i n d u s t r i a l news Expanding in Australia to m e e t demand According to gas and liquid filtration, purification and separation equipment company domnick hunter group plc, it has more than doubled the size of its Australian subsidiary to cope with the expanding demand for its technology in both Australia and New Zealand The company's Melbourne headquarters has moved into a new 1100 m2 warehouse and service facilities at South Croydon, South Australia. According to Jim Sargeant, managing director of the Australian subsiduary, the new facility will be one of domnick hunter's major regional centres of excellence for products aimed at energy-efficiency, environmental suitability and production purity. The demand for such technology has increased significantly over the past decade. For example, domnick hunter's compressed air purification systems are widely used in applications ranging from factories and processing plants to mining, construction and maintenance sites, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, where they remove oil from airlines to prevent it polluting the Harbour. The company's ranges of filters and purification systems are widely used in applications as diverse as industrial processing, mine safety and water purification. The expansion of demand in and around Australia led to the establishment five years ago of a full domnick hunter subsidiary. Now, through this new facility, the company is equipping itself to expand further the businesses of its Industrial Division. Customer benefits of the expansion include expanded local resources, including expanded stocking, servicing
and information technology capabilities, which are all backed by direct access to the technology of the international domnick hunter organisation, which employs 1300 people operating globally across a wide range of industrial sectors. Contact: domnick hu~te~' A u s t r Ha, 2 8 Reseapch Drive, South C"o~/don i'V1ebouene, South A~at~"a~[a 3 1 3 8 , Aust~aI[a To: +81 3 8 7 2 0 9 6 0 0 F:ax: + 8 I 3 8 7 2 0 9 8 9 0 : W e b s [ t e : w>~w d omnickh u~~te~',cam
Poland's continued demand for waste conversion technology A private Polish company, Polus Montana, has signed a sales contract with Startech Environmental Corp (Wilton, Connecticut, USA) to purchase a 10 tonne per day plasma converter system, which converts waste into useful commodity products. The system is expected to be shipped to Poland towards the end of this year. Polus Montana, which is a private company working on behlaf of the Municipality of Bytom, will use Startech's plasma converter system to safely process hazardous waste products such as pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). .
Court,act: Sta-H;ec~s Environmer~ta~ Cerp, I ~ Od Danbur~ Ro~d, Suite 2 0 3 , ~]~ton, CT O~3897--.25~5, USA~ 1~: +1 2 0 3 7 8 2 ~ 4 9 9 Fax: +" £ 0 8 7 8 I 0 8 3 8 ; ~/Vebsite: w~Yv, starteeh, net;
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