Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
Factor representing portfolios in large asset markets Enrique Sentana∗ CEMFI, Casado del Alisal 5, Madrid 28014, Spain
Abstract We study the properties of mimicking portfolios in an intertemporal APT model, in which the conditional mean and covariance matrix of returns vary in an interdependent manner. We use a signal extraction approach, and relate the e/ciency of (possibly) dynamic basis portfolios to mean square error minimisation. We prove that many portfolios converge to the factors as the number of assets increases, but show that the conditional Kalman 1lter portfolios are the ones with both minimum tracking error variability, and maximum correlation with the common factors. We also show that our conclusions are unlikely to change when using parameter estimates. c 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classication: G11; C32 Keywords: Factor models; Basis portfolios; APT; Intertemporal asset pricing; Kalman 1lter
1. Introduction There is a long tradition of factor or multi-index models in 1nance, where they were originally introduced to simplify the computation of the covariance matrix of returns in a mean-variance portfolio allocation framework. In this context, the common factors usually correspond to unanticipated innovations in observable economic variables, or unobserved fundamental in:uences on returns. In addition, the concept of factors plays a crucial role in two major asset pricing theories: the mutual fund separation theory (see e.g. Ross, 1978), of which the standard CAPM is a special case, and the arbitrage pricing theory (see Ross (1976), and Connor (1984) for a unifying approach). In theoretical asset pricing models with a countably in1nite collection of primitive assets, it is possible to mimic perfectly the behaviour of the common factors by means of risky, ∗
Tel.: +34-91429-0551; fax: +34-91429-1056. E-mail address:
[email protected] (E. Sentana).
c 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 0304-4076/$ - see front matter doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(03)00197-0
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
well diversi1ed, limit portfolios (see e.g. Chamberlain and Rothschild, 1983; Connor, 1984; Huberman, 1982; Ingersoll, 1984; or Stambaugh, 1983). In these models, agents trade costlessly, so the relative merits of diDerent methods to approximate the common factors are not at stake. However, in empirical applications, such as tests of the model restrictions, asset allocation, hedging decisions or portfolio performance evaluation, only data on a 1nite number of assets are available, and, hence, the factors have to be proxied by basis portfolios obtained from the collection of asset at hand. This would also be true in an economy with a 1nite number of securities, as the available data would never include all existing assets (cf. Roll, 1977). This problem received some attention in the 1nance literature a few years ago, and several methods were proposed to construct factor representing portfolios with time-invariant weightings that yield consistent estimates of the common factors as the number of assets increases (see e.g. Chamberlain and Rothschild, 1983; Chen, 1983; Connor and Korajczyk, 1988; Grinblatt and Titman, 1987; Ingersoll, 1984; Huberman et al., 1987; Lehmann and Modest, 1985). However, two important issues have not yet been fully investigated: 1. There has been very little discussion on the e/ciency of the diDerent procedures; most of the existing results are only concerned with consistency. 2. The methods proposed thus far only consider passive (i.e. static) portfolios, as opposed to active (i.e. dynamic) investment strategies, which would use the available information at the time agents’ decisions are taken to form portfolios. In traditional empirical applications of static asset pricing models, one can ignore these issues at little cost because (i) a very large collection of assets is typically used, and (ii) conditioning information plays no eDective role (see e.g. Lehmann and Modest, 1988). In contrast, both these points are particularly important in the rapidly expanding empirical literature modelling the time variation in the means, variances and covariances of 1nancial assets (see Bollerslev et al. (1992) for a survey). The number of securities considered in this work has typically been small, very much smaller than in the more traditional approach, and often, the applications have been explicitly related to dynamic asset pricing models (see e.g. King et al., 1994). The purpose of this paper is to 1ll in this gap in the literature by analysing the statistical properties of alternative ways of creating actively and passively managed mimicking portfolios from a 1nite number of assets in the context of the dynamic version of the APT developed in King et al. (1994). In this model, the actions of the agents are based on the distribution of returns conditional on their time-varying information set. As a result, both the conditional mean and covariance matrix of asset returns change through time, and furthermore, the former is closely linked to the latter. 1 The class of factor scores that we consider is motivated by practical situations in which an agent would like to form portfolios from the 1nite collection of asset at 1
In the context of bidimensional stochastic processes (or random 1elds), their asset pricing approach could also be interpreted as using economic theory to impose restrictions on the time-series dependence of asset returns from restrictions on its conditional cross-sectional correlation.
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hand in period t − 1, whose payoDs in period t closely replicate the factors. Asset allocations that “track” a particular factor, or “basket” hedging decisions constitute obvious examples. But since any conceivable factor representing portfolio will be a linear combination of the assets with (possibly) time-varying stochastic weights, signi1cant improvements may be obtained by considering the conditional distribution of returns when forming mimicking portfolios. For this reason, we explicitly analyse the class of dynamic basis portfolios whose weights depend on the conditioning information. Given that all basis portfolios proposed so far employ constant weightings, such a novel class includes them as special cases, but is far more general. Importantly, our results do not depend on any speci1c distributional assumptions, although they require correctly speci1ed 1rst and second conditional moments. From the econometrician’s point of view, the factors are eDectively unknown. And although they could be regarded as a set of parameters in any given realisation of the asset returns, it is more appropriate to use a signal extraction approach in our context, because the factors can take diDerent values in diDerent realisations. In this respect, note that since we use portfolios to estimate the underlying factors, we implicitly restrict ourselves to the class of conditionally linear predictors with time-varying stochastic weightings, and exclude any non-linear 1lters and smoothers. A signi1cant advantage of our signal extraction framework is that we can assess the e/ciency of the diDerent basis portfolios in terms of their mean square error (MSE), the standard statistical decision theory criterion. As we shall see, the MSE criterion can also be given an intuitive justi1cation in terms of an investor with mean-variance preferences, as it corresponds to the so-called “tracking error” variability in the 1nance literature. In addition, we also investigate the correlation of the diDerent replicating portfolios with the common factors. The paper is divided as follows. In Section 2, we discuss our dynamic asset pricing restrictions in the theoretical framework employed by King et al. (1994). We also de1ne the factor representing limit portfolios, and introduce a dynamic speci1cation that is compatible with an unconditional factor structure for the innovations in returns, so that the usual passive mimicking portfolio strategies are not meaningless. The statistical properties of the basis portfolios are discussed at length in Section 3. In particular, after introducing them, we study their behaviour both in 1nite samples and asymptotically, compare their relative e/ciency, and analyse the eDects of estimation error in the model parameters. This section also contains a small illustrative example that evaluates the diDerent expressions in realistic parameter con1gurations. Finally, Section 4 concludes. Proofs and formal derivations are gathered in appendices. 2. A conditional factor model of asset returns and risk premia 2.1. Conditional moments specication We base our analysis in an economy with a countably in1nite collection of primitive assets, whose payoDs are de1ned on an underlying probability space. Let Rit (i = 1; 2; : : : ; N; : : :) be the random (gross) holding return from a unit investment in asset i
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during period t, and let R0t be the (gross) holding return on an asset that is riskless from the agents’ point of view at period t − 1. We work in terms of the conditional distribution of period t asset returns, and assume that the agents’ information set, t−1 , contains at least the past values of all asset returns. Let L2t denote the collection of all random variables de1ned on the underlying probability space which are measurable with respect to t and have 1nite conditional second moments. Hansen and Richard (1987) show that L2t is the conditional analogue of a Hilbert space under the conditional mean square (MS) inner product and the associated MS norm. We assume that, conditional on t−1 , the second moments of the primitive assets are uniformly bounded with probability one (a.s.), so that a fortiori Rit ∈ L2t ∀i. 2 In addition, we also assume that the minimum eigenvalue of the conditional covariance matrix of any sequence of risky asset returns is uniformly bounded away from zero a.s., so that no primitive risky asset is redundant. Let uit be the unanticipated component of returns on the ith risky asset, i.e. uit = Rit − it , where E(Rit |t−1 ) = it , and let ijt = E(uit ujt |t−1 ) = cov(Rit ; Rjt |t−1 ). We assume that the stochastic structure of unanticipated returns is given by uit = i1t f1t + · · · + ikt fkt + it
(i = 1; 2; : : : ; N; : : :);
where fjt (j = 1; : : : ; k 1nite) are common factors that capture economy-wide (i.e. systematic) shocks aDecting all assets, ijt ∈ t−1 (i = 1; 2; : : : ; N; : : : ; j = 1; : : : ; k) are the associated factor loadings or betas known in t − 1, which measure the sensitivity of the assets to the common factors, while it are idiosyncratic terms re:ecting risks speci1c to asset i, which by de1nition are (conditionally) orthogonal to ft , with [ft ]j = fjt (j = 1; : : : ; k). To guarantee that common and speci1c factors are innovations, we assume that they are unpredictable on the basis of t−1 . We also assume (without loss of generality at the theoretical level) that the common factors are conditionally orthogonal, and that they have (possibly) time-varying conditional variances, jt (j = 1; : : : ; k). In this framework, any collection of N risky asset returns can be represented as RNt = Nt + uNt = Nt + BNt ft + ”Nt
with [RNt ]i =Rit , [Nt ]i = it , [uNt ]i =uit , [”Nt ]i =it and [BNt ]ij =ijt , (i=1; 2; : : : ; N; : : : ; j= 1; : : : ; k). Let Nt , t , and Nt denote the conditional covariance matrices of RNt (and uNt ), ft and ”Nt , respectively, with [Nt ]ij = ijt , t = diag(1t ; : : : ; kt ) and [Nt ]ij = ijt . In what follows, we assume for simplicity that rank(BNt )=k, that each jt is uniformly bounded away from zero a.s., and that the same is true of the minimum eigenvalue of Nt , so that it is not possible to form 1nite portfolios that contain only factor risk. As a consequence, Nt can be written as the sum of two parts: one which is common but of reduced rank k, BNt t BNt , and one which is speci1c, Nt . In order to diDerentiate one from the other, we follow Chamberlain and Rothschild (1983), and assume that the largest eigenvalue of Nt remains uniformly bounded as N increases (as in 2
The uniformly boundedness condition, i.e. supt−1 E(R2it |t−1 ) ¡ ∞ a.s., is stronger than required, but
simpli1es the subsequent discussion. In particular, it implies that E(R2it ) ¡ ∞, and hence, that Rit ∈ L2 (cf. ZaDaroni, 2000).
