Neuron, Vol. 1, 669-677,
October, 1988, Copyright 0 1988 by Cell Press
Expression of the Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor Gene Transcripts in the Human Brain be the cause of the amyloid deposits common to Down’s
Rachael 1. New+*+* Elizabeth A. Finch,*+* and Linda R. Dawes*+
however, revealed that the APP gene is distinct from the
of Genetics
The Children’s Boston,
+ Department
and Alzheimer’s
21 responsible
et al.,
(Tanzi et al., 1987c; St. George-Hyslop
for Van
et al., 1987) and that the APP gene is not
*and Program in Neuroscience Medical School
the genetic defect on chromosome Broeckhoven
of Pediatrics
disease. Additional
in sporadic
or familial
et al., 1987; Pod-
lisney et al., 1987).
to these findings, a cDNA encoding an al-
ternate form of the APP that contains a protease inhibi-
tor domain was reported (Tanzi et al., 1988; Kitaguchi et
An alternate form of the Alzheimer amyloid protein precursor mRNA that encodes a protease inhibitor domain has recently been reported. Oligonucleotide probes that differentiate between the two mRNAs are used to describe the expression of each amyloid precursor transcript in the human brain. RNA blot analyses show that one of the mRNAs is expressed selectively in the nervous system, that the two messages display different regional distributions in the adult human brain, and that the expression of the two mRNAs is differentially affected in Down’s syndrome brain and in Alzheimer’s disease frontal cortex. In situ hybridization shows that the two transcripts display the same laminar distribution in the adult cortex but that the transcripts differ significantly in their levels of expression in pyramidal cells of the hippocampus.
tion, we utilize
al., 1988; Ponte et al., 1988). In the present communicaoligonucleotides
of the APP mRNAs
human brain. RNA (Northern) tissue distribution
specific for each form
to characterize
their expression
and overall regional distribution
APP RNAs within the brain; in situ hybridization allow us to identify specific cellular the brain that express the mRNAs. the expression inhibitor tissues.
encoding the protease lacking this do-
reported APP cDNA;
1987) appears to be preferentially is found principally
in neurons of the associative neocor-
the hippocampus,
both APP mRNAs
of Alzheimer’s
marked by deposits of the proteinaceous
the mRNA
encoding the protease inhibitor
loid in the walls of the cerebral microvasculature
and in et al.,
plaques (Roth
1966; Terry et al., 1981; Whitehouse 198313). Similar
et al., 1982; Glen-
the brains of older Down’s syndrome
occur in
(DS) patients (Mal-
amud, 1972) and, to a much lesser degree, in association
Tissue Distribution of the APP mRNlAs Northern
blot analysis
was used to determine
man fetal tissue distribution (Figure 1). Hybridizations
with cDNA clone FB68L
et al., 1987a) are shown for comparison; bridizes
with both APP transcripts.
revealed a 4.2
the amino
kd polypeptide
acid sequence
was obtained
et al., 1988;
that specifically
AMY3 is a 40 base oligonucleotide
Several groups have used this sequence to isolate amy-
insert junctions,
loid protein precursor
with a 3.4-3.6
in the brain and other
that were shown to
kb mRNA
et al.,
the hybridization al., 1987). FB68L
et al., 1987). These findings suggested the possibility
amyloid deposits in Alzheimer’s an abnormal
modification possibility
of a normal
was strengthened
disease may result from or a posttranslational
by the finding that the gene
encoding the amyloid beta protein is found on chromosome 21 (Tanzi
et al., 1987a;
Kang et al., 1987;
gaber et al., 1987; Robakis et al., 1987) and hence may
and HL124i
bridize to 3.4-3.6
with the
domain under
used. This AMY3 transcript
to the APP cDNA
1987a; Kang et al., 1987; Goldgaber et al., 1987; Robakis that
with the APP domain (Tanzi
spanning the HL124i
which specifically
lacking the protease inhibitor
is a 22 base
Kitaguchi et al., 1988; Ponte et al., 1988);
(Glenner and Wong, 1984a, 1984b; Masters et al., 1985). (APP) cDNAs
this cDNA
transcript encoding the protease inhibitor
of amyloid
the hu-
of the APP gene transcripts
with the normal aging process. Isolation of the principal which
in both normal
material amy-
the core of extracellular
are ex-
pressed in the pyramidal neurons of Ammon’s horn, but
adult and aged DS brains.
