Exact evaluation of dissipation for elastic-damage model dynamics

Exact evaluation of dissipation for elastic-damage model dynamics

Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering ELSEMER Comput. Methods Appt. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 1 I-18 Exact evaluation of dissipati...

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Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering ELSEMER



Appt. Mech. Engrg.

157 (1998)

1 I-18

Exact evaluation of dissipation for elastic-damage model dynamics L. Briseghella *, C. Majorana, P. Pavan Dipartimento di Costruzioni e Transporti, Facoltri di Ingegneria, Universitci degli Studi di Padova, Via F. Marzolo, 9-35131 Padova, Italy Received

25 April 1996

Abstract Some considerations about the finite strains dynamic of dissipative elasto-damage models are presented here. The dynamics of the system are treated taking care of the conservative character of the applied time-stepping algorithm in the sense of preserving the continuum balance equations. These are the linear and angular momentum laws and the expanded power of stress in respect of the Clausius-Duhem inequality. The generahsed mid-point rule for time integration and the use of a particular algorithmic form of the symmetric Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor ensure the exact evaluation of the rate of the Helmoltz free-energy. This algorithm is known as energy-momentum method. The presented constitutive model is suited to describe polymers in finite deformations and with some accomodations appears as a way to investigate strain localization problems. Some simple examples, processed using an object-oriented f.e.m. software, show the effectiveness 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. of the algorithm in this last sense and the character of the constitutive model.

1. Introduction With reference to the works of many authors, we consider an elastic damage model suited to describe the behaviour of a large class of polymers. It is known that the mechanical qualities of the latter degrade themselves (presenting a softening behaviour) proportionally in some way to the maximum attained deformation. This is known also as Mullin’s effect. The damage phenomenon is evaluated using a scalar exponential function in terms of a parameter known as equivalent strain, which is a measure of the stored energy associated to the undamaged material. With this choice one obtains a very simple constitutive tensor. For the aims of the present paper we have adopted the hyperelastic constitutive model proposed by Simo and Pister [l]. Obviously, it is possible to employ different constitutive models to describe the behaviour of rubber like materials or hyperfoam materials. The typical viscous behaviour of polymers are not considered here but seem to be acommodable in the model. The use of damage criterions depending on the volumetric part of the deformation or on the deviatoric part of deformation is also possible. The aim of this paper is not to give a fear description of the polymers, but to undermark the conservative character of the algorithm and to show its effectiveness in the analysis of finite deformations dynamic problems. We also propose the present model as a possible way to describe the strain localisation phenomenon associated with softening behaviour. The adopted time integration was indicated by Simo and Tarnow [2] and is known as energy-momentum method. The method preserves, under particular imposed conditions, the exact conservation of linear momentum, angular momentum and the exact evaluation of the internal dissipation. Using a generalised mid-point rule one comes to the conclusion that the respect of the angular momentum law can be maintained only by the evaluation of external forces in the mid-point configurations. In addition, the exact estimation of internal dissipation can be obtained using specific

* Corresponding


0045.7825/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier PII SOO45-7825(97)00134-5

Science S.A. All rights reserved


L. Briseghella et al. I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 11-18

algorithmic expressions for the symmetric Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor vs. strain relationship [Z]. Conservative configurations must be evaluated at each iteration and for each Gauss point. The simplicity of the model employed, however, causes no excessive additional computational costs if we compare these to the case of general hyperelastic constitutive models. The presented examples show that the conservative configurations to evaluate stresses in a conservative way do not present excessive variations. The application of the algorithm needs the derivability of the free energy function, a condition not always guaranteed in the case of dissipative constitutive models. The conservative configurations are evaluated by a systematic use of the Newton method. This method loses its applicability if the free energy function convexity vanishes. In these, rather uncommon, situations a dicotomic method is adopted. In the presented examples the damage function constants are chosen to have a marked softening behaviour. This is clearly unrealistic for the rubber-like materials but on the other hand enable us to show the potentiality of the code in the solution of softening behaviour problems.

2. The constitutive model Let B and S = q(B) be the reference and the current configurations of the body, respectively. The map p relates the material points X E B to the spatial points x = p(X) E S. The local condition J = det F > 0,being F the deformation gradient F = &rldX, ensures the regularity of the deformation. Considering the right CauchyGreen tensor C = FTF its principal invariants have the following expressions I, = tr[C]

I, = +

(tc[c-j -

I, = det[C] .



