Ets-1 upregulates HER2-induced MMP-1 expression in breast cancer cells

Ets-1 upregulates HER2-induced MMP-1 expression in breast cancer cells

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 377 (2008) 389–394 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biochemical and Biophysical Researc...

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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 377 (2008) 389–394

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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y b b r c

Ets-1 upregulates HER2-induced MMP-1 expression in breast cancer cells Yeon Hee Park, Hae Hyun Jung, Jin Seok Ahn, Young-Hyuck Im * Divi­sion of Hema­tol­ogy-Oncol­ogy, Depart­ment of Med­i­cine, Sam­sung Med­i­cal Cen­ter, Sung­kyunk­wan Uni­ver­sity School of Med­i­cine, 50 Ir­won-Dong, Gang­nam-Gu, Seoul, Repub­lic of Korea Bio­med­i­cal Research Insti­tute, Sam­sung Med­i­cal Cen­ter, Sung­kyunk­wan Uni­ver­sity School of Med­i­cine, 50 Ir­won-Dong, Gang­nam-Gu, Seoul, Repub­lic of Korea

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 25 September 2008 Available online 11 October 2008  Key­words: Ets-1 HER2 MMP-1 Breast can­cer

a b s t r a c t The human epi­der­mal growth fac­tor recep­tor-2 (HER2) plays an impor­tant role in breast can­cer. Enhanced Ets-1 activ­ity has recently been shown to be asso­ci­ated with breast can­cer path­og ­ en­e­sis. To test the role of Ets-1 in breast can­cer cells in rela­tion to the expres­sion of HER2 and MMP-1, we tran­siently over­ex­ pres­sed Ets-1 and/or HER2 in MCF-7 breast can­cer cells and com­pre­hen­sively searched for genes related to HER2 and Ets-1 using cDNA micro­array anal­y­sis. The expres­sion of matrix metallo­pro­tein­ase (MMP) genes was enhanced by the over­ex­pres­sion of HER2/Ets-1. We ana­lyzed the rela­tion­ship between HER2induced MMP-1 expres­sion and the tran­scrip­tion fac­tor Ets-1, which has sig­nif­i­cant activ­ity in breast can­ cer path­og ­ en­es­ is. Our results dem­on­strate that HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion is pos­i­tively reg­u­lated by Ets-1 in breast can­cer cells. This study con­firms that Ets-1 is a down­stream effec­tor of onco­genic HER2, asso­ci­ated with MMP-1. © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved.

The Ets pro­teins are expressed in both primary human breast can­cers and breast can­cer cell lines, and their expres­sion has been asso­ci­ated with dis­ease pro­gres­sion and metas­ta­sis [1,2]. Ets-1 is an inde­pen­dent prog­nos­tic marker for relapse-free sur­vival in breast can­cer, and has not been linked to other prog­nos­tic fac­tors, such as nodal sta­tus, tumor size, his­to­log­i­cal grade, or estro­gen recep­tor sta­tus [1]. The degree of Ets-1 expres­sion cor­re­lates with the extent of breast car­ci­noma inva­sion, and the atyp­ism of the car­ci­noma cor­re­lates sig­nif­i­cantly with Ets-1 expres­sion [3]. Ets-1 has also been shown to be cor­re­lated pos­i­tively with HER2 expres­ sion, which is a rep­re­sen­ta­tive prog­nos­tic and pre­dic­tive marker of breast can­cer [4]. Sev­eral other func­tional roles of Ets-1 in tumor­ i­gen­e­sis of breast can­cer have also been pos­tu­lated. Ets-1 reg­u­ lates the expres­sion of genes encod­ing enzymes involved in the deg­ra­da­tion of the extra­cel­lu­lar matrix, such as MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-7, and MMP-9 [5]. MMP-1 and MMP-9 are involved in the 70 genes that iden­tify the “gene-expres­sion sig­na­ture” which pre­dicts dis­tant metas­ta­sis in lymph-node-neg­at­ ive breast can­cer patients [6,7]. MMPs have been impli­cated in nor­mal matrix remod­el­ing events and path­o­log­i­cal con­di­tions, includ­ing tumor inva­sion and metas­ta­sis [7]. Abnor­mal­i­ties in growth fac­tor sig­nal­ing path­ ways play an intrin­sic role in dis­ease pro­gres­sion. In humans, the growth fac­tor recep­tor HER2 is over­ex­pres­sed in 20–30% of breast can­cers and over­ex­pres­sion of HER2 is asso­ci­ated with enhanced tumor­i­ge­nic­ity and pro­pen­sity to metas­ta­size and resis­tance to * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Address: Divi­sion of Hema­tol­ogy-Oncol­ogy, Depart­ment of Med­i­cine, Sam­sung Med­i­cal Cen­ter, Sung­kyunk­wan Uni­ver­sity School of Med­i­ cine, 50 Ir­won-Dong, Gang­nam-Gu, Seoul, Repub­lic of Korea. Fax: +82 2 3410 1757. E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.-H. Im). 0006-291X/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.09.135

