 12247 pimento palm, 152 Pimichin hirtella, 7211 Pimichín pouteria, 12867 Pimichín tachigali, 15787 Pindilic barberry, 1337 pindobassu attalea, 1073 pindo palm, 1776 pineapple guava, 136 pine-cone palm, 13642 pine needles, 380 Pine Ridge Bay cedar, 16299 pine ridge bully tree, 15923 pine ridge coffee, 12464 pine ridge sirin, 9558 pink nightshade, 14978 pink poui, 15693 pink shower, 2347 pink spirotheca, 15105 pink tonkabean, 4736 pink trumpet-tree, 15693 pink trumpettree, 15693 pinkberry peppertree, 14399 pinkflower Arequipa neoraimondia, 10894 pinkflower wildixora, 7850 pinkshower, 2347 pinkshower cassia, 2347 pinkshower castia, 2347 pinkshower senna, 2347

Pinkus vochysia, 16873 pinkwood, 4366, 4372, 4374 pinkywhite trumpettree, 15694 pinnate amyris, 600 pinnate Blanchet moldenhawera, 10153 pinnate copaltree, 3473 pinnate dahlstedtia, 4361 pinnate euplassa, 5748 pinnate inga, 7680 pinnate macrolobium, 8925 pinnate pilocarpus, 12222 pinnate plinia, 12577 pinnate polylepis, 12645 pinnate senna, 14560 pinnate Swartzpea, 15485, 15522 pinnate tachigali, 15779 pinnate talisia, 15848 pinnate weinmannia, 16996 pinnatifid pentagonia, 11947 Pinto Swartzpea, 15498 pintop, 14643 pintree, 2487 pipewood, 2287, 2293 pipewood casearia, 2293 pipperleaf sweetwood, 8488 piptadenia, 12391 piptadenia p.p., 12396 piptadeniopsis, 12406 piptocarpha, 12408 piptocoma, 12425 piquia-ete, 2261 pirana pine, 882 piranhea, 12433 Pirani huberia, 7272 Piraparaná humiriastrum, 7320 Pirara poisonnut, 15247 Pires abarema, 36 Pires byrsonima, 1850 Pires eschweilera, 5418 Pires fig, 6004 Pires hirtella, 7212, 7229 Pires licania, 8402 Pires macrocarpaea, 8845 Pires myrcia, 10477 Pires persimmon, 4672 Pires quiina, 13605 piriri mabea, 8691 pisabed, 14597, 14599 pisonia, 12440 pisonia p.p., 12441 pisonialike combretum, 3320 Pisqui pouteria, 12868 piss-a-bed, 14583 pistacheleaf albizia, 361 pistacheleaf senna, 14576 pistacheleaf weinmannia, 16984 pitanga, 5620, 5711 pitanga eugenia, 5711 pitavia, 12451 Pitayó brunellia, 1657 Pitayo cinchona, 2833 pitch apple, 3171 pitch-apple, 3171 pitchapple, 3171 pitted cinchona, 2837 pitted cupania, 4137 pitted davilla, 4430 pitted fig, 5973 pitted matayba, 9231 pitted pepper, 12320 pitted tonkabean, 4729 Pittier bathysa, 1236 Pittier bitterwood, 16355 Pittier burrwood, 14801 Pittier calliandra, 1947 Pittier caper, 2165 Pittier carramboa, 2238 Pittier clidemia, 3004 Pittier eschweilera, 5421 Pittier guatteria, 6588 Pittier ladenbergia, 8103 Pittier licania, 8403 Pittier lozania, 8608 Pittier machaerium, 8792 Pittier macrolobium, 8930 Pittier mayten, 9358 Pittier meliosma, 9424 Pittier pepper, 12266

919 Pittier resintree, 13095 Pittier rudgea, 14009 Pittier Swartzpea, 15523 Pittier Tobago velvetseed, 6678 Pittier tocoyena, 16143 Pittier topobea, 16177 Pittier unonopsis, 16492 Pittier wildixora, 7848 Pittier xylopia, 17102 pittoniotis, 12463 pitumba casearia, 2315 pityrocarpa, 12466 Piura axinaea, 1114 Piura jujube, 17225 Piura ocotea, 11137 Piura weinmannia, 16997 pixoy, 6646 pizasno tree, 5214 placa chiquitu, 3946 plain oleiferous wallabatree, 5127 plains guatteria, 6464 plains macrolobium, 8870 plains myrceugenia, 10389 plains parinari, 11788 plains purpleheart, 11895 plains spinyclubpalm, 1158 plains stenopadus, 15146 plains ternstroemia, 15952 plains whitequebracho, 946 Planchon schefflera, 14346 planetreeleaf cavanillesia, 2396 plantain stick, 12795 platanote neocouma, 10879 plathymenia, 12471 platterlike myrceugenia, 10420 platycarpum, 12478 platycyamus, 12495 platymiscium, 12498 platypodium, 12518 pleasant aegiphila, 228 pleasant fiddlewood, 2887 pleasing annona, 779 pleasing astrocaryum, 1015 pleasing byrsonima, 1789 pleasing cinnamon, 2847 pleasing clusia, 3025 pleasing inga, 7643 pleasing maya, 9781 pleasing nightshade, 14915 pleasing partridgepea, 2617 pleasing qualea, 13491 pleasing tovomita, 16246 Plée bitterwood, 16356 Plée helietta, 6960 plenckia, 12524 plentifullflower maya, 9683 pleuranthodendron, 12528 pleuropetalum, 12530 pleurothyrium, 12532 plicate copperleaf, 113 plicate duroia, 4920 plicateleaf vismia, 16743 plicate lidflower, 2053 plicate pagamea, 11561 plicate pouteria, 12870 plicate pumpwood, 2451 plinia, 12565 plinialike jaboticaba, 10613 plop nut, 16050 Plowman bunchosia, 1760 Plowman cocainetree, 5308 Plowman nightshade, 14967 Plowman palicourea, 11665 Plowman ridgerunner, 4273 Plowman xylopia, 17103 Plukenet maya, 9895 plum, 13129 plum bush, 3234 plum-bush, 15110 plume poppy, 1450 plumeria, 12583 plum-fruited yew, 13125 Plumier amyris, 601 plumleaf casearia, 2317 plum leaf ficus, 6003 plumleaf hybanthus, 7328 plumleaf mayten, 9361 plumleaf ocotea, 11143 plumleaf xylosma, 17130

ENGLISH NAMES plum tree, 13129, 15110 pneumatophore monkeypottree, 8189 podocalyx, 12585 podocarp, 12587, 12593, 12599 podocarpus, 12587 poecilandra, 12612 poecilanthe, 12616 Poeppig annona, 804 Poeppig bitterwood, 16357 Poeppig bogwood, 14729 Poeppig byrsonima, 1851 Poeppig clavija, 2950 Poeppig clusia, 3157 Poeppig fiddlewood, 2896 Poeppig guatteria, 6590 Poeppig gustavia, 6718 poeppigia, 12626 Poeppig inga, 7713 Poeppig leafflower, 12157 Poeppig maya, 9897 Poeppig persimmon, 4673 Poeppig piptocarpha, 12419 Poeppig pleurothyrium, 12556 Poeppig poisonnut, 15260 Poeppig pouzolzia, 12930 Poeppig resintree, 13097 Poeppig ridgerunner, 4274 Poeppig rudgea, 14010 Poeppig tachigali, 15789 Poeppig treefern, 4213 Pogge gynoxys, 6773 pogonophora, 12628 pogonopus, 12630 Pohl chomelia, 2719 Pohl duguetia, 4841 Pohl eugenia, 5653 Pohl guatteria, 6592 Pohl healing guava, 13284 Pohl mabea, 8692 Pohl maya, 9898 Pohl mimosa, 10118 Pohl snowbell, 15349 Pohl velvetseed, 6669 poinciana, 1886 poinsettia, 5724 pointedleaf nightshade, 14960 pointedleaf prunus, 13159 pointedleaf scarlet elizabetha, 4999 pointedleaf senna, 14565 pointedpetal pouteria, 12857 pointedsepal myrceugenia, 10411 pointedstyle pseudosarcopera, 13236 pointedtip palicourea, 11586 Poiret mimosa, 10104 poison Amazonia ormosia, 11292 poison cherry, 3946 poison-cherry, 3946 après poison cherry poison fish tie tie, 16204 poison-guava, 7131 poisonhemlockleaf byrsonima, 1803 poison ivy, 16509 poison macca, 4888 poison manchineel, 7131 poisonnut, 15243 poisonnutleaf jujube, 17228 poisonous dentate ryania, 14091 poisonous greenheart, 2690 poisonous unonopsis, 16501 poison spurge, 5725 poison-sumac, 16278 poisonsumac, 16278 poison tree, 14176 poisontree, 4988 poisonwood, 6732 Poiteau monkeypottree, 8190 pokeberry, 12178 pokeweed, 12178 polak, 2487 pole wood, 17084 polewood, 17084 polished inga, 7714 polished licania, 8405 polished stylogyne, 15302 polished Swartzpea, 15524 polyandrous ternstroemia, 15974 polycephalous balsamo, 13400 polycephalous oreopanax, 11272 polycephalous varronia, 16552

polycephalous villous coussapoa, 3776 polychrome qualea, 13526 polygala, 12634 polygamous chastetree, 16782 polygamous marlierea, 9174 polygamous maya, 9900 polygamous peppertree, 14410 polygonanthus, 12637 polylepis, 12639 polymerous graffenrieda, 6305 polymerous muskwood, 6417 polymorphous gochnatia, 6224 polytrichous canjerana cabralea, 1885 pom-shock, 7649 Ponasa palicourea, 11666 Poncy-Barrier vochysia, 16874 pond apple, 769 pond-apple, 769 pondapple, 769 pondapple annona, 769 ponderosa porcelia, 12667 Pongo balsam, 13401 poor faramea, 5854 poorlynerved sapium, 14184 Poortman macleania, 8817 Poortmann maya, 9902 pop-a-gun, 2450 Popayán critoniopsis, 3928 Popayán dasyphyllum, 4424 Popayán maya, 9820 Popayán myrcia, 10529 Popayán nightshade, 14886 Popayán tetrorchidium, 16024 Popayán vismia, 16737 Popayan weinmannia, 16950 Popenoe fig, 6005 popinac, 65 poplarlike plenckia, 12527 pop nut, 16050 poponax macranta, 77 poraqueiba, 12659 porcelia, 12663 porcupinepodtree, 2505 porcupine tree, 14649 pork fat apple, 2739 porknut, 77 poro tree, 5218 porocystis, 12670 porosousleaf southern coussarea, 3837 porous ocotea, 11141 Portachuelo saurauia, 14238 portia tree, 16050 portiatree, 16050 portiatree thespesia, 16050 Portuguesa seagrape, 3262 posoqueria, 12673 possum-tree, 7326 possumtree, 7326 possum wood, 7326 possum-wood, 7326 possumwood, 7326 potalia, 12688 Potaro croton, 4027 Potaro eschweilera, 5422 Potaro margaritopsis, 9119 Potaro mountain macrolobium, 8924 Potaro zygia, 17278 potato, 14982 potato tree, 15029 potato-tree, 14905 potatowood, 4448 Potrerillo nightshade, 15011 pouchshape esenbeckia, 5469 poulsenia, 12693 pourouma, 12695 pouteria, 12744 pouzolzia, 12927 Poveda persea, 12078 powdered bearingberries vismia, 16710 powder-puff, 1925 powdery aegiphila, 212 powdery escallonia, 5352 powdery maya, 9913 powdery ouratea, 11436 poxwood, 6352 Pozuzo pepper, 12334 Pozuzo vismia, 16744 pracaxi fat, 11929 pradosia, 12931

Prain saurauia, 14239 prairie acacia, 55 prairie wattle, 55 Prance couratari, 3717 Prance crepidospermum, 3897 Prance duroia, 4921 Prance glandonia, 6197 Prance gleasonia, 6205 Prance henriettella, 6996 Prance hirtella, 7179 Prance macrolobium, 8931 Prance maya, 9903 Prance monkeypottree, 8191 Prance mouriri, 10355 Prance parinari, 11793 Prance pleurothyrium, 12557 Prance purpleheart, 11916 Prance rauia, 13659 Prance tachigali, 15790 Prance talisia, 15850 Prance xylopia, 17107 precocious acacia, 84 precocious achatocarpus, 139 precocious angelintree, 659 precocious devilpepper, 13681 precocious luetzelburgia, 8647 precocious parkinsonia, 11828 precocius scleronema, 14466 premontane ardisia, 915 premountain palicourea, 11667 preserved myrcia, 10553 Presl hydrangea, 7331 prestoea, 12956 pretty bernadia, 1344 pretty fig, 6006 pretty gynoxys, 6774 pretty ocotea, 11145 pricking clavija, 2952 pricking croton, 4030 pricking hedyosmum, 6893 pricking myrcianthes, 10600 pricking ternstroemia, 15976 pricking treefern, 4214 prickle bush, 13619 prickledfruit burrwood, 14765 prickledfruit chaetocarpus, 2607 pricklenut, 6646 prickle yellow, 17195 prickly aegiphila, 192 prickly allah, 17152 prickly alsophila, 531 prickly annona, 785 prickly ash, 17145 prickly-ash, 17145 pricklyash, 17145 pricklyashlike cupania, 4142 pricklyashlike weinmannia, 16967 prickly astrocaryum, 1010 prickly bauhinia, 1245 prickly Brazilwood, 1892 prickly caesalpinia, 1892 prickly glorybower, 2965 prickly lacmellea, 8049 prickly machaerium, 8716 prickly mampoo, 12441 prickly mauritiella, 9302 prickly moutabea, 10371 prickly-myrtle, 2965 pricklypear, 11223 prickly teaselmallow, 17023 prickly wild-coffee, 2965 prickly wood, 17152, 17192 prickly yellow, 82, 17152, 17158, 17172, 17192, 17195, 17146 prickly-yellow, 17152, 17172 prickly yellow macho, 17167 prickly zapoteca, 17204 primaryforest chocolatetree, 16038 primavera, 4294, 13894 primerose willow, 8611 PrinceAlbert saxegothaea, 14262 Prince Albert’s yew, 14262 Prince Albert yew, 14261 princely attalea, 1074 princely blakea, 1405 princely elizabetha, 5005 princely joannesia, 7942 princely metternichia, 9518 princely talisia, 15851

ENGLISH NAMES princess-flower, 16106 princessflower, 16106 prince wood, 3523 princewood, 5773 priogymnanthus, 12968 prioria, 12971 prismlike curitiba, 4146 prismlikefruit licania, 8406 pristimera, 12973 privet, 2965, 12462 privetleaf byrsonima, 1834 privetleaf xylopia, 17091 privetlike cocainetree, 5277 privetlike macropeplus, 8955 privetlike marlierea, 9168 privetlike maya, 9797 privetlike mayten, 9344 privetlike prunus, 13146 privet stopper, 5598 privi-fence, 2965 prockia, 12975 prodigious myrcianthes, 10598 prominent maya, 9905 prominentstyle clusia, 3185 prominentstyle licania, 8363 prominentstyle macairea, 8709 prominentstyle tovomita, 16269 propeller tree, 6788 propellertree, 6787 proud cassia, 2341 proud inga, 7613, 7614 provision bark, 11498 provision tree, 11498, 11514 provisiontree, 11514 pruan, 13155 pruantree, 13155 pruinose Eugenia, 5659 prumnopitys, 13124 prune tree, 13155 prune-tree, 13155 prunus, 13129 psammophile pouteria, 12873 psammophilous holly, 7504 psammophilous nectandra, 10795 pseudima, 13179 pseudocrenate myrsine, 10677 pseudofuliginous pepper, 12359 pseudopatulous adenocalymma, 184 pseudosarcopera, 13234 Ptaritepuí burrwood, 14804 Ptaritepuí clusia, 3163 Ptaritepuí conceveiba, 3353 Ptaritepuí dictyocaryum, 4540 Ptari-tepuí holly, 7508 Ptari-tepuí magnolia, 8999 Ptaritepuí matayba, 9228 Ptaritepuí moronobea, 10279 Ptaritepuí ouratea, 11435 Ptari-tepuí podocarpus, 12609 Ptaritepuí resintree, 13101 Ptaritepuí spinyclubpalm, 1173 Ptari WestIndies brunellia, 1624 pterandra, 13454 pteridophyllous quiina, 13606 pterisleaf mimosa, 10132 pterogyne, 13475 pterygota, 13477 ptilochaeta, 13481 ptychopetalum, 13483 puberulent jaboticaba, 10614 puberulent jacaranda, 7913 puberulentleaf smallflower vantanea, 16542 puberulent nectandra, 10797 puberulent pagamea, 11563 puberulent palicourea, 11668 puberulent pouteria, 12874 puberulent rourea, 13954 puberulent thyrsodium, 16063 puberulent Ule naucleopsis, 10719 puberulent vernonanthura, 16630 pubescent achatocarpus, 142 pubescent blolly, 6378 pubescentbranch cordia, 3529 pubescentbranch hirtella, 7182 pubescentbranch macrosaman, 8962 pubescent burrwood, 14805 pubescent campomanesia, 2090 pubescent cavendishia, 2403

920 pubescent ceiba, 2488 pubescent chomelia, 2721 pubescent cinchona, 2834 pubescent crepidospermum, 3898 pubescent eriotheca, 5174 pubescent eugenia, 5663 pubescentflower bertiera, 1360 pubescentflower burrwood, 14806 pubescentflower copaltree, 3478 pubescentflower latua, 8134 pubescentflower licania, 8322 pubescentflower myrcia, 10531 pubescentflower pubescent muskwood, 6421 pubescentflower tachigali, 15792 pubescent fringetree, 2682 pubescentfruit balata, 9099 pubescentfruit randia, 13631 pubescent guatteria, 6597 pubescent Guiana purpleheart, 11910 pubescent gustavia, 6719 pubescent lacistema, 8046 pubescentleaf fig, 5964 pubescent licania, 8425 pubescent macawood, 12508, 12510 pubescent magonia, 9012 pubescent Maguire elaeagia, 4975 pubescent malouetia, 9046 pubescent manyflower qualea, 13523 pubescent mayna, 9310 pubescent morella, 10262 pubescent muskwood, 6419 pubescent myrcia, 10530 pubescentnerve Lhotsky screwtree, 6954 pubescentnerve pepper, 12360 pubescent obtuse chomelia, 2716 pubescentpetal myrcia, 10489 pubescent petrea, 12099 pubescent pouteria, 12875 pubescentrachis Huber macrolobium, 8906 pubescent rinorea, 13850 pubescent rondeletia, 13883 pubescent ruagea, 13967 pubescent Sello qualea, 13533 pubescent sextonia, 14635 pubescentshoot balsamo, 13352 pubescent sorocea, 15053 pubescent spottedfruit copal, 7371 pubescent stemmadenia, 15139 pubescentstyle randia, 13637 pubescent sweetleaf, 15652 pubescent topobea, 16178 pubescent treadsoftly, 3212 pubescent twohorned hirtella, 7157 pubescent vasconcellea, 16564 pubescent votomita, 16914 pubescent weinmannia, 17000 pubescent WestIndies buckthorm, 13757 pubescent xylosma, 17132 Pucro pricklyash, 17185 pucunero siphocampylus, 14739 PuertoAncho butterflybush, 1721 PuertoBermúdez pepper, 12264 Puerto Rico, 15906 PuertoRico zapoteca, 17209 PuertoYessup pepper, 12322 PuertoYessup stellatehair pepper, 12270 pull-back, 12441 pullback, 12441 pull-back-and-hold, 12441 Pulle croton, 4029 Pulle dimorphandra, 4600 Pulle lidflower, 2056 pulvinate toulicia, 16194 pulza, 7933 pumpkin sweet wood, 10783 pumpkin wood, 13756 pumpwood, 2410 pumpwood p.p., 2448, 2450 pumpwood inga, 7586 pumpwoodleaf oreopanax, 11241 punch berry, 10559 punctate aextoxicon, 277 punctate allophylus, 497 punctate anttree, 16423

punctate conchocarpus, 3369 punctated fig, 6003 punctate eschweilera, 5425 punctate fiddlewood, 2897 punctate gaiadendron, 6103 punctate inga, 7721 punctate lancepod, 8561 punctate lepidocordia, 8217 punctate machaerium, 8793 punctate macrolobium, 8932 punctate maya, 9914 punctate pitavia, 12452 punctate pricklyash, 17186 punctate ternstroemia, 15975 punctate Tolu balmtree, 10641 punctate tonkabean, 4735 punctate vochysia, 16875 punctate zebrawood, 3404 Puno senna, 14580 Punt leafflower, 12158 punteral randia, 13626 Puracé pepper, 12361 purdiaea, 13486 Purdie anttree, 16424 Purdie calliandra, 1951 Purdie ciliosemina, 2816 Purdie croton, 4031 Purdie rondeletia, 13884 Purdie sommera, 15032 purgative matayba, 9229 purge-nut, 7933 purging nut, 7933 purple buglelily, 9481 purple cinnamon, 2859 purple clusia, 3107 purpleflower wallabatree, 5130 purplefruit burrwood, 14802 purplefruit micropholis, 10078 purple glorytree, 16085 purple guava, 13263 purple haw, 3373 purple heart, 11892, 11917 purpleheart, 11892 purpleheart p.p., 11899, 11902, 11910, 11919 purpleheart wood, 11919 purple herrania, 7031 purple jacqueshuberia, 7926 purple luetzelburgia, 8648 purple maya, 9869 purple nectandra, 10798 purple ocotea, 11147 purple palicourea, 11670 purplepappus eremanthus, 5149 purplepetal viscochero maya, 9842 purple snakewood tree, 2454 purple stick-pea, 1952 purple strawberry guava, 13263 purplish aegiphila, 253 purplish devilpepper, 13683 purplish hedyosmum, 6894 purplish myriocarpa, 10626 purplish pumpwood, 2454 purpul heart, 11908 Purpus symplococarpon, 15596 pururú dendrophorbium, 4475 Purus muskwood, 6422 puschuri aniba, 714 pusilde Eugenia, 5578 pustular ouratea, 11426 pustulate Eugenia, 5666 pustulate holly, 7509 pustulate jacqueshuberia, 7927 pustulate maya, 9916 pustulate mayten, 9363 Putamayo saurauia, 14243 Putumayo brunellia, 1661 Putumayo Maria herrania, 7026 Putumayo passionflower, 11841 Putumayo pumpwood, 2455 Putumayo swizzlesticktree, 13560 pygmy-flower, 10219 pyramidal caesalpinia, 1914 pyramidal combretum, 3321 pyramidal cornutia, 3603 pyramidal couratari, 3718 pyramidalfruit burdachia, 1763 pyramidal palicourea, 11671 pyramidal parathesis, 11783

pyramidal smallanthus, 14832 pyramidal stenostephanus, 15159 pyramidal vochysia, 16876


quadrangular acuminate vochysia, 16798 quadrangular blakea, 1409 quadrangular buglelily, 9490 quadrangular faramea, 5871 quadrangular maya, 9994 quadrangular mayten, 9364 quadrangular muskwood, 6424 quadrangular rhigospira, 13772 quadrangular zapoteca, 17210 quadrangular zygia, 17284 quadrilateral palicourea, 11675 quadripinnate lophosoria, 8578 quakinglike tyleria, 16461 qualea, 13488 quam, 14427 quamwood, 14427 quassia, 13567 quassia p.p., 12207, 13568 quassia chips, 13568 quassia wood, 12205, 13568 quassiawood, 12205 quaternary Jamaica bitterbush, 12184 quaternary noble inga, 7688 quebrada nightshade, 14972 Quechuas fig, 6007 queen of the night, 2529, 2530, 2532 queen palm, 15580 Quelch ridgerunner, 4278 Quelch rogersonanthus, 13867 quelchia, 13569 quiabentia, 13574 quick stick, 6211 quick-stick, 6211 quickstick, 6209 quick stock, 6211 quiina, 13576 quillaja, 13613 quimilo pricklypear, 11225 quina falsecaper, 2154 quinate machaerium, 8794 quinceleaf byrsonima, 1808 quincelike sacoglottis, 14107 Quindio aegiphila, 255 Quindio annona, 806 Quindio casearia, 2318 Quindio geissanthus, 6153 Quindio guatteria, 6600 Quindío schefflera, 14349 Quindio sphaeropteris, 15089 Quindio vismia, 16728 Quindio waxpalm, 2551 Quindiu pricklyash, 17188 quinine, 2831 quinine tree, 2834 Quinua nightshade, 14943 quipo, 2397 quipo cavanillesia, 2397 quirirafuina licaria, 8481 Quistococha fig, 6008 Quito axinaea, 1115 Quito fiddlewood, 2899 Quito holly, 7510 Quito nightshade, 14973 Quito saracha, 14191 Quito sweetleaf, 15654


Rabelo eschweilera, 5426 Rabelo opaque resintree, 13085 racemiferous brunellia, 1662 racemiferous maya, 9921 racemose abarema, 37 racemose allophylus, 499 racemose alumbarktree, 15288 racemose balsamo, 13403 racemose Brazil agonandra, 301 racemose breadnut, 16444 racemose caraipa, 2194 racemose cestrum, 2594 racemose clarisia, 2926 racemose compsoneura, 3337

921 racemose couepia, 3682 racemose coussarea, 3846 racemose cupania, 4131 racemose daphnopsis, 4411 racemose diplotropis, 4719 racemose fiddlewood, 2871 racemose hedyosmum, 6895 racemose hirtella, 7214 racemose leonia, 8205 racemose mangrove, 13776 racemose marlierea, 9175 racemose matisia, 9275 racemose maya, 9922 racemose myrcia, 10535 racemose pigeonwings, 3020 racemose polylepis, 12650 racemose rinorea, 13853 racemose sagotia, 14116 racemose sanango, 14159 racemose Swartzpea, 15526 racemose zygia, 17279 racemulose trischidium, 16435 Radam hirtella, 7218 Raddi Brazil peppertree, 14413 radiate inga, 7722 radiate lycianthes, 8659 radiate wettinia, 17040 radiating clusia, 3166 Radlkofer mombin, 15113 Radlkofer paullinia, 11858 raffiapalm, 13641 railwayfence bauhinia, 1274 Raimondi cocainetree, 5311 Raimondi guava, 13278 Raimondi mosannona, 10297 Raimondi ocotea, 11149 Raimondi oreopanax, 11273 Raimondi persea, 12083 Raimondi ruagea, 13968 Raimondi xylosma, 17133 rain amapa handroanthus, 6822 rain ardisia, 914 rain caesalpinia, 1907 rain lancepod, 8560 rain shrub, 1678 rain tree, 14152 rain-tree, 14152 raintree, 1677, 14153 raintree p.p, 14152 raintree saman, 14152 rakuda, 7326 Ramalho bitterwood, 16363 Rambo Eugenia, 5672 ramhorned erisma, 5179 ramiflorous bitterbush, 12200 ramiflorous brachynema, 1529 ramiflorous conchocarpus, 3370 ramiflorous eugenia, 5673 ramiflorous falsenettle, 1461 ramiflorous guatteria, 6601 ramiflorous henriettea, 6975 ramiflorous piptocarpha, 12420 ramiflorous pouteria, 12877 ramiflorous Swartzpea, 15527 ramiflorous viraru, 14065 ramiflorous zygia, 17280 Ramírez snowbell, 15350 ramisia, 13616 ramon, 16444 ramón, 1548, 16444 ramon breadnuttree, 1548 ramoon, 16444 Ramos licania, 8345 ramshorn, 12455 ramuliflorous vismia, 16745 randia, 13618 Rangel swizzlesticktree, 13561 Rankin couepia, 3683 Rankin eschweilera, 5427 raoul beech, 10935 rapanea, 10647 raputia, 13643 raputiarana, 13651 rare plinia, 12578 raritebe, 13653 rasping buglelily, 9483 raspingleaf maya, 9923 rasplike maya, 9909 rat apple, 10271