ner, 1983a,
Kang et al.,
expressed in brain and
present at higher levels in these cells
in the brain and in other
On the other hand, APP mRNA
tex. Within
of the studies
Our results show that
of the APP mRNA
domain is widespread
main (i.e., the initially
blots are used to examine
reported (Kang et
tissue expression
has been
(Tanzi et al., 1987a, 1988); both hy-
kb RNA species in all human fetal tis-
sues examined. AMY3 hybridizes
to RNA species of the
same molecular weight (Figure lA), but hybridization
only seen in human fetal brain. HL124i
and AMY3 were hybridized
with a second set
of human fetal tissue RNAs (Figure 1B). These hybridizations confirmed
the ubiquitous
nature of the transcript
Neuron 670
HL1241 -
FB68L Figure 2. Hybridization Brain
- HL124i
of HL124i and AMY3 to RNA from Adult
HL124i and AMY3 were hybridized to RNA (10 ug) from the brain of a 51-year-old female (PM1 = 2 hr; designation B1154). Cb, cerebellum; Tha, dorsal thalamus; Hi, hippocampus; Amyg., amygdala; AlO, frontal pole of the cortex; A20 and A21, temporal association cortex; A44, anterior perisylvian cortex-opercular gyrus; A7, parietal cortex; A19, extrastriate cortex; A17, striate cortex; Al, primary somatosensory cortex; A4, motor cortex. Exposure time for both hybridizations was 20 hr.
Regional Distribution of APP mRNAs in the Adult Human Brain The same probes were hybridized
to RNAs from differ-
ent regions of the adult human brain (Figure 2). We previously
showed (Tanzi et al., 1987a) that the APP mRNA,
as indicated by hybridization
with FB68L,
shows marked
regional variation in the adult human brain. Expression of the gene is highest in the association cally in Brodmann
contrast, the distribution a-
tively homogeneous
HL124i and AMY3 Expression in
detects both alternate mRNAs
gene, whereas containing
(A) 20- to 22-week fetal tissues; (B) 18-week fetal tissue. All tissue was obtained from midtrimester elective abortuses under protocols approved by the institutional review board at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Total RNA (25 pg) was loaded in each lane. In (A), the blot to which HL124i and AMY3 were hybridized was equivalenttothat used in the FB68L hybridization. HL124i and AMY3 were successively hybridized to the same RNA blot for (B). The FB68L hybridization was exposed for 16 hr; all other blots shown were exposed for 48 hr.
of the HLl24i
is rela-
across the brain regions (see Tanzi
et al., 1988, and a second case, shown here in Figure 2). Since FB68L
Figure 1. Comparison of FB68L, Human Fetal Tissues
cortex, specifi-
areas AIO, A20/21, A40, and A44. In
the differential
the brain revealed by FB68L due to the APP transcript This
with the AMY3
from the APP
to the HLl24i-
of APP in
was assumed to be primarily lacking the HLl24i
is confirmed
by the results
in Figure 2. The
stronger signal in associative areas of the neocortex seen upon hybridization richment
with FB68L
indicates a relative en-
in these regions of the APP transcript
the HLl24i
insert (detected by AMY3).
containing APP mRNA
lacking HLl24i-
is expressed at considerably
er levels in the hippocampus than is the mRNA detected by AMY3.
cated in a regional
of hybridzation
were repli-
of three additional
human brains (see Neve et al., 1988, for FB68L detected by HLl24i
and added meninges,
spinal cord,
data for AMY3
and HLl24i
are not shown).
and cerebellum to the tissues found to express this RNA.
