Announcement European Molecular Biology Organization Long Term Fellowships Molecular Autumn Next
1979 Awards
31 August
EMBO long term fellowships are initially renewal for a second year and subsequently (c third year are considered.
1979 for 1 year.
in cases of exceptional
Applications .scientijc
for a merit for
To be eligibIe a candidate must. hold a doctors degree. Preference will be given to European and Israeli applicants wishing to work within Europe or Israel. EMBO long term fellowships are not; however, awarded for exchanges bet,ween laboratories within any one country, Applications for fellowships to be held outside Europe and Israel are considered but they have a lower priority, as do applications from nonEuropean scientist,s wishing to work in Europe or Israel. Successful applicants will be notified of their awards on 29 October, 1979. Further details and application forms may be obtained from Dr J. Tooze, Executive S’ecretary, European Molecular Biology Organization, 69 Heidelberg 1, Postfach 1022.40. Federal Republic of Germany.