ENGLISH NAMES rat-apple, 10271 ratapple morisonia, 10271 rat-bean, 2149 ratbean, 2149 ratherglabrous Brazil annona, 743 rat’s apple, 10270 rat’s bane, 2160 rat’s gore, 2160 rat-wood, 5313 ratwood, 5313 Rauh armatocereus, 936 Rauh weberbauerocereus, 16941 rauia, 13657 raukaua, 13662 rauli, 10935 rauli falsebeech, 10935 ravenia, 13690 raveniopsis, 13696 Raven prunus, 13162 raw bones, 2160 raw head, 2160 real cordia, 3565 Rebecca sterculia, 15200 Recife purpleheart, 11918 Record chomelia, 2723 recordia, 13698 recordoxylon, 13700 Record sterculia, 15201 recurved acacia, 85 recurved couepia, 3684 recurved myrcia, 10536 recurved ocotea, 10986 recurved rhodostemonodaphne, 13805 recurved rudgea, 14011 recurvedsepal guatteria, 6602 recurved Swartzpea, 15528 red bay, 12036 red bean tree, 5208, 5227 red-bean-tree, 5208 redberry eugenia, 5537 redberry eugenia p.p., 5497 redberry stopper, 5537 red berry, 6800 red berry stopper coffee, 5537 red birch, 1773 red bitterwood, 16364 redblue ouratea, 11445 redbract byrsonima, 1856 red breakax, 14386 red cabbage, 645 red cabbage bark, 648 red cariniana, 2225 red cedar, 2474 redcedar, 16331 red cinchona, 2834 red copal, 16001, 16348 red cordia, 3565 reddening cordia, 3559 reddening ossaea, 11349 reddening panopsis, 11719 reddening simira, 14684 reddishbrown cocainetree, 5314 reddishbrown hieronyma, 7102 reddishbrown ixora, 7874 reddishbrown ocotea, 10983 reddishbrown starapple, 2800 reddishbrown sweetleaf, 15601 reddishbrown treefern, 4215 reddish chastetree, 16786 reddish cojoba, 3292 reddish conostegia, 3444 reddish cordia, 3560 reddish cupania, 4135 reddish licania, 8415 reddish mimosa, 10134 reddish myrceugenia, 10418 reddish nightshade, 14981 reddish pouteria, 12802 reddish tovomita, 16264 reddish unonopsis, 16494 reddish vochysia, 16882 reddishwhite maya, 9559 red endlicheria, 5082 red fiddle wood, 2904 red fidjié, 5905 red fig, 5967 red floripontio, 1603 redflower cassia, 2351 redflower chromolucuma, 2737

redflower copal, 7367 redflower endlicheria, 5083 redflower Fató gustavia, 6715 redflower kielmeyera, 7996 redflower mesquite, 13007 redflower pentagonia, 11948 redflower phragmotheca, 12124 red fowl, 12458 redfruit gustavia, 6696 redfruit heisteria, 6922 redfruit mayten, 9328 redfruit vatairea, 16576 red furrowed corythophora, 3613 red fustic, 8820 redgal, 10267 red gombo, 1773 red gombo-limbo, 1773 red grape, 3271 red gumbolimbo, 1773 red head, 6800 red heisteria, 6917 red honeywood, 388 red inga, 7706 red kuyama, 17108 red lancewood, 9083 redleaf ocotea, 11150 redleaf tococabush, 16122 red lilytree, 3904 redlipped croton, 3984 redlippedlike croton, 3985 red louro, 14636 red macrolobium, 8934 red mahoe, 15183, 16388 red malady, 950 red mangle, 3271, 13775 red mangrove, 13775 red manjack, 3508 red manwood, 12915 red mapola, 1351 red maya p.p., 9914 rednerve ocotea, 11152 rednerved coralbean, 5220 rednerved guatteria, 6611 red palicourea, 11604 red perebea, 11995 red peroba, 985 red powder-puff, 1935 redquebracho, 14385 red raman, 16444 red ramon, 16444 red resintree, 13108 red rod wood, 10447 red rodwood, 10559, 5620 red root, 10267 red rustia, 14077 red seagrape, 3271 redsepal saurauia, 14244 red sextonia, 14636 red simira, 14685 red slugwood, 1300 red snakewood tree, 2426 red spurge, 5725 redstem cathedra, 2376 red stopper, 5537, 5676 red sweet wood, 684, 1300 red sweetwood, 684, 1300 red tamarind, 3287 red titi, 4331 redtomentose Thibaud inga, 7768 redtwig endlicheria, 5084 redvein tapirira, 15869 redvein tetrorchidium, 16026 red wood, 6405, 10301 redwood p.p., 3271, 6405, 7090, 10301 red-wood, 5242 redwood, 5242 redwood fusispermum, 6101 redwood simira, 14669 red yarri-yarri, 4834 red zebrawood, 3408 reflexed bauhinia, 1279 reflexed couepia, 3685 reflexed endlicheria, 5080 reflexed guatteria, 6603 reflexed myrtle cherry, 13154 reflexed nectandra, 10799 reflexed prunus, 13163 reflexed sweetleaf, 15657 Rega Eitens partridgepea, 2628

regal maximiliana, 1069 Regel marlierea, 9176 Regel maya, 9927 Regel mouriri, 10358 Regnell chastetree, 16785 Regnell coussarea, 3847 Regnell myrcia, 10537 Regnell ovate myrceugenia, 10410 Regnell piptocarpha, 12421 Regnell platycyamus, 12496 Regnell sessea, 14630 Regnell tibouchina, 16096 Regnell zebrawood, 3405 Rehder croton, 4033 Reichardt vismia, 16746 reichenbachia, 13703 Reid virola, 16697 Reitz campomanesia, 2091 Reitz Eugenia, 5674 Reitz leandra, 8157 Reitz marlierea, 9177 Reitz myrceugenia, 10417 Reitz nightshade, 14974 Reitz saguaragybark colubrina, 3302 Reitz siphoneugena, 14749 Reitz terminalia, 15941 Reitz tibouchina, 16097 Reitz verbenoxylum, 16591 related baccharis, 1134 related bordered macrolobium, 8915 related brunellia, 1658 related couepia, 3633 related dicymbe, 4550 related inga, 7553 remarkable aldina, 401 remarkable clusia, 3101 remarkable couepia, 3655 remarkable coussarea, 3813 remarkable hirtella, 7185 remarkable inga, 7636 remarkable kutchubaea, 8027 remarkable pleurothyrium, 12548 remarkable salacia, 14127 remarkable sphinctanthus, 15091 remarkable trumpettree, 15683 remarkable wallacea, 16926 remijia, 13705 renamed viburnum, 16633 Renato unonopsis, 16493 renggerialike clusia, 3169 Renner maya, 9928 Renson annona, 807 repand clethra, 2987 repand eugenia, 5675 repand mollinedia, 10195 repand nordenstamia, 10930 repand subpilocereus, 15365 replicate Vandelli lafoensia, 8124 Requena schefflera, 14326 resembling combretum, 3311 resembling douradoa, 4768 resembling huberia, 7266 resembling roupala, 13912 resinanthus, 13730 resin leaf, 15162 resinetree, 13012 resiniferous micropholis, 10079 resinous angostura, 679 resinous bejaria, 1310 resinous casearia, 2319 resinous cordia, 3556 resinous coussarea, 3848 resinous dendropanax, 4464 resinous potalia, 12692 resinous pouteria, 12878 resinous ridgerunner, 4279 resinous stenostomum, 15162 resinous sterigmapetalum, 15221 resintree, 13012 resonant cavanillesia, 2395 restinga duguetia, 4844 retainedpetal mouriri, 10359 retama bulnesia, 1737 reticulate aldina, 412 reticulate alseis, 527 reticulate anomospermum, 825 reticulate balsamo, 13405 reticulate buchenavia, 1709 reticulate centronia, 2523

ENGLISH NAMES reticulate cestrum, 2595 reticulate copal, 7366 reticulate copaltree, 3479 reticulate duguetia, 4845 reticulate escallonia, 5356 reticulate fiddlewood, 2900 reticulate freziera, 6070 reticulate geissospermum, 6161 reticulate graffenrieda, 6308 reticulate hieronyma, 7101 reticulate lancewood, 11489 retuseleaf holly, 7511 reticulate licania, 8409 reticulate monnina, 10238 reticulate nectandra, 10800 reticulate nittatree, 11820 reticulate oreopanax, 11274 reticulate parathesis, 11784 reticulate pepper, 12364 reticulate plathymenia, 12474 reticulate polylepis, 12651 reticulate pouteria, 12879 reticulate pumpwood, 2456 reticulate resintree, 13104 reticulate ridgerunner, 4280 reticulate rudgea, 14012 reticulate schistostemon, 14423 reticulate senna, 14583 reticulate stachyarrhena, 15132 reticulate Swartzpea, 15531 reticulate taralea, 15899 reticulate tibouchina, 16086 reticulate toulicia, 16195 reticulate trumpettree, 15692 reticulate viburnum, 16650 reticulate weinmannia, 17001 reticulate wildixora, 7849 retiniphyllum, 13732 retrophyllum, 13741 retrorse ouratea, 11439 retuse burrwood, 14807 retuse colubrina, 3303 retuse cynophalla, 4328 retuse mayten, 9365 retuse micropholis, 10080 retuse monkeypottree, 8192 retuse poecilandra, 12613 retuse pricklyash, 17189 retuse remarkable aldina, 402 retuse resintree, 13105 retuse rosewood, 4385 retuse ruizterania, 14042 retuse schistostemon, 14424 retuse talisia, 15852 retuse tapirira, 15868 Revilla hirtella, 7220 reviving Swartzpea, 15529 revolute agarista, 293 revolute ardisia, 917 revolute barktree, 6113 revolute bracteate himatanthus, 7119 revolute calycolpus, 1986 revolute clethra, 2988 revolute coussarea, 3849 revolute cupania, 4132 revolute diplostephium, 4704 revolute escallonia, 5357 revolute eschweilera, 5428 revolute heteromorphous licania, 8328 revoluteleaf holly, 7483 revoluteleaf myrcia, 10539 revoluteleaf rhodostemonodaphne, 13806 revolute macrocarpaea, 8847 revolute mimosa, 10133 revolute ormosia, 11327 revolute rosewood, 4386 revolute schradera, 14457 revolute starapple, 2799 revolute stilpnophyllum, 15240 revolute vochysia, 16877 Reynel myrsine, 10678 rhabdodendron, 13743 rhacoma, 3945, 3946 rhamnidium, 13747 rhaphithamnus, 13759 rheedia, 13762 rhigospira, 13771 rhizophoralike pelliciera, 11889

922 Rhodes wood, 597 rhododendronleaf eschweilera, 5429 rhodostemonodaphne, 13777 rhodothyrsus, 13811 rhombicbract balsam, 13406 rhombicleaf jodina, 7944 rhombicleaf monactis, 10216 rhombicleaf obtuseleaf jacaranda, 7910 rhombicleaf roupala, 13938 rhombic sweetleaf, 15658 rhubarb, 10267 rhynchantheraleaf tibouchina, 16098 rhytidanthera, 13813 riana rinorea, 13855 ribbed caraipa, 2174 ribbed croton, 3976 ribbed deguelia, 4435 ribbed erisma, 5186 ribbed lancepod, 8535 ribbed matisia, 9277 ribbed muskwood, 6396 ribbed nightshade, 14888 ribbed ormosia, 11302 ribbed plinia, 12569 ribbed Swartzpea, 15414 ribbed viraru, 14053 ribbed vochysia, 16819 ribbed weinmannia, 16959 Riberalta persimmon, 4668 Ribero duguetia, 4846 Ricardos inga, 7725 Richard caraipa, 2195 Richard elegant bitterwood, 16323 Richard myrcia, 10540 Richard tachigali, 15794 richeria, 13816 Richter fig, 6009 ridged alumbarktree, 15286 ridged cordia, 3554 ridged inga, 7715 ridge redwood, 5242 ridgerunner, 4229 Rieber fig, 6010 Riedel aegiphila, 256 Riedel blolly, 6379 Riedel cinnamon, 2860 Riedel cryptocarya, 4087 Riedel duguetia, 4847 Riedel Eugenia, 5592 Riedel guatteria, 6605 Riedel lancewood, 11490 Riedel largespike Swartzpea, 15475 Riedel leafflower, 12159 Riedel licania, 8410 Riedel paniculate resintree, 13091 Riedel persimmon, 4675 Riedel pilocarpus, 12229 Riedel pricklyash, 17192 Riedel rosewood, 4387 Riedel seagrape, 3263 Riedel Swartzpea, 15532 Riedel vochysia, 16878 Riedel whitequebracho, 991 rigid ampleleaf Swartzpea, 15380 rigid buglelily, 9484 rigid cestrum, 2596 rigid cordiera, 3593 rigid couma, 3703 rigid duguetia, 4848 rigid falseolmedia, 13211 rigid fiddlewood, 2901 rigidfruit diplotropis, 4721 rigid guatteria, 6606 rigidleaf compsoneura, 3338 rigidleaf quiina, 13608 rigidleaf rubb, 7080 rigid licania, 8411 rigid macairea, 8707 rigid macrolobium, 8933 rigid maya, 9929 rigid mayten, 9366 rigidnut couepia, 3646 rigid ouratea, 11440 rigid parapiptadenia, 11770 rigid persea, 12084 rigid pouteria, 12883 rigid pricklyash, 17193 rigid prunus, 13164 rigid ruizterania, 14043

rigid Schomburgk Swartzpea, 15538 rigid slugwood, 1301 rigid sweetleaf, 15659 rigid tachigali, 15795 rigid whitequebracho, 992 rigid zebrawood, 3406 Rimac fig, 6011 Rimachi magnolia, 9000 Rimachi maya, 9930 Rimachi neosprucea, 10909 Rimachi nordenstamia, 10931 Rimbach aegiphila, 257 Rimbach croton, 4034 Rimbach eschweilera, 5431 Rimbach fiddlewood, 2902 Rimbach grosvenoria, 6334 Rimbach gynoxys, 6775 Rimbach holly, 7512 Rimbach maya, 9932 Rimbach sweetleaf, 15660 rimose myrcia, 10543 ringworm cassia, 14511 ringworm plant, 16736 ringworm senna, 14511 ringworm shrub, 14511 rinorea, 13823 rinoreocarpus, 13859 RioAcre abarema, 2 RíoAraça podocarpus, 12589 RíoBeni copperleaf, 99 RíoBoquía pepper, 12282 RioBranco monkeypottree, 8170 RíoCaine browningia, 1596 RíoCajambre casearia, 2281 RíoCajambre schefflera, 14282 RíoCali clusia, 3116 RíoCalima matisia, 9248 RíoCenepa cremastosperma, 3871 RíoChicamocha cavanillesia, 2394 RíoCombayma casearia, 2283 RíoCuao Eugenia, 5546 RiodeJaneiro cariniana, 2219 RiodeJaneiro caryodendron, 2271 RiodeJaneiro Eugenia, 5570 RiodeJaneiro hymenolobium, 7383 RíoDigua humiriastrum, 7309 RioDoce grazielodendron, 6321 RíoDoce handroanthus, 6838 RioDoce myrcia, 10544 riodocea, 13861 Rio Grande acacia, 92 RioGrande chastetree, 16777 RioGrande nectandra, 10782 RíoGuainía ferdinandusa, 5885 RíoGuatiquia fig, 5959 RíoHuallaga leafflower, 12148 RíoHuallaga sebastiania, 14477 RíoHugón ardisia, 905 RioJuruá faramea, 5826 RíoJuruá maya, 9782 RioJurua persimmon, 4653 RioJuruá salacia, 14128 RioKaruai marlierea, 9166 RíoKukenán cupania, 4123 RioMadeira euplassa, 5743 RioMadeira leafflower, 12152 RíoMagdalena cow breadnuttree, 1563 RioMazán maya, 9825 RioMazan myrcia, 10459 RíoMesme maya, 9833 RíoMonzón maya, 9843 RíoMonzón ocotea, 11105 RíoÑambí ardisia, 911 RíoÑambí clusia, 3134 RíoNanay amanoa, 562 RíoNanay persimmon, 4667 RíoNaya holly, 7491 RíoNegro breadnuttree, 1554 RioNegro casearia, 2306 RíoNegro dacryodes, 4350 RíoNegro duguetia, 4849 RioNegro eschweilera, 5432 RioNegro falselancewood, 13256 RioNegro inga, 7685 RioNegro parahancornia, 11747 RioNegro partridgepea, 2635 RíoNegro platycarpum, 12486 RioNegro rhodostemonodaphne, 13799 RioNegro salacia, 14131

RioNegro schefflera, 14335 RíoOris ouratea, 11425 RíoPacuare balsamo, 13425 RíoPalenque cupania, 4133 RíoPalenque matisia, 9274 RíoParú duroia, 4918 RíoPasiba campsiandra, 2129 RíoPenderisco brunellia, 1656 RíoPutumayo byrsonima, 1853 RíoQuitaro duguetia, 4843 rio rosewood, 4384 Rio rosewood, 4384 RioTaguahy cordia, 3574 RíoTocantins cenostigma, 2504 RioTocantins licania, 8436 RíoUaiparú dicymbe, 4559 RioUaupés allantoma, 456 RioUaupés ferdinandusa, 5895 RioUaupés Pará angelwood, 4534 RíoUcayali falseflamebean, 1591 RíoUrimán loose calliandra, 1942 RioUrubú dimorphandra, 4602 RíoUruguay bauhinia, 1285 RíoUtcubamba pumpwood, 2466 RioVentuari marlierea, 9192 RioXingu partridgepea, 2642 RioXingu partridgepea, 2642 RíoYatua maya, 9885 RíoYurumangui holly, 7546 RíoZubineta maya, 10034 riparian acacia, 86 riparian aniba, 715 riparian banara, 1202 riparian byrsonima, 1854 riparian calliandra, 1953 riparian couratari, 3719 riparian cuatresia, 4100 riparian duguetia, 4850 riparian guatteria, 6607 riparian guava, 13279 riparian heteropterys, 7053 riparian lancepod, 8562 riparian loreya, 8585 riparian moronobea, 10283 riparian myrsine, 10679 riparian naucleopsis, 10713 riparian nectandra, 10801 riparian ouratea, 11441 riparian paloue, 11703 riparian plinia, 12580 riparian rosewood, 4388 riparian spinyclubpalm, 1174 ripicolous cordia, 3557 Ritter Iquique eulychnia, 5723 river aegiphila, 217 river bernardinia, 1347 river calabash, 594 river Christmasbush, 375 river clusia, 3079 river craboo, 15980 river-icolco, 7782 river-koko, 7782 river lancepod, 8542 river marble, 1978 river martiodendron, 9200 river persea, 12056 river slugwood, 1294 river trumpettree, 15682 riverain shrub, 17206 riverside fiddlewood, 383 riverside nightshade, 14975 riverside spongiosperma, 15124 riverside wallacea, 16928 Rivet crownbeard, 16618 Rivet maya, 9934 Rivière spirotheca, 15102 Rizzini alumbarktree, 15289 Rizzini kielmeyera, 7994 Rizzini Swartzpea, 15425 rny mauritiella, 9303 Robinson maya, 9935 Robinson stemmadenia, 15140 roble, 10942 Robledo tetrorchidium, 16025 roble pellin, 10942 robust allophylus, 500 robust aniba, 716 robust ashgrey maya, 9649 robust burrwood, 14808

923 robust clusia, 3170 robust couepia, 3686 robust cuspidate pouteria, 12790 robust endlicheria, 5081 robust faramea, 5861 robust fistular mabea, 8680 robust gordonia, 6267 robust graffenrieda, 6309 robust guatteria, 6608 robust lacistema, 8047 robust licania, 8412 robustlike mayten, 9368 robust matayba, 9230 robust maya, 9936 robust mayten, 9367 robust myrcia, 10545 robust neea, 10857 robust oreopanax, 11275 robust ossaea, 11348 robust piptadenia, 12403 robust porcupinepodtree, 2511 robust resintree, 13107 robust sweetleaf, 15661 robust undulate maya, 10024 Robyns pachira, 11532 rochefortia, 13863 rock coconut, 15581 rock holly, 7514 rock myrtle, 5657 rockmyrtle eugenia, 5657 rock nectandra, 10810 rock sweetwood, 10810 rode kabbes, 648 Rodolph parinari, 11801 Rodrigues astrocaryum, 1024 Rodrigues byrsonima, 1855 Rodrigues calycorectes, 2007 Rodrigues diplotropis, 4722 Rodrigues eschweilera, 5433 Rodrigues hirtella, 7221 Rodrigues licania, 8413 Rodrigues licaria, 8482 Rodrigues pouteria, 12887 rodwood, 5315, 5492, 5510, 5620, 5676, 10423 rodwood eugenia, 5315 Roezl zamia, 17144 Rogagua machaerium, 8797 Rogagua rheedia, 13769 rogersonanthus, 13865 Rohr padauk, 13467 Rojas mesquite, 13006 Roldós panopsis, 11718 Rollott weinmannia, 17002 romeroa, 13868 Romero diplostephium, 4705 Romero fig, 6012 Romero gustavia, 6721 Romero malpighia, 9056 Romero parinari, 11802 RomeuCardoso eschweilera, 5434 ronabea, 13870 Ronald pepper, 12366 rondeletia, 13872 Rondon copaltree, 3480 Rondônia denseleaf caraipa, 2177 Rondônia guatteria, 6609 Rondônia licania, 8282 Rondônia nightshade, 14966 Rondônia thyrsodium, 16064 rootingstem clusia, 3167 rootspinepalm, 4073 rope, 2149 rope falsecaper, 2149 rope mangrove, 7088 Roraima catinga euterpepalm, 5757 Roraima cocainetree, 5312 Roraima eschweilera, 5435 Roraima fig, 6013 Roraima hebepetalum, 6867 Roraima maya, 9937 Roraima ochthocosmus, 10957 Roraima ouratea, 11442 Roraima piptocoma, 12429 Roraima platycarpum, 12483 Roraima podocarpus, 12602 Roraima remijia, 13725 Roraima Swartzpea, 15534 Roraimatepuí drimys, 4782

ENGLISH NAMES Roraimatepuí freziera, 6071 Roraima ternstroemia, 15981 Roraima true viburnum, 16654 Roraima votomita, 16915 Rorud acacia, 88 rosarybead euterpepalm, 5760 rose-apple, 10585 rose billia, 1365 rose blackbead, 12460 rose blakea, 1412 rose cactus, 12004 rose corrugated monkeypottree, 8175 rose gonzalagunia, 6263 rose kielmeyera, 7995 roselikeflower woolly espostoa, 5485 rose lueheopsis, 8640 rose macrocnemum, 8855 rose mallow, 7086 rosemallow, 7086 rosemaryleaf diplostephium, 4706 rose maya, 9938 rose narrowleaf campsiandra, 2109 rosenbergiodendron, 13886 roseodendron, 13892 rose of Venezuela, 1575 Rose oreopanax, 11276 rose qualea, 13529 rose ravenia, 13695 Roses cordia, 3558 Roses tartagalia, 15901 rose Swartzpea, 15535 rose wood, 16050 rose-wood, 1861 rosewood, 717, 4362, 4384 rosewood p.p., 595, 597, 1861, 4385, 4786, 17190 rosewood aniba, 717 rosewood of Saychelles, 16050 rosewood pricklyash, 17190 Ross micrandra, 10043 rostrate attalea, 1075 rostrate Eugenia, 5678 rostrate guatteria, 6610 rostrate guava, 13280 rostrateleaf Eugenia, 5679 rostrate mortoniodendron, 10286 rostrate pouteria, 12888 rostrate socratea, 14835 rostrate zebrawood, 3407 rosyflower Eugenia, 5677 rotenone, 8570 roucheria, 13895 roucou, 1369 rougeplantleaf croton, 4035 rougeplantlike pepper, 12365 rough bark arara, 16500 rough blolly, 6355 rough bogwood, 14692 roughbranche nightshade, 15010 rough elaeagia, 4967 rough falsenettle, 1456 rough hedyosmum, 6896 rough hyptidendron, 7396 roughish hirtella, 7223 roughish mimosa, 10136 roughish ocotea, 11158 roughleaf, 6674 roughleaf cinchona, 2819 roughleaf cordia, 3578 roughleaf coussapoa, 3736 roughleaf henriettella, 7000 roughleaf hieronyma, 7094 rough-leaf tree, 4144 rough-leaf velvet seed, 6674 roughleaf velvetseed, 6674 rough maya, 9580 rough nightshade, 14851 rough pilocarpus, 12234 rough remijia, 13710 rough skin arara, 16480, 16481 rough talisia, 15855 rough trattinnickia, 16285 rough trichilia, 16331 rough velvetseed, 6674 roundedfruit prunus, 13167 rounded hairy blakea, 1388 roundedleaf blakea, 1413 roundedleaf piptocarpha, 12422 rounded myrcia, 10546

rounded ocotea, 11151 roundishfruit Eugenia, 5576 roundleaf alumbarktree, 15290 roundleaf cocainetree, 5313 roundleaf combretum, 3322 roundleaf graffenrieda, 6310 roundleaf oreopanax, 11244 round-leaved erythroxylon, 5313 roundpetal ouratea, 11444 roupala, 13903 roupalaleaf velvetseed, 6671 rourea, 13945 Rovirosa nightshade, 14979 rowed maya, 9958 royal banara, 1201 royal bogwood, 14730 royal cashiaw, 11827 royal hortia, 7261 royal palm, 13958, 13959 royalpalm, 13958 royal shellseed, 3283 royal welfia, 17021 royoc, 10267 royoc Indianmulberry, 10267 roystonea, 13958 ru, 4692 ruagea, 13960 rubber, 2366, 7071 rubber tree, 2366, 2369, 7071 rubbertree, 7069 rubbertreelike micrandra, 10044 rubber wood, 7071 Rubiera lancepod, 8537 rubiginous conostegia, 3443 rubiginous cupania, 4134 rubiginous inga, 7726 rubiginous maya, 9939 rubiginous tachigali, 15796 rubiginous vochysia, 16879 rubiginous wallabatree, 5131 ruddy bonnetia, 1477 ruddy tournefortia, 16214 ruddy xylosma, 17134 rudgea, 13973 rudgealike coussarea, 3850 rudgealike ferdinandusa, 5891 ruffle palm, 332 rufflepalm, 332 rufous false cocaine, 5314 ruggedfruit guava, 13282 rugose abatia, 42 rugose buglelily, 9485 rugose Chimantá schefflera, 14288 rugose cinchona, 2836 rugose clethra, 2989 rugose cupania, 4136 rugose dichapetalum, 4513 rugose Eugenia, 5680 rugosefruit conceveiba, 3354 rugose guatteria, 6612 rugose inga, 7727 rugose kielmeyera, 7997 rugose lueheopsis, 8641 rugose macrocarpaea, 8848 rugose maya, 9942 rugose nightshade, 14982 rugose ocotea, 11155 rugose petrea, 12100 rugose platycarpum, 12493 rugose Schlechtendal campomanesia, 2094 rugose senna, 14585 rugose sterculia, 15203 rugose tachigali, 15797 rugose trigonia, 16396 ruilopezia, 14028 Ruiz ampelocera, 588 Ruiz cocainetree, 5315 Ruiz croton, 4038 Ruiz duguetia, 4840 Ruiz eriothec, 5175 Ruiz inga, 7728 Ruiz lidflower, 2057 Ruiz maya, 9943 Ruiz nightshade, 14983 ruizodendron, 14030 Ruiz oreopanax, 11277 Ruiz persea, 12086 Ruiz prunus, 13168

Ruiz seagrape, 3264 Ruiz senna, 14586 RuizTerán axinaea, 1116 RuizTerán elaeagia, 4983 ruizterania, 14032 Ruiz treefern, 4216 Ruiz xylosma, 17135 rupicolous casearia, 2320 rupicolous fig, 6014 rupicolous graffenrieda, 6311 rupicolous holly, 7513 rupicolous hymenolobium, 7388 rupicolous maya, 9944 rupicolous pachira, 11533 rupicolous qualea, 13530 rupicolous tabernaemontana, 15724 rupino pouteria, 12800 ruptiliocarpon, 14070 Rupununi ouratea, 11446 Rupununi senna, 14589 Rurrenabaque acacia, 89 Rurrenabaque pachira, 11534 Rury cocainetree, 5316 Rusby American peppertree, 14404 Rusby blolly, 6380 Rusby casearia, 2321 Rusby croton, 4039 Rusby inga, 7729 Rusby oreopanax, 11278 Rusby pepper, 12368 Rusby podocarpus, 12603 Rusby saurauia, 14245 Rusby velvetseed, 6672 Rusby vismia, 16748 Ruschi syagruspalm, 15581 Russel subpilocereus, 15366 russetbrown clathrotropis, 2929 rustia, 14072 rusty aegiphila, 214 rusty anaxagorea, 636 rusty aniba, 694 rusty babybonnets, 3730 rusty balata, 9100 rusty bauhinia, 1280 rustybearded ossaea, 11350 rusty blolly, 6361 rustybranch balsam, 13407 rustybranchlet ridgerunner, 4282 rustybrown abarema, 16 rustybrown astrocaryum, 1014 rustybrown clethra, 2977 rustybrown diplotropis, 4712 rustybrown endlicheria, 5058 rustybrown freziera, 6062 rustybrown marlierea, 9160 rustybrown pretty ocotea, 11146 rusty brunellia, 1664 rusty burrwood, 14809 rusty byrsonima, 1784 rustycalyx maya, 9940 rusty campomanesia, 2092 rusty cassia, 2344 rusty coppery dimorphandra, 4580 rusty couepia, 3687 rusty coussapoa, 3751 rusty diacidia, 4497 rusty fringetree, 2679 rusty guatteria, 6436 rusty guava, 13281 rustyhair myrcia, 10547 rustyhair ocotea, 11154 rusty ladenbergia, 8088 rustyleaf eschweilera, 5436 rusty lomatia, 8527 rusty mauria, 9288 rusty maya, 9553 rusty neea, 10819 rustynerved annona, 809 rusty ocotea, 11153 rusty ouratea, 11397 rusty panopsis, 11709 rusty Perrottet zebrawood, 3403 rusty persea, 12055, 12085 rusty pourouma, 12709 rusty resintree, 13044 rusty ruizterania, 14037 rusty schefflera, 14353 rusty snowbell, 15327 rustytomentose licaria, 8483

ENGLISH NAMES rustytwig nectandra, 10802 rustytwig rhodostemonodaphne, 13807 rustyunderleaf hesperomeles, 7033 rusty vismia, 16747 rusty vochysia, 16880 rusty wild starapple, 2771 ruyschia, 14083 ryania, 14086


saba bay leaf, 12246 sabal, 14103 Sabatier virola, 16678 Sabatier vochysia, 16883 Sabatier zygia, 17281 sabicealike curledflower velvetseed, 6657 sabicealike sommera, 15033 sacaquinha croton, 4040 saccate vochysia, 16884 saccharose pereskia, 12008 sacciferous duroia, 4923 sackysac, 7649 sacky-sacbean, 7547 sackysac inga, 7649 sacoglottis, 14105 Saddi cereus, 2535 Sadler peritassa, 12024 sad maya, 10015 sad neea, 10865 sad nightshade, 15013 sad ocotea, 11184 Saer jujube, 17227 Safford guatteria, 6613 Safford inga, 7730 saffron jungleplum, 14640 saffron plum, 14640 saffron-plum, 14640 saffronplum bumelia, 14640 Sagástegui critoniopsis, 3932 Sagástegui manyflower albizia, 359 sagebrushlike mimosa, 10101 sage leafflower, 12160 sageleaf lepechinia, 8215 Sagot cordia, 3562 Sagot eschweilera, 5437 sagotia, 14114 Sagot iryanthera, 7835 Sagot loxopterygium, 8600 Sagot maya, 9946 Sagot mouriri, 10361 Sagot ocotea, 11169 Sagot panacoco Swartzpea, 15507 Sagot pouteria, 12889 Sagot resintree, 13109 saguaragy bark, 3300 saguaragybark colubrina, 3300 saguinto myrcianthes, 10580 SaintHilaire ocotea, 11054 salaam, 3497 salacia, 14117 Salazar socratea, 14836 Saldanha chrysochlamys, 2759 Saldanha henriettea, 6976 Saldanha maya, 9947 Saldanha vochysia, 16885 Saldariaga ouratea, 11447 sallow, 14141 salmwood, 3497 Saloya idiopappus, 7399 Salta aegiphila, 258 Salta cedrela, 2475 Salta croton, 4041 Salta inga, 7732 saltatrix balsamo, 13408 saltfish wood, 8728 saltpond-tree, 1095 salt water moho, 11877 saltwood, 10818 salvadora, 14905 salve-bush, 14905 salvertia, 14144 Salvin alsophila, 538 Salvin clusia, 3173 Salzmann annona, 811 Salzmann balata, 9101 Salzmann cestrum, 2598 salzmannia, 14146

