Explorers of the ocean depths

Explorers of the ocean depths

94 Oceanographic Abstracts mit dem grossen Raum, tier notwendig ist, um die grossen, dotterreichen Eier unterzubrmgcn. Die Mannchen sind viel kleine...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

mit dem grossen Raum, tier notwendig ist, um die grossen, dotterreichen Eier unterzubrmgcn. Die Mannchen sind viel kleiner als die Weibchen. In Northumberland und Clyde tragen die Weibche~ Eier zwischen der zweiten Woche im November und Ende M~irz. Beide Geschlechter laicben werm sie ein Alter von etwa 20 Monaten erreicht haben. Sftmtliche M~innchen sterben nach dem Laichen : einige Weibchen tiberleben gelegentlich und laichen dann ein zweites Mal. Die Proben lassen erkennen dass die M/innchen weniger als 20% der Gesamtpopulation ausmachen Spirontocaris frisst haupts~ichlich Foraminifera und rissoide Gastropoda unter 200 t~ LUnge. Mehr als 10el, der Weibchen si~v~l infiziert mit dem Parasiten lfemiarthru~ ahdotninalis. ALVERSON D. L., 1961. Ocean temperatures and their relation to albacore tuna (]-httnHu~ .~,e,'wz,,i distribution in waters off the coast of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. J. Fis'h. Res~ I~& Canad., 18 (6): 1145 1152 Commercial albacore fishing offshore from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, occults during summer months when offshore surface water temperatures exceed 58'F (14.4 C). Fishermen have estabhshed 58'~F (14.4°C) surface temperature as an indicator of " tuna water," and this ruleof-thumb relationship for surface water temperatures and albacore has generally been substantiated by total catch versus temperature records made during albacore investigations. Catch-per-hour data are also in accord with this general thesis. Catch-per-unit-effort data, however, do not indicmc as marked a decline in availability at temperatures between 54 and 58°F (12.2-14-4 C) as might be interpreted from qualitative observations. With the exception of one albacore caught by a gillne| in 1956, all albacore have been taken in Bureau investigations where surface temperatures exceeded 54'F (12.TC) and highest catch rates were obtained between 58 and 61"F (14.4---16-1CI. As the thermocline depth averages about 60 feet (I 8"3 m) in the summer months offshore from the Pacilic Northwest states and temperatures are all well below 50~F (10~C) at the bottom of the thermoclinc, albacore probably inhabit only the overlying (mixed layer) lens of warm oceanic water. Concentrations of albacore appear to occur along the interface of the warm oceanic waters and the cooler waters adjacent to the coast. ARMITAGE K. B. and H. B. HOUSE, 1962. A linmological reconnaissance in the area of McMurdt~ Sound, Antarctica. LimnoL and Oeeanogr., 7 (1): 36-41. During the Antarctic summer of 1960-61, limnological data were collected from a series of meltwater ponds and permanently ice-covered lakes in the area of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (77 51S~ 166 ° 37'E). All ponds were basic and more saline than typical freshwater lakes. Primary production, measured in two ponds by the 'light and dark b o t t l e ' technique, varied from 326 t~ 1008 mgC/m3/day. High intensity of light inhibited photosynthesis in shallow water. Lake Bonncy in Taylor Dry Valley and Lake Vanda in Wright Valley lie in a large ice-free area in South Victoria Land on the west side of McMurdo Sound. Each lake is covered with 3.4-4.2 m of permanent ice and is meromictic. The mixolimnion of Lake Bonney varied from 0'3°-8°C; the monomolimnion was below O'C. The mixolimnion of Lake Vanda varied from 0'7°-9.6°C; the monomolimnion was warmed to 22~C. The lakes are probably warmed geothermally. No zooplankton was found in any of the lakes, but 7 genera of Ciliata, 4 of Rotifera, and one each of Nematoda, Turbellaria, and Tardigrada were collected from the littoral fauna of the meltwater ponds and around the edges of Lakes Bonney and Vanda. ARMSTRONG E. A. J. and E. 1. BUTLER, 1962. Hydrographic surveys off Plymouth in 1959 aN~ 1960. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., U.K., 42 12l: 445--463. An area in the English Channel of about 30 × 45 miles centred on a position about 25 miles south of Plymouth was surveyed twice in 1959 and six times in 1960. Temperature and salinity were measured at 0, 10 and 50 m, and phosphate and silicate concentrations at 10 and 50 m. Lower temperatures were usually found near the coast, though the converse was observed in October 1960. Isotherms generally ran east-west in winter and north-south in summer. The salinity was usuaH> lower near the coast, but not in summer. Density contours generally resembled those of temperature, and suggested an eastward water movement in winter. In sunanaer they suggested an offshore movement at the surface and an onshore movement of the deeper water. In winter the distribution of phosphate and silicate resembled that of salinity high ~alues of nutrients corresponding to low salinities. In summer the depth of thermocline was greater to the west. The properties of the water were so variable from place to place, and changes in them so rapid, that it is difficult'to accept results from station El, or any other single station in the area, as typical of the whole. AZHAZHA V. G., 1962. Explorers of the ocean depths. Priroda, 6: 112-113. Abstract ~ : Soviet-Bloc Res. Geophy. Astr. Space, 1962 (42): 7. JPRS 15, 068 OTS 61-11147-42. A Section on Underwater Research has been established in the Oceanographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences; the section coordinates the work of 30 scientifc institutions. The specialists of the Polar Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fishing and Oceanography tPINRO) have constructed and are now using the new Soviet " G G - 5 7 " hydrostat, a deep-water apparatus which is lowered over the side of a vessel on a cable. V. V. Kitayev of the PINRO has