endo­crine ther­apy [8,9]. The tar­get­ing of HER2 as a ther­a­peu­tic strat­egy for patients with HER2 over­express­ing breast can­cer has already shown sur­vival advan­tage when com­bined with many che­ mo­ther­a­peu­tic agents [10]. Assum­ing that the action of HER2 is related to Ets-1, we tran­siently over­ex­pres­sed Ets-1 and/or HER2 in MCF-7 breast can­cer cells and com­pre­hen­sively searched for genes related to HER2 and Ets-1 using cDNA micro­array anal­y­sis. The expres­sion of metallo­pro­tein­ase (MMP) genes was enhanced by the over­ex­pres­sion of HER2/Ets-1. Our cDNA micro­array anal­y­ sis showed that MMP genes are asso­ci­ated with the action of HER2 and Ets-1. We won­dered whether Ets-1 could thus poten­tially func­tion as a down­stream effec­tor of onco­genic HER2 in asso­ci­a­ tion with MMP-1. Based on this knowl­edge, we were inter­ested in the rela­tion­ships between MMP-1, HER2, and Ets-1 in breast can­ cer. We hypoth­es­ ized that HER2 induces MMP-1 expres­sion and Ets-1 coop­er­ates with this func­tion. Here, we per­formed reverse tran­scrip­tion-poly­mer­ase chain reac­tion (RT-PCR), western blot anal­y­sis, an MMP-1 enzyme-linked immu­no­sor­bent assay (ELISA), and an MMP-1 pro­moter assay after trans­fect­ing the MCF-7 human breast can­cer cell line with HER2. We then inves­ti­gated how Ets-1 influ­ences the MMP-1 expres­sion induced by HER2. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods Anti­bod­ies and reagents. Anti-Ets-1 and anti-HER2 were pur­ chased from Santa Cruz Bio­tech­nol­ogy (Santa Cruz, CA). Anti-bactin was pur­chased from Sigma (Salt Lake City, UT). Anti-MMP-1 was pur­chased from Cal­bio­chem (Cam­bridge, MA). Trast­uzumab (Her­cep­tin®) and Erl­oti­nib (Tarc­eva®) were pro­vided by Roche


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Korea. MMP ELISA kits were obtained from R&D Sys­tems. [c-32P] ATP was pur­chased from NEN Life Sci­ence Prod­ucts (Bos­ton, MA). Tumor cell lines and cul­ture. The human breast can­cer cell line MCF-7 was cul­tured and main­tained in RPMI 1640 medium (Bio­ Whit­tak­er, Walk­ers­ville, MD) sup­ple­mented with 10% fetal bovine serum, pen­i­cil­lin, and strep­to­my­cin. Tran­sient and sta­ble trans­fec­tion of MCF-7 cells with HER2 and Ets-1. An expres­sion vec­tor for FLAG-tagged Ets-1 con­structs was gen­er­ated by sub­clon­ing PCR-ampli­fied cDNA into the G418-resis­ tance plas­mid pcDNA3.1. HER2/pCMV6–XL4 con­structs were pur­ chased from Ori­gene. The HER2/pCMV6–XL4 plas­mid was digested with the restric­tion enzyme Not1 to release the inserted frag­ment. The frag­ment was re-sub­cloned into the G418-resis­tance plas­mid pcDNA3.1 (Invit­ro­gen) at the Not1 site. MCF-7 cells were tran­ siently trans­fec­ted using Ef­fec­ten­e Trans­fec­tion Reagent (Qiagen Inc., Valen­cia, CA). MCF-7 cells were sta­bly trans­fec­ted with either the HER2/pcDNA3.1 or pcDNA3.1 vec­tor in the pres­ence of Ef­fec­ ten­e Trans­fec­tion Reagent for 48 h and were treated with 500 lg/ mL G418. RNA iso­la­tion and micro­array anal­y­sis. The enriched plasma cells were stored in RNA­lat­er (Am­bi­on) for RNA extrac­tion and gene chip exper­i­ments. RNA was iso­lated with an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valen­cia, CA) and the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valen­cia, CA). After cleanup with a Sam­ple Cleanup Mod­ule (Af­fyme­trix), the dou­blestranded cDNA was used for in vitro tran­scrip­tion. After cleanup with a Sam­ple Cleanup Mod­ule (Af­fyme­trix), 10–15 lg of labeled cRNA was frag­mented into 35–200 bp lengths in frag­men­ta­tion buffer (Af­fyme­trix). The frag­mented cRNA was hybrid­ized to the Human Genome U133A 2.0 gene chip (Af­fyme­trix) at 45 °C for 16 h. After hybrid­iza­tion, the arrays were washed in a Gene­Chip Flu­id­ ics Sta­tion 450 with a non­strin­gent wash buffer at 25 °C, fol­lowed

