Semiconductor m e m o r i e s . R. C. BARON,Mikroelektronik 3, Publ. R. Oldenbourg, Miinchen, Germany (1969), p. 231. In the past, discussions about the role of large-scale integration focused on its application in computer central processor logic. Recently, however, it has become apparent that MOS and bipolar large-scale integration offer significant potential advantages in a variety of computer memory applications, including main memory. This paper discusses some of the serial memories, scratch pad memories, readonly memories, and other semiconductor memories commercially available and in development. It reviews the requirements of the system designer in the memory area and compares existing and potential needs with the capabilities of semiconductor memories. Finally, it analyzes these memortes from the component manufacturer's point of view, and shows how improvement on component size, yield, interconnection, and packaging will allow semiconductor memories to fulfil a very important role in the designs of the 1970s.
Integrated color television receiver. E. SUGATA,T. NAMEKAWA,K. MIYAWAKI and J. NAKAI, Mikroelektronik 3, Publ. R. Oldenbourg, Miinchen, Germany (1969), p. 619. The use of ICs in TV receiver circuits is continuing to involve increasingly more circuits. To date various circuits is continuing to involve increasingly more circuits. To date various efforts have been made in different groups in the industry to develop IC TV receivers that would permit cost reduction, higher reliability and simplification of assembly lines. This paper is a report on the result of the concentrated effort made by five major TV set makers to develop and manufacture prototype color IC TV receivers under the guidance of four universities and two institutes, and with the co-operation of seven parts makers in Japan. 7. SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS, DEVICES AND MATERIALS
Epitaxial processing and equipment. I. A. LESK, Proc. Tech. Programme, Int. Electron. Packaging Prod. Conf., Brighton, October 8-10 (1968), p. 618. If the epitaxial layer is composed primarily of the same material as the substrate, it forms an extension of the substrate crystal lattice. This is the most common situation, in use today with silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, gallium arsenide-phosphide and many other materials. A considerable amount of research is being devoted to the growth of single crystal films on substrates of different materials, sometimes called Heteroepitaxy. In order to grow a single crystal film under these conditions, the substrate lattice (or at least key positions in it) must closely match the lattice (or certain parts of it) of the film material. Also thermal expansion coefficients must match, and the substrate must be stable under growth conditions. Considerable success with heteroepitaxy has been attained with several material systems, for example, silicon on sapphire and gallium arsenide on germanium. Another approach to heteroepitaxy involves the use of a glass layer on a refractory substrate. If the glass layer is sufficiently fluid at the growth temperature, atoms depositing on it can have sufficient surface mobility to arrange themselves into a single crystal film. Called rheotaxy, this technique has proven less useful than the others. Most epitaxial systems in use today utilize vapor transport. To a carrier gas are added compounds which, at an elevated temperature, react to deposit the desired material and its impurities; the by-products are gaseous and hence easily removed. In the case of certain III-V compound semiconductors, liquid epitaxy is showing great promise. For example, gallium arsenide dissolved in an excess of gallium is used as a source for gallium arsenide. If a saturated liquid is brought in contact with a gallium arsenide wafer surface and the temperature gradually lowered, a stochiometric film is deposited out of the liquid on the substrate surface. This paper is devoted primarily to a discussion of the gas phase epitaxial growth of silicon on silicon substrates. Silicon gas phase epitaxy accounts for a preponderance of the epitaxial growth performed today, and has been one of the principal technologies responsible for the rapid progress of silicon devices and integrated circuits. Many of the principles and problems of epitaxy are best illustrated with silicon because of its advanced state of development. Also the apparatus utilized is still basically simple, and sufficiently versatile so that it can be used for the vapor phase deposition of other materials on silicon for more complex integrated circuit structures.
Handling and bonding of beam-lead sealed-junction integrated circuits. M. P. ELEFTHERION, Proc. Tech. Programme, Int. Electron Packaging Prod. Conf., Brighton, October 8-10 (1968), p. 123. The introduction of beam-lead technology has initiated new philosophies in the handling and bonding of integrated circuits. New concepts such as batch handling of oriented silicon chips and batch bonding of the leads have been developed using the inherent advantages of beam-lead-sealed junction technology. Techniques using batch fabrication have proven to be of considerable importance m providing devices