“Ex-ante” Taylor rules and expectation forming in emerging markets

“Ex-ante” Taylor rules and expectation forming in emerging markets

Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Comparative Economics journal homepage: www...

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Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

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‘‘Ex-ante’’ Taylor rules and expectation forming in emerging markets Ralf Fendel a, Michael Frenkel a,b, Jan-Christoph Rülke a,⇑ a b

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany Center for EUropean Studies (CEUS), Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 11 November 2010 Revised 17 January 2011 Available online 31 January 2011 JEL classification: E52 D84 C33 Keywords: Monetary policy Taylor rule Expectation formation Inflation targeting

a b s t r a c t Fendel, Ralf, Frenkel, Michael, and Rülke, Jan-Christoph—‘‘Ex-ante’’ Taylor rules and expectation forming in emerging markets The success of monetary policy in stabilizing inflation depends substantially on its influence on expectation formation of private agents. This paper provides a novel perspective on the expectation forming process of financial markets. Using forecasts for the short-term interest rate, the inflation rate, and output growth for 10 emerging markets in Latin-America, central and eastern Europe, we estimate expected (‘‘ex-ante’’) Taylor-type rules. We find evidence for significant differences in the expectation formation process in the sense that the wellknown Taylor principle fairly holds for only some countries, while for the other countries it does not. The adaption of an explicit inflation targeting regime seems to explain this cross-country differences. Journal of Comparative Economics xxx (xx) (2011) xxx–xxx. WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany; Center for EUropean Studies (CEUS), Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany. Ó 2011 Association for Comparative Economic Studies Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The past decades witnessed a worldwide reduction in inflation rates. In the 1980s Latin-American countries experienced the highest inflation rates of all countries averaging more than 200% per year. In contrast, in 2006 they had an average inflation rate of about 6%. A similar process of declining inflation rates took place in many central and eastern European countries during the 1990s. As a group, these countries reduced their inflation rates substantially from, on average, 45% per year in the 1990s down to, on average, 5% per year in 2007. This process of stabilizing inflation was achieved in individual countries under fairly different monetary and exchange rate regimes, ranging from the adoption of inflation targeting combined with floating exchange rates to the abandonment of independent monetary policy by introducing currency boards or even by dollarization of the economy. While all stabilization strategies aim at increasing central bank credibility in order to stabilize inflation expectations and, thus, inflation itself, inflation targeting is the most prominent strategy. It is often argued that – in the first place – inflation targeting as well as monetary and exchange rate targeting regimes have important consequences for the expectation formation process which, in turn, leads to different economic performances. In order to influence inflation expectations central banks try to convince the public that they will fight inflation. Under inflation targeting regimes central banks use the announcement of an explicit inflation target to anchor inflation expectations. More general, central banks have become very transparent being open on issues of setting the policy rate. However, an intended ‘‘management of public inflation expectations’’ can only work if private sector beliefs are really influenced systematically by the chosen strategy and by the announcements of the particular central bank. ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Fendel), [email protected] (M. Frenkel), [email protected] (J.-C. Rülke). 0147-5967/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Association for Comparative Economic Studies Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jce.2011.01.001


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

This paper analyzes the public beliefs about interest rate setting of the central bank by examining the structure of the expectation formation process in financial markets. Since Taylor rules have become the prominent tool to describe central bank behavior, we evaluate the performance of a group of 10 emerging markets by the means of expected Taylor rules, i.e. ‘‘ex-ante’’ Taylor rules. We ask whether the internal relations of the forecasted variables (i.e., short-term interest rate, inflation and growth) can be described by Taylor rules. The paper, thus, changes the perspective on interest rate rules away from the typical use in the academic literature as an ex-post reaction function for explaining central bank behavior. We use data from the Consensus Economic Forecast poll and examine whether ‘‘ex-ante’’ Taylor rules are present in the expectation formation process for emerging market variables. The data set includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, and Venezuela. Since this country group includes inflation targeting countries as well as non-inflation targeting countries, we are also able to test whether the adoption of inflation targeting matters for our results. To this end, this paper is structured as follows: The subsequent section briefly reviews the commonly applied empirical concept of Taylor-type rules which we use as the starting point of our analysis. Section 3 introduces the data set. Sections 4 and 5 present the empirical results. Subsequently, Section 6 studies the sample sub-group of inflation targeting countries in more detail by looking at the importance of the time-varying inflation target and the consistency issue. Finally, Section 7 concludes. 2. The empirical morphology of Taylor-type rules All major central banks in industrial and emerging economies currently conduct monetary policy by using market-oriented instruments in order to influence the short-term interest rate. Since the seminal paper of Taylor (1993), it has virtually become a convention to describe the interest rate setting behavior of central banks in terms of monetary policy reaction functions. In its plain form, the so-called Taylor rule states that the short-term interest rate, i.e., the instrument of a central bank, reacts to deviations of inflation and output from their respective target levels. Although the Taylor rule started out as an empirical exercise, there is a clear theoretical link between optimal monetary policy and Taylor rules. Among others, Svensson (1997, 2003) showed that (contemporaneous and forward-looking) Taylor rules can be derived as the explicit solution of an optimal control problem within stylized macro models. For the purpose of empirical exercises Clarida et al. (1998) propose a specific forward-looking variant of the Taylor rule which takes into account the pre-emptive nature of monetary policy as well as interest smoothing behavior of central banks. This particular type of reaction function has become very popular in applied empirical research. Although it is still in the spirit of the Taylor rule, specifications of this type represent a modification of the original Taylor rule and, thus, the literature often refers to them as Taylor-type rules. Following Clarida et al. (1998, 2000) and Taylor (1999) the baseline forward-looking policy rule takes the form:

it ¼ i þ a1 Et ðptþk  p Þ þ a2 Et ðytþk  ytþk Þ 


where i is the desired level of the nominal short-term interest rate, and i is its equilibrium level. The second term on the right-hand side is the expected deviation of the k-period ahead inflation rate (p) from the target rate (p⁄) which is assumed to be constant over time.1 The third term is the expected deviation of the k-period ahead level of output (y) from its natural ^t Þ. The coefficients a1 and a2 which will be the center of our estimates represent level (y⁄), i.e., the expected output gap Eðy the reaction coefficients. The coefficient for the inflation gap a1 is of particular importance. In order to act in a stabilizing manner it has to be greater than unity, which is referred to as the well-known Taylor principle. The central bank has to react with its nominal policy rate more than proportional than the underlying inflation shocks in order to increase to real interest rate. If the Taylor principle does not hold, the central bank reaction leads to a declining real interest rate in the case of rising inflation which clearly is at odds with stabilization efforts.2 The additional assumption of interest rate smoothing behavior implies that: ⁄