should be noted that although the case shown in Figure
The AMY3 transcript
was additionally
2 displays
cord and cerebellum
but was not found in any other tis-
sue, including bridization
detected in spinal
Note the lack of positive hy-
to kidney RNA in Figure IB; the band seen
a relative abundance of the HLl24i
contrast was not evident in other individuals. To quantify our observations, analysis
to an overloaded
lane. Thus,
the RNA to
ond protease
that is, the RNA
lacking the
tide, HLl25i,
protease selectively
in the nervous
appears to be expressed
inhibitor which
was 40 bases in length.
blot analysis confirmed HLl24i
we carried out a slot blot
in which we used as probes AMY3 and a sec-
in kidney RNA in Figure IA may represent AMY3
RNA in
compared with other brain regions, this
the specificity
of HLl25i
Both oligonucleotides
Northern for the
were radiola-
Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor Gene Expression 671
beled to a specific activity of 5 x 1Oacpmlwg and were hybridized to a slot blot containing RNAs from hippocampus, frontal cortex (AlO), and inferior temporal cortex (A20) from four different adult brains. Densitometric analysis revealed that the relative abundance of the AMY3 transcript in these regions was 1:2.5:2, respectively; for the HL125i transcript, it was lZ1.2:l.l. Acrosscomparison of the two RNAs showed that the abundance of AMY3 RNA relative to HLlESi RNA in each region was 0.6, 1.4, and 1.2, respectrively. These data confirm the qualitative impression derived from the Northern blot analyses.
Figure 3. Hybridization DS and AD Brain
of HL124i, AMY3, and FB68L to RNA from
(A) Northern blots of HL124i and AMY3 hybridizations to total mRNA (25 pg) from 19-week normal (N fetal) and trisomy 21 (DS fetal) brains, adult normal (N cb) and AD (AD cb) cerebellum, and adult normal (N ctx) and AD (AD ctx) frontal cortex. Fetal tissue was obtained from an abortus with a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and from an age-matched normal abortus. Adult tissue was obtained from autopsy brains of a case of histologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease and from an individual without dementing illness. Control hybridization with a cDNA for the microtubule-associated protein tau (Neve et al., 1986) is shown above. Tau gives a pattern of hybridization in normal versus AD cortex that is typical of a number of cDNAs we have tested, both neuron-specific and otherwise, and that probably reflects the extensive neuronal loss in AD frontal cortex. The three autoradiograms are the results of independent hybridizations with the same filter. RNA isolation and hybridizations were performed as described in Figure 1. Exposure time for the AMY3 blot was 48 hr.; for the HL124i blot it was 72 hr. (B) Hybridizations of FB68L, HL124i. and AMY3 to RNA (10 pg) from the brain of a 37-year-old DS female (PM1 = 23.6 hr; 81037). Cb, cerebellum; C-e caudate putamen; Hi, hippocampus; AlO, frontal pole of the cortex; A20, temporal association cortex; A40, posterior perrsylvian cortex-supramarginal gyrus; A44, anterior perisylvian cortex-opercular gyrus; A6, supplementary motor cortex; A7, parietal cortex; A19 and A18, extrastriate cortex; A17, striate cortex; Al, primary somatosensory cortex; A4, motor cortex. The brain was confirmed upon autopsy to display the neuropathological characteristics of aged DS brains (neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and cerebrovascular amyloid). A second DS brain displaying similar patterns of hybridization, was from a 57-year-old DS female (PM1 = 13.2 hr; 8937). The FB68L blot was exposed for 20 hr. the HLl24i blot for 5 days, and the AMY3 blot for 7 days.