924 Salzmann licania, 8417 Salzmann myrcia, 10550 Salzmann tabernaemontana, 15725 samaipaticereus, 14148 saman, 14150 saman p.p, 14152 samanea, 14150 samanlike inga, 7733 samauma ceiba, 2489 sambo gum, 15590 Sambú magnolia, 9001 Sambu nightshade, 14946 samík calliandra, 1954 samohu chorisia, 2485 Sampaio cinnamodendron, 2843 Sampaio lacunaria, 8078 Sampaio simira, 14686 sampatik croton, 4043 samwood, 3497 sanambrosia, 14166 sanango, 14158 sanango tabernaemontana, 15726 SanAntonio gynoxys, 6777 Sanare rudgea, 14013 Sanariapo ocotea, 11156 Sanariapo pagamea, 11547 SanBlas matisia, 9276 SanBlas velvetseed, 6673 SanBorja balsamo, 13308 SanBorja maya, 9601 SanCarlos baromalli, 2391 SanCarlos blolly, 6382 SanCarlos duguetia, 4853 SanCarlos resintree, 13028 Sanchez balsamo, 13409 Sánchez cymbopetalum, 4307 Sanchez espeletiopsis, 5479 sanchezia, 14160 SanCipriano coussarea, 3851 SanCipriano duroia, 4924 sancona syagruspalm, 15582 sandalo, 10638 sandalwood, 595 sandalwoodlike padauk, 13468 sandalwood padauk, 13468 sandalwoodscent aniba, 718 sand baromalli, 2385 San Domingo boxwood, 2316, 12169 sandbox, 7326 sandbox hura, 7326 sandbox tree, 7326 sandbox-tree, 7326 sandboxtree, 7325 Sandeman maya, 9950 Sandeman sweetleaf, 15662 Sandia sweetleaf, 15663 sandpaper, 12713 sandpaper curatella, 4144 sand paper tree, 4144 sand-paper tree, 4144 sandpaper tree, 4144 Sandwith couepia, 3688 Sandwith couratari, 3720 Sandwith duguetia, 4842 sandwithia, 14168 Sandwith ituri wallabatree, 5123 Sandwith licania, 8418 Sandwith ocotea, 11157 Sandwith panacoco Swartzpea, 15508 Sandwith senna, 14590 Sandwith vismia, 16749 Sandwith whitequebracho, 994 SanFelix pepper, 12369 SanFrancisco buglelily, 9458 SanFrancisco rain caesalpinia, 1912 SanGabriel malanea, 9021 sangrera vismia, 16729 SanMartín maya, 9823 SanMartín myrcia, 10461 SanPedro cactus, 4955 SanPedro hedgehogcactus, 4955 SanPhilippe maya, 9949 SanRamón pepper, 12355 SanRoque pepper, 12370 sansapote, 8404 sansapote licania, 8404 SantaBarbara licania, 8264 SantaCatarina casearia, 2282 SantaCatarina myrcia, 10556

SantaCatarina nightshade, 14984 SantaCatarina ocotea, 11003 SantaCatarina tabernaemontana, 15703 Santa Fe breakax, 14386 SantaInés clusia, 3100 Santa Maria, 1978 SantaMarta ardisia, 918 SantaMarta coralbean, 5221 SantaMarta graffenrieda, 6312 SantaMarta lycianthes, 8660 SantaMarta meliosma, 9416 SantaMarta waxpalm, 2545 Santander balsamo, 13293 Santander cestrum, 2599 Santander conceveiba, 3355 Santander devilpepper, 13684 Santander magnolia, 9002 Santander metteniusa, 9513 Santander oreopanax, 11279 Santander palicourea, 11677 Santander pumpwood, 2457 Santander senna, 14591 Santander Swartzpea, 15536 Santander unonopsis, 16468 Santander vochysia, 16850 Santarem inga, 7734 Santarém noble ormosia, 11324 SantaRosa micropholis, 10081 SantaRosa pepper, 12362 SantaTeresa unonopsis, 16495 Santiago azara, 1122 santinay, 14756 SantoDomingo maya, 9847 Santos brodriguesia, 1542 Santos eugenia, 5681 Santos machaerium, 8799 Santos polygala, 12636 Santurbán paragynoxys, 11740 SãoFrancisco pouteria, 12810 SãoPaulo cinnamon, 2864 SãoPaulo conchocarpus, 3361 SãoPaulo cupania, 4140 SãoPaulo inga, 7652 SãoPaulo machaerium, 8731 SãoPaulo myrcia, 10528 SãoPaulo piptocarpha, 12414 SãoPaulo pricklyash, 17200 SãoPaulo roupala, 13932 sapberry, 2358 sapinduslike inga, 7735 sapium, 14173 sapiumleaf croton, 4044 sapodilla, 9082, 9083 sapote p.p., 9082 sapotille marrow, 10271 saptree, 6120 sapucaianut monkeypottree, 8197 sapucaia nuts, 8188 sapy bush, 3298 saqui-saqui, 11531 saracha, 14189 Sarah handkerchief, 4429 Sará machaerium, 8798 Sarapiquí balsamo, 13412 Sarare pendent chrysochlamys, 2749 Sarare pumpwood, 2458 Sarayacu inga, 7736 sarcaulus, 14192 sarcopera, 14200 sarcotoxicum, 14204 sardina, 17243 Sarisariñama burrwood, 14759 Sarisariñama tepuianthus, 15916 Sarmiento bulnesia, 1738 Sartorius guava, 13285 Sasaima waxpalm, 2552 sassafras tree, 8488 Sastre adenocalymma, 185 satinleaf, 2763 satin wood, 3497, 17193 satin-wood, 17159 satinwood, 1560 satiny croton, 4019 satyria, 14206 Saül inga, 7723 Saül myrcia, 10548 Saül pourouma, 12733 Saül pouteria, 12882 Saül rhodostemonodaphne, 13808

Saül tapirira, 15862 sauraui, 14210 savana blackcalabash, 594 savana calabash, 594 savana seirelle, 1805 savana serrette, 1805 savanna, 7112 savanna bully tree, 12850 savannah, 615 savannah berry, 2904 savannah bully-tree, 12850 savannah calabash, 3901 savannah palm, 14104 savannah pouteria, 12850 savannah serrette, 1805 savannas balsam humiria, 7298 savannas bigleaf cocainetree, 5288 savannas caraipa, 2197 savannas licania, 8420 savanna serrette, 1805 savannas seagrape, 3265 savanna tepuianthus, 15919 savanna wattle, 2904 saven tree, 17159 Sawada blakea, 1414 sawarrinut, 2259 sawarrinut caryocar, 2259 saw-cabbage-palm, 152 saw palmetto, 152 saw paurotis, 152 saxe gothaea, 14261 saxegothaea, 14261 saxicolous diplostephium, 4707 saxicolous euplassa, 5749 saxicolous myrcia, 10551 saxicolous pumpwood, 2459 saxicolous Spruce sorocea, 15059 scabrid colicodendron, 3295 scabrid hieronyma, 7104 scabrid saurauia, 14246 scabrid tournefortia, 16215 scabrous cordia, 3563 scabrous coussapoa, 3768 scabrous gouti fig, 5969 scabrous hedyosmum, 6897 scabrous helicostylis, 6943 scabrous hieronyma, 7103 scabrous hirtella, 7224 scabrousleaf cordia, 3564 scabrous muskwood, 6426 scabrous physocalymma, 12172 scabrousseed pouteria, 12891 scabrous sweetleaf, 15664 scabrous tibouchina, 16099 scalebearing, 11538 scalebearing blakea, 1418 scalesbearing poisonnut, 15262 scaly cupania, 4119 scaly eriotheca, 5176 scaly licania, 8311 scaly maya, 9795 scaly pepper, 12375 scalypetal honeyberry, 9384 scaly tibouchina, 16094 scarioussepal manyflower clusia, 3130 scarlet accordia, 3565 scarlet brugmansia, 1603 scarlet bush, 6800 scarletbush, 6795, 6800 scarlet castela, 2363 scarlet chaconia, 16933 scarlet cordia, 3565 scarlet datura, 1603 scarlet dimorphandra, 4576 scarlet elizabetha, 4997 scarlet falseSwartpea cassia, 2354 scarlet flamebean, 1571 scarlet flower, 3565 scarlet hamelia, 6800 scarlet hortia, 7256 scarlet moronobea, 10276 scarlet ormosia, 11300 scarlet ouratea, 11390 scarlet seed, 8115 scarletseed laetia, 8115 scarlet tepuí sarcopera, 14203 scarlet wildixora, 7839 scarlet zygia, 17252 scarred cordia, 3507

925 scarred pouteria, 12777 scatteredflower balsamo, 13404 scatteredflower starapple, 2806 scattered ocotea, 11027 scattered poecilanthe, 12618 scented blacktorch, 5203 scented clusia, 3081 scented erithalis, 5203 scented lacktorch, 5202 scented ocotea, 11124 schaefferia, 14263 Schauer chastetree, 16787 schefflera, 14267 Schenck tibouchina, 16100 Schery margined hydrochorea, 7338 Schiede croton, 4045 Schiede treefern, 4217 Schimpff aegiphila, 259 Schimpff bogwood, 14731 Schimpff coralbean, 5222 schinopsis, 14390 Schipp fig, 6015 Schipp hackberry, 2500 schistostemon, 14418 Schlechtendal balsamo, 13413 Schlechtendal campomanesia, 2093 Schlechtendal cestrum, 2600 Schlechtendal nightshade, 14986 schlegelia, 14430 Schlim blakea, 1415 Schlim ducu clusia, 3069 Schlim holly, 7449 Schlim lippie, 8501 Schlim maya, 9952 Schlim meliosma, 9426 Schlim ridgerunner, 4283 schmardaea, 14437 schoenobiblus, 14439 Schomburgk actinostemon, 172 Schomburgk apeiba, 849 Schomburgk balsamo, 13414 Schomburgk bitterwood, 16365 Schomburgk burrwood, 14810 Schomburgk byrsonima, 1857 Schomburgk chastetree, 16788 Schomburgk clusia, 3174 Schomburgk cocainetree, 5317 Schomburgk elaeoluma, 4993 Schomburgk guatteria, 6615 Schomburgk ixora, 7875 Schomburgk mimosa, 10137 Schomburgk monkeypottree, 8193 Schomburgk ocotea, 11161 Schomburgk orthomene, 11339 Schomburgk ouratea, 11449 Schomburgk piptocoma, 12430 Schomburgk pogonophora, 12629 Schomburgk pradosia, 12949 Schomburgk qualea, 13531 Schomburgk retiniphyllum, 13737 Schomburgk roucheria, 13901 Schomburgk Swartzpea, 15537 Schomburgk ternstroemia, 15977 Schomburgk tovomita, 16265 Schomburgk vochysia, 16886 Schott calycorectes, 2008 Schott couepia, 3689 Schott mollinedia, 10197 Schott ocotea, 11162 Schott sebastiania, 14482 schradera, 14454 Schreber pricklyash, 17194 Schreiter escallonia, 5359 Schroeder xylosma, 17137 Schultes acioa, 148 Schultes bigflower raintree, 1685 Schultes clusia, 3176 Schultes compsoneura, 3339 Schultes ferdinandusa, 5892 Schultes fig, 6016 Schultes herrania, 7028 Schultes hirtella, 7225 Schultes oneleaflet macrolobium, 8949 Schultes platycarpum, 12494 Schultes saurauia, 14247 Schultes Swartzpea, 15540 Schultes tachigali, 15798 Schultes virola, 16699 Schultes vismia, 16750

ENGLISH NAMES Schultes whitequebracho, 995 Schultze prestoea, 12965 Schultze snowbell, 15351 Schultzes saurauia, 14248 Schulz duguetia, 4854 Schulz roupala, 13939 Schulze myrceugenia, 10419 Schumacher fig, 6017 Schumann falsepiptadenia, 13229 Schumann scurfy bitterwood, 16339 Schunke annona, 812 Schunke balsamo, 13415 Schunke byrsonima, 1858 Schunke byttneria, 1881 Schunke chastetree, 16789 Schunke cymbopetalum, 4308 Schunke Eugenia, 5683 Schunke ormosia, 11328 Schunke pachira, 11530 Schunke paramachaerium, 11764 Schunke rustia, 14078 Schunke Swartzpea, 15541 SchunkeVigo guatteria, 6617 Schwacke chaconia, 16936 Schwacke monkeypottree, 8194 Schwacke neea, 10858 Schwacke seagrape, 3266 Schwacke vochysia, 16887 schwartzia, 14459 sciaphilous astrocaryum, 1025 sciaphilous leafflower, 12164 sciaphilous marlierea, 9190 sciaphilous myrsine, 10684 sciaphilous schefflera, 14377 scleronema, 14463 sclerophyllous baromalli, 2392 sclerophyllous cynophalla, 4329 sclerophyllous dacryodes, 4356 sclerophyllous eschweilera, 5438 sclerophyllous licania, 8421 sclerophyllous maquira, 9114 sclerophyllous mountainashleaf weinmannia, 17005 sclerophyllous retuse poecilandra, 12615 scobina bicolor pourouma, 12701 Scotch-attorney, 3171 Scotchman, 3171 Scotsman fig, 3171 Scotchman tree, 3171 ScottMori duguetia, 4855 ScottMori persimmon, 4678 Scott ouratea, 11450 scratchbush, 16505 screw bean, 12994 screwtree, 6947 scrobiculate allophylus, 501 scrobiculate clusia, 3177 scrobiculate pouteria, 12893 scrobiculate tibouchina, 16101 scurfy aequatorium, 275 scurfy bitterwood, 16336 scurfy bogwood, 14717 scurfy clethra, 2990 scurfy duguetia, 4823 scurfy geissanthus, 6145 scurfy maya, 9732 scurfy mollia, 10164 scurfy nightshade, 14932 scurfy ridgerunner, 4257 scurfy snowbell, 15335 scurfy talisia, 15828 scurfy tibouchina, 16088 scutate croton, 4046 scutate maya, 9954 scutia, 14467 scutialike moya, 10375 scyphonychium, 14469 seaanemonelike campomanesia, 2076 seabiscus, 7088 Seabra attalea, 1076 sea grape, 3218, 3274 sea-grape, 3274 seagrape, 3218 seagrape p.p., 3274 seagrapeleaf byrsonima, 1801 sea hibiscus, 7088 Sea Island cotton, 6271 SeaIsland cotton, 6271

sea lavender, 16203 seamberry palm, 3280 seamberry-palm, 3279 sea olive, 1483 sea rosemallow, 7088 sea-rosemary, 16203 sea samphire, 15368 seashore dendroseris, 4480 seashore devilpepper, 13673 seashore myrcia, 10504 seashore parinari, 11794 seashores, 11922 seashore stemmadenia, 15138 seashore tomentose sophora, 15039 seaside grape, 3274 seaside lavender, 16203 seaside mahaut, 7088 sea side mahoe, 16050 seaside mahoe, 7088 seaside-plum, 3274, 17063 sebastiania, 14471 Sebastian neea, 10859 Sebastopol Sibundoy brunellia, 1666 sebesten tree, 3565 secundflower retiniphyllum, 13738 second yax nik, 16770 securidaca, 14484 sedgefragrant magnolia, 8977 seedbox, 8611 seegrape, 3274 Seemann cupania, 4138 Seemann henriettella, 6997 Seemann ivorypalm, 12176 Seemann machaerium, 8800 Seemann oreopanax, 11280 Seemann palicourea, 11676 Seemann whiptree, 8631 Seemen viburnum, 16651 seep willow, 1150 seepwillow, 1150 seepwillow baccharis, 1150 seguieria, 14490 Seibert Indianmulberry, 10268 Sello casearia, 2322 Sello devilpepper, 13686 Sello inga, 7737 Sello myrcia, 10552 Sello qualea, 13532 Sello schefflera, 14354 Sello vochysia, 16888 Sello zygia, 17282 Sellow acca, 136 Sellow aegiphila, 260 Sellow bitterbush, 12201 Sellow chastetree, 16790 Sellow cherry, 13169 Sellow cinnamon, 2861 Sellow clusia, 3178 Sellow cordia, 3566 Sellow cryptocarya, 4089 Sellow daphnopsis, 4412 Sellow dicksonia, 4517 Sellow guatteria, 6619 Sellow holly, 7515 Sellow leafflower, 12161 Sellow lidflower, 2032 Sellow magnolia, 9003 Sellow maya, 9955 Sellow meliosma, 9427 Sellow ouratea, 11453 Sellow piptocarpha, 12423 Sellow podocarpus, 12606 Sellow sapium, 14186 Sellow tibouchina, 16102 Sellow tocoyena, 16144 Sellow treadsoftly, 3214 semialarium, 14496 semidecurrent crownbeard, 16619 semidentate allophylus, 502 semilunate himatanthus, 7125 semiserrate huberia, 7273 semiserrate ouratea, 11454 semisilky kutchubaea, 8034 semisterile maya, 9956 senefeldera, 14498 senefelderopsis, 14503 Senegal lilac, 8564 Senegallilac lancepod, 8564 senna, 14506

senna p.p., 2336 senna tree, 14513 senna-tree, 14517 separate lancepod, 8563 septotheca, 14614 seron, 12168 serono, 12169 serpent apple, 769 serpentine stylogyne, 15308 SerraEstrella cinnamon, 2849 serrate azara, 1128 serrate banara, 1203 serrate gustavia, 6722 serrateleaf skyflower, 4890 serrate monkeypottree, 8195 serrate schaefferia, 14266 serrate sebastiania, 14483 serrette, 1861 serrulate maya, 9959 serrulate sweetleaf, 15665 sésa ridgerunner, 4275 sesbania, 14616 sessea, 14618 sessile balsamo, 13297 sessile bonnetia, 1478 sessile clusia, 3043 sessile cordiera, 3594 sessile duguetia, 4856 sessile eschweilera, 5439 sessileflower bogwood, 14732 sessileflower campomanesia, 2096 sessileflower chomelia, 2706 sessileflower drypetes, 4792 sessileflower faramea, 5862 sessileflower freziera, 6072 sessileflower geissanthus, 6154 sessileflower henriettea, 6977 sessileflower holly, 7516 sessileflower large aegiphila, 221 sessileflower licaria, 8484 sessileflower maidenbush, 14260 sessileflower myrsine, 10680 sessileflower oreopanax, 11281 sessileflower pagamea, 11564 sessileflower perrottetia, 12034 sessileflower schefflera, 14355 sessilefruit holly, 7517 sessilefruit unonopsis, 16497 sessileleaf axinaea, 1119 sessileleaf faramea, 5863 sessileleaf graffenrieda, 6314 sessileleaf gustavia, 6723 sessileleaf ossaea, 11351 sessileleaf panopsis, 11720 sessileleaf Tamberlik faramea, 5869 sessileleaf vismia, 16751 sessile inga, 7741 sessile lidflower, 2058 sessile myrcianthes, 10603 sessile nightshade, 14990 sessile pachira, 11535 sessile pouteria, 12894 sessile quiina, 13609 sessile stephanopodium, 15175 setose alsophila, 539 setose anttree, 16425 setose inga, 7742 setose nightshade, 15006 setose spinyclubpalm, 1175 setose tachigali, 15799 setose topobea, 16179 setose yellow maya, 9672 setulose maya, 9960 setulose privetlike maya, 9799 setulose spinyclubpalm, 1176 sevenleaf cassava, 9076 sevenleaf handroanthus, 6827 sevenleaflet resintree, 13059 sevenleaf jacaratia, 7920 sevenleaf lancepod, 8546 sevenleaf raputia, 13645 sevenstamen screwtree, 6951 severalspike schefflera, 14347 severalvalve clusia, 3156 Sevilla flowery critoniopsis, 3917 Sevilla maya, 9627 sextonia, 14634 shadowpalm, 6175 shaggyfruit leptolobium, 8220

ENGLISH NAMES shaggytwig inkberry randia, 13621 shaggytwig maya, 9684 shamrock, 15906 sharpangle ocotea, 10963 sharp banara, 1191 sharpened ovate myrceugenia, 10407 sharpened resinanthus, 13731 sharpleaf jacaranda, 7884 sharplytoothed fiddlewood, 2870 sharplytoothed sapium, 14174 sharptoothed sebastiania, 14472 sharptooth geissanthus, 6133 shashak tococabush, 16118 shatona cocainetree, 5318 Shattuck maya, 9961 shaven hirtella, 7219 shaving-brush tree, 11514 shaving-brush-tree, 11514 sheathed clusia, 3195 sheating ocotea, 11189 shell seed, 3285 shellseed, 3281 Shepherd maya, 9962 shía nightshade, 14968 shieldcarrying axinaea, 1118 shieldfernleaf partridgepea, 2620 shieldleaf pumpwood, 2450 shield-shaped pumpwood, 2450 shimbi pholidostachys, 12117 shingle wood, 10766 shingle-wood, 10766 shinglewood, 10766 shining bredemeyera, 1540 shining buglelily, 9487 shining cocainetree, 5319 shining copaltree, 3468 shining cordia, 3539 shining desfontainia, 4489 shining duguetia, 4825 shining erisma, 5199 shining falselancewood, 13250 shining graytwig, 14450 shining inga, 7746 shining klarobelia, 8009 shining lacistema, 8042 shiningleaf starapple, 2786 shining lidflower, 2040 shining maya, 9810 shining micropholis, 10083 shining molongum, 10205 shining myrcia, 10505 shining ocotea, 11089 shining partridgepea, 2632 shining peridiscus, 12011 shining persea, 12090 shining pouteria, 12837 shining seagrape, 3248 shiningseed cereus, 2533 shining starapple, 2807 shining stenostomum, 15161 shining Swartzpea, 15467 shining terminalia, 15936 shining whiptree, 8632 shiningwhite cordia, 3505 shiningwhite whiptree, 8620 shining xylosma, 17125 shintez nightshade, 14844 shinyleaf myrsine, 10670 shirua rhodostemonodaphne, 13804 shirva, 10803 shoemaker bark, 1861 shoemakerbark byrsonima, 1861 shoo-shoo-bush, 15009 shortanther mouriri, 10310 shortbract fig, 5916 shortcalyx bauhinia, 1254 shortcalyx maya, 9605 shortcalyx ouratea, 11381 shortclustered cherry, 13133 shortcusp guatteria, 6457 shortcusp holly, 7418 shortened inflorescence sterculia, 15178 shortened maya, 9543 shortened ocotea, 10961 shortflower eulychnia, 5721 shortflower Pará angelwood, 4529 shortflower vassobia, 16573 shortflower wild turpinia, 16454

926 shortfloweraxil espeletia, 5472 shortfruit anaxagorea, 622, 624 shortfruit clusia, 3034 shortfruit ocotea, 11016 shortgrape ocotea, 10994 shorthorn centronia, 2516 shorthorned chomelia, 2708 shortleaf bredemeyera, 1538 short leaf fig, 5936 shortleaf fig, 5936 shortleaf ixora, 7861 shortleaf nightshade, 14849 shortleaf papery maya, 9641 shortleaf tocoyena, 16135 short-leaf wild fig, 5936 shortleaf wild fig, 5936 short-leaved wild fig, 5936 shortligule herrania, 7017 shortlobe bauhinia, 1255 shortlobe cassava, 9063 shortlobe nettlespurge, 7932 shortlobe palicourea, 11589 shortlobe parachimarrhis, 11727 shortlobe pentagonia, 11933 shortlyacuminate tetragastris, 15995 short myrsine, 10650 shortovary maya, 9604 shortpanicle maya, 9603 shortpedicel elvasia, 5008 shortpedicel holly, 7419 shortpedicel qualea, 13492 shortpeduncle neea, 10828 shortpetal apoplanesia, 866 shortpetiole croizatia, 3940 shortpetiole guatteria, 6458 shortpetiole maya, 9608 shortpetiole pouteria, 12765 shortpetiole spottedfruit copal, 7370 shortrachis babybonnets, 3729 shortrachis inga, 7575 shortrachis Swartzpea, 15399 shortsepal sagotia, 14115 shortsepal viraru, 14051 shortspathe shadowpalm, 6177 shortspike abarema, 8 shortspike candolleodendron, 2135 shortspike hirtella, 7158 shortspike inga, 7576 shortspike lidflower, 2019 shortspike weinmannia, 16954 shortspine burrwood, 14754 shortspine Goding armatocereus, 933 shortstalk anaxagorea, 625 shortstalk coussapoa, 3741 shortstalk coussarea, 3787 shortstalk cremastosperma, 3868 shortstalk croton, 3961 shortstalked treefern, 4162 shortstamen pouteria, 12762 shortstamen tovomita, 16229 shortstipe treefern, 4164 shortstyle clusia, 3035 shorttooth woolly duroia, 4900 shortwing cardenasiodendron, 2210 shower tree, 2336 showy anisocaper, 726 showy attalea, 1077 showy buglelily, 9474 showy campomanesia, 2100 showy ceiba, 2490 showy chimarrhis, 2669 showy chorisia, 2490 showy conostegia, 3445 showy coralbean, 5225 showy coussarea, 3852 showy croton, 4051 showy elizabetha, 5006 showy eugenia, 5687 showy ferdinandusa, 5893 showy fiddlewood, 2873 showy guatteria, 6621 showy gustavia, 6724 showy hancornia, 6808 showy himatanthus, 7126 showy lacmellea, 8068 showy lidflower, 2061 showy mabea, 8695 showy macawood, 12514 showy macrocarpaea, 8843

showy mollia, 10171 showy monnina, 10240 showy myrcia, 10557 showy neea, 10838 showy pachira, 11537 showy palicourea, 11623 showy pogonopus, 12632 showy pouteria, 12899 showy ryania, 14093 showy tibouchina, 16077 shrove tuesday, 5208 shrubby bonellia, 1464 shrubby cashew, 606 shrubby cinchona, 2823 shrubby combretum, 3315 shrubby gordonia, 6266 shrubby machaerium, 8746 shrubby mollinedia, 10184 shrubby pseudima, 13180 shrubby rourea, 13951 shrubby senna, 14532 shrubby xylopia, 17084 shrubby yellow bignonia, 15906 shrub Chili Miss, 2020 shrublike mouriri, 10326 Sibundoy brunellia, 1665 Sibundoy dendrophorbium, 4476 Sibundoy nightshade, 14991 Sibundoy weinmannia, 17003 sidaleaf catalpaleaf byttneria, 1877 sidaleaf Christmasbush, 386 siderose heteropterys, 7055 Sieber mayten, 9370 Sieber nightshade, 14992 Sieber snowbell, 15352 Siefriz libanothamnus, 8245 SierradeLema baromalli, 2388 SierraLeone heteropterys, 7049 SierraNeblina clidemia, 3000 sierran palm, 12960 SierraPakaraima licania, 8395 sierra palm, 12960 SierraParima allophylus, 490 sigillate Eugenia, 5685 Silanche inga, 7744 silicicolous hirtella, 7226 silicicolous maya, 9963 silk cotton, 2487 silkcotton, 2487 silk-cotton tree, 2487 silkcotton tree, 2487 silk-floss-tree, 2490 silk tree, 346 silky allophylus, 503 silky annona, 813 silky bergeronia, 1341 silky buttonwood, 3426 silky byrsonima, 1859 silky calliandra, 1927 silky cordia, 3567 silky fig, 5966 silkyflower kutchubaea, 8035 silkyflower mesquite, 13009 silkyfruit buchenavia, 1710 silky geissospermum, 6162 silky guatteria, 6528 silky heteropterys, 7054 silky hymenolobium, 7390 silkyleaf lancepod, 8565 silky mauria, 9293 silky maya, 9756 silky oblong columellia, 3309 silky ocotea, 11163 silky Pará xylopia, 17105 silky persea, 12088 silky persimmon, 4679 silky polylepis, 12652 silky poraqueiba, 12662 silky pterandra, 13461 silky sanchezia, 14164 silky Schomburgk pradosia, 12951 silky silver buttonmangrove, 3426 silky starapple, 2774 silky stenopadus, 15154 silky Swartzpea, 15542 silky trigonia, 16397 silky unonopsis, 16496 silky vatairea, 16582 silky velvetseed, 6675

silky xylopia, 17109 Silva almeidea, 509 Silva licania, 8422 Silva pumpwood, 2461 silvatic senna, 14594 Silveira jaboticaba, 10615 silverballi, 319, 3497, 8023, 10726, 10759, 11052 silverbells, 15316 silverbush, 922 silver button mangrove, 3424 silver buttonmangrove, 3424 silver buttonwood, 3424 silverhair magnolia, 8972 silverleaf maya, 9576 silverleaf pumpwood, 2448 silverleaf tachigali, 15741 silver-palm, 3280 silverpalm, 3279 silverpalm p.p., 3280 silver-saw-palmeto, 151 silver-saw-palmetto, 152 silver thatch palm, 3279, 3280 silver-top, 3280 silver trumpet-tree, 15679 silverybeneath grosvenoria, 6333 silvery blakea, 1375 silvery bunchosia, 1740 silverycarpel mollinedia, 10177 silvery coussapoa, 3735 silvery croton, 3993 silvery duguetia, 4802 silvery endlicheria, 5041 silvery geissospermum, 6159 silvery guatteria, 6446 silveryleaf Eugenia, 5504 silveryleaf ocotea, 10977 silvery ocotea, 10976 silvery oreopanax, 11233 silvery remijia, 13709 silvery snowbell, 15318 silvery Swartzpea, 15390 silvery terminalia, 15924 silvery velvetseed, 6650 Silvian heisteria, 6934 silvicolous guatteria, 6627 Silvio magnolia, 9004 simaba, 14650 simabaleaf macrosaman, 8965 simabalike talisia, 15854 simarouba, 14658 simaruba, 13568, 14658, 14659 similar campomanesia, 2099 similar coralbean, 5223 similar flamebean, 1582 similar ouratea, 11456 similar pouteria, 12896 similarsepal qualea, 13510 simira, 14662 simiri, 7349 simpleleaf angostura, 680 simpleleaf barktree, 6114 simpleleaf falsebombax, 13201 simpleleaf mauria, 9294 simpleleaf prestoea, 12966 simple ormosia, 11333 simple ridgerunner, 4284 simple schefflera, 14356 simple scratchbush, 16512 simple Swartzpea, 15543 simplified perrottetia, 12035 Simpson eugenia, 10585 Simpson rustia, 14079 Simpson stopper, 10585 Sincorá croton, 4047 Sincora partridgepea, 2639 Singapore cherry, 10383 Singapore holly, 9052 singlespike maya, 9571 singular bitterwood, 16370 singular casearia, 2323 singular dulacia, 4880 singular morella, 10263 singular pouteria, 12897 Sinnamary burrwood, 14811 Sinnamary rinorea, 13849 sinuate amanoa, 565 sinuate chocolatetree, 16043 sinuate pinnate macrolobium, 8927