it ¼ ð1  qÞit þ qit1 þ mt


with the parameter q representing the degree of interest rate smoothing (with 0 < q < 1) and mt represents an i.i.d. exogenous random shock to the interest rate. Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) leads to

it ¼ ð1  qÞði þ a1 Et ðptþk  p Þ þ a2 Et ðytþk  ytþk ÞÞ þ qit1 þ mt

ð3Þ 3

Eq. (3) represents the econometric specification which is commonly used to describe central bank behavior. It is reduced to the plain Taylor rule when q is zero and the horizon of the forward-looking behavior of the central bank, k, is also set equal to zero in econometric exercises. 1 In the subsequent analysis we allow the inflation target p⁄ to be time variant. This actually fits reality very well against the background that inflation targeting countries frequently announce inflation targets reflecting nothing else than the desired long-term inflation rate. As these countries are trying to decrease the perceived long-term inflation level they are announcing decreasing inflation targets. 2 The Taylor principle, however, is a sufficient, but not a necessary condition for ruling out the existence of ‘sunspot equilibria’. The necessary condition also includes the coefficient of the output gap. 3 Since it contains expectations on the right-hand side that are not directly observable it is common to substitute them by the observed ex-post levels of the respective variables and rearrange the estimation equation into a form that contains the expectation errors of the central bank in the error term. This form is then estimated based on the General Methods of Moments.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

The main messages generated by empirical studies focusing on central bank behavior in industrial countries can be summarized as follows. First, forward-looking specifications seem to fit the central banks’ behavior better than contemporaneous versions. Here the forward-looking feature is most relevant for the inflation gap with the horizon (k) being about 1 year. Second, the relevance of the Taylor principle for stability is well demonstrated and its presence is a strong feature for most central banks. Third, the reaction coefficient for the output gap is mostly statistically significant but has a lower level compared to the inflation gap coefficient.4 Fourth, persistence in the short-term interest rate is a strong feature found in the data. However, what is not yet clear is whether this is due to intended interest rate smoothing or whether it is due to a strong autocorrelation in the shocks upon which monetary policy reacts.5 Our subsequent empirical analysis takes the afore-mentioned empirical evidence as its starting point and interprets it as (historical) information that is available for financial market participants. We also assume that agents in the financial market are aware of Taylor-type rules and that the Taylor principle is well understood by professional forecasters. If, in turn, the agents believe in the Taylor-type rules as a good description of the central bank’s behavior, we would expect to observe this in their joint forecasts for the short-term interest rate, the inflation rate and the output development. In this case, the joint forecasts of the three variables can hardly be independent from each other. They should rather display the same links and dependencies that are present in the Taylor rule. We refer to this forecast based estimation as ‘‘ex-ante’’ Taylor rules. This means that the forecasts are assumed to be the forecaster’s predictions of the central bank’s expectations of inflation and output rather than the actual expectations of the central bank. Hence, we need to emphasize that the central bank could be responding to its forecast in a manner consistent with the Taylor principle but that these forecasts might differ from those of the private sector forecasts.6 Subsequently, we estimate variants of Eq. (3) based on reported forecasts of financial market participants. Before we present and discuss the empirical results, the next section briefly introduces our data set. 3. The data set We use panel data from a survey conducted by Consensus Economics. The survey regularly asks professional forecasters about their projection of several financial and real economy variables such as short-term interest rates, unemployment rates and real GDP forecasts. The survey includes data for several countries. Since our analysis requires forecasts for short-term interest rates and due to data availability, our data set is limited to 10 emerging markets, namely Argentina, Brazil, Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, and Venezuela. Out of this group, seven economies officially adopted inflation targets: Brazil, Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Poland and Slovakia.7 We refer to them as the inflation targeting countries as opposed to non-inflation targeting countries. This data set has several advantages over other surveys and is, thus, less subject to some of the weaknesses often associated with survey data. First, the individual forecasts are published together with the name of the employer of the forecaster. Given that this allows everybody to evaluate the performance of the individual participants, the accuracy of the forecasts can be expected to have an effect on the reputation of the forecasters.8 Since analysts in their survey answers are bound by their recommendations to clients, an analyst may find it hard to justify why he gave a recommendation different to the one in the survey. All of this is expected to increase the incentives of the survey participants to submit their best rather than their strategic forecast (see Keane and Runkle, 1990).9 Second, unlike some other surveys, forecasters participating in the Consensus Economic Forecast poll do not only submit the direction of the expected change of the macroeconomic variable, but forecast a specific level. Third, the survey data are readily available to the public so that our results can easily be verified. For the five Latin-American countries in our sample the survey provides monthly data for the period from April 2001 to December 2007. Hence, our analysis covers 81 periods. During this period, 245 institutions participated at least once in the survey. For the central and eastern European countries the survey is conducted on a bi-monthly basis for the period from May 1998 to May 2007 and onwards on a monthly basis. It includes forecasts of 163 institutions over 63 periods. In order to investigate the time series characteristics of the expectation formation process properly, we include in the panel cross section dimension only professional forecasters who participated in at least 10 polls.10 This applies to a total of 128 (116) participants and yields 5433 (3722) forecasts for the Latin-American (central and eastern European) countries.

4 In particular, for the output gap the literature demonstrated that it is relevant to discriminate between ex post and real-time data (Orphanides, 2001). Since we use observed expected variables in our analysis we do not need to take effects arising from ex post data into consideration. 5 Again, since this issue is also not of a strong concern in the present paper, we refer to the recent literature. See, for instance, Rudebusch (2006). 6 Gorter et al. (2008) use private sector forecasts to show that the European Central Bank is Taylor-rule based. 7 Since Slovakia introduced the inflation targeting system as of 2007 we, however, treat Slovakia as a non-inflation targeting country in our study. This can be justified since the time period being a non-inflation targeting country prevails the sample period. 8 Batchelor (2001) shows that the Consensus Economics forecasts are less biased and more accurate in terms of mean absolute error and root mean square error compared to OECD and IMF forecasts. He also shows that there is little information in the OECD and IMF forecasts that could be used to reduce significantly the error in the private sector forecasts. Mitchell and Pearce (2007) analyze individual forecasts of Wall Street Journal economists’. They find that a majority of the professional forecasters produced unbiased interest rate forecasts, but the forecasts are indistinguishable from a random walk model and the economists are systematically heterogeneously distributed. 9 In contrast to the view of Keane and Runkle (1990) and Laster et al. (1999) develop a model in which forecasters are rewarded for forecast accuracy in statistical terms as well as by publicity in case of giving the best forecast at a single point in time. As a consequence those forecasters will differ the most from the consensus forecast whose wages depend the most on publicity. 10 We also used other minimum participation rates. The results, however, do not qualitatively change and are available upon request.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244 Table 1 Overview of the average monthly forecasts for Latin-American countries included in the analysis. Country Introduction of inflation targeting