APP Expression in Down’s Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease HL124i and AMY3 were hybridized with RNAs from brain tissue of individuals with Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease (Figure 3A); hybridizations were compared with those using a cDNA fot the microtubuleassociated protein tau (Neve et al., 1986). It is clear that in 19-week fetal brain the AMY3 transcript is expressed normally at higher levels than the HL124i transcript. The intensity of HL124i and AMY3 ‘hybridizations to mRNA from a 19-week DS fetal brain are both increased several-fold relative to hybridizations with RNA from the normal 19-week fetal brain, indicating that both APP transcripts are overexpressed in DS brain. Hybridizations of HL124i and AMY3 to adult normal and AD cerebellum, a region relatively spared in Altheimet’sdisease, show that both transcripts are present, at approximately normal levels in AD cerebellum. Hotiever, HL124i and AMY3 hybridizations to normal and AD frontal cortex reveal striking differences in the expression of the two transcripts. The level of HL124i mRNA is near normal, whereas the AMY3 transcript appears to be selectively lost in AD frontal cortex. This loss may be due to death of the neurons that normally express the AMY3 transcript, or to decreased expression of this transcript in affected regions of the AD brain. Thle level of HL124i expression could appear relatively unaffected in AD if the cells expressing this transcript are spared or if the transcript is overexpressed to the extent that, despite loss of cells expressing HL124i RNA, a significant level of the message remains. The patterns of expression of AMY3 and HL124i transcripts shown here were confirmed in two additional cases of fetal DS brailn relative to agematched controls and in two additional cases of AD cerebellum and cortex compared with adult controls. We again quantified our results by hybridizing all three blots (i.e., the blot shown in Figure 3A and the two blots with additional cases that are not shoivn) to AMY3 and then to Hl125i (both labeled to a specific activity of 5 x 1Oacpmlpg) and performing dengitometric analysis on the hybridization signals that we obtained. The average abundance of AMY3 RNA in DS fetal brain compared with normal was 4.6; that of HL125i RNA in DS relative to normal was 3.8. For both, transcripts, there was no significant difference in levels between normal and AD cerebellum. The average ratio for AMY3 RNA in normal relative to AD cortex was 3.5; for HL125i RNA it was 1.5.
Neuron 672
‘. ‘.
Figure 4. Expression
in Adult
as Determined
*. . I. fl
by In Situ Hybridization
In situ hybridization was performed with an antisense RNA probe transcribed with SP6 polymerase from a 700 bp EcoRI-Hindlll subfragment of FB68L in pCEM3. A17, striate cortex (primary visual area); A20, inferior temporal cortex (association area); A10, frontal cortex; A4, motor cortex-precentral gyrus (primary motor area); A40, posterior perisylvian cortex-superamarginal gyrus. Roman numerals indicate the cortical
Attempts to do a regional analysis of APP expession AD brains were unsuccessful
in most cortical areas. However,
surveys of two aged DS
(ages 37 and 57 years) were carried
is shown
in Figure 3B. The expression
RNA appears relatively
due to degradation of RNA out; the of HL124i
unaffected in aged DS brain; it
shown in Figure 2. Both the strength and the laminar pattern of hybridization
in agreement with Northern
blot data. A4 and A40 dis-
play moderate levels, and Al7 hybridization.
The laminar distribution
is seen at high and relatively invariant levels across brain
regions. The AMY3 RNA is normally
present at relatively
vary among the different
areas. A20 and A10 exhibit highest APP gene expression,
strong hybridization
low levels, of varies from the
seen in the associative areas A20 and AlO, to the
high levels in associative neocortex (AlO, A20, A40, A44,
more striking
A6, and A7); however, in both aged DS brains, its expres-
plays strongest signal in layers III and V. A17, primary vi-
sion is depressed in these areas compared with normal.
variable laminar pattern in A4, which diswhich
packed granule
cells and relatively few pyramidal cells, exhibits weak hy-
localization of APP mRNAs by in Situ Hybridization To analyze the distribution man brain regions
in the Adult Brain
of APP mRNAs
by in situ hybridization,
in adult huwe initially
To differentiate
(Tanzi et al., 1987a). Note that this hybridization
The results (Figure 4)
and expand the RNA blot analysis
with FB68L
between the patterns of expression
the two APP transcripts
of both APP transcripts.
the highest levels of APP mRNA.