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band-diagonal matrices with uniformly bounded individual elements). We also assume that as N → ∞ this matrix does not become singular, and that all the eigenvalues of the k × k matrix BNt BNt become unbounded, so that the common factors are indeed pervasive, in the sense that they aDect most assets in the economy. Notice that (1) is then a statement about the cross-sectional dependence of asset returns, as it implies that k (and only k) eigenvalues of Nt grow unboundedly with N (see Chamberlain and Rothschild, 1983). 2.2. Modelling risk premia Let PO t be the conditional closure of the set of payoDs from all possible portfolios of the primitive assets. It is clear that PO t is a conditionally closed linear subspace of L2t , and hence also a conditional analogue to a Hilbert space under the (conditional) MS inner product. In order to model conditional mean returns, we shall use the cost functional C(:), which can be regarded as a linear pricing functional de1ned on PO t that maps elements of this space onto the information set, t−1 . Under a mild no arbitrage condition (see Chamberlain and Rothschild, 1983; or Hansen and Richard, 1987), this functional is conditionally continuous on PO t , and extends to limit portfolios the usual de1nition of cost as the sum of the weights of portfolios of a 1nite number of primitive assets. Then, a conditional version of the Riesz representation theorem implies that there is a portfolio with payoD pct ∈ PO t , such that C(pt ) = E(pct pt |t−1 ) for all pt ∈ PO t , so that pct represents C(:) in PO t (see Hansen and Richard, 1987). We can interpret pct as a stochastic discount factor that prices the available portfolios by discounting their uncertain payoDs across diDerent states of the world. We shall also use the conditional mean functional, E(:|t−1 ), which is always conditionally continuous on PO t , and therefore can also be represented by a portfolio with payoD pmt ∈ PO t , so that E(pt |t−1 ) = E(pmt pt |t−1 ) for all pt ∈ PO t . In this respect, we assume that there exists a unique unit-cost, riskless limit portfolio of risky assets, whose (gross) return is equal to 0t in the conditional MS norm, so that pmt = R0t = 0t (see Chamberlain and Rothschild, 1983, for necessary and su/cient conditions). Let Rct = pct =C(pct ) be the return on a unit investment on the pricing representing portfolio, and de1ne pat as an arbitrage (i.e. zero-cost) portfolio conditionally orthogonal to Rct with payoDs pmt − C(pmt )Rct . Then, if we rule out risk neutral pricing, so that not all conditional expected returns are equal, it is possible to prove that all the portfolios on the zero-cost conditional mean variance (MV) frontier generated from all primitive assets will be spanned by pat , and that all those on the unit-cost conditional MV frontier generated from all primitive assets are spanned by Rct and pat as Ret ( Ot ) = Rct +
Ot − E(Rct |t−1 ) pat ; E(pat |t−1 )
where Ot = E(Ret ( Ot )|t−1 ) (see Hansen and Richard, 1987). The simplest arbitrage portfolios are those that hold a unit long position in each primitive asset and an equivalent short position in the riskless asset, so that their payoD vector rNt = RNt − R0t –N , where –N is a vector of N ones and [rNt ]i = rit , coincides with the vector of returns on the N primitive risky assets in excess of the riskless asset. The main advantage
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of working with excess returns is that their conditional means, Nt = Nt − 0t –N , with [Nt ]i = it , can be identi1ed with the assets’ risk premia, while preserving the structure of the conditional second moments. In this framework, it is possible to prove that there is a conditionally a/ne relationship between expected returns and betas with respect to any (conditional) frontier “asset” other than the minimum (conditional) variance one (see Hansen and Richard, 1987). In particular, we have
it − 0t = iet ( Ot − 0t );
where iet = cov(Rit ; Ret ( Ot )|t−1 )=V (Ret ( Ot )|t−1 ). Our crucial asset pricing assumption is that there exists a conditional MV frontier risky “asset” in PO t which contains only factor risk. More formally, we assume that Ret ( Ot ) = Ot + e1t f1t + e2t f2t + · · · + ekt fkt :
Given that Ret ( Ot ) is not generally observable, though, expression (3) has to be expanded further. Since we know that i1t 1t e1t + · · · + ikt kt ekt iet = 2 + · · · + 2 e1t 1t ekt kt we can re-write (3) as it
= i1t "1t + · · · + ikt "kt ;
where "jt = jt #jt , and ejt ( Ot − 0t ): #jt = 2 2 e1t 1t + · · · + ekt kt 2.3. Factor representing limit portfolios If we combine expressions (1) and (5), we 1nally obtain that in terms of excess returns: rit = i1t rf1 t + · · · + ikt rfk t + it ; where rfj t is short-hand for "jt + fjt . In order to interpret this expression further, we follow Chamberlain (1983) in de1ning the set of well-diversi1ed portfolios, Dt , O as those elements N of Pt whose returns are the limits of sequences Nof 1nite portfolios + =w0t R0t + i=1 wit Rit whose weights wit ∈ t−1 are such that i=1 wit2 goes to 0 as pNt N increases. For our purposes, it is also convenient to introduce a diDerent type of portfolio, which holds one unit of the ith primitive risky asset Rit , and − it = 0t units of R0t . This portfolio mimics (in the conditional MS norm) the behaviour of the innovations in the returns of asset i, uit , at a cost − it = 0t . Since all such portfolios are conditionally orthogonal to the safe asset, then the conditional closure of the set of payoDs spanned by them with weights determined in t − 1, UO t ⊂ PO t , is the (conditionally) orthogonal complement of {R0t } in PO t . But our assumptions about Nt imply that the limit riskless asset must be well diversi1ed. Hence, since we are mainly interested in portfolios with uncertain payoDs, we can de1ne the set of well-diversi1ed risky portfolios Ft as the
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
(conditionally) orthogonal complement of {R0t } in Dt , which by construction, must be a subset of UO t . Then, it is easy to see that although the conditional variance of any portfolio in UO t will generally contain both a common component and a speci1c one, the bounded eigenvalue condition on Nt implies that well-diversi1ed risky portfolios contain only factor variance. Therefore, it is not surprising that under our assumptions about Nt , the dimension of Ft is precisely k (see Chamberlain, 1983), which is the dimension of systematic risk in our model. Given that BNt has full column rank, it is possible to 1nd elements of UO t whose payoDs have a unit loading on factor j(j = 1; : : : ; k), and zero loadings on the others, (RNt − Nt R0t = 0t )). Then, if we compute at a cost equal to −"jt = 0t (e.g. (BNt BNt )−1 BNt the conditional least-squares projections of such portfolios on Ft , it is clear that we obtain portfolios that mimic (in the conditional MS norm) the common risk components fjt at exactly the same cost. We shall refer to these portfolios as factor representing limit portfolios, and shall often denote them in terms of the associated “assets” as Rfj t − [( 0t + "jt )= 0t ]R0t . Not surprisingly, their excess returns exactly replicate rfjt . Since pmt = R0t = 0t and pct ∈ Ft , an interesting property of Rf1 t ; : : : ; Rfk t is that, together with the safe asset, they span the conditional MV frontier obtained from all the primitive assets. Speci1cally, given that t = t t and V (rft |t−1 ) = t , we can prove that 1 pat = rft 1 + t t t t and Rct = R0t −
0t rft : 1 + t t t t
Hence, an investor with conditional MV preferences will eDectively invest all her wealth in a convex combination of R0t ; Rf1 t ; : : : ; Rfk t . 2.4. Unconditional moments specication Let N = V (”Nt ) be the unconditional covariance matrix of the idiosyncratic terms, which can be computed as E(Nt ) by the law of iterated expectations. Given our assumptions, this matrix remains positive de1nite (p.d.) with uniformly bounded diagonal elements for all N . In principle, though, it may not preserve the bounded eigenvalue condition. Our 1rst simplifying assumption is that it does. The obvious example is when the speci1c risk terms are conditionally orthogonal to each other, so that the conditional factor structure is exact. But even when Nt is diagonal, the unconditional covariance matrix of a multivariate stochastic process characterised by a zero conditional mean and a conditional factor representation may very well lack an unconditional factor structure for any k ¡ N (see e.g. Hansen and Richard, 1987; or Lehmann, 1992). The intuition is as follows: the contribution of the common factors to the unconditional variance is E(BNt t BNt ), which is the scalar weighted average, or more precisely, the Riemann–Stieltjes integral, of many (possibly in1nite) rank k positive semi-de1nite (p.s.d.) matrices. Unless all those matrices share the same nullspace (except perhaps for a subset of
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
measure 0), the rank of their average will exceed k, and may well be N . In practical ) to be of rank k, (almost) all BNt matriterms, what this means is that for E(BNt t BNt 1=2 ces must be of the form BN t , where BN is a rank k matrix of 1xed coe/cients, and t a p.d. matrix of order k, not necessarily diagonal. In view of this discussion, we follow the standard solution in the empirical literature, and assume that, for any given unconditional normalisation of the factors, such as = V (ft ) = E(t ) = Ik , the factor loadings are time invariant. As Engle et al. (1990) pointed out, such an assumption is observationally equivalent to a model in which the conditional variance of the factors is constant, but the betas of diDerent assets on a given factor change proportionately over time. 3 Then, it is not di/cult to see that the unconditional covariance matrix of the innovations in returns, N = V (uNt ) = E(Nt ), will have an unconditional k factor structure, namely BN BN + N . Similarly, if we call i = E( it ) and "j = E("jt ) the (temporal) average “risk premium” for asset i and factor j, respectively, the assumption of constant betas implies that our linear factor pricing model also holds on average, i.e. i
= i1 "1 + · · · + ik "k :
Note, though, that the unconditional covariance matrix of the vector of excess returns, rNt = RNt − –R0t = BN rft + ”Nt , will be of the form BN BN + N , where = Ik + V (t ). In addition, the unconditional covariance matrix of gross returns will be diDerent from the two previous ones unless the returns on the conditionally riskless asset are constant over time. Finally, we would need to specify the temporal variation in the volatility of common and idiosyncratic factors to complete the model. In what follows, we simply note that by de1nition, t , Nt and t are measurable functions of the agents’ information set, t−1 , but shall not use any particular parametrisation in our discussion, except for the example in Section 3.7. 4 3. Factor representing portfolios with a #nite number of assets In Section 2.3 above, we have seen that the factors, ft , can be exactly replicated (in the conditional MS norm) by means of well-diversi1ed limit portfolios in UO t . In empirical applications, though, only data on a 1nite number of assets are available, and hence from the econometrician’s point of view, the factors are eDectively unknown. And although in any given realisation of the asset returns, the factors might be regarded as a set of k unknown parameters, in fact, because they could take diDerent values in diDerent realisations, we should more appropriately regard them as unobservable 3 See Sentana and Fiorentini (2001) for the implications of this assumption on the identi1cation of the common factors and their loadings. 4 Some popular parametric time-series models for 1nancial returns specify a data generating process in which the volatility of the factors is a function of unobservables. Nevertheless, what is important for our purposes is not the latent volatility itself, but rather the variance of the factors conditional on the agents’ information set, t−1 .