Argentina No

Brazil Since June 1999

Chile Since January 1991

Mexico Since January 1999

Venezuela No

Buenos aires interbank offering rate (BAIBOR)

Funds rate

Funds rate

Funds rate

12.8 12.2

17.7 15.6

Monetary policy rate (MPR) 3.8 4.4

7.8 7.7

16.1 16.0

3.2 3.5

2.8 3.0

4.4 4.5

2.9 3.2

2.0 2.7

CPI Short-term Medium-term

16.4 12.1

6.5 6.1

2.9 2.9

4.3 4.2

23.7 23.2

Real interest rate Short-term Medium-term

3.6 2.4

10.8 9.2

0.9 1.6

3.6 3.6

7.9 7.8

CPI 17.8 BAIBOR 13.0 Banco Central de la Republica Argentina 2001–2007

IPCA 7.8 Funds rate 18.1 OECD

CPI 2.7 MPR 3.7 Banco Central de Chile 2001–2007

CPI 4.4 Funds rate 7.7 Banco de Mexico 2001–2007

CPI 18.5 Interbank rate 11.1 Banco Central de Venezuela 2001–2007

Forecasts Interest rate Short-term Medium-term GDP Growth Short-term Medium-term

Actual series CPI Mean Interest rate Mean Source Period


Notes: Table 1 shows the expected and actual variables under consideration; the real interest rate forecast is the mean of the differences between the real forecasts of the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate and is defined as E½i  ¼ Et ½i  Et ½p.

The professional forecasters are requested to predict the economic variables for two different time horizons. The survey provides CPI and real GDP forecasts for the current and the next year while forecasts for the short-term interest rate are requested for the next three and 12 months. Hence, this information covers forecast periods of three and 12 months. In order to equalize the beginning and end of the forecast period, we generate a synthetic short-term and medium-term CPI and GDP forecast by weighting the forecast with the remaining months at the time of the forecast. This procedure is quite common in the literature (Gorter et al., 2008; Heppke-Falk and Huefner, 2004; Beck, 2001). For instance, the synthetic medium-term forecast in July is the weighted average of the GDP of the current and next year while the synthetic short-term forecast is, of course, the forecast of the current year only. The Appendix A provides the calculation of the synthetic short-term and medium-term forecasts. Using these alternative time horizons enables us to distinguish between a short-term and a medium-term Taylor rule specification. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the main features of the data set. The predicted interest rate is either the Federal Funds rate or a 3-month interest rate. Since the Taylor rule is suggested to work for the Federal Funds rate our data set seems to have a deficiency in the case of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic as the forecasted series is a 3-month interest rate. However, the correlation coefficient between the actual 3-month rate and the Funds rate for these countries is about 0.98. Moreover, we potentially would find even stronger evidence in favor of the Taylor rule in financial market expectations if we had observed expectations on the prime rate instead of the 3-month interest rate. Hence, this should not diminish the quality of our empirical analysis. Tables 1 and 2 also show that the expectations on the macroeconomic variables are on average a good predictor of their actual value. For instance, the forecasts for the Mexican interest rate (7.8%) and inflation rate (4.3%) are close to the actual values of 7.7% and 4.4%, respectively. Only for Venezuela the forecasts differ from the actual values. While the financial market overestimated both the inflation and the interest rate by about 5% points, their real interest rate forecasts were correct. However, we leave the discussion of the accuracy of the forecasts to further research and turn to the empirical analysis of the expectation formation process in emerging markets. Since Tables 1 and 2 only report the mean forecast, we have to emphasize that we use the disaggregated survey poll, i.e. panel data, for the subsequent analysis.

4. Estimation results Our empirical analysis starts from the econometric specification of the Taylor-type rule as presented in Eq. 3 in Section 2 which we adjust to our specific panel data analysis. The most difficult variable to quantify in this framework is the expected output coefficient. Since the output growth forecasts are directly available from the survey, we follow Gorter et al. (2008, 2010) and use the growth forecasts (Et,j(Dyt+k)) rather than an expected output gap measure.11 11

Results based on the expected output gap are qualitatively similar and available upon request.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

Table 2 Overview of the average monthly forecasts for central and eastern European countries included in the analysis. Country Introduction of inflation targeting

Czech Republic Since January 1999

Hungary Since December 2001

Poland Since January 1990

Slovakia Since January 2007

Turkey No

Forecasts Interest rate

3-months PRIBOR

3-months interbank rate 9.4 8.7

3-months BRIBOR

4.3 4.6

90-day treasury bill rate 9.6 8.6

7.5 7.0

Overnight interbank rate 35.4 28.5

3.2 3.4

3.7 3.8

4.3 4.4

4.6 4.6

3.6 3.8

3.4 3.7

7.1 5.6

4.4 4.2

6.4 5.3

33.2 23.9

0.9 1.1

2.6 2.2

5.0 4.3

1.2 1.1

3.0 0.6

CPI 3.2 3-months PRIBOR 4.4 OECD 1998–2007

CPI 7.0 90-day treasury bill rate 10.3 OECD 1998–2007

CPI 3.9 3-months interbank rate 9.9 OECD 1998–2007

CPI 6.1 3-months BRIBOR 7.7 OECD 1998–2007

CPI 31.2 Overnight interbank rate 39.3 OECD 1998–2007

Short-term Medium-term GDP growth Short-term Medium-term CPI Short-term Medium-term Real interest rate Short-term Medium-term Actual CPI Mean Interest rate Mean Source Period

Notes: Table 2 shows the expected and actual variables under consideration; the real interest rate forecast is the mean of the differences between the forecasts of the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate and is defined as E½ireal  ¼ Et ½i  Et ½p.

