IIIIBAReport Enhancement of c-erbA proto-oncogene expression by glucocorticoid hormones in $49. I |ymphoma cells aM
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190 To our knowledge, this is the first report on the modulation of the c-erbA proto-oncogene expression by a steroid hormone. Multiple forms of c-erbA cDNA have been isolated from several tissues and species [9,10,12-14]. a and forms are to some extent different on the basi~ of nucleic aci~ :Ccluences, although they are largely cross.hybridizing. Furthermore two c-erbAa (a-1 and a-2) cDNAs have been described corresponding to a 6.0 kb and a 2.6 kb mRNA species, respectively, each derived by alternative splicing [15,16]. The size of the c-erbA mRNA observed in our hormone-treated $49.1 cells is 2.6 kb, suggesting that it might correspond to the c.erbAa-2 cDNA previously described [15,16]. This is further suggested by the fact that c-erbAfl mRNA is 6.0 kb long in most of the tissues studied [27]. The c.erbA-encoded proteins have been reported to correspond to the thyroid hormone (T3) receptor [q,!0]. T3 receptors have been observed in normal and leukemic lymphoid cells [28]. Furthermore, thyroid hormone affects in several ways T and B lymphocyte functions (for review Ref. 29). At present time we do not know whether the 2.6 kb RNA increased by dexamethasone treatment in $49.1 cells corresponds to the T3 receptor. In fact, the protein encoded by the 2.6 kb RNA is usually not able to bind T3 [15]. Furthermore, T3 receptor levels correlate with the 6.0 kb c-erbA mRNA species rather than with the 2.6 kb one [27]. The molecular heterogeneity of the c-erbA gene products is paralleled by their heterogeneous biological activity. In fact, differences in the transcriptional regulatory activity and/or the hormone-dependency of the c-erbAa and ,8 subtypes have been described [16-18]. Different functions for v-erbA- and c-erbA-encoded proteins have also been described [9,19,20]. Since v-erbA oncogene-encod~ protein has been shown to affect proliferation and differentiation events leading to cell transformation, it is possible that c-erbA.encoded proteins could mimic and/or antagonize v-erbA in controlling cell functions. In conclusion, we have observed that glucocorticoid hormones are able to control c-erbA proto-oncogene expression in $49.1 lymphoma cells. The functions of c-erbA-encoded proteins in normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells are not known. However, the modulation of c-erbA by a steroid hormone which so dramatically affects lymphocyte functions makes it possible that c-erbA plays an important role in such cell functions and/or in mediating hormone effects~ The association of the modulation of c-erbA gene e:~pression with modifications of cell proliferation and c-myc proto-ot~cogene mRNA levels, suggests that such proto-oncogenes might be involved in the dex~methasone-mediated controi of the proliferation of $49.1 fells. We thank Drs. R.M. Evans and S. Martinotti for providing the c-erbAfl eDNA probe (plasmid pheA4)
and the human c-myc probe (plasmid pMC-41-3Rc), respectively, Mr. F. Duranti for excellent technical assistance and Mr. S. Ferraro for photographic work. This work was partially supported by the Italian National Research Council, Special Project Oncology, by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) and by grants MPI 40~ and 60~. References 1 Eastman-Reks, S.B. and Vedeckis, V. (1986) Cancer Res. 46, 2457-2462. 2 Wildin8, G., Lippman, M.E. and Gelman, E.P. (1988) Cancer Res. 48.802-805. 3 iguchi-Ariga, S.M.M., ltani, T., Kijii, Y. and Ariga, H. (1987) EMBO J. 6, 2365-2371. 4 Biedenkapp, H., Borgmeyer, U., Sippel, A.E. and Klempnauer, K-H. (1988) Nature 335, 835-837. 5 Rascher, F.J., 111, Sambbucetti, L.C., Curran, T., Distel, R.J. and Spiegelman, B.M. (1988) Cell 52, 471-480. 6 Vennstrom, B. and Bishop, J.M. (1982) Cell 28, 135-143. 7 Frykberg, L., Palmieri, S., Beug, H., Graf, T., Hayman, M.S. and Vennstrom, B. (1983) Cell 32, 227-238. 8 Gar,drillon, O., Jurdic, P., Benchaibi, M., Xiao, J.-H., Ghysdael, J. and Samarut, J. (1987) Cell 49, 687-697. 9 Sap, J., Munoz, A., Datum, K., Golberg, Y., Ghysdael, J., Leutz, A., Beu8, H. and Vennstrom, B. (1986) Nnture 324, 635-640. 10 Weinberger, C., Thompson, C.C., Or8, E.S., Lebo, R., Grucoi, D.J. and Evans, R.M. (1986) Nature 324, 641-646. 11 Glass, C.K., Franco, R., Winberger, C., Albert,-'7. Evans, R.M. and Rosenfeld, M.G. (1987) Natvre 329, 738-741. 12 Evans, R.M. (1988) Science 240, 889-895. 13 Thompson, C.C., Weinberger, C., Lebo, R. and Evans, R.M. (1987) Science 237, 1610-1614. 14 Benbrook, D. and Pfahl, M. (1987) Science 238, 788-791. 15 Lazar, M.A., Hodin, R.A., Darling, D.S. and Chin, W.W. (1988) Mol. Endocrinol. 2, 893-901. 16 lzumo, S. and Mahdavi, V. (198~,) Nature 334, 539-542. 17 Forman, B.M., Yang, C., Stanley, V. Casanova, J. and Samuels, H.H. (1988) Mol. Endocrinol. 2, 902-911. 19 Koenig, R.J., Lazar, M.A., Hodin, R.A., Brent, G.A., Larsen, P.R., Chin, W.W. and Moore, D.D. (1989) Nature 337, 659-661. 19 Mt~-~z, A~ Zenker, M., Gehring, U., Sap J., Beug, H. and Ve~mstrom, B. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 1~5-!59. 20 Zenke, M., Kahn, P., Disela, C., Vennstrom, B., Leiutz, A., Keegan, K., Hayman, M.J., Choi, H.-R., Yew, N., Engel, .I.D. and Beug, H. (198g) Cell 52, 107-119. 21 Cupps, T.R. and Fauci, A.S. (1982) lmmunoi. Rev. 65, 133-135. 22 Maniatis, T., Fritsch, E.F. and Sambrook, J. (1982) MoEecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Habor, NY. 23 Feinber8, A.P. and Vogelstein, B. (1982) Ana~. Biochem. 132, 6-13. 24 Dalla Fa~era, R., Gelman, E.P., Martinotti, S., Franchini, G., Papas, T.S., Gallo, R.C. and Wong-Staal, F. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. SCi. USA 79, 6497-6501. 25 lshihara, T., Kudo, A. and Watanabe, T. (1984) J. Exp. Med. 160, 1937-1942. 26 Gurney, "i. Jr. (1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 4905-4919. 27 Santos, A., F~eake, H.C., Rosenberg. M.E., Schwartz, H.L. and Oppenheimer, J.H. (1988) Mol. Endocrinol. 2, 992-998. 28 Bernal, J. and Andersson, L.C. (1986) Acta Endocrinol. 105, 429-432. 29 Paavonen, T. (1987) Med. Biol. 65, 229-240.