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random variables, and use a signal extraction approach (see Bartholomew, 1987, Section 3.5). Such an approach is particularly appropriate in the following practical situation. Suppose that in period t − 1, we would like to form portfolios from the 1nite collection of asset at hand, R0t and RNt , whose payoDs in period t closely replicate ft . Or in 1nancial markets parlance, we would like to construct k portfolios that “track” each element of ft as their “target”, either because we want to “tilt” our investment decision towards a particular factor, or because we want to hedge its risk by means of a “basket” of assets (see e.g. Sheikh, 1996; Sorensen et al., 1993, respectively). In any case, since we would be eDectively using portfolios in UNt to estimate the underlying factors, where UNt is the analogue of UO t constructed from R0t and RNt alone (i.e. the set of payoDs spanned by uNt with weights determined in t − 1), we would be implicitly restricting ourselves to the class of conditionally linear predictors with time-varying stochastic weightings, and excluding any non-linear 1lters and all smoothers. In this respect, it is crucial for our purposes to distinguish between UNt , and its subset, VNt , which is the set of payoDs spanned by the same portfolios but with xed weights. As we shall see below, VNt includes all the basis portfolios suggested so far in the literature, but excludes the payoDs on dynamic portfolio strategies based on information in t−1 . In this framework, our e/ciency analysis shall be based on comparing the conditional MSEs of the diDerent basis portfolios, which is the appropriate metric in the conditional Hilbert space setting of Section 2. In 1nancial markets parlance, this simply means that, ceteris paribus, we would always prefer factor representing portfolios with a smaller degree of “tracking error”. Given its widespread use by practitioners, it is not surprising that such a criterion can be given an intuitive justi1cation. In particular, it is easy to show that an investor with unit wealth and conditional MV preferences of the form U(Rt ; t−1 ) = E(Rt |t−1 ) − (%=2)E(R2t |t−1 ) will hold one unit of the conditionally riskless asset, and 1=% units of the arbitrage portfolio (i) pat if she can invest in all rNt , where the primitive assets, or (ii) paNt = waNt waNt =
−1 Nt Nt 1 + Nt −1 Nt Nt
if she can only hold a 1nite subset of N risky assets. It is then straightforward to prove that paNt is precisely the arbitrage portfolio that is closest to pat in the conditional MS norm. But since as we saw before, the whole conditional MV frontier generated by all the available assets can be spanned by R0t and Rf1t ; : : : ; Rfkt , it is not surprising that the payoDs to paNt can be exactly replicated by means of a combination of the riskless asset and the factor representing portfolios that are closest to f1t ; : : : ; fkt in the conditional MS norm. Finally, note that since the average of the conditional MSE is the unconditional MSE by virtue of the law of iterated expectations, we can keep in line with the more standard practice in the statistical time series literature without additional eDort. 5 5
The unconditional MSE criterion would break down if the unconditional second moments of the assets were unbounded. And although our assumption of uniformly bounded conditional second moments implies that this is not so (see footnote 2), our main results (i.e. Theorems 1, 2 and 3) would remain valid.
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3.1. Basis portfolios with time-varying weights 3.1.1. Conditional Kalman lter basis portfolios If the joint conditional distribution of uNt and ft given t−1 were normal, the model derived in Section 2 would have a natural conditionally Gaussian linear state–space representation (see Harvey, 1989). Taking the common factors as state variables, Eq. (2) could be understood as the measurement equation which relates them to the observable variables uNt , with the idiosyncratic terms, ”Nt , corresponding to the measurement error. 6 In this well known, ideal, conditionally Gaussian framework, the Kalman 1lter would be perfectly suited to “extract” estimates of the unknown factors because the updated estimates of ft , −1 −1 −1 K −1 = t BN −1 fNt Nt uNt = (BN Nt BN + t ) BN Nt uNt
would coincide with the conditional expectation of ft given uNt and t−1 , which is best in the (conditional) MS sense over the class of all predictors that use the same information, whether linear or not (see e.g. Harvey, 1989). 7 In fact, the optimality K of fNt holds under the more general assumption that, conditioned on t−1 ; uNt and ft follow a joint multivariate elliptically symmetric distribution (see Sentana, 1991), of which the multivariate normal and the multivariate t are rather special cases. But although the elliptical class is rather broad (see e.g. Fang et al., 1990), ideally we would like to have a similar result that did not depend on distributional assumptions. In this respect, the following theorem characterises the optimality of the Kalman 1lter updated estimates for any conditional distribution: Theorem 1. For any k × M matrix W(t−1 ) of measurable functions of the informaK is best in the conditional and unconditional MSE sense within tion set, W (t−1 ) fNt the class of “conditionally a8ne” predictors of W (t−1 ) ft of the form c (t−1 ) + D (t−1 )uNt , where c() is an M × 1 vector and D() an N × M matrix of measurable functions of the information set. Theorem 1 generalises to a conditional setting the well-known result that the Kalman 1lter updated estimates of an unconditionally linear model are best within the class of linear predictors that use information up to, and including, period t (see Harvey, 1981, and Theorem 4 below). Intuitively, the optimality of the Kalman 1lter estimates derives from the fact that K E [(ft − fNt ) [c(t−1 ) + D (t−1 ) uNt ] |t−1 ] = 0;
which means that they can be interpreted as the conditionally linear least-squares projection of ft on UNt (see Appendix A). In this respect, it is important to mention that K provided by the usual Kalman 1lter recursions the conditional MSE of fNt −1 −1 −1 + BN −1 'K Nt = t − t BN Nt BN t = (t Nt BN ) 6
The transition equation would be somewhat unusual, though, because ft contains no mean dynamics by construction. 7 This property provides the rationale for using f K as factor estimates in King et al. (1994). Nt
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only yields V (ft |uNt ; t−1 ) under conditional normality (e.g. for any other elliptical K distribution V (ft |uNt ; t−1 ) ˙ g (uNt −1 Nt uNt )'Nt , where g() is a scalar function whose form depends on the particular member of the elliptical class used; see Harvey et al. (1992) for the multivariate t, Sentana (1991) for the general case). K Like all conditionally linear predictors, fNt is an (un)conditionally unbiased preK dictor of ft . More importantly, (8) also implies that forecast, fNt , and forecast error, K K K −ft ]=E ['K fNt −ft , are (un)conditionally uncorrelated. This con1rms that 'N =V [fNt Nt ] constitutes the lower bound for the MSE of all (conditionally) linear predictors forecasting errors. In fact, this lower bound is not achieved in 1nite N samples by any other (conditionally) linear predictor. The orthogonality of predictor and prediction error also implies that the Kalman 1lter estimates are (un)conditionally smoother than K −1 −1 the factors, but since V [fNt |t−1 ] = t [t + (BN −1 Nt BN ) ) t , the estimators for diDerent factors would not be conditionally uncorrelated unless BN −1 Nt BN , and thus 'K , were diagonal, and it is unlikely that they would be unconditionally uncorrelated Nt otherwise. K One interesting property of fNt that also derives from Theorem 1 is that as we include more assets in our sample, the conditional variance of the prediction error K cannot increase, and generally decreases (i.e. V [fNt − ft |t−1 ] − V [fNK+1t − ft |t−1 ] = K K 'Nt −'N +1t is p.s.d), which is also true unconditionally. Since predictor and prediction error are uncorrelated, the monotonicity extends to the conditional and unconditional K correlations between fjNt and fjt for j =1; : : : ; k. In fact, we can prove a much stronger result: Theorem 2. For any k × 1 vector w(t−1 ) of measurable functions of the information K set, w (t−1 ) fNt has maximum conditional correlation with w (t−1 ) ft within the class of “conditionally a8ne” predictors of the form c(t−1 ) + d (t−1 )uNt , where c() is a scalar and d() an N × 1 vector of measurable functions of the information set. Therefore, we can obtain a dynamic portfolio in UNt that maximises conditional correlation with any given element of the set of well-diversi1ed, risky portfolios Ft , by choosing the time-varying portfolio weights that minimise our conditional MSE criterion. Nevertheless, it is important to bear in mind that the opposite result is not K true, since any conditionally a/ne transformation of w (t−1 ) fNt will maintain the conditional correlation with w (t−1 ) ft ∈ Ft , but will increase the conditional MSE. The reason is that unlike what happens with the conditional MSE, a metric cannot be based on conditional correlations. Finally, it is worth mentioning that these mimicking portfolios are often obtained as a by-product of the ML estimation method, so that their calculation does not increase the computational burden (see Harvey et al., 1992). 3.1.2. Conditional GLS basis portfolios Since any conceivable factor representing portfolio will eDectively be a combination of R0t and a portfolio in UNt , in view of Theorems 1 and 2, a natural question at this stage is what justi1cation can be given for using any other factor extraction procedure. The following result characterises the optimality of the conditional generalised
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least-squares (GLS) estimator: G −1 −1 fNt = (BN −1 Nt BN ) BN Nt uNt
which, importantly, does not make use of the information given by E(ft |t−1 ) = 0 and V (ft |t−1 ) = t . G is best in the conditional and unconditional MSE sense Theorem 3. W (t−1 ) fNt within the subclass of “conditionally linear” predictors of W (t−1 ) ft of the form D (t−1 ) uNt that satisfy the restriction D (t−1 ) BN = W (t−1 ).