Next we modify Eq. (3) in the following way: We use the expected interest rate Et(it+l) rather than the actual interest rate as the dependent variable. Furthermore, in order to arrive at a testable relationship, the unobservable terms in Eq. (3) have to be eliminated. Since we are able to directly observe the expectations on the short-term interest rate, the inflation rate and growth rate, we only lack information on the equilibrium interest rate and the inflation target of the respective central bank. Given the short sample period we treat them as time-invariant for the time being and summarize both in the constant.12 Thus, we rewrite Eq. (3) as:

Et;j ðitþl Þ ¼ ð1  qÞa0 þ a1 ð1  qÞEt;j ðptþk Þ þ a2 ð1  qÞEt;j ðDytþk Þ þ qit þ t;j


a0 ¼ i  a1 Et;j p



with j being the index for the individual forecaster in the respective emerging economy. In Eq. (4) we already use the expected short-term interest rate forecast as the left-hand side variable. In the subsequent regressions we look at two different forecast horizons. We apply 3-month forecasts of the short-term interest rate as the lefthand side variable when referring to the short-term forecast. For the medium-term forecast we use the 12-month forecasts of the short-term interest rate as the dependent variable. Note that we do not need to apply the General Methods of Moments when estimating Eq. (4), since all expectational variables on the right-hand side are also observed data. Thus, we rely on OLS in our panel setting. However, our econometric analysis is impaired by the problem of overlapping forecast horizons since the monthly data set provides 3-month forecasts. This obviously leads to serial correlation in the error terms by construction. In order to overcome this problem we apply a serial correlation panel model:

t;j ¼ uj t1;j


where the autoregressive term u measures the degree of persistence in the error term. Additionally, we use Prais–Winsten panel corrected standard errors to account for cross section correlation among the survey participants. Tables 3 and 4 display the estimation results of Eq. (4). The short-term and medium-term regressions are contemporaneous versions, i.e. all variables enter with the same time index. The short-term equation (called ‘Short’) regresses the 3-month interest rate forecast on the forecasts of inflation and growth for 3 months (i.e., l = k = 3). The medium-term regression (called ‘Medium’) uses forecast horizons of 12-month forecasts for all variables instead (i.e., l = k = 12). The lagged interest rate is the actual (observable) 3-month interest rate.13 In the forward-looking specification (called ‘Forward’) the 12 In the subsequent Section 6 we allow for an observable time-varying inflation target, when we limit our analysis to the inflation targeting countries only. At this point of the analysis we do not account for the inflation target because it is not observable for the non-inflation targeting countries and we want to treat both groups identically in our regression specification. 13 More precisely, in order to avoid daily volatility effects we use the monthly average of the short-term interest rate. However, our results do not qualitatively change using the interest rate at the beginning or the end of the month. Results can be obtained upon request.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244 Table 3 Ex-ante Taylor-type rules for Latin-American countries (April 2001–December 2007).






a1 > 1

a2 > 0


6.33a (.35) 8.01a (.34)

.54a (.04) .56a (.04)

.45a (.15) .64a (.15)

.16a (.02) .07a (.02)














1.80a (.39)

.77a (.05)

.13 (.13)

.17a (.01)








3.24a (.29)

.53a (.07)

.09 (.05)

.46a (.05)








2.54a (.21)

.55a (.07)

.16 (.12)

.33a (.05)








2.79a (.23)

.45a (.07)

.00 (.15)

.43a (.05)








5.36a (.36)

1.59a (.10)

.46a (.19)

.71a (.02)








8.41a (.33)

.99a (.06)

.16 (.14)

.44a (.03)








7.71a (.54)

1.65a (.11)

.19 (.25)

.73a (.02)








3.66a (.59)

1.40a (.15)

.87a (.14)

.88a (.01)








1.36a (.19)

1.39a (.12)

.62a (.09)

.66a (.02)








5.90a (.74)

2.02a (.20)

.92a (.15)

.87a (.01)








1.59a (.15)

1.37a (.09)

.21a (.06)

.53a (.02)








1.85a (.10)

1.29a (.08)

.20a (.06)

.28a (.02)








1.04a (.17)

1.56a (.11)

.26a (.08)

.52a (.02)








14.25a (.36)

.14a (.03)

.16a (.05)

.05a (.02)








11.92a (.40)

.28a (.04)

.46a (.07)

.04+ (.02)








15.20a (.41)

.14a (.04)

.32 (.08)

.04+ (.02)







Country Argentina

Short Medium

Argentina (without crisis)

Brazil (IT)

Chile (IT)

Mexico (IT)




Notes: Estimated Eq. (4) Et,j(it+l) = (1  q)a0 + a1(1  q)Et,j(pt+k) + a2(1  q)Et,j(Dyt+k) + qit + t,j with a serial correlation model where (6) t,j = ujt1,j; to estimate Argentina (without crisis) we leave out the time period before 2003; values in parentheses represent panel corrected standard errors applying the Prais–Winsten model; the Hausman test suggests to use the fixed-effects estimator on a 1% significance level; a1 > 1 (a2 > 0) represents the significance level of a Chi2 test to test whether the Taylor-principle holds with the null hypothesis that a1 6 1 (a2 6 0); R2 refers to the overall coefficient of determination; for readability within and between R2 are left from the table but available upon request. a (+) Indicates significance at the one (10) percent level, respectively; IT denotes inflation targeting countries.

dependent variable is the 3-month interest rate forecasts (i.e., l = 3) while the independent variables reflect 12-month forecasts (i.e., k = 12). This implies that the monetary policy is expected to affect the inflation rate and GDP growth with a time lag of 9 months. Against the background that the time lag of the monetary policy is about 9 to 12 months, the forward-looking specification fits the central bank reaction function very well. For the Latin-American countries (Table 3) the results show that the expected inflation rate and the expected growth are indeed significant predictors for the forecasted interest rates. Furthermore, the coefficient of the inflation rate is significantly higher than unity for Brazil, Chile and Mexico as indicated by the Chi2 test in Table 3 which represents the significance level rejecting the null hypothesis that a1 6 1. The Chi2 test suggests that the Taylor principle only holds (i.e. a1 > 1) in economies which are classified as inflation targeting countries (IT). In the case of Argentina and Venezuela, two non-inflation targeting countries, the inflation coefficients are instead significantly lower from what the Taylor principle suggests. Argentina switched to a monetary aggregate target in 2004, but it seems that stabilization was not credible, since financial market participants believed that the Argentine central bank would