by a strin­gent wash buffer at 50 °C. After wash­ing, the arrays were stained with a strep­ta­vi­din–phy­co­er­yt­ hrin com­plex. After stain­ing, the inten­si­ties were deter­mined with a Gene­Chip Scan­ner 3000 (Af­fyme­trix). Data anal­y­sis. Expres­sion pro­files were ana­lyzed using the Gene­Chip Oper­at­ing Soft­ware (Af­fyme­trix). Trans­fec­tion of Stealth RNAi. Ets-1 Val­i­dated Stealth™ RNAi Du­oP­ak and ERBB2 Stealth™ Select 3 RNAi were pur­chased from Invit­ro­gen. MCF-7 cells were tran­siently trans­fec­ted using Lipo­ fect­amine™ RNAi­MAX (Invit­ro­gen). Prep­a­ra­tion of pro­moter–reporter con­structs. A pro­moter frag­ ment of the human MMP-1 gene, from ¡4334 to +5218 rel­a­tive to the tran­scrip­tion start point, was ampli­fied from human DNA by PCR, using a pair of prim­ers (59-a­gat­gtaagagctgggaaaggacgg-39/59tcagtgcaaggtaagtgatggcttc-39) and Ac­cu­prime Pfx DNA poly­mer­ase (Invit­ro­gen). The frag­ment was sub­cloned into the pCR–XL–TOPO vec­tor (Invit­ro­gen) for prop­a­ga­tion in bac­te­ria. The iso­lated plas­ mid was digested with the restric­tion enzymes MluI and XhoI to release the inserted frag­ment. The frag­ment was re-sub­cloned in the sense ori­en­ta­tion into the pro­moter-free pGL3-Basic vec­tor (Promega) at the MluI and XhoI sites in the 59 flank­ing region of the lucif­er­ase sequence. Iso­la­tion of RNA and RT-PCR. Total cel­lu­lar RNA was iso­lated using TRI­zol™ Reagent (Gib­co BRL, Carls­bad, CA). For RT-PCR, 2 lg of RNA was treated with RNase-free DNase, and cDNA was obtained using the Super­Script™ III First-Strand Syn­the­sis Sys­tem for RT-PCR. The cDNA was ampli­fied by PCR. The prim­ers used in this anal­y­sis are shown in Sup­ple­men­tal Table 1. Western blot anal­y­sis. Cells were extracted with RIPA buffer. The sam­ples were placed on ice for 20 min with occa­sional vor­texing. Pro­tein con­cen­tra­tions were deter­mined using the BCA Pro­tein

