Estimation of resting energy expenditure by anthropometry

Estimation of resting energy expenditure by anthropometry

CLINICALNUTRITION (1987) 6: 51-57 Estima .tion of Resting Energy Expenditure by Anthropometry D. T. Hansell, R. Richardson, J. W. L. Davies, H. J. G...

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(1987) 6: 51-57

Estima .tion of Resting Energy Expenditure by Anthropometry D. T. Hansell, R. Richardson, J. W. L. Davies, H. J. G. Burns University Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G31 (Reprint requests to D.T.H.)

The role of anthropometry in estimating resting energy expenditure (REE) has been ABSTRACT assessed in 142 clinically stable patients. Ninety eight patients had cancer (54 weight stable, 44 weight losing) and 44 patients had nonmalignant illness (27 weight stable, 17 weight losing). Mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) measurements correlated significantly with REE measured by indirect calorimetry in each of the groups studied. Weight loss significantly affected this correlation whereas cancer did not. The correlation in weight stable patients was poorer than that in weight losing patients, possibly reflecting inaccuracy of anthropometric measurements due to subcutaneous adipose tissue. Significant correlations were also observed between mid-arm circumference (MAC) and REE, and between MAMC and whole body oxygen consumption. REE can be estimated from MAMC measurements in weight stable and weight losing patients with benign or malignant disease. This simple method may be of value in estimating REE where indirect calorimetry facilities are unavailable.



Clinicians have become aware of the need for accurate estimation of resting energy expenditure (REE) as a basis for nutritional support. Ideally, REE should be measured using indirect calorimetry, but few centres have this facility. In addition, patients may be too unwell to be transported to the calorimeter, and may be unable to tolerate nose-clips, facemasks or a head canopy, even where mobile calorimetry facilities exist [l]. REE can be estimated from various predictive formulae, but most of these have been derived from measurements made in mainly young healthy individuals [2, 31 and have been shown to be inaccurate in many ill patients [4,5]. Simple anthropometric measurements of triceps skinfold thickness (TST), mid-arm circumference (MAC) and calculated mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) are extensively used to assess nutritional status. These measurements are easily performed irrespective of the clinical state of the patient, and require no sophisticated equipment. In order to assess the effectiveness of anthropometric measurements in estimating REE, they have been related to REE measured by indirect calorimetry in weight stable and weight losing patients with benign or malignant disease.

One hundred and forty two patients were included in the study. Cancer was proven histologically in 98 patients, and a control group of 44 patients had nonmalignant illness. Of the 98 cancer patients, 54 had lost little or no weight (weight stable) and 44 had lost 10% or more of their pre-illness body weight (weight losing). The controls were similarly divided into 27 weight stable and 17 weight losing patients. Pathological diagnoses are shown in Table 1. Hepatic metastases were found in 20 cancer patients using ultrasound and computerised tomography (11 weight stable, 9 weight losing). Patients who had clinical or bacteriological evidence of infection or obvious oedema or ascites, and those who had undergone surgery, radiotherapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy in the preceding year were not included. None of the patients studied had received nutritional support. Resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) were measured using an indirect calorimeter with a rigid canopy [6], a sensitive paramagnetic oxygen analyser (Servomex Ltd, Crowborough, Sussex, UK) and an infra-red carbon dioxide analyser (Sieger Ltd, Poole, Dorset, UK). The equipment was calibrated frequently using oxygen-free nitrogen, 0.80% carbon dioxide and air at a known barometric 51




Table 1 Pathological diagnoses in weight stable and weight losing cancer patients and controls Diagnosis

Cancer Weight stable Weight losing (n = 54) (n = 44) 20 36 14 15 2 5 2 2 _ 2 Control Weight stable Weight losing (n = 27) (n = 17) 1 1 3 5 2 15 3 3 2 3 2 1 _ 1 1 1

Colorectal cancer Gastric cancer Bronchial cancer Oesophagealcancer Pancreatic cancer

Gastric ulceration Duodenal ulceration Pyloric stenosis Cholelithiasis Diverticular disease Benign colorectal polyp Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease Hiatus hernia

pressure. The sensitivity and accuracy of the calorimeter was checked periodically by burning butane gas in the canopy. The whole system provides measurements of oxygen consumption (00,) and carbon dioxide production (OCO,) which have an overall error of less than f 5 “&. Estimates of fro, and irC0, were collected every 30s during each patient study, which lasted for 40 min. Recording of data did not commence until a steady trace of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production was obtained, usually after 510min. The 80 estimates of ir0, and irC0, collected were processed on line by a microprocessor (PET 2001, CBM Ltd, UK) and converted to mean energy production (watts) and RQ using the abbreviated formula of Weir [7]: REE (kcal/day) where kcal/day VO, \iCO,