The employed model is characterised by a monotonic function g(g s 1, g s 0) which can be used to estimate the damage degree of the material, The latter is described by a hyperelastic constitutive model if the equivalent strain is lower than its maximum value attained during time history. The free energy function is expressed by Simo [3] (2.2)


1c,= MC)

where w is the stored energy function

and can be expressed,

e.g. in the following

form [4]

w=,(13-1) ----(*+2p)lnI,+~p(l,-3).




the Clausius-Duhem




one comes to the expressions


for the symmetric


Dint =

For the parameter

g we employ

S= 2g




stress tensor and the internal

2 0.

a modified


(2.5) form obtained

from the following

known expression

5 c 5,


with a smoothing in the neighbourhood of 5, or of .!Jy to ensure the derivability of the free energy function. This is the essential condition for the application of the mean value theorem (see Section 4.1). With this choice by hands an initial hyperelastic behaviour of the materials is possible. The parameters a, and b can take the following values

b E [O,l];

a E [O,m) .

L. Briseghella

et al.

I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

The parameter b is dependent on the possible maximum attainment. The equivalent strain is defined as max =r$J;*, 5,

degree of damage and depends


on the rapidity

of its


f(lr”““, C(t)) =$&@$

a simple constitutive

tensor. The evolution

of damage


- C,““” S 0.

as f=O;



We can identify a damage surface by the associated loading from damage surface that is


The evolution

of damage can take place only for

1 g’=O constitutive



The material



This choice enables one to obtain preserve in any case the inequality

1.57 (1998)

tensor C = 2 &fSlX has the following

a2w(c) 4X(5,“““)555+4

g’(5,“““) awcc> rnax 5,







(2.10) aZw(c) 4X( ST”“”m


where the terms dw(C)/X, assume the form





aC can be easily evaluated

from the stored energy function



(2.11) and

(2.1 I)

(2.12) I being the second-order

unit tensor and (Zc.,),jLl= 1/2[(. )J. ),k + ( . ),k(. ),,I.

3. Continuum



We employ a Lagrangian description of the continuum. If B is the reference boundary JB the local equation of motion is written as [5] DN’)


+ p,,f = pori >

of the body with


where f are the body forces for unit of mass, P the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and ri the material velocity. The boundary conditions are imposed to have aJ? U 8,B = 3B and a$ fl d,B = 0. By the application of divergence theorem one obtains the following weak form of momentum balance equation






with the initial conditions variations of configurations. 3.1. Energy and momentum




V= V, e q = q. at t = t, and being


Q the functions

(3.2) of the space of admissible


In the absence of external forces or in the presence of symmetries and with boundary conditions a,B = 0 the continuum is characterised by the conservation of linear and angular momentum, so we can write I;, = 0;



L. Briseghella et al. I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 11-18


In addition,

any kinetic energy variation

follows the relation

k = pint = P”“’ ,


where i is the time derivative of kinetic energy and Pin’, P’“’ the power of internal respectively. We also remember the validity of the Clausius-Duhem inequality

and external


4. Time discretization and discrete equations The intermediate ~V+p=PV~+, and the material

are written as







V7+fi=Pvn+, Considering



are -P)v,

these last equations

the weak form momentum


The symmetry of the stress tensor enables us to establish the following variation of linear and angular momentum



for the respect of the laws of

L n+, =L,+Atj-;:a



J n+,=J,,+AtmF:U



where f ext, mext are the resultant 4.1. Exact evaluation Using the convected


of external


of internal dissipation form of the right Cauchy-Green

c .+,=PC,+,+(l-P)C, and considering

force and the resultant



the mean value theorem


we obtain the following



the free energy function

(4.7) Therefore,

from Eq. (2.2) one comes to

(4.8) By the comparison -(*n+,


- #J+;s:!c,,,

we come to the conclusion symmetric Piola-Kirchhoff

this last one and the discrete form of the Clausius-Duhem -C,J=AD;;+,



that the last relation is satisfied only if we take the following stress tensor

(4.9) algorithmic

form for the


L. Briseghella et al. I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 11-18

In this way the algorithmic



is also specified


4.2. Second-order


If one takes into account

the following

function (4.12)

which is odd about the value /? = l/2, one can also demonstrate symmetric Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor

that the following


form of the

(4.13) has conservative qualities while in comparison with Eq. (4.10) ensures also a second-order accuracy. This can be viewed applying the Taylor’s series expansion to the discrete wake form of momentum balance equation. See Simo and Tamow [2] for more details. The conservative value of the parameter &, is obtained as a solution of the equation (4.14) and can be calculated in general, convex.

by the application

of a Newton method paying attention

to the fact that the function

is not,

5. Space discretization We use the Gale&in projections method for the discretization of the continuum. Let N’(X) i = 1,2, . . anode the shape functions with N’(Xi) = Sij. The admissible configurations can be expressed in terms of nodal values


= c ,=I

and the material





“Mldl I+(X) = c N’(X)K ) I =I


where IC;, V, are the nodal displacements and the nodal material velocities. With the relation Vi,, =: (uk, , rcl)lAt at hand and by the application of Eq. (5.1) and Eq. (5.2) into expression (4.3) we obtain the discrete weak form

where the condition

(Y= II2 is imposed.