used an RNA probe transcribed from a subclone of FB68L expression
in layers III and V/VI. These
data suggest that in cortex,
probes HL124i
in situ hybridizations. temporal
above, we used the
and AMY3 in subsequent
cortex of 1% to 20.week
of the probes to the fetal brain is shown
Alzheimer 673
Precursor Gene Expression
Figure 5. In Situ Hybridization
of HL124i and AMY3
(A) Bright-field, HL124i; (B) dark-field, compared with HL124i
in Figure 5. The higher levels of AMY3 HL124i
to 19- to 20-Week Temporal
HL124i; (C) bright-field,
APP RNA than
RNA in fetal brain revealed first by RNA blot anal-
ysis (Figure 3) are dramatically
by in situ hy-
In contrast, the two transcripts lar pattern of exression
appear to have a simi-
in the adult cortex. Northern
revealed that the AMY3
higher levels than the HL124i
is expressed
in associative neo-
Cortex AMY3.
date-putamen, bution
of cells expressing
is evident in both aged DS brain
(Figures 6A and 66) and control adult brain (Figures 6C
reflected in the observed heavier labeling of many corti-
and 6D). The contrast
of the observation that HL124i
relative to HL124i.
The laminar distribution and mirrored antisense
that shown
is particularly
of each transcript was similar,
pyramidal cells in the cortex is considerably than AMY3
which detects both mRNAs
(Figure 4).
We have observed bridize
cells in layer V compared with layer II for HL124i
their expression
in A44
In A4, the V:ll
ratio for HL124i
was 1.5. While
the hybridization
was 1.8; that for AMY3 for each probe is not
that both HL124i
to a variety of neuronal
was 2.0; the same ratio was observed for AMY3 in A44.
in nonneuronal
RNA blot analysis
is robustly
while AMY3
clearly that neither APP transcript
ing to their cytoarchitecture. strikingly
The differential
levels of
of the two APP messages are revealed most in subcortical
areas by both RNA blot analysis
reveal’s that the HL124i
in human fetal meningeal
ing reflects the laminar
of pyramidal
and AMY3
cells in the brain is more
not detectable. Our
less intense
types. The question
restricted to pyramidal cells, the overall pattern of labelrons in the cortex, which varies among regions accord-
in light
to individual
For example, the ratio of density of grains over pyramidal
by the hybridization
with the
in pyramidal
mRNA in these hippocampal neurons rel-
cal neurons
by AMY3
with the HL124i
cells of Ammon’s horn (Figure 6). The increased expression of HL124i
but it may be
of both
these messages in the hip-
being more abundant
ative to AMY3
readily apparent with in situ hybridization,
of HL124i
and diffuse. The distri-
pocampus is more circumscribed, script
in the adult cau-
where the pattern of expression
seems to be widespread
pattern across cortical regions. This
was not
In situ hybridization
is much higher than that of AMY3
cortex; the latter message displays a less heterogeneous difference
Note the increased density of AMY3-labeled
and in situ hybridization.
(0) dark-field,
to meningeal
in situ hybridization
RNA is
data indicate
is expressed in the en-
dothelial cells lining blood vessels in the brain (Figure 7). Neither the antisense RNA probe that detects both messages (Figure 7A) nor either of the oligonucleotide (AMY3 shown in Figure 7B) hybridizes
to these cells. Fig-
Figure 6. In Situ Hybridization
of HL124i and AMY3
to Pyramidal
Cells in DS and Control
(A and B) Hippocampus from a 37-year-old patient with Down’s syndrome. (C and D) Hippocampus individual. HL124i hybridizes more intensely to these neurons than does AMY3.
7C illustrates
types in A44;
of AMY3
cells besides pyramidal
cell types have been definitively ronal. Although
to a variety
is expressed
None of these other identified
as nonneu-
we cannot rule out the possibility
one or both of the APP transcripts
is expressed
in the brain, only
been positively
in the cerebellum, affected in Alzheimer’s
in other
as expressing
in non-
have so far
a region of the brain largely undisease, the most striking
ization of both probes is to Purkinje
surveys of a number of tissues,
cells in the molecu-
using RNAase protection
assays, will be required to determine whether this mRNA is expressed exclusively below the sensitivity AMY3 transcript deposition
in the brain or is present at levels
of RNA blots in other tissues.
