Process Systems Engineering 2003 B. Chen and A.W. Westerberg(editors) 9 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Enhancing Process Control Education using a Web-based Interactive Multimedia Environment Rajagopalan Srinivasan ~'*, J. A. Gilles Doiron b, and Melvyn Song c aDepartment of Chemical & Environmental Engineering bCenter for Development of Teaching & Learning CCenter for Instructional Technology National University of Singapore 10 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 119260
Abstract SimFurnace is a multimedia simulation of the crude furnace in the upstream end of the refinery. It uses rich c o n t e n t - animation, audio, vector, and bitmap graphics - to dynamically emulate operations of a crude furnace. The interactive nature of SimFurnace allows students to dynamically change manipulated variables and see the system's response. The SimFumace utilizes two learning m o d e s - (1) an open-ended simulation mode, and (2) the assignments m o d e - to bring forth key process control related concepts using a realistic case study. SimFurnace has been developed using the Macromedia Flash MX authoring environment and runs in Flash 6 player. In this paper, we describe the design and development of SimFurnace and present some preliminary results from its deployment in an undergraduate course at the National University of Singapore.
Keywords: Process control, education, multimedia, web-based, learning management I. INTRODUCTION Process control is crucial to chemical plants and is taught as a core module for chemical engineering students. Currently, students have an understanding of the theory with little sense of how control is achieved in the field. Ad hoc investigations and students' feedback suggest that students completing process control modules have little "feel" for instrumentation and control as achieved in the plant environment. As a solution to this learning shortfall, a multimedia simulation of a section of a refinery, as well as strategic scenarios that give students hands-on experience in a few common control situations, has been developed.
Pedagogical Motivation
Computer simulations embody the principle of "learning by doing". Fishwick tll points out that, in engineering or science, a geometric model that looks good may not be satisfactory unless it has graphical representation of the system dynamics. Ranky et al. t21 also support this view adding that "anthropocentric technologies", such as flexible, interactive online multimedia make the best use of science and technology, driven by just-in-time access and "Corresponding author; Tel: +65 68748041; Fax: +65 67791936; Email:
1479 enabling the learner to explore and implement concepts to a much deeper level. They point out that these technologies support the contemporary drive to promote student centered learning strategies; providing for a flexible, multimedia-enriched and efficient extension to, but not a replacement of, the traditional lecture type, or workshop and laboratory activities. In contrast, Bourne et al. TM argue that the need for more cost-effective and relevant engineering education is fueling the creation of on-line courses with a pedagogical design approach that exploits the advantage of computer network capabilities. Regardless of the approach, complementary or pervasive use of online learning in the curriculum, current trends in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, industry, business, and the home suggest that engineering educators begin to examine how useful on-line education can be in their domains. According to Doiron E41, engineering education must adapt to the fundamental changes brought about by ICT. The challenge is to design new models of online teaching and learning that meet specific curriculum needs while engaging the learner in a meaningful construction of knowledge. 1.2. Related Work A survey of existing simulation exercises used for process control education reveals the prevalence of stand-alone applications based on Matlab/Simulink which can be used to easily formulate and solve common control scenarios including open-loop simulation, closed-loop simulation, controller tuning, implementing advanced control strategies, etc. One notable educational exercise in this category is the Process Control Modules rSl. Two major shortcomings of this genre should be noted: (1) they are usually used for batch type simulations where the parameters/variables are specified at the beginning of the run and not manipulated during the course of the simulation. The extent of interactivity during the learning exercise is at best limited. (2) Another important shortcoming relates to the visualization of the underlying process being simulated. These tools largely use the blockdiagram metaphor as the window to the process with transfer functions or state equations representing the various parts of the process. There is no visualization of the actual process unit and instnmaentation as used in the industrial environment.