927 Sipaliwini ouratea, 11457 Sipapo blolly, 6383 Sipapo burrwood, 14812 Sipapo graffenrieda, 6316 Sipapo holly, 7519 Sipapo myrcia, 10554 Sipapo pouteria, 12898 Sipapo roucheria, 13902 siphocampylus, 14738 siphoneugena, 14741 Sipolis merianthera, 9500 Siri meliosma, 9429 sirin, 9554, 9644, 9646 siririca falselancewood, 13255 siris tree, 349 siristree albizia, 349 sixanther persea, 12064 sixflower crownbeard, 16607 sixfruit clusia, 3094 sixleaf talisia, 15831 sixovule Eugenia, 5582 sixpetal gustavia, 6706 sixpetal maya, 9754 sixsepal brunellia, 1638 sixstamen coutarea, 3862 sixstamen ladenbergia, 8091 sixstamen mimosa, 10117 sixstamen racemose hirtella, 7215 sixstamen slugwood, 1295 skunk root, 2672 Skutch rudgea, 14015 Skutch sanchezia, 14165 skyblue maya, 9655 sky flower, 4888 skyflower, 4885 skyflower p.p., 4888 sky flower pigeon berry, 4888 slang berry, 5620 sleeping hibiscus, 9058 sleevepalm, 9060 sleevepalm p.p., 9061 slenderanther clusia, 3108 slender ardisia, 920 slender bitterbush, 12190 slenderbranch quiina, 13595 slenderbranch rhodostemonodaphne, 13791 slender Brazil sarcaulus, 14195 slender burrwood, 14775 slendercalyx inga, 7762 slendercalyx macrolobium, 8908 slender coussarea, 3820 slender duguetia, 4863 slenderflower ixora, 7866 slenderflower myrcia, 10481 slenderflower rudgea, 13986 slenderflower sessea, 14627 slenderfruit canella licaria, 8461 slenderfruit couratari, 3723 slender graffenrieda, 6289 slender inga, 7625 slender ivorypalm, 12177 slenderleaf acacia, 91 slenderleaf cassia, 2348 slenderleaf chrysochlamys, 2760 slenderleaf cinnamodendron, 2844 slenderleaf conostegia, 3447 slenderleaf devilpepper, 13672 slenderleaf drooping senna, 14574 slenderleaf eschweilera, 5445 slenderleaf faramea, 5870 slenderleaf hirtella, 7231 slenderleaf monnina, 10242 slenderleaf myrcia, 10567 slenderleaf ocotea, 11082 slenderleaf resintree, 13114 slenderleaf rheedia, 13770 slenderleaf stylogyne, 15309 slenderleaf sucupira diplotropis, 4717 slenderleaf sweetleaf, 15669 slenderleaf tontelea, 16152 slender leathery inga, 7739 slenderlobe coussarea, 3818 slender macawood, 12507 slender maya, 9744 slender meliosma, 9408 slender ocotea, 11051 slenderpanicle ocotea, 11081 slenderpeduncle Eugenia, 5700

ENGLISH NAMES slenderpeduncle faramea, 5801 slender pepper, 12380 slender pouteria, 12824 slender rosewood, 4377 slenderpetiole devilpepper, 13670 slendersepal neosprucea, 10912 slendersepal partridgepea, 2641 slendersepal partridgepea, 2641 slendersepal pouteria, 12910 slendersiliqua monilicarpa, 10218 slenderspike falsepiptadenia, 13226 slenderspike licania, 8356 slenderstamen matisia, 9263 slenderstipule inga, 7764 slightlyacute pepper, 12252 slightlyfragrant croton, 3989 slightly pubescent sorocea, 15055 slightlyrough pepper, 12265 slimy annona, 784 sloe, 13129 slog sweetwood, 1300 slog-wood, 1300 slogwood, 1300 slug-wood, 1300 slugwood, 1287 slugwood p.p., 1300 smallanther mouriri, 10342 smallanther nectandra, 10784 smallanthus, 14826 smallberry coussarea, 3838 smallbirds cocainetree, 5306 smallbract faramea, 5853 small bullet wood, 2770 smallbunch balsamo, 13378 smallbunch ridgerunner, 4263 smallcalyx abarema, 33 smallcalyx cestrum, 2586 smallcalyx cornutia, 3601 smallcalyx eschweilera, 5403 smallcalyx guatteria, 6556 smallcalyx inga, 7677 smallcalyx jacaranda, 7903 smallcalyx macrolobium, 8920 smallcalyx parathesis, 11780 smallcalyx Swartzpea, 15481 smallcalyx tournefortia, 16208 smallclaw hirtella, 7207 smallclaw licania, 8442 small coca, 5297 small cotton tree, 6271 small cryptocarya, 4085 small duguetia, 4820 small fig, 5905 small fruit cocoplum, 2739 small jumbie bead, 5208 smalleaf freziera, 6067 smalleaf ruagea, 13965 smalleaf schmardaea, 14438 smaller mahoe, 11877 smalleranther burrwood, 14792 smallflower abatia, 41 smallflower angelintree, 654 smallflower aniba, 708 smallflower annona, 802 smallflower balsamo, 13377 smallflower banara, 1200 smallflower barnadesia, 1212 smallflower bertiera, 1359 smallflower bitterwood, 16345 smallflower bogwood, 14721 smallflower burrwood, 14799 smallflower Caquetá saurauia, 14219 smallflower cariniana, 2221 smallflower chimarrhis, 2668 smallflower chrysochlamys, 2756 smallflower cinchona, 2829 smallflower conostegia, 3440 smallflower couratari, 3716 smallflower Criúva clusia, 3057 smallflower cryptocarya, 4084 smallflower cyrillopsis, 4333 smallflower dendroseris, 4481 smallflower dimorphandra, 4597 smallflower duroia, 4915 smallflower ecclinusa, 4950 smallflower ephedranthus, 5141 smallflower erisma, 5195 smallflower escallonia, 5341 smallflower eschweilera, 5402

smallflower falselyfasciculate persea, 12080 smallflower goethalsia, 6236 smallflower graffenrieda, 6301 smallflower guatteria, 6579 smallflower gustavia, 6716 smallflower holly, 7486 smallflower jacaranda, 7902 smallflower kutchubaea, 8029 smallflower licania, 8373 smallflower lunania, 8653 smallflower marila, 9139 smallflower martiodendron, 9202 smallflower maya, 9835 smallflower mayten, 9351 smallflower mezilaurus, 9531 smallflower mouriri, 10350 smallflower nectandra, 10791 smallflower neea, 10856 smallflower neocouma, 10878 smallflower neoraputia, 10900 smallflower oreopanax, 11265 smallflower ossaea, 11347 smallflower ouratea, 11427 smallflower pisonia, 12447 smallflower pleurothyrium, 12555 smallflower poecilanthe, 12624 smallflower poisonnut, 15257 smallflower qualea, 13525 smallflower quinate machaerium, 8795 smallflower saurauia, 14235 smallflower schlegelia, 14434 smallflower scleronema, 14465 smallflower soapwood caryocar, 2254 smallflower spiranthera, 15097 smallflower stifftia, 15233 smallflower stylogyne, 15306 smallflower tachia, 15737 smallflower tachigali, 15777 smallflower tonkabean, 4731 smallflower tortuous macrolobium, 8894 smallflower tovomita, 16257 smallflower trema, 16299 smallflower vantanea, 16540 smallflower vismia, 16739 smallfruit, 2739 smallfruit alseis, 523 smallfruit burrwood, 14800 smallfruit caryocar, 2257 smallfruit chimarrhis, 2667 smallfruit chocolatetree, 16039 smallfruit coussapoa, 3760 smallfruit cremastosperma, 3882 smallfruit dacryodes, 4349 smallfruit desmopsis, 4491 smallfruit elaeagia, 4977 smallfruit guatteria, 6557 smallfruit holly, 7501 smallfruit lacmellea, 8062 smallfruit licania, 8400 smallfruit maya, 9554 smallfruit monkeypottree, 8184 smallfruit nectandra, 10785 smallfruit palicourea, 11654 smallfruit Pasopaya parajubaea, 11756 smallfruit pentagonia, 11943 smallfruit plenckia, 12526 smallfruit pricklyash, 17191 smallfruit Swartzpea, 15482 smallfruit tovomita, 16258 smallfruit trigonia, 16393 smallfruit vantanea, 16529 smallfruit vasconcellea, 16559 smallfruit whiptree, 8628 smallgland inga, 7676 smallhead attalea, 1062 smallhead clibadium, 2995 smallhead compsoneura, 3330 smallhead maya, 9624 smallhead smallanthus, 14830 small-leaf, 5620, 10559 smallleaf balsam humiria, 7296 smallleaf barberry, 1333 smallleaf bitterbush, 12197 smallleaf blolly, 6369 smallleaf blueberrylike mouriri, 10346 smallleaf bluefruit maya, 9682 smallleaf buchenavia, 1706

smallleaf caesalpinia, 1903 smallleaf callisthene, 1974 smallleaf caraipa, 2191 smallleaf cariniana, 2222 smallleaf cashew, 609 smallleaf clusia, 3149 smallleaf cocainetree, 5290 smallleaf conceveiba, 3350 smallleaf copal, 7365 smallleaf couepia, 3679 smallleaf coussapoa, 3767 smallleaf cynometra, 4319 smallleaf duguetia, 4832 smallleaf eschweilera, 5415 smallleaf eugenia, 5620 smallleaf falselancewood, 13253 small leaf fig, 5905 small-leaf-grape, 3275 smallleaf hedyosmum, 6890 small leaf laurier mattack, 11034 smallleaf leopard caesalpinia, 1895 smallleaf licania, 8376 smallleaf machaerium, 8776 smallleaf malouetia, 9044 small leaf mattack, 11034 smallleaf mayna, 9309 smallleaf morella, 10260 smallleaf myrceugenia, 10412 smallleaf myrcia, 10510 smallleaf myrsine, 10671 smallleaf obtuseleaf hesperomeles, 7037 smallleaf otoba, 11370 smallleaf ovate myrceugenia, 10408 smallleaf parinari, 11800 smallleaf pentagonia, 11946 smallleaf pera, 11978 smallleaf poisonnut, 15258 smallleaf purpleheart, 11912 smallleaf quiina, 13604 smallleaf rhodostemonodaphne, 13801 smallleaf rubbertree, 7075 small leaf santinay, 14756 smallleaf sophora, 15037 smallleaf Swartzpea, 15511 smallleaf talisia, 15841 smallleaf topobea, 16176 smallleaf virola, 16693 small leaf waterwood, 2357 smallleaf weinmannia, 16990 small leaf wild grape, 3271 smallleaf whitequebracho, 983 small-leaved wild guava, 10611 small leaved yarri-yarri, 4834 smalllflower talisia, 15846 smalllobe chomelia, 2713 small margaritopsis, 9125 small maya, 9776 small monkey pot, 8167 small mosannona, 10296 small myrsine, 10668 smallnerved cinnamon, 2855 small ocotea, 11061 smallpetal bitterwood, 16346 smallpetal maya, 9836 smallpetal myrcia, 10509 smallpetal Swartzpea, 15512 smallpetal tachigali, 15778 small redwood, 6401 smallseed browningia, 1600 smallseed guatteria, 6558 small smallcalyx macrolobium, 8921 small sourplum, 17063 smallspike alumbarktree, 15277 smallspike nightshade, 14934 smallstamen clusia, 3122 smallstamen fetid leafflower, 12147 smallstamen Ruiz senna, 14587 smalltooth amaioua, 548 smalltooth holly, 7487 smalltooth margaritopsis, 9127 smalltooth treefern, 4201 small tree fern, 4208 small treefern, 4208 smalltwig gonzalagunia, 6258 small waxpalm, 2548 small wild cashima, 764 smelling bunchosia, 1756 Smith aegiphila, 261

ENGLISH NAMES Smith alseis, 528 Smith balsamo, 13410 Smith coralbean, 5224 Smith croton, 4048 Smith freziera, 6073 Smith lidflower, 2060 Smith maya, 9966 Smith nightshade, 14993 Smith ocotea, 11165 Smith ormosia, 11329 Smith ruagea, 13969 Smith syagruspalm, 15583 smoketree euphorbia, 5725 smoketreeleaf jujube, 17221 smoke wood, 5242 smooth aiouea, 321 smooth balsamo, 13364 smooth bluish cassava, 9066 smooth byrsonima, 1829 smooth caesalpinia, 1901 smoothcalyx inga, 7651 smoothcalyx tachigali, 15769 smoothcarpel elizabetha, 5003 smooth carpel submargined Swartzpea, 15552 smooth cestrum, 2579 smooth chione, 2686 smooth copaltree, 3462 smooth duroia, 4908 smoothest crudia, 4069 smoothest guatteria, 6514 smoothest maya, 9736 smoothest pigeonwings, 3016 smoothest sweetleaf, 15623 smoothest topobea, 16166 smoothest vochysia, 16834 smoothest xylosma, 17122 smooth falseolmedia, 13207 smooth Fläming Swartzpea, 15431 smoothflower haploclathra, 6849 smoothfruit apuleia, 873 smootfruit arenicolous mimosa, 10100 smoothfruit balsamo, 13363 smoothfruit caraipa, 2192 smoothfruit guatteria, 6544 smoothfruit roupala, 13937 smoothish holly, 7450 smooth Johnny berry, 9787 smoothleaf arapatiella, 880 smoothleaf cremastosperma, 3876 smoothleaf ecclinusa, 4951 smoothleaf falselancewood, 13248 smoothleaf fig, 5978 smooth leaf Kakaralli, 5388 smoothleaf machaerium, 8766 smoothleaf schefflera, 14348 smooth-leaf-velvet seed, 6660 smooth leaved kakaralli, 5388 smooth licania, 8349 smooth marlierea, 9167 smooth matayba, 9218 smooth mayten, 9342 smooth mesquite, 12999 smooth myriocarpa, 10624 smooth nightshade, 14928 smooth peritassa, 12021 smooth pouteria, 12833 smooth rauwolfia, 13688 smooth seagrape, 3243 smoothseed allophylus, 495 smooth senna, 14593 smooth snake bark, 3299 smooth snake-bark, 3299 smoothspike falsepiptadenia, 13228 smooth star-apple, 2768 smooth Turbaco stylogyne, 15311 smooth wildixora, 7845 snake bark, 3298 snake-bark, 3298, 3299 snakebark, 3298 snake berry, 3946 snakelike anadenanthera, 612 snakelike fig, 5938 snakenut, 11222 snakeoff cocainetree, 5241 snake-root, 12199 snakeroot, 2672 snake seed, 12679 snake stick, 12199

928 snake vine, 7392 snake wood, 3298 snake-wood, 3298 snakewood, 1552, 1560, 2448, 2450, 3298, 5537, 11321, 17279 snakewood tree, 2410 Snethlageae shortrachis Swartzpea, 15401 snook, 8820 snowbell, 15316 snowberry, 2672, 2673 snowhite croton, 4011 snowwhite persea, 12071 snowwhite trigonia, 16394 snowwhiteflower palicourea, 11611 soap bark tree, 13615 soapbarktree, 13613, 13615 soapbarktree quillaja, 13615 soapberry, 14171, 14172 soap-berry, 14172 soap berry tree, 14172 soap-berry tree, 14172 soap nuts, 14171 soap seed, 14172 soapseed, 14172 soap seed tree, 14172 soap-seed tree, 14172 soaptree, 3298 soaptree apes-earring, 22 soap wood, 2982 soapwood, 2251 soapwood caryocar, 2251 soapy nightshade, 14985 soapy-soapy, 20 Soatá fig, 6018 socratea, 14833 Soderstrom holly, 7520 Soderstrom ouratea, 11458 Sodiro axinaea, 1120 Sodiro critoniopsis, 3933 Sodiro crownbeard, 16620 Sodiro guatteria, 6620 Sodiro gynoxys, 6778 Sodiro maya, 9967 Sodiro myrsine, 10681 Sodiro ocotea, 11166 Sodiro palicourea, 11678 Sodiro pepper, 12374 Sodiro schefflera, 14358 Sodiro sessea, 14631 Sodiro steiractinia, 15135 Soegeng matisia, 9278 Soejarto duroia, 4925 soft aegiphila, 237 soft allophylus, 485 soft aniba, 711 soft balfourodendron, 1185 soft bauhinia, 1270 soft bourreria, 1519 soft bunchosia, 1754 soft caesalpinia, 1904 soft calliandra, 1946 softcalyx matisia, 9270 soft casearia, 2304 soft devilpepper, 13676 soft dicymbe, 4554 soft dimorphandra, 4595 soft elaeagia, 4978 soft entireleaf brunellia, 1644 softflower eugenia, 5611 softfruit fig, 5983 soft glorybower, 2966 soft hippotis, 7138 softleaf ocotea, 11103 softleaf pavonia, 11873 softleaf velvetseed, 6666 softleathery monkeypottree, 8167 soft licania, 8380 softlike lithraea, 8514 soft macrolobium, 8922 soft metrodorea, 9504 soft myrcia, 10512 soft neea, 10850 soft nettlespurge, 7937 soft perebea, 11992 soft pourouma, 12723 soft pricklyash, 17175 soft rhamnidium, 13750 soft seagrape, 3252

soft senna, 14556 soft talisia, 15842 soft tibouchina, 16089 soft treefern, 4220 soft virola, 16687 soft wallaba, 5115 soft wallabatree, 5115 soldier berry, 9058 soldier wood, 1952, 3299 soldierwood, 3299 soldierwood calliandra, 1952 soldierwood colubrina, 3299 Soledad bitterwood, 16371 sole falsecaper, 2155 Solimoes ormosia, 11330 Solimões poisonnut, 15263 Solimões salacia, 14138 Solms maya, 9968 Solms tibouchina, 16103 Solomon meliosma, 9430 sommera, 15030 soncoya, 805 soncoya annona, 805 Sonder Eugenia, 5686 Songo brunellia, 1663 Sooretama duguetia, 4857 Sooretama nightshade, 14994 sooty gynoxys, 6761 sophora, 15034 sophorafruit cojoba, 3293 Sorata aralia, 876 Sorata butterflybush, 1731 Sorata croton, 4049 Sorata llerasia, 8522 Sorata nightshade, 15023 Sorata walnut, 7968 sorocea, 15041 Sororopan myrcia, 10555 Sororopán roupala, 13941 Sothers licania, 8424 souari nut, 2259 Soukup gynoxys, 6779 sour guava, 13268 souroubea, 15064 sour plum, 17063, 17064 sour-sop, 785 soursop, 730, 785 soursop annona, 785 sour soup, 785 SouthAmerica alseis, 519 SouthAmerica aptandra, 871 SouthAmerica cordia, 3561 south american beech, 10935 South American blue column, 2529 SouthAmerican bocconia, 1450 South American copal, 7349 south american foxtail palm, 15582 South American locust, 7349 South American mahogany, 15569 South American sapote, 9252 South American walnut, 3526 SouthAmerica waxmallow, 9058 southern amapa handroanthus, 6821 southern bathysa, 1225 southern bauhinialeaf cynometra, 4312 southern beech, 10933 southern blueberry, 16517 SouthernBrazil eugenia, 5517 SouthernBrazil marlierea, 9159 southern clustered maya, 9557 southern couepia, 3667 southern coussarea, 3835 southern elder, 14155 southern eugenia, 5634 southern falsebeech, 10938 southern fiveleaf esenbeckia, 5464 southern guatteria, 6451 southern leatherwood, 4331 southern micrandra, 10036 southern naga naucleopsis, 10709 southern polylepis, 12640 southern raintree, 1679 southern resintree, 13075 southern sad maya, 10016 southern smoothest maya, 9737 southern soapberry, 14172 southern terminalia, 15925 southern ternstroemia, 15969 southern Uxpanapa chaconia, 16938

southern whitequebracho, 945 southern zinowiewia, 17214 Souza byrsonima, 1860 spachea, 15070 Spanish alder, 12338 Spanish ash, 7649, 7782, 8561 Spanish casha, 77 Spanish cedar, 2471, 2474 Spanish-cedar, 2474 Spanish cigarbox, 2474 Spanish-cigar box, 2474 Spanish cordia, 3565 spanish cork, 16050 Spanish elder, 12253, 12258, 12385 Spanish ella, 12253 Spanish elm, 3300, 3497, 3523 Spanishelm cordia, 3523 Spanish-elm, 3497 Spanish lime, 9379, 9382 Spanishlime, 9382 Spanish machete, 5208 Spanish oak, 7649 Spanish-oak, 7649 Spanish physic nut, 7938 Spanish physic-nut, 7938 Spanish plum, 15110, 17063 Spanish-plum, 15117 Spanish-top, 152 Spanish top palm, 152 Spanish walnut, 12972 sparattanthelium, 15075 sparattosperma, 15080 Sparre jacaranda, 7914 Sparre maya, 9969 spathe faramea, 5864 spathelikecalyx pentagonia, 11949 spathelikeleaf vochysia, 16889 spathulate burrwood, 14813 spathulate gordonia, 6268 spathulateleaf clusia, 3181 spathulateleaf freziera, 6074 spathulateleaf pachira, 11528 spathulateleaf ridgerunner, 4286 spathulatepetal tachigali, 15800 spathulate swizzlesticktree, 13562 spathulate tyleria, 16459 spathulate vochysia, 16890 spathe matisia, 9279 spearshaped trigynaea, 16409 specklewood, 1552 spectacular bougainvillea, 1511 spectacular copaia jacaranda, 7892 spectacular cordyline, 3597 spectacular geissanthus, 6155 spectacular guatteria, 6622 spectacular hedyosmum, 6898 spectacular inga, 7745 spectacular libanothamnus, 8244 spectacular macrolobium, 8936 spectacular micropholis, 10082 spectacular myrcia, 10558 spectacular ocotea, 11167 spectacular ouratea, 11459 spectacular salacia, 14139 spectacular saurauia, 14249 spectacular senna, 14597 spectacular tyleria, 16460 spectacular unonopsis, 16499 spectacular williamodendron, 17049 Spegazzini manyfruit mimosa, 10130 sphaeropteris, 15087 spherical clusia, 3172 sphericalflower ternstroemia, 15961 sphericalfruit cacao chocolatetree, 16032 sphericalfruit scurfy mollia, 10168 spherical macrocnemum, 8856 spherical mollia, 10161 sphinctanthus, 15090 sphinga, 15093 spicate cavendishia, 2404 spicate couepia, 3690 spicate fiddlewood, 2904 spicateflower bigleaf muskwood, 6414 spicate gonzalagunia, 6264 spicate lancepod, 8566 spicate licania, 8426 spicate lidflower, 2064 spicate nectandra, 10805

929 spicate ossaea, 11352 spicate pilocarpus, 12230 spicate plinia, 12581 spicate rauia, 13660 spicate ridgerunner, 4287 spicate stachyarrhena, 15133 spice berry eugenia, 5676 spiceberry eugenia, 5676 spicewood, 2012 Spichiger ridgerunner, 4288 Spichiger vantanea, 16544 spiciform marila, 9144 spiciform wildixora, 7851 spiculebearing xylosma, 17138 spiderflower, 2960 spigelialike dendrosipanea, 4484 spikelike copperleaf, 116 spikenard, 874 spindle duroia, 4903 spindleshaped ouratea, 11400 spineless treefern, 4206 spinescent casearia, 2324 spinescent dasyphyllum, 4425 spinescent varronia, 16554 spinulose holly, 7522 spinulose maya, 9972 spiny aegiphila, 225 spiny althorn, 8020 spiny annona, 814 spiny barnadesia, 1213 spiny caesalpinia, 1915 spiny cedar, 11531 spiny chomelia, 2725 spinyclubpalm, 1153 spiny colubrina, 3305 spiny combretum, 3323 spiny fiber palm, 16437 spiny fiddlewood, 2904 spinyfruit spinyclubpalm, 1154 spinyfruitlike spinyclubpalm, 1155 spiny geoffroea, 6173 spiny Guianas perebea, 11984 spiny hackberry, 2496 spiny jacaratia, 7921 spinylobed mimosa, 10093 spiny machaonia, 8814 spiny mayna, 9307 spiny milk berry, 14640 spiny palicourea, 11573 spiny rhaphithamnus, 13760 spiny rochefortia, 13864 spiny seagrape, 3267 spiny senna, 14600 spiny tabernaemontana, 15714 spiny tree cactus, 2530 spiny tree fern, 4214 spiranthera, 15095 spirit weed, 234 spiritweed, 191 spiritweed aegiphila, 234 spirotheca, 15098 spirotropis, 15106 Spix duguetia, 4858 Spix ocotea, 11168 spleenwortleaf partridgepea, 2621 spleenwortleaf partridgepea, 2621 spleenwortlike roupala, 13904 splendid swizzlesticktree, 13555 splittinghair margaritopsis, 9122 spoilaxe piranhea, 12435 spongiosperma, 15118 spongy handroanthus, 6841, 6842 spoon tree, 1515, 4988, 16330 spoon-tree, 1515, 4988 sporadic styphnolobium, 15315 spotted algernonia, 430 spotted eugenia, 5691 spottedfruit copal, 7369 spottedleaf myrcia, 10560 spotted mosannona, 10293 spotted ocotea, 11116 spotted resintree, 13103 spotted saracha, 14190 Sprague annona, 815 Sprague doliocarpus, 4765 spreadingnerve Maguire duroia, 4914 spreading schefflera, 14339 Sprengel eugenia, 5688 Spring eugenia, 5697