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

Table 4 Ex-ante Taylor-type rules for central and eastern European countries (May 1998–December 2007).






a1 > 1

a2 > 0





3.17a (.32)

.58a (.08)

.07 (.10)

.89a (.01)








4.73a (.65)

.45a (.15)

.23 (.17)

.84a (.03)








1.73a (.30)

.90a (.09)

.03 (.10)

.89a (.01)








3.10a (.84)

.26a (.10)

.66a (.23)

.82a (.02)








1.33a (.29)

.39a (.10)

.51a (.17)

.65a (.03)








1.49a (.45)

.70a (.09)

.56a (.19)

.78a (.02)








4.45a (.53)

1.13a (.05)

.80a (.27)

.89a (.01)








1.00 (.74)

.33a (.15)

.75a (.19)

.74a (.02)








2.94a (.83)

1.32a (.16)

1.01a (.30)

.89a (.02)








7.72a (1.90)

.38+ (.18)

.60+ (.27)

.79a (.02)








4.73a (.13)

.08 (.07)

.01 (.13)

.11a (.02)








4.60a (.15)

.01 (.09)

.03 (.15)

.29a (.02)








19.29a (.89)

.65a (.04)

1.47a (.19)

.28a (.03)








14.14a (.73)

.58a (.05)

.94a (.30)

.18a (.03)








16.89a (.89)

.85a (.03)

1.37a (.27)

.23a (.03)







Country Czech Republic (IT)

Hungary (IT)

Poland (IT)



Notes: Estimated Eq. (4) Et,j(it+l) = (1  q)a0 + a1(1  q)Et,j(pt+k) + a2(1  q)Et,j(Dyt+k) + qit + t,j with a serial correlation model where (6) t,j = ujt1,j; values in parentheses represent panel corrected standard errors applying the Prais–Winsten model; the Hausman test suggests to use the fixed-effects estimator on a 1% significance level; a1 > 1 (a2 > 0) represents the significance level of a Chi2 test to test whether the Taylor-principle holds with the null hypothesis that a1 6 1 (a2 6 0); R2 refers to the overall coefficient of determination; for readability within and between R2 are left from the table but available upon request. a (+) Indicates significance at the one (10) percent level, respectively; IT denotes inflation targeting countries.

act differently. Since Venezuela introduced an exchange rate peg against the US dollar in 2000, it seems plausible that the Taylor rule does not hold due to the interest rate constrain against the US interest rate. For Chile and Mexico the expected growth coefficient is also in line with our theoretical considerations and are of reasonable size. By contrast, for the non-inflation targeting countries the growth coefficient has the wrong sign which contradicts the Taylor rule.14 However, a significant negative sign turned out to be a strong feature in the estimation results. Fendel et al. (2008) find the same feature for expectations about the Fed behavior and refer to this as a ‘reversed causality’. Forecasters only observe the ex-post causality, i.e. that output growth rates react to changes in the official interest rate: If the short-term interest rate is increased output growth slows down. However, forecasters do not base their forecasts on the fact that when the central bank expects or observes higher output growth it tends to increase official interest rates due to the inflationary pressure. The latter can be referred to as the ex-ante causality.15 However, the results so far do not explain whether the causality goes from inflation and growth expectations to interest rate expectations as suggested in Eq. (4) or whether the results reflect the inverse causality as proposed by the IS relationship, especially if the IS relationship is a forward-looking one as in new Keynesian models. To provide an identification strategy of whether the results are due to the ‘‘ex-ante’’ Taylor rule or reflect the IS relationship we used a panel VAR which measures the causality between interest rate, inflation and growth expectations simultaneously. The results which are 14 Interestingly, Schmidt-Hebbel and Werner (2002) report a significant output gap coefficient for Chile estimating the central bank reaction function by the means of Eq. (4). By contrast they find an insignificant value for the output gap for Brazil which is supported by our results. 15 As a robustness check, we also restricted a2 = 0. The results which are available upon request are similar to the results in Tables 3 and 4.

R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244


available upon request indicate that, although the direction-of-causality is not clear for all countries, for Argentina, Chile and Turkey the results show that inflation and growth expectations cause interest rate expectations rather than vice versa. This supports our claim that the causality is in line with the considerations of the Taylor-rule framework. Results also hold when we allow for a forward-looking version of the Taylor rule. In the third regression (called ‘Forward’) we regress the 3-month forecast of the short-term interest rate on the 12-month growth forecasts and the inflation rate (i.e., l = 3 and k = 12). While the coefficient on the inflation rate is still significantly higher than unity for Brazil, Chile and Mexico, the inflation coefficient is significantly lower in the cases of Argentina and Venezuela. In order to account for the severe financial crisis in Argentina from 1998 to 2002 we also estimate regression (4) for Argentina for the time period January 2003 until December 2007.16 Yet, the Taylor principle remains violated. Besides that, the autoregressive parameter in the error terms is significant and ranges between 0.36 and 0.90. This basically supports our model specification. Not surprisingly, the results indicate that the predicted interest rate is highly dominated by the current interest rate for the inflation targeting countries as suggested by a significant smoothing parameter ranging around 0.3–0.9.17 Argentina (full sample) and Venezuela experienced low interest rate persistence (q is smaller than 0.3) which mirrors a substantial degree of expected interest rate volatility during that period. Table 4 reports the corresponding results for the central and eastern European countries. Again, the results suggest that the Taylor principle only holds in inflation targeting countries (i.e. Poland in the short-term and forward-looking version). For the Czech Republic the Taylor principle cannot be rejected in the forward-looking version. Apparently, this supports our previous conclusion that inflation targeting strongly matters for expectation formation: the Taylor principle if at all only holds in inflation targeting countries. The Taylor principle does not hold for Hungary, Slovakia and Turkey, where the latter two are the non-inflation targeting countries. Since Slovakia (like Venezuela in our sample) introduced an exchange rate peg within the ERM II, it is not surprising that the Taylor-type rule is violated. With respect to the growth coefficient we find again the wrong or insignificant sign for the two non-inflation targeting countries, namely Slovakia and Turkey, while the growth coefficient is significantly positive in the cases of the Czech Republic (medium-term), Hungary and Poland. To account for possible time-variation of the inflation coefficient (a1) as reported for the ECB by Gorter et al. (2010), we estimate Eq. (4) by means of a rolling window of 4 years. Fig. 1 shows the time-varying inflation coefficient at,i (solid line), the 99% confidence interval (shaded area) and the critical value for the Taylor principle (dotted line) for the 10 emerging markets. The results show at least some variation of the inflation coefficient, especially for the European emerging markets. For instance, the inflation coefficient for the Czech Republic is significantly larger than unity for 2006 while not different from unity otherwise. Fig. 1 also shows that the Taylor principle is fulfilled for the inflation targeting countries Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Poland for most of the time, while for the non-inflation targeting countries Argentina, Slovakia, Turkey and Venezuela it is consistently violated. In sum, the inspection of Tables 3 and 4 as well as Fig. 1 suggests that the Taylor-type rules seem to explain the (structure of) professional forecasts very well for the majority of inflation targeting countries while this conclusion does not hold for non-inflation targeting countries. This result is most pronounced for the subsample of Latin-American countries, while it is (so far) less striking for the central and eastern European countries.18 5. Expectations on the long-term inflation rate The estimation procedure enables us to investigate another feature inherent in the Taylor rule. Eq. (4) allows us to calculate the long-term inflation rate (p⁄) expected by the financial market. In order to recover the expected inflation target (p⁄) we can use the parameter estimates a0 and a1 from Tables 3 and 4. Recall that

