296 ans apres la fermeture de la grotte, I'histoire
mental techniques is provided through eleven
du sauvetage des fresques de Lascaux que deux maladies avaient affectees: I'une due
chapters beginning with discussion of mea-
une proliferation d'algues, I'autre & une concretion de calcite. Ce livre est subdivise en deux parties. La premiere traite de I'environnement naturel
mathematics computing, laboratory techniques, microscopy, remote sensing, maps,
surement, then following with chapters on
prehistorique et de I'art parietal. Elle com-
Chapters range in length from 18 to 71
prend, apres un tableau chronologique sim-
pages and average about 27 pages in length. Chapters on mathematics and statistics are
plifie du quaternaire, une description sommaire du milieu (flore et faune) et de I'evolution climatique. Le mode de vie des magdaleniens est aborde: occupation des grottes, chasse, organisation et aussi besoins rituels ou culturels qui les ont amenes peindre et ~ graver les parois des abris ou ils se refugiaient. Dans la seconde partie sont traites les problemes de conservation. On y donne un bref aper(;u du paysage, de la geologie et de I'hydrologie de la region de Lascaux. Ensuite sont abordes les problemes de climatologie
treated in most detail and comprise 35% of the book. Following each chapter is a brief bibliography of books which cover cited techniques in more detail. Examples are given for each technique used and are taken from a wide variety of fields of study. The book is adequately illustrated with black line drawings. Two chapters, microscopy and remote sensing, have black-and-white photographs. Of noble
is recom-
mended for beginning students in environ-
dynamique plus specifiques ~ la grotte, les processus d'alteration qui s'y sont manifestes ainsi que les mesures prises pour les com-
mental sciences as a shopping list of perhaps some of the more commonly utilized environmental methods. It should not be as-
battre. MM. Vidal, Marsal, Voue et Brunet decrivent avec justesse gravures et peintures et relatent avec clarte leur sauvetage.
sumed, nor is it I feel the intent of the authors to use this book as a sole source for any of the cited techniques. For example, basic algebra is covered in four pages, differentia-
Le livre est redige en quatre langues: Fran(;ais, Anglais, Allemand et Espagnol, ce qui devrait assurer une large diffusion t~ cette publication, plutOt de vulgarisation, qui s'adresse ~. un large public scientifique. Marie Claude Van Grunderbeek and Emile Roche, Tervuren
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Robin Haynes (Editor), 1982.Environmental S c i e n c e M e t h o d s . C h a p m a n and Hall, London, 404 pp., Lstg.9.95. Environmental science is to say the least an eclectic field of study that involves application of a myriad of techniques to solve multivariate problems. Methodologies utilized in such research of such problems are drawn typically from already established disciplines of biology, geology, pedology, geography, meteorology, and ecology, among others. This book is an introduction to some of these methods and techniques. A panoramic view of selected environ-
tion in eight pages, and multiple regression in eight pages. This rather ambitious effort should serve as a stepping stone to the beginning student giving him some insight into the need for an interdisciplinary approach to environmental problems based on sound scientific methodologies. P.M. Allen, Waco, TX.
EXPLORATION GEOCHEMISTRY n.J. Howarth (Editor), 1983. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geochemical Prospecting. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 437 pp., Dfl. 235.00, U .S.$100.00 (hardcover). The v o l u m e is the s e c o n d in the "Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry" series edited by G.J.S. Govett and is devoted to data evaluation, handling, presentation, and interpretation. This volume is edited by n.J. Howarth (Imperial College) with input from a distinguished international list of contributors. It is divided into two parts. Part 1,