As we mentioned before, in any given realisation of the asset returns, ft could be regarded as a set of k parameters. From this point of view, the diDerence beK G tween fNt and fNt would be the diDerence between a Bayesian cross-sectional GLS estimator of ft which uses the proper prior ft |t−1 ∼ D(0; t ), and another one which uses a diDuse prior instead. In this context, the constraint D (t−1 ) BN = W (t−1 ) that appears in Theorem 3 could be regarded as imposing the unbiasedness restriction G E [fNt |ft ; t−1 ] = ft . In any case, given that −1 −1 G fNt = ft + (BN −1 Nt BN ) BN Nt ”Nt G a noticeable property of fNt is that they constitute “su/cient statistics” of the information in uNt regarding ft , in the sense that the conditional Kalman 1lter estimates of ft G K based on fNt coincide with fNt . Namely K −1 −1 G fNt = t [t + (BN −1 Nt BN ) ] fNt −1 −1 G + (BN −1 = [−1 t Nt BN )] (BN Nt BN ) fNt
(see Gourieroux et al. (1991), and Fiorentini et al. (2003) for a stronger result under conditional Gaussianity). 8 A useful way of looking at this relationship is in terms of G the joint distribution of ft and fNt conditioned on t−1 : t t ft 0 |t−1 ∼ D : ; G −1 0 fNt t t + (BN −1 Nt BN ) K In this context, fNt and 'K Nt and the 1tted value and residual variance from the G −1 −1 conditional least-squares regression of ft on fNt , while ft and 'G are Nt = (BN Nt BN ) G the corresponding quantities in the conditional least-squares regression of fNt on ft . G Also, it is worth mentioning that on the basis of fNt one can write what Gourieroux et al. (1991) call an endogenous factorial representation G uNt = BN fNt + ”G Nt ; 8 As a consequence, f K ; f G or indeed any conditionally linear non-singular transformation of them, span Nt Nt the same linear subspace, which is important if the object of interest is the whole of Ft itself, not one of its elements (cf. Huberman et al., 1987). Nevertheless, Theorems 1 and 2 imply that the Kalman 1lter yields the best predictor of every element of that subspace, and the most highly correlated. In particular, as K =(1 + ) provides the best predictor of (the unanticipated component of) p , we mentioned before, fNt t at which is also the one with the highest conditional correlation.
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−1 −1 −1 G where ”G Nt = [IN − BN (BN Nt BN ) BN Nt ] uNt and fNt are conditionally uncorrelated. G This property is related to the fact that fNt can be written as a conditionally linear −1=2 † combination of the conditional principal components of uNt uNt , as shown in = Nt Appendix B. −1 G Since V [fNt |t−1 ]=t +(BN −1 Nt BN ) , the factor estimates are again (conditionally) correlated with each other in general, but now they are less smooth than the factor themselves. Furthermore, if BN −1 Nt BN were a diagonal matrix (e.g. if k = 1), then each K G fjNt would be proportional to fjNt for j =1; : : : ; k, and the conditional correlations with fjt would then be identical, although the factors of proportionality will change over time. Not surprisingly, though, predictor and prediction error are conditionally correlated in G this case, which re:ects that fNt does not use the available information e/ciently. NevG −1 −1 −1 −1 ertheless, since fNt =[(BN Nt BN )−1 BN −1 Nt 0] uN +1t and [(BN Nt BN ) BN Nt 0] BN +1 G = Ik ; 'Nt is also monotonically non-increasing with the cross-sectional sample size.
3.2. Basis portfolios with constant weightings 3.2.1. Unconditional Kalman lter basis portfolios Given that our assumptions are compatible with an unconditional k factor structure for uNt , we can also consider unconditional counterparts to the previous predictors of ft . These portfolios will be elements of VNt , the set of payoDs spanned by uit (i = 1; : : : ; N ) whose weights are time invariant. To the best of our knowledge, all the factor representing portfolios discussed so far in the existing literature fall within this class. In this framework, we can repeat the analysis of Section 3.1.1 for the class of static portfolios to show that the best (in the unconditional MSE sense) predictor of ft with time-invariant weightings is given by the standard Kalman 1lter updated estimator −1 −1 −1 UK = BN −1 fNt N uNt = (BN N BN + Ik ) BN N uNt :
More formally: 9 UK Theorem 4. For any k × M constant matrix W; W fNt is best in the unconditional MSE sense within the class of “a8ne” predictors of W ft of the form c + D uNt , where c is an M × 1 vector and D an N × M matrix of constants.
In this case, the prediction error unconditional MSE is −1 −1 'UK N = (BN N BN + Ik ) UK (see Harvey, 1981). Not surprisingly, we can understand fNt as the unconditional least-squares projection of ft on VNt , and for that reason, these estimators are usually known as the regression scores in the factor analysis literature (see e.g. Lawley and Maxwell, 1971). 9
See e.g. Lawley and Maxwell (1971) for a proof, who attribute these factor scores to Thomson (1951).
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UK Similarly, every element of fNt is also a static portfolio with maximum unconditional correlation with the corresponding element of ft . Speci1cally: 10 UK has maximum unconditional corTheorem 5. For any k × 1 constant vector w; w fNt relation with w ft within the class of “a8ne” predictors of the form c + d uNt , where c is a scalar and d an N × 1 vector of constants.
Therefore, by minimising the variability in tracking error, we obtain as a by-product portfolios that maximise correlation with the common factors. But again, the converse UK is not true, as any a/ne transformation of w fNt will increase MSE, despite the fact that it leaves the correlation unchanged. Given that the results in Theorems 4 and 5 are well known, it is surprising that these mimicking portfolios have never been used in empirical applications of the static APT (to the best of the author’s knowledge), especially if we take into account the fundamental role they play in maximum-likelihood estimation of traditional factor models via the EM algorithm (see Rubin and Thayer, 1982). 3.2.2. Unconditional GLS basis portfolios A less e/cient estimator is the unconditional generalised least-squares estimator UG −1 −1 fNt = (BN −1 N BN ) BN N uNt ;
which does not make use of the information given by E(ft ) = 0 and V (ft ) = I. Nevertheless, this estimator still has some optimality properties with respect to a particular subclass, as speci1ed by the following result: 11 UG Theorem 6. W fNt is best in the unconditional MSE sense within the subclass of “linear” predictors of W ft of the form D uNt that satisfy the restriction D BN = W . UK UG Again, there is a one-to-one relationship between fNt and fNt given by −1 −1 UG UK fNt = [I + (BN −1 N BN ) ] fNt ; UG which means that the unconditional Kalman 1lter estimates based on fNt coincide with those based on uNt . Similarly, these mimicking portfolios can also be used to interpret the 1rst-order conditions of the maximum-likelihood estimation of traditional factor UG models (see Grinblatt and Titman, 1987). Finally, the unconditional MSE of fNt is given by −1 −1 'UG N = (BN N BN ) :
3.3. Other basis portfolios Many other conditionally linear factor representing portfolios are conceptually possible. For instance, there are at least two other Kalman-based portfolios that can be 10
See Ingersoll (1984) or Huberman et al. (1987) for a proof. See e.g. Lawley and Maxwell (1971) for a proof, who refer to these estimators as Barlett’s scores after Barlett (1938). 11
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considered, for which the analysis in the previous sections can be easily adapted. One G UKG , yielding fNt ; the other results from applying the unconditional Kalman 1lter to fNt KUG one, which we shall term fNt , is obtained if we apply the conditional Kalman 1lter UG . to fNt An alternative unconditionally linear predictor of ft is the ordinary least-squares estimator: O fNt = (BN BN )−1 BN uNt
whose prediction errors unconditional variance −1 −1 'O N = (BN BN ) BN N BN (BN BN ) UG cannot be smaller than 'UG N . The intuition is that while fNt ignores the information O in the mean and variance of ft ; fNt ignores information about N as well. Also, the O correlations between ft and fNt will be generally smaller than the correlations between UG O is ft and ft . Unfortunately, it is not clear that the predictor error variance of fNt monotonically decreasing with the sample size except in special cases. When k = 1, we can also consider cross-sectional weighted averages of the assets at hand. In particular, we could consider what Lehmann and Modest (1988) call minimum idiosyncratic risk portfolios, which in this case simplify to UI −1 −1 fNt = (–N −1 N –N ) –N N uNt
with conditional and unconditional MSE given by !UI = (1 − RN )2 t + (– −1 Nt −1 –N )=(– −1 –N )2 ; Nt
= (1 − RN ) + 2
−1 (–N −1 N –N ) ;
−1 respectively, where RN = i i −1 ii = i ii is the cross-sectional average of the factor loadings, with weights that are inversely proportional to the unconditional idiosyncratic variances. UI As expected, the prediction error is correlated with fNt , and again improvements in the predictions can be made. The intuition is that we are now ignoring the information contained in BN . This could have potentially serious consequences in those empirical applications in which the set of available assets includes arbitrage portfolios (such as returns on foreign exchange forward contracts), for which the sign of the payoD is largely irrelevant (see e.g. Diebold and Nerlove, 1989). There is also an equally weighted portfolio version of ftUI , which is simply A fNt = (–N –N )−1 –N uN ;
the cross-sectional average of the returns innovations. In this case, the conditional and unconditional MSE are !A = (1 − ON )2 t + ONt =N; Nt
!NA = (1 − ON )2 + ON =N;
respectively, where ONt ; ON and ON are the unweighted cross-sectional averages of the conditional and unconditional idiosyncratic variances, and the factor loadings. Again, A the prediction error is correlated with fNt , which con1rms its suboptimality.