If the
is indeed made only in the brain, the
of amyloid deposits exclusively
in Alzheimer’s dividuals
from a 56-year-old
in this organ
disease and in aged Down’s syndrome
may be the result of an abnormality
only the protein made by this mRNA.
The increased ex-
pression of the AMY3 mRNA in associative neocortex relative to primary
cortex is exemplified
lar layer (Figure 7D).
atively higher hybridization
cies may contribute
by its rel-
signal in A20 compared with
Al7 (Figure 2; see also Figure 4, in which this RNA speto the inceased density of grains in
A20 compared with A17). This regional variation parallels Previous
studies that described the in situ hybridization
the regional distribution
of neurofibrillary
tangles found
pattern delineating AAP gene expression
in the human
in visual cortices of AD brains (Lewis et al., 1987). Al-
brain (Bahmanyar
1987) utilized
though this same study showed that the number of neu-
et al., 1987; Coedert,
have devised oligonucleotide tween the two mRNAs. cDNAs
ritic plaques did not vary between primary and associa-
tive visual cortical regions, earlier studies have postulated
to the
a greater number of neuritic plaques and cerebrovascu-
probes common to both APP transcripts.
probes that distinguish
The mRNA corresponding
isolated (Tanzi et al., 1987a; Kang et
lar amyloid deposits in association than in primary sen-
al., 1987; Goidgaber et al., 1987; Robakis et al., 1987),
i.e., the mRNA
lacking the protease inhibitor
shown to be expressed
domain, is
in brain. Rigorous
areas (Mlandybar, and Gibert,
et al.,
The laminar distribution
of the two APP mRNAs
Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor Gene Expression 675
Figure 7. In Situ Hybridization
of APP Antisense RNA and AMY3 to Neuronal and Nonneuronal
Hybridization of APP Antisense RNA (see Figure 4) and AMY3 to areas around blood vessels in the adult brain (A and 6). No hybridi zation is seen to endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. (C) Hybridization of AMY3 to pyramidal and other cell types in A44. (D) Hybridi zation of APP antisense RNA to Purkinje cell in the cerebellum.
the cortex is very similar.
It varies among regions in a
manner parallel to the distribution al cells in the cortex. mRNA
the lamination
is not well defined,
clearly expressed preferentially and the distribution of neocortical studies
of the large pyramid-
(Pearson et al., 1985;
Both RNA blot analysis
also displays
changes during
et al., 1988).
et al., 1986).
is expressed
drop in
levels do not
is a cell surface
Such a protein would
message. The
a developmental
the HL124i
been suggested that the APP mediating
in several
and in situ hybridization
in fetal brain than the HL124i
abundance, whereas
parallels that
as reported
sults reveal that the AMY3 transcript vigorously
it is nevertheless
in certain cortical layers;
of the mRNA
of APP
et al.,
It has protein 1988;
be expected
to be present in abundance in the developing compared with the adult brain and may be encoded specifically the AMY3 transcript. process outgrowth
depend on a balance between the
two APP gene products, tion to maturity.