L. Briseghella et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 11-18


The terms M” result from M” = J, N’N’p dV and are the coefficients of the mass matrix. It is demonstrated that the conditions about the conservative character of the preceding algorithmic forms of the stress tensor are extensible to the discrete space of Galerkin projections without any modifications.

6. Examples and applications The solution of the following numerical problems has showed a quadratic convergence of the algorithm. This clearly results from Table 1 in which the residual norm of the iteration of the same time step is presented. The conservative values of p are the zero of the function h(P) of Fig. 1 and are obtained by the application of a Newton scheme with /3 = 0.2 or p = 0.8 as initial values. When a Newton scheme is inapplicable a dicotomic method is used. The proposed constitutive model and the chosen constants do not describe a real material behaviour but are forced to capture some characteristic behaviours as strains localisation. For this aim the values for constants a, b of the damage law (2.6) are chosen to obtain a fast degradation of the mechanical elastic response with the amount of the equivalent strain. The damage law is shown in Fig. 2. 6.1. Elastic damage pendulum A pendulum, depicted in Fig. 3, is fixed in 0 and subjected to the gravity force. The damage-elastic model with Young modulus E = 1.8E4, Poisson ratio v = 0.4, a = 25 and b = 0.4 is adopted. For computational simplicity the pendulum is described with one only four nodes element with four Gauss points. Fig. 4 shows the deformation sequences for the first six periods of oscillation in the plane X - Z. The values of energies, depicted in Fig. 5, reveal that the total energy (as sum of gravity potential energy, internal and kinetic energy and dissipated energy) is constant. The energies diagram present an amount of dissipation and a progressive degradation of the elastic quality of the material when the pendulum mass centre passes through the vertical. After a number of cycles the pendulum has a pure elastic behaviour and the dissipation growth vanishes. In Fig. 6 is illustrated the typical relation between stress and strain.

Table 1 Residual norm for next iterations

of the same time step

Iteration no

Residual norm


1 2 3 4 5

6.323E 1.155E 0.985E 0.423E 3.2318

7.879E 7.878E 7.878E 7.878E 7.878E

Fig. 1. Behaviour

+ + + -

006 004 001 002 006

of h(p) function. Fig. 2. Damage


The conservative

law for different


001 001 001 001 001

values of p are the intersections

values of constant

a with constant

with horizontal b = 0.


L. Briseghellaet al. / Comput.Methods Appt. hfech. E~rg.

Fig. 3. The elementary


Fig. 4. Deformed

of the pendulum.

shapes of the pendulum

The oscillations


4.00EiO6 2.00E+06+fi




Ekin n j&

are in the plane X - Z.

for the first six oscillations.

____ 6.00E+o6


157 (1998) II- 18









n ,\

I\ ,\







-+-_m~ 2


+_---_I 2.2



Fig. 5. Energies


Fig. 6. Stress-strain



for the pendulum

relation for the pendulum

of Example


in the oscillations.


A plane strain condition problem is simulated (using all the symmetries) with 42 eight nodes elements and clamping all the Z displacements as shown in Fig. 7. The damage-elastic constitutive model with Young modulus E = 2.1J3, Poisson ratio v = 0.4, a = 0.6 and b = 0.1 is here used. Nodal forces with the diagram of Fig. 7 are imposed to the upper bound of the plate. The deformed shapes of Fig. 8 show after 0.6 s the typical strain concentration bands due to the softening behaviour. The behaviour of an element of the shear bands and of a element closest to the shear bands are depicted in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. The elements of the shear band show a strong softening behaviour while the other elements remain elastic.

Fig. 7. Discretization,


Fig. 8. Deformed


and applied forces for the plate of Example

shapes of the plate under plane strain condition.



L. Briseghella et al. I Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) II-18

Fig. 9. Stress-strain Fig. 10. Stress-strain


for an element of the shear band,

relation for an element near the shear band

7. Conclusion We have extended the application of the so-called energy-momentum method proposed by Simo to the dynamic of a dissipative elasto-damage model. The adopted constitutive model is suited to describe, with some modifications, the behaviour of filled polymers. The time integration is thought to ensure the linear and total momentum lows respect and the exact evaluation of dissipation. This is obtained by calculating the symmetric Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in a particular intermediate configuration. The presented examples reveal the robustness of the algorithm and a quadratic convergence. The method seems to be a possible investigation way for dynamic problems of rubber-like materials in finite strains as well as (with obvious accommodations) for dynamic problems of brittle or quasi-brittle materials. About the latter aspect some problems related to softening behaviour are presented here.

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