Volume 86B, n u m b e r 2
24 September 1979
and C. BACCI, G. De ZORZI, G. PENSO and B. STELLA Istituto di Fisica dell'Universitd di Roma, and lstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Roma, Italy Received 12 June 1979
Experimental results for the reactions e+e - ~ e+e - + X are presented for X = e+e -, u+t~-, n+rr -, r/'. A tagging technique has been used to detect final electrons and positrons. A QED test is performed and an upper limit o f 20 keV is derived for the partial width I'(n' ~ YT).
We present experimental results for the reactions e+e - -~ e+e - + X ,
obtained at the Adone e+e - storage ring (3'72 experiment), in the single beam energy range 750-1500 MeV. Previous results [1 ] on this reaction have been obtained with a different set-up. In reaction (1) the following C = +1 final states have now been considered: X = e+e - ,
= u+u -
1 Now at Istituto di Fisica, Universit~ dell'Aquila, Italy. 2 Now at lstituto di Fisica, Universith di Napoli, Italy. I
X = ~r+lr -
X = r/'(958).
As is well known [2] reaction ( I ) is described by the interaction of two quasi-real photons, travelling along the beam line and producing the final state X. The incident electron (positron) comes out in the final state with a lowered energy and with an angular distribution peaked in the very forward direction. The experimental set-up (fig. 1) consists of a wideangle detector and two tagging counters. The wideangle set-up has been described in detail elsewhere [3] It consists of two large semicylindrical telescopes placed above and below the interaction region, with their axes perpendicular to the beam line. These tele-
Fig. 1;. Experimental set-up. T = tagging counter; BM = A d o n e bending magnet; Q = A d o n e quaflrupole; C = Total absorption l e a d -
glass Cerenkov counter. 239
Volume 86B, number 2
scopes, designed for detection of charged particles and photons, are sandwiches of optical spark chambers and lead converters for a total thickness of 5.5 radiation lengths. The solid angle covered by the triggering counters is 0.41 × 47r sr and that covered by the optical spark chambers is 0.66 × 47r sr. The two tagging counters are placed [4] close to the doughnut, inside the Adone bending magnets adjacent to the wide-angle set-up (fig. 1). These magnets are used as momentum analysers for the secondary electron and positron of reaction (1). The tagging counters accept [5] electrons or positrons with a momentum ranging from 0.1E to 0.9E, E being the single beam energy, and with an emission angle less than ~15 mrad. Each tagging counter is viewed by two photomultiplier tubes placed at the ends of a long plastic scintillator. Delay time measurement between these two photomultipliers is used to determine the impact position of the electron or positron on the scintillator and therefore to deduce its momentum. The emitted photon energy is calculated as the difference between the incident and the tagged electron energy. Delay time calibration versus electron (positron) momentum has been performed by looking [4] at the reaction e+e - ~ e + e - 7 in the configuration where the electron (positron) and the photon are detected in the wide-angle set-up, while the positron (electron) is detected by one of the tagging counters. Typical momentum resolution of these counters turns out to be Ap/p +-8%. Detection efficiency of the tagging counters has been measured by looking at the beam-gas bremsstrahlung events; in this measurement the total absorption lead-glass t~erenkov counter C (fig. 1) has been used in coincidence with the respective tagging counter, to detect the bremsstrahlung photon. The trigger logic accepts two tagging counters in coincidence with: (i) at least one charged particle in both the upper and lower telescope of the wide-angle set-up; (ii) one or more photons in both the upper and lower telescope; (iii) at least one charged particle in the upper (lower) telescope and one or more photons in the lower (upper) one. In order to fire a telescope, a pion must have a kinetic energy of at least 100 MeV; if photons convert in the telescope this limit can be lowered to 35 MeV. The photon detection efficiency versus photon energy has 240
24 September 1979