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3.4. The relative e8ciency of the di
where the unconditional covariance matrix of the idiosyncratic components ”˙∗Nt = Q˙ ∗N ”∗Nt and ”U∗Nt = QU ∗N ”∗Nt will be given by ::: ∗ Nt ˙ ∗Nt I 0 k = E(Q∗N ∗Nt Q∗N ) = E ::: ∗ ∗ 0 IN −k U Nt Nt because Q∗ is an orthogonal matrix. In this context, it is straightforward to show that the unconditional GLS basis portfolios can be written as a linear, time invariant, transformation of u˙∗Nt . Speci1cally UG = VN∗ N∗−1=2 u˙∗Nt = ft + VN∗ N∗−1=2 ”˙∗Nt ; fNt
so that ∗1=2 ∗ UG ∗ ∗−1=2 ˙ ∗ ∗ ∗1=2 ˙ ∗ Nt N∗−1=2 VN∗ = 'UG 'UG Nt = VN N N (VN N Nt N VN ) 'N −1 −1 −1 = (BN N BN )−1 BN −1 N Nt N BN (BN N BN ) ;
where ∗ ∗−1 ∗ −1 −1 'UG N = VN N VN = (BN N BN ) :
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
Such a decomposition for 'UG is precisely the one we would obtain if we regarded N BN∗ as the design matrix and the ft s as the parameters in the cross-sectional regression ∗ of uNt on BN∗ . UK is given by the unconditional least-squares projection of ft On the other hand, fNt UG on fNt , which for our chosen scaling of the common factors yields ∗ UK ∗ −1 UG ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ = (Ik + VN∗ ∗−1 fNt N VN ) fNt = VN N (N + Ik ) u˙Nt ;
so that ∗1=2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ ∗ ∗1=2 ˙ ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ 'UK Nt = VN (N + Ik ) VN [t + VN N Nt N VN ]VN (N + Ik ) VN ∗1=2 ∗ UK ∗ ∗1=2 ˙ ∗ = 'UK N [t + VN N Nt N VN ] 'N −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 = (BN −1 N BN + Ik ) (t + BN N Nt N BN )(BN N BN + Ik ) ;
where ∗ −1 ∗ ∗ −1 −1 'UK N = VN (Ik + N ) VN = (BN N BN + Ik ) :
A summary measure of their relative unconditional e/ciency can then be obtained UK UG and fNt . In as the ratio of the generalised variances of the prediction errors in fNt particular, k
∗ |VN∗ (Ik + ∗N )−1 VN∗ | |'UK jjN N | = = ∗ ∗ 1 + jjN |'UG |VN∗ ∗−1 N | N VN | j=1 UG = R2c (fNt ; ft )
k UG = ,2j (fNt ; ft ); j=1
UG where R2c (fNt ; ft ) is the so-called unconditional coe/cient of multiple correlation beUG tween ft and fNt , which provides an overall goodness-of-1t measure for the multivariate UG UG unconditional regression of ft on fNt , and ,j (fNt ; ft ) the jth unconditional canonical UG correlation between ft and fNt (see e.g. Dhrymes, 1970). UG UK UG = ['UK This result con1rms that !jjN N ]jj is always smaller than !jjN = ['N ]jj , especially so when there is almost perfect “collinearity” between the columns of UG ∗ BN∗ , as indicated by its singular values jjN being close to 0. Given that fNt = −1 −1 −1 UK ft + (BN N BN ) BN N ”Nt , and that fNt is the 1tted value from the unconditional UG UK , the result also says that fNt is relatively more least-squares regression of ft on fNt UG UG e/cient than fNt the smaller the signal-to-noise ratio, as measured by R2c (fNt ; ft ). NoUG tice that this is exactly when the precision of fNt is relatively low (see Lehmann and Modest, 1985). UK UG However, when we compare the conditional e/ciency of fNt and fNt , we obtain that ∗1=2 ∗ UK ∗ ∗1=2 ˙ ∗ |'UK [R2 (f UG ; ft )]2 |'UK N | |t + VN N Nt N VN | |'N | Nt | = = c NtUH ; UG UG UG ∗1=2 ∗1=2 Rat (fNt ; ft ) |'Nt | |'N | |'N | |VN∗ N ˙ ∗Nt N VN∗ |
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
UH UH = where Rat (fNt ; ft ) is the so-called conditional coe/cient of alienation between fNt −1 UH 2 ft + BN N ”Nt and ft , which is such that 1 − Rat (fNt ; ft ) provides an alternative overall UH goodness-of-1t measure for the multivariate conditional regression of fNt on ft (see e.g. Dhrymes, 1970). Given that this expression cannot be guaranteed to be smaller UK than 1, nothing can been said in general about 'UG Nt vs. 'Nt , other than their average UG UK ∗ ∗2 −1 ∗ ∗ diDerence 'N − 'N = VN (N + N ) VN is a p.s.d. matrix. In fact, it is fairly UG ˙∗ easy to 1nd instances in which 'UK Nt − 'Nt will be p.s.d. (e.g. when Nt = Ik and ∗ ∗−1 ∗ t − (2Ik + VN N VN ) is p.s.d.). This apparent paradox is a direct consequence of UG UK nor fNt use the information in t−1 to form portfolios. the fact that neither fNt
3.4.2. Unconditional vs. conditional GLS But given that the main innovation of this paper is the introduction of basis portfolios that use the information in t−1 to combine the underlying assets, an important question that we have to address is how much more e/cient such dynamic investment strategies are relative to their passive counterparts in replicating the underlying factors. In this respect, it is possible to show using the same framework as before that G fNt = ft + VN∗ N∗−1=2 ˙∗Nt ; ::: ∗
∗ ∗ where ˙∗Nt = ”˙∗Nt − Nt . ∗−1 Nt ”UNt is the residual from the conditional regression of ”˙Nt on ∗ ”UNt . Hence, ∗−1=2 ∗ ∗ ∗−1 ˙ ∗ 'G VN ; Nt = VN N /Nt N
where ::: ∗
::: ∗
˙ ∗Nt = V (˙∗Nt |t−1 ) = ˙ ∗Nt − Nt . ∗−1 Nt / Nt and ∗ ∗−1 ˙ ∗ ∗−1 ∗ 'G Nt = VN N /N N VN ; ::: ∗
˙ ∗ = V (˙∗ ) = E(/ ˙ ∗ ). Hence, both basis portfolios coincide iD Nt = 0. Therewith / N Nt Nt G UG stands from the fact that while ”˙∗Nt and ”U∗Nt fore, the diDerence between fNt and fNt are unconditionally uncorrelated, they will generally be conditionally correlated. That means that there is often useful information in uU∗Nt about ft even though the corresponding factor loadings are zero, but that information cannot be exploited without using ::: ∗ ::: ∗ . ∗Nt = Nt . ∗−1 Nt is a p.s.d. matrix by time-varying weights. Moreover, since ˙ ∗Nt − / Nt G construction, our analysis con1rms that so is 'UG Nt − 'Nt . Once more, we can compute an overall summary measure of relative condional e/ciency as k ˙∗ | |'G |/ Nt | Nt 2 ∗ ∗ = = R ( ” ˙ ; ” U ) = [1 − ,2jt (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt )]; at Nt Nt ∗ | ˙ | |'UG | Nt Nt j=1
where R2at (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) is the conditional coe/cient of alienation between ”˙∗Nt and ”U∗Nt , and ,jt (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) the jth conditional canonical correlation between ”˙∗Nt and ”U∗Nt .
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
The diDerential eDect of using conditional information in forming basis portfolios can be seen by noticing that while the coe/cient of alienation in the corresponding unconditional regression is 1, R2at (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) is between 0 and 1. It is conceivable, though, that due to the implicit averaging in our e/ciency criterion, the unconditional MSE G UG G , 'UG of fNt N , might not be much larger than the unconditional MSE of fNt , 'N . In UG G ˙ ∗ | because E(˙ ∗ ) = Ik . It turns out that under certain asparticular, |'N |=|'N | = |/ N Nt sumptions commonly made regarding random matrices, closed form expressions are available to assess how large these unconditional e/ciency gains could be in practice. In particular, let us assume that the conditional convariance matrix of (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) follows a central Wishart distribution with parameters (G −1 IN ; G), (G ¿ N ). Then, from Theorems 7.3.5 and 7.3.6 in Anderson (1984) we will have that ˙ ∗Nt follows a central ˙∗ Wishart distribution of order k with parameters (G −1 Ik ; G), and furthermore, that / ::: ∗
::: ∗
and Nt . ∗−1 Nt Nt will follow independent central Wishart distributions of the same order with parameters (G −1 Ik ; G − N + k) and (G −1 Ik ; N − k), respectively. As a result, G UG −1 ∗ 2 k (G − N + k)(VN∗ ∗−1 'G N =G N VN ), and |'N |=|'N | = (G − N + k) =G , which can be signi1cantly smaller than 1 when N is large relative to k. Under the same distributional assumptions, Theorem 7.5.1 in Anderson (1984) also implies that both |'UG Nt | and |'G | can be written as (proportional to) the product of k mutually independent Nt .2 distributions with diDerent degrees of freedom, from where the exact distribution for R2at (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) can be obtained. The single factor case, in which R2at (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) is simply one minus the coe/cient of determination in the conditional regression of ”˙∗Nt on ”U∗Nt , is particularly illustrative. The diDerential eDect of using the conditional information in forming basis portfolios can be seen by noticing that while the coe/cient of determination of the corresponding unconditional regression is 0, R2at (”˙∗Nt ; ”U∗Nt ) follows a beta distribution with parameters (G − N + 1)=2 and (G − 1)=2 under the same distributional assumptions, with a mean value of (G − N + 1)=M , which somewhat remarkably, turns G UG out to be the same as !11N =!11N .
3.4.3. Other basis portfolios Analogues expressions can be obtained for many other pairwise comparisons (see Sentana, 2000a). For the sake of brevity, we shall only mention here that in the case UI UG is always larger than !Nt . of a single factor, it is not possible to prove that !Nt UI However, a sharper result is available for the unconditional correlation of fNt with UI UG UK ; ft ), which is always less than or equal to R2c (fNt ; ft ) = R2c (fNt ; ft ) in ft , R2c (fNt view of Theorem 4, with equality iD BN is proportional to –N by the Cauchy–Schwartz UI inequality. Hence, how good a predictor fNt is will depend of the “correlation” between −1 BN and –N in the metric of N . Notice also that no monotonicity result regarding UI R2c (fNt ; ft ) can be established. A UI In principle, one would expect fNt to be less e/cient than fNt , since we are not only ignoring the information contained in BN , but also in N . It is possible, though, to 1nd counterexamples in which !NA is smaller than !NUI . But note once more that the A A UK unconditional correlation of fNt with ft , R2c (fNt ; ft ) can never exceed R2c (fNt ; ft ) = 2 UG Rc (fNt ; ft ) by virtue of Theorem 4.
