The Veter£nary /ournal.
tered ball containing ammon. carbo and nux vomica and gentian, ceased g rinding of teeth, eating well. I attended my patient until July 17th, when she was discharged cured, and is now working every day, and appears none the worse tor h er illness. Was ita case of acute indigestion, followed by coma and stoppage ?
ON August 6th I was called to see an Airedale t errier that was suspected of being rabid . For a day or two the dog was noticed to be a little stran ge in its behaviour, running about, snapping at things, a nd hiding under chairs and tables. Having got out, it ran into a wash-house, where it was locked up. Here it was observed to b eha ve in the same manner, snappin g aimlessly at imaginary objects, but not howling or showing other symptom s of pain. The owner thought that it was a little lam e. It refused all food . It died three days after being shut up, without developing a ny further symptoms. On post mortem, all the organs were found to be h ealthy except the intestines. There was a complete ab sence of food in the stomach and bowels. On examining the brain, the ventricles were filled with fluid, the membranes being slightly congested. The condition of the intestines was remarkable. The mucous membrane was red in colour, thickened, and studded all over with little e minences. They could he distinctly felt under the finger, and appeared to be confined to the mucous coat. They were about the size of No. I shot. They were most numerous in the colon, and were found in decreasing numbers almost as far as the anus. On examination of these raised places each was found to have a depression Or crack in the top, looking like an erosion of the epithelium. . . I have h ad a few su ch cases before, but have .never seen any sh owing such pronounced symptoms as this one. My impression (which has been confirm ed by Principal ~Ti1liams), was that the disease was of an infect ious nature, and that it belonged to one of the many ill-understood forms of intestinal mycosis.