Fig. 1. HER2 over­ex­pres­sion increases MMP-1 expres­sion in MCF-7 cells. (A) MCF-7 cells were trans­fec­ted with pcDNA3.1(+) or HER2/pcDNA3.1(+) for 24 h. The mRNA expres­ sion of HER2 and MMP-1 ana­lyzed by RT-PCR. (B) At 48 h post-trans­fec­tion, the con­di­tioned medium was sub­jected to ELISA to quan­tify secreted MMP-1. Data were shown as means ± SD from three sep­a­rate exper­i­ments. *P < 0.05 com­pared with the Vec­tor group. (C) MCF-7 cells were co-trans­fec­ted with MMP-1 pro­moter-reporter con­struct together with empty expres­sion vec­tor or with expres­sion plas­mid for HER2. The cel­lu­lar lucif­er­ase activ­ity was mea­sured. Data were shown as means ± SD from three sep­a­ rate exper­im ­ ents. ***P < 0.0005 com­pared with the con­trol group. (D) MCF-7 cells were sta­bly trans­fec­ted with HER2 expres­sion vec­tor. The expres­sion of HER2 was ana­lyzed by immu­no­blot­ting. b-Actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. (E) MMP-1 mRNA expres­sion was increased in MCF-7/HER2 clones. †The molec­u­lar sizes of dif­fer­ent bands: b-actin 331 bp; HER2 281 bp; MMP-1 444 bp.

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Assay Kit (Pierce). Equal amounts of sam­ple were sub­jected to SDS–PAGE. Mem­branes were incu­bated for 2 h then, incu­bated with primary anti­body for 2 h. After sev­eral washes in PBS and incu­ba­tion with horse­rad­ish-per­ox­i­dase-con­ju­gated sec­ond­ary anti­bod­ies (Zymed), bound primary anti­bod­ies were detected with ECL chemi­lu­mi­nes­cent reagents (Amersham). ELISA of secreted MMP-1. MMP-1 secreted from MCF-7 cells was quan­ti­fied using the Human Pro-MMP-1 ELISA kit (R&D Sys­tems). The absor­bance at 450 nm was mea­sured with a spec­tro­pho­to­met­ ric plate reader. Lucif­er­ase assays. MCF-7 cells were tran­siently trans­fec­ted with the reporter con­structs using Ef­fec­ten­e Trans­fec­tion Reagent. After trans­fec­tion, whole-cell lysates were prepared and lucif­er­ase activ­ ity was mea­sured using a lucif­er­ase activ­ity assay kit (Promega). Prep­a­ra­tion of nuclear pro­tein extracts. The washed cells were scraped from the cul­ture plates and col­lected by cen­tri­fu­ga­tion. The pel­lets were resus­pended in 0.4 mL of hypo­tonic lysis buffer. After 15 min on ice, Non­idet P-40 was added to a final con­cen­tra­ tion of 0.5%, and the cells were vor­texed for 10 s and cen­tri­fuged (30 s, 4 °C, 12,000g). The super­na­tant was fro­zen imme­di­ately and the nuclear pel­lets were resus­pended in 130 lL of buffer and vor­ texed for 30 min at 4 °C. After cen­tri­fu­ga­tion (5 min, 4 °C, 12,000g), the super­na­tant was fro­zen at ¡70 °C. Immu­no­pre­cip­it­ a­tion assays. At 24 h after incu­ba­tion on 60-mm Petri dishes, cells were extracted with lysis buffer. After the lysates had been pre­cleared with Pro­tein-A/G PLUS-Aga­rose, 2 lg HER2 mono­clo­nal anti­bod­ies (Cal­bio­chem) or EGFR (bio­source) and Pro­tein-A/G PLUS-Aga­rose were added and incu­bated over­night at 4 °C on a rotat­ing wheel. Immu­no­com­plexes were col­lected by cen­tri­fu­ga­tion, washed five times with lysis buffer, sep­a­rated by SDS–PAGE.