ENGLISH NAMES sprinkled senna, 14513 spruce p.p., 3497 Spruce bejaria, 1311 Spruce bigleaf maya, 9773 Spruce bitterbush, 12203 Spruce blakea, 1417 Spruce bonellia, 1467 Spruce buchenavia, 1703 Spruce casearia, 2325 Spruce cashew, 610 Spruce cassia, 2352 Spruce chastetree, 16791 Spruce cocainetree, 5320 Spruce compsoneura, 3340 Spruce cordia, 3570 Spruce coussapoa, 3769 Spruce croton, 4052 Spruce cynometra, 4320 Spruce devilpepper, 13687 Spruce dichapetalum, 4514 Spruce discocarpus, 4744 Spruce endlicheria, 5086 Spruce Eugenia, 5689 Spruce falsecaper, 2156 Spruce ferdinandusa, 5894 Spruce flowerbud blastemanthus, 1431 Spruce genip, 6167 Spruce hedyosmum, 6899 Spruce heisteria, 6935 Spruce helianthostylis, 6937 Spruce henriettea, 6978 Spruce hirtella, 7227 Spruce holly, 7523 Spruce ixora, 7876 Spruce lancepod, 8567 Spruce licania, 8427 Spruce lidflower, 2065 Spruce loreya, 8586 Spruce lycianthes, 8661 Spruce macairea, 8708 Spruce macoubea, 8825 Spruce macrosaman, 8966 Spruce marlierea, 9182 Spruce matayba, 9232 Spruce maya, 9974 Spruce mayten, 9371 Spruce mezilaurus, 9536 Spruce micrandra, 10045 Spruce mouriri, 10363 Spruce muskwood, 6428 Spruce myrsine, 10682 Spruce neea, 10860 Spruce ouratea, 11460 Spruce parinari, 11803 Spruce persimmon, 4681 Spruce picrolemma, 12210 Spruce piptocoma, 12431 Spruce pleuropetalum, 12531 Spruce podocarpus, 12607 Spruce pricklyash, 17196 Spruce qualea, 13534 Spruce red zebrawood, 3410 Spruce resintree, 13110 Spruce ridgerunner, 4289 Spruce rinorea, 13856 Spruce rosewood, 4389 Spruce rourea, 13955 Spruce rubbertree, 7081 Spruce rudgea, 14017 Spruce ryania, 14102 Spruce schefflera, 14361 Spruce seagrape, 3268 Spruce skyflower, 4891 Spruce sorocea, 15058 Spruce Swartzpea, 15547 Spruce sweetleaf, 15666 Spruce thyrsodium, 16065 Spruce tomentose saurauia, 14254 Spruce tovomita, 16268 Spruce trigonia, 16398 Spruce vasconcellea, 16566 Spruce velvetseed, 6676 Spruce vismia, 16752 Spruce weinmannia, 17007 Spruce whitequebracho, 996 Spruce xylopia, 17110 spurflower annona, 745 spurge, 5724 spurious caraipa, 2198

spurious inga, 7718 spurred erisma, 5185 spurred graffenrieda, 6317 spurred maya, 9632 spurred tessmannianthus, 15988 spurred topobea, 16161 squamate cocainetree, 5321 squamate eschweilera, 5441 squamate eugenia, 5690 squamate ouratea, 11461 squamulose maya, 9975 squireltaillike maya, 9953 St. Hilaire clusia, 3095 St. Hilaire cocainetree, 5307 St.Hilaire Christmasbush, 382 St.-Hilaire eugenia, 5660 St-Hilaire guatteria, 6506 St.Johns balsamo, 13385 St.John’s-bread, 7607 St. John’s bush, 13385 St. Johns wild coffee, 13385 St.Vincent Manga chloroleucon, 2702 St. Vincent plum, 6211 stachyarrhena, 15125 stafflike senna, 14514 Stafleu vochysia, 16893 Stahel chastetree, 16792 Standley ardisia, 919 Standley blakea, 1419 Standley copperleaf, 98 Standley drypetes, 4793 Standley joosia, 7954 Standley mabea, 8696 Standley pagamea, 11565 Standley palicourea, 11679 Standley simira, 14687 Stanley wittmackanthus, 17054 Stannard byrsonima, 1863 Stapf saurauia, 14250 star-apple, 2763, 2768, 2773 starapple, 2763 starbearing couratari, 3706 starbearing maya, 9978 starbearing pricklyash, 17197 starbearing raveniopsis, 13697 star fruit, 3171 starlikeflower unonopsis, 16467 star nut palm, 1010 starscale swizzlesticktree, 13543 startree, 1034 stately gustavia, 6691 stately pepper, 12272 stave wood, 13568 steel acacia, 77 steelwood, 13619 Steinbach aegiphila, 262 Steinbach duroia, 4926 Steinbach inga, 7747 Steinbach maya, 9977 Steinbach mollinedia, 10198 Steinbach oreopanax, 11282 Steinbach porcelia, 12668 Steinbach roupala, 13942 Steinbach seagrape, 3269 Steinbach sorocea, 15061 Steinbach Ule guatteria, 6441 Steinbach whiptree, 8633 Stein hedyosmum, 6900 steiractinia, 15134 stellate buglelily, 9488 stellate couratari, 3721 stellate critoniopsis, 3934 stellatehair aequatorium, 273 stellatehair gynoxys, 6743 stellatehair nordenstamia, 10932 stellatehair pepper, 12268 stellatehairs couratari, 3707 stellate henriettea, 6979 stellate hippotis, 7140 stellate maya, 9583 stellate nightshade, 14995 stellate schradera, 14458 stellular bogwood, 14733 stellular maya, 9979 stemmadenia, 15136 stenocereus, 15141 stenopadus, 15143 stenosepala, 15156 stenostephanus, 15158

stenostomum, 15160 stephanopodium, 15163 sterculia, 15177 sterculialike phitopis, 12113 Stergios chomelia, 2726 sterigmapetalum, 15211 steriphoma, 15223 Sternberg alsophila, 540 stetsonia, 15228 Steward licania, 8428 Steyermark amanoa, 566 Steyermark bonnetia, 1479 Steyermark buglelily, 9489 Steyermark burrwood, 14814 Steyermark byrsonima, 1864 Steyermark campsiandra, 2130 Steyermark clusia, 3184 Steyermark cocainetree, 5322 Steyermark couepia, 3691 Steyermark dacryodes, 4357 Steyermark daphnopsis, 4413 Steyermark diacidia, 4498 Steyermark helianthostylis, 6938 Steyermark henriettella, 6998 Steyermark holly, 7524 Steyermark licania, 8429 Steyermark macrolobium, 8940 Steyermark maya, 9982 Steyermark ormosia, 11331 Steyermark ouratea, 11462 Steyermark palicourea, 11681 Steyermark perissocarpa, 12014 Steyermark pleurothyrium, 12558 Steyermark podocarpus, 12608 Steyermark sapium, 14187 Steyermark schefflera, 14362 Steyermark schradera, 14456 Steyermark sterculia, 15205 Steyermark Swartzpea, 15550 Steyermark ternstroemia, 15978 Steyermark topobea, 16180 Steyermark virola, 16701 Steyermark vismia, 16753 Steyermark vochysia, 16894 Steyermark whitequebracho, 997 Steyermark zebrawood, 3412 Steyermark zygia, 17283 sticky acacia, 95 sticky hopseedbush, 4755 stifftia, 15230 stilbocarpa locust copal, 7352 stillingia, 15234 stilpnophyllum, 15237 stiltfashion macrolobium, 8902 stilt palm, 7811, 14834 stingingbush, 9052 stinging nettle, 16507, 16508 stinging nightshade, 15018 stinkin’ bush, 3603 stinking breath, 7349 stinking nectandra, 10788 stinking nightshade, 14862 stinking toe, 2350, 7347, 7349 stinking-toe, 2347 stinkwood, 12438 stipitate bitterwood, 16373 stipitate bougainvillea, 1513 stipitate burrwood, 14818 stipitate dicymbe, 4558 stipitate eugenia, 5692 stipitate guatteria, 6625 stipitate lorostemon, 8596 stipitate machaerium, 8801 stipitate maya, 9983 stipitate myriocarpa, 10627 stipitate nealchornea, 10724 stipitate pouteria, 12901 stipitate unonopsis, 16500 stipitate woollyflower zebrawood, 3389 stipulate balsamo, 13421 stipulate bathysa, 1237 stipulate blakea, 1420 stipulate borojoa, 1494 stipulate byrsonima, 1865 stipulate chocolatetree, 16045 stipulate Christmasbushlike hieronyma, 7092 stipulate couepia, 3692 stipulate croton, 4053

ENGLISH NAMES stipulate faramea, 5866 stipulate inga, 7751 stipulate loose calliandra, 1941 stipulate macawood, 12515 stipulate maya, 9984 stipulate metrodorea, 9506 stipulate naucleopsis, 10714 stipulate ormosia, 11332 stipulate palicourea, 11682 stipulate pavonia, 11878 stipulate pourouma, 12734 stipulate pouteria, 12902 stipulate prunus, 13170 stipulate RiodeJaneiro hymenolobium, 7385 stipulate rudgea, 14019 stipulate sessea, 14632 stipulate showy ryania, 14098 stipulate sterculia, 15206 stipulate tepualia, 15912 stipulate vallea, 16520 stipulate vasconcellea, 16567 Stirton leptolobium, 8223 stitchwortlike graffenrieda, 6281 Stockwell balsam, 13422 stomatochaeta, 15241 stopper, 5492, 5510, 5676, 10585 stora, 15316 stoutflower annona, 799 stoutfruit licaria, 8477 stoutspike Eugenia, 5645 stove wood, 3244 straight allophylus, 505 straightnerve clusia, 3141 straightnerved coussapoa, 3763 straightnerved endlicheria, 5055 straightstamen myrcianthes, 10596 stramoniumleaf brachistus, 1524 strangewood treefern, 4226 strangler fig, 5905 strangler fig p.p., 6003 strangler-fig, 3171 strangler hillia, 7109 strapflower clusia, 3112 strapstamen endlicheria, 5068 strawberry, 5510 strawberry guava, 13263 strawberry tree, 10383 strawberry-tree, 10383 strawcolor naucleopsis, 10715 strawyellow treefern, 4218 striateflower sphinctanthus, 15092 striate inga, 7753 striate seagrape, 3270 striateleaf magnolia, 9005 striate guava, 13286 striated poisonsumac, 16279 striated sterculia, 15207 striated trumpettree, 15696 strigilate cestrum, 2601 strigose allomaieta, 460 strigose channelled macrolobium, 8875 strigose diplotropis, 4723 strigose duroia, 4927 strigose hedyosmum, 6901 strigose lidflower, 2066 strigose loreya, 8587 strigose pepper, 12377 strigose pouteria, 12848 strigose pumpwood, 2462 strigose saurauia, 14251 strigose treefern, 4219 striking ceiba, 2485 striking faramea, 5824 striking marlierea, 9164 striking mulberry, 10289 striking ocotea, 11065 striking pumpwood, 2434 striking ruagea, 13963 striped fig, 6035 strongback, 1514 strongbark, 1514 strong cestrum, 2605 strong maya, 10026 strongnerve pouteria, 12920 strongsmelling bursera, 1770 strychnos, 15243 Stübel ocotea, 11171 Stuebel brunellia, 1669

930 Stuebel gynoxys, 6780 stylebearing pouteria, 12903 stylebearing sapium, 14188 styled Eugenia, 5693 styled glomerate pouteria, 12821 styloceras, 15291 stylogyne, 15296 styphnolobium, 15314 subalpine jacaranda, 7915 subalpine maya, 9986 subalpine ocotea, 11172 subamplexicaul ouratea, 11463 subandean fig, 6020 subandean Guianas tapirira, 15865 subandean maya, 9987 subandean muskwood, 6429 subandean pachira, 11540 subandean sweetleaf, 15667 subandin loreya, 8588 subandin Ule naucleopsis, 10720 subandine clavija, 2953 subapiculate Jamaica fig, 5909 subauriculate paullinia, 11856 subauriculate pentagonia, 11950 subbullate licaria, 8485 subcapitate ciliate inga, 7593 subciliate tococabush, 16129 subconcolor discolor maya, 9694 subconnate blakea, 1421 subcordate couepia, 3693 subcordate duguetia, 4861 subcordate eschweilera, 5442 subcordate flexanthera, 6044 subcordate heteromorphous licania, 8329 subcordate marlierea, 9184 subcordate mezilaurus, 9537 subcordate myrcia, 10561 subcordate persea, 12091 subcoriaceous talisia, 15830 subcorymbose prunus, 13172 subcuneate sweetleaf, 15668 subcymose rosewood, 4390 subdenuded inga, 7757 subdimidiate albizia, 363 subelegant acosmium, 156 subentire MatoGrosso sacoglottis, 14112 subentire rigid prunus, 13166 subglabrate neea, 10861 subglabrous myrcia, 10562 subglabrous wurdastom, 17061 subglandular eschweilera, 5443 subglandular hirtella, 7228 subglaucescent lancepod, 8568 subglaucous annona, 775 subglaucous longpedicel annona, 776 subglobose klarobelia, 8014 subknotty maya, 9988 subleathery croton, 4054 subleathery prunus, 13171 subleathery Spruce rourea, 13956 submarginal micropholis, 10084 submargined Swartzpea, 15551 suboblique myrcia, 10563 suborbicularleaf holly, 7525 suborbicular marlierea, 9185 suborbicular micropholis, 10085 subovate alvaradoa, 542 subpeltate partridgepea, 2640 subpilocereus, 15363 subpubescent neea, 10862 subracemose cocainetree, 5324 subrhombic machaerium, 8802 subroughish topobea, 16181 subroundedleaf loreya, 8589 subscutate pepper, 12378 subsericeous balata, 9102 subserrate mauria, 9295 subserrate nightshade, 14998 subserrate resintree, 13112 subserrate ternstroemia, 15979 subserrulate mabea, 8697 subsessile balsam humiria, 7300 subsessile brunellia, 1670 subsessile cannonballtree, 3727 subsessile cinnamon, 2865 subsessileflower weinmannia, 17009 subsessile guatteria, 6626

subsessile licaria, 8486 subsessile locust copal, 7353 subsessile mabea, 8698 subsessile myrcia, 10564 subsessile pentagonia, 11951 subsessile pouteria, 12906 subsheated blakea, 1423 subshowy monnina, 10241 subsilky polylepis, 12653 subsilky terminalia, 15942 subspathulate balsamo, 13423 subspherical cocainetree, 5325 subspherical licania, 8431 subspicate maya, 9989 subspicate palicourea, 11685 subspiny starapple, 2808 subsquamulate toulicia, 16196 subterminal eugenia, 5695 subterminal ocotea, 11174 subthyrsoid fiddlewood, 2907 subtomentose palicourea, 11686 subtropics peeling geoffroea, 6172 subtruncate fiddlewood, 2908 subulateflower showy ryania, 14099 subulatelike palicourea, 11684 subulate marlierea, 9186 subulate nectandra, 10806 subulate palicourea, 11683 subumbellate mouriri, 10364 subumbellate sorocea, 15062 subundulate balsamo, 13424 subveinless Eugenia, 5694 subvelvety tachigali, 15801 subverticillate pradosia, 12952 subwoolly licania, 8430 subyellowish fiddlewood, 2906 succulentflower rudgea, 14006 Sucre marlierea, 9187 Sucre resintree, 13025 Sucumbíos bitterwood, 16334 Sucumbíos maya, 9970 Sucumbíos neosprucea, 10911 sucupira, 1520, 1521, 4716 sucupira diplotropis, 4716 sucuúba himatanthus, 7128 Suerre faramea, 5867 sugar apple, 808 sugar-apple, 784 sugarberry, 2493 sugar-grape, 3275 sulcate eugenia, 5696 sulcate fiddlewood, 2909 sulcate flatseed osteophloeum, 11356 sulcate macairea, 8710 sulcate ocotea, 11175 sulcate panopsis, 11722 sulphuryellow palicourea, 11689 sumac-leaved soapberry, 14172 Sumaco fig, 6021 summer-sweet, 2968 summit holly, 7526 sunkha parajubaea, 11754 suntuch schefflera, 14309 superb bonyunia, 1488 superb conostegia, 3446 superb cordia, 3573 superb couratari, 3710 superb guadua, 6347 superb gustavi, 6727 superb hortia, 7262 superb maya, 9990 superb nightshade, 14999 superb ouratea, 11464 superb starapple, 2809 superb topobea, 16182 supinmi rudgea, 14016 suppa palm, 164 Suratá viburnum, 16652 surian, 234 suriana, 15368 Surinam cherry, 5711 Surinam-cherry, 5497, 10559 Surinamcherry, 5711 Suriname alexa, 421 Suriname angelintree, 660 Suriname berry, 5711 Suriname bitterwood, 16374 Suriname bush, 5711 Suriname byrsonima, 1867

Suriname calliandra, 1955 Suriname calycolpus, 1987 Suriname cardiopetalum, 2213 Suriname carpotroche, 2234 Suriname cherry, 5711 Suriname clusia, 3114 Suriname common balata, 9085 Suriname corythophora, 3610 Suriname coussarea, 3854 Suriname duguetia, 4862 Suriname eriotheca, 5177 Suriname kutchubaea, 8036 Suriname macrolobium, 8864 surinamense stickpea, 1955 Suriname pouteria, 12806 Suriname pradosia, 12953 Suriname quassia, 13568 Suriname reticulate pouteria, 12881 Suriname ridgerunner, 4290 Suriname rourea, 13957 Suriname sterigmapetalum, 15215 Suriname tufted campsiandra, 2114 Suriname Ule nittatree, 11823 Suriname vataireopsis, 16587 Suriname virola, 16702 Suriname vochysia, 16895 Suriname xylopia, 17111 Suriname zollernia, 17241 Surinam mahogany, 2203 Surinam quassia wood, 13568 surprising saman, 14151 Surumú bitterwood, 16375 Surumú pouteria, 12907 Susacón related brunellia, 1660 Susanna, 2904 Susanna berry, 2904 Susanna-berry, 2904 Susanna-tree, 2904 Susannatree, 2904 susumber, 15009 suterella balsamo, 13426 swamp, 13466 swamp blood wood, 13466 swamp bush, 11877 swamp coralbean, 5214 swamp cyrilla, 4331 swamp dogwood p.p., 8546, 10381 swamp icaco, 561 swamp immortelle, 5214 swamp-ironwood, 4331 swamp kauta, 8320 swampkaway, 13466 swamp kaway, 12509, 13466 swamp kukarua, 12933 swamp laurel, 6265 swamp leatherwood, 4331 swamp macawood, 12509 swamp manariballi, 365 swamp pavonia, 11877 swamp redwood, 5242 swamp-redwood, 5235 swamp titi, 4331 swamp wallaba, 4545, 5134 swamp wena kakaralli, 5416 swampwood, 17272 swarri nut, 2241, 2259 swarthy dictyocaryum, 4538 swarthy ridgerunner, 4242 Swartz maya, 9973 Swartz nightshade, 15000 Swartz’s pigeon plum, 3271 Swartzpea, 15369 sweet acacia, 65 sweet breadnut, 16443 sweet briar, 65, 92 sweet-briar, 92 sweetfruit bogwood, 14710 sweetfruit copaltree, 3459 sweetfruit leonia, 8203 sweetfruit otoba, 11364 sweetia, 15565 sweetish fig, 5950 sweetleaf, 15597 sweet myers, 10783 sweet pea, 7649 sweet pepperbush, 2968 sweet-pea, 7649 sweetpea, 7649 sweet-potato-tree, 9074

931 sweetscented buchenavia, 1711 sweetscented critoniopsis, 3935 sweetscented falsepiptadenia, 13230 sweetscented inga, 7755 sweetscented laetia, 8114 sweetscented macrolobiume, 8941 sweetscented marlierea, 9183 sweetscented maya, 9985 sweetscented mayna, 9311 sweetscented panopsis, 11721 sweetscented roupala, 13943 sweetscented schefflera, 14364 sweetscent lancepod, 8545 sweet-sop, 769 sweet tea, 7649 sweet wood, 5085 sweetwood, 2856, 7669, 8488, 10759, 10766, 10773, 10783, 10800, 10960 swizzle stick tree, 13564 swizzle-stick-tree, 13564 swizzlesticktree, 13541 swizzlesticktreelike aegiphila, 254 swollen resintree, 13111 swordlike partridgepea, 2629 swordlike prestoea, 12962 sword trithrinaxpalm, 16438 syagruspalm, 15570 sylvan aegiphila, 264 sylvan amyris, 602 sylvan anaxagorea, 637 sylvan annona, 816 sylvan balsamo, 13384 sylvan belencita, 1314 sylvan broadleaf Swartzpea, 15455 sylvan byrsonima, 1843 sylvan chocolatetree, 16040 sylvan citronella, 2922 sylvan clusia, 3133 sylvan licania, 8423 sylvan marlierea, 9181 sylvan matayba, 9234 sylvan pereskia, 12007 sylvan pricklyash, 17180 sylvan rinorea, 13857 sylvan salacia, 14132 sylvan schistostemon, 14425 sylvan tovomita, 16267 sylvan unonopsis, 16498 sylvan zebrawood, 3411 sylvatic agonandra, 304 sylvatica talisia, 15856 sylvatic bitterwood, 16369 sylvatic cordia, 3568 sylvatic drimys, 4775 sylvatic muskwood, 6427 sylvatic myrcia, 10565 sylvatic ocotea, 11164 sylvatic pouteria, 12895 sylver-saw palm, 151 Sylvestre bathysa, 1238 symmeria, 15587 symmetrical nightshade, 15003 symphonia, 15589 symphyopappus, 15593 symplococarpon, 15595 synantherous burrwood, 14820 synantherous rhodostemonodaphne, 13810 syncarpous pricklyash, 17198 synechanthuspalm, 15676 Szyszylowicz endlicheria, 5087


tabaquillo macrocarpaea, 8846 Tabasco mahogany, 15569 tabebuia, 15693 tabernaemontana, 15697 tableland holly, 7406 tablelands trattinnickia, 16294 tacarcuna, 15731 tacay nut, 2272 tachia, 15734 tachigali, 15738 Táchira casearia, 2329 Tachira Christmasbush, 387 Táchira licania, 8432 Táchira meliosma, 9431 Táchira sterigmapetalum, 15222

ENGLISH NAMES Tacuaral cereus, 2537 tacuna pumpwood, 2463 Tafelberg clusia, 3186 Tafelberg micropholis, 10076 Tafelberg myrcia, 10566 Tafelberg resintree, 13102 Tafelberg snowbell, 15356 Tafelberg woolly duroia, 4902 taguanut, 12175 taguara guadua, 6348 tailleaf maya, 10025 tailleaf pepper, 12387 tailspickled astrocaryum, 1029 Takutu ouratea, 11465 talaumaleaf stenopadus, 15155 talisia, 15809 tall aegiphila, 209 tall balsamo, 13338 tall byrsonima, 1787 tall chaconia, 16935 tall corythophora, 3608 tall eschweilera, 5423 tallest bredemeyera, 1537 tallest locust copal, 7350 tallest tetragastris, 15993 tall euphorbia, 5728 tall guatteria, 6437 tall hymenolobium, 7377 tall kielmeyera, 7983 tall lecythis, 8196 tall mabea, 8675 tall martiodendron, 9196 tall maya, 9712 tall mesquite, 12988 tall micrandra, 10037 tall neea, 10820 tall ormosia, 11306 tallow nut, 17063 tallow-plum, 17063 tallow tree, 14173, 14179 tall pepper, 12357 tall redtrubba, 15009 tall scratchbush, 16509 tall spiritweed, 209 tall wettinia, 17028 tallow wood, 17063 tallowwood, 17062 tallowwood p.p., 17063, 17064 tallwood, 17063 Talmon icicariba resintree, 13064 Tama schefflera, 14367 Tamandú bernardia, 1345 tamaquarina malouetia, 9050 tamarillo, 14856 tamarind apes-earring, 3287 tamarind cojoba, 3287 tamarindleaf acacia, 90 tamarindlike uribea, 16515 tamarugo, 13010 tamarugo mesquite, 13010 Tamatama schefflera, 14368 Tamberlik faramea, 5868 Tambopata licania, 8433 Tambopata pricklyash, 17199 Tambo saurauia, 14252 tampoa, 15859 tan bay, 6265 tangarana viraru, 14067 tantakayo, 360 tantakayo albizia, 360 Tapacuma eugenia, 5698 Tapajós senna, 14603 Tapajoz inga, 7761 tapering himatanthus, 7113 tapering leafflower, 12131 tapering ochthocosmus, 10951 tapering palicourea, 11588 tapering tontelea, 16147 Taphorn campsiandra, 2131 Tapichalaca Pichincha treefern, 4176 tapioca-plant, 9074 Tapirapecó balsamo, 13429 tapirira, 15861 tapura, 15870 taquari mabea, 8699 taralea, 15893 Tarapacá polylepis, 12654 Tarapoto bauhinia, 1283 Tarapoto cavendishia, 2405

Tarapoto clavija, 2954 Tarapoto croton, 4055 Tarapoto cymbopetalum, 4305 Tarapoto himatanthus, 7129 Tarapoto holly, 7527 Tarapoto inga, 7760 Tarapoto ocotea, 11177 Tarapoto ouratea, 11466 Tarapoto poisonnut, 15264 Tarapoto pouteria, 12908 Tarapoto snowbell, 15357 Tarapoto sorocea, 15044 Tarapoto sparattanthelium, 15077 tarara porcupinepodtree, 2506 tar gum tree, 3123 Tarija trichocereus, 16384 tariji tovomita, 16245 tarim persimmon, 4682 Tarma clusia, 3187 tar pot, 3076 tartagalia, 15900 Tarumá pouteria, 12909 tassel plant, 15368 tatabu, 4716 Tate holly, 7528 Tate myriocarpa, 10628 Tate ouratea, 11467 Tatú Swartzpea, 15372 Taubert aniba, 719 Taubert euplassa, 5750 Taubert holly, 7529 Taubert slugwood, 1304 tawny copperleaf, 105 tawny coussapoa, 3753 tawny treefern, 4188 Taylor macrolobium, 8946 Taylor rudgea, 14020 tea, 5202 teabearing neea, 10864 tea holly, 7532 teak, 7364 teakleaf pepper, 12379 tealike mayten, 9373 Teapa bitterbush, 12204 teascented virola, 16703 teaselike maya, 9692 teaselmallow, 17022 tecoma, 15902 Tefé calycophyllum, 1998 Tefé curupira, 4148 tegore nightshade, 15004 Teindala baccharis, 1151 Teixeira licania, 8434 Tempisque Capiri jungleplum, 14639 tencarpel ouratea, 11393 tenio weinmannia, 17015 tenleaflets schefflera, 14299 tenseed ammandra, 575 tenstamen albizia, 351 tenstamen allantoma, 449 tenstamen guatteria, 6486 tenstyle schefflera, 14298 tentacule hirtella, 7230 tenuous inga, 7763 tenuousflower annona, 818 tenuousflower mimosa, 10138 tenuousflower remijia, 13727 tenuousflower tovomita, 16270 tenuousflower viraru, 14068 tenuousnerve vismia, 16754 tepejilote chamaedorea, 2645 tepejilote palm, 2645 tepezapote ternstroemia, 15980 tepualia, 15911 tepuianthus, 15913 tepuí balsamo, 13431 tepuí dulacia, 4881 tepuí Eugenia, 5701 tepuí graytwig, 14452 tepuí grossgrain meliosma, 9411 tepuí hedyosmum, 6902 tepuí holly, 7530 tepuí neea, 10863 tepuí panopsis, 11723 tepuí retiniphyllum, 13739 tepuí sarcopera, 14202 tepuí tococabush, 16130 tepu persimmon, 4683 Tequendama fig, 6023

terete caraipa, 2199 tergeminate calliandra, 1957 terminal conceveiba, 3356 terminalflower aniba, 720 terminalflower gustavia, 6728 terminal guatteria, 6628 terminalia, 15921 terminalialike mountainpride, 15085 ternate aegiphila, 265 ternate eugenia, 5702 ternateflower burrwood, 14821 ternate lamanonia, 8132 ternate maya, 9993 ternate nightshade, 15007 ternate schefflera, 14369 ternate whitequebracho, 1001 ternstroemia, 15947 ternstroemiaflower naucleopsis, 10716 ternstroemialike clusia, 3188 terri maya, 9992 Terry aphelandra, 864 Terscheck trichocereus, 16385 tessaria, 15983 tessellated Spruce Swartzpea, 15549 Tessmann attalea, 1078 Tessmann bicolor pourouma, 12702 Tessmann coussapoa, 3770 Tessmann cremastosperma, 3874 Tessmann croton, 4056 Tessmann dendropanax, 4465 Tessmann diclinanona, 4525 Tessmann dussia, 4938 Tessmann endlicheria, 5088 Tessmann eschweilera, 5446 Tessmann euphorbia, 5729 Tessmann faramea, 5817 Tessmann glorybower, 2967 Tessmann guatteria, 6629 tessmannianthus, 15987 Tessmann inga, 7765 Tessmann iryanthera, 7836 Tessmann lancewood, 11478 Tessmann laxoplumeria, 8142 Tessmann lidflower, 2067 Tessmann metteniusa, 9514 Tessmann mouriri, 10365 Tessmann ocotea, 11180 Tessmann perebea, 11998 Tessmann pleurothyrium, 12551 Tessmann qualea, 13536 Tessmann randia, 13638 Tessmann sterculia, 15208 Tessmann Swartzpea, 15554 Tessmann tapura, 15891 Tessmann xylosma, 17139 tetragastris, 15992 tetragonalbranchlet clusia, 3189 tetrameranthus, 16003 tetramerous buglelily, 9491 tetramerous eugenia, 5703 tetramerous graytwig, 14453 tetramerous kirkbridea, 8003 tetramerous lissocarpa, 8509 tetrasida, 16009 tetrastichous Eugenia, 5704 tetrastylidium, 16011 tetrathylacium, 16014 tetrorchidium, 16017 Texas huisache, 65 Texas mulberry, 10288 Thais cordia, 3576 thatch-leaf, 15368 thatch palm, 3280 Therese macairea, 8711 thermae palicourea, 11691 thespesia, 16049 thespesialike hampea, 6806 thevetia, 16051 thibaudia, 16054 thibaudialike rustia, 14080 Thibaud inga, 7766 thickbranch crownbeard, 16602 thickbranche buglelily, 9449 thickbranche mezilaurus, 9524 thickcalyx palicourea, 11663 thickcalyx pouteria, 12858 thicket wild coffee, 9127 thickflower allantoma, 453 thickflower cordiera, 3590

