453 cated the possession of certain medicinal effects, comparable with the use of the terms "Seidlitz powders" and "Epsom salts." He further observed ...

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453 cated the possession of certain medicinal effects, comparable with the use of the terms "Seidlitz powders" and "Epsom salts." He further observed that the description of the powder indicated sufficiently that it was an artificial product : it "was improved, for it contained an addition which disguised or took away the nasty taste of the natural spring, and it a quality that the natural salts did Messrs. Kutnow and Co. have therefore possess." " the and for the future the name"Carlsbad day, gained when applied to powders is to be dissociated from any special geographical meaning and is to be understood as indicating only the possession of ’’ certain medicinal effects not necessarily connected with the place."







IN idiopathic epistaxis Dr. Guenot of Laroche-en-Breuil has frequently found a local application of antipyrin to be of great service. As a rule, he employs a solution of the strength of 1 in 5, but in mild cases a 1 in 10 solution is strong enough. He directs the patient to pour a little into the hollow of the In the case of young hand and to inhale it vigorously. or intractable children this method is of course not applicable. Here a syringe must be used and after the nostrils are filled they should be compressed for a moment so as to allow the antipyrin time to act.

TREATMENT OF INFANTILE CONVULSIONS. M. JULES SIMON recommends the following line of treatment of infantile convulsions :-1. Empty the digestive tract by an enema and by tickling the fauces to promote vomiting. 2. If the attack continues, administer ether or chloroform on a handkerchief. 3. Administer by the mouth, or if necessary by enemata, repeated doses of the following mixture : chloral hydrate, fifteen grains ; bromide of potassium, fifteen grains ; syrup of codein, ten drops ; tincture of musk, ten drops ; tincture of aconite, ten drops; orange-flower water, three ounces and a half--this quantity to suffice for twenty-four hours. 4. When the attack is very grave give a warm bath and apply a small blister to the back of the neck or the epigastrium, leaving it on for three hours. Antiseptic precautions should

Statistics ; (2) Municipal Health Service ; and (3) the Causes, Prevention and Control of the Infectious Diseases of Men and Animals. In the evenings general meetings of a popular character will he held, to disseminate information on theprevention of infectious diseases ; the causes of ill-health due to soil, air and water; and the health and sickness of workers. Papers will be read in English and are expected to be practical and not elementary in character. Votes of praise or censure, or such as would commit the Congress to special views, will, not be taken. It will facilitate organisation if those who expect to attend will notify as early as possible’the Secretariesof the Public Health Congress, Chicago, Illinois." The secre.taries desire to receive papers before Sept. 15th, if possible. It is feared that large Continental delegations will not be present, but there is a strong desire that the British contingent. may be numerous. -



THE Select Committee of the House of Commons on Death Certification held a short meeting at Westminster on Tuesday, the 15th inst. Their report will not be completed for another week


two. ____

EPIDEMICS OF ENTERIC FEVER. SEVERAL fatal epidemics of enteric fever have been reported to us. One has occurred at Widnes, where twentyseven fresh attacks have been notified and where it is said that the disease is of a very serious type. Another is at. Stockport, which is alluded to in the letter of our Manchester-




AND CHARRIN, observing with regret that. bacteriological investigations the supra-renal capsules arevery rarely examined, or if so only macroscopically, have endeavoured to remedy this defect in their investigations on pyocyanic infection. They report that the supra-renal capsules of guinea-pigs with acute pyocyanic infection were


always enlarged and were darker on the surface than normal The capillaries of the surface, too, were full and congested; the surface of a longitudinal section was dark. When the juiceTHE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PUBLIC After hardening, was sown on agar pyocyanin appeared. HEALTH, 1893. sections showed the central zone engorged with blood ; the IN connexion with the Columbian Exposition at Chicago a vessels were dilated and sometimes haemorrhages could be The tubes bordering on the central zone were series of international congresses has been organised. These detected. and the cells contained coloured granules. since and some of have been in them, meetings progress May as those of charities and of engineering, have been of great public interest and value. That on public health will hold its HYPODERMIC INJECTION OF NITRO-GLYCERINE sessions in the week commencing Oct. 9th, and besides indiFOR THE RELIEF OF THE EPILEPTIC vidual invitations general ones are extended to all persons the PAROXYSM. world over who are interested in this important subject. The DR. ELLIOT BATES, in a recent number of the New York annual meeting of the American Public Health Association is the nucleus around which this Congress assembles and the ILTedicc2 Journal, recommends this drug when the sufferer machinery known as the Congress Auxiliary is that through from epilepsy lies where he has fallen, with rigid limbs and He details some cases. which its organisation will be effected. Membership in the unconscious of all surroundings. where marked relief was afEorded is without interested in fee to very by the hypodermic injecCongress open everyone public health. The payment of five dollars (one guinea) and election tion of nitro-glycerine in doses of one-hundredth of a grain. to membership in the Association, which is practically open He used it in twelve cases altogether without a failure. In oneto all in attendance, will entitle the member to the published case the patient had had attacks for four years, and when Dr. transactions. The Congress will hold three general sessions, Bates saw him he was rigid and totally unconscious, with on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, for the discus- violent muscular convulsions, foam about the mouth and all sion of : (1) the prevention or control through public the other symptoms of an epileptic seizure. A hypodermic health service of tuberculosis, diphtheria and pneumonia ; injection of nitro-glycerine was given and before the needle. (2) the diarrhoea of childhood, cholera and enteric fever ; could be withdrawn total relaxation took place, consciousness. and (3) small-pox, measles, scarlet fever and the diseases returned and the patient asked for some water. The useof modern life due to nervous conditions. The afternoons of this drug and of nitrite of amyl has been recommended of the same days will be devoted to work by Sections : at the beginning of an attack as soon as the least suspicion of (1) International and National Hygiene, including Vital an aura arises-i.e., to abort the attack ; but its use after the be observed and


poultice subsequently applied.