The internet has been used as the medium for control and instrumentation related learning by Marlin t61 in the McMaster Process Control Education Web Site. This site consists of largely static text and graphics-based informational material. Interactivity is provided through questions that test the concepts which can be answered by the student. The mushrooming of ICT technologies has opened new avenues for teaching and learning. One such direction is proposed here through a web-based interactive simulator for process control education. 2. SIMFURNACE: AN INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL REFINERY FURNACE An interactive multi-media based simulation of a furnace has been developed at the National University of Singapore. Since the target a u d i e n c e - undergraduate students studying Chemical & Environmental Engineering- commonly have little prior exposure to chemical plants, the package was based on an industrial situation so that industrial operations concepts and practical scenarios can be conveyed. A refinery crude furnace for heating crude upstream of main fractionation was therefore selected as the basis for this application. The SimFumace package consists of three main sections: 1. Introduction 2. Simulation
1480 3. Assignments
Introduction: The introduction section consists of an overview of a petroleum refinery and the refinery furnace that is the subject of the SimFumace package. The Introduction to the Oil Refinery section contains an overview of the crude refining processes, the major units in the refinery, a description of the crude distillation, the various refinery products, and their enduse. This section also provides an overview of industrial furnaces. The description covers their role in the refinery, their construction, related safety and environmental constraints, and their evolution over the last three decades. The next subsection provides an overview of SimFumace, its production objectives, the safety and environmental constraints, and the manipulatable and controlled variables. The scenarios in the assignments and the objectives of the various exercises are also described. These introductory sections are presented to the student in the form of a textual description that can be read by the student and an audio narrative that can be listened to. This description is supplemented by pictures of the related sections of the plant. Simulation: The purpose of the simulation section is to enable the student to obtain an intuitive feel for the interrelationships among the variables in the process. This section consists of an open-loop simulation of the process. The variables that can be manipulated in the SimFurnace are the feed flowrate and the fuel flowrate. The variables that have to be monitored and controlled to meet production targets are output flowrate and temperature. In this open-loop mode, the student can directly manipulate the fuel and feed flowrates by adjusting their respective valves using sliders as shown in Figure 1. The effect on such manipulations on the process can be observed in real-time through the product flowrate and temperature trend charts in the lower half of the screen. When either of the output variables exceeds the preset safety threshold, an alarm sounds and draws the student's attention to the hazardous situation. By repeated experimentation, the student is expected to understand the relationships between the two input and two output variables and estimate the gains, time constants, and dead-times in the furnace.
Assignments: Once the student has obtained an intuitive understanding of the fumace and its dynamics, he embarks on the assignments. These relate to open-loop and closed-loop regulatory and servo control of the furnace. In the open-loop scenarios the student plays the role of the process operator and directly manipulates the feed and fuel flow valves while in the closed-loop scenarios he plays the role of a process engineer and tunes PID controllers for setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection. The assignments thus test the student's understanding of various process control concepts in the context of the SimFumace. Four assignments have been implemented in the current version: 1. Change in Throughput: In this scenario, due to an unforeseen change in product demand, the refinery manager requests a change in the throughput. The student's task, as the SimFumace operator, is to quickly change the furnace product flowrate to a specified value while maintaining the product temperature within specified bounds. 2. Overcoming Disturbances: A sudden storm is the subject of this scenario. Due to the lower atmospheric temperature, the operation of the furnace is drastically disturbed. The student's task, as the SimFumace operator, is to quickly bring the furnace back to a steady state where the product temperature as well as the product flowrate is within specified nominal bounds. 3. Controller Settings for Servo Problem: Similar to Scenario-l, due to an unforeseen change in product demand, the refinery manager wants to change the throughput. In