ENGLISH NAMES thickflower duguetia, 4819 thickflower faramea, 5850 thickflower simira, 14675 thickflower vochysia, 16870 thickfruit bigleaf muskwood, 6412 thickfruit eschweilera, 5410 thickfruit shiningleaf starapple, 2788 thickleaf beautyleaf, 1980 thickleaf bougainvillea, 1507 thickleaf clusia, 3144 thickleaf coussapoa, 3765 thickleaf cupania, 4116 thickleaf devilpepper, 13677 thickleaf faramea, 5812 thickleaf inga, 7701 thickleaf macairea, 8706 thickleaf maya, 9750 thickleaf milkberry, 2676 thickleaf myrcia, 10527 thickleaf ocotea, 11015 thickleaf parinari, 11798 thickleaf pouteria, 12859 thickleaf salacia, 14135 thickleaf Swartzpea, 15499 thickleaf true velvetseed, 6680 thick leaf wild guava, 10527 thicklobe nectandra, 10746 thicknerve fascicled zebrawood, 3391 thicknerve licania, 8286 thicknerve maya, 9666 thicknerve pepper, 12296 thickpedicel micropholis, 10059 thickpetal anaxagorea, 626, 632 thickpetal pavonia, 11871 thickpetal vasconcellea, 16557 thickskin eschweilera, 5411 thick-skinned marishiballi, 8267 thickspike acuminate prestoea, 12959 thickstamen mollinedia, 10194 thickstyle nectandra, 10749 thickveined coussapoa, 3746 thickveined sessea, 14624 thickwing whitequebracho, 982 thiloa, 16056 thinfruit inga, 7656 thinleaf adelia, 174 thinleaf cocainetree, 5242 thin-leaf erythroxylon, 5242 thinnerved cocainetree, 5276 thinpedicel pouteria, 12835 thinpeduncle eriothec, 5165 thinspike allophylus, 482 thinspike pepper, 12333 thinspike resintree, 13070 tho, 9303 Thomas whitequebracho, 999 thornapple brugmansia, 1602 thornapple datura, 1602 thorn burkle, 2276 thornbush, 62 thorny common mesquite, 12995 thorny dasyphyllum, 4419 thorny henriettea, 6968 thorny lacmellea, 8051 thorny pereskia, 12006 thorny poulsenia, 12694 thorny randia, 13623 thorny rufflepalm, 340 thorny skyflower, 4886 thousandleaflet mimosa, 10122 threadlikespike balsamo, 13383 threeangled cereus, 2538 threeangledseed pouteria, 12916 threecarpel affonsea, 280 threecarpel brunellia, 1673 threecarpel elvasia, 5019 threecleft oreopanax, 11286 threecuspidate nightshade, 15012 threedentate viburnum, 16656 three fingered jack, 11240 threeflower archytaea, 886 threeflower balata, 9103 threeflower chastetree, 16793 threeflower clusia, 3192 threeflower cordiera, 3595 threeflower duroia, 4929 threeflower hippotis, 7141 threeflower mollinedia, 10200 threeflower piptocarpha, 12424

932 threeflower rudgea, 14022 threeflower terminalia, 15943 threeflower tovomita, 16271 threeflower viraru, 14069 threefruit froesia, 6082 threefruit spachea, 15074 threehook mezilaurus, 9540 threehorn iryanthera, 7837 three leaf, 468 threeleaf allophylus, 468 threeleaf angostura, 681 threeleaf anthodiscus, 836 threeleaf barktree, 6115 threeleaf bitterwood, 16377 threeleaflet angelintree, 663 threeleaflet resintree, 13118 threeleaf neoraputia, 10902 threeleaf palicourea, 11693 threeleaf piranhea, 12436 threeleaf toxosiphon, 16283 threeleaf viburnum, 16657 threelobe adelia, 176 threelobe diplotropis, 4724 threelobed soft pourouma, 12725 threeloculus pouteria, 12917 threenerve aiouea, 331 threenerve baccharis, 1152 threenerve calliandra, 1960 threenerve coussapoa, 3772 threenerved cinnamon, 2867 threenerved poisonnut, 15265 threenerve eugenia, 5706 threenerve hackberry, 2501 threenerve hydrogaster, 7340 threenerve licaria, 8489 threenerve maburea, 8703 threenerve maya, 10013 three-seed-mercury, 97 threeseed ruagea, 13972 threestamen astrocaryum, 1027 threestamened senefeldera, 14501 threestamen hirtella, 7233 threestamen leonia, 8206 threestamen licania, 8438 threestigma conceveiba, 3357 threetorn skyflower, 4892 threewingfruit isidodendron, 7855 threewing Swartzpea, 15559 thula baccharis, 1138 thyrseflower macairea, 8712 thyrseflower pentascyphus, 11963 thyrsiflorous condaminealike tresanthera, 16303 thyrsiflorous holly, 7533 thyrsiflorous jujube, 17229 thyrsiflorous pagamea, 11566 thyrsiflorous palicourea, 11692 thyrsodium, 16058 thyrsoid ouratea, 11468 thyrsoid vochysia, 16899 thysanostemon, 16066 tibouchina, 16068 tibourbou apeiba, 850 ticorea, 16107 tietie, 4383, 14434 tietongue, 3234 tie-tongue, 3234, 3271 tiger cocoa, 16030 tiger nail embra, 12441 tiger wood, 11763 tigerwood, 1041, 1042 tigerwood paramachaerium, 11763 Tijuca nightshade, 14898 Tijucas myrcia, 10569 Tilarán slugwood, 1305 Tillett byrsonima, 1868 Tillett flamebean, 1584 Tillett maya, 10004 Tilletts ocotea, 11181 Tilletts Swartzpea, 15555 Tillett vochysia, 16900 Timaná ridgerunner, 4291 timber fiddlewood, 16763 timber sweet, 10776, 11005, 11120 timbersweet, 10737, 10809 Timbiqui balsamo, 13432 timbó ateleia, 1051 timbouva earpodtree, 5111 Tim-Tom bush, 2672

Tinajita pentagonia, 11952 tinctorial koanophyllon, 8018 tinctorial simira, 14688 tinctorial tachigali, 15802 tintin vochysia, 16901 tinto maya, 9656 tipa, 16114 Tipococha cestrum, 2602 Tipococha dendrophorbium, 4478 tipuana, 16113 Tipuani balsam, 13433 Tipuani bitterwood, 16352 Tipuani schefflera, 14370 tipu tree, 16114 tiputree, 16113 ti-ti, 4368 titi, 4330, 4331 toad vine, 11209 toadwood, 4106 Toanatins poisonnut, 15250 tobacco, 10920 tobaccoleaf dendrophorbium, 4477 tobaccoleaf macrocarpaea, 8842 tobaccoleaf ocotea, 11176 tobacco tree, 3715 tobacco weed, 14944 tobaco berry, 3946 Tobago duguetia, 4864 Tobago nightshade, 15008 Tobago roupala, 13944 Tobago velvetseed, 6677 tobago watercare, 5388 Tocache inga, 7770 Tocantins hirtella, 7232 tococabush, 16115 tococalike clidemia, 3006 tocoyena, 16133 toke, 3864 Toledo Pichincha viburnum, 16649 Toledo pumpwood, 2465 toliet tree, 13467 Tolima calliandra, 1959 Tolima coussapoa, 3771 Tolima gynoxys, 6781 Tolima weinmannia, 17011 Tolu balmtree, 10638 Tolu balsam, 10638, 10639 Tom Bartein’s bush, 12182 tomentose anttree, 16428 tomentose banara, 1204 tomentose bitterwood, 16372 tomentose blolly, 6384 tomentose bogwood, 14736 tomentose brunellia, 1671 tomentose buchenavia, 1713 tomentose buglelily, 9492 tomentose bursera, 1774 tomentose caryodaphnopsis, 2267 tomentose cervantesia, 2558 tomentose cestrum, 2603 tomentose crudia, 4072 tomentose daphnopsis, 4400 tomentose dasyphyllum, 4426 tomentose endlicheria, 5089 tomentose falsebombax, 13202 tomentose flowery erisma, 5190 tomentose freziera, 6076 tomentose frutescent rosewood, 4374 tomentose gordonia, 6269 tomentose guatteria, 6630 tomentose helicostylis, 6944 tomentose inga, 7771 tomentose licania, 8437 tomentose licaria, 8487 tomentose margined starapple, 2793 tomentose marila, 9145 tomentose marlierea, 9189 tomentose maya, 10006 tomentose mollia, 10172 tomentose mollinedia, 10199 tomentose myrcia, 10570 tomentose nectandra, 10807 tomentose pera, 11980 tomentose pleurothyrium, 12560 tomentose porcupinepodtree, 2513 tomentose pourouma, 12735 tomentose richeria, 13822 tomentose rigid pouteria, 12885 tomentose ruagea, 13971

tomentose saurauia, 14253 tomentose showy ryania, 14101 tomentose snowbell, 15358 tomentose sophora, 15038 tomentose Swartzpea, 15556 tomentose vismia, 16755 tomentose vochysia, 16902 tomentose weinmannia, 17013 tomtar, 14659 Tonantins croton, 4057 Tonduz avicennia, 1097 Tonduz fig, 6024 Tonduz guatteria, 6631 Tonduz ocotea, 11183 tonguebearing byrsonima, 1835 tongueshapedleaf meliosma, 9407 tongueshaped wildsage casearia, 2327 tonka, 4732 tonka bean, 4732, 4733, 4735 tonka-bean, 4732 tonkabean, 4725 tontelea, 16146 tooroo, 11205 toothache tree, 17186 toothache-tree, 17186 toothedpetal guatteria, 6569 toothleaf aegiphila, 246 toothpick cactus, 15229 toothpick stetsonia, 15229 topmost qualea, 13535 topobea, 16155 toqueve cordia, 3577 torch, 595 torch-wood, 1773 torchwood, 595, 597, 598, 1767, 1773, 7929, 7930 torchwood amyris, 598 tornillo, 2478 Toronotepuí bonnetia, 1480 Torontoy smallanthus, 14831 Toro viburnum, 16655 torquate faramea, 5872 tortoise mombin, 15114 tortoise’s cajá, 15114 tortoiseshell wood, 1552 tortuous cantua, 2037 tortuous fiddlewood, 2876 tortuous graytwig, 14449 tortuoushair treefern, 4221 tortuous macrolobium, 8892 tortuous mesquite, 12991 tortuous ouratea, 11398 tortuous starapple, 2780 tortuous virola, 16675 tortuous xylosma, 17121 toru, 11205 toucan vochysia, 16903 tough eschweilera, 5444 toulicia, 16186 toulicialike porocystis, 12672 tournefortia, 16197 touroulia, 16218 Tovar fig, 6025 Tovar helicostylis, 6945 Tovar henriettella, 6999 Tovar machaerium, 8804 Tovar maya, 10007 Tovar myrcia, 10571 Tovar ormosia, 11334 Tovar resintree, 13117 Tovar slugwood, 1306 tovomita, 16221 tovomitidium, 16276 Townsend mimosa, 10139 Townsend pepper, 12381 toxicodendron, 16278 toxosiphon, 16280 Traill maya, 10008 transamazonian zygia, 17285 translucent hedyosmum, 6903 transverse maya, 10009 Trapecio couepia, 3694 Trapeze fig, 6026 trapezeleaf copaltree, 3482 trapezoid delmare abarema, 22 trattinnickia, 16284 travellers campomanesia, 2102 treadsoftly, 3207 tree bauhinia, 1247

933 tree calabash, 3901 tree casearia, 2278 tree-celandine, 1450 tree-corkwood, 10949 tree corynostylis, 3605 tree cotton, 6271 tree daisy, 10247 treedaisy, 10247 tree elaeagia, 4966 tree fern, 4149, 4153, 4220 tree-fern, 4152, 4153, 4208, 4220, 529 treefern, 4149 treefern p.p., 529 treefernlike eschweilera, 5387 tree hibiscus, 7088 tree jacquinia, 7929 treekiller fig, 5946 treelike aristeguietia, 925 treelike barnadesia, 1208 treelike bixa, 1367 treelike crownbeard, 16594 treelike eremanthus, 5144 treelike hylaea, 7342 treelike hyptidendron, 7395 treelike lacmellea, 8050 treelike loreya, 8580 treelike malouetia, 9033 treelike mouriri, 10307 treelike ormosia, 11294 treelike pigeonwings, 3009 treelike plains macrolobium, 8871 treelike pterandra, 13455 treelike rogersonanthus, 13866 treelike satyria, 14207 treelike Swartzpea, 15389 treelike tibouchina, 16069 tree licania, 8260 tree machaerium, 8725 tree nightshade, 14849 tree-of-gold, 15679 tree of life, 6352 tree papaya, 7919 tree passionflower, 11835 tree pepper, 12261 tree pera, 11965 tree tabernaemontana, 15701 tree tobacco, 10922, 14944 tree-tomato, 14856 treetomato nightshade, 14856 tree treefern, 4153 trema, 16297 tremaleaf leafflower, 12162 trembling astrocasia, 1033 trembling casearia, 2331 tremblinglike schefflera, 14371 tresanthera, 16300 triadsinflorescence faramea, 5857 Triana ageratina, 297 Triana balsamo, 13433, 13434 Triana blakea, 1408 Triana brunellia, 1672 Triana compsoneura, 3341 Triana cuatresia, 4103 Triana dunalia, 4884 trianaealike weinmannia, 17014 Triana fig, 6027 Triana guatteria, 6589 Triana mabea, 8700 Triana maya, 9572 Triana mimosa, 10140 Triana oreopanax, 11285 Triana ouratea, 11432 Triana pausandra, 11867 Triana pleurothyrium, 12562 Triana rudgea, 14021 Triana schefflera, 14372 Triana seagrape, 3273 Triana Swartzpea, 15557 Triana topobea, 16183 triangular maya, 10011 tribillo kupukatree, 6331 trible grape, 3275 triblegrape, 3275 trichanthera, 16304 trichocereus, 16382 trichospermum, 16386 trichotomous balsamo, 13435 trichotomous cordia, 3580 trichotomous fringetree, 2683

ENGLISH NAMES trichotomous guatteria, 6633 trichotomous joseanthus, 7959 trichotomous maya, 10012 tricolor qualea, 13538 trigle grape, 3275 trigonia, 16390 trigonialike licania, 8439 trigoniodendron, 16399 trigonobalanus, 16401 trigonous fig, 6028 trigynaea, 16403 Trinidad dacryodes, 4358 Trinidade banara, 1205 Trinidad eugenia, 5707 Trinidad jungleplum, 14642 Trinidad macawood, 12516 Trinidad pachira, 11514, 11541 Trinidad podocarpus, 12611 Trinidad posoqueria, 12685 Trinidad purpleheart, 11902 Trinidad roupala, 13923 Trinidad steriphoma, 15224 Trinidad Swartzpea, 15558 Trinidad tournefortia, 16204 Trinidad wildixora, 7847 Trinidad xylosma, 17136 triplenerve Christmasbush, 388 triplenerved maya, 10014 triplenerve nigüito maya, 10003 triplenerve trigynaea, 16410 tripterodendron, 16431 trischidium, 16433 trithrinaxpalm, 16436 triumfetta, 16439 Troll oreopanax, 11287 Troll persea, 12092 Troll schefflera, 14373 Trombetas croton, 4058 trompet tree, 2410 Trompetenwinde, 15902 trompy, 2410 Troncoso clusia, 3194 tropical alder, 511 tropical buckthorn, 14640 tropical tannin tree, 15925 true annona, 736 true balmtree, 10637 true bauhinia, 1249 true elvasia, 5012 true inga, 7635 true mahogany, 15568, 15569 true marlierea, 9158 true maya, 9545 true myrcia, 10514 true paullinia, 11853 true persimmon, 4676 true purpleheart, 11917 true terminalia, 15940 true velvetseed, 6679 true viburnum, 16653 Trujillo balsamo, 13437 Trujillo carramboa, 2239 Trujillo Colombia cocainetree, 5297 Trujillo holly, 7535 Trujillo machaerium, 8805 Trujillo nectandra, 10808 Trujillo nightshade, 15019 Trujillo piptocoma, 12432 trumpet, 2446, 2450, 2460 trumpet bush, 15906 trumpetbush, 15902 trumpet flower, 1678, 15908 trumpet-flower, 15902, 16053 trumpetflower, 15902 trumpetflower p.p., 15906 trumpetshaped genip, 6166 trumpet tree, 2446, 2448, 2450, 12701, 15693 trumpet-tree, 2450, 15693 trumpettree, 15678 trumpettree p.p., 2410 trumpet wood, 2450 trumpet-wood, 2450 truncate aegiphila, 266 truncateflower duguetia, 4865 truncateflower micropholis, 10086 truncateflower mouriri, 10367 truncateflower muskwood, 6430 truncate maya, 10018

truncate nittatree, 11821 truncate pepper, 12384 truncate retiniphyllum, 13740 truncate sweetleaf, 15671 Truxillo coca, 5297 trymatococcus, 16445 Tryons’ treefern, 4223 Tschudy endlicheria, 5090 tubecalyx maya, 9585 tube-flower, 2964 tubercled senefeldera, 14500 tuberculate bigleaf muskwood, 6415 tuberculate bitterwood, 16380 tuberculate buglelily, 9493 tuberculate duguetia, 4866 tuberculate henriettella, 7001 tuberculate pepper, 12385 tuberculate qualea, 13539 tuberculate twisted pouteria, 12915 tuberculate vantanea, 16545 tuberculate wettinia, 17041 tuberculate whitequebracho, 1004 tuberculate zeyheria, 17212 tubroos, 5103 tubularcalyx lancepod, 8569 tubularflower hirtella, 7236 tubularflower ticorea, 16112 tubular inga, 7772 tubular ocotea, 11185 tubular pogonopus, 12633 tubular saman, 14153 tubular treadsoftly, 3215 Tucumán escallonia, 5360 Tucumán lilytree, 3905 Tucumán pepper, 12386 Tucumán prunus, 13173 Tucumán riparian acacia, 87 Tucuruí cocainetre, 5326 Tucuruí tapering leafflower, 12134 tufted campsiandra, 2113 tufted couepia, 3637 tufted hippotis, 7135 tufted hylenaea, 7344 tufted syagruspalm, 15573 Tulekuna swizzlesticktree, 13563 tulipwood, 4372 Tumaco Hartweg fig, 5962 tumo nightshade, 15026 Tunari siphocampylus, 14740 Tungurahua critoniopsis, 3936 Tungurahua nightshade, 14873 Tungurahua treefern, 4224 tuno axinaea, 1108 tunu gumtree, 2369 Tupiniquins sparattanthelium, 15078 Turbaco crownbeard, 16621 Turbaco nectandra, 10809 Turbaco stylogyne, 15310 turbinate abarema, 38 turbinate chimarrhis, 2670 turbinate helicostylis, 6946 turbinate licania, 8440 turbinate swizzlesticktree, 13564 turgid maya, 10020 turgid nightshade, 15014 turkey berry, 15009 turkey-berry, 14905 turkeyberry nightshade, 15009 turkey victuals, 10265 Turk’scap, 9058 Turmal oleanderleaf libanothamnus, 8242 turnera, 16448 turpentine tree, 1773 turpentine-tree, 1773 turpinia, 16451 turpoc nightshade, 14850 Turrialba fig, 6031 turtle bone, 10346, 10611 Turumiquire stylogyne, 15313 Tweedie calliandra, 1966 Tweedie capparicordis, 2144 Tweedie xylosma, 17140 Tweedy pilosocereus, 12240 twelvestamen maya, 9698 twentystamen conostegia, 3438 twentystamen maya, 9764 twicebranched ravenia, 13691 twiggy aloysia, 514

twiggy balsamo, 13444 twiggy sesbania, 14617 twiggy tournefortia, 16217 twinberry, 10578, 10585 twinberry eugenia, 10585 twinberry myrcianthes, 10585 twinberry stopper, 10585 twinflower hernandia, 7010 twining clusia, 3201 twinnedflower daphnopsis, 4405 twinnedflower guatteria, 6512 twinned nightshade, 14907 twisted acacia, 92 twisted chloroleucon, 2704 twisted coussarea, 3856 twistedfruit abarema, 13 twisted machaerium, 8803 twisted mouriri, 10366 twisted myrcia, 10538 twisted pouteria, 12911 twocapsule senna, 14517 twoedged balsamo, 13295 twoedged myrcia, 10433 twoedged palicourea, 11579 twoflower abutilon, 46 twoflower clarisia, 2924 twohorned hirtella, 7155 twohorned precocious achatocarpus, 140 twoland maya, 9598 twoleaf bunchosia, 1745 twoleaf cupania, 4117 twoleaflet zygia, 17248 twoleaf macrolobium, 8868 twopetal Swartzpea, 15419 twopoint cuspidate bauhinia, 1267 twoseed whitequebracho, 956 twosepal falseflamebean, 1587 twospike pumpwood, 2420 twospine treadsoftly, 3209 twostamen navelspurge, 11209 twostamen ticorea, 16108 twostyle ternstroemia, 15960 tyleria, 16456 typical acuminate heisteria, 6907 typical acuminate prestoea, 12958 typical acuminate pricklyash, 17147 typical Açuruá senna, 14508 typical acuteleaf breadnuttree, 1545 typical acuteleaf machaerium, 8719 typical acutestipule mimosa, 10095 typical Alagoas hymenolobium, 7376 typical alfiler jungleplum, 14649 typical alpborn myrceugenia, 10387 typical amapa handroanthus, 6820 typical Amazonas allophylus, 464 typical Amazonia Swartzpea, 15375 typical Amazonia tapura, 15873 typical American tallowwood, 17064 typical ampleleaf Swartzpea, 15378 typical Andes waxpalm, 2542 typical Antioquia maya, 9818 typical apetalous licania, 8256 typical apetalous Swartzpea, 15385 typical arenicolous mimosa, 10099 typical Arequipa neoraimondia, 10893 typical ashgrey maya, 9648 typical auriculate weinmannia, 16947 typical balsam copaltree, 3466 typical balsam humiria, 7288 typical Barbour abarema, 7 typical bauhinialeaf cynometra, 4311 typical bearingberries vismia, 16709 typical beautiful zapoteca, 17208 typical beechleaf clethra, 2976 typical bicolor erisma, 5181 typical bicolor pourouma, 12698 typical bigflower esenbeckia, 5458 typical bigflower raintree, 1684 typical bigflower wallabatree, 5119 typical bigfruit campsiandra, 2127 typical bigleaf cocainetree, 5287 typical bigleaf maya, 9771 typical bigleaf muskwood, 6411 typical big richeria, 13821 typical bigsorus treefern, 4198 typical Billberg handroanthus, 6815 typical birchberry eugenia, 5599 typical Blanchet moldenhawera, 10152

ENGLISH NAMES typical bloodredhead calliandra, 1937 typical bloody starapple, 2803 typical blue pilosocereus, 12238 typical blueberrylike escallonia, 5344 typical bluish cassava, 9065 typical Bolivia brunellia, 1612 typical bordered macrolobium, 8913 typical bracteate himatanthus, 7118 typical Brazil agonandra, 300 typical Brazil caryocar, 2244 typical Brazil drimys, 4774 typical Brazil pimenta, 12245 typical Brazil resintree, 13023 typical Brazil sarcaulus, 14194 typical Brazilian firetree, 14429 typical broadleaf aldina, 406 typical broadleaf graffenrieda, 6297 typical broadleaf posoqueria, 12681 typical broadleaf Swartzpea, 15454 typical broadleaf zygia, 17270 typical brown persea, 12060 typical bushy holly, 7441 typical cabbage angelintree, 649 typical candlewood cupania, 4108 typical canella licaria, 8460 typical canjerana cabralea, 1884 typical capitate balsamo, 13318 typical Caracas treefern, 4168 typical catalpaleaf byttneria, 1876 typical catinga euterpepalm, 5756 typical centronialike conostegia, 3431 typical channelled macrolobium, 8874 typical Chimantá schefflera, 14286 typical Christmasbushlike hieronyma, 7091 typical ciliate inga, 7592 typical Claussen mimosa, 10108 typical clothed paloue, 11702 typical clustered maya, 9556 typical cochlear pradosia, 12936 typical cohoba anadenantera, 617 typical Colombia cocainetree, 5296 typical Colombia macrolobium, 8880 typical Colombia topobea, 16159 typical common balata, 9084 typical common mesquite, 12997 typical compact vantanea, 16527 typical condaminealike tresanthera, 16302 typical contracted coussarea, 3795 typical copaia jacaranda, 7891 typical coppery dimorphandra, 4579 typical coppery pepper, 12298 typical cordate qualea, 13496 typical cordate taralea, 15895 typical corky zebrawood, 3415 typical corrugated monkeypottree, 8174 typical Cowan cassia, 2338 typical cow breadnuttree, 1566 typical Criúva clusia, 3056 typical crowded Swartzpea, 15410 typical cupulate Eugenia, 5550 typical cuspidate pouteria, 12788 typical Cuzco maya, 9999 typical Darién senna, 14528 typical darkpurple myrrhinium, 10645 typical delmare abarema, 21 typical denseflower remijia, 13714 typical denseflower siphoneugena, 14744 typical denseleaf caraipa, 2176 typical dentate ryania, 14090 typical denticulate acrisione, 160 typical dipterocarp pakaraimaea, 11570 typical discolor macrolobium, 8888 typical divaricate resintree, 13039 typical divergent treefern, 4183 typical doubtful peltophorum, 11924 typical Drake buglelily, 9456 typical drooping escallonia, 5352 typical drooping pepper, 12292 typical drug osageorange, 8822 typical Duida gleasonia, 6202 typical Durland pouteria, 12795 typical eightstamen licania, 8391 typical Eitens partridgepea, 2627 typical elegant bitterwood, 16322 typical entireleaf brunellia, 1643

934 typical entireleaf tessaria, 15986 typical exstipulate mahurea, 9016 typical falsecordate roupala, 13936 typical falselyfasciculate persea, 12081 typical falseSwartzpea, 2355 typical fascicled aureliana, 1082 typical fetid leafflower, 12146 typical fewflower pilocarpus, 12221 typical fewflower rubbertree, 7079 typical fistular mabea, 8679 typical flagellar gustavia, 6700 typical Fläming Swartzpea, 15430 typical flatseed osteophloeum, 11355 typical flowerbud blastemanthus, 1430 typicalflower licania, 8358 typical flowery erisma, 5189 typical flowery macawood, 12503 typical flowery machaerium, 8743 typical fourleaf palicourea, 11674 typical fouryoke bitterwood, 16362 typical FrenchGuiana couepia, 3627 typical frutescent rosewood, 4373 typical fulvous ridgerunner, 4240 typical furrowed corythophora, 3612 typical giant resintree, 13049 typical glandular Christmasbush, 377 typical glaucescent myrceugenia, 10398 typical Glaziou bitterbush, 12189 typical glomerate pouteria, 12820 typical glossy henriquezia, 7007 typical goldenwonder senna, 14602 typical GomezAlvarez campsiandra, 2119 typical Goudot ferdinandusa, 5884 typical Goudot hedyosmum, 6882 typical gouti fig, 5968 typical graceful macrolobium, 8900 typical graceful pachira, 11512 typical graceful platypodium, 12520 typical graceful startree, 1040 typical grey resintree, 13100 typical grey senna, 14522 typical grossgrain meliosma, 9410 typical Guiana purpleheart, 11909 typical Guiana symphonia, 15591 typical Guianas alumbarktree, 15275 typical Guianas amaioua, 551 typical Guianas couepia, 3650 typical Guianas maquira, 9113 typical Guianas micropholis, 10069 typical Guianas pagamea, 11553 typical Guianas perebea, 11986 typical Guianas persimmon, 4649 typical Guianas pourouma, 12713 typical Guianas rubbertree, 7073 typical Guianas simaba, 14653 typical Guianas tapirira, 15864 typical Guyana ridgerunner, 4247 typical Haenke wildixora, 7841 typical hairy rufflepalm, 338 typical hairy senna, 14540 typical hairypetiole pourouma, 12717 typical handsome rosenbergiodendron, 13889 typical heteromorphous licania, 8326 typical hiddenflower qualea, 13498 typical hooked pepper, 12254 typical Hostmann rudgea, 13992 typical Huánuco cocainetree, 5252 typical Huber macrolobium, 8905 typical huge qualea, 13514 typical icicariba resintree, 13063 typical impressed couepia, 3654 typical Imray alsophila, 535 typical inkberry randia, 13620 typical ironmary licania, 8337 typical ituri wallabatree, 5122 typical Jamaica bitterbush, 12183 typical Jamaica fig, 5906 typical jasminelike rudgea, 13996 typical Langsdorff xylopia, 17090 typical largeanther senna, 14548 typical largebranchlet ridgerunner, 4261 typical largeleaf machaerium, 8774 typical largespike dimorphandra, 4593 typical largespike Swartzpea, 15474 typical largest shadowpalm, 6188

typical latticed talisia, 15817 typical leafy alumbarktree, 15283 typical leathery inga, 7740 typical leatheryleaf agarista, 284 typical leopard caesalpinia, 1894 typical Lhotsky screwtree, 6953 typical Linden rinorea, 13840 typical Little brunellia, 1648 typical llanos caraipa, 2185 typical locust copal, 7351 typical Lofton coussarea, 3826 typical Loja roupala, 13907 typical longstiuple palicourea, 11644 typical loose calliandra, 1940 typical Macarena gustavia, 6711 typical Maguire duroia, 4913 typical Maguire elaeagia, 4974 typical maidenhairleaf partridgepea, 2615 typical Manga chloroleucon, 2699 typical manyflower albizia, 358 typical manyflower qualea, 13522 typical manyrib Eugenia, 5628 typical maraja spinyclubpalm, 1171 typical margined hydrochorea, 7336 typical margined pepper, 12339 typical margined starapple, 2792 typical Maria herrania, 7025 typical mastic jungleplum, 14642 typical MatoGrosso sacoglottis, 14111 typical Maynas bitterwood, 16343 typical Melinon pourouma, 12721 typical mimosalike heterostemon, 7066 typical minutelytomentose polylepis, 12657 typical Mitscherlich poisonnut, 15253 typical mountainashleaf weinmannia, 17006 typical muriculate sorocea, 15051 typical musk bitterwood, 16349 typical myrtle cherry, 13153 typical myrtleleaf Swartzpea, 15489 typical naga naucleopsis, 10710 typical narrowleaf campsiandra, 2108 typical NewGranada drimys, 4778 typical Niederlein agarista, 289 typical nightflowering machaerium, 8783 typical nigüito maya, 10001 typical noble cavendishia, 2402 typical noble inga, 7687 typical noble ormosia, 11323 typical oblong columellia, 3308 typical oblongleaf copal, 7363 typical obscure vochysia, 16867 typical obtuse ruizterania, 14041 typical obtuseleaf hesperomeles, 7038 typical obtuseleaf jacaranda, 7909 typical obtuseleaf jungleplum, 14646 typical oleanderleaf maya, 9858 typical oleiferous wallabatree, 5128 typical oliveleaf agarista, 292 typical oliveshape honeyberry, 9388 typical oneleaflet macrolobium, 8948 typical oneseed roupala, 13922 typical opaque matayba, 9225 typical opaque resintree, 13084 typical orange diptychandra, 4739 typical Orinoco chastetree, 16780 typical Orinoco platycarpum, 12491 typical ovate myrceugenia, 10409 typical painted Swartzpea, 15520 typical palicourealike raritebe, 13656 typical panacoco Swartzpea, 15505 typical Panama balsamo, 13393 typical paniculate escallonia, 5349 typical paniculate haploclathra, 6851 typical paniculate molopanthera, 10210 typical paniculate resintree, 13090 typical papillate senna, 14569 typical Pará angelwood, 4533 typical Pará couepia, 3677 typical Paraguay holly, 7500 typical Pará porcupinepodtree, 2510 typical Pará xylopia, 17106 typical parinarilike breadnuttree, 1558 typical Pasopaya parajubaea, 11757 typical payachic maya, 9637 typical Pernambuco senna, 14536

typical Perrottet zebrawood, 3402 typical persistent monkeypottree, 8187 typical Peru lecointea, 8165 typical Peru persea, 12077 typical Peru tapura, 15888 typical Pichincha treefern, 4177 typical piloseflower myrceugenia, 10415 typical pilosefruit esenbeckia, 5467 typical pinnate inga, 7682 typical pinnate macrolobium, 8926 typical pinnate pilocarpus, 12223 typical pinnate senna, 14562 typical Pires eschweilera, 5419 typical pistacheleaf senna, 14579 typical Pittier calliandra, 1948 typical pointedleaf senna, 14566 typical polymerous graffenrieda, 6307 typical polymorphous gochnatia, 6226 typical powdery escallonia, 5355 typical precocious achatocarpus, 141 typical privetlike cocainetre, 5279 typical privetlike maya, 9798 typical proud cassia, 2343 typical Ptaritepuí moronobea, 10281 typical pubescentbranch macrosaman, 8964 typical pubescent macawood, 12512 typical pubescent malouetia, 9048 typical pubescent muskwood, 6420 typical pubescent rinorea, 13852 typical punctate pricklyash, 17187 typical pyramidalfruit burdachia, 1765 typical quinate machaerium, 8796 typical Quito sweetleaf, 15656 typical racemose diplotropis, 4720 typical racemose hirtella, 7217 typical rain caesalpinia, 1911 typical Rauh armatocereus, 938 typical Record sterculia, 15202 typical reddish mimosa, 10135 typical red perebea, 11997 typical red zebrawood, 3409 typical redwood simira, 14670 typical related brunellia, 1659 typical related couepia, 3634 typical remarkable trumpettree, 15684 typical reticulate anomospermum, 826 typical reticulate pouteria, 12880 typical retuse poecilandra, 12614 typical ribbed erisma, 5187 typical Richard myrcia, 10542 typical rigid pouteria, 12884 typical rigid prunus, 13165 typical RiodeJaneiro hymenolobium, 7384 typical RíoDigua humiriastrum, 7311 typical RioNegro partridgepea, 2637 typical RíoNegro platycarpum, 12488 typical riparian cuatresia, 4102 typical river bernardinia, 1348 typical Rivière spirotheca, 15103 typical Roraima ochthocosmus, 10959 typical rosarybead euterpepalm, 5762 typical roughleaf coussapoa, 3737 typical rubiginous wallabatree, 5133 typical Ruiz senna, 14588 typical rusty cassia, 2345 typical rusty vochysia, 16881 typical sad maya, 10017 typical saguaragybark colubrina, 3301 typical SãoPaulo piptocarpha, 12416 typical Sarisariñama tepuianthus, 15918 typical scarlet elizabetha, 4998 typical scarlet zygia, 17253 typical Schlechtendal campomanesia, 2095 typical Schomburgk bitterwood, 16367 typical Schomburgk pradosia, 12950 typical Schomburgk Swartzpea, 15539 typical Scott ouratea, 11452 typical scurfy bitterwood, 16337 typical scurfy mollia, 10167 typical sessileflower campomanesia, 2098 typical setose anttree, 16426 typical sevenleaflet resintree, 13060 typical shining lidflower, 2041

