Auales de la Academia de Ciencias Medicas Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana. Annali di Medicina Navale e Coloniale. Archives de l'Institut ...
Auales de la Academia de Ciencias Medicas Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana. Annali di Medicina Navale e Coloniale. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur Tunis. Arquivos do Instituto Bacteriologico Camara Pestaua. Bulletin Public Health and Marine Hospital Service of the U.S. •Bulletin of the Tropical Diseases Bureau. Bulletin de la Socidtd de Pathologic Exotique. Bulletin de la Socigt~ Portuguaise des Sciences Naturelles. Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de M~decine de BeOique. her Geneeskundig tydschrift voor Nederhwdsch-Ittdie. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin. Journal of The Lo~tdon School of Tropical Medicitte. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Journal of Tropical Veterinary Science. L'Enseignemeut Medico Mutuel Intcrnationale. Meawrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Phibippine Journal of Science. Revue de M~decine et d'Hygiene Tropieales. Sanidad y Beueficencia. The Americau Journal of Tropical Diseases and Preventive Medicine. Veterinary News. Yellow Fever Bureau Bulletin. NoT}~.--The above publications lie in the Society's room at 11, Chandos Street, W., and are at the disposal of Fellows.