= = = =

(3.9vC02 + 1.13COJ1440 watts x 20.65 oxygen consumption (1jmin) carbon dioxide production (l/min) RQ+


The measurement period of 40 min was preceded by 30 min acclimatisation in the calorimeter canopy. Prior to each study, patients remained in bed since wakening. Physiotherapy, bed-baths and other nursing procedures were not permitted prior to a calorimetry run. Patients received nil by mouth for 12 h prior to the calorimeter run but received an intravenous infusion of 5 “/”dextrose solution providing 80 ml of fluid (16 kcal) per h to maintain hydration. Lean body mass (LBM) was derived from the measurement of total body water at the time of calorimetry. Tritiated saline (4MBq) was injected intra-

venously and serum samples were obtained 3 and 4 h after injection. During the period of equilibration all urine passed was collected to measure the loss of tritium in urine. LBM was derived from the volume of body water assuming that lean tissue contains 73”/bwater [8]. Triceps skinfold thickness (TST) and mid-arm circumference (MAC) were measured by a single observer (RR) on the day of calorimetry. MAC was measured by marking the midpoint between the acromion and olecranon processes in the dependent nondominant arm with the elbow joint flexed to 90”. A skinfold 1 cm above this point overlying the triceps muscle was pinched between finger and thumb and three readings of the TST were obtained using skin calipers. The mean of the three readings was taken as the TST measurement. Mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) was calculated using the formula: MAMC = MAC - (0.314 x TST) where MAMC is in cm MAC is in cm TST is in mm MAMC and TST were expressed as percentages of expected standard values (9) where: MAMC TST

male = 25.3 cm - female = 23.2 cm male = 12.5mm - female = 16.5mm

Where several groups of data were compared, an analysis of variance was used initially to test whether there were any significant differences between groups. However, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used for pairwise comparisons in order to minimise the risk of detecting spurious differences in data which were not normally distributed. For descriptive purposes, data have been expressed as mean f s.e.m to facilitate comparison with other published results. Linear regression analysis was performed using the method of least squares and correlation coefficients (r) determined. Linear regression equations are in the form: y=a+bx where a is the intercept on the y axis and b is the gradient of the line The slopes of the linear regression lines were compared using Student’s t test. All confidence intervals (CI) quoted are 95”/, CIs. Other statistical tests were used as indicated in the text. Differences were considered significant when the probability of their arising by random sampling error was less than 1 in 20 (P < 0.05). Differences were considered highly significant when this probability was less than 1 in 100 (P < 0.01).


Table 2


details of weight and weight losing cancer patients

,* Male:Female Age (years) Height (cm) Body weight (kg) Body weighPn (kg) Lean body mass (kg) Weight loss (“,,) mean a = P b = P c = P d = P

f < < i <

Table 3

s.e.m. 0.01 versus 0.05 versus 0.05 versus 0.01 versus




54 38:16 66 f 1.5 164 +z 1.3 64.2 & 1.6b 22.6 f 0.4d 49.8 f 1.7 4 f 0.5

weight stable cancer patients weight losing controls weight stable cancer patients weight losing controls


and calorimetric


44 20:24 66 f 1.6 161 f 1.3 52.2 + 1.8’ 19.3 f 0.5” 43.6 f 1.6’ 18 f 1.1”



mean a = P b = P c = P d = P

i i < < <

s.e.m. 0.01 versus 0.01 versus 0.01 versus 0.05 versus

weight weight weight weight

stable stable stable stable


predominated females


13.9 28.2 23.8 1426 206.7

0.9 0.5 0.4 25.6 3.53

10.1 24.2 21.1 1278 187.3

group in mean weight


1). There

age and losing

in the weight

predominated mean



in the weight were height


no significant between had




0.7s 0.5” 0.4’ 37.8b 5.27b

19.3 29.9 23.8 1340 193.9

1.7b 0.9 0.5 42.5 5.68b

11.1 24.9 21.4 1279 184.1

stable controls

and weight

stable controls


group control


the groups.

a significantly

The lower

body weight, body weighPS, and LBM compared with their weight stable counterparts. The weight losing control patients had a significantly lower mean body weight and body weighP5 but no significant difference in LBM compared with their weight stable counterparts. Both weight losing groups had lost in excess of 15% of their pre-illness weight. Anthropometric and calorimetric data are shown in Table 2. Both weight losing groups had significantly lower TST, MAC and MAMC measurements compared with their weight stable counterparts. The weight losing cancer patients had a significantly lower REE and QO, (uncorrected for body size) than their weight stable counterparts, whereas no significant difference in REE and 00, were found between the two control groups (Table 3) mean

f f f & f


and weight


and controls





17 8:9 64 f 3.8 162 i 2.6 55.4 f 3.2 20.2 f 0.9 45.9 f 2.3 16 f 1.2’

of weight stable and weight losing cancer patients


cancer patients cancer patients controls cancer patients


and weight stable controls


f f * f *


27 7:20 62 * 2.7 159 f 1.6 66.0 f 2.9b 23.2 f 0.7’ 48.9 f 2.2 1 * 0.5’