935 typical shiningleaf starapple, 2787 typical shortrachis Swartzpea, 15400 typical showy gustavia, 6726 typical showy lidflower, 2063 typical showy ryania, 14097 typical Sibundoy brunellia, 1667 typical silver buttonmangrove, 3425 typical silverleaf maya, 9577 typical silvery Swartzpea, 15391 typical simple Swartzpea, 15546 typical sixleaf talisia, 15833 typical slenderleaf resintree, 13116 typical smallflower licania, 8375 typical smallflower vantanea, 16541 typical smallfruit vasconcellea, 16562 typical smallleaf purpleheart, 11914 typical smooth chione, 2687 typical smoothleaf machaerium, 8769 typical snakelike anadenanthera, 614 typical snowwhite trigonia, 16395 typical soapwood caryocar, 2253 typical soft perebea, 11994 typical soft pourouma, 12724 typical soft senna, 14557 typical southern coussarea, 3836 typical spectacular senna, 14599 typical spicate pilocarpus, 12233 typical spottedfruit copal, 7372 typical Spruce cynometra, 4322 typical Spruce sorocea, 15060 typical Spruce Swartzpea, 15548 typical stafflike senna, 14515 typical stellatehair pepper, 12269 typical Steyermark burrwood, 14817 typical subdenuded inga, 7759 typical subdimidiate albizia, 365 typical submargined Swartzpea, 15553 typical subserrate resintree, 13113 typical subsessileflower weinmannia, 17010 typical subtomentose palicourea, 11688 typical sucupira diplotropis, 4718 typical Suriname sterigmapetalum, 15216 typical Suriname vochysia, 16897 typical sweet acacia, 66 typical sweetscented macrolobium, 8944 typical swordlike partridgepea, 2630 typical sylvatic senna, 14596 typical tall martiodendron, 9197 typical tamarind cojoba, 3289 typical tapering himatanthus, 7114 typical tapering leafflower, 12132 typical Tarapoto cavendishia, 2407 typical tepuí tococabush, 16132 typical Tessmann metteniusa, 9516 typical Thibaud inga, 7769 typical thorny randia, 13624 typical threeleaf bitterwood, 16379 typical threenerve calliandra, 1964 typical Tolu balmtree, 10639 typical tomentose pourouma, 12740 typical tomentose saurauia, 14255 typical tortuous macrolobium, 8893 typical toucan vochysia, 16905 typical treelike pigeonwing, 3010 typical tree pepper, 12262 typical treestamen hirtella, 7235 typical Trinidad roupala, 13925 typical tropical alder, 512 typical Turbaco stylogyne, 15312 typical twicebranched ravenia, 13692 typical twisted pouteria, 12914 typical twohorned hirtella, 7156 typical Ule naucleopsis, 10721 typical Ule nittatree, 11824 typical unevencalyx faramea, 5789 typical urundeúva startree, 1049 typical Vandelli lafoensia, 8125 typical veined pouteria, 12923 typical veined purpleheart, 11921 typical Venezuela copaltree, 3485 typical Venezuela zebrawood, 3418 typical verticillate alzatea, 546 typical villous rosewood, 4393 typical walnutleaf leafflower, 12151 typical WestIndies brunellia, 1621

ENGLISH NAMES typical WestIndies pilocarpus, 12228 typical white mesquite, 12982 typical whiteleaf abarema, 27 typical whitish whiptree, 8619 typical wild starapple, 2769 typical wild turpinia, 16455 typical wildguava alibertia, 435 typical wildsage casearia, 2328 typical Williams zebrawood, 3421 typical Winterbark drimys, 4785 typical woolly duroia, 4901 typical woollyflower zebrawood, 3387 typical yellowfruit campomanesia, 2105 typical yellow maya, 9671 typical yellow mombin, 15112 typical yellow trumpetflower, 15908 typical yellowish handroanthus, 6835 typical zapallo pisonia, 12450 tyre-palm, 3280


Uasadi schefflera, 14327 uaucu monopteryx, 10246 Uaupés gleasonia, 6206 Uaupés large vochysia, 16836 Uaupés muriculate sorocea, 15052 Ubaitaba persimmon, 4686 Ubatuba annona, 819 Ucayali conchocarpus, 3372 Ucayali cordia, 3581 Ucayali guatteria, 6634 Ucayali ocotea, 11186 uchi endopleura, 5095 uchocacha paullinia, 11857 ucho tabernaemontana, 15721 ucuqui pouteria, 12918 ugni, 16462 Uittien apeiba, 851 uladendron, 16464 Ule aegiphila, 267 Ule annona, 795 Ule astrocaryum, 1028 Ule bitterwood, 16381 Ule buckthorn, 13758 Ule casearia, 2332 Ule chelyocarpus, 2659 Ule chrysochlamys, 2761 Ule clethra, 2991 Ule cocainetree, 5327 Ule compsoneura, 3342 Ule coralbean, 5226 Ule cordia, 3582 Ule couepia, 3696 Ule dodecastigma, 4753 Ule dolichodelphys, 4757 Ule duguetia, 4867 Ule ecclinusa, 4953 Ule Eugenia, 5498 Ule fiddlewood, 2910 Ule guatteria, 6439 Ule gumtree, 2370 Ule handroanthus, 6843 Ule hirtella, 7237 Ule inga, 7773 Ule ixora, 7878 Ule largest shadowpalm, 6187 Ule mabea, 8701 Ule macawood, 12517 Ule mollia, 10173 Ule mollinedia, 10201 Ule mountainpride, 15086 Ule naucleopsis, 10717 Ule nittatree, 11822 Ule platycyamus, 12497 Ule poecilanthe, 12625 Ule pourouma, 12741 Ule raputia, 13650 Ule remijia, 13728 Ule rinoreocarpus, 13860 Ule rufflepalm, 343 Ule salacia, 14140 Ule sevenleaf resintree, 13061 Ule startree, 1046 Ule Swartzpea, 15560 Ule sweetleaf, 15672 Ule treefern, 4225 Ule weinmannia, 17016

Ule whitequebracho, 1002 ultramontane pterandra, 13462 umbellate byrsonima, 1870 umbellate cordia, 3583 umbellate dendropanax, 4466 umbellate Eugenia, 5709 umbellate handroanthus, 6844 umbellate holly, 7537 umbellate inga, 7774 umbellate joosia, 7955 umbellate loreya, 8590 umbellate myrsine, 10683 umbellate nightshade, 15015 umbellate perissocarpa, 12015 umbellate schefflera, 14375 umbellate tetrameranthus, 16008 umbellate tovomita, 16273 umbellate violetbush, 7802 umbonate eschweilera, 5417 umbonate Eugenia, 5710 umbonate lacunaria, 8079 umbratic inga, 7775 umbra tree, 12179 umbrella tree, 16050 Umbria maya, 10022 unadorned gouania, 6273 unadorned pepper, 12317 unadorned starapple, 2783 unadorned zebrawood, 3393 Una inga, 7776 unarmed angledspine piptadenia, 12399 unarmed brunellia, 1641 unarmed common mesquite, 12996 unarmed nightshade, 14997 undivided maya, 9964 undivided plenckia, 12525 undulate cestrum, 2604 undulate dentate doliocarpus, 4761 undulate jujube, 17230 undulate ladenbergia, 8106 undulateleaf paragynoxys, 11741 undulateleaf pouteria, 12919 undulate licania, 8441 undulate maya, 10023 undulate senn, 14606 undulate shadowpalm, 6191 undulate tabernaemontana, 15729 undulate tournefortia, 16216 undulate viburnum, 16658 unequal barnebya, 1215 unequal caryodaphnopsis, 2265 unequal euplassa, 5739 unequal falsepiptadenia, 13225 unequalleaf cordia, 3499 unequalleaf maya, 9774 unequalleaf mortoniodendron, 10285 unequalleaf neea, 10823 unequalleaf nightshade, 14846 unequalleaf schefflera, 14302 unequalleaf weinmannia, 16944 unequallobe leafflower, 12130 unequallobe myrcia, 10493 unequallobe palicourea, 11585 unequal macrolobium, 8907 unequal maya, 9695 unequal myrcia, 10462 unequal naucleopsis, 10704 unequalside bitterwood, 16333 unequalside copperleaf, 107 unequal zygia, 17261 unevencalyx faramea, 5788 unexpectedflower dulacia, 4876 unglandular mabea, 8668 Unguiá ardisia, 921 uniflorous neotessmannia, 10919 uniflorous sweetleaf, 15673 unijugate dimorphandra, 4601 unilobed nightshade, 15017 unknown cordia, 3531 unlike dimorphandra, 4583 unlike nightshade, 14899 unonopsis, 16466 unpaired heterostemon, 7059 unpleasant whitequebracho, 965 unusual clathrotropis, 2933 unusual critoniopsis, 3925 unusual endlicheria, 5077 unusual iryanthera, 7832

unusual ophiocaryon, 11222 unusual purpleheart, 11911 unusual salacia, 14136 uppermost marlierea, 9188 uprightspiny hackberry, 2499 upsidedown bursera, 1771 urawood, 7326 Urban gymnosporia, 6740 Urbani ocotea, 11187 Urban tachigali, 15803 Urban viburnum, 16659 Urban virola, 16704 urbanodendron, 16502 urceolate buglelily, 9494 urceolate geissospermum, 6163 urceolate licania, 8443 urceolate ruizterania, 14045 uribea, 16514 Uribe graffenrieda, 6290 Uribe inga, 7707 uricury syagruspalm, 15574 Urrao magnolia, 9006 ursine fig, 6032 Urubamba myrcianthes, 10588 Urubu vochysia, 16906 urucú bixa, 1371 Urucú croton, 4060 urucuri attalea, 1072 Uruguay azara, 1129 Uruguay eugenia, 5712 Uruguay inga, 7777 Uruguay velvetseed, 6681 urundeúva startree, 1047 useful aniba, 712 useful caraipa, 2200 useful couma, 3704 useful daphnopsis, 4414 useful elaeagia, 4984 useful holly, 7540 useful lacmellea, 8069 useful lancepod, 8570 useful nectandra, 10811 utucuro septotheca, 14615 Uxpanapa chaconia, 16937 uyat lissocarpa, 8510


vacciniumlike ocotea, 11188 Vageler brachycylix, 1526 vaginate ferreyranthus, 5898 Valdivia barberry, 1338 valerian balsamo, 13438 valerian ocotea, 11190 Valerio clusia, 3196 Valerio ouratea, 11470 vallea, 16518 Valle aegiphila, 268 Valle duguetia, 4869 Valle falselancewood, 13259 Valle inga, 7779 Valle rudgea, 14023 vallesia, 16521 Valparaiso pepper, 12371 valvate Eugenia, 5713 Valverde terminalia, 15944 Vandelli hortia, 7263 Vandelli lafoensia, 8123 vanderWerff geissanthus, 6156 vanderWerff mezilaurus, 9541 VanHeurck tabernaemontana, 15730 vanilla, 4888 vanilla tree, 1124 vantanea, 16523 Vargas buglelily, 9495 Vargas fewflower morningglory, 7806 Vargas senna, 14607 Vargas whitequebracho, 1003 variable byrsonima, 1871 variable drypetes, 4794 variableflower maya, 9896 variable kielmeyera, 7998 variable nightshade, 15020 variable ocotea, 11191 variable sweetleaf, 15674 variable tetragastris, 16002 variable vochysia, 16824 variegated copperleaf, 118 varnished cocainetree, 5330

ENGLISH NAMES varnished dimorphandra, 4603 varnished licaria, 8490 varnished mouriri, 10369 varnished pouteria, 12924 varronia, 16546 varronialeaf cordia, 3584 varying lycianthes, 8656 vasconcellea, 16555 vasivaea, 16569 Vásquez bogwood, 14737 Vásquez cocainetree, 5329 Vásquez licania, 8444 Vasquez meliosma, 9432 Vasquez mosannona, 10298 Vásquez ocotea, 11192 Vasquez pleurothyrium, 12563 Vásquez ridgerunner, 4292 Vásquez schefflera, 14379 Vásquez tachigali, 15804 vassobia, 16572 vatairea, 16575 vataireopsis, 16583 Vaupés aniba, 721 Vaupés centronia, 2524 Vaupes crowded Swartzpea, 15411 vaupesia, 16588 Vaupés licania, 8445 Vaupes parahancornia, 11750 Vaupes Swartzpea, 15561 Vaupes tachigali, 15805 Vaupés whiteleaf abarema, 28 Vauthier chastetree, 16794 veined cordia, 3585 veined couepia, 3697 veined coussarea, 3857 veinedflower Eugenia, 5651 veined gentlea, 6169 veined guatteria, 6636 veined maya, 9890 veined mombin, 15116 veined myrceugenia, 10422 veined myrcia, 10573 veined myrsine, 10685 veined nightshade, 15024 veined ocotea, 11195 veined persea, 12093 veined pouteria, 12921 veined purpleheart, 11919 veined virola, 16705 veined wallabatree, 5135 veined xylosma, 17142 veinless devilpepper, 13666 velate licania, 8446 Velloso balsamo, 13439 Velloso handroanthus, 6845 Velloso vernonanthura, 16629 Vellozo cryptocarya, 4091 Vellozo myrcia, 10572 Vellozo nightshade, 15021 Vellozo ocotea, 11193 Vellozo rusty cassia, 2346 velvet berry, 6674 velvet-berry, 6674 velvet mesquite, 12994 velvet seed, 6660 velvetseed, 6647 velvetseed p.p., 6660, 6674 velvetshrub, 12425 velvet tamarind, 4501 velvettamarind dialium, 4501 velvety acacia, 93 velvety agouticarpa, 310 velvety annona, 796 velvety aureliana, 1085 velvety bicolor elizabetha, 4996 velvety brunellia, 1674 velvety campomanesia, 2101 velvety campsiandra, 2132 velvety chocolatetree, 16048 velvety copal, 7373 velvety coppery dimorphandra, 4581 velvety coralbean, 5227 velvety duroia, 4930 velvety fig, 6034 velvetyflower herrania, 7016 velvety gochnatia, 6228 velvety hymenolobium, 7391 velvety inga, 7780 velvety lancepod, 8571

936 velvetyleaf cyrtocarpa, 4337 velvety licania, 8447 velvety marlierea, 9191 velvety maya, 10027 velvety muskwood, 6431 velvety naucleopsis, 10722 velvetynerve pepper, 12388 velvety nightshade, 15022 velvety nittatree, 11825 velvety ocotea, 11179 velvety pagamea, 11567 velvety peppertree, 14414 velvety posoqueria, 12686 velvety pourouma, 12742 velvety pumpwood, 2467 velvety senna, 14608 velvety Swartzpea, 15562 velvety swizzlesticktree, 13565 velvety talisia, 15857 velvety weinmannia, 17018 velvety xylosma, 17141 velvety yellow trumpetflower, 15909 Veneral clusia, 3197 Veneral licania, 8448 Veneral resintree, 13121 Venezuela aegiphila, 269 Venezuela aldina, 409 Venezuela amanoa, 556 Venezuela aniba, 722 Venezuela ateleia, 1055 Venezuela bauhinia, 1259 Venezuela blolly, 6377 Venezuela botryarrhena, 1499 Venezuela brunellia, 1608 Venezuela burrwood, 14823 Venezuela calliandra, 1950 Venezuela calycophyllum, 1999 Venezuela calycorectes, 2004 Venezuela campsiandra, 2122 Venezuela chimarrhis, 2662 Venezuela chimarrhis, 2662 Venezuela chomelia, 2728 Venezuela cinnamodendron, 2845 Venezuela clusia, 3090 Venezuela cocoplum, 2740 Venezuela copaltree, 3483 Venezuela coussarea, 3802 Venezuela cremastosperma, 3892 Venezuela dicymbe, 4556 Venezuela diplostephium, 4708 Venezuela duroia, 4922 Venezuela eschweilera, 5448 Venezuela eugenia, 5714 Venezuela fiddlewood, 2912 Venezuela fig, 5992 Venezuela froesia, 6083 Venezuela guadua, 6349 Venezuela guatteria, 6635 Venezuela Guianas pourouma, 12714 Venezuela holly, 7541 Venezuela humiriastrum, 7319 Venezuela Indianmulberry, 10269 Venezuela inga, 7638 Venezuela jujube, 17222 Venezuela lancepod, 8540 Venezuela lancewood, 11492 Venezuela machaerium, 8751 Venezuela macrocarpaea, 8829 Venezuela macrolobium, 8890 Venezuela magnolia, 9007 Venezuela Manga chloroleucon, 2701 Venezuela maya, 9676 Venezuela meliosma, 9433 Venezuela myrcia, 10442 Venezuela myrocarpus, 10633 Venezuelan boxwood, 2316 Venezuelan mahogany, 15569 Venezuelan sandalwood, 597 Venezuelan wax palm, 3489 Venezuela ochthocosmus, 10954 Venezuela oreopanax, 11288 Venezuela ouratea, 11434 Venezuela palicourea, 11576 Venezuela paragynoxys, 11742 Venezuela peltophorum, 11925 Venezuela persimmon, 4643 Venezuela podocarpus, 12604 Venezuela porcelia, 12669 Venezuela prunus, 13145

Venezuela randia, 13639 Venezuela ridgerunner, 4293 Venezuela rinorea, 13846 Venezuela rondeletia, 13885 Venezuela rustia, 14081 Venezuela schefflera, 14342 Venezuela starapple, 2811 Venezuela stephanopodium, 15176 Venezuela sterculia, 15209 Venezuela steriphoma, 15225 Venezuela sweetleaf, 15653 Venezuela tibouchina, 16073 Venezuela vochysia, 16907 Venezuela WestIndies brunellia, 1623 Venezuela xylopia, 17113 Venezuela zebrawood, 3416 Venezuela zygia, 17249 ventricose ceiba, 2492 ventricose waxpalm, 2553 Ventuari balsamo, 13440 Ventuari votomita, 16916 Venturi peppertree, 14415 Veraguas ocotea, 11196 verawood, 1734 verawood bulnesia, 1734 verbenoxylum, 16590 vermifuge angelintree, 641 vermilionwood, 13463 vernal coralbean, 5228 vernal cupania, 4141 vernonanthura, 16622 verrucose cape, 2166 verrucose doliocarpus, 4766 verrucose duckesia, 4798 verrucose eugenia, 5639 verrucose freziera, 6077 verrucose guatteria, 6637 verrucose henriettella, 7002 verrucose mimosa, 10142 verrucose myrcia, 10574 verrucose pradosia, 12954 verrucose pricklyash, 17202 verrucose resintree, 13046 verrucose scratchbush, 16513 verrucose sweetleaf, 15675 verrucose topobea, 16184 verrucose urbanodendron, 16504 verrucose wildixora, 7852 versicolor brugmansia, 1605 versicolor buglelily, 9496 versicolor graffenrieda, 6318 versicolor maya, 10029 versicolor senna, 14609 versicolor simarouba, 14660 versicolor tachigali, 15807 verticillate aegiphila, 270 verticillate alzatea, 544 verticillate coussarea, 3858 verticillate endlicheria, 5091 verticillate eugenia, 5715 verticillate faramea, 5875 verticillate gustavia, 6729 verticillate henriquezia, 7008 verticillate marlierea, 9193 verticillate mayten, 9374 verticillate neea, 10866 verticillate paniculate haploclathra, 6852 verticillate pradosia, 12955 verticillate quiabentia, 13575 verticillate romeroa, 13869 verticillate rudgea, 14025 verticillate senefeldera, 14502 verticillate ternstroemia, 15982 veryacute guatteria, 6435 verybigfruit iryanthera, 7828 veryfragrant maya, 9594 verylarge cynophalla, 4325 verylarge ocotea, 10972 verylargebracts gynoxys, 6771 verylargefruit crabwood, 2204 verylargefruit zygia, 17274 verylargeleaf ardisia, 909 verylargeleaf coussarea, 3834 verylargeleaf iryanthera, 7829 veryleathery ocotea, 11133 verylong ampelocera, 585 verynarrow hirtella, 7148 verynerved holly, 7502

verypilose hirtella, 7210 verypilose incense resintree, 13057 veryrobust ocotea, 11135 veryrugose marlierea, 9178 verysimilar koanophyllon, 8017 verysmallflower aegiphila, 211 verysmallflower cuatresia, 4099 verysmallflower maya, 9915 verysmall myrsine, 10672 verysmall starapple, 2796 verysoft lozanella, 8603 veryspiny cereus, 2531 verytall armatocereus, 935 verytall clavija, 2951 verytall conceveiba, 3352 verytall guatteria, 6593 verytall humiriastrum, 7321 verytall inga, 7557 verytall laetia, 8113 verytall nightshade, 14845 verytall poeppigia, 12627 verytall pouteria, 12872 verytall purpleheart, 11893 verytall Spruce cynometra, 4321 veryvillous guatteria, 6638 vetchleaf senna, 14611 viburnum, 16632 viburmumlike velvetseed, 6682 viburnumleaf maya, 10005 viburnumleaf quiina, 13610 viburnumlike bertiera, 1361 viburnumlike nectandra, 10813 viburnumlike rudgea, 14026 Vichada remijia, 13707 Victoria balsam, 13442 Vilcabamba buglelily, 9497 Vilcabamba snowbell, 15361 villous abarema, 39 villous aegiphila, 271 villous allomaieta, 461 villous angelintree, 666 villous balsamo, 13443 villous blakea, 1425 villous caryocar, 2261 villous cinchona, 2838 villous copperleaf, 119 villous cordate aegiphila, 202 villous coussapoa, 3775 villous humiriastrum, 7324 vilous leafy alumbarktree, 15284 villous locust copal, 7354 villous machaerium, 8807 villous ocotea, 11197 villous padauk, 13469, 13470 villous parodiodendron, 11833 villous pourouma, 12743 villous river bernardinia, 1349 villous rosewood, 4391 villousspike pepper, 12389 villous sterculia, 15210 vinalillo mesquite, 13011 vineleaf abutilon, 49 vinelikeleaf treadsoftly, 3216 violetbush, 7791 violetbushlike eriolarynx, 5153 violet cassava, 9081 violet coussarea, 3859 violet geoffroea, 6174 violetleaf oreopanax, 11255 violet meliosma, 9434 violet pradosia, 12932 violet schefflera, 14381 violet schlegelia, 14436 violet wood, 4365 violetta, 4365 violetwood, 4365, 11908 violinbow wood, 1892 viraru, 14047 virgilialike lancepod, 8572 virola, 16662 virolalike magnolia, 9008 viscid clusia, 3200 viscidleaf mayten, 9375 viscid macrocarpaea, 8849 viscid stenostomum, 15162 viscochero maya, 9841 vismealeaf jaboticaba, 10618 vismia, 16707 vismialeaf holly, 7544

937 vismialeaf inga, 7786 vismialeaf vochysia, 16909 vividgreen maya, 9786 vividgreen neea, 10842 vochysia, 16795 vogel kop, 10088 Vogel waxpalm, 2554 volcanicolous aniba, 723 vonMartius bitterwood, 16340 vonMartius lancewood, 11484 vonTürckheim burrwood, 14822 vonTürckheim fig, 6030 votomita, 16911 vouarana, 16922 vulpine inga, 7787


Wachenheim alexa, 422 Wachenheim eschweilera, 5449 Wachenheim guatteria, 6640 wada hirtella, 7213 waduri, 8197 Wahls pleurothyrium, 12561 waiawi, 13263 waika bead, 3864 waika chewstick, 15590 waika pine, 595 waika plum, 6124 wait-abit, 12441 wakamy, 16933 walking lady, 16770 walk naked, 10428, 10611 wallaba, 2385, 5115 wallabatree, 5112 walla-berry, 6731 wallacea, 16925 walnut, 7964 walnut p.p., 7967 walnutleaf leafflower, 12149 walnutleaf matayba, 9216 walnutleaf nightshade, 14926 walnutlike muskwood, 6407 waltheria, 16929 wamara Swartzpea, 15459 wanasoro, 2450 wane, 14636 Waorani pentaplaris, 11961 warawere, 2203 Warming aralia, 877 Warming croton, 4037 Warming falsepiptadenia, 13231 Warming myrcia, 10576 Warming nectandra, 10814 Warming neomitranthes, 10886 Warming nightshade, 15027 Warming seagrape, 3276 warreewood, 6323 warrie wood, 4692 Warszewicz calycolpus, 1988 Warszewicz esenbeckia, 5470 Warszewicz rootspinepalm, 4076 Warszewicz satyria, 14209 Warszewicz synechanthuspalm, 15677 Warszewicz violetbush, 7803 washie gunstock, 16299 wash wood, 7930 wasp holly, 7542 water bonyunia, 1486 watercare, 5443 water ceder, 11531 water duroia, 4896 waterfall bogwood, 14697 water kwari, 13494 water locust, 4069 water-locust, 6207 water mahu, 16570 watervine, 4759 water sawari, 2257 waterside maya, 9933 water tamarind, 8961 water wallaba, 5134, 8868 water wamara, 5487 water wood, 17243 water-wood, 17243 waterwood, 2357, 2358, 7456, 8546 water zuelania, 17243 Watson topobea, 16185 wattama, 10635

