510 at the Hospital, it would be he to deliver lectures at the bed.-side ; but that if any gentleman had questions to ask him in the wards, he should be most happy to answer them. All the in clinical lectures that have been given at
time lost
of THE LANCET. that you will insert, the next number journal, the follow- Guy’s this season are these:—Mr. Cooper ing correction of a very palpable error in has given three, and Mr. Morgan ONE! It the formula for the extemporaneous prepa.ra.tion of hydrocyanic acid introduced into the was posted that Mr. Morgan would deliver new edition of Pharm&copceia Londinensis? a second, on the 9th of November; but that I am indebted for ita detection to Mr. being Lord Mayor’s Day (Mr. Morgan, pro. Thomas Henry, operative chemist, of Great bably, going to see the show) it was defer. Ormond-street. I remain, sir, your obedient red until further notice ; and from that lioiir to this nothing has been heard- of the antiC. H. servant, lecture. This is the way that the cipated Dec. 24th, 1836. " CLINICAL LECTURES ARE DELIVERED AT CORRIGENDA. In 8vo., p. 50, 1. 21,—in 82mo., p. 61, GUY’S." (See PROSPECPUS of the Hospital in the month 1. 9 :—pro granis novem cum seinisse, lege Practice and Lectures issiied of September !nst, to the 11 Novices, green 48.5. gr. In 8vo., p. 50, 11. 22, 3,—in 32mo., p. 61, and fresh from the country.") I hope you 1. 11 :—pro Acidi Hydrochlorici diluti mini- will interfere for us, for it is quite true that the promises of the lecturers, in this respect, mis novern, lege Acidi Hydrochlorici gr.39.5 have been altogether forfeited. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A STUDENT AT &UY’9. To the Editor.—SIR:—With reference to Dec. 13. morning, Wednesday some remarks which appeared in your journal of the 24th instant, I beg leave to remark, that the Lecturers in AldersgateNORTH LONDON HOSPITAL. street have been in the habit of furnishing the Medical Gazette and THE LANCET for the NÆVUS MATERNUS.—NEW SURGICAL PRO. benefit of the Library attached to the School, CEEDING. but as the covers have been constantly torn, and the journals otherwise mutilated, it was A. W., aged 20 months, was admitted deemed advisable to suspend them both for on Nov. 2nd, under the care of Mr. LISTON. a short time, with a view to prevent such i A few after the child’s birth, the parents days wanton mischief taking place *in future. a small nævus, of a reddish perceived Your remarks were consequently incorrect colour, and of about the size ofa grain of that THE LANCET had been discontinued wheat, situated close to the left ala of the Wele the Gazette would still be taken in. nose. At the age,of six weeks it had I am, Sir, your obedient servant, doubled its original size. It was nearly ALFRED JOHN SIMS, then taken up with a hook, and tied. It Secretary to the Aldersgate Medical Society. sloughed out at the end of a week, was 7, Crescent-place, New Bridge-street, poulticed, and healed, leaving a slight scar, 27th Dec., 1836. About a fortnight after this it began to grow, and then more rapidly than before. Four months after the operation the child was vaccinated, but this had no effect upon CLINIC AT GUY’S. the tumour-; it continued increasing, and was again tied with the same unsuccessful To the Ellitor of THE LANCET. result. The opinions of many practitioners, SIR:—The notice in your valuable journal both in private practice and at hospitaJ1, concerning thewant of clinical lecturers at were sought, but only very littie hope was Guy’s Hospital has drawn some sort of ex- held out of t cure being effected, for much plauation from Mr. Key, who made the ful- danger seemed to be apprehended from the lowing statement on Tuesday evening to his operations contemplated upon it. It was surgery class. He said, timt in the morning now treated by a physician with some ointof that day, as he was riding in his carriage ment, but this also had no effect, and the with one of his colleagues, the latter men- tumour has continued to increase tip to tioned to him that something was stated in the present period, and has attained the one of the medical journals about his (Mr. size cf a pigeon’s egg, compressible, disKey’s) never giving clinical lectures at the coloured, and speedily niting on the removal Hospital. Now he (Mr. Key)would con- of pressure. fess that he had not given a clinical lecture Nov. 7. Mr. LIs’roN, before operating tofor six years, as he had left the delivery of day, remarked, that this was rather a diffithem to Mr. B. Cooper and Mr. Morgan, cult case to deal with as might he gathered because he thought that, being the lecturer from its history, but he hoped to be able to To the Editor
SIR:—May I beg
of your