Sta­tis­ti­cal anal­y­sis. Stu­dent’s T-test was done to deter­mine sta­ tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance for ELISA and lucif­er­ase assay. Results cDNA micro­array revealed that MMP genes are related to the action of HER2 and Ets-1 To iden­tify genes bio­log­i­cally related to HER2 and Ets-1 activ­ity in breast can­cer cells, we ana­lyzed the expres­sion pro­files of cells after trans­fec­tion with HER2 and/or Ets-1 in MCF breast can­cer cell using the cDNA micro­array method. The expres­sion pro­files showed high expres­sion of MMP’s and col­la­ge­nase genes in the cell trans­fec­ted with HER2 and Ets-1, sug­gest­ing that these genes were closely asso­ci­ated with the inter­ac­tion of HER2 and Ets-1 (Sup­ple­ men­tal Table 2). Induc­tion by HER2 of MMP-1 expres­sion and pro­moter activ­ity To deter­mine whether HER2 is involved in the reg­u­la­tion of MMP-1 expres­sion and pro­moter activ­ity, HER2-trans­fec­ted MCF-7 breast can­cer cells were incu­bated, and RT-PCR with MMP-1 spe­ cific prim­ers and Western immu­no­blot­ting were per­formed (Fig. 1A). Tran­sient over­ex­pres­sion of HER2 gene led to an enhance­ment of MMP-1 mRNA expres­sion lev­els. We also quan­ti­fied the MMP-1 secreted from MCF-7 cells using an ELISA, and the MMP-1 pro­ moter activ­ity was ana­lyzed by mea­sur­ing the lucif­er­ase activ­ity (Fig. 1B and C). Fig. 1A shows that the expres­sion of MMP-1 mRNA was upreg­u­lated after trans­fec­tion of cells with HER2. We used western immu­no­blot­ting anal­y­sis to deter­mine if the observed increase in MMP-1 mRNA tran­scrip­tion cor­re­lated with MMP-1

Fig. 2. Down-reg­u­la­tion of HER2 inhib­its HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion. (A) To knock down HER2 expres­sion in MCF-7/HER2-14 cells, the cells were trans­fec­ted with con­trol siR­NA oligo or three dif­fer­ent siR­NA oli­gos against HER2. RNA was col­lected 48 h after trans­fec­tion. The mRNA expres­sion of HER2 and MMP-1 were ana­lyzed by RTPCR. (B) ELISA was per­formed to assess the effects of dif­fer­ent kinds of HER2 siR­NA on MMP-1 expres­sion. (1 lane, MCF-7/Vec­tor; 2–9 lane, MCF-7/HER2-14; NC, neg­a­tive con­trol siR­NA). *P < 0.05 com­pared with the MCF-7HER2-14 group; **P < 0.01 com­pared with the MCF-7HER2-14 group. (C) MCF-7/HER2-14 cells were incu­bated in medium sup­ple­mented with Trast­uzumab at 10 lg/ml for 48 h. Cell lysates were prepared and immu­no­blot­ted with HER2 and b-actin. b-Actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. MMP-1 expres­sion was ana­lyzed by RT-PCR. (D) The con­di­tioned medium was sub­jected to ELISA to quan­tify secreted MMP-1. §P < 0.005 com­pared with the MCF-7/HER2-14 con­trol group. The exper­i­ment was rep­li­cated three times.


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pro­tein expres­sion. Fig. 1B shows the strongly aug­mented expres­ sion of MMP-1 pro­tein rel­a­tive to that before the trans­fec­tion of cells with HER2. Fig. 1C shows enhanced MMP-1 pro­moter activ­ity by HER2. Fig. 1D shows the expres­sion of HER2 by Western blot­ ting. MMP-2 mRNA expres­sion was increased in sev­eral MCF-7/ HER2 clones (Fig. 1E).

Actin expres­sion was unaf­fected by either con­trol or HER2 siR­NA treat­ment, indi­cat­ing that non-spe­cific down-reg­u­la­tion did not occur. This result was quan­ti­fied by ELISA (Fig. 2B). Trast­uzumab, HER2-tar­get­ing agent, inhib­its HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion (Fig. 2C and D). This find­ing con­firmed MMP-1 upreg­u­la­tion by HER2.

Sta­ble trans­fec­tion of HER2 into the MCF-7 breast can­cer cell line

EGFR tyro­sine kinase inhib­it­ or inhib­its (TKI) ligand-induced phos­phor­y­la­tion of EGFR, HER2 and HER2/EGFR and MMP-1