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3.5. Large N sample results A minimum requirement for any factor representing portfolio is that it converges in unconditional MS to ft as N → ∞. But as all the basis portfolios that we are considering have the same mean as the factors, we only need to show that the unconditional variance of forecasting errors vanishes asymptotically. O Let us start with the OLS estimates fNt , and de1ne 1 = supN /1 (N ) ¡ ∞ and ∞ = inf N /N (N ) ¿ 0, where /1 (A) and /n (A) denote the largest and smallest eigenvalues −1 −1 6 (BN BN )−1 1 , of the n×n matrix A. Given that 'O N =(BN BN ) (BN N BN )(BN BN ) O then the norm of 'N goes to 0 because the norm of (BN BN ) goes to ∞ in view of our assumption that the common factors are pervasive. As the unconditional foreG UK UG UKG KUG K , fNt , fNt and fNt are at most as large (in cast error variances of fNt , fNt , fNt O the matrix sense) as that of fNt , for any N , these estimators are also MS consistent. A Let us now consider fNt = ON ft + ONt . Since V (”ONt ) 6 1 =N , it is clear that fNA converges to a multiple of ft , provided that ON does not converge to 0, in which A UI , which will also case fNt will converge to 0 too. 12 A similar situation arises with fNt O V converge to a multiple of ft unless N → 0, in which case N will converge to 0 too, because (∞ =1 )ON 6 VN (1 =∞ )ON . If uNt were (conditionally) normally distributed for all N , so would be the diDerent factor representing portfolios and the corresponding forecast errors. But even if this is not the case, under suitable regularity conditions on the dependence of the idiosyncratic components of returns, it would be possible to prove that for large N , the forecasting √ errors scaled by N would be approximately normally distributed with zero mean and the corresponding MSEs as variances. 13 Notice, though, that this is totally compatible with the distribution of the actual predictors being very close to that of ft , and hence possibly highly non-normal. Such results would allow us to give con1dence intervals K of approximately correct size for N large enough. Once more, the superiority of fNt is con1rmed by the fact that it would provide the narrowest intervals of all for any given size. 3.6. The e
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
into the following groups: 1 Static factor model parameters: (a) Factor loadings bN = vec(BN ). (b) Unconditional idiosyncratic variances SN = vecd(N ). 2 Risk prices . 3 Conditional variance parameters: (a) and , which only enter through the common factor variances t . (b) and , which only enter through the standardised idiosyncratic variances ∗Nt = N−1=2 Nt N−1=2 . In reality, of course, will be estimated, and therefore subject to measurement error. The issue of robustness becomes then relevant, because the more e/cient basis portfolios typically require knowledge of more parameters than the less e/cient ones. For instance, Lehmann and Modest (1985) present examples in which for 1nite N , ftUI is more robust than ftUG when the factor loadings are unknown. The purpose of this subsection is to analyse the eDects of parameter uncertainty on our results. In view of our motivation, though, we shall only do so in a sampling framework in which the number of risky assets N is 1xed, while the number of time-series observations T grows without bounds. There are two standard ways to handle parameter uncertainty in our signal extraction set-up. The 1rst possibility is to take a Bayesian perspective, and repeat the analysis in Section 3.1.1 conditioning on the available sample observations, but not on the unknown values of the parameters. Speci1cally, we would need to 1nd the portfolio weights wNt that minimise t−T uNt )(ft − wNt uNt ) |Nt−1 ] E[(ft − wNt t−T in a matrix sense, where Nt−1 is the information set generated by rNt−1 ; : : : ; rNt−T . In view of Theorem 1, it is easy to see that such a Bayesian least-squares projection will be achieved by using t−T t−T K |Nt−1 )E(uNt ft |Nt−1 ); = E−1 (uNt uNt wNt K , as long as we which are the weights of the conditional Kalman 1lter estimates fNt interpret the diDerent moments involved as unconditional on the parameters. To 1nd out the required expressions, we can either use predictive densities or the law of iterated expectations. The second route involves integrating the parameters out with respect to their posterior distributions, which depend on the observed sample and the prior information. In order to implement such an approach, though, we would need to t−T strengthen the distributional assumptions for uNt |Nt−1 (see Fiorentini et al. (2003) for an application of this analysis to the smoothed estimates of ft ). The second approach, which is classical in nature, consists in replacing the true parameters by their estimators in the diDerent expressions for the factor representing portfolios. If the number of periods, T , on which we have observations on asset returns is rather large, it is possible to prove that replacing true values with consistent estimates would not seriously aDect the unconditional MSEs of the diDerent basis portfolios. In
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
not so large data panels, though, the fact that parameter estimators are used would obviously aDect our results, especially if we cannot put much con1dence on them because their standard errors are large. Unfortunately, it is generally impossible to obtain closed-form expressions for the exact unconditional MSEs except in very simple examples (cf. Magnus and Pesaran, 1991). For that reason, in the remaining of this section we shall obtain asymptotic expansions up to order T −1 of the unconditional MSEs of the estimated basis portfolios, and relate them to the 1nite sample bias and variance of the parameter estimators. The main advantage of this second approach is that it can be applied to any root-T consistent estimation method. In particular, let ˜t; T denote some extremum estimator t−1 that maximises the objective function Lt; T () = s=t−T ls (), and assume that
˜ P lim sup t; T − 0 = 0 = 1; T →∞
1 @ls (0 ) → N(0; I0 ); T s @ 1 @l2 (∗ ) s t; T − J0 = 0 = 1; P lim T →∞ T @@ s √
where 0 are the true values of the parameters, t;∗T is any sequence that converges in probability to 0 and J0 ; I0 are non-stochastic square matrices of order dim(), with I0 p.d., so that √ T (˜t; T − 0 ) → N(0; J0−1 I0 J0−1 ): For instance, ˜t; T will be the maximum-likelihood estimator when ls () is the log of the true conditional density of the observed returns, in which case I0 + J0 = 0 by the information matrix equality. We are interested in obtaining E0 [(f˜LNt − ft )(f˜LNt − ft ) ]; L evaluated at ˜t; T , and E0 means an where f˜LNt is a generic mimicking portfolio fNt expectation taken with respect to the true distribution of the data. To do so, it is convenient to carry out a second-order Taylor expansion of vech[(f˜LNt − ft )(f˜LNt − ft ) ] around 0 as follows: L L vech{(f˜LNt − ft )(f˜LNt − ft ) } = vech{(fNt − ft )(fNt − ft ) }
+Jt (0 )(˜t; T − 0 ) + [Ik 2 ⊗ (˜t; T − 0 )] ×Ht (0 )(˜t; T − 0 ) + o((˜t; T − 0 )2 ); where Jt (0 ) and Ht (0 ) are the Jacobian and the Hessian matrices, respectively, of the vector function above with respect to all the parameters, evaluated at 0 . Then,
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
under suitable regularity conditions, we obtain K K E[(f˜ LiNt − fit )(f˜ LjNt − fjt )|t−1 ] − !ijNt = !˜ K ijNt − !ijNt L L L L =E{[(fjNt − fjt )@fiNt =@ + (fiNt − fit )@fjNt =@ ]|t−1 }(˜t; T − 0 ) L L L L @fiNt =@ @fjNt =@ =@ + @fjNt =@ @fiNt L 2 L ˜ +(fjNt − fjt ) @ fiNt =@@ +(t; T − 0 ) E t−1 L L +(fiNt − fit ) @2 fjNt =@@
×(˜t; T − 0 ) + op (T −1 ) after taking conditional expectations element by element. Given their pre-eminence in our discussion, we shall concentrate on the conditional Kalman 1lter scores. A signi1cant advantage of these scores in this context derives from (8), which implies that all the above terms vanish, except those involving the K outer product of the 1rst derivatives of fNt , whose analytical expressions can be found in Appendix C. Moreover, since under our assumptions (˜t; T − 0 ) = J0−1
1 @ls (0 ) + op (T −1=2 ): T s @
it is clear that the covariances of the cross-products of the estimation errors in with the conditional expected values of the Hessian terms hijt (0 ) are o(T −1 ), which means that they are negligible relative to the product of the respective expected values. Therefore, we can 1nally write K E[(f˜ KiNt − fit )(f˜ KjNt − fjt )] − !ijN K K @f K K @fjNt @fiNt @fiNt 1 jNt −1 −1 (J0 I0 J0 ) + o(T −1 ): = tr E + T @ @ @ @
3.7. An illustrative example In order to gauge the diDerent quantities discussed in the previous sections, we have computed their values for the following simpli1ed version of the model considered by King et al. (1994): rit = i (t # + ft ) + ”it ;
i = 1; 2; 3;
where ft = t1=2 ft∗ ; t = 1 +
k 2 1 [(ft−1 )
k + !t−1 − 1] + /1 (t−1 − 1);
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289 1=2 ∗ it = iit it ; k k − i ] + ,i (iit−1 − ii ) iit = ii + 7i1 [(uit−1 − i ft−1 )2 + i2 !t−1
(ft∗ ”∗1t ”∗2t ”∗3t ) |Xt−1 ∼ N(0; I4 )
i = 1; 2; 3 (15)
and ftk and !tk are the conditional Kalman 1lter estimate of ft and its conditional MSE, respectively. Note that although we are forced to consider a fairly simple design for the sake of tractability, it possesses the two relevant features mentioned in the introduction as motivating our work: the cross-sectional dimension is small, and conditioning information plays a crucial role in deriving asset risk premia. When the conditional variances are time varying, there are no closed-form expressions for the unconditional MSEs of the dynamic basis portfolios. Nevertheless, we can easily obtain them by Monte-Carlo integration in a single but very long simulation of the model of size 250,000, either directly as the sample mean-squared diDerences between the factor scores and the true factors, or as the sample mean of the corresponding K K conditional MSEs. A similar approach can be used to compute E[@fNt =@ @fNt =@ ], provided the required moments are bounded. As for J0−1 I0 J0−1 , we consider the maximum-likelihood estimator that uses the true conditional density of observed returns, and compute I0 = −J0 as the sample variance of @ls (0 )=@ (see Appendix D for analytical expressions for the score). √ √ Two sets of values for bN have been selected, bN = (1; 1; 1) and bN = ( 2=2; 2=2; √ − 2) , corresponding to unit mean and zero dispersion in the i s, and zero mean and unit dispersion, respectively. For each value of bN , two values of SN have been selected: SN = 3– and SN = 0:75–, representing low- and high-signal-to-noise ratios. Then, for each of the four combinations, we consider two pairs of values for ( ; /) and (7i ; ,i ), namely (0,0) and (0.1, 0.85) in order to compare the classical framework of constant variances with the more empirically realistic GARCH context. 14 In this respect, it is important to emphasise that the parameters that in:uence the relative performance of the dynamic portfolios vis-a-vis the static ones are the unconditional variances of the conditional variances, and not merely the sum of the ARCH and GARCH coe/cients. 15 Finally, we have maintained the risk price # at 0.l throughout. Note that since we are mainly interested in comparing the relative merits of actively vs. passively managed basis portfolios, we have assumed that N is the scalar matrix I3 for the sake of conciseness. 16 As a result, ftO = ftUG and ftUI = ftA in all our designs. Note also that when bN = (1; 1; 1) , it is also true that ftA = ftUG , while when 14 When an ARCH parameter such as or 7i is 0, then the information matrix is singular because the corresponding GARCH parameter / or ,i is not identi1ed. For that reason, we set the latter parameters to 0 whenever the former are 0, and exclude them from the computation of the information matrix. A formal treatment of the asymptotic distribution of the ML estimator in this special case is beyond the scope of the present paper (see Andrews, 1999). 15 In the case of strong Gaussian GARCH (1,1) model with ARCH parameter , GARCH parameter /, and unit unconditional variance, the unconditional variance of the conditional variance is given by 2 2 =(1 − 3 2 − 2 / − /2 ), provided the fourth moment is bounded. 16 However, in computing the eDects of parameter uncertainty, we do not use the fact that , or indeed ii 7i and ,i are the same across assets.
