Abstracts of c.a.d, literature Architecture, building and planning Jones, B. 74.90 'On building simulation models of lift systems', Build. Int. VoI'6, No 2 (March/ April 1973) pp 225--243 The importance of simulation in designing lift systems is emphasized and the problem and features that the lift model should possess are considered. Kernohan, D. et al 74.91 'PHASE: an integrated approach to whole hospital design decision-making', Build• Serv. Eng. (December 1973) The package allows all members of design team to participate in decision-making during early design stages. This is accomplished by tracing the consequence of decisions through a range of quantifiable design criteria. Cost and performance consequences of changes in building form can be considered at the outset. Spencer, J. W. and Anson, M. 74.92 'The effect of building design variations on air conditioning loads'. Arcbit. Sci. Rev., Vol 16, No 2 (June 1973) pp 114 117 A computer-aided method is given for cal culating internal temperature and air conditioning loads in buildings which show the cffects of a building design. The input data required is described together with an example of application. Weinzapfel, G. 74.93 'It might work but will it help?' DA4G-DRS J: Des. Res. andAdetb., Vol 7, No 4 (October December 1973) pp 3 3 2 - 3 4 1 The paper examines whether the computer can be programmed to do certain design tasks successfully performed by man. The characteristics of computers are analysed relative to their impact on human-problem solving. The author assesses the MITdeveloped computer aid called IMAGE.
Chemical engineering Kardasz, J. H. and Molnar, G. 74.94 'A SIMULA-based structure oriented language for the dynamic circulation of chemical plants'. Comput. J., Vol 17, No 1 (February 1974) pp 2 8 - 3 7 Paper presents a general description of a language for simulating the dynamic behaviour of chemical plants. The language is structured according to the flowsheet of the plant to be simulated. The cell model concept is used in the simulation. Assuming a one-dimensional model, a chemical plant composed of a set of devices can be represented mathematically by a set of quasilinear hyperbolic partial differential equations of the first order. Each device is subdivided into a number of cells -- equivalent to the application of the finite difference method in explicit form. As an example, the program is applied to the dynamic behaviour of a chemical plant.
Rouyer, H. and Demarthe, J . M . 74.95 'Computer calculation in design and development of liquid-liquid extraction' (in French). Bulletin d'lnformations Scientifiques et Techniques, No 184 (September 1973), pp 49- 56
Civil and structural engineering de Windt, P. and Reynen, J. 74.96 'EURCYL a computer program to generate finite element meshes for cylinder-cylinder intersections'. Joint Nuclear Res. Centre, lspra Est., Italy (August 1973) 22 pp The EURCYL program is for automatic mesh generation of cylinder-cylindcr intersections with special attention given to the thick-walled vessel-nozzle junctions with curved transitions. Linear parabolic and cubic isoparametric elements' can bc applied The output consists of punched cards for topology and geometry. Gallian, D. A. and Wilson, H, E. 74.97 'Integration of NASTRAN into helicopter airframe design/analysis'. Bell Helicopter Co. Fort Worth, Texas, USA (May 1973) 13 pp The use of NASTRAN in the helicopter design/analysis loop is described. "I'o help reduce engineering modelling time, automated data generation of structures was developed_ The problem of nonstructural mass distribution was also solved by the use of pre processor programs. Post-processor programs were developed to allow selective data presentation of the significant loads, high stress members, or other areas. Johnsen, P. 74.98 'Computer calculation of stability and floatability for offshore units'. Ventas, No 79, Oslo, Norway (April 1974) p 11 Describes a series of programs developed by Det norske Veritas providing calculations relating to hydrostatics, stability, floatability and damage stability of drilling rigs and similar structures. The programs are an effective tool in classification engagements as well as in design evaluation. Elements of any shape can be prepared as input with elements of arbitrary form defined by a number of sections each given by offset points• Murray, R . T . 74.99 'Computer program for multi-layer soil settlement' Civil Eng. and Public Works Rev., Vol 68 (1973), No 809, pp 1086--9 A program is described for the analysis of the settlement of multilayered soils subject to a process of two-dimensional consolidation. It also takes account of variation of the soil parameters during consolidation and nonlinear relationships between stress and strain. Instantaneous and multistage forms of construction loading can be handled by the program. Murray, R . T . 74.100 'Two-dimensional analysis of settlement by computer program' Transport and Road Res.
Laboratory, Crowthornc, UK. Beporl No 617 (1974) The Fortran 4 program is suitable for engineers concerned with the settlement of multi-layered soils at road embankments. The program can analyse up to 10 layers of stratified soils having different properties. In addition, the program can deal with the variation of the soil parameters during con solidation and nonlinear relationships between stress and strain. Both single and nmlti-stage forms of construction can be analysed. An assessment can also be made of the influence of secondary settlement. Examples of application of the analysis of settlement of road embankments arc given. Cood agreement between the calculated and the measured settlements is obtained. Suidan, M. and Schnobrich, W. (2 74.101 'Finite element analysis of reinforced con crete'. Americ. Soc. Cir. t?ng. l'roc. J Strztct. t)iv., Vol 9'4 (1973) S'I'IO pp 2109 2122 Cracking, crushing and yielding of reinf(n'ccd concrete beams are hwestigated bv the finite element technique. The analysis inc{w porates the clasto-plastic behavlour of ~on crete stressed in tension beyomt a limiting tensile stress. The results obtained using this procedure compare well with those obtained experimentally and analyticall)
Electronic and electrical engineering Baer, Jcan-Loup 74.102 'Models for the design, simulation, and performance of distributed-function architecture Comput., Vol 7, No 3 (March t 9743 pp 2 5 - 3 0 The paper reports on research activities in the modelling of distributed function architectures. Two methodologies for the c.a.d. of distributed systems are presente& a graph model for describing and simulating real systems is introduced; a formal approach to process modelling and interprocess communication is given, and lastly, a method is described for evaluating the performance of distributed systems using qucueing networks. Brancar t, D. 74.103 'MEFISTO procedure evaluates reliability of network supply' Electr. VCorld Vol 181 No 3 (February 1973) pp 5 6 - 5 7 Mellitt, B. and Rashid, M . H . 74.104 'Analysis of d ,c. chopper circuits by computer-based piecewise-linear technique'. Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Vol 121, No 3 (Marcia 1974) pp 173--178 A piecewise-linear description is established by considering sequential circuit modes, defined by the switching action of thyristors and diodes. The method is applicable to any chopper circuit to provide both tran sicnt and steady state performance data An example is given by applying the method to a description of the performance of a d.c.