TST (cm) MAC (cm) MAMC (cm) REE (kcal/day) VO, (ml/min)


and controls

Cancer Weight


f f f f f

losing f f f f f

1.2’ 0.9’ 0.8” 58.0b 8.09b

There was a significant correlation between MAMC and REE for both males and females. No significant differences were found between the slopes of the male and female regression lines (Fig. 1). MAMC and REE also correlated significantly when patients were divided into groups depending on weight status and disease status (Fig. 2). The slope of the cancer weight stable regression line was significantly different from that of the cancer weight losing regression line. The significant correlation between MAMC and REE persisted when all cancer patients were compared with all control patients, with the slopes of the regression lines being almost identical (Fig. 3). When all weight stable patients were compared with all weight losing patients (Fig. 4), the correlation between MAMC and REE remained significant, but on this occasion there was a significant difference between the slopes of the regression lines. MAC also correlated significantly with REE (Fig. 5), but less so than did MAMC. The slopes of the regression lines followed a similar pattern to those relating MAMC to REE. The slope of the cancer weight losing regression line was significantly different from the






Fig. 1 The relationship between resting energy expenditure and mid-arm muscle circumference in all male patients and all female patients Male n = 73; r = 0.583; P < 0.01 Female n = 69; r = 0.634; P < 0.01

y = 393 95% CI y = 381 95O& CI

+ 45.0x (30.0,59.9) + 39.0x (27.4,50.6)

No significant differences between the slopes.






Fig. 3 The relationship between resting energy expenditure and mid-arm muscle circumference in all cancer patients and all controls Cancer n = 98; r = 0.670; P < 0.01

y = 240 + 49.3x 9S’/&CI (38.2,60.4)

Control n = 44; r = 0.619; P < 0.01

y = 277 f 45.4x 954: CI (27.6,63.2)

No significant differences between the slopes.

cws / /









/, 20 Mid-arm

Fig. 2 The relationship between resting energy expenditure and mid-arm muscle circumference in each of the groups CWL (cancer weight losing) n = 44; r = 0.751; P < 0.01

y = -213 + 70.5x 95% CI (51.4,89.6)

CWS (cancer weight stable) n = 54; r = 0.511; P < 0.01

y = 628 + 33.3x 95% CI (17.8,48.8)

NCWL (control weight losing) n = 17; r = 0.728; I’ i 0.01

y = 89 + 55.6x 95y0 CI (28.6,82.6)

NCWS (control weight stable) n = 27; r = 0.539; P < 0.01

y = 304 + 43.5x 95% CI (16.4,70.6)

The CWL slope is significantly different from the CWS slope (P < 0.01).

a0 muscle



Fig. 4 The relationship between resting energy expenditure and mid-arm muscle circumference in all weight stable patients and all weight losing patients Weight stable n = 81; r = 0.513; P < 0.01

y = 518 + 36.8x 95% CI (23.0,50.6)

Weight losing n = 61; r = 0.741; I’ < 0.01

y = - 108 + 65.3x 95% CI (49.9,80.7)

The weight stable slope is significantly weight losing slope (P < 0.01).


from the





Fig. 5

0; cwcumference



The relationship between resting energy expenditure

and mid-arm circumference in each of the groups CWL (cancer weight losing) n = 44, r = 0.659; P < 0.01

y = 178 + 45.4x 954; CI (29.4,61.4)

CWS (cancer weight stable) n = 54; r = 0.352; P < 0.01

y = 890 + 19.0x 95Y0 CI (5.0,33.0)

NCWL (control weight losing) n = 17; r = 0.667; P < 0.01

y = 205 +43.1x 959b CI (18.2,68.0)

NCWS (control weight stable) n = 27; r = 0.444; P < 0.05

y = 698 + 21.4x 95qb CI (4.1,38.7)

The CWL slope is significantly different from the CWS slope (P i 0.05).

cancer weight stable line. When all weight stable patients were compared with all weight losing patients, there was a significant difference between the slopes of the regression lines. There was also a significant correlation between MAMC and OO,, but this correlation was not as close as that between MAMC and REE. The correlations between MAMC and \jO, were:

Cancer weight stable: r = 0.437,95% P < 0.01 Cancer weight losing: r = 0.684, 95y0 P < 0.01 Control weight stable: r = 0.486,95”/” P < 0.05 Control weight 1osing:r = 0.726,95”/;, P < 0.01 where CI = confidence interval

CI (1.6,6.0) CI (6.0, 11.8) CI (1.4,9.0) CI (3.9, 11.5)

REE correlated significantly with body weight, body weighP and LBM for each group (Table 4). No significant correlation was found when TST was related to either REE or 00,.

