The water-oven method, with open dishes, gives variations in both duplicate and check duplicate determinations, which indicates that this method is both inaccurate and unreliable. The property of flour of losing or gaining weight when exposed to the atmosphere of the laboratory shows that special precautions must be taken to prevent any change in weight when weighing the sample for analysis, during the period of cooling after it is dried, and when making the final weighing. The ordinary desiccator, with anhydrous calcium chloride as the dehydrating agent, is of little value, if any, in preventing dried exposed flour from increasing in weight during the period of cooling. E X T R A C T I O N A N D E S T I M A T I O N OF L I P O I D S IN CEREAL PRODUCTS? By Olaf S. Rask and Isaac K. Phelps.
[ABST~Cr.] THE official method for the determination of fats in uncooked cereal products extracts less than one-half of the lipoids or ethersoluble material in macaroni, as measured by the quantity extracted by the ammoniacal method described in this paper. In the case of egg noodles, the official method extracts about threefourths of the quantity of lipoids extracted by the ammoniacal alcohol method. The lipoid content of egg noodles determined directly by the ammoniacal alcohol method checks with their lipoid content as computed from the lipoid content of their component materials, also determined by the ammoniacal alcohol method. If ether-soluble material is combined with other materials, whether carbohydrate or otherwise, so as not to be extractable by ether, as believed by Nelson and Taylor in the case of starch, this combination can be broken by an ammoniacal alcohol solution without hydrolyzing the starch, so that apparently all ether-soluble material can be extracted by ether in uncooked flour products. The Radium-emanation Content of Sea Air from Observations Aboard the Carnegie, i915-i921. S.J. MAUCHLY. (Terrestrial Mag., Dec., 1924.)--Determination of the radio-active content of the air was a regular feature of the work of the Carnegie during Published in Ind. Eng. Chem., 17 (Feb., 1925) : 187.