a0 ¼ i  a1 Et;j p


and given the Fisher relation

i ¼ ireal þ Eðp Þ


which together yields

a0 ¼ ireal þ ð1  a1 ÞEt;j p


16 We choose to start the curtailed sample for Argentina from 2003 onwards although we are aware that the aftermaths of the financial crisis still exist. The reason is that the interest rate came down from 50% in August 2002 to about 5.7% in January 2003 which is close to the post crisis medium-term level of about 4.6%. 17 This result is in line with the stylized fact that inflation expectations are more persistent in inflation targeting countries compared to non-inflation targeting countries (Levin et al., 2004). This finding also matches the well-demonstrated phenomenon that expectations in financial markets are rather static than dynamic (Mitchell and Pearce, 2007). Furthermore, Krueger and Kuttner (1996) found that the Federal Funds future market provide efficient predictions on the future path of the Federal Funds rate. As the future and actual path of the Federal Funds rate are close to each other, static expectations seem reasonable as a means to forecast interest rates. Furthermore, applying actual data Schmidt-Hebbel and Werner (2002) estimate the Taylor rule by means of Eq. (4) for Brazil, Chile and Mexico. They find smoothing coefficients similar to ours for Brazil, Chile and Mexico of about 0.83, 0.96 and 0.62, respectively. 18 Note that, so far, we did not control for a possibly time-varying inflation target which could potentially significantly distort our results for the inflation targeting countries.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

Fig. 1. Time-varying inflation coefficients. Notes: Fig. 1 shows as the solid line the time-varying inflation coefficient at,i based on a rolling window estimate of 4 years for Eq. (4) Et,j(it+l) = (1  q)a0 + a1(1  q)Et,j(pt+k) + a2(1  q)Et,j(Dyt+k) + qit + t,j with a serial correlation model where Eq. (6) t,j = ujt1,j. The dotted line reflects the Taylor principle, i.e at,i = 1 while the shaded area reflects the 99% confidence interval.

This implies that

Et;j p ¼

a0  ireal 1  a1


According to Clarida et al. (1998) we use the expected sample average real interest rate among all individuals to provide an estimate of ireal as our sample is sufficiently long. With these estimates it is possible to construct the expected inflation target rate Et(p⁄) by the means of the short-term results shown in Tables 3 and 4 reflecting the estimation of Eq. (4).19 The expected real interest rate (ireal), the expected long-term inflation rate E(p⁄) and the actual inflation rate (pact) are shown in Table 5 for the 10 emerging markets. The expected long-term inflation rate is the highest for Turkey amounting to 47% on an annual basis. Indeed, with an actual rate of 34% annually Turkey experienced the highest inflation rate in our sample. The expected long-term inflation rate is also very close to the actual inflation rate for the majority of countries. The expected long-term inflation rate is not different from the actual (realized) inflation rate for Brazil (9.3 compared to 7.8%), Mexico (5.2 compared to 4.4%), the Czech Republic (5.3 compared to 3.6), Poland (4.0 compared to 4.6%), Slovakia (10.6 compared to 6.1%) and Turkey (47.2 compared to 33.8%).

19 In order to obtain a real interest rate forecast ireal with the same maturity as in Tables 3 and 4 we cannot use the forward-looking version. Therefore, we use the short-term version since Tables 3 and 4 show that the Taylor-principle holds more frequent in this version compared to the medium-term version. However, results in the medium-term version are of comparable magnitude and available upon request.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244 Table 5 Expected long-term inflation target and actual inflation rate.

Real interest Rate forecast Implied inflation Rate (Ep⁄) Actual average Inflation rate (pact) Test: p⁄ = pact


w/o crisis











21.65 (2.52)

13.69 (2.21)

9.36 (1.61)

11.29 (3.59)

5.28 (.98)

25.56 (.89)

17.75 .12

9.45 .06

7.80 .33

3.40 .03

4.35 .34

21.30 .00

Czech Rep.





Real interest Rate forecast Implied inflation Rate (Ep⁄)






5.37 (1.18)

0.67 (1.12)

4.00 (.86)

10.60 (2.89)

47.15 (8.52)

Actual average Inflation rate (pact) Test: p⁄ = pact

3.60 .13

7.38 .00

4.60 .49

6.20 .13

33.82 .12

Notes: The expected real interest rate is the average of the real interest rate forecast over the sample period; the expected inflation rate is calculated by the real 0 i means of Eq. (10) Et p ¼ a1 a1 and based on the estimation results of Tables 3 and 4; in order to estimate Argentina (without crisis) we skip the time period before 2003; standard errors in parenthesis; the actual inflation rate reflects the average inflation rate as displayed in Tables 1 and 2; the sources of the actual inflation rate are presented in Tables 1 and 2; the last row reflects the significance level of a two-sided t-test under the null hypothesis that the expected long-term inflation rate equals the actual average inflation rate.

