Ergot Compounds and Brain Function: Neuroendocrine and Neuropsychiatric Aspects (in Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology, Vol. 23)

Ergot Compounds and Brain Function: Neuroendocrine and Neuropsychiatric Aspects (in Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology, Vol. 23)

M2 Sl~rga'alNt.~m4ogv',A4 ~5 N++4 Apri| i981 +5 Rh+m+'qAL+ 'i }lardyIKL CharoN+i++SM M~¢+o+,,+++gt++d +m+++~m+ ,+++++r,+~i l& ~4m~ J [N,gea~li¢ dte~a...

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M2 Sl~rga'alNt.~m4ogv',A4 ~5 N++4 Apri| i981

+5 Rh+m+'qAL+ 'i }lardyIKL CharoN+i++SM M~¢+o+,,+++gt++d +m+++~m+ ,+++++r,+~i l& ~4m~ J [N,gea~li¢ dte~adcm~m~ mme.elk,re~ p~r phleb*~taphie de~ ~im~ mlereav~meux+ in P~gmhng.~ of the ~4¢.o~,d gur~.a~, +(h+e+t++m,,if+i+e.rhm.d hm¢+¢awm,m:+.~+++++aM +dis++e~+~*++ S++~Nvuvr,+12:0,+-lO4+Io7,+ W.~Gh ,r o~ tStmtary, I3ns+ .%:~emN¢ 20-22. PaN It, Rh,,+++,+~AL+ Ham~+'S Rem~WH M+¢m~utgicidatom+myof die pa Walkc+JR+ffat~12D:P+t~m~+~'a+J,:mt+mapt++:v.*ntinga~n:i'+,tmngpait,. +++I+++phthah+r, ple¢++++St+inNetm48:+1%~2+. 1+77 .,'++:ila+¢+v~++ma;~d+:+~em+.m,+>m~+++C[+nNeu+,++v~+e24:+4+8++++77 ! 7+ T.,veta~JM. W~+~El+:['m+m+t++mm+~.++~li,+4~m+,ed 2+B++hmu+r+:++ 20+ W+!mm(g+ I\+mp,,e+~C: Tr;m+phcn+,'++L+[+met.inimical+em<+al+if gdham>& \'++qik{+~+1+~6+12GIpp 2++0rm+++;+tv;+¢.,+.++x. ] +'+~e.l+++mme 4s:l }-22, I978

Book Review E~ot Cnm~unds and Brain Function: Ncun~:ndocrine bromncdp0ne; the medical management of acmmegaty with bmm~)criptine and the treatment of the amenorrhea+ and Neuropsychiatric Aspects (in Advance~ in Biochemical Psycho#armacokNy, VoL 23) ~dacu~hea syndrome in women with suspected pituitary edited b:, +',£,.& G,,N:,tein, D.mdd B+ Cab,c+ micmaden.mas are Ix+th addrc~+d as well Atm&~m Lieb~'r~mm. and Mi&a¢t ()+ TMmcr+ N,ew Y+uk+ Phammcothempy of parkinmmism is covered in a brief * t P+¢~. 1980 Rca¢, review+ A R4k+w.upof ,p m five yea~ is giv~enin >Ain~onism patient.~ treate~ with bmmocdptine+ A compari~m 43I Ira+ R~.aewed ~b Gc.+VeJ+/),k-reran, M,D. Ph.D. ,od Hden L M.m+~m, M+D++ Chic,<.+ I~in+m This hardRmnd nob+me contains a .~enes ~f pape~ pre+ s~med ~ a ~vmposium+ Er~:ot A&ak~id. m Neumkgic+ Nei+mp.+~°chiamc and Ne~m~vn&vrine DiumJe~+ hem it} New Y~+rkin ~9D. It is publi+.hcda> the twenty.third nob rune of A&~mce~ m Bi~chcrmc,d [email protected]~c.b~ag*The 39 papers are divid+xt into the lb~lowing ections: bic~hem+ i~t~"and pharm~mdoey+neuroe~&~dnology+ parkinumim~+ gcrmmc dim)triers+:rod dvskin,:sia. O~ interest ~o rh~se in the dingaI a~d basic netm,~+v ences is a review of tt~¢ c~rrent kn~+wledee~g ere~.~+corn+ p.mnds+ Ergut actions at catechoiamine receptor.., erranteL k.cts {m co~eicaland striata] doF<+minendicand ~eceptt~rs, and tl~e interactions ~tween ergot derNat~ves and rbe cvchc nuc|eotide system are di~guss~+ Some e m phasis is given m the neurophatmacd~+;~¢of synthetic ergot detivaives in man aM the pharmacokinetica of bmmo+ criptine m man. The section dinting with neur
of bmmcrare that their review is of*+mughly comparable ..urines" and recommend furfl~er re,,~arch+ ~ e difficulty with the review is clarified in the ch;kpter comparing rating scales mea>uringmlt~mm of tm~tmen~ in the geriaric >> tient Gmfounding ratit~oas, lack of meaurement of emotional £tctors, and the limitation of single ~ales applied m th& complex +x~pulationdo not permit adequate assessment of outcome+ The Iack of impm~ment of dyskinetic padems or of the mntor and c¢Nnkive dist,~tmncm in schimphreni¢ patients t+ea{ed w~th etgo~ dop~dne a~mgts is well presented althtm+ah the mdng ~