Erratum to “Predicate transformers for reasoning about concurrent computation” [Science of Computer Programming 24 (1995) 129-1481’ K. Mani Chandy”,
Beverly A. Sanders b
~’Caltfbrnia Institute of’ Techwhy!, 356-80. Pasadena, CA 91125, USA h Imtirut fiir Computers~steme. ETH Ziirich (Swiss Federul Insrihctc of TwI~mhy~ i. ETH Zrntrwx CH-8092 Ziiric~h. Swkwland
In our paper, it was erroneously sally disjunctive.
’ SSDI of original
stated that the property transformer
It is not.
article: 0167-6423(94)00033-6
0167-6423!971$17.00 @ 1997 Published PIIS0167-6423(97)00013-0