Abstracts: J. P. G. Japan I994
STUDYOF THE TRANSFER ANDTHE UP-TAKEOF ARACHIDONIC ACID BY HUMAN FETAL MEMBRANE. Meijin Tochigi, Buichi Tochigi ‘, Haruki Yoshinaga. Miki Nagaoka, Yoshimi Hashimoto, Katuo Tubata and Kazuo Satoh, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nihon University, School of medicine, Itabashi, Tokyo and Kawaguchi Medical Centerx, Kawaguchi. Saitama, Japan. The change of the up-take and the transfer of Arachidonic acid(AA) by the fetal membrane is a very important phenomenon in the preparation for prostaglandin(PG) biosynthesis. Steroid hormones are also important, involved in human parturition, but are not well understood with respect to their effects on the process of PG production. Therefore, using fetal membranes, the effects of steroid hormones(Ez & PA) on the up-take and the transfer of AA was investigeted. A flask containing MEMwith BSAwas sealed by the fetal membranes or amnion and soaked in MKMwith 14C-AA(0. 2pCi) added to the fetal side. The incubation was for 1 hr at 37°C with EZ or Pa(l~M). The radioactivity in the medium of the maternal side to obtain the velocity(V) of the transfer and incorporated into the membranes was masured.withamnion only, V(pmol/h) was 108+58 and the addition of EE decreasedittD79+36. Pd showed no effect. Transfer through the fetal membranes was not detected. Incorporation of AA was 63pmol in the fetal membranes and 29.6 in amnion. The addition of EZ caused a decrese of 23% and 35%, respectively. These findings suggest that the effect by EP may be involved in a preparatory step for PG production.
FAMILY AND EGFR IN HUMAN CHORIONIC VILLI. Tadashi Watanabe, Hironobu Sasano”, Takao Fukaya, and Akira Yajima, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and pathology*, Tohoku Umvcrsity School of Medicine, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Eptdermal growth faaor(EGF), Transforming growth factor-a(TGF-a) and amphiregulin are considered to exert their effects through binding to epidermal growth factor rcceptor(EGFR). Cnpto is homologous to EGF in its structure, but it is postulated that it might not to bind with EGFR. We examined localization of TGF-a, amphiregulin, EGFR, and cripto in human chorionic villi of various stages. We collected chorionic villi from 34 cases. 20 cases were in first trimester pregnancy, 6 in second trimester, and 8 in third trimester. Immunohistochemistry was performed on 4% parahormaldehyde fixed and paraffin embedded spieclmens using ABC-peroxidase technique. TGF-a immunoreactivity was intense in the cytotrophoblast(CT), especially in first trimester. Regardless of gestation no amphiregulm immunoreactivity was observed in chorionic villi. EGFR immunoreactivity, observed predominantly as membrane staining, was intense in the syncytiotrophoblast(ST), and moderate in the CT and its frequency decreased as gestational period progressed. Cripto immunoreactivity was mainly observed in the ST, but marked heterogeneity was observed in its expression and its frequency increased as gcstational period progressed. In summary, TGF-cr mainly act in a paracrine manner, i.e., from CT to ST in first trimester chorionic villi. TGF-a is considered to play important roles in biological function, especially prolifcrarion in trophoblasts of early pregnancy. On the other hand, Cripto may play important roles in the maturation or differentiation of trophoblasts.