To test the effi­ciency of HER2 trans­fec­tion into MCF-7 cells, we com­pared the HER2 expres­sion pro­file with that of MCF-7 cells trans­fec­ted with the G418-resis­tance plas­mid pcDNA3.1. We also com­pared it with that of cells trans­fec­ted with HER2 Stealth RNAi (50 mg or 100 mg). HER2 mRNA expres­sion was mark­edly increased in MCF-7 cells after trans­fec­tion with HER2 when ana­lyzed by RTPCR. The abil­ity of small inter­fer­ing RNA (siR­NA) of HER2 to sup­ press HER2 expres­sion was con­firmed by RT-PCR. We deter­mined the effect of HER2 siR­NA at dif­fer­ent doses on HER2 expres­sion in MCF-7 cells, which indi­cated that HER2 expres­sion was blocked by HER2 siR­NA treat­ment (Fig. 2A). Down-reg­u­la­tion of HER2 inhib­its HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion siR­NA to HER2 pro­vide fur­ther evi­dence for the positive reg­u­ la­tory role of HER2 in the reg­u­la­tion of MMP-1 (Fig. 2A). The abil­ ity of HER2 siR­NA to sup­press MMP-1 expres­sion was per­formed by RT-PCR. RNA was col­lected 48 h after trans­fec­tion. The mRNA expres­sion of HER2 and MMP-1 were down-reg­u­lated in accor­ dance with increas­ing HER2-spe­cific siR­NA by three kinds of siR­NA.

We inves­ti­gated whether erl­oti­nib, EGFR TKI, inhib­its HER2induced MMP-1 over­ex­pres­sion. The phos­phor­y­la­tion of EGFR and HER2 in MCF-7/HER2 was ana­lyzed by immu­no­blot­ting (Fig. 3A). Immu­no­pre­cip­i­ta­tion in Fig. 3B indi­cated that HER2 has increased asso­ci­ated with EGFR in MCF-7/HER2-14. To exam­ine the inhib­i­tory effect of erl­oti­nib on phos­phor­y­la­tion of EGFR and HER2 in MCF-7/ HER2 cells, MCF-7/HER2-14 cells were treated with erl­oti­nib with indi­cated con­cen­tra­tions for 24 h. fol­lowed by immu­no­blot­ting for the indi­cated pro­teins. As shown in Fig. 3C, HER2 expres­sion was decreased in a con­cen­tra­tion-depen­dent man­ner. The mRNA expres­sion of MMP-1 was decreased after erl­oti­nib treat­ment in con­cen­tra­tion-depen­dent man­ner by RT-PCR (Fig. 3D). Ets-1 enhances HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion We inves­ti­gated whether MMP-1, which was acti­vated with HER2, is affected by Ets-1 treat­ment in MCF-7 cells. After treat­ ment with Ets-1, MMP-1 mRNA expres­sion was enhanced in estab­ lished a sta­ble MCF-7 cell line trans­fec­ted with either Ets-1 or

Fig. 3. Erl­oti­nib inhib­its HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion. (A) Expres­sion lev­els of EGFR and HER2 phos­phor­y­la­tion in MCF-7/HER2 clones. Cell lysates were prepared and ana­lyzed by immu­no­blot­ting using the indi­cated anti­bod­ies. b-Actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. (B) HER2 has increased asso­ci­a­tion with EGFR in MCF-7/HER2-14. MCF-7/Vec­tor and MCF-7/HER2-14 cells were lysed in RIPA buffer. HER2 or EGFR in 0.5 mg cell lysate was immu­no­pre­cip­i­tated. The immu­no­pre­cip­i­tates were frac­tion­ated on SDS–PAGE fol­lowed by immu­no­blot­ting for the indi­cated pro­teins. (C) Erl­oti­nib inhib­its EGFR and HER2 phos­phor­y­la­tion in MCF-7/HER2-14. MCF-7/HER2-14 cells were treated with erl­oti­nib for 24 h. Cell lysates were ana­lyzed by immu­no­blot­ting. b-Actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. (D) The mRNA expres­sion of MMP-1 and HER2 ana­lyzed by RT-PCR. The exper­i­ment was rep­li­cated three times.

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Fig. 4. The effect of Ets-1 on HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion. (A) HER2 and Ets-1 enhance expres­sion of the MMP-1. MCF-7 cells were tran­siently trans­fec­ted with expres­ sion plas­mids for HER2 (2 lg) or Ets-1 (2 lg). (B) MCF-7 cells were co-trans­fec­ted with MMP-1 pro­moter-reporter con­struct together with expres­sion plas­mid for HER2 or with expres­sion plas­mid for Ets-1. The cel­lu­lar lucif­er­ase activ­ity was mea­sured. Data were shown as means ± SD from three sep­a­rate exper­i­ments. *P < 0.05 com­pared with the pcDNA group; ***P < 0.005 com­pared with the pcDNA group. (C) HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion was inhib­ited by Ets-1 siR­NA in MDA-MB-231 cells. To knock down Ets-1 expres­sion in MDA-MB-231 cells, the cells were trans­fec­ted with con­trol siR­NA oligo or two dif­fer­ent siR­NA oli­gos against Ets-1. The expres­sion of Ets-1 was ana­lyzed by immu­no­blot­ting. b-Actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. RNA was b-actin was used as a load­ing con­trol. RNA was col­lected 48 h after trans­fec­tion. The mRNA expres­sion of Ets-1 and MMP-1 ana­lyzed by RT-PCR.