Perhaps rates of cell migration and which shifts during the transi-
of both APP messages
in DS fetal brain, which we demonstrate rupt these developmental
here, could dis-
It is intriguing that the AMY3 mRNA seems to be preferentially
lost in AD frontal
cortex and in association
areas of aged DS brain (Figure 3), whereas the HL124i mRNA
is comparatively
The decrease in AMY3
unaffected in these same areas. hybridization
suggests that cells which are lost,
on the RNA blots express
perhaps due to some stimulIus
production is difficult
or down-regulation to determine
by RNA
this mRNA
causing over-
of the AMY3 blot analysis
is depressed in AD or DS hip-
pocampus, since it is normally than HL124i
in this region of the brain. Careful
in situ hybridization expression
expressed at lower levels
of the level and pattern of
of these two transcripts
in the associative cor-
tex and hippocampus of normal and affected brains may shed some light on the participation
of the APP gene
products in the process of neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and Down’s syndrome. Experimental
Oligonucleotide Probes The 22 base oligonucleotide termed HL124i is homologous to a relatively nonconserved portion of the nucleotide sequence encoding the protease inhibitor domain present in the previously described alternate APP message (Tanzi et al., 1988). The sequence of HL124i is 5’-CATCCACTACTCTTCTCTGTCA-3’. The 40 base oligonucleotide termed AMY3 encompasses 20 bases on either side of the potential splice junction sites in the cDNA HL124 (Tanzi et al., 1988), which includes the protease inhibitor domain; it encompasses 40 contiguous bases in cDNAs lacking this domain. The sequence of AMY3 is 5’-CTCGCTGCTGTTGTAGGAACTCGAACCACCTTTCCACAGA-3’. For quantitative analysis, a 40 base oligonucleotide specific for another nonconserved region of the protease inhibitor domain, termed HL124i, was synthesized. The sequence of HL125i is S’-HCTTCCCTTCAGTCACATCAAAGTACCAGCGGGAGATCAT-3’. RNA Blot Hybridization Oligonucleotides were 32P-labeled using T4 polynucleotide kinase (BRL). The specific activity of both radiolabeled oligonucleotides was consistently 2 x 10s to 4 x lo* cpmlpg. Hybridizations with HL124i were carried out in 5x SSC (lx SSC = 0.15 M sodium chloride, 0.015 M sodium citrate), 50% formamide at 30°C, followed by three 30 min washes in 3x, 2x, and lx SSC at room temperature. Hybridizations with AMY3 were carried out in the same buffer at 37°C and were washed two times for 20 min each at 58’C in 3 M tetramethylammonium chloride, 2 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris (pH 8.0). Methods of RNA isolation and hybridization with FB68L have previously been described (Tanzi et al., 1987a). Blots were exposed to Kodak X-Omat AR film. For slot blot hybridization, RNA samples (2 pg) were vacuumdried, dissolved in 50 ul of 6.1 M formaldehyde in 10x SSC at 65°C for 15 min, and brought to a volume of 200 ~1 with 15x SSC. Biotrans membrane was prewetted with 10x SSC and placed on a slot minifold apparatus (Schleicher and Schuell). Samples were loaded and vacuum-applied. Filters were baked under vacuum at 80°C for 1 hr, and the RNA was cross-linked to the membrane by exposure to UV light for 2 min. Hybridizations were performed as described for AMY3 Northern blots, except that the hybridization temperature was increased to 42°C. Radioactive signals from blots were estimated with the LKB Ultroscan XL soft laser scanning densitometer. Areas under optical density peaks over a path encompassing the length of the entire slot or lane were measured. Exposure time for all slot blots was 60 hr. Exposure time for the Northern blots on which densitometric analysis was performed (see Results) was 48 hr. In Situ Hybridization Human brains from two adults with no neurological disorders (56 year-old-male, postmortem interval [PMI] = 12.5 hr; designation 81047; 51-year-old female, PMI = 2 hr; 81154) and from a 37-yearold patient with Down’s syndrome (81037; described in Figure 3) were analyzed. Brain tissues were immersion-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 24 hr, cryoprotected in buffered 30% sucrose (4°C) for 2 days, and stored at -70°C until being sectioned. Brains were cut at -22°C at lo-15 pm intervals. Sections were mounted on microscope slides coated with TESPA (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Pierce) and activated with 4% PFA and stored dessicated at -80°C. Radiolabeled ([?S]UTP Amersham, 800-1000 Ciimmol) RNA