Interestingly, for Argentina, the expected long-term inflation rate is not different from the actual inflation rate for the full sample period and for the curtailed period. This implied that the financial market adopts a lower long-term inflation rate for Argentina after the peak of the Argentinean crisis. While for Chile and Venezuela the financial market overestimated the actual inflation rate, for Hungary the actual inflation rate is higher compared to the expected long-term inflation rate. Before drawing the conclusion that the financial market provides inaccurate expectations, we have to recall that the Taylor rule estimated in our analysis is based on expectations which might not coincide with the realized inflation rate. Moreover it seems possible, if not likely, that the financial market learns during the inflation process and the assumption of a constant longterm inflation rate might not be appropriate. Therefore the next section accounts for the possibility of a time-variant long-term inflation rate. 6. The role of time-varying inflation targets In this section we analyze the link between expected interest rates, growth forecasts and inflation rate forecasts in more detail by allowing for a time-varying inflation target. As our sample consists of six inflation targeting countries (Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic) which publicly announce inflation targets, we now incorporate the time variance of the official inflation target into our analysis. The inflation targets are obtained from the monthly inflation reports of the respective central bank. Figs. 2–7 show the inflation target (bold line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line). Not surprisingly, the expected and the actual inflation rate move in line. This feature can be attributed to the fact that the financial market uses the actual inflation rate as a benchmark to form inflation expectations. Figs. 2–7 also show that the inflation target in the cases of the Latin-American countries is relatively stable compared to the cental and eastern European countries. Nevertheless, we now take the feature of the timevarying inflation target into account and analyze whether the financial market treats the long-term inflation rate p⁄ to be time-invariant.20 Starting from Eq. (3) we now treat the inflation target as observable but time-varying and, thus, do not need to include it in the constant. Therefore we depart from the former specification (4) and estimate

~tþk Þ þ qit þ t;j Et;j ðitþl Þ ¼ a0 ð1  qÞ þ a1 ð1  qÞEt;j ðptþk  pt Þ þ a2 ð1  qÞEt;j ðy


with a0 ¼ i. The estimation results are presented in Table 6. Compared to Tables 3 and 4 (constant implicit inflation target) the results do not change noticeably for Brazil and Chile. This is probably due to the fact that these countries did not change their targets substantially during the observation period. For the remaining inflation targeting countries, considerable differences between the specifications of the time-constant (Tables 3 and 4) and time-varying inflation targets (Tables 6) emerge. For

20 Since the Czech Republic and Hungary introduced the inflation targeting system in June 1999 and December 2001, respectively, we drop all observations prior to this date.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244


expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate

inflation rate (p.a.)






pr -0 1 O ct 01 A pr -0 2 O ct 02 A pr -0 3 O ct 03 A pr -0 4 O ct 04 A pr -0 5 O ct 05 A pr -0 6 O ct 06 A pr -0 7 O ct -0 7


Fig. 2. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in Brazil. Note: Fig. 1 shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.

9 expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate

inflation rate (p.a.)

7 5 3 1 -1


1 01 r-02 t 02 r-03 t 03 r-04 t 04 r-05 t 05 r-06 t 06 r-07 t-07 -0 c c c c c c p p p p p p pr Oct O O O O O O A A A A A A

Fig. 3. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in Chile. Note: This figure shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.

inflation rate (p.a.)


expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate








1 ct 01 A pr -0 2 O ct 02 A pr -0 3 O ct 03 A pr -0 4 O ct 04 A pr -0 5 O ct 05 A pr -0 6 O ct 06 A pr -0 7 O ct -0 7


Fig. 4. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in Mexico. Note: This figure shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.

R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244



inflation rate (p.a.)


expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate




ar Se 9 8 pM 98 ar Se 99 pM 99 ar Se 00 pM 00 ar Se 0 1 pM 01 ar Se 02 pM 02 ar Se 0 3 pM 03 ar Se 04 pM 04 ar Se 0 5 pM 05 ar Se 06 pM 06 ar Se 07 p07


Fig. 5. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in the Czech Republic. Note: This figure shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.

inflation rate (p.a.)



expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate



0 98 -98 r 99 -99 r 00 -00 r 01 -01 r 02 -02 r 03 -03 r 04 -04 r 05 -05 r 06 -06 r 07 -07 r p a p a p a p a p a p a p a p p a p a a M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se M Se Fig. 6. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in Hungary. Note: This figure shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.

inflation rate (p.a.)



expected inflation rate inflation target actual inflation rate




ar Se 98 pM 98 ar Se 99 pM 99 ar Se 00 pM 00 ar Se 01 pM 01 ar Se 02 pM 02 ar Se 03 pM 03 ar Se 04 pM 04 ar Se 05 pM 05 ar Se 06 pM 06 ar Se 07 p07


Fig. 7. Inflation target, expected and actual inflation rate in Poland. Note: This figure shows the inflation target (bold solid line), the mean of the 3-month expected inflation rate Et ½ptþ3  (dotted line) and the actual inflation rate (solid line) at time t.


R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

Table 6 Ex-ante Taylor rules and time-varying inflation target.






a1 > 1

a2 > 0





10.85a (.77)

1.72a (.15)

.82a (.26)

.78a (.02)








11.91a (.49)

.90a (.08)

.05 (.18)

.52a (.02)








13.43a (1.03)

1.76a (.16)

.18 (.33)

.80a (.02)








.17 (.45)

1.56a (.18)

1.08a (.16)

.89a (.01)








1.04a (.18)

1.46a (.17)

1.12a (.11)

.71a (.02)








1.15a (.49)

2.57a (.25)

1.26a (.16)

.88a (.01)








8.38a (.42)

.01 (.16)

.01 (.12)

.70a (.02)








6.92a (.25)

.05 (.09)

.34a (.09)

.44a (.03)








7.06a (.37)

.38a (.14)

.45a (.14)

.69a (.02)








4.71a (.88)

.93a (.20)

.23 (.23)

.95a (.01)








7.55a (1.29)

.35+ (.21)

.07 (.27)

.89a (.03)








3.76a (1.24)

1.08a (.27)

.47 (.36)

.95a (.01)








1.74a (.56)

.38a (.10)

1.33a (.25)

.78a (.02)








2.61a (.27)

.21a (.09)

.84a (.18)

.58a (.03)








2.27a (.53)

.64a (.11)

1.15a (.24)

.76a (.02)








1.50 (1.27)

1.34a (.33)

1.05+ (.49)

.94a (.00)








1.26+ (.56)

.13 (.16)

1.31a (.21)

.80a (.01)








1.75 (1.62)

1.46a (.40)

1.69a (.58)

.94a (.01)