been calculated [6] by a Monte Carlo method. Luminosity has been measured by looking at Bhabha scattering in the wide-hngle set-up. The present results are relative to 60 events corresponding to a total accumulated luminosity of 270 nb-1. These events have been divided in two categories: (a) 58 events with one charged particle in each wideangle telescope; (b) two events with at least three particles in the wide-angle set-up. No events were found with only photons. The expected number of accidental coincidences with the tagging counters is ~0.5 events for category (a) and ~1 event for category (b). Furthermore, in ~ 4 % of the events an accidental electron or positron is detected by one of the tagging counters simultaneously with a true one coming from reaction (1) (pile-up). Of course, in this case the momentum of the electron or positron, determined by the delay time between the two photomultipliers, is wrong. Let us now consider reaction (1) with final state (2), (3) or (4). In this case it can be considered as the two-body reaction 77 -~ e+e-,/l+/a- , 7r+n- with the final particles being approximately coplanar with the incident beam. Taking into account the energy and angular acceptance of the tagging counters, we expect to have a maximum acoplanarity angle *~ AtPmax 12 °. In fig. 2 we report the A~p spectrum of the 58 events of category (a), which are natural candidates for the considered reactions. This spectrum is in good agreement with what was expected, giving confidence that these events come from reaction (1) with X = e+e - , //+~-, lr+Tr- . From the momentum of the secondary electron and positron, measured by the tagging counters, we deduce the energy of the corresponding quasi-real photons, and therefore their effective mass M ~ . For each event we also measure the angle, with respect to the beam line, of the two particles detected in the wide-angle set-up. This allows us to make a consistency check between the momentum of the secondary electron and positron measured by tagging counters. For 48 events this check was satisfied. For the remaining ten events one of the
~:1 The acoplanarity angle is defined as the complement to 180° of the angle between the projection of the two final particle momenta on a plane orthogonal to the beam line; therefore A~ = 0° corresponds to final particles coplanar with the beam.
Volume 86B, number 2
2~ii 2( ..z.
_ i.~ I
..... *'4"
~ 8* 12" 16"
Fig. 2. Acoplanarity angle distribution for the events of category (a) (see text and footnote 1).
tagging counters gave a "wrong" value o f the electron or positron momentum. For these events the two angles measured in the wide-angle set-up together with the electron or positron m o m e n t u m from the "right" tagging counter, were used in order to calculate M~3". It has to be n o t e d that these ten events with a "wrong" tagging are perfectly compatible with what we expect if we take into account pile-up in the tagging counters and the emission o f radiative photons b y incident and final electrons and positrons. According to the behaviour o f the two final particles in the wide-angle set-up, the 58 events o f category (a) are divided into: 30 + 5 events with two showering particles; 28 +- 5 events with two non-showering particles. The quoted errors are an estimate o f the uncertainty in shower recognition, which is present only for low-energy particles, corresponding to M.rr ~< 500 MeV. The 30 showering events are candidates for X = e+e - . F r o m a Monte Carlo calculation based on QED, the expected number o f e + e - events is 27.5, which is in good agreement with the experimental one. The equivalent p h o t o n approximation [2] has been used in all the calculations. In order to identify pions among the 28 non-shower-
24 September 1979
ing events, we consider only the events (13 out of 28) with M3"3. > 500 MeV; this rids us o f the uncertainty in shower recognition, without introducing any loss in lr+Tr- events: in fact, the expected M~3" spectrum for 7r+zr- events (dashed line of fig. 3) vanishes for M~3" 500 MeV. For these 13 events we look at the scattering angle distribution in the [3] wide-angle shower detector (5.5 radiation lengths o f Pb) and in the iron spark chambers (13.5 g/cm 2 o f Fe): 11 events have both tracks with a scattering angle 0 s ~< 20 °; in the other two events one of the tracks undergoes a large single scattering (40 ° and 49 °, respectively) which is a good signature for a nuclear interaction. These two events are therefore considered as " g o o d " rr+zr- candidates. In order to extract the remaining ~r+~r- events from the 11 ones with 0 s ~< 20 ° the contamination of/l+/a events in this sample is evaluated, assuming the validity o f QED. This calculation gives 12.2 expected/a+/l events, from which we deduce an upper limit (95% C.L.) of six 7r+zr- events among the 11 events we are considering. On the other hand, looking at tracks scattering in multihadron events in our apparatus [3] we expect that ~ 7 0 % of the lr+zr- events should have for b o t h tracks 0 s ~< 20 °, which is compatible with the aforementioned numbers. In conclusion, we have two " g o o d " zr+lr- events with 0 s > 20 ° and <~6 rr+Tr- events with 0 s ~< 20 °.