HER2, as detected by RT–PCR (Fig. 4A). MMP-1 lev­els increased rel­a­tive to those before the addi­tion of Ets-1, as deter­mined by ELISA (Fig. 4B). The effect of Ets-1 siR­NA in sup­press­ing MMP-1 expres­sion was con­firmed by RT-PCR and Western blot­ting in MDA-MB-231 cells, which over­ex­press HER2. When MDA-MB-231 cells were treated with Ets-1 siR­NA, Ets-1 expres­sion was blocked and MMP-1 expres­sion was inhib­ited (Fig. 4C). The expres­sion of MMP-1 was down-reg­u­lated by the addi­tion of Ets-1 siR­NA to the MDA-MB-231 cell line. Dis­cus­sion In this study, we tested the role of Ets-1 in breast can­cer cells in rela­tion to the expres­sion of HER2 and MMP-1. HER2 over­ex­pres­ sion in breast can­cer cells are known to be poor prog­nos­tic ­mark­ers and are strong pre­dic­tors of ben­e­fit from treat­ment with HER2tar­get­ing agents [11]. Fur­ther­more, sev­eral recent clin­i­cal stud­ies have reported that the sta­tus of HER2 in the tumor can pre­dict the results of other breast can­cer treat­ments, includ­ing cyto­toxic che­ mo­ther­ap ­ eu­tic agents and endo­crine treat­ments [12,13]. After the dis­cov­ery of the HER2-directed ther­a­peu­tic strat­egy, its avail­abil­ ity strongly affected the treat­ment and clin­i­cal research of breast can­cer [14,15]. Despite of the fail­ure of MMP inhi­bi­tion strat­e­gies in many clin­i­cal tri­als [16,17], MMPs are impor­tant con­trib­u­tors to tumor pro­gres­sion and pro­vided the ratio­nale for devel­op­ ing new can­cer drugs that tar­geted MMP activ­ity. Unfor­tu­nately, there is still lack of the knowl­edge in the con­tri­bu­tion of MMPs to the ­pro­gres­sion of spe­cific can­cer types, stages and appro­pri­ ate tools for eval­u­at­ing MMP inhib­it­ ors. Our results showed that MMP-1 was over­ex­pres­sed in HER2 trans­fec­ted breast can­cer cells

(Figs. 1 and 2). It is pos­tu­lated that MMP-1 could func­tion in breast can­cer in rela­tion to HER2, which is already known as tar­get against breast can­cer. Inter­est­ingly, erl­oti­nib (EGFR tyro­sine kinase inhib­i­ tor) treat­ment as well as trast­uzumab (HER2 human­ized mono­clo­ nal anti­body) resulted in inhi­bi­tion of MMP-1, HER2 and ligandinduced phos­phor­y­la­tion of EGFR, HER2 and HER2/EGFR (Fig. 3). It strongly sug­gests that MMP-1 can be a rational ther­a­peu­tic tar­get for breast can­cer with new insight for EGFR in rela­tion to HER2. In addi­tion, we tested the role of Ets-1 using HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion. Ets pro­teins are a fam­ily of mito­gen-acti­vated pro­tein kinase (MAPK)-depen­dent tran­scrip­tion fac­tors that have been impli­cated as down­stream effec­tors of HER2 sig­nal­ing [18]. Con­ sid­er­ing the asso­ci­a­tion between Ets-1 and the inva­sive­ness and metas­ta­sis of breast can­cer [1–3], it also was pos­tu­lated that Ets-1 could affect HER2 activ­ity in breast can­cer. How­ever, this remained uncer­tain. Ets-1 is also required for the acti­va­tion of sev­eral genes involved in angi­o­gen­es­ is and extra­cel­lu­lar matrix remod­el­ing in breast can­cer [19]. Fur­ther­more, Ets-1 is involved in the upreg­u­ la­tion of MMP-1 gene expres­sion as well [2]. Based on our cDNA micro­array anal­y­sis, we fur­ther clar­i­fied the rela­tion­ship between MMPs and the actions of HER2 and Ets-1. The pur­pose of this study was to iden­tify the role of Ets-1 in breast can­cer as it relates to HER2 and MMP-1. First, we tested whether HER2 stim­u­lates MMP-1 expres­sion in MCF-7 breast can­cer cells. MMP-1 expres­sion showed a lin­ear cor­re­la­tion with HER2 trans­fec­tion in a time- and con­cen­tra­tion-depen­dent man­ ner, which may have resulted from the col­lab­o­ra­tive acti­va­tion of HER2 and MMP-1 pro­tein expres­sion. Trast­uzumab and erl­ oti­nib abol­ished the MMP-1 expres­sion stim­u­lated by HER2. We have clearly dem­on­strated that Ets-1 enhances the HER2-induced