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
√ √ √ bN = ( 2=2; 2=2; − 2) , ftA is simply the cross-sectional average of the idiosyncratic terms, and therefore, completely uncorrelated with ft . In this case, in fact, the null portfolio is better than ftA in the conditional and unconditional MSE sense, with the same correlation. Table 1 contains the unconditional MSEs for the diDerent designs, and provides a clear illustration of the analysis in Section 3.4. In particular, the ranking is always !K 6 !KUG 6 !UK ¡ !G 6 !UG 6 !A : In addition, the single most important determinant of the performance of ftK , ftG , KUG ft , ftUK and ftUG seems to be the unconditional signal-to-noise ratio, as measured by R2c (ftUG ; ft )=3=(3+), while the crucial parameter for ftA is ON . The unconditional
MSE reductions achieved by using time-varying weightings are certainly noticeable, but the eDect is relatively small. The same conclusion can be obtained from Table 2, which contains the unconditional correlations between the diDerent basis portfolios and the underlying common factor ft . The main diDerence is that the ranking is now R(ftK ; ft ) ¿ R(ftG ; ft ) ¿ R(ftKUG ; ft ) ¿ R(ftUK ; ft ) = R(ftUG ; ft ) ¿ R(ftA ; ft ):
Importantly, the deterioration in performance due to estimation error shown in the last column of Table 1, is roughly of the same order of magnitude across designs, although it worsens the lower the signal-to-noise ratio, and the higher the dispersion in the s. In any case, the picture that emerges from these results is that for the sort of (temporal) sample sizes typically encountered in practice, the conditional Kalman 1lter factor representing portfolios do not lose their attractiveness when the parameters of the model have to be estimated. As we have already mentioned, though, unconditional MSEs mask potentially important features that diDerentiate the performance of the various basis portfolios over Table 1 Basis portfolios unconditional mean square errors ON
3 0.75
3 0.75
; 7i 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1
/; ,i
!˜ K − !K
0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85
0.5 0.475 0.2 0.188 0.5 0.480 0.2 0.190
1 0.923 0.25 0.235 1 0.945 0.25 0.240
0.5 0.492 0.2 0.196 0.5 0.493 0.2 0.196
0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2
1 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 0.25 0.25
1 1 0.25 0.25 2 2 1.25 1.25
16.748/T 17.824/T 7.532/T 12.939/T 37.683/T 28.394/T 13.524/T 16.240/T
Notes: Numbers in italics represent theoretical values. ON , cross-sectional average of the factor loadings; O2N , cross-sectional variance of the factor loadings; , unconditional variance of idiosyncratic risks; ; 7i , ARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; /; ,i , GARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; ftK , conditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio (based on ftG ); ftG , conditional GLS mimicking portfolio; ftKUG , conditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio based on ftUG ; ftUK , unconditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio; ftUG , unconditional GLS mimicking portfolio; ftA , equally weighted mimicking portfolio; !˜ K − !K , diDerence between the unconditional MSE of ftK evaluated at ML estimators and true values.
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
Table 2 Basis portfolios unconditional correlations with ft ON
3 0.75
3 0.75
; 7i 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1
/; ,i
0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85
0.707 0.724 0.894 0.901 0.707 0.722 0.894 0.900
0.707 0.719 0.894 0.899 0.707 0.718 0.894 0.899
0.707 0.712 0.894 0.897 0.707 0.713 0.894 0.897
0.707 0.707 0.894 0.894 0.707 0.707 0.894 0.894
0.707 0.707 0.894 0.894 0 0 0 0
Notes: Numbers in italics represent theoretical values. ON , cross-sectional average of the factor loadings; O2N , cross-sectional variance of the factor loadings; , unconditional variance of idiosyncratic risks; ; 7i , ARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; /; ,i , GARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; ftK , conditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio (based on ftG ); ftG , conditional GLS mimicking portfolio; ftKUG , conditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio based on ftUG ; ftUK , unconditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolio; ftA , equally weighted mimicking portfolio.
time. For that reason, Table 3 contains the three quartiles, and the smallest and largest values of the distributions of ratios of conditional MSEs, as summary statistics of the conditional e/ciency of ftK relative to the other mimicking portfolios. A noticeable result is that in all the cases that we analyse (ftG ; ftKUG ; ftUK and ftUG ), relative performance seems to depend on the signal-to-noise ratio, but not on the mean or the dispersion of the s. The two other evident features are that the diDerent Kalman 1lter-based portfolios clearly outperform both GLS portfolios, and that within each group, dynamic portfolios are signi1cantly better than static ones, not only in terms of average performance, but also in terms of dispersion. 4. Conclusions In this paper, we study the statistical properties of several ways of constructing factor representing portfolios in the context of the dynamic version of the APT developed by King et al. (1994), in which changing information implies a changing risk perception by the agents. Methodologically, our major contributions are to focus the problem in its natural signal extraction framework, and to use conditional information to form better mimicking portfolios. In this context, we show that although many basis portfolios converge in MS to the factors as the number of assets increases, there are some that may be substantially more e/cient in relatively small (cross-sectional) samples, in the sense of having lower variability in their “tracking errors”. In particular, we prove that the dynamic basis portfolios generated by the conditional Kalman 1lter updating recursions, are the best (in the conditional and unconditional MSE sense) mimicking portfolios possible for any conditional distribution of returns. In addition, we prove that these basis portfolios maximise conditional correlation with the common factors.
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
Table 3 Basis portfolios relative conditional e/ciency (min, q:25 , median, q:75 , max) ON
3 0.75
3 0.75
3 0.75
3 0.75
; 7i 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 ; 7i 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1
/; ,i 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85 /; ,i 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85 0 0.85
!tK =!tKUG 0.627
!tK =!tG 1 0.979 1 0.977 1 0.985 1 0.982
!tK =!tUK 0.278
0.5 0.515 0.8 0.797 0.5 0.511 0.8 0.793
!tK =!tUG 1 0.967 1 0.961 1 0.975 1 0.969
0.5 0.488 0.8 0.767 0.5 0.491 0.8 0.770
Notes: Numbers in italics represent ratios of theoretical unconditional MSEs. ON , cross-sectional average of the factor loadings; O2N , cross-sectional variance of the factor loadings; , unconditional variance of idiosyncratic risks; ; 7i , ARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; /; ,i , GARCH parameters for common and idiosyncratic factors; !tK =!tKUG , relative conditional e/ciency of the conditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolios based on ftG and ftUG ; !tK =!tG , relative conditional e/ciency of conditional Kalman 1lter and conditional GLS mimicking portfolios; !tK =!tUK , relative conditional e/ciency of conditional and unconditional Kalman 1lter mimicking portfolios; !tK =!tUG , relative conditional e/ciency of conditional Kalman 1lter and unconditional GLS mimicking portfolios.