1481 this scenario, the student's task, as the SimFurnace engineer, is to (1) change the furnace product temperature setpoint to the necessary level, and (2) select PID controller settings which will bring the process to the new steady state at the earliest. The product flowrate is to be maintained within specified bounds. 4. Controller Settings for Regulatory Problem: Similar to Scenario-2, in this scenario the operation of the furnace is drastically disturbed due to a storm. The student's task, as the SimFumace engineer, is to select PID controller settings which will quickly bring the furnace back to a steady state where the product temperature as well as the product flowrate is within the nominal bounds. A screenshot is shown in Figure 2. 3. SIMFURNACE IMPLEMENTATION SimFurnace is a multimedia simulation of the crude fimaace in the upstream end of the refinery. It has been developed using the Macromedia Flash MX authoring environment and runs in Flash 6 player. It uses rich content- animation, audio, vector, and bitmap graphics to dynamically emulate operations of the crude furnace. Flash was selected as the main tool for development because of its ability to enable complex interactions. Alternate technologies such as Java Script, DHTML and Java applets were rejected because problems related to platform and browser incompatibilities and unpredictability of screen resolution of potential users were foreseen. Flash is able to circumvent these problems and is easily available since it is installed in 98% of all browsers. It is also capable of delivering heavy contents with swift downloads and allowed us to integrate audio in the introductory portions of SimFumace. Advanced Flash capabilities such as child display panels and interactive buttons along with the ability to solve complex model calculations enabled the high-level of interactivity and multimedia experience required to make learning interesting. SimFumace adopts a 3-tier model to integrate with a database. As shown in Figure 3, the students interact with the front-end flash movies. The calculations for simulating the furnace and its controllers and generating trend charts are done on the client side (within Flash). Students' performance indicators such as the time taken to complete a module, the quality of control as measured using the integral square error (ISE), etc are also calculated in the client side. For the purpose of tracking and managing the student's learning, these results and performance indicators are stored in a module-specific learning management database. The Active Server Pages (ASP) middle-tier is used to communicate the results from the client-side to the backend database. SQL queries are used for this process. This dynamic integration with the database enables student authentication, and student and performance-specific feedback through a learning management system (LMS). The integrated LMS transparently tracks students' performance within and across assignments. It stores performance indicators (such as integral square errors for control performance, time to perform task) from each assignment in a database. This component, called the web-manager, is intended to be used by the course instructor to administer SimFurnace - enable and disable exercises, set parameter ranges for the simulations and control exercises, browse and grade students' performance. Once an exercise has been completed by students, their results and performance indicators are stored in the database as described above. The instructor can then grade the performance, identify students requiring special assistance or extra guidance, and email-based feedback through the integrated email server (Leonis SMTP server). The instructor can also further customize the package by including additional web links through the web-manager.
1482 4. DEPLOYMENT SimFurnace has been deployed as a supplementary learning aid for students registered for process control course starting August 2002. Preliminary results indicate that it allows the students to learn on their own schedule and at their own pace. Through the assignments, students gain experience with key process dynamics and control concepts such as feedback control, system identification, interactions, time delay, and controller design in the context of a realistic case study. They also gain appreciation of practical control issues such as measurement noise, exogenous disturbances, effect of market demands upon process operations, etc. 5. SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK Training simulators have been widely used for process control education to aid in the understanding of abstract concepts through tactile experience, active learning, and visualization. A web-based multimedia simulator of a refinery furnace, called SimFurnace, has been reported in this paper. A publicly accessible version of this is now available at The interactive nature of SimFurnace allows students to dynamically change manipulated variables and see the process' response. The SimFurnace utilizes two learning modes - (1) an open-ended simulation mode, where students can gain knowledge of the process dynamics by performing simple system identification experiments, and (2) the assignments mode, where students have to achieve a specified control objective. The control objective in each assignment is based on real-life scenarios such as change in product throughput necessitated by market changes and stabilizing the process affected by a disturbance due to inclement weather. SimFurnace is being used by students enrolled in a process control course and provides them an intuitive feel for how industrial chemical plants are controlled, and thus helps relate theories to practice. Future developments of this package will address linkages to safety and environmental impact. Assignments related to advanced control concepts such as feedforward control, ratio control, etc will also be developed. REFERENCES
[1] P. A. Fishwick, Simulation Model Design and Execution: Building Digital Worlds. Prentice Hall, 1995. [2] P.G. Ranky, G. Bengu, and G.T Spak, Proceedings of the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Innovators' Conference, April 7-8, 1997, Arlington, VA, USA. [3] J.R. Bourne, A.J. Brodersen, J. O. Campbell, M. M. Dawant, and R. G. Shiavi, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No 3, 1997. [4] G. Doiron, Proceedings of E-Technologies in Engineering Education Conference-2002, Davos, Switzerland, (in press). [5] F.J. Doyle III, E.P. Gatzke, R.S. Parker, Process control modules: a software laboratory for control design, Prentice Hall, 2000. [6] T. Marlin, McMaster Process Control Education Web Site,
Figure 1" Screenshot from SimFumace simulation exercise
Figure 2: Screenshot from exercise related to controller design for disturbance rejection
Figure 3" SimFumace Implementation Architecture