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expres­sion of MMP-1 (Fig. 4). There­fore, Ets-1 may have clin­i­cal util­ity as a new tar­get in breast can­cer ther­apy, in coop­er­a­tion with HER2 and MMP-1. It sug­gests that MMP-1 has its role for breast can­cer in rela­tion with HER2 and Ets-1. We found no cor­re­la­tion with other MMPs. Recently, other HER2-tar­get­ing agents apart from Trast­uzumab have shown activ­ity against breast can­cer. Our results indi­cate that MMP-1 expres­sion can exag­ger­ated by HER2 in MCF-7 breast can­cer cells, and Ets-1 could affect HER2-induced MMP-1 expres­sion. There might be an asso­ci­a­tion and inter­ac­tion between Ets-1 and HER2 through MMP-1. These rela­tions require fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion, espe­cially to a detailed anal­y­sis for its action mech­a­nism and clin­i­cal rel­e­vance to breast can­cer. Acknowl­edg­ment This work was sup­ported by the Sam­sung Bio­med­ic­ al Research Insti­tute Grant #SBRI C-A6-423-1. Appen­dix A. Sup­ple­men­tary data Sup­ple­men­tary data asso­ci­ated with this arti­cle can be found, in the online ver­sion, at doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.09.135. Ref­er­ences [1] P.N. Span, P. Mand­ers, J.J. Heu­vel, C.M. Thomas, R.R. Bos­ch, L.V. Beex, C.G. Sweep, Expres­sion of the tran­scrip­tion fac­tor Ets-1 is an inde­pen­dent prog­ nos­tic marker for relapse-free sur­vival in breast can­cer, Onco­gene 21 (2002) 8506–8509. [2] T. Shep­herd, J.A. Has­sell, Role of Ets tran­scrip­tion fac­tors in mam­mary gland devel­op­ment and onco­gen­es­ is, J. Mam­mary Gland Biol. Neo­pla­sia 6 (2001) 129–140. [3] E. Myers, A.D.K. Hill, G. Kelly, E.W. McDer­mott, N.J. O’Hig­gins, Y. Buggy, L.S. Young, Asso­ci­a­tions and inter­ac­tions between Ets-1 and Ets-2 and coreg­u­ la­tory pro­teins, SRC-1, AIB1, and NCoR in breast can­cer, Clin. Can­cer Res. 11 (2005) 2111–2122. [4] S. Ka­tay­ama, T. Na­kay­ama, M. Ito, S. Na­i­to, I. Se­line, Expres­sion of the ets-1 proto-onco­gene in human breast car­ci­noma: dif­fer­en­tial expres­sion with his­ to­log­i­cal grad­ing and growth pattern, His­tol. His­to­pa­thol. 20 (2005) 119–126. [5] V.I. Se­me­ntchenko, D.K. Wat­son, Ets tar­get genes: past, pres­ent and future, Onco­gene 19 (2000) 6533–6548. [6] L.J. van’t Veer, H.Y. Dai, M.J. van de Vij­ver, Y.D. He, A.A. Hart, M. Mao, H.L. Pe­terse, K. van der Kooy, M.J. Mar­ton, A.T. Wit­tev­een, G.J. Schre­ib ­ er, R.M. Ker­

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