12 10 8
2 0.2
1,4 M?7(GeV)
Fig. 3. Effective mass spectrum of the two-photon system for the events of category (a) (see text). The full line is the absolute Monte Carlo prediction for the sum of the reactions 73' e+e-, #+p-, 7r÷~r-. The hatched events are the two 7t+rr- candidates. Dashed line is absolute Monte Carlo prediction for the reaction ~,3"~ lr÷~r-, using the Born approximation [ 2]. 241
Volume 86B, number 2
These numbers are to be compared with a Monte Carlo calculation based on the Born approximation, which predicts 2.2 7r+Tr- events. In fig. 3 the experimental M~r~r spectrum is reported: here all the 58 two-body events have been lumped together to overcome the uncertainty in the assignment o f some o f them to a given subgroup, and also because o f low statistics. The full line o f fig. 3 is an absolute prediction calculated by a Monte Carlo method for reaction (1) with final state (2), (3) and (4), using the QED and Born approximation, respectively. Experimental resolution has been taken into account. The agreement between the experimental spectrum and the calculated one is quite good. In fig. 3 we have also indicated the two events (dashed) which are " g o o d " n+n - candidates, together with the absolute Monte Carlo prediction (dashed line) for the process 3'3' ~ rt+rr - . Because of the lack o f statistics, and o f the difficulties in 7r//2 discrimination, we can just conclude that the Borrj approximation gives the correct order of magnitude for the cross section o f the reaction 3'3' -~ ~r+Tr- . Furthermore, the agreement between experimental results and theoretical prediction for the reaction 3'3' ~ e+e - tests the validity of QED and the equivalent photon approximation, and ameliorates our previous results on this reaction [1]. Let us now consider the two events of category (b). For one o f them, the momentum o f the electron detected by one tagging has a value which is kinematically not allowed, and therefore is a candidate for the expected one accidental event. The other event of category (b) is the only true multihadron candidate for reaction (1). For this event the two-photon effective mass turns out to be .MT,y = 1430 + 200 MeV which is incompatible with the r/'(958) mass. We conclude that no candidate for the reaction e ÷ e - -~ e + e - r / ' has been observed. Taking into account the branching ratios [7] of the r/'
24 September 1979
decays, the detection efficiency for the reaction e+e e+e-~) ' has been evaluated by a Monte Carlo method. Still using the equivalent photon approximation [2], we can therefore deduce an upper limit for the partial decay width P(77' ~ 3'7) ~< 20 keV (95% C.L.). This result, together with other similar ones [8], favours the fractionally charged quark model, which predicts P0?' ~ 73,) = 6 keV, with respect to the integer charged one, which predicts P(~' ~ 3'7) = 25.6 keV [9]. This conclusion appears to be confirmed by very recent measurements [10J of the r~' -~ 3'3' partial width. We thank A. Courau, E. Etim, G. Pancheri-Srivastava and Y. Srivastava for very helpful discussions. References
[1 ] C. Bacci et al., Proc. 1st EPS Conf. on Meson resonance and related electromagnetic phenomena (Bologna, 1971) p. 481 ;Lett. Nuovo Cimento 3 (1972) 709; Frascati Report LNF-73/50 (1973). [21 H. Terazawa, Rev. Mod. Phys. 45 (1973) 615, and references therein. [3] R. Baldini Celio et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 11 (1974) 711; C. Bacci et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 12 (1975) 269; Phys. Lett. 64B (1976) 356; R. Baldini Celio et al., Phys. Lett. 78B (1978) 167. [4] C. Bacci et al., Phys. Lett. 71B (1977) 227. [51 A. Di Paolo and G. Penso, Frascati Report LNF-77/57 (R) (1977). [6 ] G. Capon et al., Frascati Report LNF-70 / 13 (1970); C. Bacci et al., to be submitted to Phys. Lett. [7] Review of Particle Properties, Particle Data Group, Phys. Lett. 75B (1978) 1. [8] L. Paoluzi et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 10 (1974) 435; H.J. Besch et al., Phys. Lett. 81B (1979) 79. [9] H. Suura et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 4 (1972) 505; A. Bramon and M. Greco, Phys. Lett. 48B (1974) 137; F.D. Gault et al., Nuovo Cimento 24A (1974) 259; A. Kazi et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 15 (1976) 120. [10] D.M. Binnie et al., London Imperial College Report IC/ HENP/79/2 (1979); G.S. Abrams et al., SLAC-PUB. 2331, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.