Fast-scan magnetic resonance, principles and applications

Fast-scan magnetic resonance, principles and applications

632 BOOK REVIEWS Fast-ScanMagnetic Resonance,Principles and Applications. Felix W. Wehrli. Raven Press, New York, 199 1. 164 pages. $45.00. ISBN: O...

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Fast-ScanMagnetic Resonance,Principles and Applications. Felix W. Wehrli. Raven Press, New York, 199 1. 164 pages. $45.00. ISBN: O-88 167-746-9. The publishers of this volume state: “The material contained in this volume was first published in Magnetic Resonance Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1990.” This book is very attractively produced and extensively illustrated. The author assumes a basic knowledge of NMR, and he is thus able to get right to the point, which concerns the means by which the time to obtain an image may be minimized. The concept of k space is explained, and factors affecting scan time are discussed. Gradient-echo imaging is introduced and steady-state effects are briefly described. This lays the basis for gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state, or GRASS, including the use of smallflip-angle and spoiling techniques, as well as sampling of the steady-state free-precession echo. Modes of data acquisition for GRASS and its 3D version are presented. Flow imaging by gradient-echo techniques is considered in some detail. Effects of spatial variation in susceptibility and of chemical-shift differences on GRASS are analyzed. A final chapter introduces echo-planar imaging as an ultrafast method. A helpful lopage glossary constitutes the Appendix. This book is to be recommended as a clear, although brief, introduction to the efforts to improve the efficiency and speed of imaging, especially in its clinical applications. W.S.B.