was synthesized from the FB68L subclone in pGEM-3, using Promega Biotec protocol, to a specific activity of lo9 cpm per pg of template. Tissue sections were rehydrated through graded ethanols, pretreated in 20 mM HCI, 0.01% Triton X-100, 1 ug/ml proteinase K, postfixed with 4% PFA, and acetylated by immersing the slides in 100 mM triethanolamine (pH 8), 0.25% acetic anhydride and stiring for 10 min. After the sections were rinsed in PBS with 2 mg/ml glycine, they were prehybridized in 50% deionized formamide, 2x SSC, 25 &ml yeast tRNA, 250 us/ml salmon testes DNA, 0.1% Ficoll, 0.1% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 0.1% bovine serum albumin, 0.2% SDS, 25 mM EDTA for 1 to several hours at 55°C. The prehybridization mix was drained from the slides, which were then incubated with hybridization buffer (prehybridization mix plus 1 x lob cpm of probe per 75 ul] at 55OC overnight. After hybridization, sections were washed in 2x, lx, and 0.1x SSC for 30 min each at room temperature, then in 0.1 x SSC at 42OC, 55”C, and 65’C. Finally, they were treated with l-20 &ml RNAase A in 2x SSC at 37OC for 30 min, washed in 2x SSC at 6S°C for 15 min, air-dried briefly, dehydrated through graded concentrations of ethanol, and dipped twice in xylene. The sections were air-dried, dipped in Kodak NTB2 emulsion, and exposed at 4OC for 3 days to 3 weeks. Slides were developed in Kodak D19 developer and fixed in Kodak fix; the sections were counterstained lightly with 0.1% cresyl violet. Hybridization was observed using both bright-field and dark-field microscopy, and Kodak Panatonic-X (continuous tone) film was used for photography. Oligonucleotide probes were labeled by tailing with [‘%]dCTP (Amersham, >lOOO Cilmmol) using terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase according to the protocol recommended by the supplier (Bethesda Research Labs). Hybridization with the oligonucleotides was carried out in hybridization buffer identical to that described above. except that the salmon sperm DNA was removed, the salt was raised to 5x SSC, and 10% dextran sulfate was included. HL124i was hybridized at 30°C and washed at 37°C in 2x SSC (four 15 min washes) and then lx SSC (four 15 min washes); AMY3 was hybridized at 37°C and washed at 5S°C in 2x SSC (four 15 min washes) and then lx SSC (four 15 min washes). Under these conditions, as verified by RNA blot analysis, the oligonucleotide probes hybridized only to APP mRNA species and displayed no nonspecific hybridization to ribosomal RNA. Pretreatment of sections with RNAase A abolished specific hybridization of probes to cells. All oligonucleotide in situ hybridization was photographed with Kodak Tri-X pan film and developed with Kodak HCllO (dilution B).
We thank Dr. A. S. Whitehead for synthesizing the oligonucleotides and Drs. F. Bieber, W. Kupsky, E. Bird, L. Benowitz, K. Kosik, and J. P Vonsattel for fetal and brain tissue, and for dissecting many of the brains. Much of the tissue was provided by the Brain Tissue Resource Center, which is supported in part by PHS grant number MH/NS 31862. We are grateful to Drs. L. Fritz, P Rosenberg, W. F. White, L. Benowitz, and P Stork for their comments and criticisms during the course of this project. A very special thanks to M. E. Drumm, who typed this manuscript even though it is not part of her job description. Supported by NIH grant HD18658 to R. L. N.. Received May 16, 1988; revised August 16, 1988. References Bahmanyar, S., Higgins, G. A., Goldgaber, D., Lewis, D. A., Morrison, J. H., Wilson, M. C., Shankar, S. K., and Gajdusek, D. C. (1987). Localization of amyloid beta protein messenger RNA in brains from patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Science 237, 77. Duyckaerts, C., Hauw, J.-j., Bastenaire, F., Piette, F., Poulain, C., Rainsard, V., javoy-Agid, F., and Berthauy, t? (1986). Laminar distribution of neocortical senile plaques in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. Acta Neuropathol. 70, 249-256. Dyrks, T., Weidemann, A., Multhaup, G., Salbaum, J. M., Lemaire, H.-G., Kang, J., Mtiller-Hill, B., Masters, C. L., and Beyreuther, K.
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