OL R (1982) 29 (12)
E. Biological Oceanography
The constancy of weight-specific production over the entire size range of E. pacifica was investigated, using both direct (summing growth, molting and reproduction) and indirect ('assimilation minus metabolism and leakage') measures of production. Production was determined in terms of both C and N at 8 ° and 12°C. Complete C and N budgets were constructed at both temperatures; efficiencies of assimilation, C net growth and cumulative net production were calculated. Measured and predicted ingestions were compared to test budget accuracy. Mar. Sci. Inst., Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, Calif. 93106, USA. (mjj) 82:6266 Shih, Chang-Tai and Nell Stallard, 1982. Notes on two [unusual] deep-water calanoids (Aetideopsis rostrata and Neoscolecithdx farram') from Lancaster Sound [Northwest Territories]. Arctic, 35(1):56-60. Natl. Mus. of Nat. Sci., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M8, Canada. 82:6267 Tiews, K. and A. Schumacher, 1982. Assessment of brown shrimp stocks (Crangon crangon L.) off the German coast for the period 1965-1978. Arch. Fisch Wiss., 32(1/3):1-11. Inst. fur Kusten- und Binnenfischerei, Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Fischerei, Hamburg, FRG.
82:6268 Werding, Bernd, 1982. Porcellanid crabs of the Islas del Rosario, Caribbean coast of Colombia, with a description of Petrolisthes rcxsariensis new species (Crustacea: Anomura). Bull. mar. Sci., 32(2): 439-447. Inst. fur Allgemeine und Spezielle Zool., Justus Liebig-Univ., Stephanstrasse 24, D6300 Giessen, FRG.
E250. Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Tintinnida, etc. (see also D-SUBMARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS) 82:6271 Bottazzi, E.M. and M.G. Andreoli, 1982. Distribution of Acantharia in the western Sargasso Sea in correspondence with 'thermal fronts.' J. Protozool., 29(2): 162-169.
There is a discontinuity between samples from different latitudes as regards abundance and number of species of Acantharia. The latitude at which the abundance difference occurs varies, in accord with previously-noted differences in primary production, phytoplankton, and mesopelagic fishes, thus suggesting a relationship with thermal fronts. Ist. di Zool., dell'Univ, di Parma, via Univ. 12, 43100 Parma, Italy. 82:6272 Kr~ini6, F., 1982. On vertical distribution of tintinnines (Ciliata, Oligotrichida, Tintlnniaa) in the open waters of the south Adriatic. Mar. Biol., 68(1):83-90.
A one-year program yielded 72 tintinnine species in hauls from 7 different depths. Six dominant species accounted for 30-93% of the total numerical abundance. Over 90% of the tintinnine population inhabited the surface 100 m; species occurring in deeper waters were rarely or never found near the surface. The Biol. Inst., YU-50001 Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. (ahm) 82:6273 Taniguchi, Akira and Yoshine Hada, 1981. Eutintinnus haslae n.sp., a new ciliated protozoan from the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans. Mer, Tokyo, 19(1):18-22. Fac. of Agric., Tohoku Univ., Sendai 980, Japan.
E260. 82:6269 Wildish, D.J. and J.J. Dickinson, 1982. A new species of Haploops (Amphipoda, Ampeilscidae) from the Bay of Fundy. (Haploops fundiensis n.sp.) Can. J. ZooL, 60(5):962-967. Dept. of Fish. and Oceans, Biol. Sta., St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0, Canada. 82:6270 Zinn, D.J., B.W. Found and M.G. Kraus, 1982. A bibliography of the Mystacocarida. Crustaceana, 42(3):270-274. P.O. Box 589, Falmouth, Mass. 02540, USA.
Macrophytes (algae,
82:6274 Anderson, S.M. and A.C. Charters, 1982. A fluid dynamics study of seawater flow through Gelidium nudlfrons. LimnoL Oceanogr., 27(3):399412.
Water turbulence was measured before and after passing through the latticework structure of branches of the bushy red alga G. nudifrons. Turbulence was reduced by passage through the plant's structure, but above a critical velocity (6-12 cm/s) microturbulence was generated. Microturbulence may influence nutrient uptake and gas