Our results also suggest that the e/ciency gains of using these dynamic portfolios instead of the static ones considered so far in the literature, could be substantial over time, although the average diDerence is relatively small. Asymptotic expansions of unconditional MSEs show that for the sort of (temporal) sample sizes typically encountered in practice, these conditional Kalman 1lter factor representing portfolios do not lose their attractiveness when the parameters of the model have to be estimated. Finally, given that a maintained assumption of our analysis is that the 1rst and second conditional moments of asset returns are correctly speci1ed, the study of the eDects of model misspeci1cation on the consistency and e/ciency of the diDerent procedures constitutes a fruitful avenue for further research. Acknowledgements This is an extensively revised version of Sentana (1992). Financial support for that version from the LSE Financial Markets Group as part of the ESRC project “The
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
E/ciency and Regulation of Financial Markets” is gratefully acknowledged. The author would like to thank Manuel Arellano, Gary Chamberlain, Antonis Demos, Steve Durlauf, Gabriele Fiorentini, Andrew Harvey, Jan Magnus, Bahram Persaran, Paolo Zaffaroni and seminar participants at the XXme Encontre France-Belge de Statisticiens, CEMFI, the Forecasting Financial Markets/Computational Finance 2000 Conference, IES (Oxford), LBS, LSE, and Universidad Carlos III (Madrid) for very useful comments and discussions. The suggestions of two anonymous referees and Bas Werker have also greatly improved the exposition. Special thanks are due to Greg Connor for his invaluable advice. Of course, the usual caveat applies. Appendix A. Proofs of results A.1. Theorem 1 First, it is clear that because E(ft |t−1 ) = 0 and E(uNt |t−1 ) = 0, we obtain a conditionally unbiased predictor of W (t−1 )ft iD c(Nt−1 ) = 0, so that we can eDectively restrict ourselves to the class of “conditionally linear” predictors D (t−1 )uNt . But then, the solution to our problem is simply the conditionally linear least-squares projection of W (t−1 )ft on the conditionally (closed) linear subspace generated by uNt , UNt (see Hansen and Richard, 1987). Since such a projection will be given W (t−1 )t BN −1 Nt uNt , our conditional result follows. In addition, from the properties K ) |t−1 ] = 0, which together with E(ft |t−1 ) = 0 of projections, E[D (t−1 )uNt (ft − fNt and E(uNt |t−1 ) = 0 prove (8). Finally, note that by the law of iterated expectations K CL K 'CL N − 'N = E('Nt − 'Nt ); CL where 'CL N and 'Nt are the unconditional and conditional MSE of an arbitrary condiK tionally linear factor representing portfolio, 'K N is the unconditional MSE of fNt , and the right-hand side expectation is taken with respect to the unconditional distribution of t−1 . But since a scalar weighted average of p.s.d. matrices with non-negative weights is a p.s.d. matrix, our unconditional result follows.
A.2. Theorem 2 First of all, it is clear that since the conditional correlation will be invariant to conditionally a/ne transformations, we can take c(t−1 )=0 without loss of generality. Then, we can formally characterise the portfolio weights that maximise the (squared) conditional correlation between d (t−1 )uNt and w (t−1 )ft as d (t−1 )Bt w(t−1 )w (t−1 )t Bd(t−1 ) : d(t−1 ) d (t−1 )t d(t−1 ) · w (t−1 )t w(t−1 )
d∗ (t−1 ) = arg max
For each value of the conditioning variables, this is a standard algebraic problem with a well-known solution. In particular, d∗ (t−1 ) is given by the eigenvector associated with the maximum eigenvalue of the rank 1 matrix Bt w(t−1 )w (t−1 )t B in the
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
metric of t . That is, −1 t Bt w(t−1 ) d∗ (t−1 ) = w (t−1 )t B −1 t Bt w(t−1 ) as required. A.3. Theorem 3 For each value of the conditioning variables, this problem has the well-known solu−1 −1 tion D∗∗ (t−1 ) = −1 Nt BN (BN Nt BN ) W(t−1 ) (see Magnus and Neudecker, 1988). G Then, by the law of iterated expectations, we can again prove that W (t−1 ) fNt also minimises the unconditional MSE within the same class. Appendix B. Relation between conditional GLS factors and principal components The following lemma establishes the relation between the spectral decomposition of −1=2 −1=2 1=2 Nt Nt Nt and the spectral decomposition of t1=2 BN −1 Nt BN t . Lemma 1. Let ;Nt and ENt denote the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the k×k matrix 1=2 t1=2 BN −1 Nt BN t . Then the k largest eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of the −1=2 −1=2 −1=2 are given by (Ik + ;Nt ) and Nt BN t1=2 ENt ;N−1=2 , respectively. matrix Nt Nt Nt Proof. Since −1=2 −1=2 −1=2 −1=2 Nt Nt = (Nt BN t1=2 )(Nt BN t1=2 ) + IN Nt −1=2 −1=2 −1=2 Nt Nt will be one plus the eigenvalues of (Nt BN t1=2 ) the eigenvalues of Nt −1=2 1=2 1=2 −1 1=2 (Nt BN t ) , which in turn are the eigenvalues of t BN Nt BN t and N − k zeros. As for the eigenvectors, we just need to orthonormalise the columns of the N ×k −1=2 matrix Nt BN t1=2 , which can be achieved by postmultiplying it by the k × k matrix −1=2 ENt ;Nt . −1=2 † If we then form the conditional least-squares projection of uNt =Nt uNt on the space −1=2 ENt t1=2 BN generated by its k 1rst conditionally orthogonal principal components ;Nt −1 Nt uNt , we get −1=2 −1=2 −1=2 BN t1=2 ENt ;Nt )(;Nt ENt t1=2 BN −1 (Nt Nt uNt );
where the matrix of conditional projection coe/cients are the corresponding eigenvectors. Straightforward algebraic manipulations then show that −1=2 −1=2 G = (t1=2 ENt ;Nt )(;Nt ENt t1=2 BN −1 fNt Nt uNt ): G In particular, if BN −1 Nt BN is a diagonal matrix, then fNt and the k 1rst conditionally −1=2 orthogonal principal components of Nt uNt are proportional to each other.
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
Appendix C. Derivatives of the conditional Kalman #lter basis portfolios K −1 Since we can write fNt as 'K Nt BN Nt uNt , its diDerential will be given by K −1 K −1 = (d'K dfNt Nt )BN Nt uNt + 'Nt (dBN )Nt uNt K −1 −1 −1 −'K Nt BN Nt (dNt )Nt uNt + 'Nt BN Nt (duNt ):
Hence, we will have that K @!K @fNt −1 @bN Nt = (uNt −1 + ('K Nt ⊗ uNt Nt ) Nt BN ⊗ Ik )Dk @ @ @ K −1 −(uNt −1 Nt ⊗ 'Nt BN Nt )EN
@Nt −1 @uNt + 'K ; Nt BN Nt @ @
K K + where !K Nt = vech('Nt ) = Dk vec('Nt ); Dk is the duplication matrix of order k and + Dk its Moore–Penrose inverse (see Magnus and Neudecker, 1988). Now, since the K −1 K −1 diDerential of 'K Nt is −'Nt d(BN Nt BN + t ) 'Nt and −1 −1 −1 d(BN −1 Nt BN + t ) = (dBN )Nt BN + BN Nt (dBN ) −1 −1 −1 −BN −1 Nt (dNt )Nt BN − t (dt )t
after some algebraic manipulations, we can show that
@!K K K −1 @bN Nt + = D k −2('Nt ⊗ 'Nt BN Nt ) @ @ K −1 −1 +('K Nt BN Nt ⊗ 'Nt BN Nt )EN −1 −1 +('K ⊗ 'K Nt t Nt t )Ek
@t : @
@Nt @
Finally, note that since duNt = d(rNt − BN t ) = −(dBN )t − BN (dt ) − BN t (d) we can easily see that @t @ @bN @uNt = −( t ⊗ IN ) − ( ⊗ BN )Ek − BN t : (C.1) @ @ @ @ To compute these expressions recursively, though, we will need to know the values of @t =@ and @Nt =@. For the particular example in Section 3.7 in particular, it is straightforward to show from (14) and (15) that the required expressions will be given by K K ! @!t−1 @t−1 @t K @ft−1 + /1 = 1 2ft−1 + @ @ @ @ K K )2 + !t−1 − 1] +[(ft−1
@ 1 @/1 + (t−1 − 1) @ @
E. Sentana / Journal of Econometrics 119 (2004) 257 – 289
and @i @i @it K K K ] )ft−1 + i !t−1 + (1 − 7i1 − ,i1 ) = 27i1 [ − (uit−1 − i ft−1 @ @ @ !
@fK @!K @uit−1 K − i t−1 + i2 t−1 +7i1 2(uit−1 − i ft−1 ) @ @ @ K K +[(uit−1 − i ft−1 )2 + i2 !t−1 − i ]
@7i1 @
@it−1 @,i1 ; + (it−1 − i ) @ @
Appendix D. The score of a conditionally heteroskedastic in mean factor model Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992) show that the score function @lt ()=@ of any multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic dynamic regression model with conditional mean Nt and covariance matrix Nt is given by the following expression: 1 @ vec (Nt ) −1 @lt () @Nt −1 = Nt uNt + (Nt ⊗ −1 Nt ) vec(uNt uNt − Nt ): @ 2 @ @ Given that uNt = rNt − Nt , we will have that @Nt =@ = −@uNt =@ , which can be found in (C.1). Then, since the diDerential of Nt is d(BN t BN + Nt ) = (dBN )t BN + BN (dt )BN + BN t (dBN ) + dNt we have that the corresponding Jacobian will be @Nt @t @bN @ vec(Nt ) = (IN 2 + KNN )(BN t ⊗ IN ) + EN + (BN ⊗ BN )Ek ; @ @ @ @ where En is the unique n2 × n “diagonalisation” matrix which transforms vec(A) into vecd(A) as vecd(A) = En vec(A), and Kmn is the commutation matrix of orders m and n (see Magnus, 1988). After some straightforward algebraic manipulations, we get @lt () @bN −1 −1 −1 = vec(−1 Nt uNt t + Nt uNt uNt Nt BN t − Nt BN t ) @ @ +
@ 1 @Nt −1 −1 t BN −1 vecd(−1 Nt uNt + Nt uNt uNt Nt − Nt ) @ 2 @
1 @t −1 −1 −1 vecd(2BN −1 Nt uNt + BN Nt uNt uNt Nt BN − BN Nt BN ): 2 @
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Given that Nt ¿ 0 in view of our assumptions, we can use the standard Woodbury formula to prove that −1 K −1 Nt uNt = Nt [uNt − BN fNt ]; −1 K BN −1 Nt uNt = t fNt ; K t BN −1 Nt uNt = fNt ; K −1 −1 −1 K K K −1 Nt uNt uNt Nt BN t − Nt BN t = Nt [uNt fNt − BN (fNt fNt + 'Nt )]; K K ) )(uNt − BN fNt (uNt − BN fNt −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 Nt uNt uNt Nt − Nt = Nt Nt ; K +BN 'Nt BN − Nt −1 K −1 −1 −1 K K BN −1 Nt uNt uNt Nt BN − BN Nt BN = t [(fNt fNt + 'Nt ) − t ]t ;
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