Women’s Health, Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing C Webb Hodder & Stoughton 1986 224pp Illus ISBN: @-340-36998&l
Ethics in Nursing Practice Craham Rumbold Bailliere ‘l’indall 1986 16Opp 43.50 Lg.95
‘I‘his is the first in a series of books on the use of nursing models by practising nurses. It is both thought provoking and useful. In the introductory chapter the author gives a clear and lively elaboration of the theoretical issues related to this subject. She seeks both to challenge and to reassure. Use of pertinent cartoon illustrations adds a light note for those who find intellectual theorising difftcult to digest. In the subsequent eight chapters a number of nurses discuss their personal expericncc in selecting and using different models in specific situations in the field of midwifery and gynaecology. Discussions art’ supported by relevant research and each chapter has an exceptionally well laid out reference section. Care plans arc also included. These provide an exccllcnt translation of the principles underlying the conceptual framework of the models and their adaptation in practice. They need to be read in conjunction with the review and analysis sections which conclude each paper. 1 would recommend this book for two groups of readers. Firstly, all educationalists. and not exclusivcly those working in the field of womens’ health. Secondly, to practitioners of midwifery and gynaecological nursing. It may help them make considered decisions before they accept or reject specific nursing models for practice.
‘I‘his highly readable book throws light on to those moral and ethical considerations which constantly face nurses in their daily practice. Each chapter provides a clearly argued, well balanced approach aimed at giving the reader a fuller understanding ol the relevant theoretical perspectives and their practical application. The author, who is both a nurse and an ordained Anglican priest, sensitively tackles problematic issues in a style which efIectively integrates nursing, philosophical where and. appropriate, theological insights into a substantial contribution to nursing literature. Modern nursing demands full accountability for the actions of those who praeticr in a qualified capacity and this book represents a step forward in laying a foundation for a ,greater understanding of the patient as a person. and in so doing provides much food for thought about the many decisions which are made by nurses and dortors on behalf of natients. In turn. this can only aid the dcvclopmcnt of compctcnrics necessary for accountability and professional maturity. ‘l’hr hook would have bcrn further enhanced by the inclusion of a short chapter dealing specifically with the teaching of ethics to learner nurses. However. the addition of mini cast studies at strategic points in this book does provide useful teaching material. I would strongly recommend this book to all nurses. I