Eur. J. O/met. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol., 24 (1987) 89-91 Elsevier
JZJO 00433
European Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians It is with great pleasure that I respond to the Editor’s kind invitation to introduce the proceedings of the first scientific and Foundation meeting of E.A.G.O. The first constituent meeting was held in Basel, February 15-16, 1985, when a Constitution was drawn up. The Foundation meeting, when the first General Assembly met, was held in London, June 12-13, at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Although the meeting was rather small, with one hundred delegates, twenty European countries were represented. As will be seen from the proceedings, the standard of contribution was high and a marked feature of the meeting was the lively and vigorous discussion from the floor. As a result the association achieved one of its initial objectives, the exchange of scientific information and a comparison of practice by obstetricians and gynaecologists of European countries. The general participation in the discussions and the happy mixing of delegates at the social events bodes well for the future of the association. We hope that as a result of improved communication and advance information, the next meeting in Paris, September 4-5, 1987, will be much better attended. I should like to pay tribute to Elsevier for agreeing to publish the proceedings of the E.A.G.O. meeting in this issue of the European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. It was agreed in London that E.A.G.O. should seek affiliation with the Journal. Finally I appeal to ail European obstetricians and gynaecologists who are interested in the European Association to come and join us. Rustam Feroze President, E.A.G.O.