DISCUSSION This study demonstrates a significant correlation between mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) and



resting energy expenditure (REE) in both male and female weight stable and weight losing patients with benign or malignant disease. Although the correlations between REE and body weight, body weighPS and LBM were even closer than that between REE and MAMC, it is often impractical to weigh bed-bound patients, and the estimation of LBM requires the use of isotope dilution techniques [8] or total body potassium measurements [lo]. Furthermore, the commonly used predictive formulae have been shown to be inaccurate in predicting REE in many patients [4,5]. Thus, simple MAMC measurements may be of value in the estimation of REE. The reason for assessing the value of anthropometric measurements in estimating REE is based on the observation that skeletal muscle mass relates well to basal heat production [ 111. Furthermore, it is less susceptible to the changes in extracellular fluid volume which occur in malnutrition [ 121. The arm is a useful site for antbropometry, as it is easily accessible and less affected by subcutaneous oedema than is the lower limb or subscapular region [ 121. Brown and colleagues [ 131 reported a closer correlation when whole body oxygen consumption (00,) rather than REE was related to MAMC. In the present study, although MAMC did correlate significantly with OO,, the correlation was not as close as that between REE and MAMC. The uncorrected measurement of mid-arm circumference (MAC) also correlated significantly with REE, but less so than did MAMC, which takes account of mid-arm fat stores. Measurements of MAC have been shown by others [ 141 to be more reproducible and to correlate with weight change better than MAMC, and it has been suggested that the error margin associated with TST measurement is responsible for the poorer performance of MAMC. However, in the present study, MAMC has been shown to correlate more closely with REE than does MAC. A significant finding in the present study is the altered relationship between REE and MAMC in the presence of significant weight loss. The correlation coefficients were considerably higher in both the weight losing groups compared with the weight stable groups. Since both the weight losing groups had smaller TST values than the weight stable groups, it may be that the inaccuracy caused by the presence of mid-arm fat stores was responsible for this difference in correlation. The significant difference in the slopes of the regression lines for all weight stable and all weight losing patients (Fig. 4) should be noted. The significantly steeper slope of the weight losing patients may imply that at low arm muscle circumferences these patients are able to lower their REE to a greater extent than can weight stable patients. This interpretation is consistent with the theory put forward by both this group [ 151 and




Table 4 Correlation between resting energy expenditure (REE) and different indices of body size in weight stable and weight losing cancer patients and controls Cancer REE related to:


Weight stable

Body weight

Weight losing

0.646 (6.9, 13.5)

Weight stable

Weight losing

0.804 (15.3,19.3)

0.750 (7.2, 15.0)

0.772 (8.1, 19.9)

Body weighto.’

0.645 (25.9,51.3)

0.811 (49.2,77.2)

0.706 (24.3,56.9)

0.778 (29.7,72.3)

Lean body mass

0.559 (5.1,13.1)

0.845 (17.4,26.4)

0.874 (13.5,20.9)

0.887 (16.4,28.6)

correlation coefficient (95Ob confidence interval) P < 0.01 for all values

Lindmark weight REE



colleagues cancer

to the weight

Many patients study,



those reported



between with cancer

non-malignant effect

on REE


our group

excision ings,

we have


It should


with and without

be remembered in patients

with no evidence


of sepsis.


that were Brown


who had

the presence


no significant

a more that

of hepatic


was investigated

to have




[ 151, where the


effect on REE.


lines for patients performed

In that

nor progression

3), suggest-

with patients

[ 151. Furthermore,

has any significant


to play a major

and REE



In the present

by this group

was shown [20]

in REE

3 are virtually











In view of these findseparate hepatic this

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful of Surgery, for help and by the Medical Research Wellcome Trust for their

to Professor D. C. Carrer, Professor encouragement. JWLD is supported Council. We are also grateful to the support.

to alter the re-

seen in cancer

in Figure

in patients hepatic

and REE

is unlikely

in REE



did not appear



in any alteration


to adapt

an increase



ing that skeletal


losing state.

with malignant



are able

have reported









has been


and colleagues


showed that the relationship between MAMC and whole body oxygen consumption was much poorer in the septic patient. Allowances will therefore have to be made for patients who have been recently stressed by trauma or surgery, and those who display any evidence of sepsis. In conclusion, it would appear that mid-arm muscle circumference can be used to estimate resting energy expenditure in patients with benign or malignant disease, although different relationships exist depending on whether the patient has or has not lost weight. This simple, easily performed measurement may therefore be of value in estimating the resting energy requirements of patients where access to indirect calorimetry facilities are unavailable.


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Submission date: 3 July 1986. Accepted after revision: 6 October 1986