Country Brazil



Czech Republic



Notes: Estimated Eq. (11) Et;j ðitþl Þ ¼ a0 ð1  qÞ þ a1 ð1  qÞEt;j ðptþk  pt Þ þ a2 ð1  qÞEt;j ðDytþk Þ þ qit þ t;j with a serial correlation model where (6) represent panel corrected standard errors applying the Prais–Winsten model; the Hausman test suggests to use the fixed-effects estimator on a 1% significance level; a1 > 1 (a2 > 0) represents the significance level of a Chi2 test to test whether the Taylor-principle holds with the null hypothesis that a1 6 1 (a2 6 0); R2 refers to the overall coefficient of determination; for readability within and between R2 are left from the table but available upon request. a (+) Indicates significance at the one (10) percent level, respectively.

t,j = ujt1,j; values in parentheses

Brazil, Chile, the Czech Republic and Poland the inflation coefficient increases while the growth coefficient are similar when the inflation target is included. Although Hungary has been changing the target rate quite frequently, the results do not change with respect to the market forecasts in the Taylor-rule framework. For Mexico the growth coefficient becomes insignificant and the Taylor principle no longer holds as the inflation coefficient is insignificant (short-term and medium-term version) or even has the wrong sign (forward-looking version). This means that the financial market does not expect the Central Bank of Mexico to respond to inflation changes in the direction suggested by the Taylor rule including the announced inflation target as the long-term inflation rate. An interpretation of this finding is that financial market participants do not trust the official announced inflation targets in case of Mexico compared to Brazil and Chile. This confirms the results of Schmidt-Hebbel and Werner (2002) analyzing the credibility of the inflation targeting of these three countries. Their results suggest that, in the case of Mexico, a substantial deviation exists between actual and expected inflation, whereas this is not found in the cases of Brazil and Chile. The authors also find substantial deviations of the inflation target from the expected inflation rate which supports our previ-

R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244


ous finding according to which the incorporation of the inflation target is not being reflected in the expectations of the financial market. An additional feature for Mexico is revealed when comparing Tables 3 and 6. We find an increase in the smoothing parameter from about 0.5 to 0.7 for the short-term (and forward-looking) version and from 0.28 to 0.44 for the medium-term version. This means that the financial market again expects the Mexican central bank to change its interest rates to a lesser extent in the specification with the inflation target announcement. Put differently, the persistence of the expected shortterm interest rate reflects that the financial market does not expect the Central Bank of Mexico to respond to inflation changes relative to the inflation target in the specification of the time-varying inflation target, but rather sticks to the current interest rate when predicting the interest rate. In sum, the financial market does not incorporate the announced inflation target of the Central Bank of Mexico in forecasts of the short-term interest rate by the means of the Taylor rule. However, the Taylor rule works when we assume that the financial market expects a time-invariant long-term inflation rate that is different from the officially announced inflation target. Apparently there exists an inconsistency between goals of the Mexican central bank and the private sector’s assessment of how it behaves. This feature is also reflected in the statement of the Central Bank of Mexico (2004), p. 45 that ‘‘both the level of total core CPI inflation and its expectations suggest that the 3% inflation target has still not been included in a widespread fashion into the price determination process.’’ By contrast, the announcements of the inflation target of the central banks of Brazil, Chile, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic seem to be regarded as being credible as the results do not considerably suffer when including the inflation target. For Chile, Poland and the Czech Republic, the expected Taylor rule even gains fit when a time-varying inflation target is included. 7. Conclusion This paper investigates the formation of interest rate expectations in the financial market. Using survey data of the Consensus Economic Forecast poll for five Latin-American countries and five central and eastern European countries, we analyze whether the financial market predicts short-term interest rates on the basis of the Taylor-rule framework. We refer to this as an ‘‘ex-ante’’ Taylor rule. In particular, we focus on the inflation gap coefficient within the Taylor rule. We find that for most inflation targeting countries financial markets adopt the Taylor-rule framework and, in particular, the Taylor principle for their forecasts at least at some time horizons. These economies are Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Poland. Only Hungary and the Czech Republic seem to be exceptions among the group of inflation targeting economies. Compared to that, for non-inflation targeting countries the financial market does not adopt the Taylor-rule framework which is in every case reflected in the violation of the Taylor principle. We interpret this finding as evidence that inflation targeting matters for expectation forming on financial markets. Expectations seem to be formed structurally different in inflation targeting regimes. We also include a time-varying inflation target which is the announced inflation target of the inflation targeting countries. The results indicate that for Brazil, Chile, Poland and the Czech Republic the short-term interest rate forecasts follow the Taylor rule, whereas for Mexico the Taylor rule is violated. Apparently, for Mexico the financial market incorporates a long-term inflation rate that is different from the announced inflation target rate. This suggests that there is an inconsistency between stated goals of the Mexican central bank and the private sector’s beliefs of how it actually behaves. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Helge Berger, Jörg Breitung, Rodrigo Caputo, Jordi Galí, Philipp Harms, Oliver Holtemöller, Thomas Laubach, Eric M. Leeper, Martin Mandler, Holger Michaelis, Hashem Pesaran, Pablo Pincheiry, Stefan Reitz, Jan-Egbert Sturm, Carl Walsh, an anonymous referee as well as the participants of a seminar at the European Central Bank (ECB), the participants of the 12th ZEI Summer School and the Banco Central de Chile research seminar for helpful discussions and comments of an earlier draft of this paper. Any remaining errors are ours alone. Ralf Fendel thanks the Deutsche Bundesbank Research Department for the support. Appendix A. Calculation of the weighted average of expected GDP and CPI In order to generate a 3-month forecast, we set the forecasted variable ft at time t (t = 1, 2, . . . , 63 and 81) equal to the forecast of the current year ftcur for forecasts collected before November of any year (i.e. the horizon of the 3-month forecast is covered by the current year). For forecasts collected in November or December of any year, the 3-month forecast ft is calculated as a weighted arithmetic average of the forecast for the current year ftcur and the next year ftnext . We weight the forecast ft with the remaining number of months m (with m = 2, for November forecasts, and m = 1, for December forecasts) at the time of the forecast t:

ft ¼

ftcur  m þ ð3  mÞ  ftnext 3



R. Fendel et al. / Journal of Comparative Economics 39 (2011) 230–244

In order to generate a 12-month forecast horizon which is consistent with the forecast horizon of the 12-month interest rate forecast, we apply the outlined procedure with 1 (=December) 6m 612 (=January). The 12-month GDP and CPI forecasts ft are as follows:

ft ¼

ftcur  m þ ð12  mÞ  ftnext 12


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