Oceanographic Abstracts



set a record by descending in the " GG-57 " to a depth of 608 m in the North Atlantic. Soviet scientists have now begun the planning of a new scientific research submarine and a self-propelled apparatus which can reach depths of 2 kin. The Soviet engineers M. N. Diomidov and A. N. Dmitriyev have developed plans for a Soviet bathyscaphe; they have gone much further than their foreign colleagues in developing clever units and components. ARTHUR, R. S., 1962. A note on the dynamics of rip currents. (Abstract). J. Geophys. Res., 67 (9): 3539. A vorticity equation is applied to the flow of a rip current that transports water seaward through a surf zone. If a column of water stretches vertically as it moves into deeper water, the vorticity increases along the streamline. An approximate solution indicates that the width of the current decreases as the depth increases. This action of the nonlinear inertial terms may help to explain the maintenance of a relatively narrow, concentrated pattern of streamlines observed in rips. BAER, L., 1962. An experiment in numerical forecasting of deep-water ocean waves. (Abstract). J. Geophys. Res., 67 (9): 3539-3540. Many applications of wind-wave forecasting require an objective, high-speed method of simultaneously forecasting wave spectrums for large areas. Therefore, a numerical model for forecasting wave spectral fields was defined~ programmed for the IBM 7090 electronic computer, and tested on two samples. The model uses the Neumann spectrum with angular dispersion, as defined by Project SWOP. The usual problems in defining fetch shapes and lnotions are eliminated by considering an equivalent Lagrangian duration. This coordinate system is different for each spectral component, and it follows the group velocity of each component. The spectrum itself is defined by the 120 discrete values of the component spectral energies in ten frequencies and twelve directions. Wave spectrums are forecast for the points of a grid approximately 120 nautical miles apart for 2-hour time steps. First, the wind is allowed to add energy to the water, and each component of the spectrum is then allowed to propagate at its own velocity. The method of propagation allows the component fields to be discontinuous. In both tests computations the method adequately forecasts the rise in significant height as the winds increase. The spectral frequencies forecast are too high, however, and the swell does not decay fast enough. BARNARD K. H., 1962. New records of marine Crustacea from the East African region. O'ustaceana, 3 (3): 239-245. Sechs Arten yon Decapoden Crustaceen, zwei Stomatopoden und eine Isopoden-Art werden yon der Kiiste yon Natal, Delagoa Bay, und von Nosi B6 (Madagascar) gemeldet. Von den Gattungen Sahnoneus, Philarius und Janira wird je eine neue Art beschrieben. BARNES H. and D. M. FINLAYSON, 1962. Presence of ascorbic acid in cirripede semen. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 7 11): 98. During the course of some biochemical work on cirripede semen the presence of considerable quantities of a reducing substance not carbohydrate in nature was observed. 2 : 6 dichlorophenolindophenol and osmic acid were strongly reduced and the presence of ascorbic acid was, therefore suspected. The 2 : 4 dinitrophenylhydrazine method of Roe (1954) indicated the presence of 21 t,g/ml ascorbic acid of seminal plasma and 12 t~g/g of centrifuged spermatozoa of Balanus balanus. The presence of reducing substances, other than carbohydrates, in semen is well known (Mann 1954). Mann and Leone (1953) have shown that in some animals, especially the boar, the reducing substance is largely ergothioneine, although in others ascorbic acid may largely be responsible. Ergothioneine was shown to be absent in the semen of cirripedes. Reducing substances in mammalian semen are produced by the seminal vesicles and it is of considerable interest to find ascorbic acid in the semen of invertebrate, of which this is the first record, and in which the so-called seminal vesicles are supposedly only storage organs and are not functionally comparable with those of a mammal. The function of reducing substances in semen is not entirely understood. According to Phillips, et al. 11940), high fertility bulls produce semen containing more ascorbic acid than low fertility bulls and the parental administration of ascorbic acid enhances fertility. Mann 11954) considered that the importance of ergothioneine might lie in its protective action on spermatozoa exercised through its reducing -SH groups. Brachet 11944) and MacLeod (1951) have indicated the importance of reducing -SH groups for semen motility: cysteine and glutothione protect spermatozoa in vitro from the inhibiting action of -SH binding agents. Mann and Leone (1953) have further shown that ergothioneine is capable of counteracting the paralyzing action of many reagents which either combine with or oxidize -SH groups. Ascorbic acid cannot, like ergothioneine, directly protect against -SH binding agents, although it may afford protection against oxidizing substances. It has, however, been found that the seminal plasma of B. balanus contains considerable quantities of cystine; indeed it is by far the commonest amino acid indicated by paper chromatography. In addition to a possible direct protection against oxidizing substances, ascorbic acid may then take part in a system maintaining the presence of -SH groups which in turn protect -SH enzymes against presence of heavy metals and other thiol reactive agents. It is also of interest to recall that ascorbic acid in concentrations of 14 tLg/L has been shown by Collier, Ray and Wilson (1956) to induce copulatory activity in barnacles.