ENGLISH NAMES wattama myrospermum, 10635 wattle, 50, 5510 wattle krum berry, 5510 wattle wood, 8115 wawee, 11321 wax copernicia, 3488 wax mallow, 9058 waxmallow, 9057 waxmallow p.p., 9058 waxmallowlike pavonia, 11874 wax palm, 2540, 2541, 3488 waxpalm, 2540 waxy critoniopsis, 3910 waxyleaf nectandra, 10742 waxy tabernaemontana, 15704 wayside senna, 14610 weak compsoneura, 3333 weak tontelea, 16154 Weaver macrocarpaea, 8850 Weberbauer acacia, 96 Weberbauer allamanda, 447 Weberbauer bauhinia, 1286 Weberbauer brunellia, 1675 Weberbauer cedrela, 2476 Weberbauer chrysochlamys, 2762 Weberbauer clavija, 2955 Weberbauer clusia, 3202 Weberbauer condalia, 3376 Weberbauer dasyphyllum, 4427 Weberbauer guadua, 6350 Weberbauer hesperomeles, 7039 Weberbauer kaunia, 7973 Weberbauer myrsine, 10686 Weberbauer nettlespurge, 7939 Weberbauer nightshade, 14988 weberbauerocereus, 16939 Weberbauer ocotea, 10974 Weberbauer ouratea, 11471 Weberbauer palicourea, 11695 Weberbauer persea, 12094 Weberbauer piptadenia, 12405 Weberbauer pokeberry, 12180 Weberbauer polylepis, 12658 Weberbauer shadowpalm, 6192 Weberbauer tovomita, 16274 Weberbauer trumpetflower, 15910 Weberbauer vasconcellea, 16568 Weberbauer virola, 16706 Weberbauer waxpalm, 2555 Weberling holly, 7545 Weber pereskia, 12009 Webster Christmasbush, 389 Webster leafflower, 12165 Webster lidflower, 2070 Weddell clusia, 3203 Weddell graffenrieda, 6319 Weddell nectandra, 10815 Weddell senna, 14612 Weddell tovomita, 16275 Weddell turnera, 16450 weedee, 12593 weeping licania, 8350 Weigelt anttree, 16430 weinmannia, 16943 weinmannialeaf athyana, 1057 weinmannialeaf peppertree, 14416 welfia, 17020 Wendland pentagonia, 11953 Werdermann ouratea, 11472 Werdermann syagruspalm, 15585 WesselsBoer balsam, 13446 western ambelania, 570 western Bolívar matisia, 9245 western brunellia, 1651 western cherry-laurel, 13155 western clethra, 2982 western geissanthus, 6149 western guatteria, 6567 western jacaranda, 7897 western leonia, 8204 western mabea, 8688 western meliosma, 9419 western parinari, 11797 western pouzolzia, 12929 western rustia, 14076 western rusty byrsonima, 1785 western Scott ouratea, 11451 western sessileleaf graffenrieda, 6315 western showy gustavia, 6725

western siphoneugena, 14748 western soapberry, 14172 western tachia, 15736 western vantanea, 16537 West Indian balsa, 10949 West Indian bay-berry, 12246 west indian bay tree, 12246 West Indian birch, 1773 West-Indian-birch, 1773 West Indian boxwood, 2316, 12169 West Indian buckthorn, 13756 West Indian cedar, 2474 West Indies cherry, 13151 West Indian cherry, 9054, 9055, 13151 West-Indian cherry, 9055 West Indies falsebox, 6731 West Indian elm, 6646 West-Indian elm, 6646 West Indian falsebox, 6731 West Indian gooseberry, 12001 West-Indian greenheart, 3298 West-Indian-greenheart, 3299 West-Indian kino tree, 3274 West Indian jasmine, 5846 West Indian laurel cherry, 13155 West Indian laurel-cherry, 13151 West Indian laurel fig, 5905 West Indian locust, 7349 West Indian milk berry, 2672 West Indian redwood, 6405 Westindian sandalwood, 597 WestIndian seron, 12169 West Indian snowberry, 2672 West Indian sumach, 1619 West Indian tree fern, 4153 WestIndies balsa, 10949 West-Indies birch, 1773 WestIndies brunellia, 1619 WestIndies buckthorn, 13756 West-Indies cedar, 2474 West-Indies-cedar, 2474 WestIndies cherry, 13155 WestIndies falsebox, 6731 West-Indies laurel berry, 13155 WestIndies laurelcherry, 13155 WestIndies pilocarpus, 12226 WestIndies pricklyash, 17201 wet myrcia, 10507 wettinia, 17025 Wettstein aureliana, 1086 Wettstein myrsine, 10687 Whalen nightshade, 15028 wheellike clusia, 3193 whiptree, 8616 white-alder, 2968 white-alling, 1483 white algarrobo, 12981 white angel’s trumpet, 1602 white avicennia, 1096 whiteback, 9558 white ball acacia, 55 white balsamo, 13291 whitebark senna, 14514 white-bark wild sensitive-plant, 14514 white-beech, 15633 white birch, 7518 white bougainvillea, 12001 white-box, 15633 whitebranch allophylus, 483 white breadnut, 16444 white bulhoff, 12529 white bully tree, 12850 white buttonwood, 8127 white-button-wood, 8127 white cabbage bark, 16347 white calabash, 2581, 2667 white calliandra, 17206 white candle wood, 595 white cantoo, 597 white capulin, 16299 white cashaw, 2698 white cedar, 2470, 2471, 6826, 7326, 11369, 15683, 15695 white-chank, 1515 white chumpa, 12583 white clusia, 3171 white cogwood, 7243 white copal, 13030, 17192 white copernicia, 3487

whitecorolla palicourea, 11595 white cryptocarya, 4078 whitecyme whitequebracho, 967 white deal, 14659 white dulacia, 4872 white endlicheria, 5085 white falsebombax, 13200 white falsemangrove, 8127 white fiddletree, 2904 white fiddle wood, 16763 white fiddlewood, 16758, 16763, 2904 white fig, 5905, 5936 whiteflower aegiphila, 193 whiteflower apeiba, 844 whiteflower bitterwood, 16328 whiteflower eschweilera, 5363 whiteflower flamebean, 1576 whiteflower herrania, 7015 whiteflower hippotis, 7133 whiteflower licania, 8250 whiteflower macrohasseltia, 8860 whiteflower malpighia, 9053 whiteflower nectandra, 10772 whiteflower phragmotheca, 12121 whiteflower ruizterania, 14033 whiteflower sparattosperma, 15082 whiteflower tovomita, 16251 whiteflower violetbush, 7792 whiteflower wallabatree, 5124 Whitefoord schefflera, 14382 white frangepane, 12583 white frangipani, 12583 whitefruit maya, 9796 whitefruit nightshade, 14935 whitegouti mayten, 9372 white gouti wood, 9372 white grape, 3275 white green heart, 17201 white gumbolimbo, 1773, 4448 white hairai, 8553 whitehair starapple, 2765 white handroanthus, 6810 white harklis, 17152 white hazel, 6401 white Hercules, 17152, 17172 white hornschuchia, 7245 white indigo-berry, 13619 white inga, 7555 white iron wood, 2678 white ironwood, 2678 whiteironwood fringetree, 2678 white klarobelia, 8006 white kuyana, 17098 white lancewood, 11480 white laurel, 10737, 10809 whiteleaf abarema, 26 white licania, 8249 white mabouya, 1548, 2768 white mahagony, 13894, 13894, 16837 white malady, 950 white mangrove, 1095, 1096, 3424, 8127 white-mangrove, 1095, 8127 white mangue, 1535 white manjack, 3513, 3572 white manwood, 16761 white mapola, 13200 white Mary, 17172 white mastic, 2686 white maya, 9770, 9959 white mesquite, 12981 white moho, 6962, 9058 white mojo, 6963 white moronobea, 10275 white myrcia, 10425 white nargosta, 15923 white nargusta, 15937 white neoraputia, 10897 whitenerve palicourea, 11638 white nightshade, 14867 white nut, 3565 white oak p.p., 2160 white ocotea, 10967 White ocotea, 11198 white oliver, 15923 white olivier, 15923 white otoba, 11369 white oysterwood, 6736 white paratecoma, 11773 white peroba, 11773

ENGLISH NAMES white persea, 12037 whitepetal hampea, 6804 white plum, 2739, 14659 white poison wood, 5910 white prickle, 17172, 17177 white pricklyash, 17152, 17172 white pumpwood, 2432 whitepunctate kielmeyera, 7979 whitepunctate ocotea, 10968 whitequebracho, 941 white ramon, 16331, 16444 white ramón, 16444 white redwood, 15161 white resin tree, 13047 white rodwood, 5620 whiteroot, 6274 white rustia, 14073 white savonette, 8546 whitesepal licania, 8357 white silverballi, 10759 white snakewood tree, 2460 white soapwood caryocar, 2252 white stopper, 5510 white-stopper, 5510 white-stopper eugenia, 5497, 5510 whitestopper eugenia, 5497 whitestopper eugenia p.p., 5510 white strangler fig, 15066 white sweet wood, 5085 white tabebuia, 6840, 15695 white tachigali, 15739 white tamarind, 82 white titi, 4331 white tortoise, 4525 whiteveined byrsonima, 1833 white wallaba, 5115 white wattle, 104, 2294, 9787 white whitequebracho, 942 white wild cherry, 2871 white willow, 2160, 2162 whitewillow caper, 2162 whitewing machaerium, 8770 white wood, 10766, 11083 white-wood, 10766 whitewood, 4786, 7456, 11083, 14451, 15633 whitewood myrcianthes, 10590 whitewood ocotea, 11083 whitewood pityrocarpa, 12467 white yarri-yarri, 4834 white yemeri, 16837 Whitford machaerium, 8808 whitish acanthocladus, 124 whitishbark acacia, 51 whitish blepharandra, 1436 whitish byrsonima, 1823 whitish cocainetree, 5273 whitish diacidia, 4495 whitish eugenia, 5499 whitishflower virola, 16664 whitish freziera, 6056 whitishgrey hyptidendron, 7397 whitish grey senna, 14523 whitish llerasia, 8521 whitish malanea, 9022 whitish maya, 9558 whitish myrcia, 10424 whitish nightshade, 14843 whitish pepper, 12315 whitish pumpwood, 2411 whitish tachigali, 15767 whitishtrunk nightshade, 14936 whitish whiptree, 8618 whitish wildixora, 7843 whittonia, 17042 Widgren lidflower, 2071 Widgren mollinedia, 10202 Widgren resintree, 13123 Widgren siphoneugena, 14750 Wied cryptocarya, 4092 wigandia, 17044 wigandialike tobacco, 10925 Wiggins randia, 13640 Wilbur neosprucea, 10913 wild ackee, 4107 wild ake, 6403, 14822 wild akee, 6401, 6405 wild alder, 16453 wild almond, 608, 3340, 8983

938 wild apple, 4825, 9058, 10067 wild atta, 14822 wild avocado, 825 wild balata, 10069 wild banyan, 5936 wild banyan tree, 5936 wild bay cedar, 6646, 16299 wild bay-cedar, 16299 wild black cherry, 13952 wild bouis, 10069 wild braziletto, 16996 wild breadfruit, 8983 wild breadnut, 1552, 11514 wild cacao, 7031, 16031 wild caimite, 10069 wild calabash, 594, 1978, 3900, 3901, 15695 wild-calabash, 594 wild cashew, 605, 607, 2203, 7118 wild-cashew, 605 wild cashima, 784 wild cashuian, 764 wild cassada, 13151 wild casscada, 16453 wild celement, 10458 wild chataigne, 11514 wild cherry, 1439, 1805, 2287, 2497, 3508, 3946, 5271, 6667, 9055, 12880, 13215 wild-cherry, 2287 wildcherry blepharocalyx, 1439 wildcherry byrsonima, 1805 wild chesnut, 11498 wild chestnut, 11514 wild chinatree, 14172 wild cilliment, 12246 wild cinnamon, 4045, 12246 wild clammy cherry, 3508 wild clammy-cherry, 3572 wild clammycherry, 3508 wild cocoa, 8326, 9409, 11498 wild coco plum, 7146 wild cocoplum, 7146, 7233, 7235 wild coffee, 549, 2293, 2294, 3298, 5537, 5846, 12464, 12679, 13350, 13982, 14735 wild-coffee, 2326, 2965, 3298, 5846, 7863, 12199, 13287 wildcoffee amaioua, 549 wildcoffee colubrina, 3298 wildcoffee faramea, 5846 wild cork wood, 11422 wild cotton, 3285, 7087, 11877 wild crab, 1519 wild craboo, 1519, 1805, 9055 wild crapemyrtle, 9054, 9055 wild custard apple, 769, 784, 808 wild dalsane tree, 3171 wild debasse, 8326 wild dilly, 9082, 9083 wild ebony, 3298 wild fig, 5936, 5988, 6024, 6029, 14176, 14179 wild-fig, 3171 wild frangipani, 7118 wild gasparee, 8326 wild genip, 9387 wild ginep, 5782 wild grape, 3234, 3271, 3275, 11941 wild guava, 434, 5661, 5706, 6980, 9160, 10346, 10428, 10559, 10563, 10611, 13268, 13619, 13620 wildguava alibertia, 434 wildguava eugenia, 5661 wild guave, 6405, 6674 wild guavo, 13266 wildhoney casearia, 2287 wild honey tree, 2287 wild immortelle, 5208 wildixora, 7838 wild jasmine, 234, 2580, 15710 wildjasmine cestrum, 2580 wild jessamine, 5846 wild kaimit, 2768, 2769, 10069, 12933 wild lemon, 2276, 6124 wildlemon casearia, 2276 wildlemon rheedia, 6124 wild lime, 173, 175, 2276, 13620, 13623, 16347, 17063, 17064

wild-lime, 17159 wildlime adelia, 175 wild-lime-tree, 17159 wild-line, 17063 wild locust, 1861 wild madre de cacao, 1916 wild mahogany, 10301, 16331 wild mamee, 1978 wild mammee, 12795 wild-mammee, 1978 wild mammie, 3171 wild mammy, 6323 wild mango, 10067 wild manimee, 6123 wild marumet, 3171 wild-mastic, 14641 wild maya, 16444 wild misple, 10271 wild monkey apple, 4788 wild mulberry, 10267 wild nata, 14822 wild nutmeg, 4988, 10067, 16662, 16700, 16702 wildnutmeg virola, 16700 wild oil nut, 7933 wild okra, 11830, 13620 wild olive, 645, 660, 1483, 1712, 1716, 12246 wild-olive, 14641, 17063 wild orange, 2160, 5450, 5463, 6401, 14257, 15543, 15546, 15701 wild palm, 13559 wild papaw, 2450 wild papaya, 2215, 14965 wild pear, 5073, 8404, 8408, 10766, 10776, 12087 wildpear endlicheria, 5073 wild pecan, 3340 wild pig, 2450 wildpigeon ouratea, 11412 wild pigeon plum, 7215, 7233, 7235, 11412 wild pigeonplum, 7233 wild pine, 10267, 12593 wild pitch pine, 12593 wild plum, 15110, 15113, 17063, 17064 wild-plum, 15110 wild plum rose, 9160 wild plumrose, 10458, 10559 wild poinsettia, 16933 wild poponax, 92 wild raisin, 12183 wild raisin male, 15596 wild rose, 1568 wild rubber, 7128 wild sage, 16549 wild-sage, 2326 wildsage casearia, 2326 wild sapodilla, 10271 wild school tree, 17172 wild senna, 14583, 14593 wild senno, 14583 wild shanan, 13402 wild silk cotton, 11521 wild soursop, 775, 783 wild soursoup, 764 wild spice, 3958 wild star apple, 2769, 2770, 2773, 10067, 10069 wild star-apple, 10067 wild starapple, 2768 wild sugar-apple, 784 wild susumber, 14905 wild tamarin, 20 wild tamarind, 20, 77, 360, 3287, 3289, 4501 wild tobacco, 150, 14867, 14944, 14905 wildtobacco, 149 wildtobacco nightshade, 14944 wildtobacco tree, 150 wild tobaco, 3946 wild-tree tobacco, 150 wild turkey berries, 11412 wild turpinia, 16453 wild zapote, 2811 Wilhelmina ocotea, 11199 Wilhelmina wildixora, 7853

will mamee, 3171 Willdenow maya, 10030 Willdenow persea, 12095 williamodendron, 17046 Williams agouticarpa, 311 Williams alfaroa, 426 Williams aniba, 724 Williams annona, 821 Williams cocainetree, 5331 Williams copperleaf, 120 Williams cordia, 3586 Williams couepia, 3698 Williams dendropanax, 4467 Williams endlicheria, 5092 Williams falselancewood, 13260 Williams glandonia, 6198 Williams guatteria, 6641 Williams mollia, 10174 Williams oreopanax, 11289 Williams ormosia, 11335 Williams ouratea, 11473 Williams pentagonia, 11954 Williams pleurothyrium, 12564 Williams posoqueria, 12687 Williams seagrape, 3277 Williams simira, 14689 Williams tocoyena, 16145 Williams zebrawood, 3419 William whitequebracho, 1005 willow, 14141 willow p.p, 14142, 14143 willowleaf azara, 1127 willowleaf baccharis, 1150 willowleaf blepharocalyx, 1440 willowleaf blolly, 6381 willowleaf copperleaf, 114 willowleaf dinoseris, 4609 willowleaf duguetia, 4852 willowleaf escalloni, 5358 willowleaf heisteria, 6932 willowleaf inga, 7731 willowleaf licania, 8416 willowleaf mayten, 9369 willowleaf mollinedia, 10196 willowleaf myrcia, 10549 willowleaf ouratea, 11448 willowleaf persimmon, 4529 willowleaf podocarpus, 12605 willowleaf pouteria, 12890 willowleaf redquebracho, 14386 willowleaf sarcotoxicum, 14205 willowleaf viraru, 14066 willowlike aiouea, 329 willowlike badilloa, 1178 willowlike cryptocarya, 4088 willowlike mabea, 8694 willow-like manio, 12605 willowlike ridgerunner, 4252 willow myrtle, 10644 Wilson dimorphandra, 4605 Wilson starapple, 2813 windowed myrcia, 10470 wineberry, 928 wingedcalyx swizzlesticktree, 13559 winged clusia, 3024 winged eschweilera, 5362 winged esenbeckia, 5451 wingedfruit paullinia, 11854 winged guatteria, 6595 winged inga, 7554 winged machaerium, 8763 winged matisia, 9237 winged maya, 9560 winged ocotea, 10966 winged otoba, 11367 wingedrachis muskwood, 6418 wingedseed parapiptadenia, 11769 wingedshoot piptadenia, 12402 winged Swartzpea, 15530 winged tonkabean, 4726 Wingfield falsemalmea, 13219 wing leaf, 14172 wingleaf soapberry, 14172 wing-leaved honey berry, 9382 winglessfruit kuhlmanniodendron, 8025 wingless inga, 7610 wingless Swartzpea, 15388 winkled gynoxys, 6776

939 Winter bark, 4783 Winterbark drimys, 4783 winter eugenia, 5583 wintergreen, 6128 witheringia, 17050 winter maya, 9759 Winter weberbauerocereus, 16942 Winter’s bark, 4783 withoutdot copaltree, 3458 Witte viburnum, 16660 wittmackanthus, 17053 Witt maya, 10031 Wittrock pentaphyllous eriotheca, 5172 Wittrock ruizterania, 14046 Witt swizzlesticktree, 13566 Wokomung guatteria, 6642 wolfberry, 8663 wolffruit nightshade, 14939 Wolf magnolia, 9009 wollyflower ceiba, 2483 woman wood, 11240 womara, 1453 womara bocoa, 1453 wonder-tree, 11827 wondrousleaf oreopanax, 11284 woodland nightshade, 14948 Wood mimosa, 10143 wood of life, 6352 woodreedlike graffenrieda, 6282 Woodson chamaedorea, 2646 woolly acca, 135 woolly broadleaf zygia, 17269 woolly burrwood, 14782 woolly butiapalm, 1777 woollycalyx guatteria, 6538 woollycalyx maya, 9717 woollycalyx myrcia, 10463 woollycalyx swizzlesticktree, 13552 woollycarpel Peru lecointea, 8164 woollycarpel schefflera, 14321 woolly clethra, 2980 woolly conostegia, 3439 woolly cupania, 4124 woolly duroia, 4899 woolly espostoa, 5483 woollyflower couepia, 3640 woollyflower palicourea, 11633 woollyflower zebrawood, 3386 woolly freziera, 6066 woollyfruit actinostemon, 170 woollyfruit drooping senna, 14571 woollyfruit machaerium, 8740 woollyfruit Swartzpea, 15424 woollyfruit toulicia, 16189 woollyhead oreopanax, 11248 woolly jelly palm, 1777 woollyleaf aphelandra, 860 woollyleaf casearia, 2296 woollyleaf viburnum, 16645 woolly myrcia, 10464 woolly nightshade, 14944, 14980 woolly ocotea, 11075 woollyovary copal, 7355 woollypetal cymbopetalum, 4304 woollypetal tachigali, 15759 woolly pilosocereus, 12236 woolly polylepis, 12644 woollyrachis palicourea, 11634 woolly senna, 14540 woolly sessileflower campomanesia, 2097 woollyshoot nightshade, 14930 woollysorus treefern, 4193 woollystamen hirtella, 7171 woolly starapple, 2785 woollystigma cordia, 3517 woollystyle henriettea, 6969 woollystyle maya, 9790 woollyteeth maya, 9718 wool tree, 10949 woolly whitequebracho, 1000 woolly wild sensitive-plant, 14539 wooly senna, 14539 woolycalyx blakea, 1382 worm wood, 12439 wormwood, 648, 12439 Woronow neea, 10868 wort vine, 10267 Woytkowski anttree, 16427

ENGLISH NAMES Woytkowski maya, 10032 Woytkowski pigeonwings, 3021 Wright nightshade, 15029 wrinkled annona, 810 wrinkled cestrum, 2597 wrinkledleaf maya, 9941 wrinkled pepper, 12367 wrinkled quiina, 13607 wrinkled virola, 16698 Wullschlaegel eugenia, 5716 wunderlichia, 17055 Wurdack balsamo, 13447 Wurdack bonnetia, 1481 Wurdack burrwood, 14824 Wurdack byrsonima, 1873 Wurdack campsiandra, 2133 Wurdack cordia, 3587 Wurdack hillia, 7110 Wurdack humiria, 7302 Wurdack licania, 8449 Wurdack loreya, 8591 Wurdack macrolobium, 8951 Wurdack maya, 10033 Wurdack meliosma, 9435 Wurdack nectandra, 10816 Wurdack ocotea, 11200 Wurdack pentagonia, 11955 Wurdack prunus, 13174 Wurdack qualea, 13540 Wurdack quiina, 13611 Wurdack remijia, 13729 Wurdack sarcaulus, 14199 Wurdack senna, 14613 Wurdack simira, 14690 Wurdack Swartzpea, 15563 Wurdack tapura, 15892 Wurdack viburnum, 16661 Wurdack zebrawood, 3422 wurdastom, 17058 wycot, 15590


Xalapa conostegia, 3448 Xingu inga, 7788 Xingú poisonnut, 15266 xylopia, 17066 xylopialeaf annona, 822 xylopialike guatteria, 6643 xylopialike lancewood, 11493 xylopialike myrcia, 10577 xylopialike persimmon, 4674 xylosma, 17115


yacca podocarpus, 12593 Yaco inga, 7789 yakuku parinari, 11792 Yamayakat cremastosperma, 3893 yamstick, 10012 Yapacana emmotum, 5035 yapacana licania, 8283 Yapacana pachira, 11542 Yapacana tepuianthus, 15920 Yapacana terminalia, 15946 Yapas balsamo, 13448 Yapas pepper, 12347 yapock ophiocaryon, 11215 Yapura nealchornea, 10725 Yapura schefflera, 14317 Yapura vismia, 16726 Yapure clusia, 3120 Yaracuy balsamo, 13449 Yaracuy seagrape, 3278 Yarina nectandra, 10817 Yarumal balsamo, 13450 Yarumal magnolia, 9010 Yasica saurauia, 14257 Yasuní Eugenia, 5717 Yasuni inga, 7790 Yasuní zygia, 17264 yatay butiapalm, 1778 yatay palm, 1778 Yatua eugenia, 5718 Yatúa quiina, 13612 Yavita balsamo, 13451 Yavita croton, 4063 Yavita faramea, 5876

Yavita ixora, 7880 Yaviza porcupinepodtree, 2514 yco caper, 2167 yellow, 11922 yellow andreadoxa, 670 yellow aniba, 692 yellow barberry, 1332 yellowbark cinchona, 2821 yellow baysweet, 1300 yellow-bells, 15906 yellow bells, 15693, 15906 yellow-blossom, 15906 yellow blossum, 15906 yellow byrsonima, 1800 yellow candle wood, 14517 yellow candlewood, 14513, 14517 yellow cascaronia, 2274 yellow-cedar, 11605, 15906 yellow chastetree, 16761 yellow chenip, 9388 yellow clusia, 3076 yellow cordia, 3540 yellow coussarea, 3804 yellow elder, 15693, 15906, 15908 yellow-elder, 15906 yellow endlicheria, 5049 yellow faramea, 5831 yellow fiddle wood, 2904 yellow fiddlewood, 2871 yellowflower clusia, 3078 yellowflower inga, 7590 yellowflower palicourea, 11594 yellowflower yellowish handroanthus, 6834 yellowfruit campomanesia, 2103 yellowgreen mosannona, 10299 yellow-greenhart, 2689 yellow Guianas rubbertree, 7074 yellow handroanthus, 6826 yellow harklis, 17177 yellow harldis, 17177 yellow Hercules, 17172 yellow hercules, 17177 yellow heteropterys, 7048 yellow hymenolobium, 7379 yellowish ardisia, 899 yellowishcalyx matisia, 9273 yellowish cestrum, 2588 yellowish clusia, 3077 yellowish diplostephium, 4703 yellowish Eugenia, 5642 yellowish faramea, 5818 yellowishflower balsamo, 13343 yellowishflower cocainetree, 5299 yellowishflower ocotea, 11039 yellowishflower pachira, 11507 yellowishgreen balsam, 13358 yellowishgreen faramea, 5830 yellowishgreenfruit maya, 9643 yellowishgreenspike pumpwood, 2417 yellowish handroanthus, 6832 yellowish maya, 9867 yellowish metrodorea, 9502 yellowish palicourea, 11605 yellowish tabernaemontana, 15712 yellowishwhite tetrorchidium, 16023 yellowishwhiteleaf nightshade, 14956 yellow jacaranda, 16113, 16114 yellowlatex pouteria, 12808 yellow mangle, 1095, 15590 yellow manwood, 16761 yellow may flower, 6820 yellow maya, 9670 yellow mayflower, 6826 yellow mombin, 15110 yellow monkeypottree, 8177 yellow nittatree, 11813 yellow ocotea, 11136 yellow oleander, 16053 yellow-oleander, 16053 yellow olivier, 1712 yellow ormosia, 11309 yellow palicourea, 11604 yellow palicourea p.p., 11605 yellow perebea, 11999 yellow piptadenia, 12396 yellow-plum, 15110 yellow poirier, 6840 yellow poui, 6818, 6819, 6820, 6840

yellowpoui handroanthus, 6840 yellow prickle, 17194 yellow-prickle, 17172 yellow-prickly, 17177 yellow prickly ash, 17177 yellow prickly-ash, 17177 yellow prockia, 12977 yellow ramon, 16444 yellow resintree, 13036 yellow sanders, 684, 1712, 17063, 17152 yellowsanders aniba, 684 yellowsanders buchenavia, 1712 yellowsap croton, 4062 yellow savonette, 8546 yellow senna candlewood, 14517 yellow showea, 14593 yellow shower, 14597 yellowsilk shellseed, 3285 yellow silverballi, 692, 5048 yellow sophora, 15040 yellowspur mimosa, 10144 yellow star apple, 12770 yellowpetal Swartzpea, 15564 yellow sweetwood, 10766 yellowtaper candletree, 11830 yellowthroat rondeletia, 13873 yellow tomentose sophora, 15040 yellow trumpet, 15906 yellow trumpetbush, 15906 yellow trumpetflower, 15906 yellow trumpet-flower, 15906 yellowwhite bougainvillea, 1505 yellowwhite nightshade, 14938 yellowwhite palicourea, 11647 yellow wood, 8820, 12587, 14265 yellow-wood, 8818, 10265 yellowwood, 12474 yellowwood p.p., 12587, 14265 yellowwood porcupinepodtree, 2507 yemeri vochysia, 16830 yemeri wood, 16830 yerba mate, 7499 yerba tea, 7499 yeshidan duguetia, 4870 yesterday, today and tomorrow, 1679, 1689 yewleaf calliandra, 1956 yewleaf macrolobium, 8945 yoke, 615, 1045 yoked inga, 7569 yoked leptolobium, 8219 yoked ocotea, 10990 yoked wallabatree, 5113 yolombo panopsis, 11724 yomomo persimmon, 4690 yoponensis fig, 6036 young girls breasts, 14941 Young myrsine, 10688 y-shapednerve fig, 6037 Yucatan plum, 15110 yucca plum-pine, 12593 Yungas maya, 9845 Yungas panopsis, 11725 Yungas papillate baccharis, 1147 Yungas stillingia, 15236 Yungas syagruspalm, 15586 Yungas vismia, 16719 Yungas weinmannia, 17019 Yurimaguas mouriri, 10329 Yurimaguas nightshade, 14977 Yurimaguas plinia, 12570 Yurimaguas vernonanthura, 16631 Yurumanguí schefflera, 14383 Yutaje dicymbe, 4560 Yutaje matayba, 9235 Yutaje ocotea, 11201 Yutaje snowbell, 15362


zacpan, 1805 Zahlbruckner casearia, 2334 Zak geissanthus, 6157 zamia, 17143 Zamora bejaria, 1312 Zamora brunellia, 1676 Zamora cavendishia, 2409 Zamora critoniopsis, 3938

ENGLISH NAMES Zamora daphnopsis, 4415 zapallo pisonia, 12448 zapoteca, 17203 zapotillo leandra, 8158 Zarucchi palicourea, 11696 Zarzal fig, 6038

940 zeb crab, 5596 zebcrab eugenia, 5596 zebrawood, 1042, 3380 zebrawood p.p., 1037, 1041, 2160 Zehntner padauk, 13471 Zehntner parapiptadenia, 11771

Zehntner pubescent macawood, 12513 Zepelacio balsamo, 13452 Zevallos balsamo, 13453 zeyheria, 17211 zinowiewia, 17213 zither-wood, 2904

zollernia, 17231 zorrowood, 1041 zuelania, 17242 zuelania p.p., 17243 Zulia burrwood, 14825 zygia, 17244