Evaluation of portal venous hemodynamics after intrahepatic stent implantation using pulsed doppler sonography

Evaluation of portal venous hemodynamics after intrahepatic stent implantation using pulsed doppler sonography

*AT PORTAL VEIN ,I VITRO - EFFECTS OF SRIF AND SMS 201-M UPON CONTP.ACTlLlTY E. Hanlsch. A. StraRe. M. Wenzel, J. Hawlicek, D. ~0" Lob, A. Encke, Lz...

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E. Hanlsch. A. StraRe. M. Wenzel, J. Hawlicek, D. ~0" Lob, A. Encke, Lzotrum dsr Chlrurgle und Physiologle der U"iversit% Franktwt, Theo dor- 5tern-M 7, :330 Frankfurt a.". BRD Son;at~sttii::i ads bee" extensively sudied I" gastrointestinal physiology, but whetiirr it ‘lusnce upon ihe portdl vein is up 10 now undefined. his dlrerz Matendl M_ ..,ci"ods: Portal veins were obtained from male healthy and Ilver-ClrrirotiCSprague-"awley rZiK-IiYer c,rrhosis was lnouced by ,"tragaztr,c a~plicat,on of ':C'-3 we time a week over a pariod of 16 weeks. Portal vel"s wwe kept in 3X Krebs-Henseleit-.olution which wds preequlllorated with Carboge" for 45 minutes. After d period of 3@ minutes -.neVeins were prelaaded with 15 nN. Thereafter the spontaneous activity and the W.&J"% to 100, IS0 and 200 "4 somatostatln and St.5 201-995 was studied wtn respect to frequence, amplitude d"d motility index. Results: rbe sPo"td"eOus activity of liver cirrhotic portal vel"5 is signlflcantly higher nixirz hPdlthy controls. Somato,tatl" has "0 Effect with al, dosapes. SMS 201-995 decreases slg"lt!ca"tly the matlllty index and the frequence "f cirrhotic veins compared to normal rat veins. The ampllrude also indicates the same difference. Dlsc"sr,on: Nat"Pal OCC"P,ng So",atostdt,"has "0 d,PeCt effect "PC" portal vein Co"tPIctIlit) patterns 1" vitro. whereas Its long-acting analogue SMS 201-955 shows slg"if?ca"t effects in the used dosages.
